Pilar Godayol | University of Vic (original) (raw)
Papers by Pilar Godayol
Translation & Interpreting, 2024
In the 1960s and 1970s, second-wave feminism promoted important feminist publishing platforms, es... more In the 1960s and 1970s, second-wave feminism promoted important feminist publishing platforms, especially in North American and European countries. After the dictatorship of Francisco Franco (1939-1975), the need to seek foreign ideological mothers led to the emergence of the first feminist series and journals in Spain. In Barcelona, in 1976, the journal Vindicación Feminista (1976-1979) was born, giving voice to many international feminist authors and their publications. A year later, in 1977, in Madrid, the publishing house Debate produced the series Tribuna Feminista (1977-1982). In 1978, in Barcelona, the first Spanish feminist publishing house, LaSal. Edicions de les Dones (1978-1990), was founded. In this article, three post-Francoist feminist publishing projects based on "solidarities" are presented. All of them were "agents of cultural translation" that shared a main objective: to normalize Iberian feminism by introducing new literary movements, works and authors for theoretical discussion after the National-Catholic-patriarchal regime of Francoism. The arrival of feminist literature through practices of "solidary cultural translation" was crucial to the social transformations at the time.
Diacrítica, 2023
La teoría feminista cuenta con una tradición de siglos. Aunque, en general, la primera ola del fe... more La teoría feminista cuenta con una tradición de siglos. Aunque, en general, la primera ola del feminismo se sitúa durante el movimiento sufragista, no debemos olvidar la lucha de algunas madres simbólicas precursoras por defender sus derechos literarios y ciudadanos. En 1405 la escritora francesa Christine de Pizan publica una obra pionera para la historia del feminismo: La Cité des Dames. Con ella, se inicia un memorial de agravios contra el patriarcado y unas precoces vindicaciones feministas, que no van a consolidarse hasta la Ilustración, con una de sus máximas representantes, la escritora inglesa Mary Wollstonecraft y su obra A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792). La Cité des Dames, de Pizan, y A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, de Wollstonecraft, constituyen dos referentes (proto)feministas que interpelaron al discurso dominante androcéntrico de la época vindicando la igualdad entre los sexos. Desde una aproximación historiográfica feminista de la traducción y en la línea metodológica de los enfoques que abogan por estudiar historias subalternas e invisibilizadas por los discursos patriarcales, este artículo se propone recuperar y contextualizar dos textos fundacionales de los feminismos de todos los tiempos, así como estudiar sus traducciones al castellano, catalán y gallego.
International Journal of Iberian Studies, 2022
Throughout history, Hispanic feminism has been endowed with ideological mothers and sisters. The ... more Throughout history, Hispanic feminism has been endowed with ideological mothers and sisters. The dictatorship of Francisco Franco (1939–75) prevented their reception for years. However, in the late Franco era, the foundational essays of Betty Friedan and Simone de Beauvoir were published. Later, at the height of the women’s movements, other foreign voices arrived, such as those of the Anglo-Saxon socialist feminists Juliet Mitchell and Sheila Rowbotham. After contextualizing the feminisms of the Transition and their physical and intellectual spaces, this article focuses on the reception and censorship of Mitchell’s and Rowbotham’s essays in the 1970s. Published under the Barcelona publishing imprints of Anagrama and Edicions 62, as well as the Madrid-based Debate, six of the eight books have censorship files, which show how the censorship apparatus continued to act after the death of the dictator. Almost half a century after their publication, now that the essays of the second wave ...
Quaderns. Revista de Traducció 29: 7-23, 2022
Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) holds an important place in feminist literature, and her A Vindic... more Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) holds an important place in feminist literature, and her A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792), stands as one of its founding treatises. In 2014 this essay was translated into Catalan, more than two hundred years after the author’s death, and nearly forty years after the first translation into Spanish (1977) and ten years after the Galician version (2004). Published by the Girona publishing house L’Art de la Memòria, translated and prefaced by Joan Josep Mussarra Roca, Vindicació dels drets de la dona appears amid a new publishing boom for international feminism. Four years earlier, in 2010, the Valencian publishing houseTres i Quatre printed Cartes sobre Suècia, Noruega i Dinamarca, translated and introduced by Òscar Sabata i Teixidó. Beginning with an overview of this English Enlighten-ment intellectual and tracing her translations into the other languages of Spain, as well as con-textualizing various feminist contributions translated in Catalonia since the 1960s, this article focuses on the Catalan reception of Mary Wollstonecraft and the factors that led to the belated appearance of this feminist classic writer.
Bulletin of Spanish Studies , 2021
Maria Aurèlia Capmany (1918–1991), Lidia Falcón (1935) y Amparo Moreno (1947) son tres intelectua... more Maria Aurèlia Capmany (1918–1991), Lidia Falcón (1935) y Amparo Moreno (1947) son tres intelectuales feministas renombradas del tardofranquismo y la Transición. Después de contextualizar brevemente los movimientos de mujeres de los años sesenta y setenta, especialmente en Cataluña, así como de desvelar las leyes y políticas literarias censoras del régimen, este artículo se centra en la censura y recepción de tres ensayos históricos paradigmáticos publicados en Barcelona, que, a finales del franquismo, trataron de recuperar la identidad y la memoria histórica del feminismo hispánico: Mujer y sociedad (1969), de Falcón, El feminismo ibérico (1970), de Capmany, y Mujeres en lucha: el movimiento feminista en España (1977), de Moreno. Se examinan sus expedientes de censura, desde que las editoriales Fontanella, Oikos-Tau y Anagrama, respectivamente, solicitaron los permisos hasta conseguir las autorizaciones. De esta manera descubriremos cómo reaccionó la dictadura franquista, en su última etapa, ante la posibilidad de mostrar una historia de las mujeres que pusiera fin al modelo nacionalcatólico de la feminidad subordinada.
Translation & Interpreting, 2020
This article deals with the failed attempt by the publishing house Horizonte to translate Simone ... more This article deals with the failed attempt by the publishing house Horizonte to translate Simone de Beauvoir’s Brigitte Bardot and the Lolita Syndrome into Spanish at the beginning of the 1960s. On the one hand, I contextualize Beauvoir’s book from the production of the original, which appeared in English, up to the frustrated attempt to reproduce it in Spain during the Francoist dictatorship, when the National-Catholic social policies had silenced all the feminist voices since before the Civil War. On the other hand, I offer a brief introduction to the reception of Beauvoir’s work during Francoism. I also study the bureaucratic procedure of institutional censorship which the work on Bardot suffered after the Ministry of Information and Tourism opened a file on the Madrid publishing house in 1964.
Transfer, 2020
Después de la muerte de Francisco Franco, en pleno auge de los movimientos sociales y culturales ... more Después de la muerte de Francisco Franco, en pleno auge de los movimientos sociales y culturales de la mujer, emergieron editoriales y colecciones feministas. En Barcelona, en 1977 nacía el espacio híbrido y polivalente, entre cultural y político, café-bar laSal y, un año más tarde, se fundaba la primera editorial feminista del Estado, laSal, edicions de les dones (1978-1990).
En este artículo, después de contextualizar los feminismos de los años setenta y ochenta y resumir brevemente el catálogo de laSal, edicions de les dones, así como destacar su modo de trabajar “en relación”, estudiaremos las dos colecciones que la editorial dedicó al ensayo feminista: laSal Ensayo (1978-1989) y Cuadernos Inacabados (1981-1988). Ambos proyectos incorporaron textos de autoras autóctonas y foráneas. Comprobaremos que, con el objetivo de luchar contra la orfandad materna crónica que había impuesto el franquismo, la importación de literatura feminista extranjera fue clave para restaurar la memoria histórica de las mujeres y crear debate sobre su identidad.
Represura, 2019
Maria Aurèlia Capmany ha sido considerada una de las intelectuales más influyentes del tardofranq... more Maria Aurèlia Capmany ha sido considerada una de las intelectuales más influyentes del tardofranquismo y la Transición, así como una de las autoras pioneras que historiaron el feminismo después de la Guerra Civil. Empezando por contextualizar brevemente los movimientos de mujeres de los años sesenta y setenta, este artículo se centra en la recepción y censura aplicada a los ensayos feministas de Capmany, especialmente La dona a Catalunya (1966), El feminismo ibérico (1970) y El feminisme català (1973).
Bulletin Hispanique, 2018
Después de más de veinte años de ausencia de traducciones de obras extranjeras, Jean-Paul Sartre ... more Después de más de veinte años de ausencia de traducciones de obras extranjeras, Jean-Paul Sartre llegaba en los años sesenta por primera vez a España en catalán. Este artículo da cuenta de la recepción al catalán de Jean-Paul Sartre durante y después de la dictadura franquista, hasta nuestros días.
Ausa, 2017
Josefa Contijoch’s work had always been in the fields of poetry and the novel until, at the end o... more Josefa Contijoch’s work had always been in the fields of poetry and the novel until, at the end of the 1990s, she began to produce essays and, later on, translations. This article analyses Contijoch’s contributions as essayist, amongst which are the texts related to the project Cartografies del desig (1997, 1998 and 2001) (Cartographies of desire), organized by the Catalan PEN Writers’ Committee, the anthology Les vacants (Vacancies) and the diary La passió segons Maria-Mercè Marçal (The passion according to Maria-Mercè Marçal). It also studies her translations of authors such as Sarah Kofman and Lydia Flem. Contijoch, as essayist and translator, creates a personal canon by means of the retrieval and recognition of writers from here and abroad, from the past and the present, with the aim of broadening the feminine genealogy of Catalan culture.
Perspectives. Studies in Translation Theory and Practice , 2016
After more than 20 years during which no translations of foreign texts were permitted in Spain if... more After more than 20 years during which no translations of foreign texts were permitted in Spain if they were not in tune with the Francoist regime, the work of Jean-Paul Sartre arrived in the 1960s in the form of translations into Catalan, despite the fact that his books had been on the list of Books Prohibited by the Catholic Church since 1948. The last years of the dictatorship, between 1965 and 1973, saw the publication of seven translations into Catalan of Sartre’s work. The aim of this study is to investigate the institutional censorship that these works underwent from the time the publishers requested the permits from the Ministry of Information and Tourism (MIT) up until the final authorizations were given. After a brief contextualization of the translations, this article concentrates on the analysis of the eight censors’ reports consulted in the General Archive of the Administration (AGA) situated near Madrid, in Alcalá de Henares. Seven permits were authorized and one rejected. The investigation enables us to see how the Francoist dictatorship reacted to the possibility of translating into Catalan works by Sartre, who were the censors who wrote the reports, what views they expressed and why, in spite of his being a banned author, the MIT finally authorized the translations.
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies , 2016
Translation Studies, 2014
Translation & Interpreting, 2024
In the 1960s and 1970s, second-wave feminism promoted important feminist publishing platforms, es... more In the 1960s and 1970s, second-wave feminism promoted important feminist publishing platforms, especially in North American and European countries. After the dictatorship of Francisco Franco (1939-1975), the need to seek foreign ideological mothers led to the emergence of the first feminist series and journals in Spain. In Barcelona, in 1976, the journal Vindicación Feminista (1976-1979) was born, giving voice to many international feminist authors and their publications. A year later, in 1977, in Madrid, the publishing house Debate produced the series Tribuna Feminista (1977-1982). In 1978, in Barcelona, the first Spanish feminist publishing house, LaSal. Edicions de les Dones (1978-1990), was founded. In this article, three post-Francoist feminist publishing projects based on "solidarities" are presented. All of them were "agents of cultural translation" that shared a main objective: to normalize Iberian feminism by introducing new literary movements, works and authors for theoretical discussion after the National-Catholic-patriarchal regime of Francoism. The arrival of feminist literature through practices of "solidary cultural translation" was crucial to the social transformations at the time.
Diacrítica, 2023
La teoría feminista cuenta con una tradición de siglos. Aunque, en general, la primera ola del fe... more La teoría feminista cuenta con una tradición de siglos. Aunque, en general, la primera ola del feminismo se sitúa durante el movimiento sufragista, no debemos olvidar la lucha de algunas madres simbólicas precursoras por defender sus derechos literarios y ciudadanos. En 1405 la escritora francesa Christine de Pizan publica una obra pionera para la historia del feminismo: La Cité des Dames. Con ella, se inicia un memorial de agravios contra el patriarcado y unas precoces vindicaciones feministas, que no van a consolidarse hasta la Ilustración, con una de sus máximas representantes, la escritora inglesa Mary Wollstonecraft y su obra A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792). La Cité des Dames, de Pizan, y A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, de Wollstonecraft, constituyen dos referentes (proto)feministas que interpelaron al discurso dominante androcéntrico de la época vindicando la igualdad entre los sexos. Desde una aproximación historiográfica feminista de la traducción y en la línea metodológica de los enfoques que abogan por estudiar historias subalternas e invisibilizadas por los discursos patriarcales, este artículo se propone recuperar y contextualizar dos textos fundacionales de los feminismos de todos los tiempos, así como estudiar sus traducciones al castellano, catalán y gallego.
International Journal of Iberian Studies, 2022
Throughout history, Hispanic feminism has been endowed with ideological mothers and sisters. The ... more Throughout history, Hispanic feminism has been endowed with ideological mothers and sisters. The dictatorship of Francisco Franco (1939–75) prevented their reception for years. However, in the late Franco era, the foundational essays of Betty Friedan and Simone de Beauvoir were published. Later, at the height of the women’s movements, other foreign voices arrived, such as those of the Anglo-Saxon socialist feminists Juliet Mitchell and Sheila Rowbotham. After contextualizing the feminisms of the Transition and their physical and intellectual spaces, this article focuses on the reception and censorship of Mitchell’s and Rowbotham’s essays in the 1970s. Published under the Barcelona publishing imprints of Anagrama and Edicions 62, as well as the Madrid-based Debate, six of the eight books have censorship files, which show how the censorship apparatus continued to act after the death of the dictator. Almost half a century after their publication, now that the essays of the second wave ...
Quaderns. Revista de Traducció 29: 7-23, 2022
Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) holds an important place in feminist literature, and her A Vindic... more Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) holds an important place in feminist literature, and her A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792), stands as one of its founding treatises. In 2014 this essay was translated into Catalan, more than two hundred years after the author’s death, and nearly forty years after the first translation into Spanish (1977) and ten years after the Galician version (2004). Published by the Girona publishing house L’Art de la Memòria, translated and prefaced by Joan Josep Mussarra Roca, Vindicació dels drets de la dona appears amid a new publishing boom for international feminism. Four years earlier, in 2010, the Valencian publishing houseTres i Quatre printed Cartes sobre Suècia, Noruega i Dinamarca, translated and introduced by Òscar Sabata i Teixidó. Beginning with an overview of this English Enlighten-ment intellectual and tracing her translations into the other languages of Spain, as well as con-textualizing various feminist contributions translated in Catalonia since the 1960s, this article focuses on the Catalan reception of Mary Wollstonecraft and the factors that led to the belated appearance of this feminist classic writer.
Bulletin of Spanish Studies , 2021
Maria Aurèlia Capmany (1918–1991), Lidia Falcón (1935) y Amparo Moreno (1947) son tres intelectua... more Maria Aurèlia Capmany (1918–1991), Lidia Falcón (1935) y Amparo Moreno (1947) son tres intelectuales feministas renombradas del tardofranquismo y la Transición. Después de contextualizar brevemente los movimientos de mujeres de los años sesenta y setenta, especialmente en Cataluña, así como de desvelar las leyes y políticas literarias censoras del régimen, este artículo se centra en la censura y recepción de tres ensayos históricos paradigmáticos publicados en Barcelona, que, a finales del franquismo, trataron de recuperar la identidad y la memoria histórica del feminismo hispánico: Mujer y sociedad (1969), de Falcón, El feminismo ibérico (1970), de Capmany, y Mujeres en lucha: el movimiento feminista en España (1977), de Moreno. Se examinan sus expedientes de censura, desde que las editoriales Fontanella, Oikos-Tau y Anagrama, respectivamente, solicitaron los permisos hasta conseguir las autorizaciones. De esta manera descubriremos cómo reaccionó la dictadura franquista, en su última etapa, ante la posibilidad de mostrar una historia de las mujeres que pusiera fin al modelo nacionalcatólico de la feminidad subordinada.
Translation & Interpreting, 2020
This article deals with the failed attempt by the publishing house Horizonte to translate Simone ... more This article deals with the failed attempt by the publishing house Horizonte to translate Simone de Beauvoir’s Brigitte Bardot and the Lolita Syndrome into Spanish at the beginning of the 1960s. On the one hand, I contextualize Beauvoir’s book from the production of the original, which appeared in English, up to the frustrated attempt to reproduce it in Spain during the Francoist dictatorship, when the National-Catholic social policies had silenced all the feminist voices since before the Civil War. On the other hand, I offer a brief introduction to the reception of Beauvoir’s work during Francoism. I also study the bureaucratic procedure of institutional censorship which the work on Bardot suffered after the Ministry of Information and Tourism opened a file on the Madrid publishing house in 1964.
Transfer, 2020
Después de la muerte de Francisco Franco, en pleno auge de los movimientos sociales y culturales ... more Después de la muerte de Francisco Franco, en pleno auge de los movimientos sociales y culturales de la mujer, emergieron editoriales y colecciones feministas. En Barcelona, en 1977 nacía el espacio híbrido y polivalente, entre cultural y político, café-bar laSal y, un año más tarde, se fundaba la primera editorial feminista del Estado, laSal, edicions de les dones (1978-1990).
En este artículo, después de contextualizar los feminismos de los años setenta y ochenta y resumir brevemente el catálogo de laSal, edicions de les dones, así como destacar su modo de trabajar “en relación”, estudiaremos las dos colecciones que la editorial dedicó al ensayo feminista: laSal Ensayo (1978-1989) y Cuadernos Inacabados (1981-1988). Ambos proyectos incorporaron textos de autoras autóctonas y foráneas. Comprobaremos que, con el objetivo de luchar contra la orfandad materna crónica que había impuesto el franquismo, la importación de literatura feminista extranjera fue clave para restaurar la memoria histórica de las mujeres y crear debate sobre su identidad.
Represura, 2019
Maria Aurèlia Capmany ha sido considerada una de las intelectuales más influyentes del tardofranq... more Maria Aurèlia Capmany ha sido considerada una de las intelectuales más influyentes del tardofranquismo y la Transición, así como una de las autoras pioneras que historiaron el feminismo después de la Guerra Civil. Empezando por contextualizar brevemente los movimientos de mujeres de los años sesenta y setenta, este artículo se centra en la recepción y censura aplicada a los ensayos feministas de Capmany, especialmente La dona a Catalunya (1966), El feminismo ibérico (1970) y El feminisme català (1973).
Bulletin Hispanique, 2018
Después de más de veinte años de ausencia de traducciones de obras extranjeras, Jean-Paul Sartre ... more Después de más de veinte años de ausencia de traducciones de obras extranjeras, Jean-Paul Sartre llegaba en los años sesenta por primera vez a España en catalán. Este artículo da cuenta de la recepción al catalán de Jean-Paul Sartre durante y después de la dictadura franquista, hasta nuestros días.
Ausa, 2017
Josefa Contijoch’s work had always been in the fields of poetry and the novel until, at the end o... more Josefa Contijoch’s work had always been in the fields of poetry and the novel until, at the end of the 1990s, she began to produce essays and, later on, translations. This article analyses Contijoch’s contributions as essayist, amongst which are the texts related to the project Cartografies del desig (1997, 1998 and 2001) (Cartographies of desire), organized by the Catalan PEN Writers’ Committee, the anthology Les vacants (Vacancies) and the diary La passió segons Maria-Mercè Marçal (The passion according to Maria-Mercè Marçal). It also studies her translations of authors such as Sarah Kofman and Lydia Flem. Contijoch, as essayist and translator, creates a personal canon by means of the retrieval and recognition of writers from here and abroad, from the past and the present, with the aim of broadening the feminine genealogy of Catalan culture.
Perspectives. Studies in Translation Theory and Practice , 2016
After more than 20 years during which no translations of foreign texts were permitted in Spain if... more After more than 20 years during which no translations of foreign texts were permitted in Spain if they were not in tune with the Francoist regime, the work of Jean-Paul Sartre arrived in the 1960s in the form of translations into Catalan, despite the fact that his books had been on the list of Books Prohibited by the Catholic Church since 1948. The last years of the dictatorship, between 1965 and 1973, saw the publication of seven translations into Catalan of Sartre’s work. The aim of this study is to investigate the institutional censorship that these works underwent from the time the publishers requested the permits from the Ministry of Information and Tourism (MIT) up until the final authorizations were given. After a brief contextualization of the translations, this article concentrates on the analysis of the eight censors’ reports consulted in the General Archive of the Administration (AGA) situated near Madrid, in Alcalá de Henares. Seven permits were authorized and one rejected. The investigation enables us to see how the Francoist dictatorship reacted to the possibility of translating into Catalan works by Sartre, who were the censors who wrote the reports, what views they expressed and why, in spite of his being a banned author, the MIT finally authorized the translations.
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies , 2016
Translation Studies, 2014
On són els dones? Textos i manifestos, 2024
Aquest llibre aplega les veus imprescindibles per a comprendre l'evolució del feminisme al llarg ... more Aquest llibre aplega les veus imprescindibles per a comprendre l'evolució del feminisme al llarg dels segles. S'hi presenta la vida i les obres d’autores que van decidir pensar i repensar què significa ser dona, individualment i col·lectiva, perquè només llegint, dialogant i forjant espais de trobada es pot teixir una tradició en comú. El resultat és una antologia amb els textos essencials del pensament feminista, tant clàssics com actuals.
On són les dones? Vides i manifestos recupera una vintena d’intel·lectuals que van combatre el patriarcat amb l'escriptura.
Feminismos y traduccion (1965-1990), 2021
A lo largo de la historia el feminismo siempre se ha nutrido de las aportaciones de madres y herm... more A lo largo de la historia el feminismo siempre se ha nutrido de las aportaciones de madres y hermanas ideológicas. La dictadura franquista impidió su recepción durante muchos años. A finales de los sesenta y principios de los setenta, con la supuesta «liberalización» de la censura, se publicaron en Barcelona los ensayos fundacionales del feminismo moderno de Simone de Beauvoir y Betty Friedan. Más adelante, en tiempos de auge editorial y de emergencia de los movimientos sociales y culturales de las mujeres, llegaron obras de otras madres simbólicas extranjeras, como Alexandra Kollontai, Christine Delphy, Shulamith Firestone, Luce Irigaray, Carla Lonzi, Juliet Mitchell o Valerie Solanas. Todas aportaron ilusión, vigor y fuerza nueva, teórica y vital.
El feminismo contemporáneo es deudor directo del activismo de los setenta y ochenta y de sus textos fundamentales, originales y traducidos, que ahora vuelven a ser fuente de inspiración. Este libro pretende visibilizar que, en el segundo franquismo y en el postfranquismo, la traducción jugó un papel decisivo, no sólo para feminizar el canon y para poner fin al modelo nacionalcatólico de la feminidad subordinada, sino también para forjar un sentimiento político transnacional, la sororidad, este vínculo que une mujeres de aquí y de allí, y que hoy, cincuenta años después, está más vivo que nunca.
A lo largo de la historia el feminismo siempre se ha dotado de madres y hermanas ideológicas. La ... more A lo largo de la historia el feminismo siempre se ha dotado de madres y hermanas ideológicas. La dictadura franquista impidió su recepción durante muchos años. A finales de los sesenta y principios de los setenta, con la supuesta “liberalización” de la censura, se publicaron los ensayos fundacionales del feminismo moderno de Simone de Beauvoir y Betty Friedan. Después, en tiempos de auge editorial y de emergencia de los movimientos sociales y culturales de las mujeres, llegaron otras madres simbólicas extranjeras, como Christine Delphy, Shulamith Firestone, Luce Irigaray, Carla Lonzi, Kate Millett, Juliet Mitchell o Valerie Solanas. Todas aportaron ilusión, vigor y savia nueva, teórica y vital.
El feminismo contemporáneo es deudor directo del activismo de los setenta y ochenta y de sus textos fundamentales, originales y traducidos, que ahora vuelven a ser fuente de inspiración. Este libro quiere visibilizar que, en esta época, la traducción jugó un papel trascendental, no tan sólo para feminizar el canon y para poner fin al modelo nacional-católico de la feminidad subordinada, sino también para forjar un sentimiento político transnacional, la sororitat, este vínculo que une mujeres de aquí y de allá, y que hoy, cincuenta años después, es más que vivo.
This collection of essays highlights cultural features and processes which characterized translat... more This collection of essays highlights cultural features and processes which characterized translation practice under the dictatorships of Benito Mussolini (1922-1940) and Francisco Franco (1939-1975). In spite of the different timeline, some similarities and parallelisms may be drawn between the power of the Fascist and the Francoist censorships exerted on the Italian and Spanish publishing and translation policies. Entrusted to European specialists, this collection of articles brings to the fore the “microhistory” that exists behind every publishing proposal, whether collective or individual, to translate a foreign woman writer during those two totalitarian political periods. The nine chapters presented here are not a global study of the history of translation in those black times in contemporary culture, but rather a collection of varied cases, small stories of publishers, collections, translations and translators that, despite many disappointments but with the occasional success, managed to undermine the ideological and literary currents of the dictatorships of Mussolini and Franco.
“Early ecofeminist debates of the seventies and eighties in Barcelona: translations and reception”, 2024
In 1974, the French libertarian Françoise d’Eaubonne (1920–2005) coined “ecofeminism” in Le femin... more In 1974, the French libertarian Françoise d’Eaubonne (1920–2005) coined “ecofeminism” in Le feminisme ou la mort. She argues that, once a woman owns her own body, a new non-consumer, environmentalist, and feminist path will begin. Despite their failing to thrive in France, Eaubonne’s theses aroused the interest of radical American feminism in the 1970s, which questioned the medicalization of women’s health. In Catalonia, after the publication of Betty Friedan and Simone de Beauvoir in the sixties, other influential voices from abroad followed, including those of radical stamp, which, within the framework of the Consciousness-Raising (CR) groups, introduced the first ecofeminist debates.
After contextualizing the origin of ecofeminism, its relationship with the American radical feminist movement, and introducing spaces of post-Franco feminism, this chapter focuses on the reception of works related to a new philosophy of women’s bodies, as opposed to the National-Catholic conception under Francoism (1939‒1975): from translations such as the anthology Hablan las Women’s Lib (Women’s Lib Speak) (1972), edited by Maria Josep Ragué, and the manual of alternative gynecology, translated into more than 30 languages, Nuestros cuerpos, nuestras vidas (Our Bodies, Ourselves. OBOS) (1982), to the collection “Health Manuals” (1981‒1989), published by LaSal, Edicions de les dones.
Translating Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex. Transnational Framing, Interpretation, and Impact , 2023
“’The personal is political’. Radical feminism and translation in the post-Franco era”. In: Federeci, Eleonora and José Santaemilia. New Perspectives on Gender and Translation. New Voices for Transnational Dialogues. Routledge, 123-138., 2022
For decades, the dictatorship of Francisco Franco (1939-1975) thwarted the reception of feminist ... more For decades, the dictatorship of Francisco Franco (1939-1975) thwarted the reception of feminist texts. It was not until after the death of the dictator that the emergence of feminine social movements entailed a search for models that led to the importing into Spain of foreign symbolic mothers. Though Betty Frieden and Simone de Beauvoir were the first, it was soon the turn of those of the radical North American line, such as Shulamith Firestone (The Dialectic of Sex. The Case for Feminist Revolution, 1970), Kate Millett (Sexual Politics, 1970) or Valerie Solanas (Manifesto SCUM. Society for Cutting Up Men, 1967). After briefly contextualizing the radical North American feminist movement and the various areas of Spanish feminism during the Transition period, this chapter concentrates on the reception and censorship of the radical feminism of Firestone, Millett and Solanas in the context of post-Francoism in Catalonia. Fifty years after the publication of their celebrated works, and now that they are again a source of inspiration for feminism the world over, the intention of this chapter is to pay tribute to them and to bring to the forefront the fact that the socialization of their texts, through translation, was one of the key elements in the social and political change of the seventies, a revolutionary instrument for feminine and feminist emancipation after forty years in the desert of Francoist patriarchal National-Catholicism.
“Mary McCarthy: traducciones y censura durante el franquismo”. In: Leproni Raffaella (ed.). Women on Women. De-gendering perspectives. Roma: FrancoAngeli, 93-110., 2022
Godayol, Pilar. 2021. “Against the asymmetry of the post-Francoist canon: Feminist publishers and translations in Barcelona”. In: Carbonell, Ovidi; Esther Monzó (eds.). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 291-311., 2021
The emergence of women’s social and cultural movements in Spain after the death of Francisco Fran... more The emergence of women’s social and cultural movements in Spain after the death of Francisco Franco led to the appearance of remarkable feminist publication series and publishing houses in a search for foreign ideological mothers. In Barcelona, three such feminist projects were founded in 1977: Colección Feminismo (1977–1979), of Ediciones de Feminismo, La Educación Sentimental (1977–1984), of Anagrama, and the hybrid and multipurpose cultural and political café-bar LaSal, the embryo of LaSal, Edicions de les Dones (1978–1990), the first feminist press in Spain. In this chapter three feminist imprints of the Transition period will be presented. All of them fought to combat the chronic lack of ideological mothers that the Francoist regime had imposed. Aimed at restoring the historical memory of women and creating an identity debate, the importation of foreign feminist literature was crucial for the social transformations of the time. Translation became one of the elements of social change, a political act in trying to achieve canonical equality.
Rellegir Maria Àngels Anglada, 2020
“Francesca Bonnemaison. Educació catòlica i catalanista”. In: Vides catalanes que han fet història. Martí de Riquer (dir.). Barcelona: Edicions 62, 622-629., 2020
"‘Fue, es y será un libro fundamental’: Le deuxième sexe, de Simone de Beauvoir, en castellano, catalán y gallego”, 2020
Simone de Beauvoir es la madre en mayúsculas del feminismo moderno y, Le deuxième sexe, uno de su... more Simone de Beauvoir es la madre en mayúsculas del feminismo moderno y, Le deuxième sexe, uno de sus textos fundacionales. Siendo una referencia obligada para el pensamiento feminista occidental, el clásico de Beauvoir se ha traducido a múltiples lenguas.
Este capítulo estudia las traducciones de Le deuxième sexe al castellano, catalán y gallego, haciendo especial énfasis en los diferentes contextos sociales, culturales y editoriales que las impulsaron. En definitiva, presentamos diversas coyunturas traductoras de este clásico feminista para evidenciar cómo la díada “historia y traducción” es determinante en la decisión de publicar (o no) un texto.
The Routledge Handbook of Translation, Feminism and Gender, 2020
Authoritarian regimes, past and present, build walls to prevent the entry and diffusion of the ot... more Authoritarian regimes, past and present, build walls to prevent the entry and diffusion of the other, of difference and of modernity. The dictatorship of Francisco Franco (1939–1975) implemented governmental censorship to impede the arrival of subversive foreign literature, in this case written by women authors, especially that which contained discourses and representations of women that were opposed to the orthodoxy of the regime. In those dark times it was essential for the regime to stop women from denouncing the system’s misogynous and androcentric controls and claiming the civil and political rights that had been usurped. This chapter presents an overview of Franco’s literary censorship, as well as a collection of varied works which analyze different aspects and contexts related to foreign women authors translated into Spanish and Catalan. We will also examine some censors’ dossiers which reveal how the Francoist dictatorship reacted when faced with the possibility of importing foreign works, who the censors were, what observations they made and, finally, what type of intellectual punishments they inflicted.
Routledge Handbook of Spanish Translation Studies, 2019
New Approaches to Translation, Conflict and Memory Narratives of the Spanish Civil War and the Dictatorship, 2019
Mary McCarthy (1912–1989) was a novelist whose fiction stands out for its acerbity in analysing t... more Mary McCarthy (1912–1989) was a novelist whose fiction stands out for its acerbity in analysing the moral dilemmas of her time. Her work, translated into Spanish during Franco’s dictatorship, was clearly considered by the regime as ‘dangerous’ due to the atheist, feminist and communist tendencies of the writer. In this chapter I will discuss the institutional censorship applied to three of McCarthy’s novels (The Group, A Charmed Life and Birds of America) translated during the 1960s and the 1970s. The censors’ modus operandi and the intellectual penalties they imposed had significant consequences and more so given the fact that McCarthy had a close relationship with some Spanish intellectuals. The study will draw on the contradictions recorded in the censor’s reports at the General Archive of the Administration (AGA) in Alcalá de Henares.
Después de la dictadura franquista, con el auge de los movimientos de mujeres, emergieron editori... more Después de la dictadura franquista, con el auge de los movimientos de mujeres, emergieron editoriales y colecciones feministas. En Barcelona, la editorial progresista Anagrama lanzó en 1977 una colección insólita, “La Educación Sentimental” (1977-1984), que incluyó textos de pensamiento y debate feminista y de diversidad sexual, tanto de autoras de aquí como extranjeras. Durante ocho años, publicó veinte títulos (quince traducciones y cinco originales), la mayoría en los primeros tiempos. Aunque ya había finalizado el franquismo, doce de los veinte títulos de la colección tuvieron que pasar el trámite de la autorización del Ministerio de Información y Turismo y, por tanto, disponen de expedientes de censura en el Archivo General de la Administración (AGA).
En este capítulo, presentamos un proyecto editorial de la Transición, de “espíritu libertario”, que importó textos contemporáneos subversivos para acabar con el modelo fascista de la sexualidad y la feminidad y luchar por uno nuevo comprometido con las nuevas corrientes de pensamiento. Después de contextualizar brevemente el momento histórico y los movimientos y los espacios feministas de esos años y estudiar las políticas censoras aún vigentes del MIT, nos centraremos en la editorial Anagrama y su colección “La Educación Sentimental” y los expedientes de censura que le abrieron entre 1977 y 1979. En este contexto postfranquista, la traducción se convirtió en una de las piezas del cambio social, un acto político que favoreció la igualdad.
En 1977, en plena emergencia de los movimientos sociales y académicos de la mujer, nacía en Barce... more En 1977, en plena emergencia de los movimientos sociales y académicos de la mujer, nacía en Barcelona el espacio híbrido y polivalente, entre cultural y político, café-bar laSal y, un año más tarde, se fundaba la primera editorial feminista del Estado, laSal, edicions de les dones (1978-1990). En este capítulo, presentamos el pionero proyecto editorial feminista de laSal, que luchó por recuperar las madres simbólicas nacionales e extranjeras, tantos años escatimadas por los discursos nacional-católicos. Para laSal, la importación de literatura femenina y feminista extranjera fue clave. En este contexto postfranquista, la traducción se convirtió en una de las piezas del cambio social, un acto político que favoreció la igualdad.
Perspectives. Studies in Translation Theory and Practice, 2018