Petra Barišić | University of Zagreb (original) (raw)

Papers by Petra Barišić

Research paper thumbnail of Nacionalni identitet kao osnova za brendiranje Hrvatske

Migracije i identitet Kultura, ekonomija, država, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Održivi Ruralni Razvoj U Uvjetima Globalne Digitalne Transformacije

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Social Media in Tourism

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Research paper thumbnail of Social media and tourist destination choice - example of the city of Dubrovnik and selected social media platforms

Problem istraživanja postavljen je na razmeđu drustvenih medija i odabira turisticke destinacije,... more Problem istraživanja postavljen je na razmeđu drustvenih medija i odabira turisticke destinacije, stoga ce se ovim istraživanjem utvrditi njihova povezanost i prisutnost drustvenih medija u pojedinim fazama odabira. Generalno je poznato da je uloga drustvenih medija iz dana u dan sve veca, kao i da se sve veci broj turista okrece drustvenim medijima prilikom odabira, no jos je uvijek nejasno koliko je zaista znacenje drustvenih medija u navedenom kontekstu. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja kroz fokus na cetiri odabrane platforme drustvenih medija, tj. Facebook, YouTube, TripAdvisor i putem analize sadržaja analizirati njihov znacaj kod odabira Dubrovnika kao turisticke destinacije, i to kroz tri genericke faze, tocnije prije posjete Dubrovniku, za vrijeme boravka u Dubrovniku, te po povratku iz Dubrovnika.

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Research paper thumbnail of Utjecaj društvenih medija na proces odabira turističke destinacije

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Research paper thumbnail of Uçuş Notları

“Turizmde Geleceği Anlamak: Akıllı Turizm, Hazırlıklar ve Çözümler Kongresi” 5-27 Haziran 2021 ta... more “Turizmde Geleceği Anlamak: Akıllı Turizm, Hazırlıklar ve Çözümler Kongresi” 5-27 Haziran 2021 tarihlerinde Nevşehir’de Kapadokya Üniversitesi ev sahipliğinde ve Journal of Tourism Intelligence and Smartness destekleriyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu kitap, kongrede sunulan on bir tam metin ve on beş genişletilmiş özet bildiriden oluşmaktadır. Bildiriler, Covid-19 sonrası akıllı turizm, sosyal medyanın turist destinasyonlarının seçimine etkisi, salt teknoloji, Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerinin turizme yansımaları, e-müzeler, turizmde mobil hizmetler, Avrupa akıllı turizm başkentleri, akıllı destinasyonlar, destinasyon gelir yönetim sistemleri, yapay zeka, nöropazarlama, moleküler gastronomi, Yeni İskandinav mutfağı, tatil tercihleri, turizm bilgi teknolojisi, turizmde drone teknolojisi, turizmde nesnelerin interneti ve pazarlama 4.0 konularına odaklanmıştır. Bildiri kitabının literatüre katkısının yanı sıra bu konularda strateji ve politika geliştiricilere ve sektöre yol göstermesi beklenmektedir."Understanding the Future of Tourism: Smart Tourism, Readiness and Solutions Congress” was held on 25-27 June 2021 in Nevşehir, hosted by Cappadocia University and with the support of Journal of T ourism Intelligence and Smartness. This book consists of eleven full texts and fifteen extended abstracts presented at the congress. Proceedings focused on the topics such as smart tourism after Covid-19, the effect of social media on the choice of tourist destinations, pure technology, impact of Industry 4.0 technologies on tourism, e-museums, mobile services in tourism, European smart tourism capitals, smart destinations, destination r evenue management systems, artificial intelligence, neuromarketing, molecular gastronomy, New Scandinavian cuisine, holiday preferences, tourism information technology, drone technology in tourism, internet of things in tourism and marketing 4.0. In addition to its contribution to the literature, the book is expected to guide strategy and policy developers and the tourism sector

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Research paper thumbnail of Michelinov vodič potvrda vrijednosti hrvatske enogastronomije

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Research paper thumbnail of Event as the Brand Ambassador of its Host City: Analyzing the Social Media Exposure of Split Generated by Ultra Europe Music Festival

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Research paper thumbnail of Društveni mediji i odabir turističke destinacije - primjer grada Dubrovnika i odabranih platformi društvenih medija

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Research paper thumbnail of Tourist Perception of Intangible Cultural Heritage-Based Tourism Products - the Case of Zagreb

The theoretical objectives of the paper are to critically analyse current scientific research ins... more The theoretical objectives of the paper are to critically analyse current scientific research insights related to the issue of intangible cultural heritage and to place it into tourism context ; to examine categories of intangible cultural heritage as potential tourism products ; to analyse promotional activities regarding tangible and intangible cultural heritage-based tourism products. The empirical objectives of the paper are two folded. The main objective and the purpose are to analyse tourist perception of intangible cultural heritage products in the city of Zagreb and to determine the ways how tourists become acquainted with such form of tourism product. Furthermore the purpose is to determine to what extent activities identified as elements of promotional mix are being recognized by tourists in the promotional efforts of this particular form of cultural heritage-based tourism product. The authors developed an electronic survey based on highly structured questionnaire. The que...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analiza Situacije Digitalnog Marketinga Ruralnog Turizma U Republici Hrvatskoj

Zbornik radova – 1. međunarodna znanstveno- stručna konferencija za razvoj ruralnog turizma „Održivi i odgovorni razvoj u ruralnom turizmu“, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Social Media to Increase Social Responsibility Among Sports Tourists

Springer International Publishing eBooks, 2022

This chapter is focused on the process of increased demand for sustainable practices in today’s t... more This chapter is focused on the process of increased demand for sustainable practices in today’s tourism. The purpose of this chapter is to explore and explain the importance of social responsibilities (SR) among all stakeholders in the sports tourism today. And to gain awareness knowledge about the role of social media to in providing timely information about those relevant codes of conduct for to sports tourists, as well. So, this chapter applies the content analysis method with the support of program NVivo of then posted firm generated and user generated content on the Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. The research analyses observe social media as a good tool for sharing information about SR behaviour in sports tourism, and explores the nature and tone of communication between non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Croatia, specifically HGSS (Croatian Mountain Rescue Service) and sports tourists, and tourists’ perception of social responsibility as something important and essential for their safety, and the safety of other tourists during sports activities. The results show that social media are a great tool for sharing large amount of information that can increase social responsibility among sports tourists, also improve tourist’s understanding of SR behaviour during sports activities, educate them and familiarize them with about the safety instructions, and codes of conduct while engaging during participation in sports activities on their travels.

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Research paper thumbnail of Promocija sportskog turizma

Menadžment sportskog turizma i srodnih oblika turizma, 2021

Poglavlje se bavi promocijom sportskog turizma. Kroz elemente promotivnog miksa (oglašavenje, oso... more Poglavlje se bavi promocijom sportskog turizma. Kroz elemente promotivnog miksa (oglašavenje, osobni kontakt / osobnu prodaju, unapređenje prodaje, publicitet, odnose s javnošću, atmosferu, sponzorstva, licenciranje, izravni marketing i internetski marketing) pojašnjava se njihova uloga u sportskom turizmu.

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Research paper thumbnail of The performance audit as a function for increasing tourism efficiency

Corporate governance ; Proceedings of the 2nd International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship ; Inside And Outside Of Managerial Mind: Building the bridges between disciplines, 2014

During the past few decades tourism has experienced a boom, so there is an increased need for pro... more During the past few decades tourism has experienced a boom, so there is an increased need for providing effective and reliable tourist services, whereby performance audit plays an important role. Despite of these, the problem of performance audit in tourism and their role in increasing tourism efficiency is hardly addressed. This study highlights the importance of building and managing the performance audit in tourism, and based on the case studies of implemented audits in European Union and well-known Mediterranean destination of Croatia analyses how these destinations successfully managed their tourist activities. According to study, in Croatia is carried out only one performance audit in tourism, and it was as a pilot project, while the situation is bit different in the EU. That indicates that Croatian economy lags behind developed countries in understanding the importance of performance audit, and its influence on overall economy.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Efficiency of the Tourism Indusrty in the Balkans


The countries in the Balkan region report an increase in the number of tourist arrivals and spend... more The countries in the Balkan region report an increase in the number of tourist arrivals and spending but the question that remains is if their overall tourism industry is efficient. Using the methodology data envelopment analysis, this paper analyzes the efficiency of the tourism industry in the Balkans at the macro level. Eleven countries in the Balkan region were included in the research, namely Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and Turkey. The period of observation was six years (2010-2015). Two inputs and two outputs were selected. Visitor exports and domestic travel and tourism spending were inputs, while travel and tourism total contribution to GDP and employment were outputs. According to the obtained results, there was no country that was efficient in every year in every window, and it was found that the most efficient country in the whole observed period is Albania, while the least efficient country...

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating the success of promotion campaign for major sports events: the case of FIBA EuroBasket 2015, Croatia

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Research paper thumbnail of The efficiency of state aid on tourism development and supply of domestic products

The purpose of this study was to examine the role and importance of state aid on tourism developm... more The purpose of this study was to examine the role and importance of state aid on tourism development, as well as to address the problem of insufficient supply of domestic products in tourism and hospitality facilities, as one of the major barriers in implementationof consumer ethnocentrism as a factor of economic development. The increasing competitiveness of domestic tourism includes strong state support as well as continuous improvement in supply of products and services. The willingness to contribute to the domestic economy, and the lack of research which combine level of ethnocentric tendency of consumers, and insufficient state aid in tourism development have been the main reason for conducting this research. The results reflect the key factors affecting the economic developmentwith special emphasis on tourism development, as well as the manner in which state aid contribute to the achievement of key development goals. The research also shows different problems and barriers in tourism development. This paper is based on the results of the rigorous empirical research conducted on a sample of 201 small and medium size businesses in the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The respondents were directors, owners and managers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of sport sevent visitors ; the case of EuroBasket 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Branding the host city: analyzing the social media exposure of Zagreb generated by Vip Snow Queen Trophy

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Research paper thumbnail of Uloga kontrolinga i IT potpore u nefinancijskom izvještavanju studija slučaja

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Research paper thumbnail of Nacionalni identitet kao osnova za brendiranje Hrvatske

Migracije i identitet Kultura, ekonomija, država, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Održivi Ruralni Razvoj U Uvjetima Globalne Digitalne Transformacije

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Social Media in Tourism

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Research paper thumbnail of Social media and tourist destination choice - example of the city of Dubrovnik and selected social media platforms

Problem istraživanja postavljen je na razmeđu drustvenih medija i odabira turisticke destinacije,... more Problem istraživanja postavljen je na razmeđu drustvenih medija i odabira turisticke destinacije, stoga ce se ovim istraživanjem utvrditi njihova povezanost i prisutnost drustvenih medija u pojedinim fazama odabira. Generalno je poznato da je uloga drustvenih medija iz dana u dan sve veca, kao i da se sve veci broj turista okrece drustvenim medijima prilikom odabira, no jos je uvijek nejasno koliko je zaista znacenje drustvenih medija u navedenom kontekstu. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja kroz fokus na cetiri odabrane platforme drustvenih medija, tj. Facebook, YouTube, TripAdvisor i putem analize sadržaja analizirati njihov znacaj kod odabira Dubrovnika kao turisticke destinacije, i to kroz tri genericke faze, tocnije prije posjete Dubrovniku, za vrijeme boravka u Dubrovniku, te po povratku iz Dubrovnika.

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Research paper thumbnail of Utjecaj društvenih medija na proces odabira turističke destinacije

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Research paper thumbnail of Uçuş Notları

“Turizmde Geleceği Anlamak: Akıllı Turizm, Hazırlıklar ve Çözümler Kongresi” 5-27 Haziran 2021 ta... more “Turizmde Geleceği Anlamak: Akıllı Turizm, Hazırlıklar ve Çözümler Kongresi” 5-27 Haziran 2021 tarihlerinde Nevşehir’de Kapadokya Üniversitesi ev sahipliğinde ve Journal of Tourism Intelligence and Smartness destekleriyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu kitap, kongrede sunulan on bir tam metin ve on beş genişletilmiş özet bildiriden oluşmaktadır. Bildiriler, Covid-19 sonrası akıllı turizm, sosyal medyanın turist destinasyonlarının seçimine etkisi, salt teknoloji, Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerinin turizme yansımaları, e-müzeler, turizmde mobil hizmetler, Avrupa akıllı turizm başkentleri, akıllı destinasyonlar, destinasyon gelir yönetim sistemleri, yapay zeka, nöropazarlama, moleküler gastronomi, Yeni İskandinav mutfağı, tatil tercihleri, turizm bilgi teknolojisi, turizmde drone teknolojisi, turizmde nesnelerin interneti ve pazarlama 4.0 konularına odaklanmıştır. Bildiri kitabının literatüre katkısının yanı sıra bu konularda strateji ve politika geliştiricilere ve sektöre yol göstermesi beklenmektedir."Understanding the Future of Tourism: Smart Tourism, Readiness and Solutions Congress” was held on 25-27 June 2021 in Nevşehir, hosted by Cappadocia University and with the support of Journal of T ourism Intelligence and Smartness. This book consists of eleven full texts and fifteen extended abstracts presented at the congress. Proceedings focused on the topics such as smart tourism after Covid-19, the effect of social media on the choice of tourist destinations, pure technology, impact of Industry 4.0 technologies on tourism, e-museums, mobile services in tourism, European smart tourism capitals, smart destinations, destination r evenue management systems, artificial intelligence, neuromarketing, molecular gastronomy, New Scandinavian cuisine, holiday preferences, tourism information technology, drone technology in tourism, internet of things in tourism and marketing 4.0. In addition to its contribution to the literature, the book is expected to guide strategy and policy developers and the tourism sector

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Research paper thumbnail of Michelinov vodič potvrda vrijednosti hrvatske enogastronomije

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Research paper thumbnail of Event as the Brand Ambassador of its Host City: Analyzing the Social Media Exposure of Split Generated by Ultra Europe Music Festival

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Research paper thumbnail of Društveni mediji i odabir turističke destinacije - primjer grada Dubrovnika i odabranih platformi društvenih medija

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Research paper thumbnail of Tourist Perception of Intangible Cultural Heritage-Based Tourism Products - the Case of Zagreb

The theoretical objectives of the paper are to critically analyse current scientific research ins... more The theoretical objectives of the paper are to critically analyse current scientific research insights related to the issue of intangible cultural heritage and to place it into tourism context ; to examine categories of intangible cultural heritage as potential tourism products ; to analyse promotional activities regarding tangible and intangible cultural heritage-based tourism products. The empirical objectives of the paper are two folded. The main objective and the purpose are to analyse tourist perception of intangible cultural heritage products in the city of Zagreb and to determine the ways how tourists become acquainted with such form of tourism product. Furthermore the purpose is to determine to what extent activities identified as elements of promotional mix are being recognized by tourists in the promotional efforts of this particular form of cultural heritage-based tourism product. The authors developed an electronic survey based on highly structured questionnaire. The que...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analiza Situacije Digitalnog Marketinga Ruralnog Turizma U Republici Hrvatskoj

Zbornik radova – 1. međunarodna znanstveno- stručna konferencija za razvoj ruralnog turizma „Održivi i odgovorni razvoj u ruralnom turizmu“, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Social Media to Increase Social Responsibility Among Sports Tourists

Springer International Publishing eBooks, 2022

This chapter is focused on the process of increased demand for sustainable practices in today’s t... more This chapter is focused on the process of increased demand for sustainable practices in today’s tourism. The purpose of this chapter is to explore and explain the importance of social responsibilities (SR) among all stakeholders in the sports tourism today. And to gain awareness knowledge about the role of social media to in providing timely information about those relevant codes of conduct for to sports tourists, as well. So, this chapter applies the content analysis method with the support of program NVivo of then posted firm generated and user generated content on the Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. The research analyses observe social media as a good tool for sharing information about SR behaviour in sports tourism, and explores the nature and tone of communication between non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Croatia, specifically HGSS (Croatian Mountain Rescue Service) and sports tourists, and tourists’ perception of social responsibility as something important and essential for their safety, and the safety of other tourists during sports activities. The results show that social media are a great tool for sharing large amount of information that can increase social responsibility among sports tourists, also improve tourist’s understanding of SR behaviour during sports activities, educate them and familiarize them with about the safety instructions, and codes of conduct while engaging during participation in sports activities on their travels.

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Research paper thumbnail of Promocija sportskog turizma

Menadžment sportskog turizma i srodnih oblika turizma, 2021

Poglavlje se bavi promocijom sportskog turizma. Kroz elemente promotivnog miksa (oglašavenje, oso... more Poglavlje se bavi promocijom sportskog turizma. Kroz elemente promotivnog miksa (oglašavenje, osobni kontakt / osobnu prodaju, unapređenje prodaje, publicitet, odnose s javnošću, atmosferu, sponzorstva, licenciranje, izravni marketing i internetski marketing) pojašnjava se njihova uloga u sportskom turizmu.

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Research paper thumbnail of The performance audit as a function for increasing tourism efficiency

Corporate governance ; Proceedings of the 2nd International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship ; Inside And Outside Of Managerial Mind: Building the bridges between disciplines, 2014

During the past few decades tourism has experienced a boom, so there is an increased need for pro... more During the past few decades tourism has experienced a boom, so there is an increased need for providing effective and reliable tourist services, whereby performance audit plays an important role. Despite of these, the problem of performance audit in tourism and their role in increasing tourism efficiency is hardly addressed. This study highlights the importance of building and managing the performance audit in tourism, and based on the case studies of implemented audits in European Union and well-known Mediterranean destination of Croatia analyses how these destinations successfully managed their tourist activities. According to study, in Croatia is carried out only one performance audit in tourism, and it was as a pilot project, while the situation is bit different in the EU. That indicates that Croatian economy lags behind developed countries in understanding the importance of performance audit, and its influence on overall economy.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Efficiency of the Tourism Indusrty in the Balkans


The countries in the Balkan region report an increase in the number of tourist arrivals and spend... more The countries in the Balkan region report an increase in the number of tourist arrivals and spending but the question that remains is if their overall tourism industry is efficient. Using the methodology data envelopment analysis, this paper analyzes the efficiency of the tourism industry in the Balkans at the macro level. Eleven countries in the Balkan region were included in the research, namely Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and Turkey. The period of observation was six years (2010-2015). Two inputs and two outputs were selected. Visitor exports and domestic travel and tourism spending were inputs, while travel and tourism total contribution to GDP and employment were outputs. According to the obtained results, there was no country that was efficient in every year in every window, and it was found that the most efficient country in the whole observed period is Albania, while the least efficient country...

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating the success of promotion campaign for major sports events: the case of FIBA EuroBasket 2015, Croatia

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Research paper thumbnail of The efficiency of state aid on tourism development and supply of domestic products

The purpose of this study was to examine the role and importance of state aid on tourism developm... more The purpose of this study was to examine the role and importance of state aid on tourism development, as well as to address the problem of insufficient supply of domestic products in tourism and hospitality facilities, as one of the major barriers in implementationof consumer ethnocentrism as a factor of economic development. The increasing competitiveness of domestic tourism includes strong state support as well as continuous improvement in supply of products and services. The willingness to contribute to the domestic economy, and the lack of research which combine level of ethnocentric tendency of consumers, and insufficient state aid in tourism development have been the main reason for conducting this research. The results reflect the key factors affecting the economic developmentwith special emphasis on tourism development, as well as the manner in which state aid contribute to the achievement of key development goals. The research also shows different problems and barriers in tourism development. This paper is based on the results of the rigorous empirical research conducted on a sample of 201 small and medium size businesses in the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The respondents were directors, owners and managers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of sport sevent visitors ; the case of EuroBasket 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Branding the host city: analyzing the social media exposure of Zagreb generated by Vip Snow Queen Trophy

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Research paper thumbnail of Uloga kontrolinga i IT potpore u nefinancijskom izvještavanju studija slučaja

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Istraživanje turističkih tržišta, 2019

Problem istraživanja postavljen je na razmeđu društvenih medija i odabira turističke destinacije,... more Problem istraživanja postavljen je na razmeđu društvenih medija i odabira turističke destinacije, stoga će se ovim istraživanjem utvrditi njihova povezanost i prisutnost društvenih medija u pojedinim fazama odabira. Generalno je poznato da je uloga društvenih medija iz dana u dan sve veća, kao i da se sve veći broj turista okreće društvenim medijima prilikom odabira, no još je uvijek nejasno koliko je zaista značenje društvenih medija u navedenom kontekstu. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja kroz fokus na četiri odabrane platforme društvenih medija, tj. Facebook, YouTube, TripAdvisor i putem analize sadržaja analizirati njihov značaj kod odabira Dubrovnika kao turističke destinacije, i to kroz tri generičke faze, točnije prije posjete Dubrovniku, za vrijeme boravka u Dubrovniku, te po povratku iz Dubrovnika.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Social Media to Increase Social Responsibility Among Sports Tourists

International Perspectives on Sport for Sustainable Development, 2022

This chapter is focused on the process of increased demand for sustainable practices in today’s t... more This chapter is focused on the process of increased demand for sustainable practices in today’s tourism. The purpose of this chapter is to explore and explain the importance of social responsibilities (SR) among all stakeholders in the sports tourism today. And to gain awareness knowledge about the role of social media to in providing timely information about those relevant codes of conduct for to sports tourists, as well. So, this chapter applies the content analysis method with the support of program NVivo of then posted firm generated and user generated content on the Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. The research analyses observe social media as a good tool for sharing information about SR behaviour in sports tourism, and explores the nature and tone of communication between non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Croatia, specifically HGSS (Croatian Mountain Rescue Service) and sports tourists, and tourists’ perception of social responsibility as something important and essential for their safety, and the safety of other tourists during sports activities. The results show that social media are a great tool for sharing large amount of information that can increase social responsibility among sports tourists, also improve tourist’s understanding of SR behaviour during sports activities, educate them and familiarize them with about the safety instructions, and codes of conduct while engaging during participation in sports activities on their travels.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Book of Abstracts - 1st International Scientific Conference for Rural Tourism Development "Sustainable and Responsible Development in Rural Tourism"

The Book of Abstracts - 1st International Scientific Conference for Rural Tourism Development "Sustainable and Responsible Development in Rural Tourism", 2020

The Book of Abstracts is the result of collecting selected abstracts of papers prepared for the f... more The Book of Abstracts is the result of collecting selected abstracts of papers prepared for the first international scientific-professional conference "Sustainable and responsible development in rural tourism". The conference was held on November 25, 2020 online with the help of the Libertas International University in Zagreb. The aim of the conference was to stimulate a constructive discussion and get a clearer picture of the current situation, and offer solutions for the continued development of rural tourism in Croatia and neighboring countries, with special emphasis on the development of Moslavina as an attractive continental tourist destination.

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The Book of Abstracts is the result of collecting selected abstracts of papers prepared for the f... more The Book of Abstracts is the result of collecting selected abstracts of papers prepared for the first international scientific-professional conference "Sustainable and responsible development in rural tourism". The conference was held on November 25, 2020 online with the help of the Libertas International University in Zagreb. The aim of the conference was to stimulate a constructive discussion and get a clearer picture of the current situation, and offer solutions for the continued development of rural tourism in Croatia and neighboring countries, with special emphasis on the development of Moslavina as an attractive continental tourist destination.

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Research paper thumbnail of Conference proceedings - 1st International Scientific Conference for Rural Tourism Development "Sustainable and Responsible Development in Rural Tourism"

Conference proceedings - 1st International Scientific Conference for Rural Tourism Development "Sustainable and Responsible Development in Rural Tourism", 2021

The conference proceedings is the result of combining selected papers prepared for the first inte... more The conference proceedings is the result of combining selected papers prepared for the first international scientific-professional conference "Sustainable and responsible development in rural tourism". The conference was held on November 25, 2020 online and at Libertas International University in Zagreb. The aim of the conference was to stimulate a constructive discussion and get a clearer picture of the current situation and offer solutions for the continued development of rural tourism in Croatia and neighboring countries, with special emphasis on the development of Moslavina as an attractive continental tourist destination.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nonfinancial Reporting: Theoretical and Empirical Evidence

Sustainable Management Practices, 2019

Nonfinancial reporting (NFR) is a relatively new topic in the business practice ; it evolved a co... more Nonfinancial reporting (NFR) is a relatively new topic in the business practice ; it evolved a couple of decades ago. Initially, NFR was mostly disclosed on a voluntary basis. Because of deeper awareness regarding climate change and environmental challenges, as well as pressure from investors, customers, and competition, nonfinancial reporting developed from a voluntary to a mandatory highly standardized practice. This research sought to address the following questions: How understanding of business value creation determines business reporting? How sustainability approach manifests on the company level? What is nonfinancial reporting and why should companies care about it? What are the motivations and benefits for companies and for whom do they publish sustainability reports? What about experiences in public sector? How contemporary concepts of green, circular, and zero-waste economy influence business reporting? Which open questions do organizations face on the path of sustainability reporting? This study contributes to the discussion on NFR and stimulates paradigm shift from profitability toward sustainability as adopting a holistic perspective, respecting people and the planet. This research stimulates business community to invest time and energy into sustainability reporting and encourages scholars to explore new ways of business reporting and therefore contributes to our knowledge and well-being.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing the Efficiency of Travel and Tourism in the European Union

Advances in Operational Research in the Balkans. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham, 2020

As one of the world's largest and growing economic sectors, travel and tourism significantly cont... more As one of the world's largest and growing economic sectors, travel and tourism significantly contributes to GDP, creates jobs, drives exports, and generates prosperity across the world. Therefore, it is essential to know which countries successfully manage their travel and tourism, and can serve as an example for the others. The aim of the paper is to analyze the efficiency of travel and tourism impact on the GDP and employment in the European Union at the macro level, by using the nonparametric approach data envelopment analysis. All 28 member states of the European Union were included in the research. The observation period was one year (2017). Two inputs and two outputs were selected. Internal travel and tourism consumption and capital investment were the inputs, while travel and tourism's total contribution to GDP and employment were the outputs. The obtained results are presented, interpreted and there are recommendations given for the tourism policy-makers regarding making better decisions.

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Research paper thumbnail of The role of controlling and IT support in non-financial reporting case study

The role of controlling and IT support in non-financial reporting case study, 2018

Sustainable business practices are increasingly becoming an important topic and challenge in the ... more Sustainable business practices are increasingly becoming an important topic and challenge in the business world. They are already affecting business strategies of companies. The recent trends in the economy reflect ever clearer demands for non-financial reporting, i.e. reporting on social and ecological aspects of business activities of the company. With this research study we intended to contribute to the affirmation of sustainable business and non-financial reporting and to encourage the business community to emerge from a narrow perspective of profits and to see the broader soacial and environmental responsibility of the company's business. We also believe that the academic community should be committed to providing support and assistance to the business community and businesses in the process of introducing and implementing sustainability reporting, which was the ultimate purpose of this work.

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