ulrike muss | University of Vienna (original) (raw)
Ionia by ulrike muss
Colofone, città della Ionia. Nuove richerce e studi. Ergasteria 10, 2019. A cura di Luigi Vecchio. , 2019
Εἶτα τὸ Γαλλήσιον ὄρος καὶ ἡ Κολοφών, πόλις Ἰονικὴ, καὶ τὸ πρὸ αὐτῆς ἄλσος τοῦ Κλαρίου Ἀπὸλλωνος,... more Εἶτα τὸ Γαλλήσιον ὄρος καὶ ἡ Κολοφών, πόλις Ἰονικὴ, καὶ τὸ πρὸ αὐτῆς ἄλσος τοῦ Κλαρίου Ἀπὸλλωνος, ἐν ᾧ καὶ μαντεῖoν ἦν ποτὲ παλαιόν. (Strab. XIV 1, 27, C 642). "Poi viene il monte Gallesion e Colofone, città della Ionia, e, nei suoi pressi, l'alsos di Apollo Clario, nel quale un tempo si trovava un antico oracolo". Con queste parole Strabone, nel libro XIV della sua Geografia, introduce la sezione del capitolo I dedicata al santuario di Apollo a Claros (paragrafo 27) e a Colofone (paragrafo 28). Della città, menzionata come πόλις Ἰονική-espressione che si è scelto di tradurre con "città della Ionia" prendendola a prestito per il titolo-il geografo ricorda in particolare come la sua forza risiedesse nella marineria e nella cavalleria, cosa che l'aveva resa così potente da generare un proverbio di grande fortuna nella tradizione paremiografica 1 : " Ἐκτήσαντο δέ ποτε καὶ ναυτικὴν ἀξιόλογον δύναμιν Κολοφώνιοι καὶ ἱππικήν, ἐν ᾗ τοσοῦτον διέφερον τῶν ἄλλων, ὥσθ', ὅπου ποτὲ ἐν τοῖς δυσκαταλύτοις πολέμοις τὸ ἱππικὸν τῶν Κολοφωνίων ἐπικουρήσειε, λύεσθαι τὸν πόλεμον ἀφ' οὗ καὶ τὴν παροιμίαν ἐκδοθῆναι τὴν λέγουσαν, τὸν Κολοφῶνα ἐπέθηκεν, ὅταν τέλος ἐπιτεθῇ βέβαιον τῷ πράγματι" ("I Colofonî acquisirono una potenza navale degna di nota e anche cavalleresca, nella quale si distinguevano tanto dagli altri che, quando in guerre interminabili veniva in soccorso la cavalleria dei Colofonî, il conflitto si risolveva: da qui è nato anche il proverbio che dicono 'ha messo su Colofone', quando si pone una fine certa ad una cosa"). Colofone, dunque, come ben spiega Strabone, fu una delle più importanti città della Ionia d'Asia, soprattutto in età arcaica e classica, svolgendo un ruolo di primo piano nelle vicende della regione, con una potenza, divenuta proverbiale, esemplificata dalla forza della marineria e, soprattutto, della cavalleria 2. Colofone, però, era l'unica città ionica situata non sulla costa, ma all'interno 3 , separata dal mare dal monte Korakion 4 , dominando un'ampia pianura, che offriva la possibilità dell'allevamento di cavalli 5 , collegata con la costa dalla valle del fiume Hales 6. Attualmente tra il sito della città e la costa vi è una distanza di circa
Stein auf Stein Festschrift für Hilke Thür zum 80. Geburtstag. Keryx 9, K. Koller - U. Quatember - E. Trinkl (Hrsg)n, 2021
Magnis Itineribus, Festschrift für Verena Gassner. R, Ployer - D. Svoboda (Hrsg), 2021
Auf dem Weg nach Beirut besucht Gertrude Bell im Frühling 1902 die Großstadt Smyrna, das Landgut ... more Auf dem Weg nach Beirut besucht Gertrude Bell im Frühling 1902 die Großstadt Smyrna, das Landgut Malkadjik der levantinischen Familie van Lennep, das sich im Territorium von Kolophon befand und die antike Stadt. Mit Tagebucheintragungen, Briefen und Fotografien hält sie ihre Eindrücke fest. Die aus einer reichen Industriellendynastie stammende Gertrude Bell ist nicht nur "Familienmitglied", sondern auch Fremde, die alles von außen sieht, minutiös beobachtet und kommentiert. Besonders in Malkadjik beschreibt und fotografiert Gertrude Bell eine Kulturtopographie, ihr Anliegen sind nicht pittoreske Szenen, sondern Menschen in ihrem sozialen Umfeld zu zeigen. Tagebücher, Briefe und Fotografien werden im Archiv der University of Newcastle upon Tyne auf bewahrt. Seit 2017 gehört es zum UNESCO "Memory of the World Register".
ad summum templum architecturae, 2018
Anodos Supplementum 6, 2014
Es war eine schöne Überraschung, als wir im Spätsommer 1987 das von David G� Hogarth 1904 entdeck... more Es war eine schöne Überraschung, als wir im Spätsommer 1987 das von David G� Hogarth 1904 entdeckte sog� foundation deposit wieder öffneten und im lehmigen Sand auf zahlreiche Bernsteine stießen� Diese erneute Untersuchung in großer Tiefe war nur möglich, weil wir seit einigen Jahren eine von der Österreichischen Nationalbank finanzierte Vakuumpumpanlage besaßen, mit deren Hilfe der Grundwasserspiegel im Artemision abgesenkt werden konnte� Binnen weniger Tage war der größte Teil des sogenannten Hortfundes mit den Bernsteinen gehoben, kam erst in das Depot des Grabungshauses und gelangte am Ende der Kampagne in das Depot des Ephesos-Museums in Selçuk� Das ‚Projekt Bernstein' wurde mit vielen MitarbeiterInnen durchgeführt� Wir bedanken uns bei allen, die bei der Grabung mitgearbeitet haben und besonders bei denen, die den Ostbereich der Cella des Peripteros und die Ansichten der Mauern zeichneten:
Zurück zum Gegenstand, 2009
Die Funde, die hier vorgelegt werden, sind für die Kunstgeschichte von Bedeutung; es sind Basen, ... more Die Funde, die hier vorgelegt werden, sind für die Kunstgeschichte von Bedeutung; es sind Basen, auf denen Werke der Bildhauer Alkamenes, Eugnotos und Sopolis standen.
Text on Exhibition on the finds from the Artemision at Ephesos presented in the Archaeological Mu... more Text on Exhibition on the finds from the Artemision at Ephesos presented in the Archaeological Museum Istanbul in 2008
In 2013, an airborne laser scan survey was conducted in the territory of the Ionian city of Kolop... more In 2013, an airborne laser scan survey was conducted in the territory of the Ionian city of Kolophon near the western coast of modern Turkey as part of an archaeological survey project carried out by the Mimar Sinan University of Istanbul (Turkey) and the University of Vienna (Austria). Several light detection and ranging (LiDAR) studies have been carried out in the temperate climate zones of Europe, but only a few in Mediterranean landscapes. Our study is based on the first LiDAR survey carried out for an archaeological purpose in Turkey and one of the first in the Mediterranean that have been planned, measured and filtered especially for archaeological research questions. The interpretation of LiDAR data combined with ground-observations proved extremely useful for the detection and documentation of archaeological remains below Mediterranean evergreen vegetation and dense maquis. This article deals with the methodological aspects of interpreting LiDAR data, using the Kolophon data as a case study. We offer a discussion of the strengths and limitations of LiDAR as an archaeological remote sensing method and suggest a best practice model for interpreting LiDAR data in a Mediterranean context.
Abstract: Since 2010 Christine Özgan from the Mimar Sinan University at Istanbul is directing an ... more Abstract: Since 2010 Christine Özgan from the Mimar Sinan University at Istanbul is directing an archaeological survey at the ancient city of Colophon in Ionia, which is organized in collaboration with Ulrike Muss and Verena Gassner from the Institute of Classical Archaeology at the University of Vienna. As this survey represents the first major research project at the site of Colophon since almost 90 years, after an excavation campaign under Hetty Goldman and Carl Blegen in 1922 and a short stay in 1925, a large variety of research questions lay ahead at the beginning. The main focus was to study the ancient city’s extension, development and spatial organization over time by using modern survey methods during the annual field campaigns. After an initial orientation within the modern topography, the Turkish team decided to concentrate its activities on the Acropolis, while the Austrian team started research in the plain and the adjacent hills where the necropoleis are located. The Austrian team started 2010 with the retracing of the course of the Early Hellenistic city walls, documented by W. Schuchhardt and H. Wolters in 1886, which are – apart from the buildings on the Acropolis – the only built structure of the city still visible. In the year 2011 we also began with a study of the modern village of Değirmendere. In the same year we initiated our studies on the archive material of the 1922/1925 excavations at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens. Between 2012 and 2014 our focus was on the exploration of the extension of the ancient city with surveys inside and outside the fortification walls. This work comprised extensive and intensive surveys, documentation of microtopography features as well as interviews with owners and tenants of fields. As field work of the Austrian team has been terminated after five seasons in 2014, we give a preliminary résumé here that concentrates on the results of the survey inside the fortification walls.
Papers by ulrike muss
International audienceIn 2010 the Mimar Sinan University of Istanbul started a research project o... more International audienceIn 2010 the Mimar Sinan University of Istanbul started a research project on the Ionian town of Colophon which is conducted in close collaboration with the University of Vienna [1]. It aims at the exploration of the ancient urban area as well as on the distribution of the necropoleis. For the campaign of the year 2013 the Austrian research team concentrated on the following topics [2]. 1. Survey in the area of the ancient city This year, the main focus of the investigations in the area within the fortification walls was laid on the exploration of the urbanistic organisation of the city by magnetic survey and by ground penetrating radar. For this purpose two areas were chosen. The first area consisted of fields in the plain between the brooks Kabaklidere and Kurudere in the north eastern quarters of the ancient city. Here the existence of houses has been proven by excavations by the museum of Izmir about 10–15 years ago. The remains of walls were also visible in...
Colofone, città della Ionia. Nuove richerce e studi. Ergasteria 10, 2019. A cura di Luigi Vecchio. , 2019
Εἶτα τὸ Γαλλήσιον ὄρος καὶ ἡ Κολοφών, πόλις Ἰονικὴ, καὶ τὸ πρὸ αὐτῆς ἄλσος τοῦ Κλαρίου Ἀπὸλλωνος,... more Εἶτα τὸ Γαλλήσιον ὄρος καὶ ἡ Κολοφών, πόλις Ἰονικὴ, καὶ τὸ πρὸ αὐτῆς ἄλσος τοῦ Κλαρίου Ἀπὸλλωνος, ἐν ᾧ καὶ μαντεῖoν ἦν ποτὲ παλαιόν. (Strab. XIV 1, 27, C 642). "Poi viene il monte Gallesion e Colofone, città della Ionia, e, nei suoi pressi, l'alsos di Apollo Clario, nel quale un tempo si trovava un antico oracolo". Con queste parole Strabone, nel libro XIV della sua Geografia, introduce la sezione del capitolo I dedicata al santuario di Apollo a Claros (paragrafo 27) e a Colofone (paragrafo 28). Della città, menzionata come πόλις Ἰονική-espressione che si è scelto di tradurre con "città della Ionia" prendendola a prestito per il titolo-il geografo ricorda in particolare come la sua forza risiedesse nella marineria e nella cavalleria, cosa che l'aveva resa così potente da generare un proverbio di grande fortuna nella tradizione paremiografica 1 : " Ἐκτήσαντο δέ ποτε καὶ ναυτικὴν ἀξιόλογον δύναμιν Κολοφώνιοι καὶ ἱππικήν, ἐν ᾗ τοσοῦτον διέφερον τῶν ἄλλων, ὥσθ', ὅπου ποτὲ ἐν τοῖς δυσκαταλύτοις πολέμοις τὸ ἱππικὸν τῶν Κολοφωνίων ἐπικουρήσειε, λύεσθαι τὸν πόλεμον ἀφ' οὗ καὶ τὴν παροιμίαν ἐκδοθῆναι τὴν λέγουσαν, τὸν Κολοφῶνα ἐπέθηκεν, ὅταν τέλος ἐπιτεθῇ βέβαιον τῷ πράγματι" ("I Colofonî acquisirono una potenza navale degna di nota e anche cavalleresca, nella quale si distinguevano tanto dagli altri che, quando in guerre interminabili veniva in soccorso la cavalleria dei Colofonî, il conflitto si risolveva: da qui è nato anche il proverbio che dicono 'ha messo su Colofone', quando si pone una fine certa ad una cosa"). Colofone, dunque, come ben spiega Strabone, fu una delle più importanti città della Ionia d'Asia, soprattutto in età arcaica e classica, svolgendo un ruolo di primo piano nelle vicende della regione, con una potenza, divenuta proverbiale, esemplificata dalla forza della marineria e, soprattutto, della cavalleria 2. Colofone, però, era l'unica città ionica situata non sulla costa, ma all'interno 3 , separata dal mare dal monte Korakion 4 , dominando un'ampia pianura, che offriva la possibilità dell'allevamento di cavalli 5 , collegata con la costa dalla valle del fiume Hales 6. Attualmente tra il sito della città e la costa vi è una distanza di circa
Stein auf Stein Festschrift für Hilke Thür zum 80. Geburtstag. Keryx 9, K. Koller - U. Quatember - E. Trinkl (Hrsg)n, 2021
Magnis Itineribus, Festschrift für Verena Gassner. R, Ployer - D. Svoboda (Hrsg), 2021
Auf dem Weg nach Beirut besucht Gertrude Bell im Frühling 1902 die Großstadt Smyrna, das Landgut ... more Auf dem Weg nach Beirut besucht Gertrude Bell im Frühling 1902 die Großstadt Smyrna, das Landgut Malkadjik der levantinischen Familie van Lennep, das sich im Territorium von Kolophon befand und die antike Stadt. Mit Tagebucheintragungen, Briefen und Fotografien hält sie ihre Eindrücke fest. Die aus einer reichen Industriellendynastie stammende Gertrude Bell ist nicht nur "Familienmitglied", sondern auch Fremde, die alles von außen sieht, minutiös beobachtet und kommentiert. Besonders in Malkadjik beschreibt und fotografiert Gertrude Bell eine Kulturtopographie, ihr Anliegen sind nicht pittoreske Szenen, sondern Menschen in ihrem sozialen Umfeld zu zeigen. Tagebücher, Briefe und Fotografien werden im Archiv der University of Newcastle upon Tyne auf bewahrt. Seit 2017 gehört es zum UNESCO "Memory of the World Register".
ad summum templum architecturae, 2018
Anodos Supplementum 6, 2014
Es war eine schöne Überraschung, als wir im Spätsommer 1987 das von David G� Hogarth 1904 entdeck... more Es war eine schöne Überraschung, als wir im Spätsommer 1987 das von David G� Hogarth 1904 entdeckte sog� foundation deposit wieder öffneten und im lehmigen Sand auf zahlreiche Bernsteine stießen� Diese erneute Untersuchung in großer Tiefe war nur möglich, weil wir seit einigen Jahren eine von der Österreichischen Nationalbank finanzierte Vakuumpumpanlage besaßen, mit deren Hilfe der Grundwasserspiegel im Artemision abgesenkt werden konnte� Binnen weniger Tage war der größte Teil des sogenannten Hortfundes mit den Bernsteinen gehoben, kam erst in das Depot des Grabungshauses und gelangte am Ende der Kampagne in das Depot des Ephesos-Museums in Selçuk� Das ‚Projekt Bernstein' wurde mit vielen MitarbeiterInnen durchgeführt� Wir bedanken uns bei allen, die bei der Grabung mitgearbeitet haben und besonders bei denen, die den Ostbereich der Cella des Peripteros und die Ansichten der Mauern zeichneten:
Zurück zum Gegenstand, 2009
Die Funde, die hier vorgelegt werden, sind für die Kunstgeschichte von Bedeutung; es sind Basen, ... more Die Funde, die hier vorgelegt werden, sind für die Kunstgeschichte von Bedeutung; es sind Basen, auf denen Werke der Bildhauer Alkamenes, Eugnotos und Sopolis standen.
Text on Exhibition on the finds from the Artemision at Ephesos presented in the Archaeological Mu... more Text on Exhibition on the finds from the Artemision at Ephesos presented in the Archaeological Museum Istanbul in 2008
In 2013, an airborne laser scan survey was conducted in the territory of the Ionian city of Kolop... more In 2013, an airborne laser scan survey was conducted in the territory of the Ionian city of Kolophon near the western coast of modern Turkey as part of an archaeological survey project carried out by the Mimar Sinan University of Istanbul (Turkey) and the University of Vienna (Austria). Several light detection and ranging (LiDAR) studies have been carried out in the temperate climate zones of Europe, but only a few in Mediterranean landscapes. Our study is based on the first LiDAR survey carried out for an archaeological purpose in Turkey and one of the first in the Mediterranean that have been planned, measured and filtered especially for archaeological research questions. The interpretation of LiDAR data combined with ground-observations proved extremely useful for the detection and documentation of archaeological remains below Mediterranean evergreen vegetation and dense maquis. This article deals with the methodological aspects of interpreting LiDAR data, using the Kolophon data as a case study. We offer a discussion of the strengths and limitations of LiDAR as an archaeological remote sensing method and suggest a best practice model for interpreting LiDAR data in a Mediterranean context.
Abstract: Since 2010 Christine Özgan from the Mimar Sinan University at Istanbul is directing an ... more Abstract: Since 2010 Christine Özgan from the Mimar Sinan University at Istanbul is directing an archaeological survey at the ancient city of Colophon in Ionia, which is organized in collaboration with Ulrike Muss and Verena Gassner from the Institute of Classical Archaeology at the University of Vienna. As this survey represents the first major research project at the site of Colophon since almost 90 years, after an excavation campaign under Hetty Goldman and Carl Blegen in 1922 and a short stay in 1925, a large variety of research questions lay ahead at the beginning. The main focus was to study the ancient city’s extension, development and spatial organization over time by using modern survey methods during the annual field campaigns. After an initial orientation within the modern topography, the Turkish team decided to concentrate its activities on the Acropolis, while the Austrian team started research in the plain and the adjacent hills where the necropoleis are located. The Austrian team started 2010 with the retracing of the course of the Early Hellenistic city walls, documented by W. Schuchhardt and H. Wolters in 1886, which are – apart from the buildings on the Acropolis – the only built structure of the city still visible. In the year 2011 we also began with a study of the modern village of Değirmendere. In the same year we initiated our studies on the archive material of the 1922/1925 excavations at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens. Between 2012 and 2014 our focus was on the exploration of the extension of the ancient city with surveys inside and outside the fortification walls. This work comprised extensive and intensive surveys, documentation of microtopography features as well as interviews with owners and tenants of fields. As field work of the Austrian team has been terminated after five seasons in 2014, we give a preliminary résumé here that concentrates on the results of the survey inside the fortification walls.
International audienceIn 2010 the Mimar Sinan University of Istanbul started a research project o... more International audienceIn 2010 the Mimar Sinan University of Istanbul started a research project on the Ionian town of Colophon which is conducted in close collaboration with the University of Vienna [1]. It aims at the exploration of the ancient urban area as well as on the distribution of the necropoleis. For the campaign of the year 2013 the Austrian research team concentrated on the following topics [2]. 1. Survey in the area of the ancient city This year, the main focus of the investigations in the area within the fortification walls was laid on the exploration of the urbanistic organisation of the city by magnetic survey and by ground penetrating radar. For this purpose two areas were chosen. The first area consisted of fields in the plain between the brooks Kabaklidere and Kurudere in the north eastern quarters of the ancient city. Here the existence of houses has been proven by excavations by the museum of Izmir about 10–15 years ago. The remains of walls were also visible in...
Anatolia Antiqua, 2011
Bruns-Ozgan Christine, Gassner Verena, Muss Ulrike. Kolophon : Neue Untersuchungen zur Topographi... more Bruns-Ozgan Christine, Gassner Verena, Muss Ulrike. Kolophon : Neue Untersuchungen zur Topographie der Stadt. In: Anatolia Antiqua, Tome 19, 2011. pp. 199-239.
The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, 2017
Archaeological Prospection, 2017
In 2013, an airborne laser scan survey was conducted in the territory of the Ionian city of Kolop... more In 2013, an airborne laser scan survey was conducted in the territory of the Ionian city of Kolophon near the western coast of modern Turkey as part of an archaeological survey project carried out by the Mimar Sinan University of Istanbul (Turkey) and the University of Vienna (Austria). Several light detection and ranging (LiDAR) studies have been carried out in the temperate climate zones of Europe, but only a few in Mediterranean landscapes. Our study is based on the first LiDAR survey carried out for an archaeological purpose in Turkey and one of the first in the Mediterranean that have been planned, measured and filtered especially for archaeological research questions. The interpretation of LiDAR data combined with ground-observations proved extremely useful for the detection and documentation of archaeological remains below Mediterranean evergreen vegetation and dense maquis. This article deals with the methodological aspects of interpreting LiDAR data, using the Kolophon data as a case study. We offer a discussion of the strengths and limitations of LiDAR as an archaeological remote sensing method and suggest a best practice model for interpreting LiDAR data in a Mediterranean context.
Revue d'archéométrie 33 | 2009 Authentication and analysis of goldwork Investigation of ancient g... more Revue d'archéométrie 33 | 2009 Authentication and analysis of goldwork Investigation of ancient gold objects from Artemision at Ephesus using portable µ-XRF Enquête sur les objets anciens en or de l'Artemision à Ephèse au moyen d'un équipement de µFX portable
Antike Welt, 1996
RefDoc Bienvenue - Welcome. Refdoc est un service / is powered by. ...
Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2017
After a long period of neglect, archaeological research in the ancient Ionian city of Kolophon in... more After a long period of neglect, archaeological research in the ancient Ionian city of Kolophon in western Asia Minor was renewed from 2010 to 2014. As a starting point, a joint team of researchers from Turkey and Austria used the documentation from the 1922 and 1925 excavation campaigns led by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens and the Fogg Museum of Art at Harvard University. The new team explored the city using extensive surveys, geophysical exploration, and LiDAR scans. The results from this research give context to the American excavations, provide new information on the extent of the city and its necropolis areas, and create a preliminary model of the settlement patterns in the ancient city. Link: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2972/hesperia.86.1.0043
Revue Archeologique, 2003