Edith Gülçin Ambros | University of Vienna (original) (raw)

Papers by Edith Gülçin Ambros

Research paper thumbnail of On Harput (Elazığ) and on Manis (Folk poems) shared by Ottoman Turks, Armenians, Karamanlı Greeks, and Cypriot Turks, in: Literary and Cultural Crossroads in the Late  Ottoman Empire, editor Evangelia Balta, Istanbul: Boyut, 2024, pp. 99-122.

* I am very grateful to Georgios Salakidis and Ani Sargsyan for the indispensable information the... more * I am very grateful to Georgios Salakidis and Ani Sargsyan for the indispensable information they gave me regarding the transcription and translation of the modern Cypriot Greek dialect and West Armenian respectively.

Research paper thumbnail of Edith Gülçin Ambros, Hülya Çelik, and Ani Sargsyan, Intertwined Literatures: Karamanlı, Armeno-Turkish, and regular Ottoman versions of the Köroğlu Folk-tale, in: Literary and Cultural Crossroads in the Late Ottoman Empire, editor Evangelia Balta, Istanbul: Boyut, 2024, pp. 1-54.

Edith Gülçin Ambros, Hülya Çelik, and Ani Sargsyan, Intertwined Literatures: Karamanlı, Armeno-Turkish, and regular Ottoman versions of the Köroğlu Folk-tale, in: Literary and Cultural Crossroads in the Late Ottoman Empire, editor Evangelia Balta, Istanbul: Boyut, 2024, pp. 1-54.

Actually, this is an enlarged version of Bernt Brendemoen's statement "From a historical and cult... more Actually, this is an enlarged version of Bernt Brendemoen's statement "From a historical and cultural point of view, Karamanlı literature has special value because it opens a door on to a fascinating cosmos that has completely disappeared today", adding Armeno-Turkish literature, for which the same applies; see "Karamanlidic literature and its value as a source for spoken Turkish in the 18th and 19th centuries," Turkic

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: Olivier Bouquet, Quand les Ottomans firent le point: Histoire graphique, technique et linguistique de la ponctuation turque ottomane

Quiconque voudra se faire une idée scientifique et exhaustive de l'évolution de la ponctuation ot... more Quiconque voudra se faire une idée scientifique et exhaustive de l'évolution de la ponctuation ottomane ne trouvera rien de mieux (à vrai dire rien d'autre) que cet ouvrage remarquable d'Olivier Bouquet. C'est une étude très dense et extrêmement riche en exemples, qui fascine par son argumentation et charme par son style alerte ponctué de touches d'humour. L'auteur de cette étude de presque 370 pages sur la ponctuation (complétées de quelque 120 pages de sources, bibliographie, glossaire et index) s'autorise l'ironie (p. 23) : « La ponctuation : dans le genre subaltern studies, difficile de trouver mieux ». Il est vrai que la ponctuation turque ottomane n'a pas fait l'objet de recherches approfondies jusqu'à présent. On s'étonne d'ailleurs de ce manque, vu l'importance, l'étendue et la profondeur du sujet. Aussi, au fur et à mesure de la lecture de ce livre, on réalise mieux la lacune importante qu'il comble.

Research paper thumbnail of Coffee's Elegy on the Death of Tobacco, 1636-37 by Vardarlı Fazli: An Ottoman Social Parody and Its Linguistic Particularities, in "Buyurdum ki..."....., Brill, 2023, pp. 106-124.

in "Buyurdum ki..." - The Whole World of Ottomanica and Beyond. Studies in Honour of Claudia Römer, eds. Hülya Çelik, Yavuz Köse, and Gisela Procházka-Eisl, Leiden: Brill, 2023

In 1636-37, the Ottoman poet Vardarlı Fazli wrote an anthropomorphic disputation text of 764 coup... more In 1636-37, the Ottoman poet Vardarlı Fazli wrote an anthropomorphic disputation text of 764 couplets in the mesnevi genre titled Mahzenü’l-esrar or Dafi‛ü’l-gam. This is a debate between wine, opium, hashish, berş, beng, fünuniyya, boza, and coffee about who the most desirable and beneficial among them is. In the end, coffee wins.
In this frame, the protagonist Coffee describes the tragic events caused by Tobacco and distances himself from him, and then recites an elegy, lamenting that Tobacco (his former best friend and companion) has been executed through burning (!) and is no more. This elegy reflects the contemporary situation of tobacco and tobacco smokers, with Murad IV’s prohibition of smoking and the extremely severe punishments people caught smoking were suffering.
The elegy and the introduction to it (a total of 55 couplets) constitute ironic drama, written in a combination of features of spoken language, folk poetry, and high-culture poetry.

Research paper thumbnail of A Case Study of Social Structures Triggering a Subgenre: The 16th Century Ottoman Poets 'Askerî's and 'Ubeydî's "Books of Advice" (Pendnâmes) in the Context of Their Peers' Actions and Verses

Selected Studies on Genre in Middle Eastern Literatures, eds. Hülya Çelik and Petr Kučera, 2023

Arguably, these two poems saw the light of day as a reaction to the social phenomenon of emotion... more Arguably, these two poems saw the light of day as a reaction to the social
phenomenon of emotional and sexual relationships with young boys that a
significant number of poets of the 16th century entertained or just spoke of
or wrote about. They belong to the subgenre of sexual advice within the
advice genre. As this advice is given in an outwardly serious but inwardly
satiric manner, should these two poems not better be classified as belonging
to the satire genre (hicv)? The answer is negative if we are guided by
Ottoman literary perception or intent, as ‛Askerī’s poem bears the title
“treatise of advice” (pendnāme) and the repeated use of the word pend
(“advice”) points to the “advising nature” of the work, while ‛Ubeydī’s
much shorter poem contains the terms pend and naṣīḥat (“advice”) twice.
Undeniably though, these two poems are a hybrid of advice and satire in
which advice is in a conspicuous or leading position.
The existence of these two pendnāmes is a sign that relationships with
young boys must have enjoyed a degree of popularity among poets that was
strong enough to trigger the creation of such a subgenre. On the other hand,
the content of the two pendnāmes bears witness to a negative reaction to this
practice among poets that was strong enough to trigger the statement of such
negative critique (even if partly tongue in cheek). Therefore, these two
poems suggest that we should reconsider the question of how popular this
practice really was, especially as the poets’ biographer, ‛Āşıḳ Çelebi, who
was most influential in forming the literary opinion of the 16th century, was
prone to such a preference himself and, as a result, may not have been
altogether impartial in his assessment of sexual trends.

Research paper thumbnail of Hayvanbiçimcilik (Zoomorfizm), Hayvanlarla İma ve İnsanmerkezcilik: XVII. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Edebiyatında Hayvanlar ve İnsanlar

Çırpına çırpına sunam da geldi" Karacaoğlan Hayvanlara insan biçimi ya da duygu ve davranışları a... more Çırpına çırpına sunam da geldi" Karacaoğlan Hayvanlara insan biçimi ya da duygu ve davranışları atfedilirse buna genel olarak insanbiçimcilik (antropomorfizm) denir, Osmanlı belagatinde kullanılan terimler ise teşhis ü intak veya kişileştirmedir. Edebî kişileştirme, hayvanların neyi, nasıl, ne kadar hissettikleri ve düşündükleri hakkında, daha doğrusu insanların hayvanlara ne derece hissetme ve düşünme yeteneği, kısacası bilinç tanıdıkları 1 hakkında bilgi vermez. Ama edebî kişileştirme, gerçek hayatta insanların bu hayvanlara tutumunu oldukça iyi yansıtır. Tarih boyunca değişikliklere uğrayan bu tutumun 2 Osmanlılarda XVII. yüzyıl kesimi üzerinde durulacaktır. 1 Günümüzde hayvanların bilinci hakkındaki tutumla ilgili olarak 7 Temmuz 2012 tarihli Cambridge Bilinç Deklarasyonu'na bakılabilir. Bu bildiride şu sonuca varılmaktadır: "Bir neokorteksin bulunmaması, bir organizmanın duygulanım hâllerini yaşamasını engellememektedir. Aynı noktada buluşan ortak kanıtlar, insan harici hayvanların nöroanatomik, nörokimyasal ve nörofizyolojik bilinç durumlarının substratlarına ve kasıtlı davranış sergileme kapasitesine sahip olduklarını gösterir. Sonuç olarak, delillerin ağırlığı göstermektedir ki, insanlar bilinç oluşturan nörolojik substratlara sahip olma konusunda benzersiz değildir. Aralarında tüm memelilerin, kuşların ve ahtapotlar da dâhil olmak üzere birçok varlığın da bulunduğu insan harici hayvanlar da bu nörolojik substratlara sahiplerdir." İngilizceden çeviren Yasemin Küçükler, Gamze Öztürk ve Emir Çelik, Cambridge Bilinç Deklarasyonu-Türkçe Tercüme-veganlik.org/cambridge (Erişim ta

Research paper thumbnail of Me'âlî DÎVÂN

Research paper thumbnail of "The sound of popular language towards the end of the 19th century as reflected by a Karamanli edition of the folk-tale Köroglu"

in: Déchiffrer le passé d'un empire: Hommage à Nicolas Vatin et aux humanités ottomanes, éds. Elisabetta Borromeo, Frédéric Hitzel et Benjamin Lellouch, Paris, etc.: Peeters, pp. 77-95., 2022

for putting material and literature at my disposal, without which this study would have been impo... more for putting material and literature at my disposal, without which this study would have been impossible. I also thank Bernt Brendemoen most sincerely for his invaluable comments.

Research paper thumbnail of "Andreas Tietze'nin Osmanlı Şiiri Araştırmalarına Katkısı Üzerine Düşünceler ve Ek Notlar",  Andreas Tietze ve Avusturya Türkolojisi, Editörler Emine Yılmaz - Nurettin Demir, Emre Çetinkaya, Viyana, Neue Welt Verlag, 2022, 19-31.

Gewidmet an die Österreichisch-Türkische Freundschaft und Andreas Tietze, der als Legende zwische... more Gewidmet an die Österreichisch-Türkische Freundschaft und Andreas Tietze, der als Legende zwischen den beiden Ländern Brücken gebaut hat. Seine Deinste können wir ihm nicht zurückzahlen, aber seinen Namen werden wir ewig in Erinnerung behalten. Bu eser, Avusturya-Türk dostluğuna ve iki ülke arasında sağlam dostluk köprüleri kuran aziz dostumuz Andreas Tietze'ye ithaf edilmiştir. Türk diline hizmetlerinin karşılığını asla ödeyemeyiz, ama adını sonsuza kadar hatırlayacağız.

Research paper thumbnail of On Dokuzuncu Yüzyıl Öncesi Osmanlı  Edebiyatı: Ana Akımlar ve Eğilimler (Download işliyor)

Kün: Edebiyat ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1.2 (Kış 2021), 5-23., 2021

Ottoman Literature before the Nineteenth Century: Main Literary Trends and Tendencies The aim of ... more Ottoman Literature before the Nineteenth Century: Main Literary Trends and Tendencies The aim of this study is to draw a historical outline of Ottoman literature from a holistic perspective. The outline attempts to determine the main trends and tendencies that were observed until the nineteenth century and it draws attention to the literary connections that took form. In this context, it presents a critical evaluation by drawing attention to the benefit of looking at the classifications proposed so far in the history of Ottoman literature from a different perspective than usual. The article, employing a method that follows the general-to-specific order, primarily focuses on the most comprehensive issue, the classification styles of Ottoman literature, and proposes a new classification style. It argues that there exist essentially two categories, namely high culture literature (or Divan literature) and folk literature, and that instead of creating a third category such as mystical (sufi) literature, it might be more appropriate to divide folk literature into two as mystical and non-mystical. It, then, underlines the division of Ottoman literature into historical periods and draws attention to the ambiguity of the nomenclature "classical". It suggests that more lucid distinctions such as pre-classical, classical and post-classical could eliminate this ambiguity, and reminds that the long "post-classical" period that covers the years roughly between 1600 and 1850 should also be divided into sub-periods. The following section, which examines the characteristics of Ottoman literature, focuses on the broader cultural circle and linguistic features. It

Research paper thumbnail of Ottoman Chronogram Poems: Formal, Factual, and Fictional Aspects, by Edith Gülçin Ambros, Otto Spies Memorial Lecture Series, vol. 9

Bibliographic information published by Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothe... more Bibliographic information published by Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available at [http://dnb.ddb.de]. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher or author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review.

Research paper thumbnail of Edith Gülçin Ambros, "16. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Şairi Me'âlî'nin Atasözleriyle Oluşturduğu Şiirde İroni Örnekleri", İskender Pala Armağanı, ed. Nagihan Gür, İstanbul: Kapı Yayınları, s. 173-195.

Research paper thumbnail of "The place of Karamanli Turkish folk songs in the larger field of Turkish folk songs: Stavridis' collection (1896) in comparison with Kúnos' collection (1889)", in Evangelia Balta ed., Following the Traces of Turkish-speaking Christians of Anatolia.

Research paper thumbnail of "On the Value of a Karamanlı Edition of Köroğlu as a Source of Folk Poetry", in Doğumunun 120. Yılında Prof. Dr. Ahmet Caferoğlu Hatıra Kitabı, Fikret Turan and Özcan Tabaklar eds. (Istanbul: ŞenYıldız Yayıncılık, 2019), pp. 171-204.

Research paper thumbnail of Edith Ambros and Gisela Procházka-Eisl, "Sürūrī'nin Muḍḥikāt Gazellerindeki Grotesk Dünya" ("The Grotesque World in Sürūrī's Muḍḥikāt Gazels"), Akademik Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi/Academic Journal of Language and Literature, vol. 3, issue 4 (Dec. 2019), p. 141-163.

Research paper thumbnail of Ambros: So many Medhîs...

Research paper thumbnail of Sempozyum /Symposium 12-13.XII.2018 Ankara: Osmanlı Anadolusu'nda Toplumsal ve Kültürel Yaşam / Social and Cultural Life in Ottoman Anatolia

Research paper thumbnail of The comparison of a Karamanlı edition with a regular Ottoman edition of the folk-tale Köroğlu: morphological and syntactic aspects, in Karamanlidika Legacies, ed. Evangelia Balta, The Isis Press, Istanbul 2018, p. 13-38.

Research paper thumbnail of " 'Cennete Rüşvetle Girilmez': Fuzûlî'nin Eserlerinde Atasözleri", in: "Bu Alâmet ile Bulur Beni Soran", Fuzûlî Kitabı: Fuzûlî Hakkında Seçme Makaleler ve Bibliyografya Denemesi, hazırlayanlar Hanife Koncu - Müjgân Çakır (İstanbul: Kesit Yayınları), 2009, pp. 193-200.

Research paper thumbnail of Author: Edith G. Ambros; Translator: Özer Şenödeyici "Çiçek Dili (Lisân-ı Ezhâr) ve Osmanlı Zenpâreleri" (Title of the original article: The "Language of Flowers" and Ottoman Don Juans (Zenpâres), WZKM, 95 (2005), pp. 19-43; reprinted in Ambros, Life, Love and Laughter...,Istanbul: Isis, 2015.)

ÖZET " Çiçek dili " Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda kullanılan bir şifreli iletişim biçimidir. Birtakım... more ÖZET " Çiçek dili " Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda kullanılan bir şifreli iletişim biçimidir. Birtakım küçük ve taşınabilir nesnelerin, çeşitli gösterilenleri karşıladığı bu iletişim biçiminde, gösterenler alışılagelmiş sembolik anlamları dışında kullanılmışlardır. Makalede, " çiçek dili " hakkında bazı tespitlere yer verilmiş, bu arada kafiyeli Cockney jargonu ile Osmanlı " çiçek dili " arasında bir mukayese yapılmıştır. Yazının sonuna, eski İstanbul çapkınlarına ait olduğu düşünülen bir de metin örneği eklenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: çiçek dili, Osmanlı, kafiyeli Cockney jargonu, zenpare THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS and OTTOMAN DON JUANS (ZENPÂRES) ABSTRACT The "Language of Flowers" is a type of coded communication used in the Ottoman Empire. In this type of communication a number of small portable items correspond to signifieds, but the signifiers are not used in their familiar symbolic sense. In the article, some particulars of the "language of flowers" are defined, and at the same time, a comparison between the Cockney rhyming slang and the Ottoman "language of flowers" is made. At the end of the article there is a sample text thought to belong to the Istanbul zenpâres of former times.

Research paper thumbnail of On Harput (Elazığ) and on Manis (Folk poems) shared by Ottoman Turks, Armenians, Karamanlı Greeks, and Cypriot Turks, in: Literary and Cultural Crossroads in the Late  Ottoman Empire, editor Evangelia Balta, Istanbul: Boyut, 2024, pp. 99-122.

* I am very grateful to Georgios Salakidis and Ani Sargsyan for the indispensable information the... more * I am very grateful to Georgios Salakidis and Ani Sargsyan for the indispensable information they gave me regarding the transcription and translation of the modern Cypriot Greek dialect and West Armenian respectively.

Research paper thumbnail of Edith Gülçin Ambros, Hülya Çelik, and Ani Sargsyan, Intertwined Literatures: Karamanlı, Armeno-Turkish, and regular Ottoman versions of the Köroğlu Folk-tale, in: Literary and Cultural Crossroads in the Late Ottoman Empire, editor Evangelia Balta, Istanbul: Boyut, 2024, pp. 1-54.

Edith Gülçin Ambros, Hülya Çelik, and Ani Sargsyan, Intertwined Literatures: Karamanlı, Armeno-Turkish, and regular Ottoman versions of the Köroğlu Folk-tale, in: Literary and Cultural Crossroads in the Late Ottoman Empire, editor Evangelia Balta, Istanbul: Boyut, 2024, pp. 1-54.

Actually, this is an enlarged version of Bernt Brendemoen's statement "From a historical and cult... more Actually, this is an enlarged version of Bernt Brendemoen's statement "From a historical and cultural point of view, Karamanlı literature has special value because it opens a door on to a fascinating cosmos that has completely disappeared today", adding Armeno-Turkish literature, for which the same applies; see "Karamanlidic literature and its value as a source for spoken Turkish in the 18th and 19th centuries," Turkic

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: Olivier Bouquet, Quand les Ottomans firent le point: Histoire graphique, technique et linguistique de la ponctuation turque ottomane

Quiconque voudra se faire une idée scientifique et exhaustive de l'évolution de la ponctuation ot... more Quiconque voudra se faire une idée scientifique et exhaustive de l'évolution de la ponctuation ottomane ne trouvera rien de mieux (à vrai dire rien d'autre) que cet ouvrage remarquable d'Olivier Bouquet. C'est une étude très dense et extrêmement riche en exemples, qui fascine par son argumentation et charme par son style alerte ponctué de touches d'humour. L'auteur de cette étude de presque 370 pages sur la ponctuation (complétées de quelque 120 pages de sources, bibliographie, glossaire et index) s'autorise l'ironie (p. 23) : « La ponctuation : dans le genre subaltern studies, difficile de trouver mieux ». Il est vrai que la ponctuation turque ottomane n'a pas fait l'objet de recherches approfondies jusqu'à présent. On s'étonne d'ailleurs de ce manque, vu l'importance, l'étendue et la profondeur du sujet. Aussi, au fur et à mesure de la lecture de ce livre, on réalise mieux la lacune importante qu'il comble.

Research paper thumbnail of Coffee's Elegy on the Death of Tobacco, 1636-37 by Vardarlı Fazli: An Ottoman Social Parody and Its Linguistic Particularities, in "Buyurdum ki..."....., Brill, 2023, pp. 106-124.

in "Buyurdum ki..." - The Whole World of Ottomanica and Beyond. Studies in Honour of Claudia Römer, eds. Hülya Çelik, Yavuz Köse, and Gisela Procházka-Eisl, Leiden: Brill, 2023

In 1636-37, the Ottoman poet Vardarlı Fazli wrote an anthropomorphic disputation text of 764 coup... more In 1636-37, the Ottoman poet Vardarlı Fazli wrote an anthropomorphic disputation text of 764 couplets in the mesnevi genre titled Mahzenü’l-esrar or Dafi‛ü’l-gam. This is a debate between wine, opium, hashish, berş, beng, fünuniyya, boza, and coffee about who the most desirable and beneficial among them is. In the end, coffee wins.
In this frame, the protagonist Coffee describes the tragic events caused by Tobacco and distances himself from him, and then recites an elegy, lamenting that Tobacco (his former best friend and companion) has been executed through burning (!) and is no more. This elegy reflects the contemporary situation of tobacco and tobacco smokers, with Murad IV’s prohibition of smoking and the extremely severe punishments people caught smoking were suffering.
The elegy and the introduction to it (a total of 55 couplets) constitute ironic drama, written in a combination of features of spoken language, folk poetry, and high-culture poetry.

Research paper thumbnail of A Case Study of Social Structures Triggering a Subgenre: The 16th Century Ottoman Poets 'Askerî's and 'Ubeydî's "Books of Advice" (Pendnâmes) in the Context of Their Peers' Actions and Verses

Selected Studies on Genre in Middle Eastern Literatures, eds. Hülya Çelik and Petr Kučera, 2023

Arguably, these two poems saw the light of day as a reaction to the social phenomenon of emotion... more Arguably, these two poems saw the light of day as a reaction to the social
phenomenon of emotional and sexual relationships with young boys that a
significant number of poets of the 16th century entertained or just spoke of
or wrote about. They belong to the subgenre of sexual advice within the
advice genre. As this advice is given in an outwardly serious but inwardly
satiric manner, should these two poems not better be classified as belonging
to the satire genre (hicv)? The answer is negative if we are guided by
Ottoman literary perception or intent, as ‛Askerī’s poem bears the title
“treatise of advice” (pendnāme) and the repeated use of the word pend
(“advice”) points to the “advising nature” of the work, while ‛Ubeydī’s
much shorter poem contains the terms pend and naṣīḥat (“advice”) twice.
Undeniably though, these two poems are a hybrid of advice and satire in
which advice is in a conspicuous or leading position.
The existence of these two pendnāmes is a sign that relationships with
young boys must have enjoyed a degree of popularity among poets that was
strong enough to trigger the creation of such a subgenre. On the other hand,
the content of the two pendnāmes bears witness to a negative reaction to this
practice among poets that was strong enough to trigger the statement of such
negative critique (even if partly tongue in cheek). Therefore, these two
poems suggest that we should reconsider the question of how popular this
practice really was, especially as the poets’ biographer, ‛Āşıḳ Çelebi, who
was most influential in forming the literary opinion of the 16th century, was
prone to such a preference himself and, as a result, may not have been
altogether impartial in his assessment of sexual trends.

Research paper thumbnail of Hayvanbiçimcilik (Zoomorfizm), Hayvanlarla İma ve İnsanmerkezcilik: XVII. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Edebiyatında Hayvanlar ve İnsanlar

Çırpına çırpına sunam da geldi" Karacaoğlan Hayvanlara insan biçimi ya da duygu ve davranışları a... more Çırpına çırpına sunam da geldi" Karacaoğlan Hayvanlara insan biçimi ya da duygu ve davranışları atfedilirse buna genel olarak insanbiçimcilik (antropomorfizm) denir, Osmanlı belagatinde kullanılan terimler ise teşhis ü intak veya kişileştirmedir. Edebî kişileştirme, hayvanların neyi, nasıl, ne kadar hissettikleri ve düşündükleri hakkında, daha doğrusu insanların hayvanlara ne derece hissetme ve düşünme yeteneği, kısacası bilinç tanıdıkları 1 hakkında bilgi vermez. Ama edebî kişileştirme, gerçek hayatta insanların bu hayvanlara tutumunu oldukça iyi yansıtır. Tarih boyunca değişikliklere uğrayan bu tutumun 2 Osmanlılarda XVII. yüzyıl kesimi üzerinde durulacaktır. 1 Günümüzde hayvanların bilinci hakkındaki tutumla ilgili olarak 7 Temmuz 2012 tarihli Cambridge Bilinç Deklarasyonu'na bakılabilir. Bu bildiride şu sonuca varılmaktadır: "Bir neokorteksin bulunmaması, bir organizmanın duygulanım hâllerini yaşamasını engellememektedir. Aynı noktada buluşan ortak kanıtlar, insan harici hayvanların nöroanatomik, nörokimyasal ve nörofizyolojik bilinç durumlarının substratlarına ve kasıtlı davranış sergileme kapasitesine sahip olduklarını gösterir. Sonuç olarak, delillerin ağırlığı göstermektedir ki, insanlar bilinç oluşturan nörolojik substratlara sahip olma konusunda benzersiz değildir. Aralarında tüm memelilerin, kuşların ve ahtapotlar da dâhil olmak üzere birçok varlığın da bulunduğu insan harici hayvanlar da bu nörolojik substratlara sahiplerdir." İngilizceden çeviren Yasemin Küçükler, Gamze Öztürk ve Emir Çelik, Cambridge Bilinç Deklarasyonu-Türkçe Tercüme-veganlik.org/cambridge (Erişim ta

Research paper thumbnail of Me'âlî DÎVÂN

Research paper thumbnail of "The sound of popular language towards the end of the 19th century as reflected by a Karamanli edition of the folk-tale Köroglu"

in: Déchiffrer le passé d'un empire: Hommage à Nicolas Vatin et aux humanités ottomanes, éds. Elisabetta Borromeo, Frédéric Hitzel et Benjamin Lellouch, Paris, etc.: Peeters, pp. 77-95., 2022

for putting material and literature at my disposal, without which this study would have been impo... more for putting material and literature at my disposal, without which this study would have been impossible. I also thank Bernt Brendemoen most sincerely for his invaluable comments.

Research paper thumbnail of "Andreas Tietze'nin Osmanlı Şiiri Araştırmalarına Katkısı Üzerine Düşünceler ve Ek Notlar",  Andreas Tietze ve Avusturya Türkolojisi, Editörler Emine Yılmaz - Nurettin Demir, Emre Çetinkaya, Viyana, Neue Welt Verlag, 2022, 19-31.

Gewidmet an die Österreichisch-Türkische Freundschaft und Andreas Tietze, der als Legende zwische... more Gewidmet an die Österreichisch-Türkische Freundschaft und Andreas Tietze, der als Legende zwischen den beiden Ländern Brücken gebaut hat. Seine Deinste können wir ihm nicht zurückzahlen, aber seinen Namen werden wir ewig in Erinnerung behalten. Bu eser, Avusturya-Türk dostluğuna ve iki ülke arasında sağlam dostluk köprüleri kuran aziz dostumuz Andreas Tietze'ye ithaf edilmiştir. Türk diline hizmetlerinin karşılığını asla ödeyemeyiz, ama adını sonsuza kadar hatırlayacağız.

Research paper thumbnail of On Dokuzuncu Yüzyıl Öncesi Osmanlı  Edebiyatı: Ana Akımlar ve Eğilimler (Download işliyor)

Kün: Edebiyat ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1.2 (Kış 2021), 5-23., 2021

Ottoman Literature before the Nineteenth Century: Main Literary Trends and Tendencies The aim of ... more Ottoman Literature before the Nineteenth Century: Main Literary Trends and Tendencies The aim of this study is to draw a historical outline of Ottoman literature from a holistic perspective. The outline attempts to determine the main trends and tendencies that were observed until the nineteenth century and it draws attention to the literary connections that took form. In this context, it presents a critical evaluation by drawing attention to the benefit of looking at the classifications proposed so far in the history of Ottoman literature from a different perspective than usual. The article, employing a method that follows the general-to-specific order, primarily focuses on the most comprehensive issue, the classification styles of Ottoman literature, and proposes a new classification style. It argues that there exist essentially two categories, namely high culture literature (or Divan literature) and folk literature, and that instead of creating a third category such as mystical (sufi) literature, it might be more appropriate to divide folk literature into two as mystical and non-mystical. It, then, underlines the division of Ottoman literature into historical periods and draws attention to the ambiguity of the nomenclature "classical". It suggests that more lucid distinctions such as pre-classical, classical and post-classical could eliminate this ambiguity, and reminds that the long "post-classical" period that covers the years roughly between 1600 and 1850 should also be divided into sub-periods. The following section, which examines the characteristics of Ottoman literature, focuses on the broader cultural circle and linguistic features. It

Research paper thumbnail of Ottoman Chronogram Poems: Formal, Factual, and Fictional Aspects, by Edith Gülçin Ambros, Otto Spies Memorial Lecture Series, vol. 9

Bibliographic information published by Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothe... more Bibliographic information published by Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available at [http://dnb.ddb.de]. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher or author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review.

Research paper thumbnail of Edith Gülçin Ambros, "16. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Şairi Me'âlî'nin Atasözleriyle Oluşturduğu Şiirde İroni Örnekleri", İskender Pala Armağanı, ed. Nagihan Gür, İstanbul: Kapı Yayınları, s. 173-195.

Research paper thumbnail of "The place of Karamanli Turkish folk songs in the larger field of Turkish folk songs: Stavridis' collection (1896) in comparison with Kúnos' collection (1889)", in Evangelia Balta ed., Following the Traces of Turkish-speaking Christians of Anatolia.

Research paper thumbnail of "On the Value of a Karamanlı Edition of Köroğlu as a Source of Folk Poetry", in Doğumunun 120. Yılında Prof. Dr. Ahmet Caferoğlu Hatıra Kitabı, Fikret Turan and Özcan Tabaklar eds. (Istanbul: ŞenYıldız Yayıncılık, 2019), pp. 171-204.

Research paper thumbnail of Edith Ambros and Gisela Procházka-Eisl, "Sürūrī'nin Muḍḥikāt Gazellerindeki Grotesk Dünya" ("The Grotesque World in Sürūrī's Muḍḥikāt Gazels"), Akademik Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi/Academic Journal of Language and Literature, vol. 3, issue 4 (Dec. 2019), p. 141-163.

Research paper thumbnail of Ambros: So many Medhîs...

Research paper thumbnail of Sempozyum /Symposium 12-13.XII.2018 Ankara: Osmanlı Anadolusu'nda Toplumsal ve Kültürel Yaşam / Social and Cultural Life in Ottoman Anatolia

Research paper thumbnail of The comparison of a Karamanlı edition with a regular Ottoman edition of the folk-tale Köroğlu: morphological and syntactic aspects, in Karamanlidika Legacies, ed. Evangelia Balta, The Isis Press, Istanbul 2018, p. 13-38.

Research paper thumbnail of " 'Cennete Rüşvetle Girilmez': Fuzûlî'nin Eserlerinde Atasözleri", in: "Bu Alâmet ile Bulur Beni Soran", Fuzûlî Kitabı: Fuzûlî Hakkında Seçme Makaleler ve Bibliyografya Denemesi, hazırlayanlar Hanife Koncu - Müjgân Çakır (İstanbul: Kesit Yayınları), 2009, pp. 193-200.

Research paper thumbnail of Author: Edith G. Ambros; Translator: Özer Şenödeyici "Çiçek Dili (Lisân-ı Ezhâr) ve Osmanlı Zenpâreleri" (Title of the original article: The "Language of Flowers" and Ottoman Don Juans (Zenpâres), WZKM, 95 (2005), pp. 19-43; reprinted in Ambros, Life, Love and Laughter...,Istanbul: Isis, 2015.)

ÖZET " Çiçek dili " Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda kullanılan bir şifreli iletişim biçimidir. Birtakım... more ÖZET " Çiçek dili " Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda kullanılan bir şifreli iletişim biçimidir. Birtakım küçük ve taşınabilir nesnelerin, çeşitli gösterilenleri karşıladığı bu iletişim biçiminde, gösterenler alışılagelmiş sembolik anlamları dışında kullanılmışlardır. Makalede, " çiçek dili " hakkında bazı tespitlere yer verilmiş, bu arada kafiyeli Cockney jargonu ile Osmanlı " çiçek dili " arasında bir mukayese yapılmıştır. Yazının sonuna, eski İstanbul çapkınlarına ait olduğu düşünülen bir de metin örneği eklenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: çiçek dili, Osmanlı, kafiyeli Cockney jargonu, zenpare THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS and OTTOMAN DON JUANS (ZENPÂRES) ABSTRACT The "Language of Flowers" is a type of coded communication used in the Ottoman Empire. In this type of communication a number of small portable items correspond to signifieds, but the signifiers are not used in their familiar symbolic sense. In the article, some particulars of the "language of flowers" are defined, and at the same time, a comparison between the Cockney rhyming slang and the Ottoman "language of flowers" is made. At the end of the article there is a sample text thought to belong to the Istanbul zenpâres of former times.

Research paper thumbnail of Geleneksel "ben" ile bireysel "ben" çelişkisi ve Gelibolulu Mustafa Âlî

Research paper thumbnail of Rhapsody in blue (white, red, green...): Colour as the aural and thematic focus of a species of Ottoman lyric poetry

Research paper thumbnail of Osmanlı Divan şairleri 19. yüzyıldan önce anjambman (enjambement) tekniğini kullanmış mıdır? In: Klasik Edebiyatımızın Dili (Bildiriler) Nazım ve Nesir, Ankara (Atatürk Kültür Merkezi) 2017 (özeti ekte / English abstract attached)

Özet: Genel görüş, anjambman tekniğinin Osmanlı şiirine Batı şiirinden Tanzimat’tan sonraki ... more Özet:
Genel görüş, anjambman tekniğinin Osmanlı şiirine Batı şiirinden Tanzimat’tan sonraki dönemde geçtiğidir.
Bu çalışmada anjambman, röje, kontr-röje, merhûn beyit ve merhûn mısra terimleri incelenecektir. Anjambman tekniğinin oldukça az ve kısıtlı şekilde de olsa Tanzimat’tan önceki dönemde de kullanıldığı örneklerle gösterilecektir. Divan şiirinin en başından beri anjambman tekniğinin hangi amaçlarla ve nasıl kullanıldığı yorumlanacaktır. Bunun sonucunda, serbest şekilde kullanılan modern anlamdaki Batı anjambmanı ile kısıtlı şekilde kullanılan klasik Osmanlı anjambmanının aynı tekniğin değişik uygulamaları olduğu görülecektir.

The general opinion is that Ottoman poetry adopted enjambement from Western poetry in the period after the Tanzimat.
In this study the terms enjambement, rejet, contre-rejet, “pawned couplet” and “pawned hemistich” will be studied. It will be shown by means of samples that enjambement was used, albeit rather rarely and restrictedly, in the period before the Tanzimat, too. The aims and ways of using the enjambement technique in Divan poetry from the very beginning will be commented on. As a result, it will be seen that freely used modern Western enjambement and restrictedly used classic Ottoman enjambement are different applications of the same technique.

Research paper thumbnail of Les couleurs dans les noms populaires de plantes en Turquie (Publication des actes de colloques de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Paris)

Les noms populaires dont il sera question dans cette étude sont les noms vernaculaires, puisque c... more Les noms populaires dont il sera question dans cette étude sont les noms vernaculaires, puisque ceux-ci sont les appellations populaires des plantes en langue locale. Dans la mesure où le sujet l'exigera, il sera aussi question de noms vulgaires qui sont soit des traductions de noms scientifiques en langue véhiculaire, soit des termes formés à partir d'un nom vernaculaire largement répandu et qui font donc souvent partie du langage populaire ou familier.

Research paper thumbnail of Dilsel ve Kurgusal Öğelerle Ahlakî Önerilerin Vurgulanmasına XVI. Yüzyıldan Bir Örnek: Mensur Şîr-i Dilîr bâ-Mihr-i Münîr Hikâyesi, In: Klasik Edebiyatımızın Dili (Bildiriler) Nazım ve Nesir, Ankara (Atatürk Kültür Merkezi) 2017 (özeti ekte / English abstract attached)

Özet: Bu çalışma, Osmanlı hikâye ve masallarının etik boyutunun nasıl belirlenebileceği hakkında... more Özet:
Bu çalışma, Osmanlı hikâye ve masallarının etik boyutunun nasıl belirlenebileceği hakkındadır. XVI. yüzyılda yazılmış bir hikâye örnek alınarak içindeki etik motiflerin hangi öğeler tarafından vurgulandığı incelenmiştir. Vurgulayıcı dilsel öğe olarak ad sembolizmi, şekil sembolizmi, mimetik anlatım ile diegetik anlatımın betimsel türü, vurgulayıcı kurgusal öğe olarak ikili karşıtlıklar, beklenmedik etken ve öyküleme düzeni üstünde durulmuştur. Bu vurgulayıcı öğeler vasıtasıyla söz konusu aşk ve macera hikâyesinin didaktik boyutu belirlenmiştir. Aynı öğeler başka tür motifleri de vurgulayabileceklerinden metin incelemesinde belirlenmelerinin önemli bir rol oynadığı kesindir.

This study is on how to determine the ethical dimension of Ottoman stories and fairy tales. A story written in the 16th century has been taken as an example and examined as to what elements emphasize the ethical motifs it contains. We have concentrated on symbolism of name, symbolism of form, mimetic expression and the descriptive type of diegetic expression as linguistic elements of emphasis, on binary oppositions, the unexpected factor and thematic order as fictional elements of emphasis. The didactic dimension of the love and adventure story in question has been determined by means of these emphasizing elements. As the same elements can emphasize other types of motifs, it is certain that determining them plays an important role in the study of texts.

Research paper thumbnail of How secluded was the Ottoman woman in public pleasure-grounds? (refers to the 19th century)

Research paper thumbnail of How secluded was the Ottoman woman in public? (end of the 15th - beg. of the 19th century)

Research paper thumbnail of "The Other" (non-Ottoman, non-Muslim) in Ottoman literary humour

Research paper thumbnail of Some Comments on the Lyric Quality of Ottoman Poetry of the 15th and 16th Centuries

Planned publication date as enlarged article: 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Şaire Özgünlük Hakkı Tanımak: Firdevsî-yi Rûmî ve Kutbnâme'si

Research paper thumbnail of Gazelin yapı ve içerik bakımından Sone ile karşılaştırılması sonucunda belirginleşen bazı özellikleri

Research paper thumbnail of Frivolity and Flirtation, Chapter 6 in: Ottoman Women in Public Space, edited by Ebru Boyar and Kate Fleet (Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV), 2016, pp. 150-186. http://www.brill.com/products/book/ottoman-women-public-space

Research paper thumbnail of Gallipoli 1915: Comparing the Dialectal Reminiscences of Turkish Soldiers with the Personal Diary of an ANZAC Soldier (book chapter based on the paper I read at the Symposium "Social and Cultural Life in Ottoman Anatolia",  Ankara 12-13.XII.2018).

forthcoming, 2020

In this study, some dialectal Turkish reminiscences of World War I, and especially of the 1915-19... more In this study, some dialectal Turkish reminiscences of World War I, and especially of the 1915-1916 Gallipoli War, will be compared with the detailed personal war diary of the ANZAC soldier Archie Barwick. Reminiscences and letters of some other ANZAC soldiers will complement this comparison. There are differences in genre (reminiscences versus diary), scope (very short versus long [the whole Barwick diary comprises 16 notebooks]), language (Turkish dialects versus standard English written by a Tasmanian), and style (colloquial speech versus relatively literary diction) between the compared Turkish and English samples. However, a degree of social/military homogeneity was obtained by including only memories of soldiers who joined the war as privates. Comparative information will be presented about the Turkish and ANZAC soldiers' awareness of the course of the war, their intention in joining the war, understanding of duty, national pride, concept of friendship, and relations with the enemy.