Gordana Flander | University of Zagreb (original) (raw)
Papers by Gordana Flander
U radu se govori o glavnim rizicima uporabe interneta kod djece, rezultatima istraživanja o navik... more U radu se govori o glavnim rizicima uporabe interneta kod djece, rezultatima istraživanja o navikama i iskustvima djece u koristenju interneta, zasto chat-room može biti opasan za djecu, koracima koje roditelji mogu poduzeti kako bi zastitili djecu…
The problem of abuse and neglect in general, including sexual abuse, was systematically tackled f... more The problem of abuse and neglect in general, including sexual abuse, was systematically tackled first some fifteen years ago in Croatia when a non-governmental organization Brave phone – a helpline for abused children – was established. Apart from helping children via the phone line, this NGO had a strong impact on the increase of public awareness of the issue. We started to train professionals, educate parents, and inform children and the media. It was the NGO Brave phone which conducted the first research into the prevalence of sexual abuse of children in Croatia in 2001. Results showed that every fourth girl and every sixth boy experienced some form of sexual abuse before the age of fourteen, which is very similar to other countries research results.
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati metrijske karakteristike instrumenta koji bi mogao biti ko... more Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati metrijske karakteristike instrumenta koji bi mogao biti koristan prije svega u određivanju rasirenosti (ali i u dijagnostickim postupcima) emocionalnoga zlostavljanja – Upitnika o emocionalnom zlostavljanju. Željeli smo na temelju ovog upitnika procijeniti i rasirenost emocionalnoga zlostavljanja na uzorku djece s podrucja Zagreba. Emocionalno zlostavljanje djece u ovom istraživanju definirano je konkretnim bihevioralnim cesticama, koje ukljucuju roditeljska ponasanja poput ignoriranja, ponižavanja, ismijavanja, iskoristavanja, zanemarivanja emocionalnih potreba te prijetnji djetetu. Upitnik o emocionalnom zlostavljanju konstruiran je na osnovi prevedenog upitnika Children's Perception of Parental Verbal Agression (Solomon, Serres, 1999.) te je primijenjen na 373 ispitanika (ucenika 4. razreda osnovne skole). Na dobivenim rezultatima napravljena je diskriminativna analiza cestica te analiza glavnih komponenata. Koeficijent pouzdanosti za do...
In this paper, we present the treatment of a girl (10) who is in therapy because of low selfestee... more In this paper, we present the treatment of a girl (10) who is in therapy because of low selfesteem and problems in the school environment due to difficulties in exercising rights to an individualized approach regarding her reading and writing difficulties. Her mother and the girl claim that the teacher shows no understanding for the girl’s difficulties and their relationship is not improving. The girl shows signs of disharmonious development; despite her language difficulties, she shows above-average non-verbal intelligence, emotional immaturity and anxiety. She lives in an intact family with a sister (without difficulties). After a multidisciplinary assessment and two months of psychological treatment (once a week), communicating with her school’s professional service, the teacher publicly reads her essay in front of the whole class as an example of how not to write essays. Immediately after that, and one month before the end of the school year, the girl refuses to write any essays...
This paper presents a treatment of a girl (age 9) whose parents voluntarily turn to a psychologis... more This paper presents a treatment of a girl (age 9) whose parents voluntarily turn to a psychologist after the father of the girl was diagnosed with terminal cancer with life expectancy of six to twelve months. The girl reported no appreciable diseases. She is the only child in the family, has high intellectual capacity and never reported any socio-emotional difficulties. The case study gives an overview of the counselling work with the mother and psychological support to the child through several stages: (1) coping with the illness; (2) bodily and mood changes of the father; (3) side-effects of the father’s treatment; (4) severe health deterioration of the father; (5) father’s approaching death; (6) father’s death; (7) grief and adjustment. The girl and the mother reacted to all aforementioned stages in very different ways, thus the interventions were also focused on invoking mother’s emphatic understanding of the girl and preserving their relationship. The girl went through three st...
Drustvena Istrazivanja, 2004
Cilj ovog istra`ivanja bio je ispitati metrijske karakteristikeinstrumenta koji bi mogao biti kor... more Cilj ovog istra`ivanja bio je ispitati metrijske karakteristikeinstrumenta koji bi mogao biti koristan prije svega u odre|ivanjurasirenosti (ali i u dijagnosti~kim postupcima) emocionalnogazlostavljanja – Upitnika o emocionalnom zlostavljanju. @eljelismo na temelju ovog upitnika procijeniti i rasirenostemocionalnoga zlostavljanja na uzorku djece s podru~jaZagreba. Emocionalno zlostavljanje djece u ovom istra`ivanjudefinirano je konkretnim bihevioralnim ~esticama, koje uklju~ujuroditeljska ponasanja poput ignoriranja, poni`avanja,ismijavanja, iskoristavanja, zanemarivanja emocionalnih potrebate prijetnji djetetu. Upitnik o emocionalnom zlostavljanjukonstruiran je na osnovi prevedenog upitnika Children'sPerception of Parental Verbal Agression (Solomon, Serres, 1999.)te je primijenjen na 373 ispitanika (u~enika 4. razreda osnovneskole). Na dobivenim rezultatima napravljena je diskriminativnaanaliza ~estica te analiza glavnih komponenata. Koeficijentpouzdanosti za dobivenu skalu izn...
U prirucniku se odrastanje djeteta sagledava s motrista pojedinca i populacije uz isticanje indiv... more U prirucniku se odrastanje djeteta sagledava s motrista pojedinca i populacije uz isticanje individualnih varijabilnosti. O zdravlju i bolesti djeteta na temelju recentnih strucnih stavova i vlastitog iskustva pisu hrvatski pedijatri, spec. skolske i obiteljske medicine, djecji ortopedi, oftalmolog, otorinolaringolog, fizijatar, edukacijski rehabilitator, psiholozi, logoped, nutricionisti, kineziolozi. Prirucnik je namijenjen roditeljima i odgajateljima s namjerom da ih informira, educira i savjetuje kako potencijalni zdravstveni problem mogu prepoznati, sto mogu uciniti sami, kada se trebaju obratiti lijecniku. Na praktican nacin su prikazani postupci pružanja prve pomoci i oživljavanja životno ugroženog djeteta. U prilogu su istaknuti abecedno kazalo pojmova, pojmovnik medicinskog nazivlja, literatura, dati su korisni linkovi, sažeti prikaz preventivnih postupaka, sistematskih pregleda u okviru zdravstvenog sustava od rođenja do kraja skolovanja.Prirucnik ima 5 cjelina, 34 poglavl...
Croatia is a for mer Yu go slav re pub lic east of the Adri atic Sea and op po site the east ern ... more Croatia is a for mer Yu go slav re pub lic east of the Adri atic Sea and op po site the east ern coast of It aly in south east ern Eu rope. With ap prox i mately 21,830 square mile s (56,542 km 2), Croatia is slightly smaller than the state of West Virginia in the United States. The Dinaric Moun tains, which run from north west to south east mark a bar ren rocky re gion, while the Zagorje re gion in the north, around the cap i tal Zagreb, is a land of roll ing hills. The Drava, Dan ube, and Sava Rivers bor der the east ern fer tile ag ri cul tural re gion of the Pannonian plain, Slavonia. The north ern part of Croatia stretches about 270 mile s (435 km) from the Istrian pen in sula in the north west on the Adri atic Sea to the Vojvodina re gion of Yu go sla via on the east. Croatia's neigh bors are Slovenia and Hun gary on the north, Yu go sla via on the east, and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the south east. In the far south, Croatia shares a small bor der, south of Dubrovnik, with Montenegro. Croatia's west ern coast line, which in cludes many is lands, stretches about 300 mile s (483 km) from Slovenia at the north ern end of the Adri atic Sea to Mon tenegro at the Adriatic's southern end, opposite the boot of Italy. In July 2002, Croatia had an es ti mated pop u la tion of 4.39 mil lion. (All data are from The World Fact book 2002 (CIA 2002) un less oth er wise stated.) Age Dis tri bu tion and Sex Ra tios: 0-14 years: 18.3% with 1.05 male(s) per fe male (sex ra tio); 15-64 years: 66.3% with 1.01 male(s) per fe male; 65 years and over: 15.4% with 0.6 male(s) per fe male; To tal pop u la tion sex ratio: 0.94 male(s) to 1 female Life Ex pec tancy at Birth: To tal Pop u la tion: 74.13 years; male: 70.52 years; fe male: 77.06 years Ur ban/Ru ral Dis tri bu tion: 56% to 44% Eth nic Dis tri bu tion:
Paediatria Croatica, 2008
Lijec̆nic̆ki vjesnik, 2010
U uvodnom dijelu se raspravlja o vrstama, oblicima i rasirenosti zlostavljanja, a potom analizira... more U uvodnom dijelu se raspravlja o vrstama, oblicima i rasirenosti zlostavljanja, a potom analizira zlostavljanje djece tijekom povijesti i donosi pregled razvoja ideje o potrebi njihove zastite. Nakon toga se obrazlažu teorijski modeli nasilnih roditeljskih ponasanja prema djeci te rizicni i zastitni cimbenici. U drugom dijelu se analiziraju tjelesno, emocionalno i seksualno zlostavljanje te zanemarivanje djece. U poglavlju o posebnim oblicima zlostavljanja govori se o fetalnom izlaganju alkoholu i drogama te sindromu tresenog djeteta. Nakon toga se obrazlaže izloženost djece nasilju u obitelji i manipulacija djecom pri razvodu roditelja. Posebna pozornost se posvecuje nasilju među vrsnjacima te izloženost djece nasilju u medijima. Na kraju se analizira Munchausenovom sindromu preko posrednika. U poglavlju o zastiti postupanju i prevenciji zlostavljanja govori se o zakonskoj regulativi i pravnoj zastiti djece u Republici Hrvatskoj, te etickim dilemama pri provođenju istraživanja nasi...
U radu se govori o glavnim rizicima uporabe interneta kod djece, rezultatima istraživanja o navik... more U radu se govori o glavnim rizicima uporabe interneta kod djece, rezultatima istraživanja o navikama i iskustvima djece u koristenju interneta, zasto chat-room može biti opasan za djecu, koracima koje roditelji mogu poduzeti kako bi zastitili djecu…
The problem of abuse and neglect in general, including sexual abuse, was systematically tackled f... more The problem of abuse and neglect in general, including sexual abuse, was systematically tackled first some fifteen years ago in Croatia when a non-governmental organization Brave phone – a helpline for abused children – was established. Apart from helping children via the phone line, this NGO had a strong impact on the increase of public awareness of the issue. We started to train professionals, educate parents, and inform children and the media. It was the NGO Brave phone which conducted the first research into the prevalence of sexual abuse of children in Croatia in 2001. Results showed that every fourth girl and every sixth boy experienced some form of sexual abuse before the age of fourteen, which is very similar to other countries research results.
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati metrijske karakteristike instrumenta koji bi mogao biti ko... more Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati metrijske karakteristike instrumenta koji bi mogao biti koristan prije svega u određivanju rasirenosti (ali i u dijagnostickim postupcima) emocionalnoga zlostavljanja – Upitnika o emocionalnom zlostavljanju. Željeli smo na temelju ovog upitnika procijeniti i rasirenost emocionalnoga zlostavljanja na uzorku djece s podrucja Zagreba. Emocionalno zlostavljanje djece u ovom istraživanju definirano je konkretnim bihevioralnim cesticama, koje ukljucuju roditeljska ponasanja poput ignoriranja, ponižavanja, ismijavanja, iskoristavanja, zanemarivanja emocionalnih potreba te prijetnji djetetu. Upitnik o emocionalnom zlostavljanju konstruiran je na osnovi prevedenog upitnika Children's Perception of Parental Verbal Agression (Solomon, Serres, 1999.) te je primijenjen na 373 ispitanika (ucenika 4. razreda osnovne skole). Na dobivenim rezultatima napravljena je diskriminativna analiza cestica te analiza glavnih komponenata. Koeficijent pouzdanosti za do...
In this paper, we present the treatment of a girl (10) who is in therapy because of low selfestee... more In this paper, we present the treatment of a girl (10) who is in therapy because of low selfesteem and problems in the school environment due to difficulties in exercising rights to an individualized approach regarding her reading and writing difficulties. Her mother and the girl claim that the teacher shows no understanding for the girl’s difficulties and their relationship is not improving. The girl shows signs of disharmonious development; despite her language difficulties, she shows above-average non-verbal intelligence, emotional immaturity and anxiety. She lives in an intact family with a sister (without difficulties). After a multidisciplinary assessment and two months of psychological treatment (once a week), communicating with her school’s professional service, the teacher publicly reads her essay in front of the whole class as an example of how not to write essays. Immediately after that, and one month before the end of the school year, the girl refuses to write any essays...
This paper presents a treatment of a girl (age 9) whose parents voluntarily turn to a psychologis... more This paper presents a treatment of a girl (age 9) whose parents voluntarily turn to a psychologist after the father of the girl was diagnosed with terminal cancer with life expectancy of six to twelve months. The girl reported no appreciable diseases. She is the only child in the family, has high intellectual capacity and never reported any socio-emotional difficulties. The case study gives an overview of the counselling work with the mother and psychological support to the child through several stages: (1) coping with the illness; (2) bodily and mood changes of the father; (3) side-effects of the father’s treatment; (4) severe health deterioration of the father; (5) father’s approaching death; (6) father’s death; (7) grief and adjustment. The girl and the mother reacted to all aforementioned stages in very different ways, thus the interventions were also focused on invoking mother’s emphatic understanding of the girl and preserving their relationship. The girl went through three st...
Drustvena Istrazivanja, 2004
Cilj ovog istra`ivanja bio je ispitati metrijske karakteristikeinstrumenta koji bi mogao biti kor... more Cilj ovog istra`ivanja bio je ispitati metrijske karakteristikeinstrumenta koji bi mogao biti koristan prije svega u odre|ivanjurasirenosti (ali i u dijagnosti~kim postupcima) emocionalnogazlostavljanja – Upitnika o emocionalnom zlostavljanju. @eljelismo na temelju ovog upitnika procijeniti i rasirenostemocionalnoga zlostavljanja na uzorku djece s podru~jaZagreba. Emocionalno zlostavljanje djece u ovom istra`ivanjudefinirano je konkretnim bihevioralnim ~esticama, koje uklju~ujuroditeljska ponasanja poput ignoriranja, poni`avanja,ismijavanja, iskoristavanja, zanemarivanja emocionalnih potrebate prijetnji djetetu. Upitnik o emocionalnom zlostavljanjukonstruiran je na osnovi prevedenog upitnika Children'sPerception of Parental Verbal Agression (Solomon, Serres, 1999.)te je primijenjen na 373 ispitanika (u~enika 4. razreda osnovneskole). Na dobivenim rezultatima napravljena je diskriminativnaanaliza ~estica te analiza glavnih komponenata. Koeficijentpouzdanosti za dobivenu skalu izn...
U prirucniku se odrastanje djeteta sagledava s motrista pojedinca i populacije uz isticanje indiv... more U prirucniku se odrastanje djeteta sagledava s motrista pojedinca i populacije uz isticanje individualnih varijabilnosti. O zdravlju i bolesti djeteta na temelju recentnih strucnih stavova i vlastitog iskustva pisu hrvatski pedijatri, spec. skolske i obiteljske medicine, djecji ortopedi, oftalmolog, otorinolaringolog, fizijatar, edukacijski rehabilitator, psiholozi, logoped, nutricionisti, kineziolozi. Prirucnik je namijenjen roditeljima i odgajateljima s namjerom da ih informira, educira i savjetuje kako potencijalni zdravstveni problem mogu prepoznati, sto mogu uciniti sami, kada se trebaju obratiti lijecniku. Na praktican nacin su prikazani postupci pružanja prve pomoci i oživljavanja životno ugroženog djeteta. U prilogu su istaknuti abecedno kazalo pojmova, pojmovnik medicinskog nazivlja, literatura, dati su korisni linkovi, sažeti prikaz preventivnih postupaka, sistematskih pregleda u okviru zdravstvenog sustava od rođenja do kraja skolovanja.Prirucnik ima 5 cjelina, 34 poglavl...
Croatia is a for mer Yu go slav re pub lic east of the Adri atic Sea and op po site the east ern ... more Croatia is a for mer Yu go slav re pub lic east of the Adri atic Sea and op po site the east ern coast of It aly in south east ern Eu rope. With ap prox i mately 21,830 square mile s (56,542 km 2), Croatia is slightly smaller than the state of West Virginia in the United States. The Dinaric Moun tains, which run from north west to south east mark a bar ren rocky re gion, while the Zagorje re gion in the north, around the cap i tal Zagreb, is a land of roll ing hills. The Drava, Dan ube, and Sava Rivers bor der the east ern fer tile ag ri cul tural re gion of the Pannonian plain, Slavonia. The north ern part of Croatia stretches about 270 mile s (435 km) from the Istrian pen in sula in the north west on the Adri atic Sea to the Vojvodina re gion of Yu go sla via on the east. Croatia's neigh bors are Slovenia and Hun gary on the north, Yu go sla via on the east, and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the south east. In the far south, Croatia shares a small bor der, south of Dubrovnik, with Montenegro. Croatia's west ern coast line, which in cludes many is lands, stretches about 300 mile s (483 km) from Slovenia at the north ern end of the Adri atic Sea to Mon tenegro at the Adriatic's southern end, opposite the boot of Italy. In July 2002, Croatia had an es ti mated pop u la tion of 4.39 mil lion. (All data are from The World Fact book 2002 (CIA 2002) un less oth er wise stated.) Age Dis tri bu tion and Sex Ra tios: 0-14 years: 18.3% with 1.05 male(s) per fe male (sex ra tio); 15-64 years: 66.3% with 1.01 male(s) per fe male; 65 years and over: 15.4% with 0.6 male(s) per fe male; To tal pop u la tion sex ratio: 0.94 male(s) to 1 female Life Ex pec tancy at Birth: To tal Pop u la tion: 74.13 years; male: 70.52 years; fe male: 77.06 years Ur ban/Ru ral Dis tri bu tion: 56% to 44% Eth nic Dis tri bu tion:
Paediatria Croatica, 2008
Lijec̆nic̆ki vjesnik, 2010
U uvodnom dijelu se raspravlja o vrstama, oblicima i rasirenosti zlostavljanja, a potom analizira... more U uvodnom dijelu se raspravlja o vrstama, oblicima i rasirenosti zlostavljanja, a potom analizira zlostavljanje djece tijekom povijesti i donosi pregled razvoja ideje o potrebi njihove zastite. Nakon toga se obrazlažu teorijski modeli nasilnih roditeljskih ponasanja prema djeci te rizicni i zastitni cimbenici. U drugom dijelu se analiziraju tjelesno, emocionalno i seksualno zlostavljanje te zanemarivanje djece. U poglavlju o posebnim oblicima zlostavljanja govori se o fetalnom izlaganju alkoholu i drogama te sindromu tresenog djeteta. Nakon toga se obrazlaže izloženost djece nasilju u obitelji i manipulacija djecom pri razvodu roditelja. Posebna pozornost se posvecuje nasilju među vrsnjacima te izloženost djece nasilju u medijima. Na kraju se analizira Munchausenovom sindromu preko posrednika. U poglavlju o zastiti postupanju i prevenciji zlostavljanja govori se o zakonskoj regulativi i pravnoj zastiti djece u Republici Hrvatskoj, te etickim dilemama pri provođenju istraživanja nasi...