Martha Keil | University of Vienna (original) (raw)

Papers by Martha Keil

Research paper thumbnail of „Zier und Schmuck der Thora“ – jüdische Ritualobjekte und rituelle Bräuche in mittelalterlichen Quellen aus Wien und Niederösterreich

NÖ Institut für Landeskunde eBooks, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Geschichte der Juden in Österreich (Österreichische Geschichte, hg. v. Herwig Wolfram, Ergänzungsband)

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Research paper thumbnail of Le nom des femmes

Notre système des noms propres, composé d'un nom de famille et d'un prénom, est le fruit ... more Notre système des noms propres, composé d'un nom de famille et d'un prénom, est le fruit d'une longue évolution qui a fait du « nom de famille » le support privilégié de l'identité d'appartenance et souvent un discriminant de l'identité des femmes par rapport aux hommes, ces derniers pouvant seuls transmettre leur nom de famille à leur descendance. L'autre élément du nom propre, à savoir ce que nous appelons le prénom, fut pendant des siècles le seul nom de l'individu, homme ou femme. Or, ce prénom donné à la naissance a pu également signifier la moindre valeur des filles et donner à voir une subordination des femmes. Que font les noms sexués aux personnes ? En quoi peuvent-ils avoir des effets sur la construction sociale du sexe ? Quand et comment les femmes ont-elles contesté notre système onomastique ? Ce numéro de Clio met en lumière les différentes formes de la subordination des femmes révélées par le nom propre, dans les sociétés européennes du ...

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Research paper thumbnail of „Und wenn sie die Heilige Sprache nicht verstehen…“ Versöhnungs- und Bußrituale deutscher Jüdinnen und Juden im Spätmittelalter

Language of Religion - Language of the People, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Hendl, Suessel, Putzlein. Los nombres de las mujeres de las comunidades askenazis (siglos XIV y XV)

Clio. Femmes, Genre, Histoire, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Rezension: Philipp Mettauer: Erzwungene Emigration nach Argentinien. Österreichisch–jüdische Lebensgeschichten (rezensiert von Martha Keil)

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Research paper thumbnail of Rezension: Angela Möschter: Juden im venezianischen Treviso (1389-1509) (rezensiert von Martha Keil)

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Research paper thumbnail of Francia­Recensio 2017/2 Mittelalter-Moyen Âge (500-1500)

We have been here before. »It is worthwhile noting that the hagiography of the Syrian world shows... more We have been here before. »It is worthwhile noting that the hagiography of the Syrian world shows a remarkable degree of involvement on the part of holy men in the resolution of social grievances.« So Peter Brown writes in his most recent book­length discussion of the profound issues raised by wealth, poverty and giving from early Christianity into the Middle Ages. The reference in his text is to the fifth­ century theologian and bishop, Theodoret. But the implicit allusion is to the territory and topic of Brown's first hugely­influential article of 1971, »The rise and function of the holy man in late antiquity«. Ten pages later, Brown directly cites his first monograph, his classic 1967 biography of St Augustine, concerning the »generation of St Paul« active in the eastern Mediterranean in the late 4 th century.

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Research paper thumbnail of What Happened to the ‘New Christians’? The ‘Viennese Geserah’ of 1420/21 and the Forced Baptism of the Jews

The historiographical legacy of Bernhard Blumenkranz, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Mobilität und Sittsamkeit: Jüdische Frauen im Wirtschaftsleben des spätmittelalterlichen Aschkenas

Fragen und Einschätzungen

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Research paper thumbnail of »… und seinem Köcher Anglis«

Aschkenas, 2016

No area of Christian-Jewish co-existence during the medieval Ashkenazi period produced more perso... more No area of Christian-Jewish co-existence during the medieval Ashkenazi period produced more personal contacts than the business sphere. During loan transactions, Jews and Jewesses interacted with Christian men and women from all social classes, from rulers and nobility to townspeople, farmers, craftsmen, and servants. Therefore, German-Hebrew business contracts are not only material cultural goods in their own right, they also serve as media of cultural transfer and as a shared legal, linguistic, and general cultural zone between Jews and Christians in the field of economics and of business practices. This paper not only deals with legal and linguistic topics, but also with the rather hidden and neglected aspects of polemics and humour.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kulicht schmalz und eisen gaffel – Alltag und Repräsentation bei Juden und Christen im Spätmittelalter

Aschkenas, 2004

»Alltag« stellt im Rahmen der historischen Anthropologie und Kulturgeschichte einen vieldeutigen ... more »Alltag« stellt im Rahmen der historischen Anthropologie und Kulturgeschichte einen vieldeutigen und kontroversiell diskutierten Begriff dar. Gerhard Jaritz' sehr offene Definition von Alltag als »repetitivem, habitualisiertem bzw. routiniertem Verhalten«, auch über größere Zeiträume und unabhängig von Stand und Schicht – also nicht etwa nur als »Geschichte der kleinen Leute«, sondern wie im vorliegenden Fall auch der Elite –, gibt mir die methodische Grundlage, meine Hauptquelle für diesen Beitrag, das Buch ›Leket Joscher‹, nach den Fragestellungen Sachkultur und Repräsentation, Realienkunde und Alltagsleben auszuschöpfen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Vom Segen der Geldleihe. Zinsennehmen und Steuerwesen in jüdischen Quellen des spätmittelalterlichen Österreich

Aschkenas, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Gender und Martyrium in hebräischen Erzählungen zum Ersten Kreuzzug 1096

Das Mittelalter, 2016

The pogroms and forced baptisms during the First Crusade were counteracted by the Jewish communit... more The pogroms and forced baptisms during the First Crusade were counteracted by the Jewish communities in the Rhine-area with a religious concept that had already been known from Antiquity but was now put into action excessively: suicide and ritual murder of family members and of other fellow believers al Kiddush ha-Shem – “for the sanctification of the divine name”. Three Hebrew sources describe the events in minute, cruel detail, but Christian chroniclers, too, were appalled – mainly at Jewish mothers who slaughtered their own children rather than relinquishing them to baptism. The active, even leading role of women in these accounts is indeed striking. This paper on the one hand discusses the literary character, the narrative and the religious context of these texts. On the other hand it establishes a relatively strong correlation between masculine and feminine gender attributes, presentations and assessments of women and men. In addition to the aspect of gender, the categories age, marital status and social stratum are relevant. The inclusion of all social groups symbolizes the act of redemption for and by the One God as expressed in martyrdom. The mentioned accounts did not, however, bring about any enduring improvement of women’s religious and social positions: in the religious literature of the following generation already, the ‘slaughteress’, formerly was superior to men in her courage and determination, is transformed into a passive and vulnerable victim.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rezension: Thomas Albrich (Hg.): Jüdisches Leben im historischen Tirol. 2: Von der bayerischen Zeit bis zum Ende der Monarchie 1918 (rezensiert von Martha Keil)

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Research paper thumbnail of Success and Tax Debts : Jewish Women in Late Medieval Austrian Towns

In medieval Austria, the status of the Jews as individuals and as a community was regulated by th... more In medieval Austria, the status of the Jews as individuals and as a community was regulated by the privilege given by Duke Frederick II in 1244, providing the legal basis for their settlement by giving them protection in exchange for their usefulness. In their assigned activity of dealing with money, the Jews were treated very favourably, while being banned from other occupations by the regulations of local lords or by urban guild statutes. Jews (judei) were given business privileges that became models for further freedoms in the Late Middle Ages, for instance in Hungary and in Bohemia. Jewish women (judeae) were not mentioned explicitly in these privileges – apart from the paragraph that deals with the punishment of rape – but we come across Jewish women of different standing as moneylenders from the earliest stages of Jewish settlement in Austria. The rabbis of medieval Austria, where Jews had settled from the end of the twelfth century, took over some of these models from France ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Konfliktlösung im mittelalterlichen Judentum

Konfliktlösung im Mittelalter

Die Kultur des rabbinischen Judentums, die uns in den mittelalterlichen Quellen vor Augen tritt, ... more Die Kultur des rabbinischen Judentums, die uns in den mittelalterlichen Quellen vor Augen tritt, erscheint in hohem Mas als eine von Schriftlichkeit und traditionsgeleiteter Gelehrsamkeit gepragte Rechtskultur. Dieses Bild ist freilich stark von den gelehrten Textproduzenten selbst geschaffen worden – den Mitgliedern der rabbinischen Elite. Gewonnen aus biblischer und spatantik-talmudischer Tradition und deren kontinuierlichen Kommentierung, dient das judische Recht auch in der Diaspora-Situation, in der die Gerichtsautonomie der judischen Gemeinschaft begrenzt ist, als Richtschnur fur den Umgang mit Konflikten. Dies spiegelt sich auch in ausergerichtlichen und schiedsgerichtlichen Konfliktlosungsmodellen wider. Fur die Nutzung der religiosen Ressourcen – etwa der Aussohnungs- und Busrituale am Versohnungstag – war die gemeindliche Offentlichkeit fundamental; fur private Schiedsgerichte dagegen nicht. Bei Konsens der Parteien konnten auch nichtjudische Instanzen angerufen werden. Das Thema verdient noch vertiefende Untersuchungen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hendl, Suessel, Putzlein. Women’s names in Ashkenazi communities (fourteenth-fifteenth centuries)

This article deals with two aspects of naming practices in Jewish Ashkenazi communities in the Mi... more This article deals with two aspects of naming practices in Jewish Ashkenazi communities in the Middle Ages: on one hand, as an identifying feature to signify belonging to a religious group, and on the other in relation to gender and gender assignment. Various specifically gendered legal rules and customs were brought to bear on a child’s name: in the historical sources, Jewish men were identified as much by their “holy” Hebrew name as by their usual first name, and sometimes by a nickname, whereas women were usually identified simply by their everyday first name. According to Jewish law, men were, in their Hebrew name, reproducing their father’s name; matronymics were rarely given and only as an addition to their usual name. Women on the other hand were identified by their husband’s name. As for pet names and nicknames, they were comparable as between girl and boy children.

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Research paper thumbnail of Die jüdische Familie in Geschichte und Gegenwart

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Research paper thumbnail of Hendl, Suessel, Putzlein

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Research paper thumbnail of „Zier und Schmuck der Thora“ – jüdische Ritualobjekte und rituelle Bräuche in mittelalterlichen Quellen aus Wien und Niederösterreich

NÖ Institut für Landeskunde eBooks, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Geschichte der Juden in Österreich (Österreichische Geschichte, hg. v. Herwig Wolfram, Ergänzungsband)

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Research paper thumbnail of Le nom des femmes

Notre système des noms propres, composé d'un nom de famille et d'un prénom, est le fruit ... more Notre système des noms propres, composé d'un nom de famille et d'un prénom, est le fruit d'une longue évolution qui a fait du « nom de famille » le support privilégié de l'identité d'appartenance et souvent un discriminant de l'identité des femmes par rapport aux hommes, ces derniers pouvant seuls transmettre leur nom de famille à leur descendance. L'autre élément du nom propre, à savoir ce que nous appelons le prénom, fut pendant des siècles le seul nom de l'individu, homme ou femme. Or, ce prénom donné à la naissance a pu également signifier la moindre valeur des filles et donner à voir une subordination des femmes. Que font les noms sexués aux personnes ? En quoi peuvent-ils avoir des effets sur la construction sociale du sexe ? Quand et comment les femmes ont-elles contesté notre système onomastique ? Ce numéro de Clio met en lumière les différentes formes de la subordination des femmes révélées par le nom propre, dans les sociétés européennes du ...

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Research paper thumbnail of „Und wenn sie die Heilige Sprache nicht verstehen…“ Versöhnungs- und Bußrituale deutscher Jüdinnen und Juden im Spätmittelalter

Language of Religion - Language of the People, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Hendl, Suessel, Putzlein. Los nombres de las mujeres de las comunidades askenazis (siglos XIV y XV)

Clio. Femmes, Genre, Histoire, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Rezension: Philipp Mettauer: Erzwungene Emigration nach Argentinien. Österreichisch–jüdische Lebensgeschichten (rezensiert von Martha Keil)

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Research paper thumbnail of Rezension: Angela Möschter: Juden im venezianischen Treviso (1389-1509) (rezensiert von Martha Keil)

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Research paper thumbnail of Francia­Recensio 2017/2 Mittelalter-Moyen Âge (500-1500)

We have been here before. »It is worthwhile noting that the hagiography of the Syrian world shows... more We have been here before. »It is worthwhile noting that the hagiography of the Syrian world shows a remarkable degree of involvement on the part of holy men in the resolution of social grievances.« So Peter Brown writes in his most recent book­length discussion of the profound issues raised by wealth, poverty and giving from early Christianity into the Middle Ages. The reference in his text is to the fifth­ century theologian and bishop, Theodoret. But the implicit allusion is to the territory and topic of Brown's first hugely­influential article of 1971, »The rise and function of the holy man in late antiquity«. Ten pages later, Brown directly cites his first monograph, his classic 1967 biography of St Augustine, concerning the »generation of St Paul« active in the eastern Mediterranean in the late 4 th century.

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Research paper thumbnail of What Happened to the ‘New Christians’? The ‘Viennese Geserah’ of 1420/21 and the Forced Baptism of the Jews

The historiographical legacy of Bernhard Blumenkranz, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Mobilität und Sittsamkeit: Jüdische Frauen im Wirtschaftsleben des spätmittelalterlichen Aschkenas

Fragen und Einschätzungen

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Research paper thumbnail of »… und seinem Köcher Anglis«

Aschkenas, 2016

No area of Christian-Jewish co-existence during the medieval Ashkenazi period produced more perso... more No area of Christian-Jewish co-existence during the medieval Ashkenazi period produced more personal contacts than the business sphere. During loan transactions, Jews and Jewesses interacted with Christian men and women from all social classes, from rulers and nobility to townspeople, farmers, craftsmen, and servants. Therefore, German-Hebrew business contracts are not only material cultural goods in their own right, they also serve as media of cultural transfer and as a shared legal, linguistic, and general cultural zone between Jews and Christians in the field of economics and of business practices. This paper not only deals with legal and linguistic topics, but also with the rather hidden and neglected aspects of polemics and humour.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kulicht schmalz und eisen gaffel – Alltag und Repräsentation bei Juden und Christen im Spätmittelalter

Aschkenas, 2004

»Alltag« stellt im Rahmen der historischen Anthropologie und Kulturgeschichte einen vieldeutigen ... more »Alltag« stellt im Rahmen der historischen Anthropologie und Kulturgeschichte einen vieldeutigen und kontroversiell diskutierten Begriff dar. Gerhard Jaritz' sehr offene Definition von Alltag als »repetitivem, habitualisiertem bzw. routiniertem Verhalten«, auch über größere Zeiträume und unabhängig von Stand und Schicht – also nicht etwa nur als »Geschichte der kleinen Leute«, sondern wie im vorliegenden Fall auch der Elite –, gibt mir die methodische Grundlage, meine Hauptquelle für diesen Beitrag, das Buch ›Leket Joscher‹, nach den Fragestellungen Sachkultur und Repräsentation, Realienkunde und Alltagsleben auszuschöpfen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Vom Segen der Geldleihe. Zinsennehmen und Steuerwesen in jüdischen Quellen des spätmittelalterlichen Österreich

Aschkenas, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Gender und Martyrium in hebräischen Erzählungen zum Ersten Kreuzzug 1096

Das Mittelalter, 2016

The pogroms and forced baptisms during the First Crusade were counteracted by the Jewish communit... more The pogroms and forced baptisms during the First Crusade were counteracted by the Jewish communities in the Rhine-area with a religious concept that had already been known from Antiquity but was now put into action excessively: suicide and ritual murder of family members and of other fellow believers al Kiddush ha-Shem – “for the sanctification of the divine name”. Three Hebrew sources describe the events in minute, cruel detail, but Christian chroniclers, too, were appalled – mainly at Jewish mothers who slaughtered their own children rather than relinquishing them to baptism. The active, even leading role of women in these accounts is indeed striking. This paper on the one hand discusses the literary character, the narrative and the religious context of these texts. On the other hand it establishes a relatively strong correlation between masculine and feminine gender attributes, presentations and assessments of women and men. In addition to the aspect of gender, the categories age, marital status and social stratum are relevant. The inclusion of all social groups symbolizes the act of redemption for and by the One God as expressed in martyrdom. The mentioned accounts did not, however, bring about any enduring improvement of women’s religious and social positions: in the religious literature of the following generation already, the ‘slaughteress’, formerly was superior to men in her courage and determination, is transformed into a passive and vulnerable victim.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rezension: Thomas Albrich (Hg.): Jüdisches Leben im historischen Tirol. 2: Von der bayerischen Zeit bis zum Ende der Monarchie 1918 (rezensiert von Martha Keil)

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Research paper thumbnail of Success and Tax Debts : Jewish Women in Late Medieval Austrian Towns

In medieval Austria, the status of the Jews as individuals and as a community was regulated by th... more In medieval Austria, the status of the Jews as individuals and as a community was regulated by the privilege given by Duke Frederick II in 1244, providing the legal basis for their settlement by giving them protection in exchange for their usefulness. In their assigned activity of dealing with money, the Jews were treated very favourably, while being banned from other occupations by the regulations of local lords or by urban guild statutes. Jews (judei) were given business privileges that became models for further freedoms in the Late Middle Ages, for instance in Hungary and in Bohemia. Jewish women (judeae) were not mentioned explicitly in these privileges – apart from the paragraph that deals with the punishment of rape – but we come across Jewish women of different standing as moneylenders from the earliest stages of Jewish settlement in Austria. The rabbis of medieval Austria, where Jews had settled from the end of the twelfth century, took over some of these models from France ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Konfliktlösung im mittelalterlichen Judentum

Konfliktlösung im Mittelalter

Die Kultur des rabbinischen Judentums, die uns in den mittelalterlichen Quellen vor Augen tritt, ... more Die Kultur des rabbinischen Judentums, die uns in den mittelalterlichen Quellen vor Augen tritt, erscheint in hohem Mas als eine von Schriftlichkeit und traditionsgeleiteter Gelehrsamkeit gepragte Rechtskultur. Dieses Bild ist freilich stark von den gelehrten Textproduzenten selbst geschaffen worden – den Mitgliedern der rabbinischen Elite. Gewonnen aus biblischer und spatantik-talmudischer Tradition und deren kontinuierlichen Kommentierung, dient das judische Recht auch in der Diaspora-Situation, in der die Gerichtsautonomie der judischen Gemeinschaft begrenzt ist, als Richtschnur fur den Umgang mit Konflikten. Dies spiegelt sich auch in ausergerichtlichen und schiedsgerichtlichen Konfliktlosungsmodellen wider. Fur die Nutzung der religiosen Ressourcen – etwa der Aussohnungs- und Busrituale am Versohnungstag – war die gemeindliche Offentlichkeit fundamental; fur private Schiedsgerichte dagegen nicht. Bei Konsens der Parteien konnten auch nichtjudische Instanzen angerufen werden. Das Thema verdient noch vertiefende Untersuchungen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hendl, Suessel, Putzlein. Women’s names in Ashkenazi communities (fourteenth-fifteenth centuries)

This article deals with two aspects of naming practices in Jewish Ashkenazi communities in the Mi... more This article deals with two aspects of naming practices in Jewish Ashkenazi communities in the Middle Ages: on one hand, as an identifying feature to signify belonging to a religious group, and on the other in relation to gender and gender assignment. Various specifically gendered legal rules and customs were brought to bear on a child’s name: in the historical sources, Jewish men were identified as much by their “holy” Hebrew name as by their usual first name, and sometimes by a nickname, whereas women were usually identified simply by their everyday first name. According to Jewish law, men were, in their Hebrew name, reproducing their father’s name; matronymics were rarely given and only as an addition to their usual name. Women on the other hand were identified by their husband’s name. As for pet names and nicknames, they were comparable as between girl and boy children.

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Research paper thumbnail of Die jüdische Familie in Geschichte und Gegenwart

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Research paper thumbnail of Hendl, Suessel, Putzlein

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Research paper thumbnail of Q&A on the Vienna Gesera. Four perspectives on the history of the dispossession, expulsion, and murder of the Viennese Jewish community in 1420/21 (Co-Authors: Petr Elbel, Martha Keil, Klaus Lohrmann, Simon Neuberg)

In: Astrid Peterle, Adina Seeger, Domagoj Akrap, Danielle Spera (eds.), Our Medieval City! The First Jewish Community in Vienna, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Online-Workshop „Mit diesem Ring..." Jüdische Hochzeit im Mittelalter

Rahmenprogramm zur Sonderausstellung in der Alten Synagoge Erfurt

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