Ronaldo Gurgel Pereira | Universidade Nova de Lisboa (original) (raw)

Books by Ronaldo Gurgel Pereira

Research paper thumbnail of Gramática Fundamental de Egípcio Hieroglífico - para o estudo do estágio inicial da língua egípcia (ca. 3000 - 1300 a.C.)

ISBN 978-989-51-1112-1 720 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of Helenização e Egipcianização: Re-construção de identidades no Egito helenístico

"Estudo comparativo entre o discurso de identidade pró-helênico, propagado pelas elites ptolomaic... more "Estudo comparativo entre o discurso de identidade pró-helênico, propagado pelas elites ptolomaicas e a realidade quotidiana, bastante dinâmica, presente nas relações interculturais ocorridas entre as populações grega/helenizada e egípica durante o periodo helenístico.

Research paper thumbnail of The Hermetic Logos: reading the" Corpus Hermeticum" as a reflection of Graeco-Egyptian mentality

"This study analyses Hermetic literature and focuses on the seventeen treatises of the so-called ... more "This study analyses Hermetic literature and focuses on the seventeen treatises of the so-called Corpus Hermeticum, with support of other philosophical Hermetica as well.
As will be demonstrated, Hermetic literature helps our understanding of how reformulations of symbolic universes led to a specific Graeco-Egyptian mentality.
The Hermetica will be treated as the result of cross-cultural exchange between Greek and Egyptian symbolic universes. This literature is here analysed according to its historical context, i.e. as part of a Greek-Egyptian dialogue."

Research paper thumbnail of The Hermetic Logos: The Hermetic Literature from the Hellenistic Age to Late Antiquity, Saarbrücken, LAP, 2011

This is a study on the Hermetic literature (namely the philosophical Hermetica) focusing the seve... more This is a study on the Hermetic literature (namely the philosophical Hermetica) focusing the seventeen treatises of the so-called Corpus Hermeticum and several passages from other Hermetic sources. The first part deals with the problem of ethnic identity to the Hermetics. A long essay about the cultural relations between Greeks and Egyptians from before Alexander to after the Roman conquest is followed by a debate on graeco-egyptian mentality. The second chapter debates the Hermetic literature as a whole, from the background concerning its dramatis personae to how its gnosis was formed, through the comparation between Egyptian traditions and Greek philosophy. This chapter also focuses on three key-concepts: logos, nous and gnosis. The last chapter deals with textual circularity and explores how social groups could overcome this literature in a set for ideological and political disputes. Here Gnostics, pagan philosophers and early Christian fathers are placed as contradictory producers of sense to the Hermetica.

Papers by Ronaldo Gurgel Pereira

Research paper thumbnail of Um banco de dados digital para os Aegyptiaca do sudoeste ibérico: encontros coloniais e “mediterranização” das sociedades ibéricas da costa atlântica (sécs. VIII – V a.C.)

Um estudo preliminar sobre a presença de “aegyptiaca” na costa ocidental da Península Ibérica. Es... more Um estudo preliminar sobre a presença de “aegyptiaca” na costa ocidental da Península Ibérica. Este artigo aborda o material egípcio e egipcizante trazido para o território ibérico pela expansão fenícia entre os séculos VIII – V a.C. Uma vez que se trata de um material pouco estudado, propor a construção de um corpus para a região do Sudoeste Ibérico será uma mais-valia para a compreensão do fenômeno das relações entre nativos e estrangeiros. Assim, essa cultura material será a base para um estudo da presença fenícia no que outrora consistia de uma unidade geopolítica: o Sudoeste Ibérico. As relações comerciais, a transferência de tecnologia e a subsequente transição do Bronze Final para o Ferro Inicial entre as sociedades nativas são temas de interesse desse levantamento de corpus. A presença de bens de luxo e status em necrópoles nativas e mistas demonstra o gradual processo de adoção de elementos mediterrâneos nos ritos funerários e relações cotidianas dessas sociedades nativas, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Hermetic Receptivity to Egyptian Abstract Concepts

This paper aims to compare Hermetic literature and Egyptian possible sources. It will present Egy... more This paper aims to compare Hermetic literature and Egyptian possible sources. It will present Egyptian equivalent models for some of the Greek philosophical concepts - Nous, Logos and gnosis - present in the Hermetica. Here the Hermetica will be analysed as a channel for the Greek's reception of Egyptian concepts into Greek might have risked unintentional misinterpretations and multiple possible understandings.


Este artigo aborda a presenca fenicia no territorio atualmente portugues. Discute-se os aspectos ... more Este artigo aborda a presenca fenicia no territorio atualmente portugues. Discute-se os aspectos da presenca fenicia no sudoeste iberico e a dinâmica dos contatos comerciais e culturais entre estrangeiros e nativos entre os seculos VIII e V a.C. Devido a ausencia de documentacao escrita, esses contatos so podem ser abordados a partir de um estudo da cultura material, geralmente de contexto funerario. Durante a transicao para a Idade de Ferro, o Sudoeste peninsular estava organizado de modo a formar uma realidade geopolitica consistente, englobando o litoral algarvio, o litoral alentejano, o vale do Tejo e a Estremadura.

Research paper thumbnail of Uma Colecção Egípcia Inédita no Museu Nogueira da Silva

Em Maio de 2013, como parte de meu projecto de pós-doutoramento, visitei o Museu Nogueira da Silv... more Em Maio de 2013, como parte de meu projecto de pós-doutoramento, visitei o Museu Nogueira da Silva, para conhecer peças egípcias descritas pela Dr.a Maria Helena Trindade como nunca antes estudadas. Foi uma surpresa descobrir que essas peças nem sequer haviam sido expostas ainda, mantidas em segurança na reserva técnica.

Research paper thumbnail of The Gynaecological Papyrus Kahun

The Gynecological Papyrus Kahun, 2021

The Papyrus Kahun is oldest known Egyptian medical document addressing issues of midwifery, datin... more The Papyrus Kahun is oldest known Egyptian medical document addressing issues of midwifery, dating back to the second Millennium BC. Here it follows a study of the papyrus, featuring hieroglyphic text and its transliteration and translation versions. This work also features commentaries regarding the papyrus’ medical substances and some linguistic evidences on the intimacy between spiritual and physical spheres in the Egyptian therapeutics. After the papyrus text, there is an Egyptian-English glossary.

Research paper thumbnail of The Gynecological Papyrus Kahun

Research paper thumbnail of ensino da língua egípcia clássica no Brasil: desafios e possibilidades usando recursos digitais

Linha D'Água, 2021

Este artigo apresenta os resultados iniciais de um projeto mais amplo sobre o ensino da língua eg... more Este artigo apresenta os resultados iniciais de um projeto mais amplo sobre o ensino da língua egípcia no Brasil por meio de recursos digitais. Examinamos a primeira etapa através do curso Introdução ao Egípcio Clássico (Egípcio Médio), o primeiro curso online de ensino da língua egípcia no Brasil, tendo em vista a desafiadora realidade para a formação de egiptólogos no país. A partir do debate das Humanidades Digitais, que problematiza a produção e a divulgação do conhecimento nas ciências humanas com recursos tecnológicos, apontamos possíveis caminhos para a expansão deste projeto no cenário brasileiro. Neste escopo, a discussão sobre as plataformas digitais e o ensino de história antiga no Brasil entram como elementos importantes na contextualização desta iniciativa.

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to Proceedings of International Symposium "Migration and Colonization in the Mediterranean during the First Millennium BC

Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, 2019

A comparative approach allowed the debate on different realities of migration and colonization, b... more A comparative approach allowed the debate on different realities of migration and colonization, both in space as in time. Thus, this dossier shall be an interesting asset to those who need to compare bibliographies, sources, usages of concepts and opinions in order to put in perspective their own perceptions of the same phenomenon.

Research paper thumbnail of A database for the Aegyptiaca from the Iberian SW: Colonial Encounters and the ‘Mediterranization’ of the Atlantic Iberian Societies (8th to 5th centuries BC)

Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, 2019

A preliminary study on the aegyptiaca in the Iberian Peninsula. It aims to understand the usages ... more A preliminary study on the aegyptiaca in the Iberian Peninsula. It aims to understand the usages of Egyptian and ‘egyptianised’ material by Phoenicians and natives in the territory. Since such a thematic lacks consistent knowledge, it is interesting to propose new perspectives, by combining the Southwest part of the Peninsula.Thus, this paper aims to deal with the relationship between Phoenician traders and settlers with Celtic-speaking native tribes, throughout the study of material culture. It focuses the regions of Phoenician presence in Spanish Andalusia and Estremadura, plus the Portuguese regions of Algarve, Alentejo and Estremadura. Those regions formed a whole territorial unity – geographical and political – during the transition to Iron Age. Commercial contacts between those following generations of Phoenicians and native peoples (from what is nowadays Portugal) increased the Phoenician influence over the territory – especially the littoral area from the Algarve region to t...

Research paper thumbnail of The “right way” of Hermetism: disputes on Gnostic’s, Pagan’s and Christian’s (re-)visions of the Hermetic phonomenon in late antiquity

Research paper thumbnail of Uma Colecção Egípcia Inédita no Museu Nogueira da Silva

Análise de uma pequena coleção egípcia inédita, pertencente ao Museu Nogueira da Silva - Universi... more Análise de uma pequena coleção egípcia inédita, pertencente ao Museu Nogueira da Silva - Universidade do Minho - Braga, Portugal. A coleção consiste de duas estatuetas shabti e um amuleto de Amum.
The first study of a small Egyptian collection from Museu Nogueira da Silva - Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal. The collection is composed by two shabtis and an amulet of Amun.

Research paper thumbnail of Some Remarks on the Book of Thoth: Concerning Seshat, Shaï and the 'invention' of the Hermetic Agathos Daimon

IV - International Congress for Young Egyptologists: Cult and Belief in Ancient Egypt - ISBN 978-619-152-467-9, Oct 1, 2014

In the Book of Thoth, Seshat is partially assimilated to Shai. Sometimes it is possible to distin... more In the Book of Thoth, Seshat is partially assimilated to Shai. Sometimes it is possible to distinct those goddesses thanks to the context in which each one has been invoked. The Book of Thoth establishes the temple as background for all actions described by the text. The House of Life, the Chamber of Darkness, etc., are allegories presented for the best education of a hierogrammateus. On the other hand, in the Corpus Hermeticum there is no formal context for the texts. There is no use for priests or temples, and rituals are even depicted as futile in the quest for the divine. Salvation – an absent concept in the Book of Thoth – is only individually achievable, and therefore mortal mediators were useless.

Research paper thumbnail of Greek Nomos and Egyptian Religion: cultural identity in Hellenistic Egypt

This paper approaches de historical context of social and cultural interactions between Greeks an... more This paper approaches de historical context of social and cultural interactions between Greeks and Egyptians from the Macedonian conquest to the Roman rule over Egypt. It aims to understand the formation of cultural Greek and Egyptian self-perceptions during that period, as well as the symbolic relations between their counterparts in that society. For that purpose, the Greek concept of Nomos is proposed here in articulation to Egyptian religiousness as key makers to better understand the complex matter of cultural idenity in Hellenistic Egypt.

Research paper thumbnail of The "Right Way" of Hermetism: Disputes on Gnostic's , Pagan's and Christian's (re-)visions of the Hermetic phenomenon in late Antiquity

Revista Lusófona de Ciências das Religiões, Ano XI, 2012/13, n. 16/17, pp. 153 - 175., 2013

This paper aims to understand the phenomenon of Hermetism though the perspective of its process o... more This paper aims to understand the phenomenon of Hermetism though the perspective of its process of reception and reproduction in society. It will explore the phenomenon that was the transformation of the Hermetica into a social discourse. The so-called technical and philosophical Hermetica are texts. A text is the result of a production: it is composed by men, and addressed to men. It is important to consider the intentions and values present in a text’s production, and to understand that its process of reception and reproduction in society are, in fact, complex and dynamic. A text must be viewed as not being simply a reflection of the society into which it is inserted, but rather as an active form of social mobilization. After a text’s production, it is presented to a society where different groups can participate in its process of reception and reproduction, or “textual circularity”. Then, different interpretations concerning the texts’ intentions can be proposed to society throughout the process of debate.

Research paper thumbnail of Hermetic Receptivity to Egyptian Abstract Concepts

This paper aims to compare Hermetic literature and Egyptian possible sources. It will present Egy... more This paper aims to compare Hermetic literature and Egyptian possible sources. It will present Egyptian equivalent models for some of the Greek philosophical concepts - Nous, Logos and gnosis - present in the Hermetica. Here the Hermetica will be analysed as a channel for the Greek's reception of Egyptian concepts into Greek might have risked unintentional misinterpretations and multiple possible understandings.

Research paper thumbnail of HELLÉNISATION, ÉGYPTIANISATION ET “RE-CONSTRUCTION DE L´IDENTITÉ”: Étude des Interactions Culturelles entre Étrangers et Natifs dans la Chora Ptolémaique.

L´objectif de cette œvre est établir les dimensions de la politique imperelle des Lagides ans leu... more L´objectif de cette œvre est établir les dimensions de la politique imperelle des Lagides ans leurs efforts d´hellénisation de l´Égypte. Il y a un conflit politique entre les natifs/dominés et le pouvoir étranger héllénistique établit; où la culture et la resistence culturelle (perçu comme le respect aux traditions et lois des ancestraux – ou nómoi), sont intimement liées à une relation entre le pouvoir macedonien instalé, et le pouvoir “legitimeur” et medieteur natif des sacertotes egyptiens.
En second lieu, les analyses des pratiques quotidiennes montrent une prochainement très intense entre les natifs et les étrangers. En addition aux étratèges conscients d´un process d´interaction culturelle entre les “nómoi”, ils se developpent jeux quotidiens des negotiations et d´inventions imprevisibles et expontanées.
Enfin, le but de cette dissertation est comprendre comment une culture peut se transformer historiquement, en raison des contacts avec un “Autre”, bien comme comparer les diferents dimensions d´une notion d´Identité, à travers d´une analyse des sources officials et de la documentation privé sur la vie quotidienne dans l´Égypte héllénistique.

Research paper thumbnail of Gramática Fundamental de Egípcio Hieroglífico - para o estudo do estágio inicial da língua egípcia (ca. 3000 - 1300 a.C.)

ISBN 978-989-51-1112-1 720 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of Helenização e Egipcianização: Re-construção de identidades no Egito helenístico

"Estudo comparativo entre o discurso de identidade pró-helênico, propagado pelas elites ptolomaic... more "Estudo comparativo entre o discurso de identidade pró-helênico, propagado pelas elites ptolomaicas e a realidade quotidiana, bastante dinâmica, presente nas relações interculturais ocorridas entre as populações grega/helenizada e egípica durante o periodo helenístico.

Research paper thumbnail of The Hermetic Logos: reading the" Corpus Hermeticum" as a reflection of Graeco-Egyptian mentality

"This study analyses Hermetic literature and focuses on the seventeen treatises of the so-called ... more "This study analyses Hermetic literature and focuses on the seventeen treatises of the so-called Corpus Hermeticum, with support of other philosophical Hermetica as well.
As will be demonstrated, Hermetic literature helps our understanding of how reformulations of symbolic universes led to a specific Graeco-Egyptian mentality.
The Hermetica will be treated as the result of cross-cultural exchange between Greek and Egyptian symbolic universes. This literature is here analysed according to its historical context, i.e. as part of a Greek-Egyptian dialogue."

Research paper thumbnail of The Hermetic Logos: The Hermetic Literature from the Hellenistic Age to Late Antiquity, Saarbrücken, LAP, 2011

This is a study on the Hermetic literature (namely the philosophical Hermetica) focusing the seve... more This is a study on the Hermetic literature (namely the philosophical Hermetica) focusing the seventeen treatises of the so-called Corpus Hermeticum and several passages from other Hermetic sources. The first part deals with the problem of ethnic identity to the Hermetics. A long essay about the cultural relations between Greeks and Egyptians from before Alexander to after the Roman conquest is followed by a debate on graeco-egyptian mentality. The second chapter debates the Hermetic literature as a whole, from the background concerning its dramatis personae to how its gnosis was formed, through the comparation between Egyptian traditions and Greek philosophy. This chapter also focuses on three key-concepts: logos, nous and gnosis. The last chapter deals with textual circularity and explores how social groups could overcome this literature in a set for ideological and political disputes. Here Gnostics, pagan philosophers and early Christian fathers are placed as contradictory producers of sense to the Hermetica.

Research paper thumbnail of Um banco de dados digital para os Aegyptiaca do sudoeste ibérico: encontros coloniais e “mediterranização” das sociedades ibéricas da costa atlântica (sécs. VIII – V a.C.)

Um estudo preliminar sobre a presença de “aegyptiaca” na costa ocidental da Península Ibérica. Es... more Um estudo preliminar sobre a presença de “aegyptiaca” na costa ocidental da Península Ibérica. Este artigo aborda o material egípcio e egipcizante trazido para o território ibérico pela expansão fenícia entre os séculos VIII – V a.C. Uma vez que se trata de um material pouco estudado, propor a construção de um corpus para a região do Sudoeste Ibérico será uma mais-valia para a compreensão do fenômeno das relações entre nativos e estrangeiros. Assim, essa cultura material será a base para um estudo da presença fenícia no que outrora consistia de uma unidade geopolítica: o Sudoeste Ibérico. As relações comerciais, a transferência de tecnologia e a subsequente transição do Bronze Final para o Ferro Inicial entre as sociedades nativas são temas de interesse desse levantamento de corpus. A presença de bens de luxo e status em necrópoles nativas e mistas demonstra o gradual processo de adoção de elementos mediterrâneos nos ritos funerários e relações cotidianas dessas sociedades nativas, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Hermetic Receptivity to Egyptian Abstract Concepts

This paper aims to compare Hermetic literature and Egyptian possible sources. It will present Egy... more This paper aims to compare Hermetic literature and Egyptian possible sources. It will present Egyptian equivalent models for some of the Greek philosophical concepts - Nous, Logos and gnosis - present in the Hermetica. Here the Hermetica will be analysed as a channel for the Greek's reception of Egyptian concepts into Greek might have risked unintentional misinterpretations and multiple possible understandings.


Este artigo aborda a presenca fenicia no territorio atualmente portugues. Discute-se os aspectos ... more Este artigo aborda a presenca fenicia no territorio atualmente portugues. Discute-se os aspectos da presenca fenicia no sudoeste iberico e a dinâmica dos contatos comerciais e culturais entre estrangeiros e nativos entre os seculos VIII e V a.C. Devido a ausencia de documentacao escrita, esses contatos so podem ser abordados a partir de um estudo da cultura material, geralmente de contexto funerario. Durante a transicao para a Idade de Ferro, o Sudoeste peninsular estava organizado de modo a formar uma realidade geopolitica consistente, englobando o litoral algarvio, o litoral alentejano, o vale do Tejo e a Estremadura.

Research paper thumbnail of Uma Colecção Egípcia Inédita no Museu Nogueira da Silva

Em Maio de 2013, como parte de meu projecto de pós-doutoramento, visitei o Museu Nogueira da Silv... more Em Maio de 2013, como parte de meu projecto de pós-doutoramento, visitei o Museu Nogueira da Silva, para conhecer peças egípcias descritas pela Dr.a Maria Helena Trindade como nunca antes estudadas. Foi uma surpresa descobrir que essas peças nem sequer haviam sido expostas ainda, mantidas em segurança na reserva técnica.

Research paper thumbnail of The Gynaecological Papyrus Kahun

The Gynecological Papyrus Kahun, 2021

The Papyrus Kahun is oldest known Egyptian medical document addressing issues of midwifery, datin... more The Papyrus Kahun is oldest known Egyptian medical document addressing issues of midwifery, dating back to the second Millennium BC. Here it follows a study of the papyrus, featuring hieroglyphic text and its transliteration and translation versions. This work also features commentaries regarding the papyrus’ medical substances and some linguistic evidences on the intimacy between spiritual and physical spheres in the Egyptian therapeutics. After the papyrus text, there is an Egyptian-English glossary.

Research paper thumbnail of The Gynecological Papyrus Kahun

Research paper thumbnail of ensino da língua egípcia clássica no Brasil: desafios e possibilidades usando recursos digitais

Linha D'Água, 2021

Este artigo apresenta os resultados iniciais de um projeto mais amplo sobre o ensino da língua eg... more Este artigo apresenta os resultados iniciais de um projeto mais amplo sobre o ensino da língua egípcia no Brasil por meio de recursos digitais. Examinamos a primeira etapa através do curso Introdução ao Egípcio Clássico (Egípcio Médio), o primeiro curso online de ensino da língua egípcia no Brasil, tendo em vista a desafiadora realidade para a formação de egiptólogos no país. A partir do debate das Humanidades Digitais, que problematiza a produção e a divulgação do conhecimento nas ciências humanas com recursos tecnológicos, apontamos possíveis caminhos para a expansão deste projeto no cenário brasileiro. Neste escopo, a discussão sobre as plataformas digitais e o ensino de história antiga no Brasil entram como elementos importantes na contextualização desta iniciativa.

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to Proceedings of International Symposium "Migration and Colonization in the Mediterranean during the First Millennium BC

Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, 2019

A comparative approach allowed the debate on different realities of migration and colonization, b... more A comparative approach allowed the debate on different realities of migration and colonization, both in space as in time. Thus, this dossier shall be an interesting asset to those who need to compare bibliographies, sources, usages of concepts and opinions in order to put in perspective their own perceptions of the same phenomenon.

Research paper thumbnail of A database for the Aegyptiaca from the Iberian SW: Colonial Encounters and the ‘Mediterranization’ of the Atlantic Iberian Societies (8th to 5th centuries BC)

Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, 2019

A preliminary study on the aegyptiaca in the Iberian Peninsula. It aims to understand the usages ... more A preliminary study on the aegyptiaca in the Iberian Peninsula. It aims to understand the usages of Egyptian and ‘egyptianised’ material by Phoenicians and natives in the territory. Since such a thematic lacks consistent knowledge, it is interesting to propose new perspectives, by combining the Southwest part of the Peninsula.Thus, this paper aims to deal with the relationship between Phoenician traders and settlers with Celtic-speaking native tribes, throughout the study of material culture. It focuses the regions of Phoenician presence in Spanish Andalusia and Estremadura, plus the Portuguese regions of Algarve, Alentejo and Estremadura. Those regions formed a whole territorial unity – geographical and political – during the transition to Iron Age. Commercial contacts between those following generations of Phoenicians and native peoples (from what is nowadays Portugal) increased the Phoenician influence over the territory – especially the littoral area from the Algarve region to t...

Research paper thumbnail of The “right way” of Hermetism: disputes on Gnostic’s, Pagan’s and Christian’s (re-)visions of the Hermetic phonomenon in late antiquity

Research paper thumbnail of Uma Colecção Egípcia Inédita no Museu Nogueira da Silva

Análise de uma pequena coleção egípcia inédita, pertencente ao Museu Nogueira da Silva - Universi... more Análise de uma pequena coleção egípcia inédita, pertencente ao Museu Nogueira da Silva - Universidade do Minho - Braga, Portugal. A coleção consiste de duas estatuetas shabti e um amuleto de Amum.
The first study of a small Egyptian collection from Museu Nogueira da Silva - Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal. The collection is composed by two shabtis and an amulet of Amun.

Research paper thumbnail of Some Remarks on the Book of Thoth: Concerning Seshat, Shaï and the 'invention' of the Hermetic Agathos Daimon

IV - International Congress for Young Egyptologists: Cult and Belief in Ancient Egypt - ISBN 978-619-152-467-9, Oct 1, 2014

In the Book of Thoth, Seshat is partially assimilated to Shai. Sometimes it is possible to distin... more In the Book of Thoth, Seshat is partially assimilated to Shai. Sometimes it is possible to distinct those goddesses thanks to the context in which each one has been invoked. The Book of Thoth establishes the temple as background for all actions described by the text. The House of Life, the Chamber of Darkness, etc., are allegories presented for the best education of a hierogrammateus. On the other hand, in the Corpus Hermeticum there is no formal context for the texts. There is no use for priests or temples, and rituals are even depicted as futile in the quest for the divine. Salvation – an absent concept in the Book of Thoth – is only individually achievable, and therefore mortal mediators were useless.

Research paper thumbnail of Greek Nomos and Egyptian Religion: cultural identity in Hellenistic Egypt

This paper approaches de historical context of social and cultural interactions between Greeks an... more This paper approaches de historical context of social and cultural interactions between Greeks and Egyptians from the Macedonian conquest to the Roman rule over Egypt. It aims to understand the formation of cultural Greek and Egyptian self-perceptions during that period, as well as the symbolic relations between their counterparts in that society. For that purpose, the Greek concept of Nomos is proposed here in articulation to Egyptian religiousness as key makers to better understand the complex matter of cultural idenity in Hellenistic Egypt.

Research paper thumbnail of The "Right Way" of Hermetism: Disputes on Gnostic's , Pagan's and Christian's (re-)visions of the Hermetic phenomenon in late Antiquity

Revista Lusófona de Ciências das Religiões, Ano XI, 2012/13, n. 16/17, pp. 153 - 175., 2013

This paper aims to understand the phenomenon of Hermetism though the perspective of its process o... more This paper aims to understand the phenomenon of Hermetism though the perspective of its process of reception and reproduction in society. It will explore the phenomenon that was the transformation of the Hermetica into a social discourse. The so-called technical and philosophical Hermetica are texts. A text is the result of a production: it is composed by men, and addressed to men. It is important to consider the intentions and values present in a text’s production, and to understand that its process of reception and reproduction in society are, in fact, complex and dynamic. A text must be viewed as not being simply a reflection of the society into which it is inserted, but rather as an active form of social mobilization. After a text’s production, it is presented to a society where different groups can participate in its process of reception and reproduction, or “textual circularity”. Then, different interpretations concerning the texts’ intentions can be proposed to society throughout the process of debate.

Research paper thumbnail of Hermetic Receptivity to Egyptian Abstract Concepts

This paper aims to compare Hermetic literature and Egyptian possible sources. It will present Egy... more This paper aims to compare Hermetic literature and Egyptian possible sources. It will present Egyptian equivalent models for some of the Greek philosophical concepts - Nous, Logos and gnosis - present in the Hermetica. Here the Hermetica will be analysed as a channel for the Greek's reception of Egyptian concepts into Greek might have risked unintentional misinterpretations and multiple possible understandings.

Research paper thumbnail of HELLÉNISATION, ÉGYPTIANISATION ET “RE-CONSTRUCTION DE L´IDENTITÉ”: Étude des Interactions Culturelles entre Étrangers et Natifs dans la Chora Ptolémaique.

L´objectif de cette œvre est établir les dimensions de la politique imperelle des Lagides ans leu... more L´objectif de cette œvre est établir les dimensions de la politique imperelle des Lagides ans leurs efforts d´hellénisation de l´Égypte. Il y a un conflit politique entre les natifs/dominés et le pouvoir étranger héllénistique établit; où la culture et la resistence culturelle (perçu comme le respect aux traditions et lois des ancestraux – ou nómoi), sont intimement liées à une relation entre le pouvoir macedonien instalé, et le pouvoir “legitimeur” et medieteur natif des sacertotes egyptiens.
En second lieu, les analyses des pratiques quotidiennes montrent une prochainement très intense entre les natifs et les étrangers. En addition aux étratèges conscients d´un process d´interaction culturelle entre les “nómoi”, ils se developpent jeux quotidiens des negotiations et d´inventions imprevisibles et expontanées.
Enfin, le but de cette dissertation est comprendre comment une culture peut se transformer historiquement, en raison des contacts avec un “Autre”, bien comme comparer les diferents dimensions d´une notion d´Identité, à travers d´une analyse des sources officials et de la documentation privé sur la vie quotidienne dans l´Égypte héllénistique.

Research paper thumbnail of 'Helenização', 'Egipcianização' e a  Re-Construção de Identidade: Estudo das Interações culturais entre Estrangeiros e Nativos na Chora Ptolemaica

This work aims to establish the dimensions of a Lagid imperial domestic politics through their he... more This work aims to establish the dimensions of a Lagid imperial domestic politics through their helenization’s effort on Egypt. There is a political conflict between natives/submitted and the established Hellenistic foreign power, where culture and cultural resistance (noticed as the respect to the local traditions and laws, or nómoi) are deeply attached at the relationship between Macedonian power and the needed interceding native power from the Egyptian priests. On the other hand, the analysis of a daily quotidian shows some more increased approaching between natives and foreigners. As a matter of fact, conscious tactics of cultural interaction processes between the nómoi bring itself together with some quote of daily playing for negotiations and innovations that could be not reduced to them. So, this dissertation pursues understanding about how did a culture be historically turned to another one, on account of intercultural contacts, making a comparison between distinct aspects of a notion of identity, trough a comparative analysis of resources from public and private affairs in Hellenistic Egypt.