Klaus Neundlinger | University of Vienna (original) (raw)
Books by Klaus Neundlinger
»Virtual Skills Lab«-Transdisziplinäres Forschen zur Vermittlung sozialer Kompetenzen im digitale... more »Virtual Skills Lab«-Transdisziplinäres Forschen zur Vermittlung sozialer Kompetenzen im digitalen Wandel Digitale Gesellschaft Band 58 Klaus Neundlinger (Dr. phil.) leitet die Forschung des »institute for cultural excellence«. Er ist Philosoph und beschäftigt sich mit den Themen Arbeit und Organisation. Elisabeth Frankus (Dr. phil.) ist Soziologin und Bildungswissenschaftlerin. Seit 2015 arbeitet sie als Senior Researcher in der Forschungsgruppe »Wissenschaft, Technologie und Soziale Transformation« am Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS) in Wien. Ines Häufler studierte Kommunikationswissenschaften und ist als Autorin tätig. Daneben arbeitete sie als Regieassistentin, Dramaturgin sowie Storytellingberaterin. Thomas Layer-Wagner beschäftigt sich mit Interaktionsdesign. Neben einer Lehr-und Forschungstätigkeit an der Fachhochschule Salzburg hat er 2014 das EdTech-Unternehmen Polycular gegründet. Dieses ist auf das Design von spielerischen Lernumgebungen in Virtual und Augmented Reality für Unternehmen und öffentliche Institutionen spezialisiert. Simone Kriglstein (DI, Dr. tech.) ist Associate Professorin an der Masaryk-Universität und Wissenschaftlerin am Austrian Institute of Technology. Sie ist spezialisiert auf die Gestaltung und Evaluierung von Benutzerschnittstellen und Interaktionsmethoden in verschiedenen Bereichen, darunter auch Games, wofür sie mehrere Preise erhielt. Seit Juli 2022 ist sie ACM SIGCHI Vizepräsidentin für Mitgliedschaft und Kommunikation. Beate Schrank (PhD, MSc.) ist Fachärztin für Psychiatrie und Forscherin mit Schwerpunkt auf den sozialen Determinanten psychischer Gesundheit. Sie leitet das Forschungszentrum für Transitionspsychiatrie an der Karl Landsteiner Universität für Gesundheitswissenschaften.
Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über http:/ /... more Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über http:/ /dnb.ddb.de abrufbar.
Papers by Klaus Neundlinger
Conference Proceedings of the STS Graz Conference 2021, 2021
Nowadays, the ability to take initiative and to assert oneself, but also to care for others and s... more Nowadays, the ability to take initiative and to assert oneself, but also to care for others and show empathy, are considered as essential requirements in many professional settings. Those abilities have become part of the professional identity of many team leaders or department heads, as well as of collaborators in organizations with less hierarchical structures. Like other specialized skills, they are object of training and upskilling measures. As the approach to professional training has been changing significantly, more and more offers for experience-based, interactive and playful forms of training have been created. Recent years have seen an increase in the use of interactive training applications based on virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for developing social skills, such as public speaking, interpersonal communication abilities and so on. Considering that social and interactive skills are seen as distinctive human traits, the AI-powered digital space may constitute a borderland in which human and machine learning processes intertwine. Still, whereas machine learning processes function exclusively on the basis of pattern recognition, human learning and interaction is characterized by an openness that includes breaches, failures, external appraisal, critical reflection, and other forms of transformation. Using the case of an interactive VR environment for the training of social skills, we outline a new theoretical approach for mapping the borderland between human and machine learning processes in the field of social skills training. We discuss the case within the framework of Gabriel Tarde's concepts of invention, imitation and desire.
Medienimpulse, 2021
Virtual Reality (VR) wurde vor einigen Jahren als Empathiemaschine beschrieben. Empirische Studie... more Virtual Reality (VR) wurde vor einigen Jahren als Empathiemaschine beschrieben. Empirische Studien scheinen zu belegen, dass diese neue Technologie als Medium Empathie fördern kann. Dieser Artikel gibt einen Überblick über die entsprechenden Studien und untersucht, welche Rolle der Empathie als Kompetenz im beruflichen Feld zukommt und wie diese mittels VR-Anwendungen trainiert werden kann. Ausgehend von einem phänomenologischen Begriff von Empathie werden die didaktischen Vorstellungen kritisch untersucht, die existierenden Anwendungen zugrunde liegen. Virtual Reality (VR) has recently been described as empathy machine. Empirical studies seem to provide evidence for the assumption that this new technology as a medium can enhance empathetic cognition and behavior. Based on a review of these studies, this article investigates the role ascribed to empathy as a skill in professional fields and how this skill can be trained via Virtual Reality applications. Based on a phenomenological concept of
European Journal of Industrial Relations
The paper addresses the endurance of sector collective bargaining despite many announcements of i... more The paper addresses the endurance of sector collective bargaining despite many announcements of its demise. Bourdieusian social theory is used to interpret collective bargaining as a dominated social field that is distinct and relatively autonomous from other economic, political and transnational fields. Empirically, we trace the trajectories of German and Italian metal sector’s collective bargaining fields. In Germany, field agents contributed to a continuing erosion of collective bargaining, regional differentiation of membership strategies, and a reorientation of dominated employers’ associations towards their members. In Italy, some field agents resisted supranational and national liberalization demands and contributed to the adaptation and innovation of bargaining practices and hence, to the preliminary re-stabilization and re-balancing of collective bargaining between industry and company level.
International Journal of Work Innovation, 2015
In this theoretical essay, speech acts such as promises, commitments, claims and critical apprais... more In this theoretical essay, speech acts such as promises, commitments, claims and critical appraisals are conceived of as forms of interacting that create immaterial common goods. The immaterial common good produced by speech acts can take over the function to determine what responsibility means on various levels, within projects, between and beyond departments. Forms of institutional reflexivity like peer groups and cross-departmental knowledge exchange are apt to extend the management's perspective. This applies particularly to the role of project management. An intense relationship with the customers allows project managers to challenge a corporation's business strategies and to contribute to the preparation of a shift in core business. Hence, it is of major importance to process the knowledge acquired in the projects for strategic purposes.
Proceedings of the 6th International OFEL conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship, 2018
Based on the qualitative analysis of expert interviews with IT managers in German speaking countr... more Based on the qualitative analysis of expert interviews with IT managers in German speaking countries, and drawing from our own experience with organisational development processes, the paper analyses the balance between the service function of IT and its disruptive impact. Evidence from interviews and development processes suggests that within the organisational field the CIO can function as the starting point for the evolution and diffusion of social skills. According to field theory, social skills are sense-making competences that shape strategic action. Thus, the CIO must balance the necessity of taking over a challenger's position within the organisation's core business field and promoting strategic change in the digital area, with the necessity of contributing to the development of the organisation's social capital, i.e. the enhancing of cooperation, knowledge exchange and innovation. Track: Management
Proceedings of the 7th International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship, 2019
This paper introduces the concept of "interface of complexity" as a source of creating and dealin... more This paper introduces the concept of "interface of complexity" as a source of creating and dealing with possible participatory approaches to organisational development. Based on an actor-network-theory approach, we conceive of interfaces as complex events, situations and transitions in a technical as well as in a non-technical sense. The latter are thought of as process or interaction interfaces between persons, departments and different echelons. Both types of interfaces cause ambiguity, conflicts or problems of translation and by that they challenge established practices, prompting novel ways of rethinking or redesigning organisational processes. We conceive of spaces of participation not so much as innovation hubs or similar structures that are deliberately founded to foster innovative approaches and solutions. Rather, they are exploration processes generated by interfaces of complexity between different actors or units. Based on the qualitative content analysis of a series of expert interviews with IT and process managers, we reconstruct the measures, taken by managers and their teams, to cope with the ambiguity and irritations originating from interfaces of complexity. By transforming those interfaces into practices that open up spaces for common exploration processes of problem solving, participatory approaches can be shown to be a major steppingstone for organisational development.
Kulturelemente - Zeitschrift für aktuelle Fragen Nr. 122
Aus welchen Gründen auch immer halten unsere Gesellschaften an der Erwerbsarbeit als einer zentra... more Aus welchen Gründen auch immer halten unsere Gesellschaften an der Erwerbsarbeit als einer zentralen Legitimationsquelle der Strukturierung von Lebensformen und den damit verbundenen Strukturen fest. In mancher Hinsicht scheint sie sich verflüchtigt zu haben. Einerseits sind wir heute weiter denn je von der „Vollbeschäftigung“ entfernt. Das eigentlich Bedenkliche dabei ist, dass sich die Politik noch immer an jene Ausnahmesituation zu klammern scheint, die es nur für einen kurzen Zeitraum in der Nachkriegszeit gegeben hat. Darüber hinaus sind die Bilder, die Arbeit heutzutage wachrufen, nicht mehr verbunden mit körperlicher Anstrengung. Diese Arbeit haben wir zu einem Gutteil ausgelagert, aus unseren Regionen genauso wie aus unserem Imaginären. Auch die Schwere der Industrieanlagen wurde ersetzt durch das Bild vollautomatisierter, technologisch hochgerüsteter Produktionsräume. Als ich etwa vor einem Jahr ein Motorenwerk eines der führenden deutschen Automobilhersteller betrat, konnte ich tatsächlich kaum noch Arbeiter erspähen zwischen den hängenden mobilen Zügen und anderen Transportbehältern, die die einzelnen Maschinenteile je nach Kundenwunsch zusammensetzen. Produktion ist mittlerweile eine ausgeklügelte, informationstechnologiebasierte logistische Leistung. Jegliche Schwere, jegliche Zumutung von Schmutz und Schweiß scheint hier verdrängt, zugunsten einer Performance, die die Illusion erzeugt, die Produktion selbst habe keinen anderen Zweck als die Materialisierung des Kundenwunsches vor dessen Augen.
Our theoretical paper focuses on trust as a fundamental social practice for the changing of an or... more Our theoretical paper focuses on trust as a fundamental social practice for the changing of an organization's culture. The empirical basis of our reflections is an organizational development process carried out on behalf of a banking institute. Due to a longstanding misguided engagement on the financial markets, the institute risked insolvency and was sold to a hedge fund. By re-boosting the retail business as the institute's core activity, the new owners achieved an economic recovery. Still, the new executive board has not yet successfully re-established trust as a pillar of organisational culture and necessary precondition for the acceptance of strategic change. The aim of our intervention was to transform a problem that initially was represented as a task of change communication into a process apt to resolve the underlying collective action dilemmas. The problem of changing organizational identity was addressed by establishing collective action modes and actornetworks that are "enacted" as exemplary figures of trust. By spreading their trust-based culture across the organisation, these actor-networks contribute to the re-building of organisational identity.
Our theoretical paper focuses on trust as a fundamental social practice for the changing of an or... more Our theoretical paper focuses on trust as a fundamental social practice for the changing of an organization’s culture. The empirical basis of our reflections is an organizational development process carried out on behalf of a banking institute. Due to a longstanding misguided engagement on the financial markets, the institute risked insolvency and was sold to a hedge fund. By re-boosting the retail business as the institute’s core activity, the new owners achieved an economic recovery. Still, the new executive board has not yet successfully re-established trust as a pillar of organisational culture and necessary precondition for the acceptance of strategic change. The aim of our intervention was to transform a problem that initially was represented as a task of change communication into a process apt to resolve the underlying collective action dilemmas. The problem of changing organizational identity was addressed by establishing collective action modes and actor- networks that are “enacted” as exemplary figures of trust. By spreading their trust-based culture across the organisation, these actor-networks contribute to the re-building of organisational identity.
Like any other academic discourse, the coining of the term of "critical management studies" (CMS)... more Like any other academic discourse, the coining of the term of "critical management studies" (CMS) can be understood as a fundamental rhetoric operation. By this operation, besides the inventing of a concept, a variety of practices begins to form a community. According to Chaim Perelman and Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca, 1 any discursive intervention contributes to the development of an audience, ranging from specialised, particular types of community to the universal community of human beings. The community generated by the label of CMS assembles a rather diversified group of researchers and practitioners that claims to "be different" or to "make a difference". It is an academic community of practice that intends to treat issues associated with the term "management" in a different way.
International Journal of Work Innovation, Oct 2015
In this theoretical essay, speech acts such as promises, commitments, claims and critical apprais... more In this theoretical essay, speech acts such as promises, commitments, claims and critical appraisals are conceived of as forms of interacting that create immaterial common goods. The immaterial common good produced by speech acts can take over the function to determine what responsibility means on various levels, within projects, between and beyond departments. Forms of institutional reflexivity like peer groups and cross-departmental knowledge exchange are apt to extend the management’s perspective. This applies particularly for the role of project management. An intense relationship with the customers allows project managers to challenge a corporation’s business strategies and to contribute to the preparation of a shift in core business. Hence, it is of major importance to process the knowledge acquired in the projects for strategic purposes.
The paper presents theoretical reflections arising from consulting processes accomplished by our ... more The paper presents theoretical reflections arising from consulting processes accomplished by our institute. In these processes, consultants specialised in project management, by accompanying the building up of project management offices in different corporations, succeeded in changing management's perspective on organisational and strategic development. Initially, the offices were introduced as executive departments serving to coordinate and standardise processes and structures regarding the implementation of projects. Yet, based on insights deriving from social capital theory, actor-network-theory, knowledge and socioeconomics, the consultants proposed to extend the office's services to other areas like the management of performance indicators and transparency, communication and stakeholder management, education and training, management of critical and exceptional situations, operative support, knowledge transfer, risk and quality management. The process was embedded in a series of encounters, seminars and peer-topeer training forms that enhanced the exchange between the single project managers. The organisation attained a strengthening of group cohesion, the establishing of forms of common reflection and mutual commitments, i.e. an enhancement of the organisation's bonding and linking social capital. In addition, the building up of a project management office allowed for new ways of processing the knowledge originated by project managers via the contact with customers, enhancing by that the organisation's bridging capital. The paper analyses the impact of relational dynamics on the effectiveness of organisations in implementing their business goals.
Gesichter der Gewalt. Beiträge aus phänomenologischer Sicht, 2014
Mies van der Rohe, Richter, Graeff & Co. Alltag und Design in der Avantgardezeitschrift G, 2014
Inventionen 2, 2012
Die biblische #Erzählung vom Auszug des Volkes Israel aus Ägypten ist eines der historisch einflu... more Die biblische #Erzählung vom Auszug des Volkes Israel aus Ägypten ist eines der historisch einflussreichsten Beispiele für die Darstellung der Hintergründe und vor allem der Dynamik eines kollektiven #Befreiungs-und Aufbruchsprozesses. Erscheint es aber deshalb als lohnenswert, sich aus der Sicht hypermoderner, poststrukturalistischer Theorie noch einmal mit dieser alten, archaischen #Geschichte zu beschäftigen? Vor allem scheint es problematisch, sich einer #Erzählung zuzuwenden, die sich mit #theologischen und religiösen Fragen beschäftigt, die von der #Offenbarung eines #Gottes erzählt, von der Identitätsfindung eines #Volkes. Wie sollte man im poststrukturalistischen Kontext so etwas wie Transzendenz abhandeln? Wie sollen wir auf theoretischer Ebene mit einer #Wahrheit umgehen, die sich die Menschen nicht selbst erarbeitet, konstruiert haben, indem sie alle überlieferten Formen der Wahrheitsfindung in Frage gestellt haben, sondern die vom Eingreifen eines #transzendenten, jenseits möglicher Erfahrung liegenden Wesens handelt? Mit einer Überlieferung, die uns mit #Unterwerfung unter göttliche Gesetze, mit männlichen Führungsfiguren, archaischen Riten und Gewaltexzessen konfrontiert?
»Virtual Skills Lab«-Transdisziplinäres Forschen zur Vermittlung sozialer Kompetenzen im digitale... more »Virtual Skills Lab«-Transdisziplinäres Forschen zur Vermittlung sozialer Kompetenzen im digitalen Wandel Digitale Gesellschaft Band 58 Klaus Neundlinger (Dr. phil.) leitet die Forschung des »institute for cultural excellence«. Er ist Philosoph und beschäftigt sich mit den Themen Arbeit und Organisation. Elisabeth Frankus (Dr. phil.) ist Soziologin und Bildungswissenschaftlerin. Seit 2015 arbeitet sie als Senior Researcher in der Forschungsgruppe »Wissenschaft, Technologie und Soziale Transformation« am Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS) in Wien. Ines Häufler studierte Kommunikationswissenschaften und ist als Autorin tätig. Daneben arbeitete sie als Regieassistentin, Dramaturgin sowie Storytellingberaterin. Thomas Layer-Wagner beschäftigt sich mit Interaktionsdesign. Neben einer Lehr-und Forschungstätigkeit an der Fachhochschule Salzburg hat er 2014 das EdTech-Unternehmen Polycular gegründet. Dieses ist auf das Design von spielerischen Lernumgebungen in Virtual und Augmented Reality für Unternehmen und öffentliche Institutionen spezialisiert. Simone Kriglstein (DI, Dr. tech.) ist Associate Professorin an der Masaryk-Universität und Wissenschaftlerin am Austrian Institute of Technology. Sie ist spezialisiert auf die Gestaltung und Evaluierung von Benutzerschnittstellen und Interaktionsmethoden in verschiedenen Bereichen, darunter auch Games, wofür sie mehrere Preise erhielt. Seit Juli 2022 ist sie ACM SIGCHI Vizepräsidentin für Mitgliedschaft und Kommunikation. Beate Schrank (PhD, MSc.) ist Fachärztin für Psychiatrie und Forscherin mit Schwerpunkt auf den sozialen Determinanten psychischer Gesundheit. Sie leitet das Forschungszentrum für Transitionspsychiatrie an der Karl Landsteiner Universität für Gesundheitswissenschaften.
Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über http:/ /... more Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über http:/ /dnb.ddb.de abrufbar.
Conference Proceedings of the STS Graz Conference 2021, 2021
Nowadays, the ability to take initiative and to assert oneself, but also to care for others and s... more Nowadays, the ability to take initiative and to assert oneself, but also to care for others and show empathy, are considered as essential requirements in many professional settings. Those abilities have become part of the professional identity of many team leaders or department heads, as well as of collaborators in organizations with less hierarchical structures. Like other specialized skills, they are object of training and upskilling measures. As the approach to professional training has been changing significantly, more and more offers for experience-based, interactive and playful forms of training have been created. Recent years have seen an increase in the use of interactive training applications based on virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for developing social skills, such as public speaking, interpersonal communication abilities and so on. Considering that social and interactive skills are seen as distinctive human traits, the AI-powered digital space may constitute a borderland in which human and machine learning processes intertwine. Still, whereas machine learning processes function exclusively on the basis of pattern recognition, human learning and interaction is characterized by an openness that includes breaches, failures, external appraisal, critical reflection, and other forms of transformation. Using the case of an interactive VR environment for the training of social skills, we outline a new theoretical approach for mapping the borderland between human and machine learning processes in the field of social skills training. We discuss the case within the framework of Gabriel Tarde's concepts of invention, imitation and desire.
Medienimpulse, 2021
Virtual Reality (VR) wurde vor einigen Jahren als Empathiemaschine beschrieben. Empirische Studie... more Virtual Reality (VR) wurde vor einigen Jahren als Empathiemaschine beschrieben. Empirische Studien scheinen zu belegen, dass diese neue Technologie als Medium Empathie fördern kann. Dieser Artikel gibt einen Überblick über die entsprechenden Studien und untersucht, welche Rolle der Empathie als Kompetenz im beruflichen Feld zukommt und wie diese mittels VR-Anwendungen trainiert werden kann. Ausgehend von einem phänomenologischen Begriff von Empathie werden die didaktischen Vorstellungen kritisch untersucht, die existierenden Anwendungen zugrunde liegen. Virtual Reality (VR) has recently been described as empathy machine. Empirical studies seem to provide evidence for the assumption that this new technology as a medium can enhance empathetic cognition and behavior. Based on a review of these studies, this article investigates the role ascribed to empathy as a skill in professional fields and how this skill can be trained via Virtual Reality applications. Based on a phenomenological concept of
European Journal of Industrial Relations
The paper addresses the endurance of sector collective bargaining despite many announcements of i... more The paper addresses the endurance of sector collective bargaining despite many announcements of its demise. Bourdieusian social theory is used to interpret collective bargaining as a dominated social field that is distinct and relatively autonomous from other economic, political and transnational fields. Empirically, we trace the trajectories of German and Italian metal sector’s collective bargaining fields. In Germany, field agents contributed to a continuing erosion of collective bargaining, regional differentiation of membership strategies, and a reorientation of dominated employers’ associations towards their members. In Italy, some field agents resisted supranational and national liberalization demands and contributed to the adaptation and innovation of bargaining practices and hence, to the preliminary re-stabilization and re-balancing of collective bargaining between industry and company level.
International Journal of Work Innovation, 2015
In this theoretical essay, speech acts such as promises, commitments, claims and critical apprais... more In this theoretical essay, speech acts such as promises, commitments, claims and critical appraisals are conceived of as forms of interacting that create immaterial common goods. The immaterial common good produced by speech acts can take over the function to determine what responsibility means on various levels, within projects, between and beyond departments. Forms of institutional reflexivity like peer groups and cross-departmental knowledge exchange are apt to extend the management's perspective. This applies particularly to the role of project management. An intense relationship with the customers allows project managers to challenge a corporation's business strategies and to contribute to the preparation of a shift in core business. Hence, it is of major importance to process the knowledge acquired in the projects for strategic purposes.
Proceedings of the 6th International OFEL conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship, 2018
Based on the qualitative analysis of expert interviews with IT managers in German speaking countr... more Based on the qualitative analysis of expert interviews with IT managers in German speaking countries, and drawing from our own experience with organisational development processes, the paper analyses the balance between the service function of IT and its disruptive impact. Evidence from interviews and development processes suggests that within the organisational field the CIO can function as the starting point for the evolution and diffusion of social skills. According to field theory, social skills are sense-making competences that shape strategic action. Thus, the CIO must balance the necessity of taking over a challenger's position within the organisation's core business field and promoting strategic change in the digital area, with the necessity of contributing to the development of the organisation's social capital, i.e. the enhancing of cooperation, knowledge exchange and innovation. Track: Management
Proceedings of the 7th International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship, 2019
This paper introduces the concept of "interface of complexity" as a source of creating and dealin... more This paper introduces the concept of "interface of complexity" as a source of creating and dealing with possible participatory approaches to organisational development. Based on an actor-network-theory approach, we conceive of interfaces as complex events, situations and transitions in a technical as well as in a non-technical sense. The latter are thought of as process or interaction interfaces between persons, departments and different echelons. Both types of interfaces cause ambiguity, conflicts or problems of translation and by that they challenge established practices, prompting novel ways of rethinking or redesigning organisational processes. We conceive of spaces of participation not so much as innovation hubs or similar structures that are deliberately founded to foster innovative approaches and solutions. Rather, they are exploration processes generated by interfaces of complexity between different actors or units. Based on the qualitative content analysis of a series of expert interviews with IT and process managers, we reconstruct the measures, taken by managers and their teams, to cope with the ambiguity and irritations originating from interfaces of complexity. By transforming those interfaces into practices that open up spaces for common exploration processes of problem solving, participatory approaches can be shown to be a major steppingstone for organisational development.
Kulturelemente - Zeitschrift für aktuelle Fragen Nr. 122
Aus welchen Gründen auch immer halten unsere Gesellschaften an der Erwerbsarbeit als einer zentra... more Aus welchen Gründen auch immer halten unsere Gesellschaften an der Erwerbsarbeit als einer zentralen Legitimationsquelle der Strukturierung von Lebensformen und den damit verbundenen Strukturen fest. In mancher Hinsicht scheint sie sich verflüchtigt zu haben. Einerseits sind wir heute weiter denn je von der „Vollbeschäftigung“ entfernt. Das eigentlich Bedenkliche dabei ist, dass sich die Politik noch immer an jene Ausnahmesituation zu klammern scheint, die es nur für einen kurzen Zeitraum in der Nachkriegszeit gegeben hat. Darüber hinaus sind die Bilder, die Arbeit heutzutage wachrufen, nicht mehr verbunden mit körperlicher Anstrengung. Diese Arbeit haben wir zu einem Gutteil ausgelagert, aus unseren Regionen genauso wie aus unserem Imaginären. Auch die Schwere der Industrieanlagen wurde ersetzt durch das Bild vollautomatisierter, technologisch hochgerüsteter Produktionsräume. Als ich etwa vor einem Jahr ein Motorenwerk eines der führenden deutschen Automobilhersteller betrat, konnte ich tatsächlich kaum noch Arbeiter erspähen zwischen den hängenden mobilen Zügen und anderen Transportbehältern, die die einzelnen Maschinenteile je nach Kundenwunsch zusammensetzen. Produktion ist mittlerweile eine ausgeklügelte, informationstechnologiebasierte logistische Leistung. Jegliche Schwere, jegliche Zumutung von Schmutz und Schweiß scheint hier verdrängt, zugunsten einer Performance, die die Illusion erzeugt, die Produktion selbst habe keinen anderen Zweck als die Materialisierung des Kundenwunsches vor dessen Augen.
Our theoretical paper focuses on trust as a fundamental social practice for the changing of an or... more Our theoretical paper focuses on trust as a fundamental social practice for the changing of an organization's culture. The empirical basis of our reflections is an organizational development process carried out on behalf of a banking institute. Due to a longstanding misguided engagement on the financial markets, the institute risked insolvency and was sold to a hedge fund. By re-boosting the retail business as the institute's core activity, the new owners achieved an economic recovery. Still, the new executive board has not yet successfully re-established trust as a pillar of organisational culture and necessary precondition for the acceptance of strategic change. The aim of our intervention was to transform a problem that initially was represented as a task of change communication into a process apt to resolve the underlying collective action dilemmas. The problem of changing organizational identity was addressed by establishing collective action modes and actornetworks that are "enacted" as exemplary figures of trust. By spreading their trust-based culture across the organisation, these actor-networks contribute to the re-building of organisational identity.
Our theoretical paper focuses on trust as a fundamental social practice for the changing of an or... more Our theoretical paper focuses on trust as a fundamental social practice for the changing of an organization’s culture. The empirical basis of our reflections is an organizational development process carried out on behalf of a banking institute. Due to a longstanding misguided engagement on the financial markets, the institute risked insolvency and was sold to a hedge fund. By re-boosting the retail business as the institute’s core activity, the new owners achieved an economic recovery. Still, the new executive board has not yet successfully re-established trust as a pillar of organisational culture and necessary precondition for the acceptance of strategic change. The aim of our intervention was to transform a problem that initially was represented as a task of change communication into a process apt to resolve the underlying collective action dilemmas. The problem of changing organizational identity was addressed by establishing collective action modes and actor- networks that are “enacted” as exemplary figures of trust. By spreading their trust-based culture across the organisation, these actor-networks contribute to the re-building of organisational identity.
Like any other academic discourse, the coining of the term of "critical management studies" (CMS)... more Like any other academic discourse, the coining of the term of "critical management studies" (CMS) can be understood as a fundamental rhetoric operation. By this operation, besides the inventing of a concept, a variety of practices begins to form a community. According to Chaim Perelman and Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca, 1 any discursive intervention contributes to the development of an audience, ranging from specialised, particular types of community to the universal community of human beings. The community generated by the label of CMS assembles a rather diversified group of researchers and practitioners that claims to "be different" or to "make a difference". It is an academic community of practice that intends to treat issues associated with the term "management" in a different way.
International Journal of Work Innovation, Oct 2015
In this theoretical essay, speech acts such as promises, commitments, claims and critical apprais... more In this theoretical essay, speech acts such as promises, commitments, claims and critical appraisals are conceived of as forms of interacting that create immaterial common goods. The immaterial common good produced by speech acts can take over the function to determine what responsibility means on various levels, within projects, between and beyond departments. Forms of institutional reflexivity like peer groups and cross-departmental knowledge exchange are apt to extend the management’s perspective. This applies particularly for the role of project management. An intense relationship with the customers allows project managers to challenge a corporation’s business strategies and to contribute to the preparation of a shift in core business. Hence, it is of major importance to process the knowledge acquired in the projects for strategic purposes.
The paper presents theoretical reflections arising from consulting processes accomplished by our ... more The paper presents theoretical reflections arising from consulting processes accomplished by our institute. In these processes, consultants specialised in project management, by accompanying the building up of project management offices in different corporations, succeeded in changing management's perspective on organisational and strategic development. Initially, the offices were introduced as executive departments serving to coordinate and standardise processes and structures regarding the implementation of projects. Yet, based on insights deriving from social capital theory, actor-network-theory, knowledge and socioeconomics, the consultants proposed to extend the office's services to other areas like the management of performance indicators and transparency, communication and stakeholder management, education and training, management of critical and exceptional situations, operative support, knowledge transfer, risk and quality management. The process was embedded in a series of encounters, seminars and peer-topeer training forms that enhanced the exchange between the single project managers. The organisation attained a strengthening of group cohesion, the establishing of forms of common reflection and mutual commitments, i.e. an enhancement of the organisation's bonding and linking social capital. In addition, the building up of a project management office allowed for new ways of processing the knowledge originated by project managers via the contact with customers, enhancing by that the organisation's bridging capital. The paper analyses the impact of relational dynamics on the effectiveness of organisations in implementing their business goals.
Gesichter der Gewalt. Beiträge aus phänomenologischer Sicht, 2014
Mies van der Rohe, Richter, Graeff & Co. Alltag und Design in der Avantgardezeitschrift G, 2014
Inventionen 2, 2012
Die biblische #Erzählung vom Auszug des Volkes Israel aus Ägypten ist eines der historisch einflu... more Die biblische #Erzählung vom Auszug des Volkes Israel aus Ägypten ist eines der historisch einflussreichsten Beispiele für die Darstellung der Hintergründe und vor allem der Dynamik eines kollektiven #Befreiungs-und Aufbruchsprozesses. Erscheint es aber deshalb als lohnenswert, sich aus der Sicht hypermoderner, poststrukturalistischer Theorie noch einmal mit dieser alten, archaischen #Geschichte zu beschäftigen? Vor allem scheint es problematisch, sich einer #Erzählung zuzuwenden, die sich mit #theologischen und religiösen Fragen beschäftigt, die von der #Offenbarung eines #Gottes erzählt, von der Identitätsfindung eines #Volkes. Wie sollte man im poststrukturalistischen Kontext so etwas wie Transzendenz abhandeln? Wie sollen wir auf theoretischer Ebene mit einer #Wahrheit umgehen, die sich die Menschen nicht selbst erarbeitet, konstruiert haben, indem sie alle überlieferten Formen der Wahrheitsfindung in Frage gestellt haben, sondern die vom Eingreifen eines #transzendenten, jenseits möglicher Erfahrung liegenden Wesens handelt? Mit einer Überlieferung, die uns mit #Unterwerfung unter göttliche Gesetze, mit männlichen Führungsfiguren, archaischen Riten und Gewaltexzessen konfrontiert?
Werner Hochbaum. An den Rändern der Geschichte filmen, 2011
In: Büttner, E. / Schätz, J. (Hg.) (2011) Werner Hochbaum. An den Rändern der Geschichte filmen. ... more In: Büttner, E. / Schätz, J. (Hg.) (2011) Werner Hochbaum. An den Rändern der Geschichte filmen. Wien: Verlag Filmarchiv Austria, S. 281-297.
Wien im Film. Stadtbilder aus 100 Jahren
Zwei „neue Selbständige“, die einander schon lange kennen und zusammen studiert haben, sprechen i... more Zwei „neue Selbständige“, die einander schon lange kennen und zusammen studiert haben, sprechen in einem Lokal miteinander. Sie verfügen aufgrund ihres Studiums über ähnliche Kompetenzen und Interessen, sie haben auch ihren Auslandsaufenthalt am selben Ort verbracht, d. h. sie können sich über viele Dinge ohne große Schwierigkeiten austauschen. Natürlich reden sie immer wieder auch über berufliche Pläne und Projekte. Sie sind als Selbständige zu einem hohen Grad für ihre Arbeit verantwortlich, d.h. sie müssen sich ständig überlegen, was sie machen, wie sie das organisieren, wen sie für die Finanzierung ihrer Projekte ansprechen usw. A erzählt, dass er vorhat, ein Buch zu übersetzen, das er für sehr interessant hält. B beginnt sich dafür zu interessieren, fragt nach, schreibt sich Autor und Titel auf. Seinem Gegenüber A wird der Verlauf des Gespräches immer unangenehmer, er fühlt sich ausspioniert, weil er weiß, dass B für einen Verlag arbeitet. Verärgert steht er auf und wirft B vor, er wolle die Übersetzung dieses Buchs für seinen Verlag an Land ziehen, worauf B, ebenfalls frustriert, dies heftig abstreitet.
Since the outsourcing of the state museums, a process, which began in 2000, economic criteria and... more Since the outsourcing of the state museums, a process,
which began in 2000, economic criteria and considerations
regarding commercial success have gained significance in
the exhibition field and have had an impact on organizational
forms, conditions of production and decision making
processes. At the same time, a critical discourse has emerged
in the 1990s outside the institutions, which, referring to
Governmental Studies, examined in depth power relations
and the processes of commodification, which are a result of
the economization of public institutions. Premised on these
circumstances and perspectives the New Institutionalism was
developed, an approach, which pursues a change of the
structures of institutions from inside.
In economic science a new subject, the Critical Management
Studies (CMS) are currently evolving and becoming a new
field of academic inquiry, that, deriving from Critical Theory,
questions and challenges the authority and significance
of the mainstream of institutional thought and action, thus
challenging dominant systems and proposing new and
alternative developments.
In an interdisciplinary seminar we intended to scrutinise
these developments that are currently taking place in
economics, political theory and the exhibition field, as well
as their connections between and examine its usage within
institutions and society.
Beziehungen werden von uns als Gut eingestuft, das es uns ermöglicht, berufliche und private Ziel... more Beziehungen werden von uns als Gut eingestuft, das es uns ermöglicht, berufliche und private Ziele zu verfolgen und umzusetzen. Insofern stellen sie eine Ressource dar. Doch unterliegen Beziehungen nicht nur der Wahlfreiheit im Sinne eines rationalen Entscheidungsaktes, wie ihn die Ökonomie modelliert. Beziehungen sind nicht nur Mittel zum Zweck, d.h. wir bewerten sie nicht nur hinsichtlich ihres potenziellen oder tatsächlichen Nutzens für uns. Sie sind meist auch mit Verpflichtungen verbunden und stellen oft einen Wert an sich, ein Ziel dar. In der Interaktion mit anderen Menschen machen wir Prozesse des Wachstums und des Lernens durch, die nicht auf Kategorien wie "Vorteil" oder "Gewinn" zurückzuführen sind.
In der Vorlesung soll es darum gehen, menschliche Beziehungen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ökonomie und Moral zu betrachten. Wie weit ist es möglich, in Beziehungen zu geben, ohne etwas zurückzuverlangen, oder handeln wir immer im Sinne der Entsprechung von Geben und Nehmen? Bedeutet die Suche nach "Wechselseitigkeit", dass "jeder auf seine Rechnung" kommt, oder verbergen sich hinter diesem Anspruch moralische Prinzipien? Was bedeutet es, wenn behauptet wird, man kann bzw. soll in Beziehungen investieren? Was versprechen wir uns von Beziehungen, welche Verpflichtungen gehen wir anderen gegenüber ein? Wann erfahren wir Beziehungen als Ermöglichung, wann als Einschränkung von Handlungen? Welcher Aufwand an emotionaler und rationaler Zuwendung ist im Rahmen von Beziehungen gerechtfertigt, und was bedeutet es im ökonomischen und moralischen Sinn, Grenzen zu ziehen?