unlimitedepower - Profile (original) (raw)

on 6 June 2005 (#7345839)

UNLIMITEDE POWER: The Anakin/Palpatine Community

Welcome to Unlimitede Power, your source for everything Anakin/Palpatine. Here, you can post fic, art, or icons, or discuss the characters and canon.

The name stems from this discussion:
brouhaha: i bet palpatine yells "UNLIMITEDE POWER!!!!!11one" in bed
brouhaha: wow, i just realized i typed "UNLIMITEDE", like "MY POWER IZ UNLIMITEDE YAY"
oliveoyl: hahahahklgsdhgl
brouhaha: which is, actually, kind of in character

Created by brouhaha, moderated by ansketil_rose.

(lj layout @ spire)

a new hope, anakin skywalker, anakin/palpatine, apology accepted captain needa, attack of the clones, being palpatine's bitch, clive revill, cloaks, cooking with obi-wan, coruscant, darth sidious, darth tater, darth vader, david prowse, does vader's penis exist?, erotic asphyxia, extreme facial deformities, fanart, fanfiction, force lightning, force sex, force-enhanced blow jobs, frank palpatine, george lucas, han shot first, hayden christensen, hot sith-on-sith action, i don't like sand, ian mcdiarmid, iconses, james earl jones, jedi, kneeling before one's master, lava, lightsabers, naboo, order 66, palpakin, palpatine, palpatine's exhausted snail, palpatine/anakin, power, return of the jedi, revenge of the sith, rise lord vader, sebastian shaw, sith, sith happens, sith lords, sith mind whammy, star wars, tatooine, the chosen one, the empire, the empire strikes back, the force, the phantom menace, the sith, unlimited power