Željka Šiljković | University of Zadar (original) (raw)

Papers by Željka Šiljković

Research paper thumbnail of Uloga geografskog predtercijarnog obrazovanja u razvoju bioekonomije


U radu se obrađuje inovativno gospodarstvo bioekonomija i uloga geografskog obrazovanja u njezinu... more U radu se obrađuje inovativno gospodarstvo bioekonomija i uloga geografskog obrazovanja u njezinu razvoju. Svrha bioekonomije je razviti gospodarstva s „niskom razinom emisija u cilju razvoja primarnog sektora (poljoprivreda, ribarstvo, šumarstvo), sigurne i dostatne opskrbe hranom, potičući primjenu biomase u industriji, štiteći bioraznolikost i okoliš“ (Europska komisija, 2012.). Transformacija klasičnoga linearnog modela ekonomije u bioekonomiju zahvaća prijelaz s uporabe fosilnih izvora na bioobnovljive, kao i prijelaz s linearnog na kružno gospodarstvo. Ključnu ulogu za razvoj bioekonomije uz poduzetnike, vlast/politiku, znanstvene institucije, međunarodnu suradnju ima i formalno, neformalno i informalno obrazovanje svakog pojedinca involviranog u ovo područje gospodarstva. Primarni cilj ovoga rada je istaknuti ulogu geografskog obrazovanja u razvoju kružnoga gospodarstva (bioekonomije) kojemu teži Republika Hrvatska preko razvojnog smjera 3 „Zelena i digitalna tranzicija“ (Nac...

Research paper thumbnail of Achievements of Pupils in the Republic of Croatia in the Geography Exam at the State Graduation Exam

The 2018 IGU Conference dedicated to the centennial of the Institute of Geography of Russian Academy of Science: Practical Geography and XXI Century Challenges, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Zdravstveni Rizici Uzrokovani Emisijom PCDD/F I Sličnim Organoklornim Spojevima U Geografskoj Sredini

Research paper thumbnail of Extracurricular Activities

Ovaj rad bavi se izvannastavnim i izvanškolskim aktivnostima učenika primarnog obrazovanja. Prika... more Ovaj rad bavi se izvannastavnim i izvanškolskim aktivnostima učenika primarnog obrazovanja. Prikazane su specifi čnosti i prednosti tih aktivnosti i njihov pozitivan utjecaj na učenike. Provedeno je istraživanje u 65 škola središnje Hrvatske kojim je obuhvaćeno 1411 učenika prva četiri razreda osnovne škole. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je uvidjeti u kojim sve aktivnosti izvan nastave i škole sudjeluju učenici. Istražili smo koliko na sudjelovanje djece u izvannastavnim i izvanškolskim aktivnostima utječe njihova dob i spol. Rezultati koje smo dobili kazuju sljedeće: u aktivnostima više sudjeluju djevojčice (svaka djevojčica sudjeluje na 1, 214 aktivnosti), dok dječaci manje sudjeluju u izvannastavnim aktivnostima (svaki dječak sudjeluje u 1,072 aktivnosti). U odnosu na dječake u svim aktivnostima (osim sportskim) djevojčice sudjeluju u većem broju. Broj aktivnosti bitno se ne razlikuje s obzirom na dob, iako su kod djevojčica uočene razlike. Tako dječaci sve četiri godine najviše sud...

Research paper thumbnail of Geographic Distribution and Restoration Dynamics of Landmine Fields in Croatia

Research paper thumbnail of Prometna povezanost i razlozi dnevnih migracija sa zadarskih otoka prema Zadru

Geoadria, 2017

The authors expound the reasons why population uses the daily ferry and shipping line services be... more The authors expound the reasons why population uses the daily ferry and shipping line services between Zadar and its islands, based on the poll which included 209 passengers. The obtained results indicate that the islands' population uses these services mostly for shopping purposes, medical care and less for the work or school. The highest frequency of the ferry and shipping lines is early in the morning (5-6 a.m.) for departure, and early in the afternoon (1-3 p.m.) for return. However, the available traffic connections are not strong enough to integrate the urban core on the coast with the islands, particularly with remote islands of the Zadar islands group, into unique economic entity. Insufficient number of well equipped shops, badly organized medical care, non existence of important institutions on the islands influenced a stronger depopulation. That is why the aim of the research is to show that modernisation of the ferry boat lines would positively influence on economic a...

Research paper thumbnail of Managment of municipal waste in the Zagreb periurban zone

Intenzivnu stambenu izgradnju započetu 70-tih godina u periurbanom pojasu grada, na području Samo... more Intenzivnu stambenu izgradnju započetu 70-tih godina u periurbanom pojasu grada, na području Samobora, Sesveta, Velike Gorice i Zaprešića, sve do danas nije jednakim intenzitetom pratila kvalitetna komunalna infrastruktura. Posebno je to izraženo na pitanju uklanjanja otpada, koji ne samo da nije primjereno riješen na razini prigradskih općina, već ni na razini grada. Članak analizira stanje komunalnog otpada, njegovo uklanjanje, te posljedice koje se uslijed neprimjerenog odlaganja odražavaju na životnoj sredini.Intensive building of residential capacities in the periurban zone of Zagreb, i.e. in towns of Samobor, Sesvete, Velika Gorica and Zaprešić, which started in 1970-ies, has not been accompanied by creation of an adequate municipal infrastructure. Particular problem burdering not only the periurban zone, but also the city of Zagreb itself, represents the removal and disposal of municipal waste. The actual status of municipal waste management and adverse consequences arising f...

Research paper thumbnail of Deset godina provedbe ispita državne mature iz Geografije – stanje i perspektive

7. hrvatski geografski kongres, Čakovec, 9.-11. listopada 2019., Knjiga sažetaka, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Geografska osnova odlaganja komunalnog otpada na primjeru razvijenih zemalja

Research paper thumbnail of Zavičaj u nastavi prirode i društva

Research paper thumbnail of Pupils’ Achievements in the Geography of Croatia at External Evaluation Exams and their Perceptions of Geography as a Subject in Elementary School

Hrvatski geografski glasnik/Croatian Geographical Bulletin, 2012

U radu se analiziraju postignuća učenika osmih razreda te završnih razreda gimnazija i četverogod... more U radu se analiziraju postignuća učenika osmih razreda te završnih razreda gimnazija i četverogodišnjih strukovnih škola iz domene geografija Hrvatske. Ostvareni rezultati na ispitima vanjskoga vrednovanja komparirani su kroz dvodimenzionalnu matricu: osnovna škola-srednja škola, 2008.-1988. Na kraju primarnog obrazovanja prosječna razina učeničkih postignuća o geografskom položaju i smještaju, prirodnogeografskim i društvenogeografskim obilježjima Republike Hrvatske jest 49,1%, a na kraju sekundarnog obrazovanja 47,9%. Ostvarena razina postignuća niža za 1,2 postotna poena na kraju sekundarnog obrazovanja nije statistički značajna, no s obzirom na selektirani uzorak i očekivani kumulativni učinak učenja i poučavanja rezultat je prenizak. U radu se analiziraju rezultati za sadržajno potpuno usporedive ispitne čestice i potvrđuje spoznaja da nema kumulativnog učinka ni napretka u razini postignuća primjenom novoga nastavnog programa. Također se iznose rezultati istraživanja stavova učenika o geografiji kao nastavnom predmetu u osnovnoj školi provedenih 1988., 2003. i 2008. Ključne riječi: državna matura, geografija Hrvatske, vanjsko vrednovanje, postignuća učenika Pupils' Achievements in the Geography of Croatia at External Evaluation Exams and their Perceptions of Geography as a Subject in Elementary School The paper analyses the achievements in the Geography of Croatia among 8th Grade Elementary School pupils, and the final grades at comprehensive schools and four-year vocational schools. The results of the external evaluation exams were compared through the two dimensional matrix: elementary school-secondary school, 2008-1988. At the end of primary education, the average level of pupils' achievements on the geographical position, natural-geographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the Republic of Croatia was 49.1% and 47.9% at the end of the Secondary education. The realized level of achievements that was by 1.2% lower at the end of the Secondary education is not statistically significant but, in relation to the selected sample and the expected cumulative impact of learning and teaching, the result is too low. The paper analyses results for the comprehensive completely comparable test items and confirms the notion that there is no cumulative effect, and that no progress in the level of achievements is made by using the new teaching curriculum. The paper also presents the result of researches conducted in 1988, 2003 and 2008 on pupils' opinions on Geography as a subject in Elementary school.

Research paper thumbnail of Požari kao oblik destrukcije geografske sredine

Geoadria, 1997

The article considers the problem of fires, especially forest fires on the territory of the Repub... more The article considers the problem of fires, especially forest fires on the territory of the Republic of Croatia. It analyses the dangerous of fires in the country as a whole and particularly in its two antithetically endangered territories: continental zone and coastal-insular Mediterranean area. The article distinguishes fire mostly jeopardized and fire devastated areas and the most endangered forest communities.

Research paper thumbnail of Različitosti u demografskom razvoju Imotskog i okolnih ruralnih naselja

Geoadria, 2017

Since 1991 the Town of Imotski has been a separate administrative unit with five rural setttlment... more Since 1991 the Town of Imotski has been a separate administrative unit with five rural setttlments (Vinjani Donji, Vinjani Gornji, Glavina Donja, Glavina Gornja and Medvidovića Draga) and one urban settlement (Imotski). By comparing demographic features of Imotski with previously mentioned rural settlements the authors came to the following conclusions: emigration, deruralisation and population decrease influenced all settlements, but are more evident in the rural settlements than in Imotski.

Research paper thumbnail of Geografski aspekti ekološkog uzgoja ljekovitog bilja u Hrvatskoj

Geoadria, 2017

There are about 160 to 170 autochthonous medicinal and aromatic plants that are either collected ... more There are about 160 to 170 autochthonous medicinal and aromatic plants that are either collected or produced in Croatia. In all parts of Croatia natural geographic conditions, namely climatic, pedological and hydrogeographical conditions are suitable for organic production of medicinal plants. In this work the authors give the most relevant information on chamomile (Matricaria chamomile) and lavender (Lavandula anustifolia) production. These two plants had the biggest share in medicinal plants production before war in the 1990s. Until then Croatia was one of the leading producers of chamomile and lavender in the world. The article deals with the current situation of collecting and producing medicinal plants in Croatia and the opportunities that economic activity can offer. The main goal is to determine natural geographic conditions which influence organic medicinal plants production that contribute to the revitalization of rural areas and slow down deagrarization and deruralization ...

Research paper thumbnail of Transformation of rural settlements of the City of Mostar in the second half of the twentieth century

Geoadria, 2015

The paper analyses the transformation of rural settlements in the area of the City of Mostar. It ... more The paper analyses the transformation of rural settlements in the area of the City of Mostar. It covers all 56 settlements that are grouped according to the criteria of distance from the central urban settlement and the altitude at which they are located. Eight spatial regions of various sizes and characteristics are identified accordingly. Economic, socio-cultural, infrastructural and demographic criteria are included in further analysis. Economic and social structure of individual settlements is also established. Considering that the second half of the twentieth century was the period of industrial development and urbanisation, and thereby intensive processes of depopulation and deagrarisation of rural areas, the authors believe that it was during this period that the transformation was most intense.

Research paper thumbnail of Forest fires in Dalmatia

Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, 2016

Every year the Republic of Croatia, especially in its south part in Dalmatia, faces forest fire r... more Every year the Republic of Croatia, especially in its south part in Dalmatia, faces forest fire risks. The weather is exceptionally conducive to fires, so the main period of fire occurrences is between June and October, characterized by long lasting dry and warm weather with temperatures over 30°C. Research carried out by the authors in 1997 and 2012 have pointed to the fact that human impact is the main cause of ignition. This paper presents an overview of the total number of fires in the period from 1998 to 2012, with the emphasis on forest and woodland fires in the Croatian region of Dalmatia. Data on the situation in Dalmatia refer to the situation in the areas of responsibility of four Dalmatian Police Administrations. Analysis is based on official data of the Croatian Ministry of the Interior and the report of the National councillor for managing and controlling forest fires. The authors have analysed the frequency of forest fires in Dalmatia in a period of fourteen years (199...

Research paper thumbnail of Possibilities for irrigation in Croatia by using groundwater reserves

Groundwater is an important but under-utilized water resource in Croatia. If compared to other Eu... more Groundwater is an important but under-utilized water resource in Croatia. If compared to other European countries Croatia is one of the richest regarding groundwater and total renewable reserves. In spite of that, water management systems have been built only on approximately 0.5 per cent of the total arable land. As Croatia has been affected by more frequent and longer droughts in the last decade, the scarcity of irrigated areas has become one of the vital issues in Croatian agriculture. On the other hand predominance of inefficientirrigationtechniques, lack or no maintenance of irrigation systems coupled with the absence of adequate government involvement can result in groundwater pollution.

Research paper thumbnail of Possibilities for irrigation in Croatia by using groundwater reserves

Research paper thumbnail of Rural Area Transformation: From Cropland to Mine Fields – Zemunik Donji Municipality (Croatia) Case Study

Drustvena istrazivanja, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Utjecaj naftnih i plinskih polja Središnje Hrvatske na stanje okoliša

Acta Geographica Croatica, Dec 1, 1995

Research paper thumbnail of Uloga geografskog predtercijarnog obrazovanja u razvoju bioekonomije


U radu se obrađuje inovativno gospodarstvo bioekonomija i uloga geografskog obrazovanja u njezinu... more U radu se obrađuje inovativno gospodarstvo bioekonomija i uloga geografskog obrazovanja u njezinu razvoju. Svrha bioekonomije je razviti gospodarstva s „niskom razinom emisija u cilju razvoja primarnog sektora (poljoprivreda, ribarstvo, šumarstvo), sigurne i dostatne opskrbe hranom, potičući primjenu biomase u industriji, štiteći bioraznolikost i okoliš“ (Europska komisija, 2012.). Transformacija klasičnoga linearnog modela ekonomije u bioekonomiju zahvaća prijelaz s uporabe fosilnih izvora na bioobnovljive, kao i prijelaz s linearnog na kružno gospodarstvo. Ključnu ulogu za razvoj bioekonomije uz poduzetnike, vlast/politiku, znanstvene institucije, međunarodnu suradnju ima i formalno, neformalno i informalno obrazovanje svakog pojedinca involviranog u ovo područje gospodarstva. Primarni cilj ovoga rada je istaknuti ulogu geografskog obrazovanja u razvoju kružnoga gospodarstva (bioekonomije) kojemu teži Republika Hrvatska preko razvojnog smjera 3 „Zelena i digitalna tranzicija“ (Nac...

Research paper thumbnail of Achievements of Pupils in the Republic of Croatia in the Geography Exam at the State Graduation Exam

The 2018 IGU Conference dedicated to the centennial of the Institute of Geography of Russian Academy of Science: Practical Geography and XXI Century Challenges, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Zdravstveni Rizici Uzrokovani Emisijom PCDD/F I Sličnim Organoklornim Spojevima U Geografskoj Sredini

Research paper thumbnail of Extracurricular Activities

Ovaj rad bavi se izvannastavnim i izvanškolskim aktivnostima učenika primarnog obrazovanja. Prika... more Ovaj rad bavi se izvannastavnim i izvanškolskim aktivnostima učenika primarnog obrazovanja. Prikazane su specifi čnosti i prednosti tih aktivnosti i njihov pozitivan utjecaj na učenike. Provedeno je istraživanje u 65 škola središnje Hrvatske kojim je obuhvaćeno 1411 učenika prva četiri razreda osnovne škole. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je uvidjeti u kojim sve aktivnosti izvan nastave i škole sudjeluju učenici. Istražili smo koliko na sudjelovanje djece u izvannastavnim i izvanškolskim aktivnostima utječe njihova dob i spol. Rezultati koje smo dobili kazuju sljedeće: u aktivnostima više sudjeluju djevojčice (svaka djevojčica sudjeluje na 1, 214 aktivnosti), dok dječaci manje sudjeluju u izvannastavnim aktivnostima (svaki dječak sudjeluje u 1,072 aktivnosti). U odnosu na dječake u svim aktivnostima (osim sportskim) djevojčice sudjeluju u većem broju. Broj aktivnosti bitno se ne razlikuje s obzirom na dob, iako su kod djevojčica uočene razlike. Tako dječaci sve četiri godine najviše sud...

Research paper thumbnail of Geographic Distribution and Restoration Dynamics of Landmine Fields in Croatia

Research paper thumbnail of Prometna povezanost i razlozi dnevnih migracija sa zadarskih otoka prema Zadru

Geoadria, 2017

The authors expound the reasons why population uses the daily ferry and shipping line services be... more The authors expound the reasons why population uses the daily ferry and shipping line services between Zadar and its islands, based on the poll which included 209 passengers. The obtained results indicate that the islands' population uses these services mostly for shopping purposes, medical care and less for the work or school. The highest frequency of the ferry and shipping lines is early in the morning (5-6 a.m.) for departure, and early in the afternoon (1-3 p.m.) for return. However, the available traffic connections are not strong enough to integrate the urban core on the coast with the islands, particularly with remote islands of the Zadar islands group, into unique economic entity. Insufficient number of well equipped shops, badly organized medical care, non existence of important institutions on the islands influenced a stronger depopulation. That is why the aim of the research is to show that modernisation of the ferry boat lines would positively influence on economic a...

Research paper thumbnail of Managment of municipal waste in the Zagreb periurban zone

Intenzivnu stambenu izgradnju započetu 70-tih godina u periurbanom pojasu grada, na području Samo... more Intenzivnu stambenu izgradnju započetu 70-tih godina u periurbanom pojasu grada, na području Samobora, Sesveta, Velike Gorice i Zaprešića, sve do danas nije jednakim intenzitetom pratila kvalitetna komunalna infrastruktura. Posebno je to izraženo na pitanju uklanjanja otpada, koji ne samo da nije primjereno riješen na razini prigradskih općina, već ni na razini grada. Članak analizira stanje komunalnog otpada, njegovo uklanjanje, te posljedice koje se uslijed neprimjerenog odlaganja odražavaju na životnoj sredini.Intensive building of residential capacities in the periurban zone of Zagreb, i.e. in towns of Samobor, Sesvete, Velika Gorica and Zaprešić, which started in 1970-ies, has not been accompanied by creation of an adequate municipal infrastructure. Particular problem burdering not only the periurban zone, but also the city of Zagreb itself, represents the removal and disposal of municipal waste. The actual status of municipal waste management and adverse consequences arising f...

Research paper thumbnail of Deset godina provedbe ispita državne mature iz Geografije – stanje i perspektive

7. hrvatski geografski kongres, Čakovec, 9.-11. listopada 2019., Knjiga sažetaka, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Geografska osnova odlaganja komunalnog otpada na primjeru razvijenih zemalja

Research paper thumbnail of Zavičaj u nastavi prirode i društva

Research paper thumbnail of Pupils’ Achievements in the Geography of Croatia at External Evaluation Exams and their Perceptions of Geography as a Subject in Elementary School

Hrvatski geografski glasnik/Croatian Geographical Bulletin, 2012

U radu se analiziraju postignuća učenika osmih razreda te završnih razreda gimnazija i četverogod... more U radu se analiziraju postignuća učenika osmih razreda te završnih razreda gimnazija i četverogodišnjih strukovnih škola iz domene geografija Hrvatske. Ostvareni rezultati na ispitima vanjskoga vrednovanja komparirani su kroz dvodimenzionalnu matricu: osnovna škola-srednja škola, 2008.-1988. Na kraju primarnog obrazovanja prosječna razina učeničkih postignuća o geografskom položaju i smještaju, prirodnogeografskim i društvenogeografskim obilježjima Republike Hrvatske jest 49,1%, a na kraju sekundarnog obrazovanja 47,9%. Ostvarena razina postignuća niža za 1,2 postotna poena na kraju sekundarnog obrazovanja nije statistički značajna, no s obzirom na selektirani uzorak i očekivani kumulativni učinak učenja i poučavanja rezultat je prenizak. U radu se analiziraju rezultati za sadržajno potpuno usporedive ispitne čestice i potvrđuje spoznaja da nema kumulativnog učinka ni napretka u razini postignuća primjenom novoga nastavnog programa. Također se iznose rezultati istraživanja stavova učenika o geografiji kao nastavnom predmetu u osnovnoj školi provedenih 1988., 2003. i 2008. Ključne riječi: državna matura, geografija Hrvatske, vanjsko vrednovanje, postignuća učenika Pupils' Achievements in the Geography of Croatia at External Evaluation Exams and their Perceptions of Geography as a Subject in Elementary School The paper analyses the achievements in the Geography of Croatia among 8th Grade Elementary School pupils, and the final grades at comprehensive schools and four-year vocational schools. The results of the external evaluation exams were compared through the two dimensional matrix: elementary school-secondary school, 2008-1988. At the end of primary education, the average level of pupils' achievements on the geographical position, natural-geographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the Republic of Croatia was 49.1% and 47.9% at the end of the Secondary education. The realized level of achievements that was by 1.2% lower at the end of the Secondary education is not statistically significant but, in relation to the selected sample and the expected cumulative impact of learning and teaching, the result is too low. The paper analyses results for the comprehensive completely comparable test items and confirms the notion that there is no cumulative effect, and that no progress in the level of achievements is made by using the new teaching curriculum. The paper also presents the result of researches conducted in 1988, 2003 and 2008 on pupils' opinions on Geography as a subject in Elementary school.

Research paper thumbnail of Požari kao oblik destrukcije geografske sredine

Geoadria, 1997

The article considers the problem of fires, especially forest fires on the territory of the Repub... more The article considers the problem of fires, especially forest fires on the territory of the Republic of Croatia. It analyses the dangerous of fires in the country as a whole and particularly in its two antithetically endangered territories: continental zone and coastal-insular Mediterranean area. The article distinguishes fire mostly jeopardized and fire devastated areas and the most endangered forest communities.

Research paper thumbnail of Različitosti u demografskom razvoju Imotskog i okolnih ruralnih naselja

Geoadria, 2017

Since 1991 the Town of Imotski has been a separate administrative unit with five rural setttlment... more Since 1991 the Town of Imotski has been a separate administrative unit with five rural setttlments (Vinjani Donji, Vinjani Gornji, Glavina Donja, Glavina Gornja and Medvidovića Draga) and one urban settlement (Imotski). By comparing demographic features of Imotski with previously mentioned rural settlements the authors came to the following conclusions: emigration, deruralisation and population decrease influenced all settlements, but are more evident in the rural settlements than in Imotski.

Research paper thumbnail of Geografski aspekti ekološkog uzgoja ljekovitog bilja u Hrvatskoj

Geoadria, 2017

There are about 160 to 170 autochthonous medicinal and aromatic plants that are either collected ... more There are about 160 to 170 autochthonous medicinal and aromatic plants that are either collected or produced in Croatia. In all parts of Croatia natural geographic conditions, namely climatic, pedological and hydrogeographical conditions are suitable for organic production of medicinal plants. In this work the authors give the most relevant information on chamomile (Matricaria chamomile) and lavender (Lavandula anustifolia) production. These two plants had the biggest share in medicinal plants production before war in the 1990s. Until then Croatia was one of the leading producers of chamomile and lavender in the world. The article deals with the current situation of collecting and producing medicinal plants in Croatia and the opportunities that economic activity can offer. The main goal is to determine natural geographic conditions which influence organic medicinal plants production that contribute to the revitalization of rural areas and slow down deagrarization and deruralization ...

Research paper thumbnail of Transformation of rural settlements of the City of Mostar in the second half of the twentieth century

Geoadria, 2015

The paper analyses the transformation of rural settlements in the area of the City of Mostar. It ... more The paper analyses the transformation of rural settlements in the area of the City of Mostar. It covers all 56 settlements that are grouped according to the criteria of distance from the central urban settlement and the altitude at which they are located. Eight spatial regions of various sizes and characteristics are identified accordingly. Economic, socio-cultural, infrastructural and demographic criteria are included in further analysis. Economic and social structure of individual settlements is also established. Considering that the second half of the twentieth century was the period of industrial development and urbanisation, and thereby intensive processes of depopulation and deagrarisation of rural areas, the authors believe that it was during this period that the transformation was most intense.

Research paper thumbnail of Forest fires in Dalmatia

Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, 2016

Every year the Republic of Croatia, especially in its south part in Dalmatia, faces forest fire r... more Every year the Republic of Croatia, especially in its south part in Dalmatia, faces forest fire risks. The weather is exceptionally conducive to fires, so the main period of fire occurrences is between June and October, characterized by long lasting dry and warm weather with temperatures over 30°C. Research carried out by the authors in 1997 and 2012 have pointed to the fact that human impact is the main cause of ignition. This paper presents an overview of the total number of fires in the period from 1998 to 2012, with the emphasis on forest and woodland fires in the Croatian region of Dalmatia. Data on the situation in Dalmatia refer to the situation in the areas of responsibility of four Dalmatian Police Administrations. Analysis is based on official data of the Croatian Ministry of the Interior and the report of the National councillor for managing and controlling forest fires. The authors have analysed the frequency of forest fires in Dalmatia in a period of fourteen years (199...

Research paper thumbnail of Possibilities for irrigation in Croatia by using groundwater reserves

Groundwater is an important but under-utilized water resource in Croatia. If compared to other Eu... more Groundwater is an important but under-utilized water resource in Croatia. If compared to other European countries Croatia is one of the richest regarding groundwater and total renewable reserves. In spite of that, water management systems have been built only on approximately 0.5 per cent of the total arable land. As Croatia has been affected by more frequent and longer droughts in the last decade, the scarcity of irrigated areas has become one of the vital issues in Croatian agriculture. On the other hand predominance of inefficientirrigationtechniques, lack or no maintenance of irrigation systems coupled with the absence of adequate government involvement can result in groundwater pollution.

Research paper thumbnail of Possibilities for irrigation in Croatia by using groundwater reserves

Research paper thumbnail of Rural Area Transformation: From Cropland to Mine Fields – Zemunik Donji Municipality (Croatia) Case Study

Drustvena istrazivanja, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Utjecaj naftnih i plinskih polja Središnje Hrvatske na stanje okoliša

Acta Geographica Croatica, Dec 1, 1995

Research paper thumbnail of Industrijska geografija

Cilj je ovoga rada približiti studentima osnove industrijske geografije, razmotriti značenje indu... more Cilj je ovoga rada približiti studentima osnove industrijske
geografije, razmotriti značenje industrije
kao najvažnije gospodarske grane u posljednjih
dvjesto godina i analizirati njezin utjecaj na stvaranje
novih oblika kulturnog krajolika te uzrokovanje
novih odnosa u društvu. Isto tako, industrija
se razmatra kao važan čimbenik prostorne
organizacije, a sukladno tome važan je objekt
geografskih istraživanja, ponajprije u sklopu
industrijske geografije, znanstvene discipline u
okrilju ekonomske geografije.