Mohammed Talbi | Hassan II Mohammadia University (original) (raw)
Papers by Mohammed Talbi
Résumé : Par une méthodologie à la fois exploratoire et qualitative, on présente une évaluation d... more Résumé : Par une méthodologie à la fois exploratoire et qualitative, on présente une évaluation de compétences professionnelles d'étudiants-inspecteurs en fin de formation initiale. L'appréciation de la maîtrise des compétences par les étudiants montre que les deux catégories de compétences cognitives et de compétences organisationnelles et de gestion sont les mieux perçues de point de vue acquisition en fin de formation. Alors que les compétences personnelles et d'attitude, et les compétences andragogiques sont perçues comme très peu ou pas du tout maîtrisées. L'analyse des résultats a révélée également l'émergence de deux compétences professionnelles jugées essentielles pour la formation de l'étudiant-inspecteur: les compétences d'adaptation construites dans l'action; et les compétences de supervision. Enfin, on en déduit que la formation dispensée au centre reste lacunaire, et ne traduise pas toujours les missions et attributions de l'inspecteu...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
Our research is at the crossroads of educational research conducted on education systems and line... more Our research is at the crossroads of educational research conducted on education systems and lines of improvement. We are interested in the teaching and learning of chemistry, one of the most important disciplines that contribute to the scientific training of students. Our thinking is essentially based on: literature searches, the findings of our field studies and our experience as teachers of physics and chemistry. The obstacles that we faced involve almost all components of the teaching-learning system and the different priorities for their improvement revolve around the following factors: improving curriculum content and textbooks, improving the language used in teaching chemistry, orientation of teaching chemistry to an experimental approach, changing thoughts on chemicals and teacher training and "promotion" of their profession. Therefore it is critical to build collaboration and coordination of efforts of all partners in the education system and the teaching-learning of chemistry in high schools in Morocco.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
The Arabization of hard Science subjects in secondary education was launched
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012
A study of a sample of students in secondary education Morocco has shown that the majority of the... more A study of a sample of students in secondary education Morocco has shown that the majority of them do not have adequate representation of the concept of model or models in the scientific sense. Another fundamental problem was identified that is difficult for students to distinguish what is transformation what is reaction.Thus, an overhaul of the education system is critical to the utility implementation of learning that sets the one hand, the necessary relationship between the registry and the empirical models, and which involve other teachers by inviting them to change their own conceptions and representations and their mastery of the difficulties that students encounter on the distinction between transformation and reaction.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
The article aims to make training more effective for developing of staff skills in Moroccan indus... more The article aims to make training more effective for developing of staff skills in Moroccan industrial SMEs . We elaborated questionnaires and interviews with managers and their staff to gather the maximum of information about their training needs. And relying on these needs and the expected and achieved results, and we could get results on the nature of effective training, how to handle the skills, and methods followed to avoid the deflection of the objective of training for competence.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
Following a methodology that is both exploratory and qualitative, we present an analysis of the e... more Following a methodology that is both exploratory and qualitative, we present an analysis of the experience of novice inspectors during their first year of inspection. Based on a questionnaire administered to novice inspectors, coupled with their stories (semistructured interviews) and an analysis of their journal, the study first explores the problem of employability in education. Second, it highlights the constraints on one hand to the successful integration of novice inspectors left alone without support or a welcome structure, the inadequate initial training received at the CNFIE 2 , and the factors favourable or unfavourable to their professional development, and mastering their new responsibilities on the other. This study sheds light on how to foster the employability of novices in the inspection job, and reinforces the importance of addressing their professional insertion following their initial training. It also makes recommendations to improve the current conditions of entry into the inspector profession.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
With a methodology that is both exploratory and qualitative, we present an evaluation of student ... more With a methodology that is both exploratory and qualitative, we present an evaluation of student inspectors' skills at the end of their training. The assessment of the mastery of skills by students shows that the two categories of cognitive skills and organizational and management skills are best perceived as acquired at the end of training, while personal and attitude skills and andragogical skills are perceived as mastered very little or not mastered. An analysis of the results also reveals the emergence of two skills considered essential for the training of inspectors: coping skills built in action and supervisory skills. Finally, we conclude that the training at the CNFIE † is incomplete, and does not always translate to the responsibilities and duties of inspector education. The training of inspectors is semi-professionalized and barely professionalizing.
International Journal of Number Theory, 2015
Construction des quatres extensions cubiques cycliques non ramifiées de k (1) 3 /k, avec k = Q( √... more Construction des quatres extensions cubiques cycliques non ramifiées de k (1) 3 /k, avec k = Q( √ m 4 + 2m 3 − 5m 2 − 6m − 23) M. Talbi faculté des sciences d'Oujda Département de Mathématiques et informatiques Abstract Soient m un entier naturel tel que m ≡ 1 mod 7, et d m = m 4 + 2m 3 − 5m 2 − 6m − 23. On suppose que d m est un entier positif sans facteur carée, et que le 3−groupe de classes de k est de type (3, 3), alors les quatre extensions cubiques cycliques non ramifiées intermidaires de k (1)
For some imaginary quartic cyclic fields K, we will study the capitulation problem of the 2-class... more For some imaginary quartic cyclic fields K, we will study the capitulation problem of the 2-class ideals of K and we will determine the structure of the Galois group of the second Hilbert 2-class field of K over K.
Les toxi-infections alimentaires représentent un problème courant et croissant de santé publique,... more Les toxi-infections alimentaires représentent un problème courant et croissant de santé publique, aussi bien pour les pays industrialisés que pour les pays en voie de développement. Le fardeau de ces maladies est évidement plus lourd chez ces derniers, d'où la nécessité d'améliorer les réseaux de surveillance et de mettre en place une conduite à tenir standardisée devant ce type d'intoxications. Ainsi, nous avons effectué une étude rétrospective, des intoxications alimentaires à partir des fiches recueillies par le centre anti-poison et de pharmacovigilance au Maroc entre 1980 et 2000. Ceci afin de déterminer les différents facteurs qui conditionnent l'incidence et la prévalence de ces intoxications alimentaires. L'analyse descriptive des cas d'intoxications déclarés montre que les deux sexes sont touchés de la même manière par les intoxications alimentaires, avec un sexe ratio de 1,04. La classe d'âge la plus concernée est la classe 3 : [5-14 ans], avec une fréquence de 26%. Les résultats montrent que 59% des intoxiqués sont d'origine urbaine. La classe d'aliment la plus incriminée est celle du lait et ses dérivés avec une fréquence de 19.3%, suivie de celle du poisson avec une fréquence de 8.8%. L'évolution de l'état de santé des intoxiqués est généralement favorable. Cependant, il est important de signaler que 32 décès durant ces 20 ans sont concernés par notre étude. L'analyse de la variance montre que cette évolution est dépendante, entre autre, du sexe de l'intoxiqué (p = 0,003), et de la classe d'aliment en cause (p = 0,00001). Alors que l'origine des intoxiqués n'influence en rien l'évolution de leur état de santé (p = 0,06).
Acta Arithmetica
Let K=k(sqrt−pqvarepsilonsqrt2)K=k(\sqrt{-pq{\varepsilon}\sqrt 2})K=k(sqrt−pqvarepsilonsqrt2) with k=BbbQ(sqrt2)k=\Bbb Q(\sqrt 2)k=BbbQ(sqrt2), varepsilon=1+sqrt2\varepsilon=1+\sqrt 2varepsilon=1+sqrt2 the f... more Let K=k(sqrt−pqvarepsilonsqrt2)K=k(\sqrt{-pq{\varepsilon}\sqrt 2})K=k(sqrt−pqvarepsilonsqrt2) with k=BbbQ(sqrt2)k=\Bbb Q(\sqrt 2)k=BbbQ(sqrt2), varepsilon=1+sqrt2\varepsilon=1+\sqrt 2varepsilon=1+sqrt2 the fundamental unit of~$k$, ppp~and~$q$ two different prime numbers such that pequivqequivpm1bmod4p\equiv q\equiv \pm 1\bmod 4pequivqequivpm1bmod4 and big(frac2pbig)=big(frac2qbig)=−1\big(\frac{2}{p}\big)=\big(\frac{2}{q}\big)=-1big(frac2pbig)=big(frac2qbig)=−1, K2(1)K_2^{(1)}K2(1)~be the Hilbert 222-class field of~$K$, K2(2)K_2^{(2)}K2(2)~be the Hilbert 222-class field of~$K_2^{(1)}$ and G=textGal(K2(2)/K)G=\text {Gal}(K_2^{(2)}/K)G=textGal(K2(2)/K) be the Galois group of~$K_2^{(2)}/K$. According to {\it E.~Brown} and {\it C.~J. Parry} [Pac. J. Math. 78, 11--26 (1978; Zbl 0405.12009)], C2,KC_{2,K}C2,K, the 222-part of the ideal class group of~$K$, is isomorphic to BbbZ/2BbbZtimesBbbZ/2BbbZ\Bbb Z/{2\Bbb Z}\times \Bbb Z/{2\Bbb Z}BbbZ/2BbbZtimesBbbZ/2BbbZ, consequently K2(1)/KK_2^{(1)}/KK2(1)/K contains three extensions Fi/KF_i/KFi/K (i=1,2,3)(i=1,2,3)(i=1,2,3) and the tower of the Hilbert 222-class field of~$K$ terminates at either K2(1)K_2^{(1)}K2(1) or K2(2)K_2^{(2)}K2(2). In this paper, we study the problem of capitulation of the classes of C2,KC_{2,K}C2,K in~$F_i$ (i=1,2,3)(i=1,2,3)(i=1,2,3) and we determine the structure of~$G$.
Résumé : Par une méthodologie à la fois exploratoire et qualitative, on présente une évaluation d... more Résumé : Par une méthodologie à la fois exploratoire et qualitative, on présente une évaluation de compétences professionnelles d'étudiants-inspecteurs en fin de formation initiale. L'appréciation de la maîtrise des compétences par les étudiants montre que les deux catégories de compétences cognitives et de compétences organisationnelles et de gestion sont les mieux perçues de point de vue acquisition en fin de formation. Alors que les compétences personnelles et d'attitude, et les compétences andragogiques sont perçues comme très peu ou pas du tout maîtrisées. L'analyse des résultats a révélée également l'émergence de deux compétences professionnelles jugées essentielles pour la formation de l'étudiant-inspecteur: les compétences d'adaptation construites dans l'action; et les compétences de supervision. Enfin, on en déduit que la formation dispensée au centre reste lacunaire, et ne traduise pas toujours les missions et attributions de l'inspecteu...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
Our research is at the crossroads of educational research conducted on education systems and line... more Our research is at the crossroads of educational research conducted on education systems and lines of improvement. We are interested in the teaching and learning of chemistry, one of the most important disciplines that contribute to the scientific training of students. Our thinking is essentially based on: literature searches, the findings of our field studies and our experience as teachers of physics and chemistry. The obstacles that we faced involve almost all components of the teaching-learning system and the different priorities for their improvement revolve around the following factors: improving curriculum content and textbooks, improving the language used in teaching chemistry, orientation of teaching chemistry to an experimental approach, changing thoughts on chemicals and teacher training and "promotion" of their profession. Therefore it is critical to build collaboration and coordination of efforts of all partners in the education system and the teaching-learning of chemistry in high schools in Morocco.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
The Arabization of hard Science subjects in secondary education was launched
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012
A study of a sample of students in secondary education Morocco has shown that the majority of the... more A study of a sample of students in secondary education Morocco has shown that the majority of them do not have adequate representation of the concept of model or models in the scientific sense. Another fundamental problem was identified that is difficult for students to distinguish what is transformation what is reaction.Thus, an overhaul of the education system is critical to the utility implementation of learning that sets the one hand, the necessary relationship between the registry and the empirical models, and which involve other teachers by inviting them to change their own conceptions and representations and their mastery of the difficulties that students encounter on the distinction between transformation and reaction.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
The article aims to make training more effective for developing of staff skills in Moroccan indus... more The article aims to make training more effective for developing of staff skills in Moroccan industrial SMEs . We elaborated questionnaires and interviews with managers and their staff to gather the maximum of information about their training needs. And relying on these needs and the expected and achieved results, and we could get results on the nature of effective training, how to handle the skills, and methods followed to avoid the deflection of the objective of training for competence.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
Following a methodology that is both exploratory and qualitative, we present an analysis of the e... more Following a methodology that is both exploratory and qualitative, we present an analysis of the experience of novice inspectors during their first year of inspection. Based on a questionnaire administered to novice inspectors, coupled with their stories (semistructured interviews) and an analysis of their journal, the study first explores the problem of employability in education. Second, it highlights the constraints on one hand to the successful integration of novice inspectors left alone without support or a welcome structure, the inadequate initial training received at the CNFIE 2 , and the factors favourable or unfavourable to their professional development, and mastering their new responsibilities on the other. This study sheds light on how to foster the employability of novices in the inspection job, and reinforces the importance of addressing their professional insertion following their initial training. It also makes recommendations to improve the current conditions of entry into the inspector profession.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
With a methodology that is both exploratory and qualitative, we present an evaluation of student ... more With a methodology that is both exploratory and qualitative, we present an evaluation of student inspectors' skills at the end of their training. The assessment of the mastery of skills by students shows that the two categories of cognitive skills and organizational and management skills are best perceived as acquired at the end of training, while personal and attitude skills and andragogical skills are perceived as mastered very little or not mastered. An analysis of the results also reveals the emergence of two skills considered essential for the training of inspectors: coping skills built in action and supervisory skills. Finally, we conclude that the training at the CNFIE † is incomplete, and does not always translate to the responsibilities and duties of inspector education. The training of inspectors is semi-professionalized and barely professionalizing.
International Journal of Number Theory, 2015
Construction des quatres extensions cubiques cycliques non ramifiées de k (1) 3 /k, avec k = Q( √... more Construction des quatres extensions cubiques cycliques non ramifiées de k (1) 3 /k, avec k = Q( √ m 4 + 2m 3 − 5m 2 − 6m − 23) M. Talbi faculté des sciences d'Oujda Département de Mathématiques et informatiques Abstract Soient m un entier naturel tel que m ≡ 1 mod 7, et d m = m 4 + 2m 3 − 5m 2 − 6m − 23. On suppose que d m est un entier positif sans facteur carée, et que le 3−groupe de classes de k est de type (3, 3), alors les quatre extensions cubiques cycliques non ramifiées intermidaires de k (1)
For some imaginary quartic cyclic fields K, we will study the capitulation problem of the 2-class... more For some imaginary quartic cyclic fields K, we will study the capitulation problem of the 2-class ideals of K and we will determine the structure of the Galois group of the second Hilbert 2-class field of K over K.
Les toxi-infections alimentaires représentent un problème courant et croissant de santé publique,... more Les toxi-infections alimentaires représentent un problème courant et croissant de santé publique, aussi bien pour les pays industrialisés que pour les pays en voie de développement. Le fardeau de ces maladies est évidement plus lourd chez ces derniers, d'où la nécessité d'améliorer les réseaux de surveillance et de mettre en place une conduite à tenir standardisée devant ce type d'intoxications. Ainsi, nous avons effectué une étude rétrospective, des intoxications alimentaires à partir des fiches recueillies par le centre anti-poison et de pharmacovigilance au Maroc entre 1980 et 2000. Ceci afin de déterminer les différents facteurs qui conditionnent l'incidence et la prévalence de ces intoxications alimentaires. L'analyse descriptive des cas d'intoxications déclarés montre que les deux sexes sont touchés de la même manière par les intoxications alimentaires, avec un sexe ratio de 1,04. La classe d'âge la plus concernée est la classe 3 : [5-14 ans], avec une fréquence de 26%. Les résultats montrent que 59% des intoxiqués sont d'origine urbaine. La classe d'aliment la plus incriminée est celle du lait et ses dérivés avec une fréquence de 19.3%, suivie de celle du poisson avec une fréquence de 8.8%. L'évolution de l'état de santé des intoxiqués est généralement favorable. Cependant, il est important de signaler que 32 décès durant ces 20 ans sont concernés par notre étude. L'analyse de la variance montre que cette évolution est dépendante, entre autre, du sexe de l'intoxiqué (p = 0,003), et de la classe d'aliment en cause (p = 0,00001). Alors que l'origine des intoxiqués n'influence en rien l'évolution de leur état de santé (p = 0,06).
Acta Arithmetica
Let K=k(sqrt−pqvarepsilonsqrt2)K=k(\sqrt{-pq{\varepsilon}\sqrt 2})K=k(sqrt−pqvarepsilonsqrt2) with k=BbbQ(sqrt2)k=\Bbb Q(\sqrt 2)k=BbbQ(sqrt2), varepsilon=1+sqrt2\varepsilon=1+\sqrt 2varepsilon=1+sqrt2 the f... more Let K=k(sqrt−pqvarepsilonsqrt2)K=k(\sqrt{-pq{\varepsilon}\sqrt 2})K=k(sqrt−pqvarepsilonsqrt2) with k=BbbQ(sqrt2)k=\Bbb Q(\sqrt 2)k=BbbQ(sqrt2), varepsilon=1+sqrt2\varepsilon=1+\sqrt 2varepsilon=1+sqrt2 the fundamental unit of~$k$, ppp~and~$q$ two different prime numbers such that pequivqequivpm1bmod4p\equiv q\equiv \pm 1\bmod 4pequivqequivpm1bmod4 and big(frac2pbig)=big(frac2qbig)=−1\big(\frac{2}{p}\big)=\big(\frac{2}{q}\big)=-1big(frac2pbig)=big(frac2qbig)=−1, K2(1)K_2^{(1)}K2(1)~be the Hilbert 222-class field of~$K$, K2(2)K_2^{(2)}K2(2)~be the Hilbert 222-class field of~$K_2^{(1)}$ and G=textGal(K2(2)/K)G=\text {Gal}(K_2^{(2)}/K)G=textGal(K2(2)/K) be the Galois group of~$K_2^{(2)}/K$. According to {\it E.~Brown} and {\it C.~J. Parry} [Pac. J. Math. 78, 11--26 (1978; Zbl 0405.12009)], C2,KC_{2,K}C2,K, the 222-part of the ideal class group of~$K$, is isomorphic to BbbZ/2BbbZtimesBbbZ/2BbbZ\Bbb Z/{2\Bbb Z}\times \Bbb Z/{2\Bbb Z}BbbZ/2BbbZtimesBbbZ/2BbbZ, consequently K2(1)/KK_2^{(1)}/KK2(1)/K contains three extensions Fi/KF_i/KFi/K (i=1,2,3)(i=1,2,3)(i=1,2,3) and the tower of the Hilbert 222-class field of~$K$ terminates at either K2(1)K_2^{(1)}K2(1) or K2(2)K_2^{(2)}K2(2). In this paper, we study the problem of capitulation of the classes of C2,KC_{2,K}C2,K in~$F_i$ (i=1,2,3)(i=1,2,3)(i=1,2,3) and we determine the structure of~$G$.