Stefan Eichert | University of Vienna (original) (raw)
Books by Stefan Eichert
The burial mounds at Bernhardsthal/Föhrenwald were discovered through the analysis of ALS data in... more The burial mounds at Bernhardsthal/Föhrenwald were discovered through the analysis of ALS data in 2011. A total of 41 mounds were visible in the digital model. Two tumuli (burial mounds 14 and 15) in the northwestern part of the cemetery were excavated in two campaigns in 2013 and 2014. The archaeological excavations took place with the aim of generating new data about dating, funerary rites and the construction and inner structure of the mounds. The two grave mounds analysed indicate that burial activity began here as early as the first two-thirds of the 7th century. The Bernhardsthal site is also particularly important because it is the first early medieval burial mound in Austria with a confirmed cremation burial and the oldest burial mound among the Slavs.
The first text by Robert Gramsch, aims to give a short introduction into a relatively new methodo... more The first text by Robert Gramsch, aims to give a short introduction into a relatively new methodological approach to medieval sources - the social network analysis. The author suggests that the investigation of medieval social groups, of the process of their institutionalization and of the formation of their specific group consciousness can obviously benefit greatly from network analytical perspectives and methods. He stresses the fact, that if we consider medieval groups, we have to keep in mind that there is a rather diffuse boundary between informal and institutionalized forms. According to R. Gramsch’s conclusions the network theory can help to close this gap by showing the interrelation between both types and by achieving a better understanding of the circumstances, which lead to the institutionalization of groups. In the second chapter David Kalhous focuses on possibilities of research of the communication mechanisms used by the peripheral society of Bohemians to strengthen its internal integrity, local interpretations of this identity, and integration in the peripheral community through active reception of texts. Dalibor Janiš stresses the role, which played both of the Provincial Courts, Czech and also Moravian in the development of the Estates of the nobility. He draws attention to the fact, that the Provincial Courts of Justice did not only represent the judicial institutions but they were the important political forum for the nobility and as such they played the role of the expression of the collective identity of the Czech and Moravian nobility on the level of law. Przemysław Wiszewski concentrates on the problem of creation of the regional and local identity on the example of the Medieval Silesia and shows that local, regional, or even state identities existed side by side and ready to be activated in the communicative space of medieval Silesian society. Paul Srodecki focuses on the allegorical presentation of one’s own country as an antemurale Christianitatis (“forewall of Christianity”) and demonstrates this phenomenon as one of the crucial motives of self-demarcation of the Latin medieval West. He points to the fact that in Hungary, Poland and Croatia in particular, but also in the Mediterranean area, on the Iberian Peninsula and in the Baltic states, the concepts were developed from the Middle Ages onwards, which stylized these countries and societies as “forewalls/bulwarks of Christianity” – later secularized as “forewalls/bulwarks of Europe”. In the following chapter Stefan Eichert aims to discuss how archaeological research and national consciousness interact with and influence each other by means of a case study from Carinthia, a region in the south of Austria bordering Slovenia. In this context he focuses especially on the connection between modern national consciousness and early medieval ethnic identity respectively the imagination that we have of early medieval people’s identities. The book is concluded by the chapter by Michaela Antonín Malaníková, who explores the potential of social network analysis applied to the medieval urban sources of Brno, focusing on marriage strategies of late medieval power elites as one of the distinctive features of their identity.
Wert(e)wandel. Objekt und kulturelle Praxis in Mittelalter und Neuzeit Beiträge der international... more Wert(e)wandel. Objekt und kulturelle Praxis in Mittelalter und Neuzeit
Beiträge der internationalen Tagung im MAMUZ Mistelbach, 23. bis 26. September 2014
Herausgegeben von Claudia Theune und Stefan Eichert
Papers by Stefan Eichert
Bugfixes and minor changes
Heritage, 2020
In this paper, we present the web-based, open source software OpenAtlas, which uses the Internati... more In this paper, we present the web-based, open source software OpenAtlas, which uses the International Council of Museums’ Conceptual Reference Model (CIDOC CRM), and its possible future potential for the acquisition, analysis and dissemination of a wide range of archaeological and historical data on a landscape basis. To this end, we will first introduce the ongoing research project The Anthropological and Archaeological Database of Sepultures (THANADOS), built upon OpenAtlas, as well as its data model and interactive web interface/presentation frontend. Subsequently, the article will then discuss the possible extension of this database of early medieval cemeteries with regard to the integration of further archaeological structures (e.g., medieval settlements, fortifications, field systems and traffic routes) and other data, such as historical maps, aerial photographs and airborne laser scanning data. Finally, the paper will conclude with the general added value for future research ...
The Country Where My Heart Is, 2017
This chapter aims to discuss how archaeological research and national consciousness interfere and... more This chapter aims to discuss how archaeological research and national consciousness interfere and influence each other by means of a case study from Carinthia, a region in the South of Austria on the border to Slovenia. The first section deals with the theoretical framework and the various levels and layers within national and ethnic identities. In the second section, the emergence of national consciousness in the Austrian province of Carinthia and in Slovenia is discussed with an emphasis on the creation of historical myths. The third section focuses on the interaction of ethnic and national groups in Carinthia mainly in the 20th c. and on the historical myths that influenced their formation, followed by a discussion on the appropriation of archaeological sites and historical artifacts as national symbols in the post-medieval period.
Tento svazek prezentuje vědecke výsledky připadových studii projektu Digitalizace struktur moci, ... more Tento svazek prezentuje vědecke výsledky připadových studii projektu Digitalizace struktur moci, technicke a metodicke postupy softwaroveho inženýrstvi, kartograficke analýzy a analýzu založenou na GIS a vizualizaci datových souborů projektu v siti World Wide Web. Prezentovana připadova studie vychazi z řeseni projektu Frontier, Contact Zone or No Man's Land? The Morava-Thaya Region from the Early to the High Middle Ages
OpenATLAS is an open source database application for the work with archaeological, historical, an... more OpenATLAS is an open source database application for the work with archaeological, historical, and spatial data. As a backend it uses PostgreSQL with PostGIS in a server based version. Alternatively it can use a file based, locally installed backend with Sqlite and Spatialite. The backend fulfills state of the art technical standards and is compatible to nearly all GIS-applications like for example Quantum GIS. Regarding the model of the data it uses classes and properties from the CIDOC-CRM, which provides a high compatibility and sustainability of the recorded information. The graphical frontend aims at being as user friendly as possible and reducing the complexity to an extend necessary. It offers a standardized workflow for data acquisition and tools for managing, filtering, searching and exporting the data. OpenATLAS’ open structure and the object-oriented model furthermore provide the possibility to adapt it to certain individual requirements.
Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt eine Erfassung der fruhmittelalterlichen Strukturen Karantaniens da... more Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt eine Erfassung der fruhmittelalterlichen Strukturen Karantaniens dar. Zu diesem Zweck wurden alle bislang bekannten Grabfunde, Einzelfunde, Kirchenbauten und Siedlungen im Gebiet des heutigen Bundeslands Karnten, fur die aufgrund unterschiedlicher Quellen eine Datierung in die Zeit zwischen dem Ende der Spatantike und dem beginnenden Hochmittelalter angenommen werden konnte, vorgelegt und zunachst einzeln diskutiert. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit folgt aufbauend auf den jeweiligen Einzelergebnissen eine gesammelte Interpretation. Hierbei hat sich gezeigt, dass bereits fur die Ubergangsphase zwischen „romischer“ Spatantike und „slawischem“ Fruhmittelalter trotz Quellenmangels in bestimmten Bereichen durchaus von einer relativ dichten Besiedlung auszugehen ist. Diese knupft zumindest geographisch oft an bestimmte spatantike Zentren an. In der Zeit des slawisch-autonomen Karantaniens zeichnen sich unter anderem in Villach, Spittal sowie um den Ulrichsberg deu...
This paper connects and disentangles three interrelated concepts: citizens' participation; erulem... more This paper connects and disentangles three interrelated concepts: citizens' participation; erulemaking (in a deliberative environment) and effective policymaking at the EU level. We critically evaluate public participation under the revamped 2015 'Better Regulation Agenda' by focusing on the public consultations tool; examining it through the lens of deliberative democratic legitimacy; and assessing its potential to be more deliberative following the legitimacy evaluation framework of Schmidt (2013). The paper employs an innovative theoretical approach, which blends deliberative democracy, e-rulemaking with EU studies insights. Furthermore, it introduces a new legitimacy criterion we call 'functional legitimacy' which refers to an overarching principle and evaluative framework that should govern erulemaking initiatives from their design through implementation and evaluation. We examine the preconditions for e-rulemaking at the EU level on the principles of transparency, inclusiveness and evidence-based policy making.
Na podkladě pramenů historických a archeologických se studie zabýva otazkou historických pocatků ... more Na podkladě pramenů historických a archeologických se studie zabýva otazkou historických pocatků hradu v Mikulově nachazejiciho se na dnesni hranici mezi Rakouskem a Ceskou republikou. Nejnovějsi archeologicke výzkumy odhalily nove poznatky týkajici se vývoje a původu předchůdce kamenneho hradu v Mikulově. To poskytlo přiležitost věnovat se podrobněji take studiu sidelni struktury v nejbližsim okoli tohoto hradu. Jako průvodni studijni material posloužily nalezy ze starsich i nových archeologických výzkumů a jejich vzajemne srovnani. Relikty původniho hradu z nejstarsich kulturnich vrstev – konkretně dřevo-zemni konstrukce s kamennými zaklady – byly na zakladě ziskaných dendrodat datovany do pozdniho 11. stoleti. Tato datace byla podpořena take doprovodnými drobnými nalezy ze souvisejicich kulturnich vrstev, zastoupene předevsim fragmenty keramiky. Relikty nejstarsiho opevněneho sidla v Mikulově jsou soucasně důkazem o pocatcich budovani hranice mezi přemyslovským knižectvim a bavor...
Das Hugelgraberfeld im Bernhardsthal/Fohrenwald wurde durch die Auswertung von LIDAR-Daten (ALS) ... more Das Hugelgraberfeld im Bernhardsthal/Fohrenwald wurde durch die Auswertung von LIDAR-Daten (ALS) im Jahr 2011 entdeckt. Insgesamt waren im digitalen Modell 41 Hugel sichtbar. In den Jahren 2013 und 2014 wurden in zwei Grabungskampagnen zwei Tumuli (Grabhugel 14 und 15) im nordwestlichen Bereich des Hugelgraberfeldes ergraben. Die archaologischen Grabungen sollten neue Informationen uber die Datierung und Bestattungsriten liefern sowie Erkenntnisse uber die Bautechnik und Innenkonstruktion der Aufschuttung erbringen. Die zwei untersuchten Grabhugel lassen vermuten, dass die Bestattungsaktivitaten hier bereits in der ersten Halfte des 7. Jahrhunderts einsetzen. Eine besondere Bedeutung kommt dem Fundort Bernhardsthal auch zu, weil es sich um das erste fruhmittelalterliche Grabhugelfeld mit nachgewiesener Brandbestattung in Osterreich handelt.
The burial mounds at Bernhardsthal/Föhrenwald were discovered through the analysis of ALS data in... more The burial mounds at Bernhardsthal/Föhrenwald were discovered through the analysis of ALS data in 2011. A total of 41 mounds were visible in the digital model. Two tumuli (burial mounds 14 and 15) in the northwestern part of the cemetery were excavated in two campaigns in 2013 and 2014. The archaeological excavations took place with the aim of generating new data about dating, funerary rites and the construction and inner structure of the mounds. The two grave mounds analysed indicate that burial activity began here as early as the first two-thirds of the 7th century. The Bernhardsthal site is also particularly important because it is the first early medieval burial mound in Austria with a confirmed cremation burial and the oldest burial mound among the Slavs.
The first text by Robert Gramsch, aims to give a short introduction into a relatively new methodo... more The first text by Robert Gramsch, aims to give a short introduction into a relatively new methodological approach to medieval sources - the social network analysis. The author suggests that the investigation of medieval social groups, of the process of their institutionalization and of the formation of their specific group consciousness can obviously benefit greatly from network analytical perspectives and methods. He stresses the fact, that if we consider medieval groups, we have to keep in mind that there is a rather diffuse boundary between informal and institutionalized forms. According to R. Gramsch’s conclusions the network theory can help to close this gap by showing the interrelation between both types and by achieving a better understanding of the circumstances, which lead to the institutionalization of groups. In the second chapter David Kalhous focuses on possibilities of research of the communication mechanisms used by the peripheral society of Bohemians to strengthen its internal integrity, local interpretations of this identity, and integration in the peripheral community through active reception of texts. Dalibor Janiš stresses the role, which played both of the Provincial Courts, Czech and also Moravian in the development of the Estates of the nobility. He draws attention to the fact, that the Provincial Courts of Justice did not only represent the judicial institutions but they were the important political forum for the nobility and as such they played the role of the expression of the collective identity of the Czech and Moravian nobility on the level of law. Przemysław Wiszewski concentrates on the problem of creation of the regional and local identity on the example of the Medieval Silesia and shows that local, regional, or even state identities existed side by side and ready to be activated in the communicative space of medieval Silesian society. Paul Srodecki focuses on the allegorical presentation of one’s own country as an antemurale Christianitatis (“forewall of Christianity”) and demonstrates this phenomenon as one of the crucial motives of self-demarcation of the Latin medieval West. He points to the fact that in Hungary, Poland and Croatia in particular, but also in the Mediterranean area, on the Iberian Peninsula and in the Baltic states, the concepts were developed from the Middle Ages onwards, which stylized these countries and societies as “forewalls/bulwarks of Christianity” – later secularized as “forewalls/bulwarks of Europe”. In the following chapter Stefan Eichert aims to discuss how archaeological research and national consciousness interact with and influence each other by means of a case study from Carinthia, a region in the south of Austria bordering Slovenia. In this context he focuses especially on the connection between modern national consciousness and early medieval ethnic identity respectively the imagination that we have of early medieval people’s identities. The book is concluded by the chapter by Michaela Antonín Malaníková, who explores the potential of social network analysis applied to the medieval urban sources of Brno, focusing on marriage strategies of late medieval power elites as one of the distinctive features of their identity.
Wert(e)wandel. Objekt und kulturelle Praxis in Mittelalter und Neuzeit Beiträge der international... more Wert(e)wandel. Objekt und kulturelle Praxis in Mittelalter und Neuzeit
Beiträge der internationalen Tagung im MAMUZ Mistelbach, 23. bis 26. September 2014
Herausgegeben von Claudia Theune und Stefan Eichert
Bugfixes and minor changes
Heritage, 2020
In this paper, we present the web-based, open source software OpenAtlas, which uses the Internati... more In this paper, we present the web-based, open source software OpenAtlas, which uses the International Council of Museums’ Conceptual Reference Model (CIDOC CRM), and its possible future potential for the acquisition, analysis and dissemination of a wide range of archaeological and historical data on a landscape basis. To this end, we will first introduce the ongoing research project The Anthropological and Archaeological Database of Sepultures (THANADOS), built upon OpenAtlas, as well as its data model and interactive web interface/presentation frontend. Subsequently, the article will then discuss the possible extension of this database of early medieval cemeteries with regard to the integration of further archaeological structures (e.g., medieval settlements, fortifications, field systems and traffic routes) and other data, such as historical maps, aerial photographs and airborne laser scanning data. Finally, the paper will conclude with the general added value for future research ...
The Country Where My Heart Is, 2017
This chapter aims to discuss how archaeological research and national consciousness interfere and... more This chapter aims to discuss how archaeological research and national consciousness interfere and influence each other by means of a case study from Carinthia, a region in the South of Austria on the border to Slovenia. The first section deals with the theoretical framework and the various levels and layers within national and ethnic identities. In the second section, the emergence of national consciousness in the Austrian province of Carinthia and in Slovenia is discussed with an emphasis on the creation of historical myths. The third section focuses on the interaction of ethnic and national groups in Carinthia mainly in the 20th c. and on the historical myths that influenced their formation, followed by a discussion on the appropriation of archaeological sites and historical artifacts as national symbols in the post-medieval period.
Tento svazek prezentuje vědecke výsledky připadových studii projektu Digitalizace struktur moci, ... more Tento svazek prezentuje vědecke výsledky připadových studii projektu Digitalizace struktur moci, technicke a metodicke postupy softwaroveho inženýrstvi, kartograficke analýzy a analýzu založenou na GIS a vizualizaci datových souborů projektu v siti World Wide Web. Prezentovana připadova studie vychazi z řeseni projektu Frontier, Contact Zone or No Man's Land? The Morava-Thaya Region from the Early to the High Middle Ages
OpenATLAS is an open source database application for the work with archaeological, historical, an... more OpenATLAS is an open source database application for the work with archaeological, historical, and spatial data. As a backend it uses PostgreSQL with PostGIS in a server based version. Alternatively it can use a file based, locally installed backend with Sqlite and Spatialite. The backend fulfills state of the art technical standards and is compatible to nearly all GIS-applications like for example Quantum GIS. Regarding the model of the data it uses classes and properties from the CIDOC-CRM, which provides a high compatibility and sustainability of the recorded information. The graphical frontend aims at being as user friendly as possible and reducing the complexity to an extend necessary. It offers a standardized workflow for data acquisition and tools for managing, filtering, searching and exporting the data. OpenATLAS’ open structure and the object-oriented model furthermore provide the possibility to adapt it to certain individual requirements.
Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt eine Erfassung der fruhmittelalterlichen Strukturen Karantaniens da... more Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt eine Erfassung der fruhmittelalterlichen Strukturen Karantaniens dar. Zu diesem Zweck wurden alle bislang bekannten Grabfunde, Einzelfunde, Kirchenbauten und Siedlungen im Gebiet des heutigen Bundeslands Karnten, fur die aufgrund unterschiedlicher Quellen eine Datierung in die Zeit zwischen dem Ende der Spatantike und dem beginnenden Hochmittelalter angenommen werden konnte, vorgelegt und zunachst einzeln diskutiert. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit folgt aufbauend auf den jeweiligen Einzelergebnissen eine gesammelte Interpretation. Hierbei hat sich gezeigt, dass bereits fur die Ubergangsphase zwischen „romischer“ Spatantike und „slawischem“ Fruhmittelalter trotz Quellenmangels in bestimmten Bereichen durchaus von einer relativ dichten Besiedlung auszugehen ist. Diese knupft zumindest geographisch oft an bestimmte spatantike Zentren an. In der Zeit des slawisch-autonomen Karantaniens zeichnen sich unter anderem in Villach, Spittal sowie um den Ulrichsberg deu...
This paper connects and disentangles three interrelated concepts: citizens' participation; erulem... more This paper connects and disentangles three interrelated concepts: citizens' participation; erulemaking (in a deliberative environment) and effective policymaking at the EU level. We critically evaluate public participation under the revamped 2015 'Better Regulation Agenda' by focusing on the public consultations tool; examining it through the lens of deliberative democratic legitimacy; and assessing its potential to be more deliberative following the legitimacy evaluation framework of Schmidt (2013). The paper employs an innovative theoretical approach, which blends deliberative democracy, e-rulemaking with EU studies insights. Furthermore, it introduces a new legitimacy criterion we call 'functional legitimacy' which refers to an overarching principle and evaluative framework that should govern erulemaking initiatives from their design through implementation and evaluation. We examine the preconditions for e-rulemaking at the EU level on the principles of transparency, inclusiveness and evidence-based policy making.
Na podkladě pramenů historických a archeologických se studie zabýva otazkou historických pocatků ... more Na podkladě pramenů historických a archeologických se studie zabýva otazkou historických pocatků hradu v Mikulově nachazejiciho se na dnesni hranici mezi Rakouskem a Ceskou republikou. Nejnovějsi archeologicke výzkumy odhalily nove poznatky týkajici se vývoje a původu předchůdce kamenneho hradu v Mikulově. To poskytlo přiležitost věnovat se podrobněji take studiu sidelni struktury v nejbližsim okoli tohoto hradu. Jako průvodni studijni material posloužily nalezy ze starsich i nových archeologických výzkumů a jejich vzajemne srovnani. Relikty původniho hradu z nejstarsich kulturnich vrstev – konkretně dřevo-zemni konstrukce s kamennými zaklady – byly na zakladě ziskaných dendrodat datovany do pozdniho 11. stoleti. Tato datace byla podpořena take doprovodnými drobnými nalezy ze souvisejicich kulturnich vrstev, zastoupene předevsim fragmenty keramiky. Relikty nejstarsiho opevněneho sidla v Mikulově jsou soucasně důkazem o pocatcich budovani hranice mezi přemyslovským knižectvim a bavor...
Das Hugelgraberfeld im Bernhardsthal/Fohrenwald wurde durch die Auswertung von LIDAR-Daten (ALS) ... more Das Hugelgraberfeld im Bernhardsthal/Fohrenwald wurde durch die Auswertung von LIDAR-Daten (ALS) im Jahr 2011 entdeckt. Insgesamt waren im digitalen Modell 41 Hugel sichtbar. In den Jahren 2013 und 2014 wurden in zwei Grabungskampagnen zwei Tumuli (Grabhugel 14 und 15) im nordwestlichen Bereich des Hugelgraberfeldes ergraben. Die archaologischen Grabungen sollten neue Informationen uber die Datierung und Bestattungsriten liefern sowie Erkenntnisse uber die Bautechnik und Innenkonstruktion der Aufschuttung erbringen. Die zwei untersuchten Grabhugel lassen vermuten, dass die Bestattungsaktivitaten hier bereits in der ersten Halfte des 7. Jahrhunderts einsetzen. Eine besondere Bedeutung kommt dem Fundort Bernhardsthal auch zu, weil es sich um das erste fruhmittelalterliche Grabhugelfeld mit nachgewiesener Brandbestattung in Osterreich handelt.
Remote Sensing, 2021
The use of topographic airborne LiDAR data has become an essential part of archaeological prospec... more The use of topographic airborne LiDAR data has become an essential part of archaeological prospection. However, as a step towards theoretically aware, impactful, and reproducible research, a more rigorous and transparent method of data processing is required. To this end, we set out to create a processing pipeline for archaeology-specific point cloud processing and derivation of products that are optimized for general-purpose data. The proposed pipeline improves on ground and building point cloud classification. The main area of innovation in the proposed pipeline is raster grid interpolation. We have improved the state-of-the-art by introducing a hybrid interpolation technique that combines inverse distance weighting with a triangulated irregular network with linear interpolation. State-of-the-art solutions for enhanced visualizations are included and essential metadata and paradata are also generated. In addition, we have introduced a QGIS plug-in that implements the pipeline as a...
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 2021
It has become almost standard practice that archaeological research on cemeteries is published in... more It has become almost standard practice that archaeological research on cemeteries is published in a similar fashion, specifically when primary sources supplement the data presented. Aside from the interpretative part, a catalog of all graves, buried individuals, and finds is published along with a map of the site and graphical depictions of the various entities. This is mostly structured within a four-level hierarchy beginning with the cemetery, the contained graves, the burials from each grave, and the finds associated with the burial. Today, even though many publications and their catalogs are based on or derived from digital data and published as open access, the outcome is often printed text such as a pdf file. Digital data that is properly structured and can be used out of the box for further analyses is rarely available. The presented article discusses how to digitize data on burials and how to provide them to the public in sustainable and comprehensible ways. Within previous ...
Diesenberger, Maximilian • Eichert, Stefan • Winckler, Katharina [Hrsg.]. - Wien (2020)
Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica - Natural Sciences in Archaeology, 2017
Cross-border cooperation is very important for understanding the cultural-historical development ... more Cross-border cooperation is very important for understanding the cultural-historical development of the border regions of modern day states. These areas, today, are often considered as "peripheries". However, in the past they usually had a very different function and status. This article introduces one bilateral mobility project between the archaeological departments at the University of Vienna and the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, aimed at facilitating more focused early medieval archaeological research in the region along the lower stretches of the Morava River. The article introduces the region, its history and state of research and describes the role of the project, the team and the project results obtained up to date.
Remote Sensing, 2021
The use of topographic airborne LiDAR data has become an essential part of archaeological prospec... more The use of topographic airborne LiDAR data has become an essential part of archaeological prospection, and the need for an archaeology-specific data processing workflow is well known. It is therefore surprising that little attention has been paid to the key element of processing: an archaeology-specific DEM. Accordingly, the aim of this paper is to describe an archaeology-specific DEM in detail, provide a tool for its automatic precision assessment, and determine the appropriate grid resolution. We define an archaeology-specific DEM as a subtype of DEM, which is interpolated from ground points, buildings, and four morphological types of archaeological features. We introduce a confidence map (QGIS plug-in) that assigns a confidence level to each grid cell. This is primarily used to attach a confidence level to each archaeological feature, which is useful for detecting data bias in archaeological interpretation. Confidence mapping is also an effective tool for identifying the optimal ...
Archaologisches Korrespondenzblatt, 2011
Une pointe de lance a ailettes a pu etre decouverte dans le Langsee en Carinthie autour de 1987 e... more Une pointe de lance a ailettes a pu etre decouverte dans le Langsee en Carinthie autour de 1987 et a aujourd'hui ete analysee archeologiquement et metallographiquement. Elle est composee de plusieurs pieces et tres finement travaillee, damassee et extremement bien conservee. D'un point de vue typochronologique, elle peut etre identifiee a une lance a ailettes evoluee de la deuxieme moitie du 8 e s. Son usage etait certainement militaire, il y a toutefois des indices d'une utilisation en tant que lance/banniere. La question de son origine - importee ou locale - doit pour l'instant rester ouverte. Le lieu de decouverte, en eaux stagnantes, peut s'expliquer peut-etre par un contexte cultuel. Dans l'ensemble, la lance s'insere bien dans l'equipement typique de Carantanie - armes franques combinees a un costume avare. L. B.
The Fall of Great Moravia
Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
:Interdisciplinary research, carried out by the Masaryk University Brno and the University of Vie... more :Interdisciplinary research, carried out by the Masaryk University Brno and the University of Vienna, at the site of Lány (CZ) at the border between Austria and Moravia has revealed a large settlement (∼12ha) from the 6th century until the 8th/9th century in a contact zone between Slavonic and Avarian influences. Aside from pottery that ranges from early slavic finds of the Prague type to specimens of the middle-danubian tradition („mitteldanubische Kulturtradition“) and other finds such as spindle whorls etc. several dozen typical Avar belt accessories have been found. Most of them date to the late Avar III period, are brand new and do not show any traces of usage. Together with semi-finished products, miscast objects and remains of the bronze casting process, we interpret Lány as a production site/workshop for Avar belts.Lány is at the very Northwestern periphery of the Avar Khaganate. However, material culture, aside from the belt accessories, is much more associated with what we know from regions where Slavonic populations of the 7th/8th century had settled.We furthermore discuss the usage of Avar belts amongst the Slavic elites of the 8th century and possible explanations for the dense distribution of Avar finds outside of the Khaganate.
IN ARCHAEOLOGY, PPA 2016, 30.5. - 1.6.2016 in Veľké Pavlovice (CZ)
In this paper we are presenting an innovative approach to the digitization and web visualization of small-scale non-ferrous artifacts. The artifacts itself, mainly Early Medieval belt plates from the Morava-Thaya region, are studied and analysed in a cross-border research project. Therefor digital copies of every piece were created for further detailed inspections and measurements. For the model creation close-range and partly macro photographs were systematically taken. Since the small scale of the objects as well as their shiny surfaces are challenging for the application of structure from motion and multi view stereo algorithms, we will discuss the use of diverse photographic techniques like focus variation, shutter speed and individual harmonized illumination to overcome these problems. Following our workflow, the models, once they have been calculated, were made public available by publishing them on the internet. As the world wide web is all about fast visualization, long loading times should be avoided, which requires small 3D-format files. To still keep the models at high quality they were compressed using the open source file format OpenCTM .ctm. The open source 3D viewer „jsc3d”, coded in Javascript and supporting most web browsers and WebGL, was integrated into the project webpage and serves as interactive and modern scientific outreach.
Paper to be presented in Prague, September 11th In the recent years "Digital Humanities" has bec... more Paper to be presented in Prague, September 11th
In the recent years "Digital Humanities" has become a common term in historical and archaeological research and many projects are currently dealing with this topic. The presentation aims at exploring how archaeology and history create digital data and how they are used. What types of analyses can be carried out and how can the results be presented and visualised? How does the research benefit from digital methods compared to traditional ones. And of course we will discuss the question if digital humanities are just a useful tool or proper science.
Presentation given at the 2014 EEA Conference in Istanbul at the Session "Old Worlds, New Histor... more Presentation given at the 2014 EEA Conference in Istanbul at the Session "Old Worlds, New Histories: Towards an Integration Of Archaeological And Historical Data-Sets"
Bei dem hier vorgestellten Forschungsprojekt handelt es sich um eine österreichisch-tschechische ... more Bei dem hier vorgestellten Forschungsprojekt handelt es sich um eine österreichisch-tschechische Kooperation, die vom Österreichischen Wissenschaftsfond (FWF) und der Grantová agentura České republiky (GAČR) gefördert wird. Es wird von Mag. Dr. Stefan Eichert (Institut für Urgeschichte und Historische Archäologie, Universität Wien) und Prof. Mgr. Jiří Macháček, Ph.D (Masaryk Universität Brünn, Abteilung für Archäologie und Museologie) geleitet. Ziel ist die Erforschung der Grenzregion zwischen den beiden Ländern am Zusammenfluss von March und Thaya im frühen und hohen Mittelalter. Dafür werden verschiedene Fundplätze in Niederösterreich und Mähren archäologisch und interdisziplinär in Einzelstudien untersucht. Das Projekt startete im Januar 2015 und wird bis Dezember 2018 fortgeführt. Für Informationen über die Einzelstudien, scannen Sie bitte den QR-Code neben den Abbildungen mit Ihrem Smartphone.
Poster presented at the CHNT-Conference 2014 in Vienna. (with Viktor Jansa). This poster won the ... more Poster presented at the CHNT-Conference 2014 in Vienna. (with Viktor Jansa). This poster won the Award in the Category "Cultural Heritage"
Entangled Worlds. Network analysis and complexity theory in historical and archaeological resea... more Entangled Worlds. Network analysis and complexity theory
in historical and archaeological research
International Conference, April 13th-15th 2016 (Vienna)
Venue: Institute for Medieval Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Wohllebengasse 12-14, 1040 Vienna
Organisers: Institute for Medieval Research (IMAFO), Austrian Academy of Sciences (project MEDCON) - Austrian Archaeological Institute (OeAI)
Outline: While the term “network” has been used abundantly in historical and archaeological research in the last years, the actual number of studies taking into account the methodology of network analysis is increasing, but still limited. The reluctance of scholars to adapt tools of network analysis can be also connected with the conceptual and terminological divide between humanities and formal sciences. At the same time, the user-friendliness of software tools may tempt others to use them as “black boxes” in order to produce a variety of figures without being aware of the underlying concepts.
Against this background, the project “Mapping medieval conflicts: a digital approach towards political dynamics in the pre-modern period (MEDCON)” at IMAFO, funded within the go!digital-programme of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, aims at an evaluation of concepts of social and spatial network analysis for studying phenomena of political conflict in medieval societies. For this purpose, a generalizable work flow from data input on the basis of medieval sources to the creation, visualisation and analysis of social and spatial network models and their web-based publication and presentation is created.
Even more, a cooperation was established with the Austrian Archaeological Institute (OeAI) within the framework of the DARIAH-network of the European Union with a focus on “Spatial and social network analysis”. The aim is to foster the development of and reflection on tools of network analysis for the study of complex phenomena of the past in exchange with scholars both from the humanities and from the sciences.
For this purpose, the conference “Entangled Worlds. Network analysis and complexity theory in historical and archaeological research” will assemble specialists from various disciplines of historical and archaeological studies as well as mathematics, physics and computer sciences in order to discuss in particular the following four overlapping topics:
• Entangling data: the organisation of relational data on the basis of historical and archaeological evidence (ontologies, software, workflows, standards)
• Entangling texts and people: the modelling and analysis of networks on the basis of textual evidence and narratives (prosopography, diplomatics, epistolography, historiography)
• Entangling sites and artefacts: the modelling and analysis of networks on the basis of archaeological evidence (objects, places, mobilities and exchange)
• Entangling dynamics: the modelling of complex past societies and networks (spatial and temporal dynamics, scales and mechanisms of networks, mathematical modelling)
The conference will be accompanied by a presentation of approaches and tools to the wider public. Proceedings will be published in a collective (peer reviewed) volume. For invited participants, expenses for travel and accommodation will be covered. Speakers will be contacted and invited directly by the organisers.
For further information: and
Websites: and
OpenAtlas presentation for the round table discussion "Digital Tools for Historical Research" at ... more OpenAtlas presentation for the round table discussion "Digital Tools for Historical Research" at the International Medieval Congress 2021 in Leeds.
OpenAtlas presentation for the workshop "Medieval Mount Athos between Wealth and Poverty", Mainz,... more OpenAtlas presentation for the workshop "Medieval Mount Athos between Wealth and Poverty", Mainz, June 2021
OpenAtlas presentation for the ACDH-CH event "Meet the Researchers", Vienna, February 2020
Präsentation für die Veranstaltung: Byzantino-Serbian Borderzones in Transition 2019 in Wien.
OpenAtlas presentation for the Workshop about historical network analysis in London, RHUL 2019
This is the presentation file for the talk "OpenAtlas: An open source application to map historic... more This is the presentation file for the talk "OpenAtlas: An open source application to map historical data with CIDOC CRM" at the International Medieval Congress 2019 in Leeds.
This is the presentation file for the talk "Relational modelling of historical data: Concepts and... more This is the presentation file for the talk "Relational modelling of historical data: Concepts and challenges" at the International Medieval Congress 2017 in Leeds.
Cross-border cooperation is very important for understanding the cultural-historical development ... more Cross-border cooperation is very important for understanding the cultural-historical development of the border regions of modern day states. These areas, today, are often considered as "peripheries". However, in the past they usually had a very different function and status. This article introduces one bilateral mobility project between the archaeological departments at the University of Vienna and the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, aimed at facilitating more focused early medieval archaeological research in the region along the lower stretches of the Morava River. The article introduces the region, its history and state of research and describes the role of the project, the team and the project results obtained up to date.
Contribution on the project "Mapping Medieval Conflicts" at the Institute for Medieval Research o... more Contribution on the project "Mapping Medieval Conflicts" at the Institute for Medieval Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in the volume "Go!Digital" on excellent projects in the field of digital humanities.
Panels I-IV at the Leeds International Medieval Congress 2019, sessions 1012, 1112, 1212, 1312, W... more Panels I-IV at the Leeds International Medieval Congress 2019, sessions 1012, 1112, 1212, 1312, Wed. 03 July - 09.00-18.00
Sponsored by the ERC Project CONNEC 'Connected Clerics: Building a Universal Church in the Late Antique West' and Royal Holloway, University of London. Organised by Victoria Leonard, Department of History, Royal Holloway, University of London and David Natal Villazala.
Social, economic and power structures can be found at both local and microregional scales – these... more Social, economic and power structures can be found at both local and microregional scales – these are the foundations of all power systems since most aspects of human life are primarily determined through these relations. Accordingly, the session seeks to investigate the microregional and regional networks emerging in Central Europe from the post-Roman era onward, during the early medieval transformation. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, relatively weak formations built their own regional systems while both communicating and competing with each other. Certain elements of the late Roman infrastructure such as communication networks and ‘central places’ retained their importance for several centuries; however, from the seventh century onward, we witness the emergence of a radically new system of local centres and central zones.
What kind of social and economic resources promoted the growth and consolidation of local communities and/or microregional power centres? How did these hubs interact, what were the circumstances/interests boosting communication or, conversely, possible interferences with it? What were the factors preventing, promoting or even demanding cooperation between them? Who and what kinds of social or environmental conditions were the catalysts of these processes? What kind of role did microregional centres/central areas play in structuring the surrounding areas? Finally, how did regional power centres reflect the presence of macroregional or even global structures of considerably higher complexity?
We welcome both case studies and theoretical contributions that address these issues in the Central European zone from the post-Roman period to the Middle Ages, with a focus on regionality, traces of microregional power centres and central areas. We welcome contributions addressing various aspects of the organisation of subsistence, production and distribution of specialised craft products, as well as those focusing on communication and the exploitation, processing and distribution of strategic resources such as iron and/or other non-ferrous metals.
Post-Roman and early medieval Archaeology, regional centres, local and microregional communities, networks, distribution of craft products, exploitation of strategic resources
Ivan Bugarski (Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade, Serbia )
Stefan Eichert ( University of Vienna, Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, Austria)
Erwin Gáll ( Vasile Pârvan Institute of Archaeology, Bucharest, Romania)
Gergely Szenthe (Hungarian National Museum, Department of Archaeology, Hungary)
Diesenberger, Maximilian • Eichert, Stefan • Winckler, Katharina [Hrsg.]. - Wien (2020)
It provides a user interface that can be accessed via any common web-browser and allows the respe... more It provides a user interface that can be accessed via any common web-browser and allows the respective researchers to work with their data via customized forms and categories to record complex relations as simple as possible.
This is the book of abstracts created for the goINDIGO 2022 international graffiti symposium orga... more This is the book of abstracts created for the goINDIGO 2022 international graffiti symposium organised in the framework of the academic project INDIGO.