Antonio Casas | University of Zaragoza (original) (raw)

Papers by Antonio Casas

Research paper thumbnail of Estructura y cinemátIca de los pliegues y cabalgamientos de Belchite-Sierra de Arcos (Cordillera Ibérica)

Journal of iberian geology: an international publication of earth sciences, 1999

El borde norte de la Cordillera Iberica en la region de Belchite-Sierra de Arcos presenta un conj... more El borde norte de la Cordillera Iberica en la region de Belchite-Sierra de Arcos presenta un conjunto de pliegues y cabalgamientos de direccion E-O y NO-SE originados por un acortamiento regional N-S a NNE-SSO durante el Terciario. Las estructuras de la cobertera estan controladas por la orientacion de pliegues y fallas en el zocalo hercinico y por la existencia de niveles de despegue de caracter regional. El anticlinal de Belchite se situa sobre un anticlinal del zocalo que limita por el NE la cubeta terciaria de Azuara, la cual constituye un amplio sinclinal (o sinclinorio) de origen compresivo. Los pliegues y cabalgamientos que aparecen entre el anticlinal paleozoico de Montalban y la Sierra de Arcos son el resultado de la inversion positiva durante el Terciario de fallas extensionales mesozoicas, que actuaron al menos durante el Cretacico Inferior, o corresponden a cabalgamientos nucleados en escalones de zocalo creados por algunas de estas fallas.

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Research paper thumbnail of Reverse magnetic anomaly controlled by Permian igneous rocks in the NE Iberian Chain (N Spain)

Geologica Acta, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of yRdiagram User'sGuide

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Research paper thumbnail of El Pirineo, territorio afectado por el Plan Hidrológico Nacional

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Research paper thumbnail of Estructura y cinemática del sector occidental de las Sierras Marginales (Unidad Surpirenaica Central)

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Research paper thumbnail of La Geología es noticia_A 50 años de la catástrofe de Vajont: Riesgos de deslizamiento en el embalse de Yesa

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Research paper thumbnail of Folded Variscan duplex in the Herrera Unit of the Iberian Range

ABSTRACT The Herrera Unit is located in the central sector of the Aragonese Branch of the Iberian... more ABSTRACT The Herrera Unit is located in the central sector of the Aragonese Branch of the Iberian Range (Zaragoza-Teruel). This unit constitutes the NE limb of a kilometric scale Variscan major anticline, with a predominant NW-SE to NNW-SSE trend and NE vergence. In its SW limb the Badules Unit crops out. The Datos thrust, a first order structure, superimposes the Badules unit onto the Herrera unit. Cambrian to Ordovician materials compose its hanging-wall, whereas Upper Cambrian to Devonian materials appear in its foot-wall. In this footwall a 4000 m thick series, essentially detrital, with Silurian and Devonian carbonate levels can be seen. South of the studied zone, the Lower Cambrian (Badules Unit) thrust over the Devonian (Herrera Unit). The Herrera Unit is characterized by thin-skinned tectonics involving two detachment levels: the lower one is constituted by Precambrian shales, and the upper one by Upper Silurian shales. The Silurian level, more than 1000 m thick, separates two structural levels with different deformation styles. In the Cambrian to Silurian materials that form the lowermost structural level, a duplex system characterizes the general structure, related to both detachment levels, with intermediate minor detachments. The East dipping thrusts could probably be the result of folded and tilted thrusts with eastward vergence, according to the general Variscan trend. This folding could be associated either with the late stages of the Datos thrust or represent the front of an antiformal stack. This structural configuration could also be explained by a backthrust system. A well developed cleavage (S1) affects the whole Cambrian to Silurian series and a second cleavage (S2) locally appears. The main system is an axial plane cleavage related to NNW-SSE folds, with a dominant East vergence and SSE plunge. Slaty cleavage appears in pelitic levels and fracture cleavage in sandstones. Depending on the spatial relation with the thrust, the upper detachment level shows different deformation styles attending to cleavage type and fold geometry. In general, NNW-SSE crenulation cleavage appears due to a previous sedimentary planar anisotropy. The Devonian, upper structural level is characterized by E.verging, NNW-SSE thrust and fault-related folds with axial plane cleavage.

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Research paper thumbnail of Stress deflection in a tectonic compressional field: A model for the northwestern Iberian Chain, Spain

Journal of Geophysical Research, 1992

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Research paper thumbnail of y-gRaph: An OpenOffice application to reconstruct paleostress fields from striated faults

Computers & Geosciences, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Evolución tectónica de un sector del borde N de la Cadena Ibérica (provincia de Teruel)

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Research paper thumbnail of El deslizamiento rotacional de 1970 en Tudela (Navarra): análisis geométrico y de estabilidad

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Research paper thumbnail of El valle del Yaracuy (límite S de la placa Caribe, Venezuela): ejemplo de cuenca cuaternaria asociada a una curvatura de falla

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Research paper thumbnail of La fracturación distensiva cuaternaria en el sector occidental de la Cuenca del Ebro

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Backstop Thickness Lateral Variations on the Tectonic Architecture of Orogens: An Experimental Approach and Comparison with the Pyrenees

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelling the geometry of inverted basins by means of paleomagnetic studies. Examples from the Iberian Ranges and Basque-Cantabrian basin (Northern Spain)

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison between extensional AMS ellipsoids and brittle mesostructures in the Basque-Cantabrian basin (N Spain)

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Research paper thumbnail of Geometry of the Naval diapir (western end of the Sierras Marginales, Southern Pyrenees), based on gravimetric, surface and seismic data

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Research paper thumbnail of Reactivación alpina de pliegues y fallas del zócalo hercínico de la Cordillera Ibérica: ejemplos de la Sierra de la Demanda y la Serranía de Cuenca

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Research paper thumbnail of Petrophysical Characterization of Non-Magnetic Granites; Density and Magnetic Susceptibility Relationships


In this work we establish reliable correlations between density and magnetic susceptibility in th... more In this work we establish reliable correlations between density and magnetic susceptibility in three paramagnetic granites from the Pyrenees. In total, 128 sites (310 density measurements and >2600 susceptibility ones) were studied in the Mont Louis-Andorra, Maladeta and Marimanha granitic plutons covering the main range of variability of magnetic susceptibility. Regressions were calculated for every granitic body and an integrated linear function was obtained for the entire dataset: ρ (kg/m3) = 2566 (kg/m3) + 0.541κ (10−6 S.I.) (R:0.97). This relationship is only valid in the paramagnetic domain, where iron is mostly fractioned in iron-bearing phyllosilicates and the occurrence of magnetite is negligible (or at least its contribution to the bulk susceptibility). This relationship, likely different in other bodies, allows for transforming magnetic susceptibility data into density data, helping to constrain gravity modelling when density data from rock samples are scarce. Given th...

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Research paper thumbnail of De la gran urbe a la modesta villa: aplicación de la prospección magnética a la arqueología romana

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Research paper thumbnail of Estructura y cinemátIca de los pliegues y cabalgamientos de Belchite-Sierra de Arcos (Cordillera Ibérica)

Journal of iberian geology: an international publication of earth sciences, 1999

El borde norte de la Cordillera Iberica en la region de Belchite-Sierra de Arcos presenta un conj... more El borde norte de la Cordillera Iberica en la region de Belchite-Sierra de Arcos presenta un conjunto de pliegues y cabalgamientos de direccion E-O y NO-SE originados por un acortamiento regional N-S a NNE-SSO durante el Terciario. Las estructuras de la cobertera estan controladas por la orientacion de pliegues y fallas en el zocalo hercinico y por la existencia de niveles de despegue de caracter regional. El anticlinal de Belchite se situa sobre un anticlinal del zocalo que limita por el NE la cubeta terciaria de Azuara, la cual constituye un amplio sinclinal (o sinclinorio) de origen compresivo. Los pliegues y cabalgamientos que aparecen entre el anticlinal paleozoico de Montalban y la Sierra de Arcos son el resultado de la inversion positiva durante el Terciario de fallas extensionales mesozoicas, que actuaron al menos durante el Cretacico Inferior, o corresponden a cabalgamientos nucleados en escalones de zocalo creados por algunas de estas fallas.

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Research paper thumbnail of Reverse magnetic anomaly controlled by Permian igneous rocks in the NE Iberian Chain (N Spain)

Geologica Acta, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of yRdiagram User'sGuide

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Research paper thumbnail of El Pirineo, territorio afectado por el Plan Hidrológico Nacional

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Research paper thumbnail of Estructura y cinemática del sector occidental de las Sierras Marginales (Unidad Surpirenaica Central)

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Research paper thumbnail of La Geología es noticia_A 50 años de la catástrofe de Vajont: Riesgos de deslizamiento en el embalse de Yesa

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Research paper thumbnail of Folded Variscan duplex in the Herrera Unit of the Iberian Range

ABSTRACT The Herrera Unit is located in the central sector of the Aragonese Branch of the Iberian... more ABSTRACT The Herrera Unit is located in the central sector of the Aragonese Branch of the Iberian Range (Zaragoza-Teruel). This unit constitutes the NE limb of a kilometric scale Variscan major anticline, with a predominant NW-SE to NNW-SSE trend and NE vergence. In its SW limb the Badules Unit crops out. The Datos thrust, a first order structure, superimposes the Badules unit onto the Herrera unit. Cambrian to Ordovician materials compose its hanging-wall, whereas Upper Cambrian to Devonian materials appear in its foot-wall. In this footwall a 4000 m thick series, essentially detrital, with Silurian and Devonian carbonate levels can be seen. South of the studied zone, the Lower Cambrian (Badules Unit) thrust over the Devonian (Herrera Unit). The Herrera Unit is characterized by thin-skinned tectonics involving two detachment levels: the lower one is constituted by Precambrian shales, and the upper one by Upper Silurian shales. The Silurian level, more than 1000 m thick, separates two structural levels with different deformation styles. In the Cambrian to Silurian materials that form the lowermost structural level, a duplex system characterizes the general structure, related to both detachment levels, with intermediate minor detachments. The East dipping thrusts could probably be the result of folded and tilted thrusts with eastward vergence, according to the general Variscan trend. This folding could be associated either with the late stages of the Datos thrust or represent the front of an antiformal stack. This structural configuration could also be explained by a backthrust system. A well developed cleavage (S1) affects the whole Cambrian to Silurian series and a second cleavage (S2) locally appears. The main system is an axial plane cleavage related to NNW-SSE folds, with a dominant East vergence and SSE plunge. Slaty cleavage appears in pelitic levels and fracture cleavage in sandstones. Depending on the spatial relation with the thrust, the upper detachment level shows different deformation styles attending to cleavage type and fold geometry. In general, NNW-SSE crenulation cleavage appears due to a previous sedimentary planar anisotropy. The Devonian, upper structural level is characterized by E.verging, NNW-SSE thrust and fault-related folds with axial plane cleavage.

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Research paper thumbnail of Stress deflection in a tectonic compressional field: A model for the northwestern Iberian Chain, Spain

Journal of Geophysical Research, 1992

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Research paper thumbnail of y-gRaph: An OpenOffice application to reconstruct paleostress fields from striated faults

Computers & Geosciences, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Evolución tectónica de un sector del borde N de la Cadena Ibérica (provincia de Teruel)

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Research paper thumbnail of El deslizamiento rotacional de 1970 en Tudela (Navarra): análisis geométrico y de estabilidad

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Research paper thumbnail of El valle del Yaracuy (límite S de la placa Caribe, Venezuela): ejemplo de cuenca cuaternaria asociada a una curvatura de falla

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Research paper thumbnail of La fracturación distensiva cuaternaria en el sector occidental de la Cuenca del Ebro

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Backstop Thickness Lateral Variations on the Tectonic Architecture of Orogens: An Experimental Approach and Comparison with the Pyrenees

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelling the geometry of inverted basins by means of paleomagnetic studies. Examples from the Iberian Ranges and Basque-Cantabrian basin (Northern Spain)

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison between extensional AMS ellipsoids and brittle mesostructures in the Basque-Cantabrian basin (N Spain)

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Research paper thumbnail of Geometry of the Naval diapir (western end of the Sierras Marginales, Southern Pyrenees), based on gravimetric, surface and seismic data

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Research paper thumbnail of Reactivación alpina de pliegues y fallas del zócalo hercínico de la Cordillera Ibérica: ejemplos de la Sierra de la Demanda y la Serranía de Cuenca

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Research paper thumbnail of Petrophysical Characterization of Non-Magnetic Granites; Density and Magnetic Susceptibility Relationships


In this work we establish reliable correlations between density and magnetic susceptibility in th... more In this work we establish reliable correlations between density and magnetic susceptibility in three paramagnetic granites from the Pyrenees. In total, 128 sites (310 density measurements and >2600 susceptibility ones) were studied in the Mont Louis-Andorra, Maladeta and Marimanha granitic plutons covering the main range of variability of magnetic susceptibility. Regressions were calculated for every granitic body and an integrated linear function was obtained for the entire dataset: ρ (kg/m3) = 2566 (kg/m3) + 0.541κ (10−6 S.I.) (R:0.97). This relationship is only valid in the paramagnetic domain, where iron is mostly fractioned in iron-bearing phyllosilicates and the occurrence of magnetite is negligible (or at least its contribution to the bulk susceptibility). This relationship, likely different in other bodies, allows for transforming magnetic susceptibility data into density data, helping to constrain gravity modelling when density data from rock samples are scarce. Given th...

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Research paper thumbnail of De la gran urbe a la modesta villa: aplicación de la prospección magnética a la arqueología romana

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