Dionisis Cavouras | University of West Attica / Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Αττικής (original) (raw)

Papers by Dionisis Cavouras

Research paper thumbnail of A pattern recognition system for colorectal cancer characterization, based on AIB stained histopathological images

Physica Medica, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing hip osteoarthritis severity utilizing a probabilistic neural network based classification scheme

A computer-based classification system is proposed for the characterization of hips from pelvic r... more A computer-based classification system is proposed for the characterization of hips from pelvic radiographs as normal or osteoarthritic and for the discrimination among various grades of osteoarthritis (OA) severity. Pelvic radiographs of 18 patients with verified unilateral hip OA were evaluated by three experienced physicians, who assessed OA severity employing the Kellgren and Lawrence scale as: normal, mild/moderate and severe.

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Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing the discrimination accuracy between metastases, gliomas and meningiomas on brain MRI by volumetric textural features and ensemble pattern recognition methods

Three-dimensional (3D) texture analysis of volumetric brain magnetic resonance (MR) images has be... more Three-dimensional (3D) texture analysis of volumetric brain magnetic resonance (MR) images has been identified as an important indicator for discriminating among different brain pathologies. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of 3D textural features using a pattern recognition system in the task of discriminating benign, malignant and metastatic brain tissues on T1 postcontrast MR imaging (MRI)

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In this paper, a new methodology for the segmentation of cDNA microarray images is proposed, base... more In this paper, a new methodology for the segmentation of cDNA microarray images is proposed, based on the combination of Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) with Gradient Vector Flow (GVF) active contours. A simulated microarray image of 1000 spots was produced using a standard procedure. 5 real microarray images were used to evaluate the performance of our algorithm. GMM was firstly

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Research paper thumbnail of Segmentation of complementary DNA microarray images using the Fuzzy Gaussian Mixture Model technique

IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 2000

The objective of this work was to investigate the segmentation ability of the Fuzzy Gaussian Mixt... more The objective of this work was to investigate the segmentation ability of the Fuzzy Gaussian Mixture Models (FGMM) clustering algorithm, applied on complementary DNA (cDNA) images. A Simulated Microarray image of 200 cells, each containing one spot, was produced following standard established procedure. An automatic gridding process was developed and applied on the microarray image for the task of locating

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Research paper thumbnail of Image Analysis System For Assessing The Estrogen Receptor's Positive Status In Breast Tissue Carcinomas

Estrogen receptor (ER) status has proven to be a significant factor for the prediction of clinica... more Estrogen receptor (ER) status has proven to be a significant factor for the prediction of clinical response to hormonal therapy, in patients with breast cancer. In clinical practice, assessment of ER positive status relies on the subjective identification of the expressed nuclei in the specimens. The aim of this study was the development of a computer-aided image analysis system, employing

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Research paper thumbnail of Significance analysis of qualitative mammographic features, using linear classifiers, neural networks and support vector machines

Advances in modern technologies and computers have enabled digital image processing to become a v... more Advances in modern technologies and computers have enabled digital image processing to become a vital tool in conventional clinical practice, including mammography. However, the core problem of the clinical evaluation of mammographic tumors remains a highly demanding cognitive task. In order for these automated diagnostic systems to perform in levels of sensitivity and specificity similar to that of human experts,

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Research paper thumbnail of Radial Measures of Hip Joint Space Outline for Computer-Aided Characterization of Osteoarthritis Severity

Hip osteoarthritis (OA) is a major cause of disability worldwide. The radiographic assessment of ... more Hip osteoarthritis (OA) is a major cause of disability worldwide. The radiographic assessment of hip OA- severity is, mostly, based on qualitative grading scales, evaluating various aspects of structural alterations in the joint. In this study, a computerized scheme for the characterization of hip OA-severity from pelvic radiographs is proposed. Sixty four hips (18 normal and 46 osteoarthritic), corresponding to

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Research paper thumbnail of Using handheld devices for real-time wireless teleconsultation

The 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2004

... Out of these devices, this paper focuses on the services that Personal Digital Assistants and... more ... Out of these devices, this paper focuses on the services that Personal Digital Assistants and smartphones can provide to improve the ... In that manner, PDAs were used to wirelessly support the viewing of DICOM images and to allow for mobile videoconferencing while ...

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Accurate detection and segmentation of Intracranial Aneurysms in Computed Tomography Angiography ... more Accurate detection and segmentation of Intracranial Aneurysms in Computed Tomography Angiography is of major importance for radiologists. In this study, a pixel-based classification algorithm was designed for localization of aneurysms in CTA images. A series of thirty-eight DICOM CTA brain images, was collected from the Department of Radiology of the University Hospital of Patras, Greece. Pixel classification was performed as

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Purpose: Microarray experiments are important tools for high throughput gene quantification. Neve... more Purpose: Microarray experiments are important tools for high throughput gene quantification. Nevertheless, such experiments are confounded by a number of technical factors, which operate at the fabrication, target labelling, and hybridization stages, and result in spatially inhomogeneous noise. Unless these sources of error are addressed, they will propagate throughout the stages of the analysis, leading to inaccurate biological inferences. The

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Research paper thumbnail of Probabilistic neural network analysis of quantitative nuclear features in predicting the risk of cancer recurrence at different follow-up times

3rd International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, 2003. ISPA 2003. Proceedings of the, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Pattern recognition based segmentation method of cell nuclei in tissue section analysis

2002 14th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing Proceedings. DSP 2002 (Cat. No.02TH8628), 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of A prognostic-classification system based on a probabilistic NN for predicting urine bladder cancer recurrence

2002 14th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing Proceedings. DSP 2002 (Cat. No.02TH8628), 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Automated Diagnosis of Brain Tumours Using a Novel Density Estimation Method for Image Segmentation and Independent Component Analysis Combined with Support Vector Machines for Image Classification

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004

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The purpose of the present study was to investigate and compare the segmentation ability of the G... more The purpose of the present study was to investigate and compare the segmentation ability of the Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) against the Seeded Region Growing (SRG) methods in microarray spots segmentation. A simulated microarray image, each containing 200 spots, was produced. An automatic gridding process was developed in MATLAB and it was applied on the images for identifying the centers

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Research paper thumbnail of Support vector machines for classification of histopathological images of brain tumour astrocytomas

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Research paper thumbnail of A computer-based diagnostic and prognostic system for assessing urinary bladder tumour grade and predicting cancer recurrence

Purpose: A computer-based system was designed, incorporating subjective criteria employed by path... more Purpose: A computer-based system was designed, incorporating subjective criteria employed by pathologists in their usual microscopic observation of tissue samples and measurements of nuclear characteristics, with the purpose of automatically assessing urinary bladder tumour grade and predicting cancer recurrence. Material and Methods : Ninety-two cases with urine bladder carcinoma were diagnosed and followed-up. Forty-seven patients had cancer recurrence. Each case

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Research paper thumbnail of Computer-based grading of haematoxylin-eosin stained tissue sections of urinary bladder carcinomas

Purpose: A computer-based image analysis system was developed for assessing the malignancy of uri... more Purpose: A computer-based image analysis system was developed for assessing the malignancy of urinary bladder carcinomas in a more objective manner. Tumours characterized in accordance with the WHO grading system were classified into low-risk (grades I and II) and high-risk (grades III and IV). Materials and methods: Images from 92 haematoxylin-eosin stained sections of urinary bladder carcinomas were digitized and

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Research paper thumbnail of Computer based correlation of the texture of p63 expressed nuclei with histological tumour grade, in laryngeal carcinomas

Analytical cellular pathology (Amsterdam), 2014

Background. P63 immunostaining has been considered as potential prognostic factor in laryngeal ca... more Background. P63 immunostaining has been considered as potential prognostic factor in laryngeal cancer. Considering that P63 is mainly nuclear stain, a possible correlation between the texture of P63-stained nuclei and the tumor's grade could be of value to diagnosis, since this may be related to biologic information imprinted as texture on P63 expressed nuclei. Objective. To investigate the association between P63 stained nuclei and histologic grade in laryngeal tumor lesions. Methods. Biopsy specimens from laryngeal tumour lesions of 55 patients diagnosed with laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas were immunohistochemically (IHC) stained for P63 expression. Four images were digitized from each patient's IHC specimens. P63 positively expressed nuclei were identified, the percentage of P63 expressed nuclei was computed, and 118 textural, morphological, shape, and architectural features were calculated from each one of the 55 laryngeal lesions. Data were split into the low grade ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A pattern recognition system for colorectal cancer characterization, based on AIB stained histopathological images

Physica Medica, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing hip osteoarthritis severity utilizing a probabilistic neural network based classification scheme

A computer-based classification system is proposed for the characterization of hips from pelvic r... more A computer-based classification system is proposed for the characterization of hips from pelvic radiographs as normal or osteoarthritic and for the discrimination among various grades of osteoarthritis (OA) severity. Pelvic radiographs of 18 patients with verified unilateral hip OA were evaluated by three experienced physicians, who assessed OA severity employing the Kellgren and Lawrence scale as: normal, mild/moderate and severe.

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Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing the discrimination accuracy between metastases, gliomas and meningiomas on brain MRI by volumetric textural features and ensemble pattern recognition methods

Three-dimensional (3D) texture analysis of volumetric brain magnetic resonance (MR) images has be... more Three-dimensional (3D) texture analysis of volumetric brain magnetic resonance (MR) images has been identified as an important indicator for discriminating among different brain pathologies. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of 3D textural features using a pattern recognition system in the task of discriminating benign, malignant and metastatic brain tissues on T1 postcontrast MR imaging (MRI)

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In this paper, a new methodology for the segmentation of cDNA microarray images is proposed, base... more In this paper, a new methodology for the segmentation of cDNA microarray images is proposed, based on the combination of Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) with Gradient Vector Flow (GVF) active contours. A simulated microarray image of 1000 spots was produced using a standard procedure. 5 real microarray images were used to evaluate the performance of our algorithm. GMM was firstly

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Research paper thumbnail of Segmentation of complementary DNA microarray images using the Fuzzy Gaussian Mixture Model technique

IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 2000

The objective of this work was to investigate the segmentation ability of the Fuzzy Gaussian Mixt... more The objective of this work was to investigate the segmentation ability of the Fuzzy Gaussian Mixture Models (FGMM) clustering algorithm, applied on complementary DNA (cDNA) images. A Simulated Microarray image of 200 cells, each containing one spot, was produced following standard established procedure. An automatic gridding process was developed and applied on the microarray image for the task of locating

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Research paper thumbnail of Image Analysis System For Assessing The Estrogen Receptor's Positive Status In Breast Tissue Carcinomas

Estrogen receptor (ER) status has proven to be a significant factor for the prediction of clinica... more Estrogen receptor (ER) status has proven to be a significant factor for the prediction of clinical response to hormonal therapy, in patients with breast cancer. In clinical practice, assessment of ER positive status relies on the subjective identification of the expressed nuclei in the specimens. The aim of this study was the development of a computer-aided image analysis system, employing

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Research paper thumbnail of Significance analysis of qualitative mammographic features, using linear classifiers, neural networks and support vector machines

Advances in modern technologies and computers have enabled digital image processing to become a v... more Advances in modern technologies and computers have enabled digital image processing to become a vital tool in conventional clinical practice, including mammography. However, the core problem of the clinical evaluation of mammographic tumors remains a highly demanding cognitive task. In order for these automated diagnostic systems to perform in levels of sensitivity and specificity similar to that of human experts,

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Research paper thumbnail of Radial Measures of Hip Joint Space Outline for Computer-Aided Characterization of Osteoarthritis Severity

Hip osteoarthritis (OA) is a major cause of disability worldwide. The radiographic assessment of ... more Hip osteoarthritis (OA) is a major cause of disability worldwide. The radiographic assessment of hip OA- severity is, mostly, based on qualitative grading scales, evaluating various aspects of structural alterations in the joint. In this study, a computerized scheme for the characterization of hip OA-severity from pelvic radiographs is proposed. Sixty four hips (18 normal and 46 osteoarthritic), corresponding to

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Research paper thumbnail of Using handheld devices for real-time wireless teleconsultation

The 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2004

... Out of these devices, this paper focuses on the services that Personal Digital Assistants and... more ... Out of these devices, this paper focuses on the services that Personal Digital Assistants and smartphones can provide to improve the ... In that manner, PDAs were used to wirelessly support the viewing of DICOM images and to allow for mobile videoconferencing while ...

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Accurate detection and segmentation of Intracranial Aneurysms in Computed Tomography Angiography ... more Accurate detection and segmentation of Intracranial Aneurysms in Computed Tomography Angiography is of major importance for radiologists. In this study, a pixel-based classification algorithm was designed for localization of aneurysms in CTA images. A series of thirty-eight DICOM CTA brain images, was collected from the Department of Radiology of the University Hospital of Patras, Greece. Pixel classification was performed as

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Purpose: Microarray experiments are important tools for high throughput gene quantification. Neve... more Purpose: Microarray experiments are important tools for high throughput gene quantification. Nevertheless, such experiments are confounded by a number of technical factors, which operate at the fabrication, target labelling, and hybridization stages, and result in spatially inhomogeneous noise. Unless these sources of error are addressed, they will propagate throughout the stages of the analysis, leading to inaccurate biological inferences. The

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Research paper thumbnail of Probabilistic neural network analysis of quantitative nuclear features in predicting the risk of cancer recurrence at different follow-up times

3rd International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, 2003. ISPA 2003. Proceedings of the, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Pattern recognition based segmentation method of cell nuclei in tissue section analysis

2002 14th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing Proceedings. DSP 2002 (Cat. No.02TH8628), 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of A prognostic-classification system based on a probabilistic NN for predicting urine bladder cancer recurrence

2002 14th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing Proceedings. DSP 2002 (Cat. No.02TH8628), 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Automated Diagnosis of Brain Tumours Using a Novel Density Estimation Method for Image Segmentation and Independent Component Analysis Combined with Support Vector Machines for Image Classification

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004

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The purpose of the present study was to investigate and compare the segmentation ability of the G... more The purpose of the present study was to investigate and compare the segmentation ability of the Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) against the Seeded Region Growing (SRG) methods in microarray spots segmentation. A simulated microarray image, each containing 200 spots, was produced. An automatic gridding process was developed in MATLAB and it was applied on the images for identifying the centers

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Research paper thumbnail of Support vector machines for classification of histopathological images of brain tumour astrocytomas

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Research paper thumbnail of A computer-based diagnostic and prognostic system for assessing urinary bladder tumour grade and predicting cancer recurrence

Purpose: A computer-based system was designed, incorporating subjective criteria employed by path... more Purpose: A computer-based system was designed, incorporating subjective criteria employed by pathologists in their usual microscopic observation of tissue samples and measurements of nuclear characteristics, with the purpose of automatically assessing urinary bladder tumour grade and predicting cancer recurrence. Material and Methods : Ninety-two cases with urine bladder carcinoma were diagnosed and followed-up. Forty-seven patients had cancer recurrence. Each case

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Research paper thumbnail of Computer-based grading of haematoxylin-eosin stained tissue sections of urinary bladder carcinomas

Purpose: A computer-based image analysis system was developed for assessing the malignancy of uri... more Purpose: A computer-based image analysis system was developed for assessing the malignancy of urinary bladder carcinomas in a more objective manner. Tumours characterized in accordance with the WHO grading system were classified into low-risk (grades I and II) and high-risk (grades III and IV). Materials and methods: Images from 92 haematoxylin-eosin stained sections of urinary bladder carcinomas were digitized and

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Research paper thumbnail of Computer based correlation of the texture of p63 expressed nuclei with histological tumour grade, in laryngeal carcinomas

Analytical cellular pathology (Amsterdam), 2014

Background. P63 immunostaining has been considered as potential prognostic factor in laryngeal ca... more Background. P63 immunostaining has been considered as potential prognostic factor in laryngeal cancer. Considering that P63 is mainly nuclear stain, a possible correlation between the texture of P63-stained nuclei and the tumor's grade could be of value to diagnosis, since this may be related to biologic information imprinted as texture on P63 expressed nuclei. Objective. To investigate the association between P63 stained nuclei and histologic grade in laryngeal tumor lesions. Methods. Biopsy specimens from laryngeal tumour lesions of 55 patients diagnosed with laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas were immunohistochemically (IHC) stained for P63 expression. Four images were digitized from each patient's IHC specimens. P63 positively expressed nuclei were identified, the percentage of P63 expressed nuclei was computed, and 118 textural, morphological, shape, and architectural features were calculated from each one of the 55 laryngeal lesions. Data were split into the low grade ...

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