Luciano Prates | Universidad Nacional de La Plata (original) (raw)

Papers by Luciano Prates

Research paper thumbnail of 2024. Prates, Rivero y Perez. 2024. Puntas paleoindias. Ciencia Hoy 32(191) 36-41

Ciencia Hoy, 2024

El trabajo resume la importancia, dispersión y posible función de las puntas paleoindias (Clovis ... more El trabajo resume la importancia, dispersión y posible función de las puntas paleoindias (Clovis y Cola de Pescado) para las poblaciones tempranas del continente americano. Se resumen los aspectos vinculados con su cronología, tecnología y sus posibles vinculaciones con la caza de mamíferos grande, incluidos la megafauna.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2024. Perez & Prates. Late Pleistocene -Holocene Extinctions of the Terrestrial Megafauna

Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Elsevier, 2024

The impact of humans on ecosystems is a central topic in the current ecological debate. During th... more The impact of humans on ecosystems is a central topic in the current ecological debate. During the Late Pleistocene two significant processes took place: the expansion of modern humans and the last mass extinction of megafauna, with the loss of at least 97 genera around the world. Examples of megafauna extinct genera include woolly mammoths (e.g., Mammuthus) in northern regions from Eurasia and North America, woolly rhinos (e.g., Coelodonta) in northern Eurasia, glyptodonts (e.g., Glyptodont) in South Americas, and giant kangaroos (e.g., Procoptodon) in Australia. The oldest extinctions occurred in Australia and Tasmania, followed by Eurasia and the Americas, and lastly Madagascar, New Zealand and other smaller islands (e.g., Caribbean islands, Wrangel). between the radiocarbon and the stable isotopes (12 C and 13 C), the method can be used to date with confidence events that occurred less than 40,000 years ago.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2024. Romano et al. El sitio Aguada Cecilio y su contribución a la variabilidad bioarqueológica y funeraria del Noreste de Patagonia durante el Holoceno tardío.

En el Noreste de Patagonia se han hallado múltiples sitios con entierros humanos. En el valle del... more En el Noreste de Patagonia se han hallado múltiples sitios con entierros humanos. En el valle del río Negro los entierros comparten ciertas características, tales como ubicarse en sectores elevados y reutilizarse para realizar entierros y otras actividades. Este patrón también se observa en el valle del río Colorado y en la costa atlántica de Patagonia. Hacia el Sur del río Negro, en los bajos o "travesía", no hay información sobre sitios mortuorios, pero sí inmediatamente al Sur de la travesía, en el piedemonte y meseta de Somuncurá. En esta región los sitios funerarios se distinguen de los del Norte por ubicarse en oquedades rocosas, ser únicamente de entierro y por lo general contener acompañamiento mortuorio. Este trabajo presenta los resultados del análisis de los restos humanos del sitio Aguada Cecilio (piedemonte de Somuncurá, Río Negro, Argentina) y los discute en relación con la variabilidad del registro bioarqueológico del Noreste de Patagonia durante el Holoceno tardío. El sitio contiene únicamente restos de subadultos con signos de manipulación postmortem y una punta de proyectil asociada. Su incorporación a la información bioarqueológica regional permitió discutir la variación en el patrón funerario entre el Norte y Sur del interior del Noreste de Patagonia.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2024. Saghessi et al. Foods, beverages, and use of pottery in north-eastern Patagonia through plant microremains analysis.

Journal of Archaeological Science Reports, 2024

This paper discusses the diversity of consumed plants among hunter-gatherers and their relationsh... more This paper discusses the diversity of consumed plants among hunter-gatherers and their relationship with the use of pottery containers in northeastern Patagonia. We evaluated this issue through analysis of microremains in potsherds from an archaeological site in the Negro river valley that has one of earliest records of pottery in the region. Archaeobotanical results showed the consumption of local and non-local wild species, and preparations previously undocumented for precolonial times in the study area. The processing of Neltuma sp. (algarrobo), available near the site, implied the combination of roasting and grinding and its use as an ingredient in different recipes. The consumption of underground storage organs, species not locally available, was possibly related to the cooking of stewed foods. Moreover, we provide the first record of fermentation of Araucaria araucana in extra-Andean North Patagonia. This species would have entered the site from the Patagonian Andean Forests to make a beverage similar to the current muday. Finally, we observed the reuse of some containers in different processing-cooking-serving events, as well as the exclusive use of other pieces for the preparation/consumption of beverages and food.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023. Carden et al. Los grabados rupestres del sitio Curapil. Relaciones de la SAA, 255 277.

Relaciones SAA, 2023

En este trabajo se analizan los grabados rupestres del sitio Curapil, situado en el piedemonte se... more En este trabajo se analizan los grabados rupestres del sitio Curapil, situado en el piedemonte septentrional de la meseta de Somuncurá. El objetivo es caracterizar los motivos y su contexto a fin de compararlos con los grabados ubicados sobre la meseta para evaluar circuitos de movilidad y la redundancia ocupacional de sectores con distinta disponibilidad de recursos críticos. Los resultados señalan que los vínculos de Curapil con los sitios de la porción oriental de la meseta de Somuncurá no son marcados. Futuros estudios podrán determinar su relación con sitios recien-temente localizados al oeste del macizo. Aunque todos los contextos analizados presentan signos de reocupación, estas evidencias son más fuertes en la meseta de Somuncurá, donde las fuentes de agua se localizan más puntualmente que en el piedemonte. A pesar de estas diferencias de intensidad, Curapil puede ser considerado como un lugar persistente hasta momentos actuales.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023. González Venanzi et al. Special pet, special care. Diet, provenance, and health analyses of a dog reveal strong ties with humans in Patagonia

2023. González Venanzi et al. Special pet, special care. Diet, provenance, and health analyses of a dog reveal strong ties with humans in Patagonia, 2023

The introduction of the dog in Patagonia is recorded from the Late Holocene. Documents from the n... more The introduction of the dog in Patagonia is recorded from the Late Holocene. Documents from the nineteenth century indicate that dogs had various utilitarian roles among hunter-gatherers, including hunting aids, protection and war, carrying loads, and as exchange goods. Most of them had no special status, typically subsisting on food scraps and hunting leftovers, were in bad or poor physical and nutritional condition, and suffered physical abuse. Nevertheless, a select few dogs, including those of the hairless variety, received special care and attention from humans. They were in good physical and nutritional condition and appeared to have been used as companion animals of people with prestigious positions. These dogs were regularly provided with cooked food, owned horses, and even were offered sacrificed horses as a form of treatment during their illnesses. Through an interdisciplinary osteobiographical study (phenotype, age, stable isotopes –δ13C, δ15N, δ18O–, microremains of the dental calculus, paleopathology, and entheseal changes), we evaluate whether a dog recovered from a funerary context of Patagonian hunter-gatherers represents the archaeological correlate of a special position animal. The canid exhibited mobility impairments that surely prevented it from hunting large herbivores. Despite this, it was regularly fed meat from human prey and human-made meals containing fruits of Neltuma sp. and underground storage organs. Following its death, the dog was given an individual burial within a mortuary niche located in a dedicated area for human bodies. The results provide evidence that this canid held a special or distinct position, possibly indicating emotional bonds with the hunter-gatherers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Chemical analysis of pottery reveals the transition from a maritime to a plant-based economy in pre-colonial coastal Brazil

Scientific Reports, 2023

Understanding long-term dynamics of past socio-ecological systems is essential for their future m... more Understanding long-term dynamics of past socio-ecological systems is essential for their future management. The southern Atlantic Forest coast of Brazil with its biodiverse littoral zone and artisanal fishing communities, is a priority for conservation. Traditional maritime knowledge is thought to have a deep-history and indeed, marine exploitation can be traced back to the middle Holocene. As part of one of South America's largest diasporas, Guarani groups reached the southern Brazilian coast at around 1000 years ago. Their impact on the long-standing coastal economy is unknown, due to poor preservation of organic remains. Through the first organic residue study on Guarani pottery, we show that maize rather than aquatic foods was the most dominant product in pottery at this time. By developing a mixing model based on carbon isotope values of saturated and mono-unsaturated fatty acids we propose new criteria for the identification of maize, opening up avenues for future research. Our data confirms the importance of maize to the pre-colonial Guarani, even in a highly productive coastal environment. The Guarani occupation of this region marks a significant departure from previous socioeconomic systems, potentially leading to loss of traditional knowledge and alleviating anthropogenic pressure, albeit temporarily, on the marine environment. The Atlantic Forest coast of Brazil is one of South America's most productive aquatic ecotones. It is a biodiversity hotspot and a global priority region for biological conservation and restoration 1. Today, marine ecosystem services provide food and livelihood for thousands of people along the Brazilian coastline, notably to rural communities that for a long time relied on a combination of small-scale fishing and plant cultivation as part of their local ecological knowledge. Such indigenous knowledge plays a fundamental role in modern sustainable resource use and biological conservation and is critical to the food security of riverine and coastal fisheries in Brazil 2. The deep historical roots of indigenous knowledge, and its increasing value in conservation and development agendas, require a good understanding of the origin, changing nature and modern legacy of indigenous knowledge and practices. Charting changes in marine resource exploitation throughout the occupation history of this region therefore provides an opportunity to document the heritage of Brazil's Atlantic fisheries, and to

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Research paper thumbnail of Small-scale mobility fostering the interaction networks of Patagonian (Argentina) huntergatherers during the Late Holocene: Perspectives from strontium isotopes and exotic items. PLOS ONE

PLOS ONE, 2023

During the Late Holocene, hunter-gatherer interaction networks significantly grew in intensity an... more During the Late Holocene, hunter-gatherer interaction networks significantly grew in intensity and extension across Patagonia. Although this growth is evidenced by the increased flow of exotic items across the region, the mechanisms behind these strengthening social networks remain unclear. Since evidence suggests that some individuals might have performed long-distance trips, this article aims to address the potential relationship between these individuals and the flows of exotic items in North Patagonia. We analyzed 54 enamel teeth for strontium isotopes and reconstructed their probable mobility using mixed-effect models and isotope-based geographic assignments. We inferred population and individual mobility trends and compared them against the flow of exotic items built from a standardized compilation. Our results indicate that most individuals have isotopic composition compatible with residence within their burial and surrounding areas. However, a few individuals show isotopic composition incompatible with their burial areas, which suggests axes-from the burial location to the most likely isotope integration area-of extraordinary mobility. At the same time, the flows of exotic items overlap with these axes around the eastern sector of the study area suggesting that this location could have been a central point of convergence for people and items. We argue that small-scale socially driven mobility could have played a relevant role as a general mechanism of interaction that fostered and materialized Patagonian interaction networks during the Late Holocene.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023. Saghessi et al. Maize consumption out of the production areas in southern South America (Norpatagonia, Argentina): Occasional production, foreigner consumers, or exchange. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology

Journal of Anthropological Archaeology

This paper discusses the maize consumption record among hunter-gatherers outside assumed producti... more This paper discusses the maize consumption record among hunter-gatherers outside assumed production areas in northeastern Patagonia. We evaluated if this anomalous record is the result of occasional events of local production/consumption; the transport of the microremains in the teeth of individuals after consuming maize in non-local production areas; or the local consumption of maize after its transport/exchange from production areas. Archaeobotanical results showed that analyzed individuals, including maize-consumers, mainly consumed local wild plants. Maize was not cultivated locally, and its consumption was unusual but not extraordinary in northeastern Patagonia. Oxygen isotope values of analyzed individuals are strongly compatible with local water sources, which imply that the mobility range of them must have not exceeded extra-Andean North Patagonia. For this reason, the most plausible explanation for the presence of maize in the local archaeological record is that this plant to have entered northeastern Patagonia through exchange, probably from southern Andes (central Chile or central-west Argentina).

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023. Los pueblos nómades de Río Negro. Introducción.

Los pueblos nómades de Río Negro. Fundacion Azara

Más de 80.000 años pasaron desde que los primeros seres humanos modernos salieron de África hasta... more Más de 80.000 años pasaron desde que los primeros seres humanos modernos salieron de África hasta que pisaron por primera vez el territorio actual de Río Negro hace algo más de 13.000 años. Probablemente sólo fueron unas pocas familias, tal vez algo más audaces, pero con seguridad descendientes de varias generaciones de gente que, como ellos, enfrentó el desafío de avanzar sobre un territorio desconocido y nunca antes transitado por nuestra especie. A

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023. Prates, Hajduk y Miotti. Los primeros habitantes del territorio. Los pueblos nómades de Río Negro

Los primeros habitantes del territorio. Fundación Azada, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023. Prates y Mange. La ocupación de los grandes valles extra-andinos. En Los pueblos nómades de Río Negro.

Los pueblos nómades de Río Negro., 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023. Mange, Serna, Miotti, Vargas, Beguelin y Prates. Ocupaciones prehispánicas en las zonas áridas del centro y sur de Río Negro

Los pueblos nómades de Río Negro. Fundación Azara, 2023

En el pasado, las ocupaciones humanas en la Patagonia fueron más continuas e intensas en las zona... more En el pasado, las ocupaciones humanas en la Patagonia fueron más continuas e intensas en las zonas con disponibilidad de agua dulce permanente y en ecosistemas que, a lo largo del año, tenían mayor riqueza y productividad. Es decir, en aquellos lugares que contaban con un balance favorable en cuanto a la abundancia y diversidad de recursos para la subsistencia. En la provincia de Río Negro estas condiciones se dieron, por ejemplo, en la zona precordillerana (Capítulo 4), en la costa marina del golfo de San Matías (Capítulo 5), y en los valles de los ríos Colorado, Limay y Negro (Capítulo 6). En otras áreas, con una productividad restringida a momentos específicos del año, y/o con agua potable más limitada, las ocupaciones fueron en general menos intensas, aunque en algunos casos estas zonas fueron usadas en forma recurrente por las sociedades humanas. En este capítulo nos enfocaremos concretamente en las planicies, mesetas, bajos y serranías áridas del centro y sur de la provincia,

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Prates et al. Changes in projectile design and size of prey reveal the central role of Fishtail points in megafauna hunting in South America. Scientific Reports 12, 16964

Scientific Reports, 2022

Fishtail projectile points are the earliest widespread projectile type in South America, and shar... more Fishtail projectile points are the earliest widespread projectile type in South America, and share chronology and techno-morphology with Clovis, the oldest North American projectile type. Both were temporally associated with late Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions. Although the elusive direct evidence of human exploitation of megafauna in South America had kept Fishtails out of the extinction debate, a recent paper showed a strong relationship between the temporal density and spatial distribution of megafauna and Fishtail projectile points, and proposed that this weapon was designed and used for megafauna hunting, contributing to their extinction. If so, this technology must be distinctly different from post-FPP technologies (i.e., early Holocene projectile points), used for hunting smaller prey, in terms of distribution and functional properties. In this paper, we explore the changes in projectile point technology, as well as the body mass of potential megafaunal prey, and show that Fishtails were strongly related to the largest extinct megafaunal species.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Romano et al. A disabling injury reveals interpersonal care among hunter‑gatherers  in Patagonia. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14, 188

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences , 2022

This study discusses the biological and social implications of a disabling injury sufered by a La... more This study discusses the biological and social implications of a disabling injury sufered by a Late Holocene hunter-gatherer
from Northeastern Patagonia. Osseous modifcations were analysed through macroscopy, radiography, computed tomography,
and three-dimensional models. The diferential diagnoses followed bioarchaeological and modern clinical literature, and the
overall case was interpreted within the Bioarchaeology of Care theoretical framework. The individual presented a healed
fracture of the lateral tibial plateau, a highly disabling injury of the inferior limb, which constrained its locomotion and could
have caused new demands on other parts of the body. The restricted mobility produced by this type of fracture and the state
of remodelling imply that the individual received diferent levels of interpersonal attention throughout the progression of
the healing process. The model of care for this individual recognizes at least a stage of “direct support” for basic tasks in
the short-/medium-term and then “accommodation assistance” in the long-term while he became more autonomous. Apart
from thoroughly describing an infrequent injury, this study case provides clear evidence of interpersonal care strategies
among Patagonian hunter-gatherer

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Gonzalez Venanzi et al. Pre-Hispanic dogs of the Semi-arid North of Chile: Chronology, morphology and mortuary context. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 45: 103576


The article presents an analysis of four canid skeletons recovered at the El Olivar archaeologica... more The article presents an analysis of four canid skeletons recovered at the El Olivar archaeological site (Semi-arid North of Chile). The aims of the study were to determine their taxonomy and chronology, characterise their
morphotypes and investigate their social status and possible functions. Osteological and dental features allowed us to identify them as dogs (Canis lupus familiaris). Three radiocarbon dates gave pre-Inca ages (801 ± 19, 932 ± 21 and 789 ± 20 years 14C BP), associated with contexts of the Late Intermediate or Diaguita Period. These new records expand the pre-Hispanic distribution of the species, previously limited to the Arid North and the extreme south of the country. They were medium or medium-small in size, their approximate body weight and height at
the withers were 13–14 kg and 48 cm respectively, and they were probably mesocephalic. At least three of the dogs were buried individually in a sector devoted to human burials, one with funerary offerings similar to those found with humans. These characteristics suggest that the dogs buried here were companion animals, with clear social recognition. Evidence was also recorded suggesting that one might have been killed intentionally

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Prates, L. y S.I. Perez. Los seres humanos y la extinción de la megafauna en Sudamérica durante el Pleistoceno final. Ciencia Hoy 4: 34-40

Ciencia Hoy, 2022

Un gran número de especies de megafauna (mamíferos de más de 44 kg de peso) se extinguió en vario... more Un gran número de especies de megafauna (mamíferos de más de 44 kg de peso) se extinguió en varios continentes entre 50.000 y 10.000 años atrás. Este proceso, tuvo su expresión más debastadora en Amérca, donde el 80% de los grandes mamíferos desapareció a finales del Pleistoceno. Aunque desde hace más de 40 años los científicos debaten sobre los factores que desencadenaron este colapso,y no hay señales de un acuerdo cercano, recientes trabajos en Sudamérica ponen a los seres humanos, su tecnología de caza y sus efectos sobre el ambiente en el centro de la escena

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Di Lorenzo et al. El uso de moluscos marinos  cazadores recolectores  Norpatagonia. Arqueología 28(1) 9926

El uso de moluscos marinos entre los grupos cazadores recolectores del interior norpatagónico en ... more El uso de moluscos marinos entre los grupos cazadores recolectores del interior norpatagónico en el Holoceno tardío

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Research paper thumbnail of 2021. González Venanzi et al.  Perros prehispánicos (Canis lupus familiaris) del Pucará de Tilcara (Jujuy, Aargentina):  contexto cronológico, morfología y rol social. Chungara

Se presenta la caracterización de restos inéditos de perros (Canis lupus familiaris) del sitio Pu... more Se presenta la caracterización de restos inéditos de perros (Canis lupus familiaris) del sitio Pucará de Tilcara (Provincia de Jujuy, Argentina), recuperados en dos contextos arqueológicos (Basural 1 y Acrópolis), que representan un NMI = 5. Los objetivos son definir su cronología, reconstruir su morfología e indagar sobre su estatus social y posibles roles. Para el primer objetivo se realizó el primer fechado-taxón sobre perros en el Noroeste argentino en una muestra del Basural 1, que arrojó una edad de 610±27 años 14 C AP (1383-1424 años cal. DC) como datación mínima para la presencia de perros prehispánicos en la región. A su vez, el análisis de la evidencia arqueológica de la Acrópolis sugiere su presencia durante la dominación incaica del sitio. La reconstrucción morfológica refuerza el patrón del Noroeste, donde se observa el predominio de perros de tamaño mediano a pequeño. Nuestro análisis sugiere que los perros de la Acrópolis eran animales de compañía y/o prestigio de la élite incaica o de los artesanos especializados, mientras que los ejemplares del Basural 1 fueron utilizados como recursos alimenticios y posiblemente peleteros. Esta es la primera vez que se registra de manera indudable el consumo de perros en el Noroeste argentino prehispánico. Palabras claves: perros prehispánicos, reconstrucción morfológica, tafonomía, cinofagia, Noroeste argentino. This work presents a detailed description of remains of dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) from the Pucará de Tilcara site (Jujuy Province, Argentina), which were recently recovered from two archaeological contexts (MNI = 5). The purpose of this article is to define the chronology and reconstruct the morphology of these dogs, as well as to inquire about their social status and possible roles. To accomplish the first objective, a first taxon-date in northwestern Argentina, carried out on a sample from Midden 1, has established an age of has established an age of 610±27 years 14 C BP (1383-1424 years cal. AD) as a minimum absolute date for the presence of pre-Hispanic dogs in the region. In turn, the analysis of the archaeological evidence from the second context (Acrópolis) suggests their presence during the Inca domination of the site. Morphological reconstruction lends support to a previously observed pattern, consisting of a predominance of medium to small sized dogs. Our analysis suggests that the Acrópolis dogs could have been pets, as well as prestige goods, of the Inca elite or of specialized craft workers, whereas the specimens from Midden 1 were used as food and possibly fur resources. This is the first time that undeniable evidence of dog consumption among the pre-Hispanic societies of northwestern Argentina has been recorded.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2021. Prates & Perez. Late Pleistocene South American megafaunal extinctions associated with rise of Fishtail points and human population. Nature Communications 12, 2175 (2021).

Nature Communications, 2021

In the 1970s, Paul Martin proposed that big game hunters armed with fluted projectile points colo... more In the 1970s, Paul Martin proposed that big game hunters armed with fluted projectile points colonized the Americas and drove the extinction of megafauna. Around fifty years later, the central role of humans ion the extinctions is still strongly debated in North American archaeology, but little considered in South America. Here we analyzes the temporal dynamic and spatial distribution of South American megafauna and fluted (Fishtail) projectile points (Fishtail) to evaluate the role of humans in Pleistocene extinctions. We observe a strong relationship between the temporal density and spatial distribution of the megafaunal species stratigraphically associated with humans and Fishtail projectile points, as well as with the fluctuations in human demography. On this basis we propose that the direct effect of humans predation was the main factor driving played the central role in the megafaunal decline, with other , probably preying on a few species. The late Pleistocene environmental changes and the indirect effect of human predation probably were co-occurringsecondary, but necessary, co-occurring factors for the collapse of the megafaunal community

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Research paper thumbnail of 2024. Prates, Rivero y Perez. 2024. Puntas paleoindias. Ciencia Hoy 32(191) 36-41

Ciencia Hoy, 2024

El trabajo resume la importancia, dispersión y posible función de las puntas paleoindias (Clovis ... more El trabajo resume la importancia, dispersión y posible función de las puntas paleoindias (Clovis y Cola de Pescado) para las poblaciones tempranas del continente americano. Se resumen los aspectos vinculados con su cronología, tecnología y sus posibles vinculaciones con la caza de mamíferos grande, incluidos la megafauna.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2024. Perez & Prates. Late Pleistocene -Holocene Extinctions of the Terrestrial Megafauna

Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Elsevier, 2024

The impact of humans on ecosystems is a central topic in the current ecological debate. During th... more The impact of humans on ecosystems is a central topic in the current ecological debate. During the Late Pleistocene two significant processes took place: the expansion of modern humans and the last mass extinction of megafauna, with the loss of at least 97 genera around the world. Examples of megafauna extinct genera include woolly mammoths (e.g., Mammuthus) in northern regions from Eurasia and North America, woolly rhinos (e.g., Coelodonta) in northern Eurasia, glyptodonts (e.g., Glyptodont) in South Americas, and giant kangaroos (e.g., Procoptodon) in Australia. The oldest extinctions occurred in Australia and Tasmania, followed by Eurasia and the Americas, and lastly Madagascar, New Zealand and other smaller islands (e.g., Caribbean islands, Wrangel). between the radiocarbon and the stable isotopes (12 C and 13 C), the method can be used to date with confidence events that occurred less than 40,000 years ago.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2024. Romano et al. El sitio Aguada Cecilio y su contribución a la variabilidad bioarqueológica y funeraria del Noreste de Patagonia durante el Holoceno tardío.

En el Noreste de Patagonia se han hallado múltiples sitios con entierros humanos. En el valle del... more En el Noreste de Patagonia se han hallado múltiples sitios con entierros humanos. En el valle del río Negro los entierros comparten ciertas características, tales como ubicarse en sectores elevados y reutilizarse para realizar entierros y otras actividades. Este patrón también se observa en el valle del río Colorado y en la costa atlántica de Patagonia. Hacia el Sur del río Negro, en los bajos o "travesía", no hay información sobre sitios mortuorios, pero sí inmediatamente al Sur de la travesía, en el piedemonte y meseta de Somuncurá. En esta región los sitios funerarios se distinguen de los del Norte por ubicarse en oquedades rocosas, ser únicamente de entierro y por lo general contener acompañamiento mortuorio. Este trabajo presenta los resultados del análisis de los restos humanos del sitio Aguada Cecilio (piedemonte de Somuncurá, Río Negro, Argentina) y los discute en relación con la variabilidad del registro bioarqueológico del Noreste de Patagonia durante el Holoceno tardío. El sitio contiene únicamente restos de subadultos con signos de manipulación postmortem y una punta de proyectil asociada. Su incorporación a la información bioarqueológica regional permitió discutir la variación en el patrón funerario entre el Norte y Sur del interior del Noreste de Patagonia.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2024. Saghessi et al. Foods, beverages, and use of pottery in north-eastern Patagonia through plant microremains analysis.

Journal of Archaeological Science Reports, 2024

This paper discusses the diversity of consumed plants among hunter-gatherers and their relationsh... more This paper discusses the diversity of consumed plants among hunter-gatherers and their relationship with the use of pottery containers in northeastern Patagonia. We evaluated this issue through analysis of microremains in potsherds from an archaeological site in the Negro river valley that has one of earliest records of pottery in the region. Archaeobotanical results showed the consumption of local and non-local wild species, and preparations previously undocumented for precolonial times in the study area. The processing of Neltuma sp. (algarrobo), available near the site, implied the combination of roasting and grinding and its use as an ingredient in different recipes. The consumption of underground storage organs, species not locally available, was possibly related to the cooking of stewed foods. Moreover, we provide the first record of fermentation of Araucaria araucana in extra-Andean North Patagonia. This species would have entered the site from the Patagonian Andean Forests to make a beverage similar to the current muday. Finally, we observed the reuse of some containers in different processing-cooking-serving events, as well as the exclusive use of other pieces for the preparation/consumption of beverages and food.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023. Carden et al. Los grabados rupestres del sitio Curapil. Relaciones de la SAA, 255 277.

Relaciones SAA, 2023

En este trabajo se analizan los grabados rupestres del sitio Curapil, situado en el piedemonte se... more En este trabajo se analizan los grabados rupestres del sitio Curapil, situado en el piedemonte septentrional de la meseta de Somuncurá. El objetivo es caracterizar los motivos y su contexto a fin de compararlos con los grabados ubicados sobre la meseta para evaluar circuitos de movilidad y la redundancia ocupacional de sectores con distinta disponibilidad de recursos críticos. Los resultados señalan que los vínculos de Curapil con los sitios de la porción oriental de la meseta de Somuncurá no son marcados. Futuros estudios podrán determinar su relación con sitios recien-temente localizados al oeste del macizo. Aunque todos los contextos analizados presentan signos de reocupación, estas evidencias son más fuertes en la meseta de Somuncurá, donde las fuentes de agua se localizan más puntualmente que en el piedemonte. A pesar de estas diferencias de intensidad, Curapil puede ser considerado como un lugar persistente hasta momentos actuales.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023. González Venanzi et al. Special pet, special care. Diet, provenance, and health analyses of a dog reveal strong ties with humans in Patagonia

2023. González Venanzi et al. Special pet, special care. Diet, provenance, and health analyses of a dog reveal strong ties with humans in Patagonia, 2023

The introduction of the dog in Patagonia is recorded from the Late Holocene. Documents from the n... more The introduction of the dog in Patagonia is recorded from the Late Holocene. Documents from the nineteenth century indicate that dogs had various utilitarian roles among hunter-gatherers, including hunting aids, protection and war, carrying loads, and as exchange goods. Most of them had no special status, typically subsisting on food scraps and hunting leftovers, were in bad or poor physical and nutritional condition, and suffered physical abuse. Nevertheless, a select few dogs, including those of the hairless variety, received special care and attention from humans. They were in good physical and nutritional condition and appeared to have been used as companion animals of people with prestigious positions. These dogs were regularly provided with cooked food, owned horses, and even were offered sacrificed horses as a form of treatment during their illnesses. Through an interdisciplinary osteobiographical study (phenotype, age, stable isotopes –δ13C, δ15N, δ18O–, microremains of the dental calculus, paleopathology, and entheseal changes), we evaluate whether a dog recovered from a funerary context of Patagonian hunter-gatherers represents the archaeological correlate of a special position animal. The canid exhibited mobility impairments that surely prevented it from hunting large herbivores. Despite this, it was regularly fed meat from human prey and human-made meals containing fruits of Neltuma sp. and underground storage organs. Following its death, the dog was given an individual burial within a mortuary niche located in a dedicated area for human bodies. The results provide evidence that this canid held a special or distinct position, possibly indicating emotional bonds with the hunter-gatherers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Chemical analysis of pottery reveals the transition from a maritime to a plant-based economy in pre-colonial coastal Brazil

Scientific Reports, 2023

Understanding long-term dynamics of past socio-ecological systems is essential for their future m... more Understanding long-term dynamics of past socio-ecological systems is essential for their future management. The southern Atlantic Forest coast of Brazil with its biodiverse littoral zone and artisanal fishing communities, is a priority for conservation. Traditional maritime knowledge is thought to have a deep-history and indeed, marine exploitation can be traced back to the middle Holocene. As part of one of South America's largest diasporas, Guarani groups reached the southern Brazilian coast at around 1000 years ago. Their impact on the long-standing coastal economy is unknown, due to poor preservation of organic remains. Through the first organic residue study on Guarani pottery, we show that maize rather than aquatic foods was the most dominant product in pottery at this time. By developing a mixing model based on carbon isotope values of saturated and mono-unsaturated fatty acids we propose new criteria for the identification of maize, opening up avenues for future research. Our data confirms the importance of maize to the pre-colonial Guarani, even in a highly productive coastal environment. The Guarani occupation of this region marks a significant departure from previous socioeconomic systems, potentially leading to loss of traditional knowledge and alleviating anthropogenic pressure, albeit temporarily, on the marine environment. The Atlantic Forest coast of Brazil is one of South America's most productive aquatic ecotones. It is a biodiversity hotspot and a global priority region for biological conservation and restoration 1. Today, marine ecosystem services provide food and livelihood for thousands of people along the Brazilian coastline, notably to rural communities that for a long time relied on a combination of small-scale fishing and plant cultivation as part of their local ecological knowledge. Such indigenous knowledge plays a fundamental role in modern sustainable resource use and biological conservation and is critical to the food security of riverine and coastal fisheries in Brazil 2. The deep historical roots of indigenous knowledge, and its increasing value in conservation and development agendas, require a good understanding of the origin, changing nature and modern legacy of indigenous knowledge and practices. Charting changes in marine resource exploitation throughout the occupation history of this region therefore provides an opportunity to document the heritage of Brazil's Atlantic fisheries, and to

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Research paper thumbnail of Small-scale mobility fostering the interaction networks of Patagonian (Argentina) huntergatherers during the Late Holocene: Perspectives from strontium isotopes and exotic items. PLOS ONE

PLOS ONE, 2023

During the Late Holocene, hunter-gatherer interaction networks significantly grew in intensity an... more During the Late Holocene, hunter-gatherer interaction networks significantly grew in intensity and extension across Patagonia. Although this growth is evidenced by the increased flow of exotic items across the region, the mechanisms behind these strengthening social networks remain unclear. Since evidence suggests that some individuals might have performed long-distance trips, this article aims to address the potential relationship between these individuals and the flows of exotic items in North Patagonia. We analyzed 54 enamel teeth for strontium isotopes and reconstructed their probable mobility using mixed-effect models and isotope-based geographic assignments. We inferred population and individual mobility trends and compared them against the flow of exotic items built from a standardized compilation. Our results indicate that most individuals have isotopic composition compatible with residence within their burial and surrounding areas. However, a few individuals show isotopic composition incompatible with their burial areas, which suggests axes-from the burial location to the most likely isotope integration area-of extraordinary mobility. At the same time, the flows of exotic items overlap with these axes around the eastern sector of the study area suggesting that this location could have been a central point of convergence for people and items. We argue that small-scale socially driven mobility could have played a relevant role as a general mechanism of interaction that fostered and materialized Patagonian interaction networks during the Late Holocene.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023. Saghessi et al. Maize consumption out of the production areas in southern South America (Norpatagonia, Argentina): Occasional production, foreigner consumers, or exchange. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology

Journal of Anthropological Archaeology

This paper discusses the maize consumption record among hunter-gatherers outside assumed producti... more This paper discusses the maize consumption record among hunter-gatherers outside assumed production areas in northeastern Patagonia. We evaluated if this anomalous record is the result of occasional events of local production/consumption; the transport of the microremains in the teeth of individuals after consuming maize in non-local production areas; or the local consumption of maize after its transport/exchange from production areas. Archaeobotanical results showed that analyzed individuals, including maize-consumers, mainly consumed local wild plants. Maize was not cultivated locally, and its consumption was unusual but not extraordinary in northeastern Patagonia. Oxygen isotope values of analyzed individuals are strongly compatible with local water sources, which imply that the mobility range of them must have not exceeded extra-Andean North Patagonia. For this reason, the most plausible explanation for the presence of maize in the local archaeological record is that this plant to have entered northeastern Patagonia through exchange, probably from southern Andes (central Chile or central-west Argentina).

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023. Los pueblos nómades de Río Negro. Introducción.

Los pueblos nómades de Río Negro. Fundacion Azara

Más de 80.000 años pasaron desde que los primeros seres humanos modernos salieron de África hasta... more Más de 80.000 años pasaron desde que los primeros seres humanos modernos salieron de África hasta que pisaron por primera vez el territorio actual de Río Negro hace algo más de 13.000 años. Probablemente sólo fueron unas pocas familias, tal vez algo más audaces, pero con seguridad descendientes de varias generaciones de gente que, como ellos, enfrentó el desafío de avanzar sobre un territorio desconocido y nunca antes transitado por nuestra especie. A

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023. Prates, Hajduk y Miotti. Los primeros habitantes del territorio. Los pueblos nómades de Río Negro

Los primeros habitantes del territorio. Fundación Azada, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023. Prates y Mange. La ocupación de los grandes valles extra-andinos. En Los pueblos nómades de Río Negro.

Los pueblos nómades de Río Negro., 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023. Mange, Serna, Miotti, Vargas, Beguelin y Prates. Ocupaciones prehispánicas en las zonas áridas del centro y sur de Río Negro

Los pueblos nómades de Río Negro. Fundación Azara, 2023

En el pasado, las ocupaciones humanas en la Patagonia fueron más continuas e intensas en las zona... more En el pasado, las ocupaciones humanas en la Patagonia fueron más continuas e intensas en las zonas con disponibilidad de agua dulce permanente y en ecosistemas que, a lo largo del año, tenían mayor riqueza y productividad. Es decir, en aquellos lugares que contaban con un balance favorable en cuanto a la abundancia y diversidad de recursos para la subsistencia. En la provincia de Río Negro estas condiciones se dieron, por ejemplo, en la zona precordillerana (Capítulo 4), en la costa marina del golfo de San Matías (Capítulo 5), y en los valles de los ríos Colorado, Limay y Negro (Capítulo 6). En otras áreas, con una productividad restringida a momentos específicos del año, y/o con agua potable más limitada, las ocupaciones fueron en general menos intensas, aunque en algunos casos estas zonas fueron usadas en forma recurrente por las sociedades humanas. En este capítulo nos enfocaremos concretamente en las planicies, mesetas, bajos y serranías áridas del centro y sur de la provincia,

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Prates et al. Changes in projectile design and size of prey reveal the central role of Fishtail points in megafauna hunting in South America. Scientific Reports 12, 16964

Scientific Reports, 2022

Fishtail projectile points are the earliest widespread projectile type in South America, and shar... more Fishtail projectile points are the earliest widespread projectile type in South America, and share chronology and techno-morphology with Clovis, the oldest North American projectile type. Both were temporally associated with late Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions. Although the elusive direct evidence of human exploitation of megafauna in South America had kept Fishtails out of the extinction debate, a recent paper showed a strong relationship between the temporal density and spatial distribution of megafauna and Fishtail projectile points, and proposed that this weapon was designed and used for megafauna hunting, contributing to their extinction. If so, this technology must be distinctly different from post-FPP technologies (i.e., early Holocene projectile points), used for hunting smaller prey, in terms of distribution and functional properties. In this paper, we explore the changes in projectile point technology, as well as the body mass of potential megafaunal prey, and show that Fishtails were strongly related to the largest extinct megafaunal species.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Romano et al. A disabling injury reveals interpersonal care among hunter‑gatherers  in Patagonia. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14, 188

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences , 2022

This study discusses the biological and social implications of a disabling injury sufered by a La... more This study discusses the biological and social implications of a disabling injury sufered by a Late Holocene hunter-gatherer
from Northeastern Patagonia. Osseous modifcations were analysed through macroscopy, radiography, computed tomography,
and three-dimensional models. The diferential diagnoses followed bioarchaeological and modern clinical literature, and the
overall case was interpreted within the Bioarchaeology of Care theoretical framework. The individual presented a healed
fracture of the lateral tibial plateau, a highly disabling injury of the inferior limb, which constrained its locomotion and could
have caused new demands on other parts of the body. The restricted mobility produced by this type of fracture and the state
of remodelling imply that the individual received diferent levels of interpersonal attention throughout the progression of
the healing process. The model of care for this individual recognizes at least a stage of “direct support” for basic tasks in
the short-/medium-term and then “accommodation assistance” in the long-term while he became more autonomous. Apart
from thoroughly describing an infrequent injury, this study case provides clear evidence of interpersonal care strategies
among Patagonian hunter-gatherer

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Gonzalez Venanzi et al. Pre-Hispanic dogs of the Semi-arid North of Chile: Chronology, morphology and mortuary context. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 45: 103576


The article presents an analysis of four canid skeletons recovered at the El Olivar archaeologica... more The article presents an analysis of four canid skeletons recovered at the El Olivar archaeological site (Semi-arid North of Chile). The aims of the study were to determine their taxonomy and chronology, characterise their
morphotypes and investigate their social status and possible functions. Osteological and dental features allowed us to identify them as dogs (Canis lupus familiaris). Three radiocarbon dates gave pre-Inca ages (801 ± 19, 932 ± 21 and 789 ± 20 years 14C BP), associated with contexts of the Late Intermediate or Diaguita Period. These new records expand the pre-Hispanic distribution of the species, previously limited to the Arid North and the extreme south of the country. They were medium or medium-small in size, their approximate body weight and height at
the withers were 13–14 kg and 48 cm respectively, and they were probably mesocephalic. At least three of the dogs were buried individually in a sector devoted to human burials, one with funerary offerings similar to those found with humans. These characteristics suggest that the dogs buried here were companion animals, with clear social recognition. Evidence was also recorded suggesting that one might have been killed intentionally

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Prates, L. y S.I. Perez. Los seres humanos y la extinción de la megafauna en Sudamérica durante el Pleistoceno final. Ciencia Hoy 4: 34-40

Ciencia Hoy, 2022

Un gran número de especies de megafauna (mamíferos de más de 44 kg de peso) se extinguió en vario... more Un gran número de especies de megafauna (mamíferos de más de 44 kg de peso) se extinguió en varios continentes entre 50.000 y 10.000 años atrás. Este proceso, tuvo su expresión más debastadora en Amérca, donde el 80% de los grandes mamíferos desapareció a finales del Pleistoceno. Aunque desde hace más de 40 años los científicos debaten sobre los factores que desencadenaron este colapso,y no hay señales de un acuerdo cercano, recientes trabajos en Sudamérica ponen a los seres humanos, su tecnología de caza y sus efectos sobre el ambiente en el centro de la escena

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Di Lorenzo et al. El uso de moluscos marinos  cazadores recolectores  Norpatagonia. Arqueología 28(1) 9926

El uso de moluscos marinos entre los grupos cazadores recolectores del interior norpatagónico en ... more El uso de moluscos marinos entre los grupos cazadores recolectores del interior norpatagónico en el Holoceno tardío

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Research paper thumbnail of 2021. González Venanzi et al.  Perros prehispánicos (Canis lupus familiaris) del Pucará de Tilcara (Jujuy, Aargentina):  contexto cronológico, morfología y rol social. Chungara

Se presenta la caracterización de restos inéditos de perros (Canis lupus familiaris) del sitio Pu... more Se presenta la caracterización de restos inéditos de perros (Canis lupus familiaris) del sitio Pucará de Tilcara (Provincia de Jujuy, Argentina), recuperados en dos contextos arqueológicos (Basural 1 y Acrópolis), que representan un NMI = 5. Los objetivos son definir su cronología, reconstruir su morfología e indagar sobre su estatus social y posibles roles. Para el primer objetivo se realizó el primer fechado-taxón sobre perros en el Noroeste argentino en una muestra del Basural 1, que arrojó una edad de 610±27 años 14 C AP (1383-1424 años cal. DC) como datación mínima para la presencia de perros prehispánicos en la región. A su vez, el análisis de la evidencia arqueológica de la Acrópolis sugiere su presencia durante la dominación incaica del sitio. La reconstrucción morfológica refuerza el patrón del Noroeste, donde se observa el predominio de perros de tamaño mediano a pequeño. Nuestro análisis sugiere que los perros de la Acrópolis eran animales de compañía y/o prestigio de la élite incaica o de los artesanos especializados, mientras que los ejemplares del Basural 1 fueron utilizados como recursos alimenticios y posiblemente peleteros. Esta es la primera vez que se registra de manera indudable el consumo de perros en el Noroeste argentino prehispánico. Palabras claves: perros prehispánicos, reconstrucción morfológica, tafonomía, cinofagia, Noroeste argentino. This work presents a detailed description of remains of dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) from the Pucará de Tilcara site (Jujuy Province, Argentina), which were recently recovered from two archaeological contexts (MNI = 5). The purpose of this article is to define the chronology and reconstruct the morphology of these dogs, as well as to inquire about their social status and possible roles. To accomplish the first objective, a first taxon-date in northwestern Argentina, carried out on a sample from Midden 1, has established an age of has established an age of 610±27 years 14 C BP (1383-1424 years cal. AD) as a minimum absolute date for the presence of pre-Hispanic dogs in the region. In turn, the analysis of the archaeological evidence from the second context (Acrópolis) suggests their presence during the Inca domination of the site. Morphological reconstruction lends support to a previously observed pattern, consisting of a predominance of medium to small sized dogs. Our analysis suggests that the Acrópolis dogs could have been pets, as well as prestige goods, of the Inca elite or of specialized craft workers, whereas the specimens from Midden 1 were used as food and possibly fur resources. This is the first time that undeniable evidence of dog consumption among the pre-Hispanic societies of northwestern Argentina has been recorded.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2021. Prates & Perez. Late Pleistocene South American megafaunal extinctions associated with rise of Fishtail points and human population. Nature Communications 12, 2175 (2021).

Nature Communications, 2021

In the 1970s, Paul Martin proposed that big game hunters armed with fluted projectile points colo... more In the 1970s, Paul Martin proposed that big game hunters armed with fluted projectile points colonized the Americas and drove the extinction of megafauna. Around fifty years later, the central role of humans ion the extinctions is still strongly debated in North American archaeology, but little considered in South America. Here we analyzes the temporal dynamic and spatial distribution of South American megafauna and fluted (Fishtail) projectile points (Fishtail) to evaluate the role of humans in Pleistocene extinctions. We observe a strong relationship between the temporal density and spatial distribution of the megafaunal species stratigraphically associated with humans and Fishtail projectile points, as well as with the fluctuations in human demography. On this basis we propose that the direct effect of humans predation was the main factor driving played the central role in the megafaunal decline, with other , probably preying on a few species. The late Pleistocene environmental changes and the indirect effect of human predation probably were co-occurringsecondary, but necessary, co-occurring factors for the collapse of the megafaunal community

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023. Prates, Politis y Perez. Los primeros pobladores de America. SALVAT

SALVAT, 2023

En este libro nos sumergiremos en la llegada de los seres humanos al inmenso territorio americano... more En este libro nos sumergiremos en la llegada de los seres humanos al inmenso territorio americano. Trataremos de entender cómo el contexto ambiental y el itinerario previo determinaron las condiciones en las que se produjo ese proceso, además de la forma en que se fue poblando el continente y sus efectos más importantes sobre la biota local. Intentaremos debatir cómo convive la imagen que tenemos hoy de cómo la migración, con lo que conocemos acerca de la dispersión humana en las regiones de las que se supone provinieron las primeras poblaciones americanas.

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Research paper thumbnail of Historias de la Arqueología en el Museo de La Plata. Las voces de sus protagonistas

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Research paper thumbnail of Politis, Prates y Perez. El poblamiento de América: arqueología y bioantropología de los primeros americanos. EUDEBA, Buenos Aires

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Research paper thumbnail of Los indígenas del río Negro: Un enfoque arqueológico. Sociedad Argentina de Antropología, Buenos Aires

En esta tesis se presentan los resultados de las investigaciones realizadas en los últimos 5 añ... more En esta tesis se presentan los resultados de las investigaciones realizadas en los últimos 5 años en el sector norte del valle medio del río Negro (provincia de Río Negro), entre la localidad de Choele Choel y el paraje Boca de la Travesía. Hasta ahora, la información arqueológica disponible sobre este sector de Norpatagonia era escasa y fragmentaria. Mediante esta investigación se busca, por un lado, caracterizar los modos de vida de las sociedades humanas que ocuparon el área en momentos pre-hispánicos y, por otro, determinar sus posibles vinculaciones con las establecidas contemporáneamente en áreas vecinas. Asimismo, se discute sobre la forma en que dichas sociedades utilizaron los distintos sectores del paisaje, sobre las estrategias tecnológicas empleadas para la explotación de los recursos y sobre los patrones generales de movilidad de los grupos. A partir de esta información se formulan algunas hipótesis referidas a la dinámica y adaptación de las poblaciones aborígenes en el valle medio del río Negro y se discuten algunos de los supuestos planteados con anterioridad por otros autores para el sector inferior de la misma cuenca y para el litoral marítimo norpatagónico.
La información contenida en la tesis se organiza en ocho capítulos. En los primeros tres se resume y analiza la información ambiental, etnográfica y arqueológica producida por otros investigadores y considerada relevante para el tema de investigación. En el capítulo 4 se dan a conocer los resultados de las prospecciones sistemáticas (terrestre y fluvial) realizadas en el área de estudio. A partir de ellos, se discute sobre el uso diferencial de los distintos sectores del paisaje y se evalúa la importancia de los procesos post-depositacionales en la preservación y visibilidad del registro arqueológico. El capítulo 5 está dedicado al estudio de los materiales arqueológicos superficiales. Se exploran varios aspectos vinculados con la tecnología lítica a nivel regional y, a partir de las características de los materiales identificados en los sitios, se infieren las actividades realizadas en ellos (actividades de talla y actividades de obtención, procesamiento y consumo de alimentos) y el tipo de contexto en que fueron generados (áreas de actividades múltiples y de actividades específicas). En los capítulos 6 y 7 se presentan los resultados del estudio de los sitios en estratigrafía excavados en el valle medio (Negro Muerto y Angostura 1). En ambos casos se sintetiza la información estratigráfica y cronológica, se describen los datos correspondientes a los distintos tipos de materiales registrados (líticos, faunísticos y cerámicos) y se infieren las actividades realizadas en ellos. En el último capítulo se integra la información de toda la tesis y se propone un modelo arqueológico general para el área de estudio. Los aspectos principales de esta discusión se sintetizan en los siguientes puntos:

 Aunque probablemente el valle del río Negro fue ocupado a lo largo del todo el Holoceno, las evidencias arqueológicas corresponden al Holoceno tardío. Este sesgo habría sido generado por el efecto de diversos agentes naturales sobre la visibilidad y preservación del registro.
 Los grupos humanos establecidos en el área durante los últimos dos milenios aprovecharon sistemáticamente los espacios ribereños para instalar sus campamentos residenciales, principalmente la costa de los canales de inundación y brazos del río y de las lagunas formadas en el sector bajo de la planicie aluvial.
 Los espacios inter-ribereños del valle y los sectores altos de meseta se utilizaron para la realización de actividades específicas fuera de los campamentos.
 La subsistencia se basó en una marcada diversificación de la dieta incluyendo numerosas especies de animales y vegetales (terrestres y fluviales).
 Cerca de los campamentos residenciales se aprovechó recurrentemente la fauna fluvial (moluscos, peces, aves y mamíferos pequeños).
 En los sectores altos se obtuvieron las especies de fauna que más volumen de alimento aportaron a los grupos, en especial guanaco (Lama guanicoe) y venado de las pampas (Ozotoceros bezoarticus).
 Los grupos se habrían desplazado por el espacio a través de un patrón de alta movilidad residencial. Luego de períodos cortos de ocupación de sectores ribereños, los campamentos habrían sido mudados a lugares con características similares dentro de la misma cuenca.
 Desde las bases residenciales se habrían utilizado tres estrategias básicas de movilidad para la obtención de los recursos: desplazamientos continuos en el área inmediata de los campamentos, partidas diarias realizadas a los sectores altos del valle y/o mesetas adyacentes (daily foraging trips) y partidas logísticas de más de una jornada a lugares alejados ubicados fuera de la cuenca.
 Aunque las sociedades que habitaron el área de estudio no exhiben características de un modo de vida “fluvial”, el uso del espacio, los recursos explotados y la movilidad sugieren una marcada adaptación a la vida en el valle.
 La combinación de diversos aspectos de la cultura material refleja una mayor interacción de los grupos del área con los establecidos en otras micro-regiones ubicadas al norte de la cuenca que con los típicamente patagónicos ubicados al sur. Aunque esto no implica negar la fluida circulación de ideas, bienes y personas entre el norte y sur del río Negro a lo largo de todo el Holoceno, sobre todo en momentos cercanos y posteriores a la conquista.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2013. A Late Pleistocene/early Holocene archaeological C14 database for South America and the isthmus of Panama: palaeoenvironmental contexts and demographic interpretations. Quetaernary International Special Issue

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Research paper thumbnail of Jóvenes investigadores argentinos. Una experiencia en Escuelas de Educación Media de adultos.

Experiencias de Extensiòn

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