Marijana Jerić | University of Zadar (original) (raw)
Papers by Marijana Jerić
U ovome radu provedeno je istraživanje o utjecaju smještajnih jedinica na posjećenost NP Plitvičk... more U ovome radu provedeno je istraživanje o utjecaju smještajnih jedinica na posjećenost NP Plitvička jezera, odnosno analiza o postojanju kauzalnog odnosa nezavisnih varijabli noćenja domaćih gostiju u hotelima Jezero, Plitvice i Bellevue, noćenja stranih gostiju u hotelima Jezero, Plitvice i Bellevue, noćenja domaćih gostiju u hotelu Macola, noćenja stranih gostiju u hotelu Macola, noćenja domaćih gostiju u privatnom smještaju i noćenja stranih gostiju u privatnom smještaju sa zavisnom varijablom broj posjetitelja NP Plitvička jezera za razdoblje od 2007. do 2017. godine za ukupno pet mjeseci od svibnja do rujna. Rezultati provedene analize ukazuju na to da veliku važnost u procjeni broja posjetitelja nacionalnog parka imaju sljedeće determinante: broj noćenja stranih gostiju u hotelu Macola, noćenja domaćih gostiju u privatnom smještaju i noćenja stranih gostiju u privatnom smještaju. U kombinaciji s rezultatima prijašnjih istraživanja donesen je zaključak da smještaj ima ključnu ul...
Republiku Hrvatsku kroz povijest je zahvatilo nekoliko velikih iseljeničkih valova. Posljednji va... more Republiku Hrvatsku kroz povijest je zahvatilo nekoliko velikih iseljeničkih valova. Posljednji val iseljavanja započeo je pristupanjem Republike Hrvatske Europskoj uniji 2013. godine, a traje i danas. Razvijene zemlje Europske unije poput Njemačke, Austrije i Irske postale su glavno odredište hrvatskih iseljenika u potrazi za boljim životom. Cilj ovoga istraživanja je utvrditi stvarno stanje o broju iseljenih Hrvata iz Republike Hrvatske, usporediti podatke sa službenom statistikom Republike Hrvatske te dati zaključak o mogućim posljedicama iseljavanja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se iseljavanje hrvatskih državljana ne može pratiti prema službenim podacima Državnog zavoda za statistiku jer oni nisu usklađeni sa statističkim podacima zemalja emigracije, odnosno broj prijavljenih hrvatskih doseljenika veći je u prosjeku za 62 % od službenih podataka Republike Hrvatske. Prognoze budućih migracija hrvatskih državljana upućuju na gubitak 20 % stanovništva u sljedećih trideset godi...
Oeconomica Jadertina, 2018
This paper was dedicated to the research of the accommodation units influence on the visitation o... more This paper was dedicated to the research of the accommodation units influence on the visitation of the Plitvice Lakes NP, specifically the analysis of the existence of causative relationship between the independent variables of domestic guests overnight stays at hotels Jezero, Plitvice and Bellevue, foreign guests overnight stays at hotels Jezero, Plitvice and Bellevue, domestic guests overnight stays at Macola Hotel, foreign guests overnight stays in Macola, domestic guests overnight stays in the private accommodation and foreign guests overnight stays in the private accommodation, with a dependent variable of the number of visitors to Plitvice Lakes NP for the period from 2007 to 2017, for a total of five months from May to September. The results of the conducted analysis indicate that the huge importance of estimating the number of visitors to the national park is allocated to the following determinants: the number of foreign guests overnight stays at Macola Hotel, the domestic g...
In the past few years, the Republic of Croatia has followed the tendency of increasing the number... more In the past few years, the Republic of Croatia has followed the tendency of increasing the number of visitors and overnight stays in tourism. This paper investigates and analyses the data with the aim of creating a microeconometric model of the number of visitors to NP Plitvice Lakes based on the number of nights spent by domestic and foreign guests in hotels and private accommodation for the period from May to September 2007 to 2017. Econometric model is modelled with ordinary least squares method (OLS). The results of the analysis show that the number of visitors to the National Park highly depend on the number of foreign guests staying at the Macola Hotel, overnight stays by domestic guests in private accommodation and overnight stays by foreign guests in private accommodation, which is in line with previous papers on the impact of the number of overnight stays in accommodation units on visiting tourist destinations. If we look at the corrected coefficient of determination as an ...
Oeconomica Jadertina
The Republic of Croatia has seen several large emigration waves throughout history. The last wave... more The Republic of Croatia has seen several large emigration waves throughout history. The last wave of emigration began with the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union in 2013 and continues today. Developed European Union countries such as Germany, Austria and Ireland have become a major destination for Croatian expatriates in search of a better life. The aim of this research is to determine the actual status of the number of Croat emigrants from the Republic of Croatia, to compare the data with the official statistics of the Republic of Croatia and to conclude on the possible consequences of emigration. The results of the research show that the emigration of Croatian citizens cannot be monitored according to the official data of the Central Bureau of Statistics because they are not harmonized with the statistics of the emigration countries, i.e. the number of reported Croatian immigrants is on average 62% higher than the official data of the Republic of Croatia. F...
U ovome radu provedeno je istraživanje o utjecaju smještajnih jedinica na posjećenost NP Plitvičk... more U ovome radu provedeno je istraživanje o utjecaju smještajnih jedinica na posjećenost NP Plitvička jezera, odnosno analiza o postojanju kauzalnog odnosa nezavisnih varijabli noćenja domaćih gostiju u hotelima Jezero, Plitvice i Bellevue, noćenja stranih gostiju u hotelima Jezero, Plitvice i Bellevue, noćenja domaćih gostiju u hotelu Macola, noćenja stranih gostiju u hotelu Macola, noćenja domaćih gostiju u privatnom smještaju i noćenja stranih gostiju u privatnom smještaju sa zavisnom varijablom broj posjetitelja NP Plitvička jezera za razdoblje od 2007. do 2017. godine za ukupno pet mjeseci od svibnja do rujna. Rezultati provedene analize ukazuju na to da veliku važnost u procjeni broja posjetitelja nacionalnog parka imaju sljedeće determinante: broj noćenja stranih gostiju u hotelu Macola, noćenja domaćih gostiju u privatnom smještaju i noćenja stranih gostiju u privatnom smještaju. U kombinaciji s rezultatima prijašnjih istraživanja donesen je zaključak da smještaj ima ključnu ul...
Republiku Hrvatsku kroz povijest je zahvatilo nekoliko velikih iseljeničkih valova. Posljednji va... more Republiku Hrvatsku kroz povijest je zahvatilo nekoliko velikih iseljeničkih valova. Posljednji val iseljavanja započeo je pristupanjem Republike Hrvatske Europskoj uniji 2013. godine, a traje i danas. Razvijene zemlje Europske unije poput Njemačke, Austrije i Irske postale su glavno odredište hrvatskih iseljenika u potrazi za boljim životom. Cilj ovoga istraživanja je utvrditi stvarno stanje o broju iseljenih Hrvata iz Republike Hrvatske, usporediti podatke sa službenom statistikom Republike Hrvatske te dati zaključak o mogućim posljedicama iseljavanja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se iseljavanje hrvatskih državljana ne može pratiti prema službenim podacima Državnog zavoda za statistiku jer oni nisu usklađeni sa statističkim podacima zemalja emigracije, odnosno broj prijavljenih hrvatskih doseljenika veći je u prosjeku za 62 % od službenih podataka Republike Hrvatske. Prognoze budućih migracija hrvatskih državljana upućuju na gubitak 20 % stanovništva u sljedećih trideset godi...
Oeconomica Jadertina, 2018
This paper was dedicated to the research of the accommodation units influence on the visitation o... more This paper was dedicated to the research of the accommodation units influence on the visitation of the Plitvice Lakes NP, specifically the analysis of the existence of causative relationship between the independent variables of domestic guests overnight stays at hotels Jezero, Plitvice and Bellevue, foreign guests overnight stays at hotels Jezero, Plitvice and Bellevue, domestic guests overnight stays at Macola Hotel, foreign guests overnight stays in Macola, domestic guests overnight stays in the private accommodation and foreign guests overnight stays in the private accommodation, with a dependent variable of the number of visitors to Plitvice Lakes NP for the period from 2007 to 2017, for a total of five months from May to September. The results of the conducted analysis indicate that the huge importance of estimating the number of visitors to the national park is allocated to the following determinants: the number of foreign guests overnight stays at Macola Hotel, the domestic g...
In the past few years, the Republic of Croatia has followed the tendency of increasing the number... more In the past few years, the Republic of Croatia has followed the tendency of increasing the number of visitors and overnight stays in tourism. This paper investigates and analyses the data with the aim of creating a microeconometric model of the number of visitors to NP Plitvice Lakes based on the number of nights spent by domestic and foreign guests in hotels and private accommodation for the period from May to September 2007 to 2017. Econometric model is modelled with ordinary least squares method (OLS). The results of the analysis show that the number of visitors to the National Park highly depend on the number of foreign guests staying at the Macola Hotel, overnight stays by domestic guests in private accommodation and overnight stays by foreign guests in private accommodation, which is in line with previous papers on the impact of the number of overnight stays in accommodation units on visiting tourist destinations. If we look at the corrected coefficient of determination as an ...
Oeconomica Jadertina
The Republic of Croatia has seen several large emigration waves throughout history. The last wave... more The Republic of Croatia has seen several large emigration waves throughout history. The last wave of emigration began with the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union in 2013 and continues today. Developed European Union countries such as Germany, Austria and Ireland have become a major destination for Croatian expatriates in search of a better life. The aim of this research is to determine the actual status of the number of Croat emigrants from the Republic of Croatia, to compare the data with the official statistics of the Republic of Croatia and to conclude on the possible consequences of emigration. The results of the research show that the emigration of Croatian citizens cannot be monitored according to the official data of the Central Bureau of Statistics because they are not harmonized with the statistics of the emigration countries, i.e. the number of reported Croatian immigrants is on average 62% higher than the official data of the Republic of Croatia. F...