Ivona Mikulandra Volic | University of Zadar (original) (raw)
Papers by Ivona Mikulandra Volic
Public libraries are non-profit organisations that should meet the needs of their users and creat... more Public libraries are non-profit organisations that should meet the needs of their users and create value for society. They are faced with many changes in the library domain: international trends of the modern information world and above all changes in users' needs. Scholars suggest that libraries should adopt a market-orientated strategy and implement marketing orientation to successfully manage the impact of these changes. Management of public libraries in tourist destinations are even more complex: public libraries should be a social place as well as information and entertainment place for local people and tourists. Some of them are (or have potential to become) tourist attractions and part of destination cultural identity. The research on complexity of strategic orientation of library in tourist destination has received scant attention and a case study of Zadar Public Library that is located in one of Croatian most successful tourist destination, addresses this gap. This paper presents a model of multiple strategic issues in public libraries in tourist destinations.
European Union countries are dedicated to developing policies to support entrepreneurship. Starti... more European Union countries are dedicated to developing policies to support entrepreneurship. Starting business is not considered to be an exclusive definition of entrepreneurship concept and transferring of business is equally adopted (Calogirou et al., 2010). Simultaneously along with the promotion of business starting process, there is raising awareness that promotion of business transfer is equally important since buying an existing company is an alternative way of starting a business. Scholars emphasise benefits of supporting entrepreneurs that more frequently play the role of seller in this process – experienced entrepreneurs, in literature known as serial (Westhead et al. 2005 a ; 2005b ; Sarasvathy et al. (2013) and parallel entrepreneurs (Ucbasaran et al., 2008) as more active and more aggressive participant, viewed in the context of the entrepreneurship promotion. Scholars so far have been primarily based on different foundations – different approaches in defining the entrepreneurial experience. Entrepreneurial experience has been recognized as an important factor that impacts different aspects of the entrepreneurial activity, but among authors, there are significant differences in the concept definition, coverage and valuation of entrepreneurial experience. This paper reviews recent literature regarding entrepreneurial promotion policies and gives the answer to a research question: is there a difference of the policy shaping regardless to differences in defining of entrepreneurial experience concept and, along with that, are there different evaluation processes for different entrepreneurial promotion policies? The result of this paper is described and analyzed variation in defining and scope in term of entrepreneurial experience and examination of the impact of those concepts on the entrepreneurial experience valuation process. This paper provides a synthesis of the main findings and the recommendations for new entrepreneurial promotion policies based on the entrepreneurial experience.
Among scholars is widely accepted that storytelling is one of major processes in crafting and exe... more Among scholars is widely accepted that storytelling is one of major processes in crafting and executing branding strategy. The storytelling is an effective channel for brand communication, both for countries and tourist destinations as well. Country branding promotes economic, commercial and political interests at home and abroad and country brands can serve as an umbrella under which further sub-brands can be developed. Destination branding serves to attract visitors and boost tourism development. For each region, being already developed tourist destination or it tends to become one, it is important to have the portfolio of attractive, positive stories and effective storytelling channels in destination brand communication for any destination brand. The aim of this paper is to estimate and give a deeper insight of stakeholder willingness to implement storytelling in the brand strategy of the Eastern Croatia region. The result of this research is a creation of the conceptual model which generates destination image and tourist products based on myths and legends of the Eastern Croatia.
Oeconomica Jadertina, 2017
The issue of disinvesting and the exiting of a company from a business regardless of their perfor... more The issue of disinvesting and the exiting of a company from a business regardless of their performance is of a critical importance for its further activities. The attention of researchers is more focused on the buyer’s side of the story than the seller since the acquisition implies a growth that is equated with success, and sales are usually perceived as a failure without noticing the potential positive consequences for the seller. Exiting the core business by implementing a repositioning strategy can bring a significant strategic change for the enterprise, as well as being a continuation for the enterprise as well as for the entrepreneur of the previous successful business. By presenting a case study this paper analyses the possible causes and questions the justification for the implementation of the repositioning strategy in three selected Croatian companies (Adris Group d.d., Lura Group d.o.o. and Jolly Jbs d.o.o.) that through the process of mergers and acquisitions appear in th...
Oeconomica Jadertina, 2017
The impact of the crisis on the change and the characteristics of personal consumption in the Rep... more The impact of the crisis on the change and the characteristics of personal consumption in the Republic of Croatia is a subject of numerous studies. The emergence of the crisis is perceived as an unforeseen shock to the consumer leading to a research about the extent that this shock had on decisions related to personal consumption and spending of future incomes. The question that remains is how long does the memory of the crisis lasts and how much time after the end of the crisis or its decrease it continues to affect decisions regarding the spending of individuals. In this paper, through a survey of 521 respondents, a research was conducted investigating whether the shock caused by the Swiss franc's exchange rate fluctuations is influencing current consumption or the spending of future income through the use of loans. Are individuals expecting a re-occurrence of significant exchange rate changes and interest rates and are they making decisions on spending future income in the li...
Oeconomica Jadertina, 2017
The largest part of the EU budget revenue, about 69%, comes from payments based on national incom... more The largest part of the EU budget revenue, about 69%, comes from payments based on national income and expressed through the gross national income, making this indicator one of the most important macroeconomic indicators, and it is therefore important to ensure that it is equally measured together with other important economic indicators in all member countries. A major challenge for national statistical institutes is to link international and national requirements for data delivery, an issue additionally complicated by the fact that macro-level indicators aimed at implementing EU policies do not necessarily help decision making at national and local levels. In order to meet the requirements for the comparability of data, the Republic of Croatia must apply the same research methodology applied by the European Statistical System, while considering that the official Statistics of the Republic of Croatia even before the accession to the European Union had to initiate the necessary coor...
Poslovna izvrsnost - Business excellence, 2017
E-government should enable a simple approach to online services, simple communication with public... more E-government should enable a simple approach to online services, simple communication with public authorities and a reduction of time and costs of diff erent transactions. Implementation and further development of e-government are trends in providing public services in many countries, but there is a big diff erence in the usage of such services among developed and underdeveloped countries. With the aim of bringing rational decisions about the development of e-government, maturity models are used as a tool for assessing, comparing and benchmarking development and success in the implementation of e-government. When it comes to e-government maturity models, special attention should be given to the complexity of e-government in sociological, technological and organizational issues. Th is complexity has led to the development of many e-government maturity models with diff erent indicators and metrics. Literature review gives answers to the following research questions: Which indicators and metrics are used in some of the more commonly used and/or discussed e-government maturity models? Are those indicators and metrics applicable for Croatian e-government or is there a need for a special model? Th e aim of this paper is to highlight those indicators and metrics which are able to objectively measure certain values of e-government and to highlight those that are for now without an
Ostvarivanje zahtjeva iz Hrvatskog kvalifikacijskog okvira podrazumijeva analizu i usklađivanje s... more Ostvarivanje zahtjeva iz Hrvatskog kvalifikacijskog okvira podrazumijeva analizu i usklađivanje sadržaja nastavnih kolegija radi stjecanja kljucnih kompetencija koje su precizirane u HKO-u. U radu autorice razmatraju nastavne programe iz tri ekonomsko-teorijska kolegija na Odjelu za ekonomiju Sveucilista u Zadru te njihovu ulogu u obrazovanju ekonomista usklađenom prema Bolonjskom sustavu obrazovanja. Uspoređuju se nastavni programi uvodnog kolegija "Ekonomija" s kolegijima "Mikroekonomija" i "Makroekonomija" koji se studiraju poslije uvodnog kolegija. Temeljna teza koju autorice dokazuju je sljedeca: Komparativna analiza spomenutih kolegija pokazuje da je moguce i potrebno usklađivanje njihovog sadržaja radi smanjivanja preklapanja i ostvarivanja ocekivanih ishoda (rezultata) ucenja kako su opisani u HKO. Autorice iznose zapažanja i konkretne prijedloge usklađivanja spomenutih kolegija, te prikazuju konceptualni okvir koji povezuje ishode ucenja sadrža...
Utjecaj krize na promjenu i obilježja osobne potrošnje u Republici Hrvatskoj predmet je brojnih i... more Utjecaj krize na promjenu i obilježja osobne potrošnje u Republici Hrvatskoj predmet je brojnih istraživanja. Nastupanje krize sagledava se kao nepredviđen šok za potrošača i istražuje se u kojoj mjeri taj šok utječe na odluke vezane uz osobnu potrošnju i trošenje budućeg dohotka. No ostaje pitanje koliko dugo traje sjećanje na krizu i koliko vremena nakon završetka ili smanjenja intenziteta djelovanja krize, kriza i dalje utječe na odluke o potrošnji pojedinaca. U ovome radu anketnim istraživanjem 521 ispitanika istražuje se utječe li i dalje šok izazvan promjenama tečaja švicarskog franka na trenutačne kao i na odluke o potrošnji budućeg dohotka putem uzimanja kredita. Očekuju li pojedinci mogućnost ponovne pojave značajnih promjena tečaja i kamatne stope te donose li odluke o potrošnji budućeg dohotka u svjetlu tih očekivanja? Kako bi se ispitalo kako šok nastao promjenama tečaja švicarskog franka utječe na promjenu stava o kreditnom zaduživanju primijenjena je binarna logistička...
Tranzicija, Feb 2, 2015
Implementation of requirements of the Croatian Qualifications Framework involves analyzing and ha... more Implementation of requirements of the Croatian Qualifications Framework involves analyzing and harmonizing the content of educational courses to acquire key competencies that are specified in the CQF. In this paper, the authors discuss the curricula of the three economic-theoretical courses at the Department of Economics of the University of Zadar and their role in the education of economists, aligned to the Bologna system of education. Curricula of introductory course "Economics" is compared with curricula "Microeconomics" and "Macroeconomics" that students are studying after introductory course. The basic thesis is the following: Comparative analysis of these courses shows that it is possible and necessary to align their content in order to reduce overlapping and to achieve expected learning outcomes as described in HKO. The authors present their observations and concrete proposals for harmonizing these courses, and propose a conceptual framework that links the learning outcomes of the observed three courses with possible adaptations, based on the results achieved during the
The paper notes the importance of the strategic approach to corporate social responsibility - CSR... more The paper notes the importance of the strategic approach to corporate social responsibility - CSR, the implications arising from the need of its integration into the company’s core business, its relationship with the possibility of achieving competitive advantage, as well as problems related to measuring this, generally value-based concept that is difficult to put into quantitative frameworks. The qualitative analysis
The paper notes the importance of the strategic approach to corporate social responsibility -CSR,... more The paper notes the importance of the strategic approach to corporate social responsibility -CSR, the implications arising from the need of its integration into the company's core business, its relationship with the possibility of achieving competitive advantage, as well as problems related to measuring this, generally value-based concept that is difficult to put into quantitative frameworks. The qualitative analysis of sustainability reports and CSR reports of Croatian companies are made. Analysis of those social reports realized that most of these companies connect certain segments of the CSR with its primary business, but for most companies in the sample, a non-systematic approach is identified in the segment of CSR that refers to the relationship with the community and belongs to the traditional corporate philanthropy.
The paper notes the importance of the strategic approach to corporate social responsibility -CSR,... more The paper notes the importance of the strategic approach to corporate social responsibility -CSR, the implications arising from the need of its integration into the company's core business, its relationship with the possibility of achieving competitive advantage, as well as problems related to measuring this, generally value-based concept that is difficult to put into quantitative frameworks. The qualitative analysis of sustainability reports and CSR reports of Croatian companies are made. Analysis of those social reports realized that most of these companies connect certain segments of the CSR with its primary business, but for most companies in the sample, a non-systematic approach is identified in the segment of CSR that refers to the relationship with the community and belongs to the traditional corporate philanthropy.
Public libraries are non-profit organisations that should meet the needs of their users and creat... more Public libraries are non-profit organisations that should meet the needs of their users and create value for society. They are faced with many changes in the library domain: international trends of the modern information world and above all changes in users' needs. Scholars suggest that libraries should adopt a market-orientated strategy and implement marketing orientation to successfully manage the impact of these changes. Management of public libraries in tourist destinations are even more complex: public libraries should be a social place as well as information and entertainment place for local people and tourists. Some of them are (or have potential to become) tourist attractions and part of destination cultural identity. The research on complexity of strategic orientation of library in tourist destination has received scant attention and a case study of Zadar Public Library that is located in one of Croatian most successful tourist destination, addresses this gap. This paper presents a model of multiple strategic issues in public libraries in tourist destinations.
European Union countries are dedicated to developing policies to support entrepreneurship. Starti... more European Union countries are dedicated to developing policies to support entrepreneurship. Starting business is not considered to be an exclusive definition of entrepreneurship concept and transferring of business is equally adopted (Calogirou et al., 2010). Simultaneously along with the promotion of business starting process, there is raising awareness that promotion of business transfer is equally important since buying an existing company is an alternative way of starting a business. Scholars emphasise benefits of supporting entrepreneurs that more frequently play the role of seller in this process – experienced entrepreneurs, in literature known as serial (Westhead et al. 2005 a ; 2005b ; Sarasvathy et al. (2013) and parallel entrepreneurs (Ucbasaran et al., 2008) as more active and more aggressive participant, viewed in the context of the entrepreneurship promotion. Scholars so far have been primarily based on different foundations – different approaches in defining the entrepreneurial experience. Entrepreneurial experience has been recognized as an important factor that impacts different aspects of the entrepreneurial activity, but among authors, there are significant differences in the concept definition, coverage and valuation of entrepreneurial experience. This paper reviews recent literature regarding entrepreneurial promotion policies and gives the answer to a research question: is there a difference of the policy shaping regardless to differences in defining of entrepreneurial experience concept and, along with that, are there different evaluation processes for different entrepreneurial promotion policies? The result of this paper is described and analyzed variation in defining and scope in term of entrepreneurial experience and examination of the impact of those concepts on the entrepreneurial experience valuation process. This paper provides a synthesis of the main findings and the recommendations for new entrepreneurial promotion policies based on the entrepreneurial experience.
Among scholars is widely accepted that storytelling is one of major processes in crafting and exe... more Among scholars is widely accepted that storytelling is one of major processes in crafting and executing branding strategy. The storytelling is an effective channel for brand communication, both for countries and tourist destinations as well. Country branding promotes economic, commercial and political interests at home and abroad and country brands can serve as an umbrella under which further sub-brands can be developed. Destination branding serves to attract visitors and boost tourism development. For each region, being already developed tourist destination or it tends to become one, it is important to have the portfolio of attractive, positive stories and effective storytelling channels in destination brand communication for any destination brand. The aim of this paper is to estimate and give a deeper insight of stakeholder willingness to implement storytelling in the brand strategy of the Eastern Croatia region. The result of this research is a creation of the conceptual model which generates destination image and tourist products based on myths and legends of the Eastern Croatia.
Oeconomica Jadertina, 2017
The issue of disinvesting and the exiting of a company from a business regardless of their perfor... more The issue of disinvesting and the exiting of a company from a business regardless of their performance is of a critical importance for its further activities. The attention of researchers is more focused on the buyer’s side of the story than the seller since the acquisition implies a growth that is equated with success, and sales are usually perceived as a failure without noticing the potential positive consequences for the seller. Exiting the core business by implementing a repositioning strategy can bring a significant strategic change for the enterprise, as well as being a continuation for the enterprise as well as for the entrepreneur of the previous successful business. By presenting a case study this paper analyses the possible causes and questions the justification for the implementation of the repositioning strategy in three selected Croatian companies (Adris Group d.d., Lura Group d.o.o. and Jolly Jbs d.o.o.) that through the process of mergers and acquisitions appear in th...
Oeconomica Jadertina, 2017
The impact of the crisis on the change and the characteristics of personal consumption in the Rep... more The impact of the crisis on the change and the characteristics of personal consumption in the Republic of Croatia is a subject of numerous studies. The emergence of the crisis is perceived as an unforeseen shock to the consumer leading to a research about the extent that this shock had on decisions related to personal consumption and spending of future incomes. The question that remains is how long does the memory of the crisis lasts and how much time after the end of the crisis or its decrease it continues to affect decisions regarding the spending of individuals. In this paper, through a survey of 521 respondents, a research was conducted investigating whether the shock caused by the Swiss franc's exchange rate fluctuations is influencing current consumption or the spending of future income through the use of loans. Are individuals expecting a re-occurrence of significant exchange rate changes and interest rates and are they making decisions on spending future income in the li...
Oeconomica Jadertina, 2017
The largest part of the EU budget revenue, about 69%, comes from payments based on national incom... more The largest part of the EU budget revenue, about 69%, comes from payments based on national income and expressed through the gross national income, making this indicator one of the most important macroeconomic indicators, and it is therefore important to ensure that it is equally measured together with other important economic indicators in all member countries. A major challenge for national statistical institutes is to link international and national requirements for data delivery, an issue additionally complicated by the fact that macro-level indicators aimed at implementing EU policies do not necessarily help decision making at national and local levels. In order to meet the requirements for the comparability of data, the Republic of Croatia must apply the same research methodology applied by the European Statistical System, while considering that the official Statistics of the Republic of Croatia even before the accession to the European Union had to initiate the necessary coor...
Poslovna izvrsnost - Business excellence, 2017
E-government should enable a simple approach to online services, simple communication with public... more E-government should enable a simple approach to online services, simple communication with public authorities and a reduction of time and costs of diff erent transactions. Implementation and further development of e-government are trends in providing public services in many countries, but there is a big diff erence in the usage of such services among developed and underdeveloped countries. With the aim of bringing rational decisions about the development of e-government, maturity models are used as a tool for assessing, comparing and benchmarking development and success in the implementation of e-government. When it comes to e-government maturity models, special attention should be given to the complexity of e-government in sociological, technological and organizational issues. Th is complexity has led to the development of many e-government maturity models with diff erent indicators and metrics. Literature review gives answers to the following research questions: Which indicators and metrics are used in some of the more commonly used and/or discussed e-government maturity models? Are those indicators and metrics applicable for Croatian e-government or is there a need for a special model? Th e aim of this paper is to highlight those indicators and metrics which are able to objectively measure certain values of e-government and to highlight those that are for now without an
Ostvarivanje zahtjeva iz Hrvatskog kvalifikacijskog okvira podrazumijeva analizu i usklađivanje s... more Ostvarivanje zahtjeva iz Hrvatskog kvalifikacijskog okvira podrazumijeva analizu i usklađivanje sadržaja nastavnih kolegija radi stjecanja kljucnih kompetencija koje su precizirane u HKO-u. U radu autorice razmatraju nastavne programe iz tri ekonomsko-teorijska kolegija na Odjelu za ekonomiju Sveucilista u Zadru te njihovu ulogu u obrazovanju ekonomista usklađenom prema Bolonjskom sustavu obrazovanja. Uspoređuju se nastavni programi uvodnog kolegija "Ekonomija" s kolegijima "Mikroekonomija" i "Makroekonomija" koji se studiraju poslije uvodnog kolegija. Temeljna teza koju autorice dokazuju je sljedeca: Komparativna analiza spomenutih kolegija pokazuje da je moguce i potrebno usklađivanje njihovog sadržaja radi smanjivanja preklapanja i ostvarivanja ocekivanih ishoda (rezultata) ucenja kako su opisani u HKO. Autorice iznose zapažanja i konkretne prijedloge usklađivanja spomenutih kolegija, te prikazuju konceptualni okvir koji povezuje ishode ucenja sadrža...
Utjecaj krize na promjenu i obilježja osobne potrošnje u Republici Hrvatskoj predmet je brojnih i... more Utjecaj krize na promjenu i obilježja osobne potrošnje u Republici Hrvatskoj predmet je brojnih istraživanja. Nastupanje krize sagledava se kao nepredviđen šok za potrošača i istražuje se u kojoj mjeri taj šok utječe na odluke vezane uz osobnu potrošnju i trošenje budućeg dohotka. No ostaje pitanje koliko dugo traje sjećanje na krizu i koliko vremena nakon završetka ili smanjenja intenziteta djelovanja krize, kriza i dalje utječe na odluke o potrošnji pojedinaca. U ovome radu anketnim istraživanjem 521 ispitanika istražuje se utječe li i dalje šok izazvan promjenama tečaja švicarskog franka na trenutačne kao i na odluke o potrošnji budućeg dohotka putem uzimanja kredita. Očekuju li pojedinci mogućnost ponovne pojave značajnih promjena tečaja i kamatne stope te donose li odluke o potrošnji budućeg dohotka u svjetlu tih očekivanja? Kako bi se ispitalo kako šok nastao promjenama tečaja švicarskog franka utječe na promjenu stava o kreditnom zaduživanju primijenjena je binarna logistička...
Tranzicija, Feb 2, 2015
Implementation of requirements of the Croatian Qualifications Framework involves analyzing and ha... more Implementation of requirements of the Croatian Qualifications Framework involves analyzing and harmonizing the content of educational courses to acquire key competencies that are specified in the CQF. In this paper, the authors discuss the curricula of the three economic-theoretical courses at the Department of Economics of the University of Zadar and their role in the education of economists, aligned to the Bologna system of education. Curricula of introductory course "Economics" is compared with curricula "Microeconomics" and "Macroeconomics" that students are studying after introductory course. The basic thesis is the following: Comparative analysis of these courses shows that it is possible and necessary to align their content in order to reduce overlapping and to achieve expected learning outcomes as described in HKO. The authors present their observations and concrete proposals for harmonizing these courses, and propose a conceptual framework that links the learning outcomes of the observed three courses with possible adaptations, based on the results achieved during the
The paper notes the importance of the strategic approach to corporate social responsibility - CSR... more The paper notes the importance of the strategic approach to corporate social responsibility - CSR, the implications arising from the need of its integration into the company’s core business, its relationship with the possibility of achieving competitive advantage, as well as problems related to measuring this, generally value-based concept that is difficult to put into quantitative frameworks. The qualitative analysis
The paper notes the importance of the strategic approach to corporate social responsibility -CSR,... more The paper notes the importance of the strategic approach to corporate social responsibility -CSR, the implications arising from the need of its integration into the company's core business, its relationship with the possibility of achieving competitive advantage, as well as problems related to measuring this, generally value-based concept that is difficult to put into quantitative frameworks. The qualitative analysis of sustainability reports and CSR reports of Croatian companies are made. Analysis of those social reports realized that most of these companies connect certain segments of the CSR with its primary business, but for most companies in the sample, a non-systematic approach is identified in the segment of CSR that refers to the relationship with the community and belongs to the traditional corporate philanthropy.
The paper notes the importance of the strategic approach to corporate social responsibility -CSR,... more The paper notes the importance of the strategic approach to corporate social responsibility -CSR, the implications arising from the need of its integration into the company's core business, its relationship with the possibility of achieving competitive advantage, as well as problems related to measuring this, generally value-based concept that is difficult to put into quantitative frameworks. The qualitative analysis of sustainability reports and CSR reports of Croatian companies are made. Analysis of those social reports realized that most of these companies connect certain segments of the CSR with its primary business, but for most companies in the sample, a non-systematic approach is identified in the segment of CSR that refers to the relationship with the community and belongs to the traditional corporate philanthropy.