Simone Lucenti | Università degli studi di Pavia (original) (raw)
Papers by Simone Lucenti
REUSO 2019 (VII Convegno Internazionale sulla documentazione, conservazione e recupero del patrimonio architettonico e sulla tutela paesaggistica), 2019
2016 World Conference on Timber Engineering, WCTE 2016, 2016
In recent years restoration progressively passed from an interpretation as isolated event aimed a... more In recent years restoration progressively passed from an interpretation as isolated event aimed at ending decay processes, to an idea of continuous planned conservation able to prevent decay phenomena. Within the planned conservation process the start phase requires a detailed study of the consistency of building artefacts and that serious degradation phenomena are not ongoing; the process should therefore start with a long and expensive study and with a series of extraordinary maintenance works. It is therefore essential to reduce starting costs by establishing protocols for expeditious surveys. In this process, roof has a crucial importance, since most forms of degradation are induced by infiltration of water from roofing. The paper proposes a system of expeditious surveying and filing for roof of large historic building complexes and the pilot project carried out in spring-summer 2014 for its application to the case study of Palazzo San Felice owned by the University of Pavia.
The paper discusses socio-economic and cultural conditions and technological and formal aspects w... more The paper discusses socio-economic and cultural conditions and technological and formal aspects which attests rooftop additions on existing buildings as a model for increasing built density of residential area. In Italy most of the residential buildings constructed in postwar period have today low architectural quality and are degraded. The need for upgrade of this real estate gives the opportunity to implement strategies to reduce land consumption through rooftop additions. In a conservative approach to built heritage, the dismantling of roofs implies a loss of material culture; otherwise, the construction of the same volumes in new areas would cause an irreversible land consumption. A conflict rises between the needs for conservation of built heritage and of territory; in accordance with Amedeo Bellini, the resolution of this conflict must be based on ethical judgments. Thus the addition shouldn’t be a parasite, but it must achieve a symbiotic architecture in which both host and s...
L'articolo discute la nascita delle manifatture accentrate, promosse dai sovrani europei ... more L'articolo discute la nascita delle manifatture accentrate, promosse dai sovrani europei con la diffusione delle teorie economiche del colbertismo agli albori dell'industrializzazione (sec. XVIII), analizzando in particolare le questioni tipologiche. Si approfondisce il caso dei primi edifici industriali a pianta circolare (e anulare) e la diffusione ed evoluzione di tipo edilizi fino ai giorni nostri.
The paper presents the intermediate results of a research ongoing at the University of Pavia whos... more The paper presents the intermediate results of a research ongoing at the University of Pavia whose object is the analysis of geometry, morphology, materials and degradation of the central building of the university, with the aim of drawing up a comprehensive program of planned conservation. The University of Pavia is an ancient foundation University (1361) and as such now it has a vast building stock composed of buildings whose construction dates back to various periods. The subject of this study is the central building, currently hosting the rectory and some university departments, which in its present form is the result of a long and complex historical stratification. At the same time the demand of planning not only technical but also financial investment with the purpose of preservation and enhancement of the built heritage now make it increasingly necessary to develop an integrated approach to planned conservation. In the current approach to protection of built heritage the importance of conservation of more easily degradable constructive and technological elements is recognized, therefore in this context, planned maintenance has taken on a peculiar character, and scientific community preferred to name it planned conservation. Punctual repair and conservation works were therefore opposed to the systematic and periodic replacement of elements which are damaged, degraded or (on the basis of theory of planned obsolescence) considered next to meeting these conditions. Given their specificity, such conservation works cannot disregard the careful knowledge of building elements on which it must operate and their composition in the building technology system. The drafting of a planned conservation plan therefore requires a careful preliminary study phase which might lead to the breakdown of the entire building technology system (or one of its sub-system) in the individual technical elements that compose it. On this basis, researchers have developed a test on one of the most significant historic courtyards of the central building complex: the Volta Court. During the research the survey of the geometry and of the current state of preservation have been carried out. The set of acquired information has been translated into an user friendly GIS system designed to provide the information base for defining the future monitoring and intervention strategy.
Innovative Built Heritage Models
La cuestión de la relación entre la arquitectura contemporánea y la preexistente es de suma impor... more La cuestión de la relación entre la arquitectura contemporánea y la preexistente es de suma importancia, ya que desde siempre y cada vez más se sigue trabajand con las adiciones o sustituciones en áreas ya urbanizadas, tanto en el casco histórico como en contextos de más reciente construcción. El artículo presenta un análisis crítico de las motivaciones contingentes que llevan a la inclusión de nuevas arquitecturas en lo construido y de los objetivos que se plantean respecto a la preexistencia, con el fin de llegar a la realizazión de un análisis de las orientaciónes conceptuales y prácticas que derivan de ellos; por fin se van a subrayar los efectos de estas intervenciones sobre la transmisión del patrimonio arquitectónico existente a las generaciones futuras. Sólo una cuidadosa orientación dialógica hacia la inclusión de nuevas arquitecturas en contextos construidos puede ser el portador de las instancias modernas de tutela del existente, en su autenticidad histórica y en la multiplicidad de sus características materiales e inmateriales, que se presentan como datos que siempre serán sometidos a infinitas interpretaciones infinitamente nuevas. En la multiplicidad de sus formas y dentro de los límites respecto a la preexistencia, la orientación dialógica también permite la plena libertad de expresión de la arquitectura contemporánea permitiendo añadir nuevos recursos culturales al palimpsesto edificado. Palabras clave: Adición Constructiva, Actualización de la Arquitectura, Restauración, Intervención en edificios históricos.
Il volume è stato inserito nella collana Fabbrica della Conoscenza, fondata e diretta da Carmine ... more Il volume è stato inserito nella collana Fabbrica della Conoscenza, fondata e diretta da Carmine Gambardella, in seguito a peer review anonimo da parte di due membri del Comitato Scientifico.
Le vicende delle università storiche di medie dimensioni sono legate al riuso di edifici esistent... more Le vicende delle università storiche di medie dimensioni sono legate al riuso di edifici esistenti e ai processi di trasformazione del tessuto urbano. Le prime università furono fondate in Europa in epoca medioevale. In origine le lezioni si tenevano in palazzi nobiliari e in conventi ma ben presto con il loro rafforzarsi, le istituzioni si spostarono in sedi proprie. Agli inizi del secolo XX, con lo sviluppo della medicina e delle scienze naturali - e delle strumentazioni scientifiche - le sedi storiche risultarono ben presto inadeguate ed ebbe inizio una fase di espansione in nuovi insediamenti periferici. Un’ulteriore fase di espansione si verificò negli anni 1970 in seguito ai moti studenteschi e al passaggio dalla università di élite all'università di massa. In questa fase si ebbero un’espansione in nuove aree e, parallelamente, il riuso di edifici dismessi (e.g. conventi, caserme, ecc.). Il quadro che si ottiene è di un patrimonio costruito fortemente eterogeneo (per epoca di costruzione, tipologie edilizie e tecniche costruttive utilizzate) e diffuso nel tessuto urbano, con il quale instaura uno stretto rapporto. Negli ultimi anni la crisi economica e la progressiva riduzione della spesa pubblica, da un lato, e il crescente apprezzamento anche economico del patrimonio architettonico, dall'altro, hanno riorientato il settore delle costruzioni verso gli interventi sul costruito e hanno fatto emergere la necessità di una gestione più efficiente ed efficace dei grandi patrimoni edilizi. A questi aspetti si aggiungono le pressioni derivanti dal cambiamento del quadro esigenziale espresso dall’utenza e dall’evoluzione delle prestazioni richieste dalla normativa e l’impossibilità di lasciare le sedi istituzionali. Si rende quindi necessario definire una metodologia per il monitoraggio e la valutazione dell’adeguatezza del patrimonio costruito delle università storiche e per la definizione di strategie di intervento per l’aggiornamento degli edifici che garantiscano allo stesso tempo di garantirne la conservazione.
Since the Middle Ages Church has influenced in various ways university architecture in Europe. In... more Since the Middle Ages Church has influenced in various ways university architecture in Europe. Initially the lessons were held in noble palaces and urban monastery. Later in the Renaissance period first university buildings were built according to consolidated typological schemes (such as monasteries with cloister) due to the lack of proper university building typology. Meanwhile in England colleges were being built according to the quadrangle scheme, referable to ecclesiastical architecture. In the sixteenth century the phenomenon of reuse of former ecclesiastical buildings as higher education institution began. It is to be seen in the broader theme of the reuse of existing buildings in the urban fabric of historic cities in relation to the changing of urban dynamics (e.g. throughout Europe many monasteries were reused as hospitals and/or barracks and finally as universities. The paper discusses various strategies of the reuse of former religious buildings as university premises.
WORLD HERITAGE and KNOWLEDGE, Representation, Restoration, Redesign, Resilience, Le Vie dei Mercanti, XVI International Forum di Studi, 2018
Since the Middle Ages, universities have established their importance in many small and medium-si... more Since the Middle Ages, universities have established their importance in many small and medium-sized European cities. In many cases, higher education institutions (HEIs) have reused abandoned existing buildings, adapting them to new educational function (e.g. monasteries, hospitals, barracks, factories, etc.).
Since the late 20th century two main trends which imply the redesign can be observed: the reuse of historical buildings for new premises (either in case of expansion of existing universities or in case of foundation of new universities) and the reorganization of existing buildings to improve efficiency of use (and reduce costs and expense waste).
In recent years a sharp acceleration of the changes has taken place due to the increasing international competition (e.g. university ranking) and to the diffusion of new technologies (e.g. diffusion of ICT and multimedia tools). These trends have led to a new focus on built heritage which, in addition to being adequately protected and enhanced, must also be periodically adapted to comply with regulatory developments, changes in the users’ requirements and the introduction of new functions, which imply new space demand. Moreover, in many countries, the reduction in funding, which hit harder the non-core business sectors, resulted in the need for greater management efficiency.
The paper will present a SWOT matrix to systematize and analyse the various aspects of the redesign of historical university built heritage.
[RICH*] Reuse and Improvement of Cultural Heritage, 2017
Il capitolo presenta il progetto di riuso del complesso ex ecclesiastico della Certosina di Palaz... more Il capitolo presenta il progetto di riuso del complesso ex ecclesiastico della Certosina di Palazzo Botta Adorno in Pavia elaborato da uno dei gruppi di studenti italiani e internazionali che hanno partecipato alla summer school [RICH*] – Reuse and Improvement of the Cultural Heritage tenutasi a Pavia nel luglio 2016; il progetto propone di riaprire il giardino di palazzo Botta e di insediare nuove funzioni educative e una biblioteca nella Certosina.
[RICH*] Reuse and Improvement of Cultural Heritage, 2017
Il capitolo presenta uno studio delle vicende storiche e costruttive del complesso ex ecclesiasti... more Il capitolo presenta uno studio delle vicende storiche e costruttive del complesso ex ecclesiastico della Certosina di Palazzo Botta Adorno in Pavia, analizzando le fasi costruttive e i passaggi di proprietà dell'immobile, la sua relazione con l'immediato intorno urbano del complesso edilizio e le sue caratteristiche tipologiche e costruttive dell'edificio.
ReUSO Granada 2017, Sobre una arquitectura hecha de tiempo, 2017
L'articolo discute la nascita delle manifatture accentrate, promosse dai sovrani europei con la d... more L'articolo discute la nascita delle manifatture accentrate, promosse dai sovrani europei con la diffusione delle teorie economiche del colbertismo agli albori dell'industrializzazione (sec. XVIII), analizzando in particolare le questioni tipologiche.
Si approfondisce il caso dei primi edifici industriali a pianta circolare (e anulare) e la diffusione ed evoluzione di tipo edilizi fino ai giorni nostri.
Recent international economic crisis highlighted the limits of present development models. In the... more Recent international economic crisis highlighted the limits of present development models. In the light of problems arising from land consumption it’s necessary to question the models of unlimited urban expansion acting on cities with new strategies for requalification and enhancement of dequalified spaces through rational densification of existing urban fabric. In many countries we can observe examples of ongoing densification processes, that provide reinterpretations of consolidated urban fabric types in which they act: in Beijing some examples of the insertion of new volumes into historical fabric manifest an attempt to protect the siheyuan through their upgrade; in the UK there are many examples of addition of new volumes for the expansion of terraced houses, with the partial saturation of their courtyards; in North America, where urban sprawl generated endless suburbs of isolated houses, new buildings were placed in the spaces between a house and the other; in Paris apartment blocks suburbs, starting from the rereading of critical issues of urban fabric the upgrading and retrofitting of low-quality social housing was obtained through articulated interventions of volumetric addition. Furthermore, the paper proposes a rereading of Italian suburban districts and their requalification through densification interventions by rational interventions of symbiotic architecture.
Rehab 2017. 3rd International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures, 2017
The paper presents the intermediate results of a research ongoing at the University of Pavia whos... more The paper presents the intermediate results of a research ongoing at the University of Pavia whose object is the analysis of geometry, morphology, materials and degradation of the central building of the university, with the aim of drawing up a comprehensive program of planned conservation. The University of Pavia is an ancient foundation University (1361) and as such now it has a vast building stock composed of buildings whose construction dates back to various periods. The subject of this study is the central building, currently hosting the rectory and some university departments, which in its present form is the result of a long and complex historical stratification. At the same time the demand of planning not only technical but also financial investment with the purpose of preservation and enhancement of the built heritage now make it increasingly necessary to develop an integrated approach to planned conservation. In the current approach to protection of built heritage the importance of conservation of more easily degradable constructive and technological elements is recognized, therefore in this context, planned maintenance has taken on a peculiar character, and scientific community preferred to name it planned conservation. Punctual repair and conservation works were therefore opposed to the systematic and periodic replacement of elements which are damaged, degraded or (on the basis of theory of planned obsolescence) considered next to meeting these conditions. Given their specificity, such conservation works cannot disregard the careful knowledge of building elements on which it must operate and their composition in the building technology system. The drafting of a planned conservation plan therefore requires a careful preliminary study phase which might lead to the breakdown of the entire building technology system (or one of its sub-system) in the individual technical elements that compose it. On this basis, researchers have developed a test on one of the most significant historic courtyards of the central building complex: the Volta Court. During the research the survey of the geometry and of the current state of preservation have been carried out. The set of acquired information has been translated into an user friendly GIS system designed to provide the information base for defining the future monitoring and intervention strategy.
In recent years restoration progressively passed from an interpretation as isolated event aimed a... more In recent years restoration progressively passed from an interpretation as isolated event aimed at ending decay processes, to an idea of continuous planned conservation able to prevent decay phenomena. Within the planned conservation process the start phase requires a detailed study of the consistency of building artefacts and that serious degradation phenomena are not ongoing; the process should therefore start with a long and expensive study and with a series of extraordinary maintenance works. It is therefore essential to reduce starting costs by establishing protocols for expeditious surveys. In this process, roof has a crucial importance, since most forms of degradation are induced by infiltration of water from roofing. The paper proposes a system of expeditious surveying and filing for roof of large historic building complexes and the pilot project carried out in spring-summer 2014 for its application to the case study of Palazzo San Felice owned by the University of Pavia.
REUSO 2019 (VII Convegno Internazionale sulla documentazione, conservazione e recupero del patrimonio architettonico e sulla tutela paesaggistica), 2019
2016 World Conference on Timber Engineering, WCTE 2016, 2016
In recent years restoration progressively passed from an interpretation as isolated event aimed a... more In recent years restoration progressively passed from an interpretation as isolated event aimed at ending decay processes, to an idea of continuous planned conservation able to prevent decay phenomena. Within the planned conservation process the start phase requires a detailed study of the consistency of building artefacts and that serious degradation phenomena are not ongoing; the process should therefore start with a long and expensive study and with a series of extraordinary maintenance works. It is therefore essential to reduce starting costs by establishing protocols for expeditious surveys. In this process, roof has a crucial importance, since most forms of degradation are induced by infiltration of water from roofing. The paper proposes a system of expeditious surveying and filing for roof of large historic building complexes and the pilot project carried out in spring-summer 2014 for its application to the case study of Palazzo San Felice owned by the University of Pavia.
The paper discusses socio-economic and cultural conditions and technological and formal aspects w... more The paper discusses socio-economic and cultural conditions and technological and formal aspects which attests rooftop additions on existing buildings as a model for increasing built density of residential area. In Italy most of the residential buildings constructed in postwar period have today low architectural quality and are degraded. The need for upgrade of this real estate gives the opportunity to implement strategies to reduce land consumption through rooftop additions. In a conservative approach to built heritage, the dismantling of roofs implies a loss of material culture; otherwise, the construction of the same volumes in new areas would cause an irreversible land consumption. A conflict rises between the needs for conservation of built heritage and of territory; in accordance with Amedeo Bellini, the resolution of this conflict must be based on ethical judgments. Thus the addition shouldn’t be a parasite, but it must achieve a symbiotic architecture in which both host and s...
L'articolo discute la nascita delle manifatture accentrate, promosse dai sovrani europei ... more L'articolo discute la nascita delle manifatture accentrate, promosse dai sovrani europei con la diffusione delle teorie economiche del colbertismo agli albori dell'industrializzazione (sec. XVIII), analizzando in particolare le questioni tipologiche. Si approfondisce il caso dei primi edifici industriali a pianta circolare (e anulare) e la diffusione ed evoluzione di tipo edilizi fino ai giorni nostri.
The paper presents the intermediate results of a research ongoing at the University of Pavia whos... more The paper presents the intermediate results of a research ongoing at the University of Pavia whose object is the analysis of geometry, morphology, materials and degradation of the central building of the university, with the aim of drawing up a comprehensive program of planned conservation. The University of Pavia is an ancient foundation University (1361) and as such now it has a vast building stock composed of buildings whose construction dates back to various periods. The subject of this study is the central building, currently hosting the rectory and some university departments, which in its present form is the result of a long and complex historical stratification. At the same time the demand of planning not only technical but also financial investment with the purpose of preservation and enhancement of the built heritage now make it increasingly necessary to develop an integrated approach to planned conservation. In the current approach to protection of built heritage the importance of conservation of more easily degradable constructive and technological elements is recognized, therefore in this context, planned maintenance has taken on a peculiar character, and scientific community preferred to name it planned conservation. Punctual repair and conservation works were therefore opposed to the systematic and periodic replacement of elements which are damaged, degraded or (on the basis of theory of planned obsolescence) considered next to meeting these conditions. Given their specificity, such conservation works cannot disregard the careful knowledge of building elements on which it must operate and their composition in the building technology system. The drafting of a planned conservation plan therefore requires a careful preliminary study phase which might lead to the breakdown of the entire building technology system (or one of its sub-system) in the individual technical elements that compose it. On this basis, researchers have developed a test on one of the most significant historic courtyards of the central building complex: the Volta Court. During the research the survey of the geometry and of the current state of preservation have been carried out. The set of acquired information has been translated into an user friendly GIS system designed to provide the information base for defining the future monitoring and intervention strategy.
Innovative Built Heritage Models
La cuestión de la relación entre la arquitectura contemporánea y la preexistente es de suma impor... more La cuestión de la relación entre la arquitectura contemporánea y la preexistente es de suma importancia, ya que desde siempre y cada vez más se sigue trabajand con las adiciones o sustituciones en áreas ya urbanizadas, tanto en el casco histórico como en contextos de más reciente construcción. El artículo presenta un análisis crítico de las motivaciones contingentes que llevan a la inclusión de nuevas arquitecturas en lo construido y de los objetivos que se plantean respecto a la preexistencia, con el fin de llegar a la realizazión de un análisis de las orientaciónes conceptuales y prácticas que derivan de ellos; por fin se van a subrayar los efectos de estas intervenciones sobre la transmisión del patrimonio arquitectónico existente a las generaciones futuras. Sólo una cuidadosa orientación dialógica hacia la inclusión de nuevas arquitecturas en contextos construidos puede ser el portador de las instancias modernas de tutela del existente, en su autenticidad histórica y en la multiplicidad de sus características materiales e inmateriales, que se presentan como datos que siempre serán sometidos a infinitas interpretaciones infinitamente nuevas. En la multiplicidad de sus formas y dentro de los límites respecto a la preexistencia, la orientación dialógica también permite la plena libertad de expresión de la arquitectura contemporánea permitiendo añadir nuevos recursos culturales al palimpsesto edificado. Palabras clave: Adición Constructiva, Actualización de la Arquitectura, Restauración, Intervención en edificios históricos.
Il volume è stato inserito nella collana Fabbrica della Conoscenza, fondata e diretta da Carmine ... more Il volume è stato inserito nella collana Fabbrica della Conoscenza, fondata e diretta da Carmine Gambardella, in seguito a peer review anonimo da parte di due membri del Comitato Scientifico.
Le vicende delle università storiche di medie dimensioni sono legate al riuso di edifici esistent... more Le vicende delle università storiche di medie dimensioni sono legate al riuso di edifici esistenti e ai processi di trasformazione del tessuto urbano. Le prime università furono fondate in Europa in epoca medioevale. In origine le lezioni si tenevano in palazzi nobiliari e in conventi ma ben presto con il loro rafforzarsi, le istituzioni si spostarono in sedi proprie. Agli inizi del secolo XX, con lo sviluppo della medicina e delle scienze naturali - e delle strumentazioni scientifiche - le sedi storiche risultarono ben presto inadeguate ed ebbe inizio una fase di espansione in nuovi insediamenti periferici. Un’ulteriore fase di espansione si verificò negli anni 1970 in seguito ai moti studenteschi e al passaggio dalla università di élite all'università di massa. In questa fase si ebbero un’espansione in nuove aree e, parallelamente, il riuso di edifici dismessi (e.g. conventi, caserme, ecc.). Il quadro che si ottiene è di un patrimonio costruito fortemente eterogeneo (per epoca di costruzione, tipologie edilizie e tecniche costruttive utilizzate) e diffuso nel tessuto urbano, con il quale instaura uno stretto rapporto. Negli ultimi anni la crisi economica e la progressiva riduzione della spesa pubblica, da un lato, e il crescente apprezzamento anche economico del patrimonio architettonico, dall'altro, hanno riorientato il settore delle costruzioni verso gli interventi sul costruito e hanno fatto emergere la necessità di una gestione più efficiente ed efficace dei grandi patrimoni edilizi. A questi aspetti si aggiungono le pressioni derivanti dal cambiamento del quadro esigenziale espresso dall’utenza e dall’evoluzione delle prestazioni richieste dalla normativa e l’impossibilità di lasciare le sedi istituzionali. Si rende quindi necessario definire una metodologia per il monitoraggio e la valutazione dell’adeguatezza del patrimonio costruito delle università storiche e per la definizione di strategie di intervento per l’aggiornamento degli edifici che garantiscano allo stesso tempo di garantirne la conservazione.
Since the Middle Ages Church has influenced in various ways university architecture in Europe. In... more Since the Middle Ages Church has influenced in various ways university architecture in Europe. Initially the lessons were held in noble palaces and urban monastery. Later in the Renaissance period first university buildings were built according to consolidated typological schemes (such as monasteries with cloister) due to the lack of proper university building typology. Meanwhile in England colleges were being built according to the quadrangle scheme, referable to ecclesiastical architecture. In the sixteenth century the phenomenon of reuse of former ecclesiastical buildings as higher education institution began. It is to be seen in the broader theme of the reuse of existing buildings in the urban fabric of historic cities in relation to the changing of urban dynamics (e.g. throughout Europe many monasteries were reused as hospitals and/or barracks and finally as universities. The paper discusses various strategies of the reuse of former religious buildings as university premises.
WORLD HERITAGE and KNOWLEDGE, Representation, Restoration, Redesign, Resilience, Le Vie dei Mercanti, XVI International Forum di Studi, 2018
Since the Middle Ages, universities have established their importance in many small and medium-si... more Since the Middle Ages, universities have established their importance in many small and medium-sized European cities. In many cases, higher education institutions (HEIs) have reused abandoned existing buildings, adapting them to new educational function (e.g. monasteries, hospitals, barracks, factories, etc.).
Since the late 20th century two main trends which imply the redesign can be observed: the reuse of historical buildings for new premises (either in case of expansion of existing universities or in case of foundation of new universities) and the reorganization of existing buildings to improve efficiency of use (and reduce costs and expense waste).
In recent years a sharp acceleration of the changes has taken place due to the increasing international competition (e.g. university ranking) and to the diffusion of new technologies (e.g. diffusion of ICT and multimedia tools). These trends have led to a new focus on built heritage which, in addition to being adequately protected and enhanced, must also be periodically adapted to comply with regulatory developments, changes in the users’ requirements and the introduction of new functions, which imply new space demand. Moreover, in many countries, the reduction in funding, which hit harder the non-core business sectors, resulted in the need for greater management efficiency.
The paper will present a SWOT matrix to systematize and analyse the various aspects of the redesign of historical university built heritage.
[RICH*] Reuse and Improvement of Cultural Heritage, 2017
Il capitolo presenta il progetto di riuso del complesso ex ecclesiastico della Certosina di Palaz... more Il capitolo presenta il progetto di riuso del complesso ex ecclesiastico della Certosina di Palazzo Botta Adorno in Pavia elaborato da uno dei gruppi di studenti italiani e internazionali che hanno partecipato alla summer school [RICH*] – Reuse and Improvement of the Cultural Heritage tenutasi a Pavia nel luglio 2016; il progetto propone di riaprire il giardino di palazzo Botta e di insediare nuove funzioni educative e una biblioteca nella Certosina.
[RICH*] Reuse and Improvement of Cultural Heritage, 2017
Il capitolo presenta uno studio delle vicende storiche e costruttive del complesso ex ecclesiasti... more Il capitolo presenta uno studio delle vicende storiche e costruttive del complesso ex ecclesiastico della Certosina di Palazzo Botta Adorno in Pavia, analizzando le fasi costruttive e i passaggi di proprietà dell'immobile, la sua relazione con l'immediato intorno urbano del complesso edilizio e le sue caratteristiche tipologiche e costruttive dell'edificio.
ReUSO Granada 2017, Sobre una arquitectura hecha de tiempo, 2017
L'articolo discute la nascita delle manifatture accentrate, promosse dai sovrani europei con la d... more L'articolo discute la nascita delle manifatture accentrate, promosse dai sovrani europei con la diffusione delle teorie economiche del colbertismo agli albori dell'industrializzazione (sec. XVIII), analizzando in particolare le questioni tipologiche.
Si approfondisce il caso dei primi edifici industriali a pianta circolare (e anulare) e la diffusione ed evoluzione di tipo edilizi fino ai giorni nostri.
Recent international economic crisis highlighted the limits of present development models. In the... more Recent international economic crisis highlighted the limits of present development models. In the light of problems arising from land consumption it’s necessary to question the models of unlimited urban expansion acting on cities with new strategies for requalification and enhancement of dequalified spaces through rational densification of existing urban fabric. In many countries we can observe examples of ongoing densification processes, that provide reinterpretations of consolidated urban fabric types in which they act: in Beijing some examples of the insertion of new volumes into historical fabric manifest an attempt to protect the siheyuan through their upgrade; in the UK there are many examples of addition of new volumes for the expansion of terraced houses, with the partial saturation of their courtyards; in North America, where urban sprawl generated endless suburbs of isolated houses, new buildings were placed in the spaces between a house and the other; in Paris apartment blocks suburbs, starting from the rereading of critical issues of urban fabric the upgrading and retrofitting of low-quality social housing was obtained through articulated interventions of volumetric addition. Furthermore, the paper proposes a rereading of Italian suburban districts and their requalification through densification interventions by rational interventions of symbiotic architecture.
Rehab 2017. 3rd International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures, 2017
The paper presents the intermediate results of a research ongoing at the University of Pavia whos... more The paper presents the intermediate results of a research ongoing at the University of Pavia whose object is the analysis of geometry, morphology, materials and degradation of the central building of the university, with the aim of drawing up a comprehensive program of planned conservation. The University of Pavia is an ancient foundation University (1361) and as such now it has a vast building stock composed of buildings whose construction dates back to various periods. The subject of this study is the central building, currently hosting the rectory and some university departments, which in its present form is the result of a long and complex historical stratification. At the same time the demand of planning not only technical but also financial investment with the purpose of preservation and enhancement of the built heritage now make it increasingly necessary to develop an integrated approach to planned conservation. In the current approach to protection of built heritage the importance of conservation of more easily degradable constructive and technological elements is recognized, therefore in this context, planned maintenance has taken on a peculiar character, and scientific community preferred to name it planned conservation. Punctual repair and conservation works were therefore opposed to the systematic and periodic replacement of elements which are damaged, degraded or (on the basis of theory of planned obsolescence) considered next to meeting these conditions. Given their specificity, such conservation works cannot disregard the careful knowledge of building elements on which it must operate and their composition in the building technology system. The drafting of a planned conservation plan therefore requires a careful preliminary study phase which might lead to the breakdown of the entire building technology system (or one of its sub-system) in the individual technical elements that compose it. On this basis, researchers have developed a test on one of the most significant historic courtyards of the central building complex: the Volta Court. During the research the survey of the geometry and of the current state of preservation have been carried out. The set of acquired information has been translated into an user friendly GIS system designed to provide the information base for defining the future monitoring and intervention strategy.
In recent years restoration progressively passed from an interpretation as isolated event aimed a... more In recent years restoration progressively passed from an interpretation as isolated event aimed at ending decay processes, to an idea of continuous planned conservation able to prevent decay phenomena. Within the planned conservation process the start phase requires a detailed study of the consistency of building artefacts and that serious degradation phenomena are not ongoing; the process should therefore start with a long and expensive study and with a series of extraordinary maintenance works. It is therefore essential to reduce starting costs by establishing protocols for expeditious surveys. In this process, roof has a crucial importance, since most forms of degradation are induced by infiltration of water from roofing. The paper proposes a system of expeditious surveying and filing for roof of large historic building complexes and the pilot project carried out in spring-summer 2014 for its application to the case study of Palazzo San Felice owned by the University of Pavia.
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