Ivan Traina | Università di Verona (original) (raw)
Papers by Ivan Traina
This chapter describes a psychoeducational intervention for supporting language learning. It conc... more This chapter describes a psychoeducational intervention for supporting language learning. It concerns a child that lost about 80% of hearing functioning at 11 months age, caused by an occlusive otitis. Despite successful surgery, the child didn't learn to talk. Chapter objective consists of presenting the psychoeducational intervention adopted. This was based on inclusive practices aimed to develop language skills and carried out by an interdisciplinary team in collaboration with primary school teachers. The methodology used for describing the intervention consisted of a naturalistic observation that allowed collecting information on changes as result of the intervention. This permitted the analysis of the insights generated through practical experiences, and to find evidence in research on language learning. Also, the results emerged through the observation of this intervention provided useful elements for encouraging the exploration of intervention's potentiality and inspire future trajectories of research.
Journal of Adult and Continuing Education
This systematic review aimed to determine what existing job transition programs are evidence-base... more This systematic review aimed to determine what existing job transition programs are evidence-based and methodologically founded. The PRISMA method was used for the review, and the inclusion criteria were to include studies where there were a description of transition programs and functional curriculum for acquiring employment competences; internship experiences in employment context; single-case or group-design studies with youths as participants; and diagnosis of intellectual disability. Forty-six studies were initially selected, and three final articles met all the criteria set for assessing the methodology quality. Although the review results show that more research is needed to provide empirical programs for enhancing the acquisition of employment capabilities, some evidence emerged from the analysis of studies. These concern mainly four aspects: curriculum contents facilitating the development of self-determination and the acquirement of job-related skills, chance to have indiv...
L'obiettivo della presente integrative review consiste nel fornire una mappatura dei programm... more L'obiettivo della presente integrative review consiste nel fornire una mappatura dei programmi di transizione scuola-lavoro rivolti a giovani adulti con disabilità intellettiva realizzati nell'ultimo decennio. I programmi discussi in letteratura potrebbero, infatti, informare potenziali percorsi nel contesto italiano. Tramite il processo di revisione sistematica abbiamo inizialmente identificato il divario nella ricerca, maggiormente focalizzata sull'età infantile e adolescenziale che sull'età adulta delle persone con disabilità intellettiva, e in particolare rispetto ai programmi di transizione al lavoro e alla vita adulta. Per far fronte alla necessità di un approfondimento dei programmi basati su studi empirici, è stato impiegato il metodo della integrative review, perché in grado di contribuire all'individuazione di pratiche educative basate sull'evidenza. L'analisi e la sintesi dei risultati degli studi selezionati hanno consentito di individuare sei...
Nell'articolo si evidenzia l'importanza di promuovere a partire dalla scuolaazioni didatt... more Nell'articolo si evidenzia l'importanza di promuovere a partire dalla scuolaazioni didattiche mirate, competenze lavorative e di vita indipendente per gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità. Il tema assume particolare valore nell'ambito della scuola secondaria di II grado, dove è d'obbligo per gli insegnanti la progettazione di esperienze in alternanza scuola-lavoro (PCTO), a cui va dedicata una specifica sezione del PEI. Si tratta di una vera e propria sfida educativa, che consiste nel trovare connessioni concrete e dotate di senso tra azioni didattiche e Progetto di Vita. Il riferimento all'ICF, come previsto dal nuovo PEI (D. Lgs. 66/2017), rappresenta per gli insegnanti un'opportunità nella progettazione dei PCTO rivolti agli studenti e alle studentesse con disabilità. In particolare, per la scelta degli obiettivi educativi e per il monitoraggio dell'esperienza formativa. L'articolo riporta un'esperienza condotta dall'Università di ...
The issues of young people\u2019s school failure, disaffection and disengagement has been and sti... more The issues of young people\u2019s school failure, disaffection and disengagement has been and still is a topic of debate at the European level, made worse by the current prolonged economic crisis. At the 2000 European Council in Lisbon, the European Union defined the dimension of the school failure problem as: \u201cThe number of 18 to 24 years old youngsters with only lower-secondary level education who are not in further education and training\u201d. An EU benchmark was set that the proportion of early school leavers should not be more than 10% by 2010 (European Commission, 2006). By 2006 only six of the twenty-seven Member States had met this benchmark (Austria, Slovak Republic, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Croatia). The average early school leaving statistics in the remaining twenty-one countries was 18% and worsened further as the number of young people not in education, employment and training (NEET) has increased across the EU. School failure is a major cause of social and professional exclusion among youngsters. Although the causes are many and complex, young people who have abandoned education cite traditional educational provision and an inability to feel included and appreciated as the main reasons of their disaffection and disengagement. This calls for innovative and young people\u2019s centred solutions to the problem. The SAS project proposes a further alternative pedagogical approach based on a positive experience acquired outside school through informal or non-formal learning, such as participating in volunteering activities. A volunteering-based experience would enable young people to acquire and/or develop skills and competences useful for young people to return to education or work. Volunteering is part of non-formal and informal learning supported by the Copenhagen process. Specifically, the SAS project seeks to use volunteering as means to give young people the opportunity to develop skills within associations. Volunteering through and within an association would enable young people to apply theoretical knowledge learned at school, enrich and expand their social network, and acquire or develop social and professional skills and competences. Moreover, volunteering would help young people to develop a positive image of themselves; increase their self-esteem and self-efficacy, and provide them with practical opportunities to develop work-related skills. To be involved in an association is also a way to develop key competences enhanced by the European Council and the European Parliament in December 2006 (eight key competences) specifically learning to learn, social and civic competences, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, cultural awareness and expression. The main aim of the Success at School through Volunteering (SAS) project is to expose youngsters affected by early school leaving and living in difficult areas to a pedagogical approach through a training course for young people and a mentoring training package for adults working with young people meant to valorize a voluntary involvement in identifying the relevant skills and competences acquired through volunteering. The SAS project aims to reduce the number of early school leavers and to improve learning outcomes for learners, especially youngsters from a migrant and disadvantaged background and with special needs through volunteering as an alternative pedagogical strategy integrating the \u201cdetour\u201d approach
Giornale Italiano dei Disturbi del Neurosviluppo, 2022
Ad oggi, la ricerca sulla disabilità intellettiva si è concentrata principalmente sull’infanzia e... more Ad oggi, la ricerca sulla disabilità intellettiva si è concentrata principalmente sull’infanzia e sugli interventi precoci piuttosto che sul passaggio dalla scuola al lavoro. Il curriculum di preparazione al lavoro descritto in questo articolo è stato progettato, implementato e sperimentato per supportare
giovani adulti con disabilità intellettiva ad acquisire abilità socio-comunicative, di vita indipendente e di lavoro. La metodologia adottata per lo sviluppo del curriculum si è basata sull’Analisi Applicata del Comportamento, ed è stato erogato in concomitanza con tirocini individualizzati. Sono state
effettuate valutazioni standardizzate pre e post-intervento per dimostrare l’effettiva acquisizione di abilità e il miglioramento della qualità di vita. I risultati di questa ricerca evidenziano l’efficacia e la replicabilità del curriculum, che può essere utilizzato per progettare interventi di formazione volti a trasferire competenze per la vita adulta e l’inclusione lavorativa.
RicercAzione, 2022
Individuals with intellectual disabilities are faced with significant barriers relating to the tr... more Individuals with intellectual disabilities are faced with significant barriers relating to the transition to adult life and jobs. The research' purposes were: to determine what evidence-based transition programs have been realized since the introduction of UNCRPD; to design and evaluate the effectiveness of the transition program E-IDEAS (carried out in Ireland), aimed to support workplace inclusion. A systematic literature review was carried out, and the elements emerged were used to develop the program, attended by 5 participants, and provided with five work-placements. Pre-and post-intervention standardized assessments were taken for measuring the improvement in quality of life and adaptive behaviour.
Questo articolo affronta il dibattito sviluppatosi intorno agli approcci partecipativi ed emancip... more Questo articolo affronta il dibattito sviluppatosi intorno agli approcci partecipativi ed emancipativi nella ricerca sulla disabilit\ue0. La sua finalit\ue0 \ue8 di rendere evidente l'assunto per dare una risposta alla domanda di ricerca che consiste nel capire fino a che punto la ricerca partecipativa ed emancipativa possa rappresentare un paradigma in grado di contribuire all'emancipazione delle persone disabili e allo sviluppo di una trasformazione delle strutture e relazioni sociali fondamentali. L'articolo \ue8 ispirato principalmente dalla revisione della letteratura accademica e dall'analisi di documenti internazionali, che hanno portato a interpretazioni e proposte per una nuova traiettoria di ricerca nel campo della disabilit\ue0. La prima parte presenta un breve sommario dei principali autori e teorie in merito alla ricerca partecipativa ed emancipativa e al modo in cui questi approcci possono trasformarsi in strumenti in grado di sostenere l'autodeterm...
Research in Developmental Disabilities
University Press of Estonia, 2014
This paper focuses on the theme of multiple-discrimination of disabled children with a migrant ba... more This paper focuses on the theme of multiple-discrimination of disabled children with a migrant background. It aims to provide an overview on the meaning of multiple-discrimination in relation to migration and children\u2019s disability. Research into this fairly new theme began only at the beginning of the new century, and while literature concerning teaching, welcoming and inclusion strategies for non-native students, as well as disability, is very broad, the combination of the two subjects has not yet seen significant development. For this reason, starting from a literature review of studies, international documents, policy guidelines and results of previous research, a possible tool and an inclusive strategy to tackle the issue are reported here. The paper attempts to provide material for support teachers, professionals, researchers and students interested in the right to non-discrimination, and the perspective of equality and inclusion. The first part of the paper provides a brief summary of the meaning of the term multiple-discrimination. Thereafter the tool to identify barriers for inclusion, resources and aids in different sectors of life is described, represented by a Contextual Map developed adopting a holistic approach. The second part presents a research project of \u201cinclusive school\u201d as a possible strategy to tackle this issue, promoted by the Municipality of Bologna and implemented in collaboration with the Department of Educational Studies of the University of Bologna. Through the suggested strategy and tool we have aimed to contribute to the better understanding of this phenomenon, considering the different dimensions of the issue
L'articolo ha per obiettivo quello di diffondere i primi risultati ottenuti nell'ambito d... more L'articolo ha per obiettivo quello di diffondere i primi risultati ottenuti nell'ambito del progetto Net4voice, finanziato dal Programma EU LLP (2007-2009). Finalit\ue0 del progetto \ue8 quella di aumentare le opportunit\ue0 di apprendimento promuovendo l'adozione di ambienti di apprendimento privi di barriere, ovvero di tecnologie basate sul riconoscimento vocale. I software di riconoscimento vocale trasformano automaticamente il parlato in testo digitale in tempo reale, generando una trascrizione elettronica delle lezioni che possono essere cos\uec distribuite attraverso diversi device e canali (il software, IBM ViaScribe, consente di generare file SMIL, XML, RFT, oltre a video e poadcast). L'articolo in particolare presenta tra gli obiettivi raggiunti la definizione di una metodologia di apprendimento, testata in tre diversi contesti: universit\ue0, scuole secondarie, enti di formazione. Principali beneficiari delle attivit\ue0 di progetto: persone svantaggiate in...
Este artículo describe de forma concisa los resultados de dos proyectos financiados por el Progra... more Este artículo describe de forma concisa los resultados de dos proyectos financiados por el Programa de aprendizaje permanente, gestionado por el Ámbito Educativo, Audiovisual y Cultural (EACEA), responsable de programas de la Unión Europea (EU) en el ámbito de la educación, la cultura y el audiovisual. El objetivo de estos proyectos consiste en proporcionar sugerencias, orientaciones y asesoramiento para mejorar los resultados escolares de aprendizaje a través de algunos ejemplos de casos prácticos basados en la aplicación de las TICs en los diferentes contextos de aprendizaje europeo. Las muestras seleccionadas de todos los países que participan en el proyecto nos sirven de comparativa y se refieren a las TICs como medio para apoyar y mejorar las experiencias de aprendizaje, especialmente cuando están apoyados por los enfoques pedagógicos, supuestos educativos, materiales innovadores y nuevas actividades de aprendizaje. Se estudia en más profundidad como la formación en estos recur...
The aim of this paper consists in proposing an inclusive and holistic approach in the research of... more The aim of this paper consists in proposing an inclusive and holistic approach in the research of various themes af- fecting vulnerable groups. The point of view adopted to define a research framework and the consequent trajectories of research for understanding emerging needs is based on the inclusive pedagogy, considered as "good pedagogy" (UNESCO, 2000), for its fundamental task to ensure that the gains achieved for a person in a problematic situations become quality for all. The main concepts adopted refer to: active citizenship, self-determination and new ways of understanding complex issues, such as multiple discrimination; multiple disabilities; inclusion in learning and employment; new conflicts and migration; ageing, and also new hopes, such as: active participation; ICT; aids; emancipation; professional competences. The objective is precisely to go beyond the state of the art in order to suggest trajectories of research aimed at understanding existing and emerging needs of vulnerable groups adopting a holistic approach. In order to design and generate innovative strategies and solutions that could reduce those cultural, social, environmental and economic barriers to inclusion.
Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 2021
ABSTRACT Aim The purpose of this pilot was to evaluate the effectiveness of the E-IDEAS curriculu... more ABSTRACT Aim The purpose of this pilot was to evaluate the effectiveness of the E-IDEAS curriculum, specifically designed for workplace inclusion of youths with intellectual disabilities (ID) and aimed to transfer social, communication, independent living and employment skills. Method The curriculum was attended by 5 participants, and it was provided concurrently with five different work-placements across a period of six months. Two assessment tools were used to demonstrate the acquisition of such skills and an evidence-base improvement of their quality of life. Pre and post-intervention standardized assessments were also taken for measuring the improvement in quality of life (through the San Martín Scale) and adaptive behavior (through the Vineland-II Adaptive Behavior Scale). Results The data collected showed increases in the acquisition of such skills. Evidence of maintenance and generalization were also demonstrated. Conclusion Implications for practice and further research are discussed.
As OECD (2009) states: \u201cGlobalisation and modernisation are creating an increasingly diverse... more As OECD (2009) states: \u201cGlobalisation and modernisation are creating an increasingly diverse and interconnected world. To make sense of and function well in this world, individuals need, for example, to master changing technologies and to make sense of large amounts of available information. They also face collective challenges as societies \u2013 such as balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability, and prosperity with social equity. In these contexts, the competences that individuals need to meet their goals have become more complex, requiring more than the mastery of certain narrowly defined skills.\u201d The critical importance of transferable competences in future employment is widely recognized. However, in most countries the educational practices are still under development and transversal competences are taught using different methods. Related subjects may have cross-curricular status, they may be integrated into existing curriculum subjects or they may be introduced as separately. The transversal competences, as well as other generic skills like creativity or problem solving, relate to more than one subject area and are more difficult to assess with traditional instruments. Therefore it is worth exploring what forms of assessment instruments are available for teachers to assess student progress in these fields. In most countries, a variety of subjects incorporate learning objectives or learning outcomes related to transversal competences. The aim of the European project SOCCES (\u201cSOCial Competences, Entrepreneurship and Sense of Initiative \u2013 Development and Assessment Framework) is to develop and pilot a framework for the methodical assessment for two competences that are very important for working life - namely the Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship, and Social competences. The developed framework will be translated to a concrete assessment module that can be used in different educational environments. The module will include a collaborative, virtually enabled assignment and will be accompanied with virtually enabled teacher instructions. In this respect the paper has the objective, based on multiple project outcomes as well as on the evolution of existing educational and assessment practices, to outline and provide food for thought for defining and analysing innovative ways of teaching and assessing transferable/transversal competences in the context of higher education
This paper presents a case study conducted as part of a PhD Thesis on testing Life Coaching as a ... more This paper presents a case study conducted as part of a PhD Thesis on testing Life Coaching as a learning method for fostering emancipation in vulnerable groups (adult patients), using a participatory-action-research approach. The lessons learnt provides empirical insights on the implications for the implementation of non-medical methods that could allow a shift from a situation of passivity (patient care) to a new one of participation to the definition of new objectives or projects of life (active citizenship). This paper was conceived to fulfil an identified need to study and test innovative and non-medical methods for fostering adult patients’ self-determination.
To date, research on Intellectual Disability (ID) has focused almost exclusively on childhood and... more To date, research on Intellectual Disability (ID) has focused almost exclusively on childhood and early interventions to support development. Adolescents, youths and adults with ID are an under-studied population. Youths with disabilities have less favorable transition outcomes than do youths in the general population and employment opportunities are even less promising. As a matter of fact, in the 21st century, new strategies, new partnerships and new perspectives are needed in most European countries, including Ireland, to empower youths with ID to acquire employment and independent living skills. The research presented considers and addresses the current educational and career preparation context for youths with ID in Ireland. We have developed a transition program E-IDEAS, " Empowerment of youth with Intellectual Disabilities through Education and training for Acquiring employment Skills " , aimed to develop evidence-based pathway that provides real-life work experience highlighting the importance of promoting better employment skills and outcomes for youths with ID. The framework of the transition program is composed by two curricula delivered concurrently for supporting the transfer of knowledge and competences: Employment curriculum and Individualized internship curriculum. The first curriculum was developed using a " top/down " driven approach, which means it was based on best practice outcomes from previous research and projects. The second curriculum will be realized using a " person-centre approach " , in order to match person's needs with employment context requirements, for guaranteeing an effective work-placement experience. Participants will be provided with a range of aids such as job-coaching, peer-to-peer support with non-disabled co-workers and mentoring as appropriate. Through a mix of participatory research and qualitative and quantitative research methods, E-IDEAS is engaging youths with ID, family members and carers, service providers, educators and employers. Participants are 10 youths with mild to moderate ID that will be supported also by Information Communication Technology and Assistive Technology (ICT-AT) solutions to acquire employment and independent living skills. The delivery and evaluation of both the curricula designed as well as the mapping of customizable ICT-AT with educational and employment purposes and the analysis of the impact on different participants/stakeholders will be discussed.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 2017
In order to support schools to assess their performance in supporting children with disabilities ... more In order to support schools to assess their performance in supporting children with disabilities in their ICT and ICT-AT needs, a self-assessment framework was developed by a task force of partners and associate partners of the ENTELIS project. The self-assessment tool aims to help educational establishments that welcome learners with disabilities to assess their current outcomes and to plan improvements in supporting these students in increasing digital literacy and developing digital skills. This includes the use of mainstream Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and specially designed digital Assistive Technologies (ICT-AT). This can only successfully happen if schools fully embrace an inclusive approach to education. In this paper the authors describe the development of the framework and the further steps for its use.
This chapter describes a psychoeducational intervention for supporting language learning. It conc... more This chapter describes a psychoeducational intervention for supporting language learning. It concerns a child that lost about 80% of hearing functioning at 11 months age, caused by an occlusive otitis. Despite successful surgery, the child didn't learn to talk. Chapter objective consists of presenting the psychoeducational intervention adopted. This was based on inclusive practices aimed to develop language skills and carried out by an interdisciplinary team in collaboration with primary school teachers. The methodology used for describing the intervention consisted of a naturalistic observation that allowed collecting information on changes as result of the intervention. This permitted the analysis of the insights generated through practical experiences, and to find evidence in research on language learning. Also, the results emerged through the observation of this intervention provided useful elements for encouraging the exploration of intervention's potentiality and inspire future trajectories of research.
Journal of Adult and Continuing Education
This systematic review aimed to determine what existing job transition programs are evidence-base... more This systematic review aimed to determine what existing job transition programs are evidence-based and methodologically founded. The PRISMA method was used for the review, and the inclusion criteria were to include studies where there were a description of transition programs and functional curriculum for acquiring employment competences; internship experiences in employment context; single-case or group-design studies with youths as participants; and diagnosis of intellectual disability. Forty-six studies were initially selected, and three final articles met all the criteria set for assessing the methodology quality. Although the review results show that more research is needed to provide empirical programs for enhancing the acquisition of employment capabilities, some evidence emerged from the analysis of studies. These concern mainly four aspects: curriculum contents facilitating the development of self-determination and the acquirement of job-related skills, chance to have indiv...
L'obiettivo della presente integrative review consiste nel fornire una mappatura dei programm... more L'obiettivo della presente integrative review consiste nel fornire una mappatura dei programmi di transizione scuola-lavoro rivolti a giovani adulti con disabilità intellettiva realizzati nell'ultimo decennio. I programmi discussi in letteratura potrebbero, infatti, informare potenziali percorsi nel contesto italiano. Tramite il processo di revisione sistematica abbiamo inizialmente identificato il divario nella ricerca, maggiormente focalizzata sull'età infantile e adolescenziale che sull'età adulta delle persone con disabilità intellettiva, e in particolare rispetto ai programmi di transizione al lavoro e alla vita adulta. Per far fronte alla necessità di un approfondimento dei programmi basati su studi empirici, è stato impiegato il metodo della integrative review, perché in grado di contribuire all'individuazione di pratiche educative basate sull'evidenza. L'analisi e la sintesi dei risultati degli studi selezionati hanno consentito di individuare sei...
Nell'articolo si evidenzia l'importanza di promuovere a partire dalla scuolaazioni didatt... more Nell'articolo si evidenzia l'importanza di promuovere a partire dalla scuolaazioni didattiche mirate, competenze lavorative e di vita indipendente per gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità. Il tema assume particolare valore nell'ambito della scuola secondaria di II grado, dove è d'obbligo per gli insegnanti la progettazione di esperienze in alternanza scuola-lavoro (PCTO), a cui va dedicata una specifica sezione del PEI. Si tratta di una vera e propria sfida educativa, che consiste nel trovare connessioni concrete e dotate di senso tra azioni didattiche e Progetto di Vita. Il riferimento all'ICF, come previsto dal nuovo PEI (D. Lgs. 66/2017), rappresenta per gli insegnanti un'opportunità nella progettazione dei PCTO rivolti agli studenti e alle studentesse con disabilità. In particolare, per la scelta degli obiettivi educativi e per il monitoraggio dell'esperienza formativa. L'articolo riporta un'esperienza condotta dall'Università di ...
The issues of young people\u2019s school failure, disaffection and disengagement has been and sti... more The issues of young people\u2019s school failure, disaffection and disengagement has been and still is a topic of debate at the European level, made worse by the current prolonged economic crisis. At the 2000 European Council in Lisbon, the European Union defined the dimension of the school failure problem as: \u201cThe number of 18 to 24 years old youngsters with only lower-secondary level education who are not in further education and training\u201d. An EU benchmark was set that the proportion of early school leavers should not be more than 10% by 2010 (European Commission, 2006). By 2006 only six of the twenty-seven Member States had met this benchmark (Austria, Slovak Republic, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Croatia). The average early school leaving statistics in the remaining twenty-one countries was 18% and worsened further as the number of young people not in education, employment and training (NEET) has increased across the EU. School failure is a major cause of social and professional exclusion among youngsters. Although the causes are many and complex, young people who have abandoned education cite traditional educational provision and an inability to feel included and appreciated as the main reasons of their disaffection and disengagement. This calls for innovative and young people\u2019s centred solutions to the problem. The SAS project proposes a further alternative pedagogical approach based on a positive experience acquired outside school through informal or non-formal learning, such as participating in volunteering activities. A volunteering-based experience would enable young people to acquire and/or develop skills and competences useful for young people to return to education or work. Volunteering is part of non-formal and informal learning supported by the Copenhagen process. Specifically, the SAS project seeks to use volunteering as means to give young people the opportunity to develop skills within associations. Volunteering through and within an association would enable young people to apply theoretical knowledge learned at school, enrich and expand their social network, and acquire or develop social and professional skills and competences. Moreover, volunteering would help young people to develop a positive image of themselves; increase their self-esteem and self-efficacy, and provide them with practical opportunities to develop work-related skills. To be involved in an association is also a way to develop key competences enhanced by the European Council and the European Parliament in December 2006 (eight key competences) specifically learning to learn, social and civic competences, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, cultural awareness and expression. The main aim of the Success at School through Volunteering (SAS) project is to expose youngsters affected by early school leaving and living in difficult areas to a pedagogical approach through a training course for young people and a mentoring training package for adults working with young people meant to valorize a voluntary involvement in identifying the relevant skills and competences acquired through volunteering. The SAS project aims to reduce the number of early school leavers and to improve learning outcomes for learners, especially youngsters from a migrant and disadvantaged background and with special needs through volunteering as an alternative pedagogical strategy integrating the \u201cdetour\u201d approach
Giornale Italiano dei Disturbi del Neurosviluppo, 2022
Ad oggi, la ricerca sulla disabilità intellettiva si è concentrata principalmente sull’infanzia e... more Ad oggi, la ricerca sulla disabilità intellettiva si è concentrata principalmente sull’infanzia e sugli interventi precoci piuttosto che sul passaggio dalla scuola al lavoro. Il curriculum di preparazione al lavoro descritto in questo articolo è stato progettato, implementato e sperimentato per supportare
giovani adulti con disabilità intellettiva ad acquisire abilità socio-comunicative, di vita indipendente e di lavoro. La metodologia adottata per lo sviluppo del curriculum si è basata sull’Analisi Applicata del Comportamento, ed è stato erogato in concomitanza con tirocini individualizzati. Sono state
effettuate valutazioni standardizzate pre e post-intervento per dimostrare l’effettiva acquisizione di abilità e il miglioramento della qualità di vita. I risultati di questa ricerca evidenziano l’efficacia e la replicabilità del curriculum, che può essere utilizzato per progettare interventi di formazione volti a trasferire competenze per la vita adulta e l’inclusione lavorativa.
RicercAzione, 2022
Individuals with intellectual disabilities are faced with significant barriers relating to the tr... more Individuals with intellectual disabilities are faced with significant barriers relating to the transition to adult life and jobs. The research' purposes were: to determine what evidence-based transition programs have been realized since the introduction of UNCRPD; to design and evaluate the effectiveness of the transition program E-IDEAS (carried out in Ireland), aimed to support workplace inclusion. A systematic literature review was carried out, and the elements emerged were used to develop the program, attended by 5 participants, and provided with five work-placements. Pre-and post-intervention standardized assessments were taken for measuring the improvement in quality of life and adaptive behaviour.
Questo articolo affronta il dibattito sviluppatosi intorno agli approcci partecipativi ed emancip... more Questo articolo affronta il dibattito sviluppatosi intorno agli approcci partecipativi ed emancipativi nella ricerca sulla disabilit\ue0. La sua finalit\ue0 \ue8 di rendere evidente l'assunto per dare una risposta alla domanda di ricerca che consiste nel capire fino a che punto la ricerca partecipativa ed emancipativa possa rappresentare un paradigma in grado di contribuire all'emancipazione delle persone disabili e allo sviluppo di una trasformazione delle strutture e relazioni sociali fondamentali. L'articolo \ue8 ispirato principalmente dalla revisione della letteratura accademica e dall'analisi di documenti internazionali, che hanno portato a interpretazioni e proposte per una nuova traiettoria di ricerca nel campo della disabilit\ue0. La prima parte presenta un breve sommario dei principali autori e teorie in merito alla ricerca partecipativa ed emancipativa e al modo in cui questi approcci possono trasformarsi in strumenti in grado di sostenere l'autodeterm...
Research in Developmental Disabilities
University Press of Estonia, 2014
This paper focuses on the theme of multiple-discrimination of disabled children with a migrant ba... more This paper focuses on the theme of multiple-discrimination of disabled children with a migrant background. It aims to provide an overview on the meaning of multiple-discrimination in relation to migration and children\u2019s disability. Research into this fairly new theme began only at the beginning of the new century, and while literature concerning teaching, welcoming and inclusion strategies for non-native students, as well as disability, is very broad, the combination of the two subjects has not yet seen significant development. For this reason, starting from a literature review of studies, international documents, policy guidelines and results of previous research, a possible tool and an inclusive strategy to tackle the issue are reported here. The paper attempts to provide material for support teachers, professionals, researchers and students interested in the right to non-discrimination, and the perspective of equality and inclusion. The first part of the paper provides a brief summary of the meaning of the term multiple-discrimination. Thereafter the tool to identify barriers for inclusion, resources and aids in different sectors of life is described, represented by a Contextual Map developed adopting a holistic approach. The second part presents a research project of \u201cinclusive school\u201d as a possible strategy to tackle this issue, promoted by the Municipality of Bologna and implemented in collaboration with the Department of Educational Studies of the University of Bologna. Through the suggested strategy and tool we have aimed to contribute to the better understanding of this phenomenon, considering the different dimensions of the issue
L'articolo ha per obiettivo quello di diffondere i primi risultati ottenuti nell'ambito d... more L'articolo ha per obiettivo quello di diffondere i primi risultati ottenuti nell'ambito del progetto Net4voice, finanziato dal Programma EU LLP (2007-2009). Finalit\ue0 del progetto \ue8 quella di aumentare le opportunit\ue0 di apprendimento promuovendo l'adozione di ambienti di apprendimento privi di barriere, ovvero di tecnologie basate sul riconoscimento vocale. I software di riconoscimento vocale trasformano automaticamente il parlato in testo digitale in tempo reale, generando una trascrizione elettronica delle lezioni che possono essere cos\uec distribuite attraverso diversi device e canali (il software, IBM ViaScribe, consente di generare file SMIL, XML, RFT, oltre a video e poadcast). L'articolo in particolare presenta tra gli obiettivi raggiunti la definizione di una metodologia di apprendimento, testata in tre diversi contesti: universit\ue0, scuole secondarie, enti di formazione. Principali beneficiari delle attivit\ue0 di progetto: persone svantaggiate in...
Este artículo describe de forma concisa los resultados de dos proyectos financiados por el Progra... more Este artículo describe de forma concisa los resultados de dos proyectos financiados por el Programa de aprendizaje permanente, gestionado por el Ámbito Educativo, Audiovisual y Cultural (EACEA), responsable de programas de la Unión Europea (EU) en el ámbito de la educación, la cultura y el audiovisual. El objetivo de estos proyectos consiste en proporcionar sugerencias, orientaciones y asesoramiento para mejorar los resultados escolares de aprendizaje a través de algunos ejemplos de casos prácticos basados en la aplicación de las TICs en los diferentes contextos de aprendizaje europeo. Las muestras seleccionadas de todos los países que participan en el proyecto nos sirven de comparativa y se refieren a las TICs como medio para apoyar y mejorar las experiencias de aprendizaje, especialmente cuando están apoyados por los enfoques pedagógicos, supuestos educativos, materiales innovadores y nuevas actividades de aprendizaje. Se estudia en más profundidad como la formación en estos recur...
The aim of this paper consists in proposing an inclusive and holistic approach in the research of... more The aim of this paper consists in proposing an inclusive and holistic approach in the research of various themes af- fecting vulnerable groups. The point of view adopted to define a research framework and the consequent trajectories of research for understanding emerging needs is based on the inclusive pedagogy, considered as "good pedagogy" (UNESCO, 2000), for its fundamental task to ensure that the gains achieved for a person in a problematic situations become quality for all. The main concepts adopted refer to: active citizenship, self-determination and new ways of understanding complex issues, such as multiple discrimination; multiple disabilities; inclusion in learning and employment; new conflicts and migration; ageing, and also new hopes, such as: active participation; ICT; aids; emancipation; professional competences. The objective is precisely to go beyond the state of the art in order to suggest trajectories of research aimed at understanding existing and emerging needs of vulnerable groups adopting a holistic approach. In order to design and generate innovative strategies and solutions that could reduce those cultural, social, environmental and economic barriers to inclusion.
Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 2021
ABSTRACT Aim The purpose of this pilot was to evaluate the effectiveness of the E-IDEAS curriculu... more ABSTRACT Aim The purpose of this pilot was to evaluate the effectiveness of the E-IDEAS curriculum, specifically designed for workplace inclusion of youths with intellectual disabilities (ID) and aimed to transfer social, communication, independent living and employment skills. Method The curriculum was attended by 5 participants, and it was provided concurrently with five different work-placements across a period of six months. Two assessment tools were used to demonstrate the acquisition of such skills and an evidence-base improvement of their quality of life. Pre and post-intervention standardized assessments were also taken for measuring the improvement in quality of life (through the San Martín Scale) and adaptive behavior (through the Vineland-II Adaptive Behavior Scale). Results The data collected showed increases in the acquisition of such skills. Evidence of maintenance and generalization were also demonstrated. Conclusion Implications for practice and further research are discussed.
As OECD (2009) states: \u201cGlobalisation and modernisation are creating an increasingly diverse... more As OECD (2009) states: \u201cGlobalisation and modernisation are creating an increasingly diverse and interconnected world. To make sense of and function well in this world, individuals need, for example, to master changing technologies and to make sense of large amounts of available information. They also face collective challenges as societies \u2013 such as balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability, and prosperity with social equity. In these contexts, the competences that individuals need to meet their goals have become more complex, requiring more than the mastery of certain narrowly defined skills.\u201d The critical importance of transferable competences in future employment is widely recognized. However, in most countries the educational practices are still under development and transversal competences are taught using different methods. Related subjects may have cross-curricular status, they may be integrated into existing curriculum subjects or they may be introduced as separately. The transversal competences, as well as other generic skills like creativity or problem solving, relate to more than one subject area and are more difficult to assess with traditional instruments. Therefore it is worth exploring what forms of assessment instruments are available for teachers to assess student progress in these fields. In most countries, a variety of subjects incorporate learning objectives or learning outcomes related to transversal competences. The aim of the European project SOCCES (\u201cSOCial Competences, Entrepreneurship and Sense of Initiative \u2013 Development and Assessment Framework) is to develop and pilot a framework for the methodical assessment for two competences that are very important for working life - namely the Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship, and Social competences. The developed framework will be translated to a concrete assessment module that can be used in different educational environments. The module will include a collaborative, virtually enabled assignment and will be accompanied with virtually enabled teacher instructions. In this respect the paper has the objective, based on multiple project outcomes as well as on the evolution of existing educational and assessment practices, to outline and provide food for thought for defining and analysing innovative ways of teaching and assessing transferable/transversal competences in the context of higher education
This paper presents a case study conducted as part of a PhD Thesis on testing Life Coaching as a ... more This paper presents a case study conducted as part of a PhD Thesis on testing Life Coaching as a learning method for fostering emancipation in vulnerable groups (adult patients), using a participatory-action-research approach. The lessons learnt provides empirical insights on the implications for the implementation of non-medical methods that could allow a shift from a situation of passivity (patient care) to a new one of participation to the definition of new objectives or projects of life (active citizenship). This paper was conceived to fulfil an identified need to study and test innovative and non-medical methods for fostering adult patients’ self-determination.
To date, research on Intellectual Disability (ID) has focused almost exclusively on childhood and... more To date, research on Intellectual Disability (ID) has focused almost exclusively on childhood and early interventions to support development. Adolescents, youths and adults with ID are an under-studied population. Youths with disabilities have less favorable transition outcomes than do youths in the general population and employment opportunities are even less promising. As a matter of fact, in the 21st century, new strategies, new partnerships and new perspectives are needed in most European countries, including Ireland, to empower youths with ID to acquire employment and independent living skills. The research presented considers and addresses the current educational and career preparation context for youths with ID in Ireland. We have developed a transition program E-IDEAS, " Empowerment of youth with Intellectual Disabilities through Education and training for Acquiring employment Skills " , aimed to develop evidence-based pathway that provides real-life work experience highlighting the importance of promoting better employment skills and outcomes for youths with ID. The framework of the transition program is composed by two curricula delivered concurrently for supporting the transfer of knowledge and competences: Employment curriculum and Individualized internship curriculum. The first curriculum was developed using a " top/down " driven approach, which means it was based on best practice outcomes from previous research and projects. The second curriculum will be realized using a " person-centre approach " , in order to match person's needs with employment context requirements, for guaranteeing an effective work-placement experience. Participants will be provided with a range of aids such as job-coaching, peer-to-peer support with non-disabled co-workers and mentoring as appropriate. Through a mix of participatory research and qualitative and quantitative research methods, E-IDEAS is engaging youths with ID, family members and carers, service providers, educators and employers. Participants are 10 youths with mild to moderate ID that will be supported also by Information Communication Technology and Assistive Technology (ICT-AT) solutions to acquire employment and independent living skills. The delivery and evaluation of both the curricula designed as well as the mapping of customizable ICT-AT with educational and employment purposes and the analysis of the impact on different participants/stakeholders will be discussed.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 2017
In order to support schools to assess their performance in supporting children with disabilities ... more In order to support schools to assess their performance in supporting children with disabilities in their ICT and ICT-AT needs, a self-assessment framework was developed by a task force of partners and associate partners of the ENTELIS project. The self-assessment tool aims to help educational establishments that welcome learners with disabilities to assess their current outcomes and to plan improvements in supporting these students in increasing digital literacy and developing digital skills. This includes the use of mainstream Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and specially designed digital Assistive Technologies (ICT-AT). This can only successfully happen if schools fully embrace an inclusive approach to education. In this paper the authors describe the development of the framework and the further steps for its use.
Routledge, 2020
The Role of Assistive Technology in Fostering Inclusive Education uses evidence-based research to... more The Role of Assistive Technology in Fostering Inclusive Education uses evidence-based research to explore issues related to implementation of ICT-based Assistive Technology (ICT-AT) in education. It focuses on programmes and activities that aim at the empowerment of the learners with disabilities, as well as the empowerment of the entire educational ecosystem.
The book provides a synthesis of political and theoretical discussions as well as practical experiences on the implementation of ICT-AT in education. Analysing international policy frameworks in relation to inclusive education and technology, it discusses examples of school self-assessment and action plan methodologies for digital inclusive education, as well as case studies of innovative ICT and AT solutions in educational environments. The authors elaborate on digital empowerment as a wider societal challenge through reflection on the barriers that people with disabilities meet in education and beyond.
This book will be of great interest for academics, researchers, and postgraduate students in the fields of inclusive education and assistive technology, as well as those interested in education research and policy development.
Book: Scholars' Press, 2017
In this book, a succinct description of the main models and approaches to disability is provided.... more In this book, a succinct description of the main models and approaches to disability is provided. A theoretical analysis of the different models developed to understand disability is outlined. We also provide our definition of social inclusion as the interaction between interpersonal relationships and community participation. This is an ecological model that includes individual, interpersonal, organisational factors, along with community, and socio-political factors. A series of processes and tools that can be used to design and implement interventions for vulnerable groups that promote participatory approaches and social inclusion are described. As a series of key indicators for assessing if a practice can be considered socially inclusive. The last section of the book describes three practical case studies, including the process of implementation and the lessons learned.
Book: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2017
Over the last few years, social inclusion of vulnerable groups has increased as teoretical concep... more Over the last few years, social inclusion of vulnerable groups has increased as teoretical concept. Nevertheless example of pratical instruments to improve this are lacking.
This book, therefore, provides a new trajectory of research that focuses on participatory and emancipatory approaches.
This research should help shed some light on these new approaches especially useful to professionals in the field of disability.
In the first part of book an in-depth literature analysis of the main academic publications on the meaning of inclusion and disability is presented.
Follows a focus on participatory and emancipatory approaches in order to connect these with the concepts of active citizenship and socially innovative actions.
In the second part of the book two case studies concerning participatory and emancipatory approaches are reported and analyzed as example of the improvement of inclusion, through the involvement and participation of persons with disability.
This book contributes to providing a knowledge-base that fosters a shift from a situation of passivity, sickness and patient care to a new scenario based on the person’s commitment and active role.
InSciencePress, 2024
This chapter describes a psychoeducational intervention for supporting language learning. It conc... more This chapter describes a psychoeducational intervention for supporting language learning. It concerns a child that lost about 80% of hearing functioning at 11 months age, caused by an occlusive otitis. Despite successful surgery, the child didn't learn to talk. Chapter objective consists of presenting the psychoeducational intervention adopted. This was based on inclusive practices aimed to develop language skills and carried out by an interdisciplinary team in collaboration with primary school teachers. The methodology used for describing the intervention consisted of a naturalistic observation that allowed collecting information on changes as result of the intervention. This permitted the analysis of the insights generated through practical experiences, and to find evidence in research on language learning. Also, the results emerged through the observation of this intervention provided useful elements for encouraging the exploration of intervention's potentiality and inspire future trajectories of research.
InScience Press, 2023
Individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID) are faced with significant barriers relating to t... more Individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID) are faced with significant barriers relating to the transition to adult life and employment. The proposed chapter's purpose consists of presenting the results emerged by the project of research E-IDEAS (Empowerment of youth with Intellectual Disabilities through Educational and training curricula for Acquiring employment Skills). In particular, the curriculum developed for supporting the acquisition of independent living and employment skills and the consequent transition to adult life of young persons with ID. Starting from a systematic analysis of literature on the topic, the chapter highlight the elements emerged that were used to develop the curriculum. Besides the search findings that led to curriculum elaboration, it includes the description of the methodology adopted, learning contents, as well as teaching strategies and tools utilized. Lastly, the results achieved by participants who attended the curriculum are presented, its assessment discussed, and future research directions defined.
Routledge, 2020
This chapter is informed by the work of researchers that report research outcomes and case studie... more This chapter is informed by the work of researchers that report research outcomes and case studies regarding the adoption of AT solutions in educational environments.
The aim is to provide school staff and other professionals in the field of education an insight of state of art research and related practice innovation including different examples of technologies for the empowerment of learners with disabilities are presented.
A detailed description of six case studies is provided by their respective authors, each of whom has highlighted specific aspects of the AT practices and experiences implemented.
The common feature of these case studies consists of enabling learners to achieve a major sense of autonomy, independence, belonging to the community as well as to overcome some cultural and social barriers through the use of innovative solutions.
In detail, case studies are structured in a way that captures the general description of the setting, the persons involved, the main barriers, needs and opportunities identified.
Also, case studies reported in this chapter highlight how technology was made helpful and effective in addressing the needs and opportunities, what were the outcomes of the use of technology, and what conditions have to be met in order to make a similar experience possible and replicable on the base of lessons learned and authors’ recommendations.
Book's chapter: Children and non-discrimination. Interdisciplinary textbook , 2013
This paper focuses on the theme of multiple-discrimination of disabled children with a migrant ba... more This paper focuses on the theme of multiple-discrimination of disabled children with a migrant background. It aims to provide an overview on the meaning of multiple-discrimination in relation to migration and children’s disability. Research into this fairly new theme began only at the beginning of the new century, and while literature concerning teaching, welcoming and inclusion strategies for non-native students, as well as disability, is very broad, the combination of the two subjects has not yet seen significant development. For this reason, starting from a literature review of studies, international documents, policy guidelines and results of previous research, a possible tool and an inclusive strategy to tackle the issue are reported here. The paper attempts to provide material for support teachers, professionals, researchers and students interested in the right to non-discrimination, and the perspective of equality and inclusion.
The first part of the paper provides a brief summary of the meaning of the term multiple-discrimination. Thereafter the tool to identify barriers for inclusion, resources and aids in different sectors of life is described, represented by a Contextual Map developed adopting a holistic approach. The second part presents a research project of “inclusive school” as a possible strategy to tackle this issue, promoted by the Municipality of Bologna and implemented in collaboration with the Department of Educational Studies of the University of Bologna.
Through the suggested strategy and tool we have aimed to contribute to the better understanding of this phenomenon, considering the different dimensions of the issue.
Ebook: Harnessing the Power of Technology to Improve Lives, 2017
In order to support schools to assess their performance in supporting children with disabilities ... more In order to support schools to assess their performance in supporting children with disabilities in their ICT and ICT-AT needs, a self-assessment framework was developed by a task force of partners and associate partners of the ENTELIS project. The self-assessment tool aims to help educational establishments that welcome learners with disabilities to assess their current outcomes and to plan improvements in supporting these students in increasing digital literacy and developing digital skills. This includes the use of mainstream Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and specially designed digital Assistive Technologies (ICT-AT). This can only successfully happen if schools fully embrace an inclusive approach to education. In this paper the authors describe the development of the framework and the further steps for its use.
New Ideas Concerning Science and Technology Vol. 10, 2021
This chapter provides suggestions for developing and implementing academic lectures on Service De... more This chapter provides suggestions for developing and implementing academic lectures on Service Design Thinking addressed to students of Higher Education Institutions (HEI), based on a case study carried out at the Department of Education Studies of University of Bologna. It reports some advice and tips for teaching this new concept. Also, it points the attention on some aspects raised during the delivery of lectures in classroom that deserve to be shared with the growing community of professionals interested in this concept. This contribution focuses mainly on practical aspects that should be considered when organizing lectures on this theme. Therefore, the chapter consists of three sections:-Presentation of innovative pedagogic approaches adopted to define a theoretic framework of reference.-Provision of literature's sample analyzed and used for developing lectures.-Reflection about lessons learnt. This work is a collection of practical implication and feedback emerged during the experience carried out and it is aimed at stimulating a wide confrontation in order to find practices that can help to understand "how and what" to teach about Service Design Thinking in HEI context.
Proceeding of the XVI International Conference on Physical Activity and Disability (ICPAD 2022)., 2022
Currently, challenges regarding preschooler children are mainly focused on a sedentary lifestyle.... more Currently, challenges regarding preschooler children are mainly focused on a sedentary lifestyle. Also, motor activity in infancy is seen as a tool for the separate acquisition of cognitive and socio-emotional skills rather than considering neuromotor development as a tool for improving learning abilities. The paper utilized an observational research method to shed light on the results of practicing neuromotor exercises in preschool children with disability as well as provide implications for practice.