Anita Filipčić | University of Zagreb (original) (raw)

Papers by Anita Filipčić

Research paper thumbnail of Led na Zemlji

Research paper thumbnail of Zašto su propali Maye

Research paper thumbnail of The Climatic Change

Research paper thumbnail of Neolithic Settlement Danilo near Šibenik and the Level of the Adriatic Sea

Research paper thumbnail of Daily amplitudes of air temperature in Zagreb, Croatia

U svim mjesecima aperiodička amplituda je veća od periodičke. Amplitude su veće na periferiji neg... more U svim mjesecima aperiodička amplituda je veća od periodičke. Amplitude su veće na periferiji nego u centru grada. Amplitude su manje na većoj nadmorskoj visini. U razdoblju 1953.-1983. aperiodička amplituda je u godišnjem prosjeku pala u Podsusedu za 0,3˚, a na Griču za 0,6˚. Aperiodička amplituda u studenom je u Podsusedu porasla za 2,1˚, a na Griču za 0,8˚. Srpanjska aperiodička amplituda u Podsusedu porasla je za 0,2˚, a na Griču za 0,4˚.In all months aperiodic amplitude is greater than periodic one. The amplitudes are much greateron the periphery than in the central area. The amplitudes are smaller on the higher altitude. In the period 1953-1983 one reveals that annual aperiodic daily amplitude in Podsused are 0,3˚, and in Grič 0,6˚ lower than at the beginning of the period. In November the aperiodic amplitude is 2,1˚ greater, and in Grič only 0,8˚ greater than at the beginning of analysed period. The mean July aperiodic amplitude in Podsused is 0,2˚ greater, and 0,4˚ greater i...

Research paper thumbnail of Hidrography in settlement development in Krapinsko-zagorska County

U istraživanom području izdvajaju se tri prirodnogeografske cjeline pogodne za naseljavanje: Uži ... more U istraživanom području izdvajaju se tri prirodnogeografske cjeline pogodne za naseljavanje: Uži podgorski pojasevi, pobrđa i rubovi riječnih dolina. Podgorski pojasevi vrijedni su u početnoj fazi naseljavanja i u toj zoni nalazimo brojne izvore, no uglavnom manje izdašnosti. Pobrđa su intenzivno naseljavana od 15. do 18. st., a oblik naseljenosti je disperzan, s mnogim zaselcima. Brojni su prirodni i društveni čimbenici uzrokovali disperznu naseljenost, a svakako i razmjerno teška vodoopskrba iz ograničenih vodnih resursa. Rubovi dolina naseljavani su u 18. stoljeću, isprva kao nepovoljni jer su doline prirodno nepogodne za naseljavanje zbog svoje provodnosti, čestih magla i temperaturnih inverzija. Vlažne doline su prepreke, a pobrđa prometno značajnija sve do željezničkog doba kada naselja na rubovima dolina postaju najvažnija naselja. Razvoj prometa i regulacijski radovi u drugoj polovici 20. st. dovode do daljnjeg jačanja naselja na dolinskim rubovima, a dolinske ravni sve se i...

Research paper thumbnail of Hypothetic age of Vrana Lake on Cres Island, Croatia

Zavala Vranskog jezera bila je reljefna osnova za postanak krškog polja. Sljedeća faza bilo je sl... more Zavala Vranskog jezera bila je reljefna osnova za postanak krškog polja. Sljedeća faza bilo je slatkovodno jezero. Budući da jezerska voda potječe od padalina, njihova promjenljivost odražava se u promjenljivosti godišnjih vodostaja. U 40-godišnjem razdoblju 1929.-1968. srednja razina jezera iznosila je 13.73 m iznad morske razine. Za toliko je razina jezera uvijek bila viša od razine Jadranskog (odnosno svjetskog) mora. Polazeći od poznatih visina morske razine određena je razina Vranskog jezera. Na početku holocena, prije 10 000 godina, Vransko jezero bilo je 17.26 m niže od morske razine danas (odnosno od nulte izobate u jezeru). Ako je najdublja točka u jezeru 61.50 m ispod razine mora (ili 75,23 ispod današnje razine jezera) onda bi Vransko jezero bilo staro 17 900 godina. Gornjem virmu pripada 7 900 godina, a holocenu 10 000 godina. Prema tome, Vransko jezero je gornjevirmsko - holocensko jezero.The older depression was a relief predisposition for the origin of Vrana Lake. The...

Research paper thumbnail of Annual Amplitudes of Air Temperature in Zagreb, Croatia

U većini godina i u svim višegodišnjim razdobljima aperiodička je amplituda veća od periodičke. U... more U većini godina i u svim višegodišnjim razdobljima aperiodička je amplituda veća od periodičke. Utvrđena su dva razdoblja s velikim amplitudama i dva razdoblja s malenim godišnjim amplitudama. Izrazit je trend pada godišnjih amplituda; to je posljedica trenda porasta srednjih zimskih temperatura, jer je godišnja amplituda funkcija srednje temperature najhladnijeg mjeseca. Profil od Save do Sljemena pokazuje da su godišnje amplitude najveće uz Savu, a opadaju prema vrhu Medvednice. Po teoriji, najmanja godišnja amplituda trebala bi biti u centru grada. Budući da je meteorološka kućica bila u Botaničkom vtru, te zbog rijetke izgrađenosti Zagreba južno od željezničke pruge, samo je djelomično tako. Tako je u smjeru jug-sjever. U smjeru zapad-istok godišnja amplituda je manja na periferiji nego na „Kolodvoru“. Očito je da je godišnja amplituda nešto manja u izgrađemo, dijelu grada sjeverno od Botaničkog vrta.The annual aperiodic amplitudes are mainly greater than the periodic one. Conse...

Research paper thumbnail of Boundary separation of Köppen\u27s climatic types Cf and Cs in Croatia

Granica Köppenovih klimatskih tipova Cs (sredozemnih klima) i Cf (umjereno toplih vlažnih klima) ... more Granica Köppenovih klimatskih tipova Cs (sredozemnih klima) i Cf (umjereno toplih vlažnih klima) u Hrvatskoj prolazi krškim područjem. Krš nije homogen, ali je najvećim dijelom propustan. Zato jedan dio padalina nije iskoristiv za biljni pokrov. Efektivne su padaline manje od izmjerenih. Uzimajući u obzir efektivne padaline, granica Cs i Cf klime prodire znatno sjevernije nego što proizlazi iz izmjerenih padalina. Stoga Cs klima obuhvaća široki pojas uz zapadnu i istočnu obalu Istre, veći dio Kvarnerskog primorja, te Ravne kotare.The boundary of Köppen\u27s climatic types Cs (the Mediterranean climates) and Cf (the temperate warm humid climates) is entirely on Karst terrain. Karst is not homogenous but the greatest part is permeable. This is the reason that a certain part of rain in summer months is not available to vegetation cover. Effective precipitation is smaller than the rain measured by rain-gauge. In this way, taking solely the effective July rainfall into account, the bound...

Research paper thumbnail of Profiles of mean sea-level pressure along the 100th meridian east and 180th meridian

The presented profiles of the mean sea-level pressure in high latitudes (including the North and ... more The presented profiles of the mean sea-level pressure in high latitudes (including the North and the South Pole) are based on the observed data. In this way in the cold part of the year on the northern hemisphere along the 180th meridian it has been possible to note that the highest air pressure is not centered at the North Pole but about 15° to the south. It is the effect of influence of Islandic minimum, so that the air pressure in the Northern Pacific is still on the rise. In summer because of strong thermal influence of Asia, it is demonstrated that the subtropical high-pressure belt over that part of the northern hemisphere does not exist at all

Research paper thumbnail of Arheološki i geološki pokazatelji holocenskog položaja razine mora na istočnoj obali Jadranskog mora

Rad Hrvatske Akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Razred za prirodne znanosti, 1991

Research paper thumbnail of Neka obilježja toplinskog otoka grada Zagreba

6. hrvatski geografski kongres - knjiga sažetaka, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Republic of Croatia

Research paper thumbnail of Geografija Australije i Oceanije

Research paper thumbnail of Klimatologija za geografe

Research paper thumbnail of Köppenova podjela klima i hrvatsko nazivlje

Research paper thumbnail of Prediction of the SO2 Hourly Concentration for Sea Breeze and Land Breeze in an Urban Area of Split Using Multiple Linear Regression


The main goal of this paper is to study pollution during sea breeze days in the Split town center... more The main goal of this paper is to study pollution during sea breeze days in the Split town center, which is placed near the industrial area with three cement plants and one asbestos cement plant, as well as a harbor with high traffic, and investigate the sources of pollution with SO2 and its relation to atmospheric parameters using stepwise multiple linear regression (MLR). The hourly temperature difference from the time of the sea breeze lull (dT) was considered in evaluating the influence of meteorological parameters on hourly pollutant concentrations. It was found that the wind direction index (WDI) is a significant predictor for the sea breeze, and wind speed, relative humidity, and dT are significant for the land breeze. A very high index of agreement of 0.9 was obtained by the MLR model for the land breeze, and 0.8 for the sea breeze. Low SO2 concentrations are observed at night, and increased values are found between 0800 and 1800 UTC. With WDI being the only predictor during...

Research paper thumbnail of Lagrangian particle dispersion (HYSPLIT) model analysis of the sea breeze case with extreme mean daily PM10 concentration in Split, Croatia

Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Research paper thumbnail of The Hourly Simulation of PM2.5 Particle Concentrations Using the Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) Model for Sea Breeze in Split, Croatia

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution

The main objective of this study is to simulate the hourly concentrations of the PM2.5 concentrat... more The main objective of this study is to simulate the hourly concentrations of the PM2.5 concentrations using the Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) model for the selected sea breeze days in Split, Croatia. Stepwise adjustment is used for the selection of predictors. A predictor characteristic to the daily and nightly part of the coastal circulation, calculated as hourly temperature change to the temperature at the time of the sea breeze lulls, was found to be significant for PM2.5 particles during sea breeze. The mean monthly values of the MLR model simulated and measured PM2.5 hourly concentrations for the selected sea breeze cases were simulated relatively well. The hourly simulations also show a very good fit with the hourly measurements, and the index of agreement (IA) is 0.9 for the daily and 0.8 for the nightly part of the coastal circulation.

Research paper thumbnail of Air temperature anomaly in Croatia

Acta Geographica Croatica, Dec 1, 1994

Research paper thumbnail of Led na Zemlji

Research paper thumbnail of Zašto su propali Maye

Research paper thumbnail of The Climatic Change

Research paper thumbnail of Neolithic Settlement Danilo near Šibenik and the Level of the Adriatic Sea

Research paper thumbnail of Daily amplitudes of air temperature in Zagreb, Croatia

U svim mjesecima aperiodička amplituda je veća od periodičke. Amplitude su veće na periferiji neg... more U svim mjesecima aperiodička amplituda je veća od periodičke. Amplitude su veće na periferiji nego u centru grada. Amplitude su manje na većoj nadmorskoj visini. U razdoblju 1953.-1983. aperiodička amplituda je u godišnjem prosjeku pala u Podsusedu za 0,3˚, a na Griču za 0,6˚. Aperiodička amplituda u studenom je u Podsusedu porasla za 2,1˚, a na Griču za 0,8˚. Srpanjska aperiodička amplituda u Podsusedu porasla je za 0,2˚, a na Griču za 0,4˚.In all months aperiodic amplitude is greater than periodic one. The amplitudes are much greateron the periphery than in the central area. The amplitudes are smaller on the higher altitude. In the period 1953-1983 one reveals that annual aperiodic daily amplitude in Podsused are 0,3˚, and in Grič 0,6˚ lower than at the beginning of the period. In November the aperiodic amplitude is 2,1˚ greater, and in Grič only 0,8˚ greater than at the beginning of analysed period. The mean July aperiodic amplitude in Podsused is 0,2˚ greater, and 0,4˚ greater i...

Research paper thumbnail of Hidrography in settlement development in Krapinsko-zagorska County

U istraživanom području izdvajaju se tri prirodnogeografske cjeline pogodne za naseljavanje: Uži ... more U istraživanom području izdvajaju se tri prirodnogeografske cjeline pogodne za naseljavanje: Uži podgorski pojasevi, pobrđa i rubovi riječnih dolina. Podgorski pojasevi vrijedni su u početnoj fazi naseljavanja i u toj zoni nalazimo brojne izvore, no uglavnom manje izdašnosti. Pobrđa su intenzivno naseljavana od 15. do 18. st., a oblik naseljenosti je disperzan, s mnogim zaselcima. Brojni su prirodni i društveni čimbenici uzrokovali disperznu naseljenost, a svakako i razmjerno teška vodoopskrba iz ograničenih vodnih resursa. Rubovi dolina naseljavani su u 18. stoljeću, isprva kao nepovoljni jer su doline prirodno nepogodne za naseljavanje zbog svoje provodnosti, čestih magla i temperaturnih inverzija. Vlažne doline su prepreke, a pobrđa prometno značajnija sve do željezničkog doba kada naselja na rubovima dolina postaju najvažnija naselja. Razvoj prometa i regulacijski radovi u drugoj polovici 20. st. dovode do daljnjeg jačanja naselja na dolinskim rubovima, a dolinske ravni sve se i...

Research paper thumbnail of Hypothetic age of Vrana Lake on Cres Island, Croatia

Zavala Vranskog jezera bila je reljefna osnova za postanak krškog polja. Sljedeća faza bilo je sl... more Zavala Vranskog jezera bila je reljefna osnova za postanak krškog polja. Sljedeća faza bilo je slatkovodno jezero. Budući da jezerska voda potječe od padalina, njihova promjenljivost odražava se u promjenljivosti godišnjih vodostaja. U 40-godišnjem razdoblju 1929.-1968. srednja razina jezera iznosila je 13.73 m iznad morske razine. Za toliko je razina jezera uvijek bila viša od razine Jadranskog (odnosno svjetskog) mora. Polazeći od poznatih visina morske razine određena je razina Vranskog jezera. Na početku holocena, prije 10 000 godina, Vransko jezero bilo je 17.26 m niže od morske razine danas (odnosno od nulte izobate u jezeru). Ako je najdublja točka u jezeru 61.50 m ispod razine mora (ili 75,23 ispod današnje razine jezera) onda bi Vransko jezero bilo staro 17 900 godina. Gornjem virmu pripada 7 900 godina, a holocenu 10 000 godina. Prema tome, Vransko jezero je gornjevirmsko - holocensko jezero.The older depression was a relief predisposition for the origin of Vrana Lake. The...

Research paper thumbnail of Annual Amplitudes of Air Temperature in Zagreb, Croatia

U većini godina i u svim višegodišnjim razdobljima aperiodička je amplituda veća od periodičke. U... more U većini godina i u svim višegodišnjim razdobljima aperiodička je amplituda veća od periodičke. Utvrđena su dva razdoblja s velikim amplitudama i dva razdoblja s malenim godišnjim amplitudama. Izrazit je trend pada godišnjih amplituda; to je posljedica trenda porasta srednjih zimskih temperatura, jer je godišnja amplituda funkcija srednje temperature najhladnijeg mjeseca. Profil od Save do Sljemena pokazuje da su godišnje amplitude najveće uz Savu, a opadaju prema vrhu Medvednice. Po teoriji, najmanja godišnja amplituda trebala bi biti u centru grada. Budući da je meteorološka kućica bila u Botaničkom vtru, te zbog rijetke izgrađenosti Zagreba južno od željezničke pruge, samo je djelomično tako. Tako je u smjeru jug-sjever. U smjeru zapad-istok godišnja amplituda je manja na periferiji nego na „Kolodvoru“. Očito je da je godišnja amplituda nešto manja u izgrađemo, dijelu grada sjeverno od Botaničkog vrta.The annual aperiodic amplitudes are mainly greater than the periodic one. Conse...

Research paper thumbnail of Boundary separation of Köppen\u27s climatic types Cf and Cs in Croatia

Granica Köppenovih klimatskih tipova Cs (sredozemnih klima) i Cf (umjereno toplih vlažnih klima) ... more Granica Köppenovih klimatskih tipova Cs (sredozemnih klima) i Cf (umjereno toplih vlažnih klima) u Hrvatskoj prolazi krškim područjem. Krš nije homogen, ali je najvećim dijelom propustan. Zato jedan dio padalina nije iskoristiv za biljni pokrov. Efektivne su padaline manje od izmjerenih. Uzimajući u obzir efektivne padaline, granica Cs i Cf klime prodire znatno sjevernije nego što proizlazi iz izmjerenih padalina. Stoga Cs klima obuhvaća široki pojas uz zapadnu i istočnu obalu Istre, veći dio Kvarnerskog primorja, te Ravne kotare.The boundary of Köppen\u27s climatic types Cs (the Mediterranean climates) and Cf (the temperate warm humid climates) is entirely on Karst terrain. Karst is not homogenous but the greatest part is permeable. This is the reason that a certain part of rain in summer months is not available to vegetation cover. Effective precipitation is smaller than the rain measured by rain-gauge. In this way, taking solely the effective July rainfall into account, the bound...

Research paper thumbnail of Profiles of mean sea-level pressure along the 100th meridian east and 180th meridian

The presented profiles of the mean sea-level pressure in high latitudes (including the North and ... more The presented profiles of the mean sea-level pressure in high latitudes (including the North and the South Pole) are based on the observed data. In this way in the cold part of the year on the northern hemisphere along the 180th meridian it has been possible to note that the highest air pressure is not centered at the North Pole but about 15° to the south. It is the effect of influence of Islandic minimum, so that the air pressure in the Northern Pacific is still on the rise. In summer because of strong thermal influence of Asia, it is demonstrated that the subtropical high-pressure belt over that part of the northern hemisphere does not exist at all

Research paper thumbnail of Arheološki i geološki pokazatelji holocenskog položaja razine mora na istočnoj obali Jadranskog mora

Rad Hrvatske Akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Razred za prirodne znanosti, 1991

Research paper thumbnail of Neka obilježja toplinskog otoka grada Zagreba

6. hrvatski geografski kongres - knjiga sažetaka, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Republic of Croatia

Research paper thumbnail of Geografija Australije i Oceanije

Research paper thumbnail of Klimatologija za geografe

Research paper thumbnail of Köppenova podjela klima i hrvatsko nazivlje

Research paper thumbnail of Prediction of the SO2 Hourly Concentration for Sea Breeze and Land Breeze in an Urban Area of Split Using Multiple Linear Regression


The main goal of this paper is to study pollution during sea breeze days in the Split town center... more The main goal of this paper is to study pollution during sea breeze days in the Split town center, which is placed near the industrial area with three cement plants and one asbestos cement plant, as well as a harbor with high traffic, and investigate the sources of pollution with SO2 and its relation to atmospheric parameters using stepwise multiple linear regression (MLR). The hourly temperature difference from the time of the sea breeze lull (dT) was considered in evaluating the influence of meteorological parameters on hourly pollutant concentrations. It was found that the wind direction index (WDI) is a significant predictor for the sea breeze, and wind speed, relative humidity, and dT are significant for the land breeze. A very high index of agreement of 0.9 was obtained by the MLR model for the land breeze, and 0.8 for the sea breeze. Low SO2 concentrations are observed at night, and increased values are found between 0800 and 1800 UTC. With WDI being the only predictor during...

Research paper thumbnail of Lagrangian particle dispersion (HYSPLIT) model analysis of the sea breeze case with extreme mean daily PM10 concentration in Split, Croatia

Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Research paper thumbnail of The Hourly Simulation of PM2.5 Particle Concentrations Using the Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) Model for Sea Breeze in Split, Croatia

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution

The main objective of this study is to simulate the hourly concentrations of the PM2.5 concentrat... more The main objective of this study is to simulate the hourly concentrations of the PM2.5 concentrations using the Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) model for the selected sea breeze days in Split, Croatia. Stepwise adjustment is used for the selection of predictors. A predictor characteristic to the daily and nightly part of the coastal circulation, calculated as hourly temperature change to the temperature at the time of the sea breeze lulls, was found to be significant for PM2.5 particles during sea breeze. The mean monthly values of the MLR model simulated and measured PM2.5 hourly concentrations for the selected sea breeze cases were simulated relatively well. The hourly simulations also show a very good fit with the hourly measurements, and the index of agreement (IA) is 0.9 for the daily and 0.8 for the nightly part of the coastal circulation.

Research paper thumbnail of Air temperature anomaly in Croatia

Acta Geographica Croatica, Dec 1, 1994