Hery Budiyanto | Universitas Merdeka Malang (original) (raw)

Papers by Hery Budiyanto

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya pada Greenhouse Hidroponik di Desa Sutojayan, Kabupaten Malang

Jurnal Pengabdian Dharma Wacana, Dec 26, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of The bamboo greenhouse technology for hydrogenic plants with independent photovoltaic energy in the food safety program

The development of the City has made a lot of agricultural land turned into residential land and ... more The development of the City has made a lot of agricultural land turned into residential land and other urban facilities so that agricultural land becomes increasingly narrow so that it can weaken the food safety program. Another Way is needed to utilize narrow lad in an effort to develop agricultural products, namely by farming and maintaining fsh hydrogenic. Hydrogenic comes from the words "hydro" and "organic" which are defined as organic cultivation system by combining the hydro system and the organic system. The research method uses a descriptive qualitative method, beginning with the design, the creation of an independent energy hydrogenic greenhouse and the planting of vegetables and fish stocking. Retrieval of data in the form of observations and documentation of photos and video on activities. Through this program the construction of a tunnel-shaped reenhouse with bamboo structure has been carried of succesfully, 2 (two) hydrogenic farming facilities comp...

Research paper thumbnail of Air Inflated Stage Roof With Independent Energy For SMEs Exhibition

Applied Research with objects of the SME Exhibition Stage in the form of portable stag buildings ... more Applied Research with objects of the SME Exhibition Stage in the form of portable stag buildings with inflatable structure roofs using PVC Tarpaulin fabric material. These faciliti can be built, dismantled and moved to other locations easily, safely, quickly and lightly wi independent energy sources (photovoltaic solar energy systems). The research objective is develop stage facilities as a means of exhibiting SME products that fulfill aesthetic aspect strength, speed, effectiveness, comfort and energy saving so as to encourage the developmen of creative economy SMEs. The research method used the Experimental Method and Actio Research, beginning with the development of design, manufacture and testing of portab stage models with pneumatic air inflated stage roofs of Independent Energy, including: ( speed test of the manufacture, transport, assembly, installation, dismantling of pneumatic a inflated structures and solar energy modules, (2) strength testing of Air Inflated materials ( ...

Research paper thumbnail of Prototipe Atap Panggung Struktur Pneumatik Air Inflated Energi Mandiri Sebagai Sarana Pameran Produk UKM

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Darmajaya, Nov 4, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Teknologi greenhouse hidroganik dengan tenaga listrik mandiri

Perkembangan kota telah menjadikan banyak lahan pertanian berubah menjadi lahan permukiman dan fa... more Perkembangan kota telah menjadikan banyak lahan pertanian berubah menjadi lahan permukiman dan fasilitas kota lainnya sehingga lahan pertanian menjadi semakin sempit sehingga dapat memperlemah program ketahanan pangan. Diperlukan cara lain untuk memanfaatkan lahan sempit sebagai usaha untuk mengembangkan hasil pertanian, yaitu dengan cara bercocok tanam dan memelihara ikan secara hidroganik. Hidroganik berasal dari kata "Hidro" dan "Organik" yang didefinisikan sebagai sistem budidaya organik dengan memadukan sistem hidro dan sistem organik. Sumber nutrisi utama dari hidroganik ini diperoleh dari pupuk organik padat dan cair serta air kolam ikan yang di-treatment sebagai nutrisi tanaman. Program Diseminasi Teknologi Hidroganik dengan sumber listrik mandiri yang berasal dari pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (PLTS) dilaksanakan di Kampung Bunga Grangsil, Desa Jambangan Kecamatan Dampit Kabupaten Malang. Masyarakat yang menjadi pelaku kegiatan adalah Kelompok Sadar Wisata (POKDARWIS) "Kampoeng Boenga Grangsil" dan Kelompok Wanita Tani "Syakura Arum". Metode Penelitian menggunakan Metode deskriptif kualitatif, diawali dengan rancang bangun, pembuatan Greenhouse Hidroganik Energi Mandiri dan penanaman sayur serta penebaran ikan sistem hidroganik. Pengambilan data berupa pengamatan dan dokumentasi foto serta video pada kegiatan-kegiatan: a) ceramah dan diskusi; b) praktek pembuatan greenhouse struktur bambu; c) praktek pemasangan instalasi hidroganik; d) praktek pemasangan pembangkit listrik tenaga surya; e) praktek penanaman dan pemeliharaan tanaman sayur serta ikan secara hidroganik. Melalui program ini telah berhasil dilaksanakan pembangunan sebuah greenhouse berbentuk tunnel dengan bahan struktur bambu, 2 (dua) unit sarana pertanian hidroganik lengkap dengan kolam ikan, 1 (satu) unit pembangkit listrik tenaga surya terdiri dari 4 buah panel surya masing-masing berkapasitas 100 wp dengan penyimpan energi berupa sebuah aki 100 AH 12 V dan inverter 1000 WH dalam kondisi cerah menghasilkan minimum 11,6 Amp, 18,8 V dapat mencukupi kebutuhan energi untuk menggerakkan pompa sirkulasi air dan lampu penerangan greenhouse maupun lingkungan sekitarnya. Penanaman sayur sla dan sawi daging serta penebaran ikan lele dan nila pada pertengahan Agustus 2019, sayur sla telah dapat dipanen pada akhir September 2019. Keberhasilan yang dapat dilihat adalah ketika para petani tidak dapat bertanam sayur di tanah kering maka tanaman sayur di greenhouse hidroganik ini tetap subur dan sehat karena sirkulasi air terjadi secara kontinyu. Greenhouse bentuk tunnel dengan stuktur bambu menggunakan energi mandiri untuk pertanian hidroganik sangat praktis, efisien dan cepat bangun serta dapat ditanami sayur dan ditebarkan ikan sepanjang tahun tanpa jeda ini diharapkan menjadi prototip fasilitas pertanian dan perikanan modern dengan tidak bergantung pada musim hujan atau kemarau dalam rangka program peningkatan ketahanan pangan skala nasional.

Research paper thumbnail of PKM Penerapan PLTS Pada Kawasan Pertanian Hidroganik Padi DI Bengkel Mimpi Kabupaten Malang

Currently, rice farming land is getting narrower because it is pressed for housing. Ways are need... more Currently, rice farming land is getting narrower because it is pressed for housing. Ways are needed to utilize narrow land to develop a rice farming system, including hydrogenic farming, which is an organic cultivation system by planting rice on humus soil in plastic cups planted in a row of paralon pipes above fish ponds, integrating a hydro system (water circulation) nutritious and organic systems (without chemical fertilizers). This Community Partnership Program aims to deal with the problems experienced by service partners, namely the Self-help Agricultural and Rural Training Center "Bengkel Mimpi" in Malang Regency which carries out hydroganic rice cultivation, namely how to obtain alternative sources of electricity so that financial expenditures for electricity can be increased. So far, only state electricity company can save more/reduce, so that the solution and output target implemented in overcoming these problems is in the form of a solar power plant which is used to drive 12 hydraulic water pumps. The method of service is action research: discussion, design and application of solar power plants. After going through technical calculations, 6 @ 100 wp solar panels were installed, complete with support brackets, 3 @100 AH batteries, 1 solar charge controller, 1 of 3000 WA inverter, 12 water pumps. The advantage of this solar power plant is the design aspect of the solar panel support bracket which is made attractively resembles the shape of a sunflower. The test results have been carried out in sunny conditions this solar power plant produces 2,194 Watt Hours. The output of this Community Partnership Program can be used as a model for alternative sources of electricity in other villages nationally, especially on hydrogenic and hydroponic agricultural lands which are located far from the state electricity network.

Research paper thumbnail of Hearth as the Most Dynamic Element in the Sasak House

A place to put a hearth inside the house of the nusantara society should not be arbitrary and som... more A place to put a hearth inside the house of the nusantara society should not be arbitrary and sometimes are even sacred. A certain position is always occupied by the hearth in Sasak house, which is located on the rear right or left corner in Sasak house, it is called Langen Dalem in Sade and called Bale Adat Mengina in Segenter. Hearth in Sasak house is always associated with space for women. Along with the development, the house order of Sasak is also affected by the process of modernization and industrialization. Compared with the other elements of space, a hearth in Sasak house has more dynamic changes. Among them are: a) the use of modern hearth (oil and gas stoves) although the old hearth (original) is still dominantly maintained b) the shifting of the hearth shape from 3 (three) stones it is called jingkirang or jangkih to the furnace form of clay and cement; c) the shifting of the hearth location and the addition of hearth. The dynamics of shifting location of the hearth in Sasak house can affect a shift occupant's activity and changes in the building shape. ln this paper, the approach typology and interpretive-historical research method are used in order to obtain the shift pattern and pattern of change in the hearth of Sasak. Furthermore, the dynamics that occur in the hearth of Sasak house will show the values that should not be changed or maintained, and the values that may be changed.

Research paper thumbnail of Portable Stage and Pneumatic Air Inflated Roof Structure with Independent Energy as a Means of Exhibition of SME Products

Research paper thumbnail of IJTI Air inflated Greenhouse As Urban Farming Facilities: Architectural Overview

Urban Farming utilizing land intensification, in order to meet the needs of fresh vegetables and ... more Urban Farming utilizing land intensification, in order to meet the needs of fresh vegetables and fruits every day for the community residential / housing in urban areas. Air Inflated Greenhouse as urban farming facilities, can be built and transferred to a residential location / specific housing is easy, safe, fast and lightweight (0,55mm PV C tarpaulin) so that urban farming products closer to consumers in urban settlements, the price impact getting cheaper, but quality. Long-term goal is to develop prototype Air inflated Greenhouse as facilities Urban Farming which fulfills the power, speed, effectiveness, comfort and encourage crops of fruit / vegetable hy droponic hygienic, cheap and profitable, so that the product Air Inflated Greenhous e automatically support an increase in food production, specific target is the availability prototype Air Inflated Greenhouse as Urban Farming facility in order to increas e productivity of crops of fruit / vegetable hydroponic hygienic, cheap a...

Research paper thumbnail of Rumah Sakit Darurat Bencana Dengan Struktur Pneumatik Tiup

Mintakat: Jurnal Arsitektur, 2021

Penelitian desain ini dimulai dari permasalahan penanganan penduduk yang sakit dan kebutuhan fasi... more Penelitian desain ini dimulai dari permasalahan penanganan penduduk yang sakit dan kebutuhan fasilitas medis darurat di daerah bencana. Kecepatan dan Efisiensi dalam penanganan bencana, tindakan pencegahan yang efektif, rehabilitasi dan pemulihan, penyampaian bantuan bencana yang tepat waktu akan meminimalkan hasil negatif setelah bencana terjadi. Penanggulangan bencana dimaksudkan untuk menampung banyak korban bencana dalam suatu bangunan yang layak huni dan nyaman, salah satu fasilitas penanggulangan bencana yang sangat dibutuhkan adalah Rumah Sakit Darurat Bencana, yang terdiri dari peralatan diagnostik dasar dan sarana yaitu: Triase, ICU, Ruang Operasi, Terapi / Perawatan, Ruang Konsultasi, Radiologi, Laboratorium / Diagnostik, Apotek. Sampai saat ini Fasilitas Rumah Sakit Darurat Bencana Terpadu belum tersedia di Indonesia, beberapa bencana yang terjadi di Indonesia hanya difasilitasi dengan posko kesehatan dengan tenda atau gedung gawat darurat yang dibangun dengan struktur da...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Purna Huni (Eph) Hotel Senyum Kota Batu Pada Aspek Tema “Memory and Entertainment”

Mintakat: Jurnal Arsitektur, 2021

Hotel Senyum adalah salah satu fasilitas di destinasi baru di dalam lingkungan Jawa Timur Park 3,... more Hotel Senyum adalah salah satu fasilitas di destinasi baru di dalam lingkungan Jawa Timur Park 3, di kota Batu. Hotel Senyum mengusung konsep memory and entertainment. Konsep Hotel Senyum ini memiliki keunikan yang mengarah kepada target wisata keluarga. Setiap lantainya memiliki tema-tema yang bernuansa berbeda dan diadaptasi dari beberapa negara, antara lain seperti: Jepang, Mexico, Cina, Maroko, Afrika, Eropa, Yunani dan Indonesia, sehingga menjadikan hotel ini menjadi sangat impresif. Melalui keunikan konsep memory and entertainment tersebut tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk mengevaluasi kesesuaian tema dengan performansi fisik interior ruangnya menurut persepsi dan pandangan wisatawan sebagai pengguna. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui sukses dan tidaknya hasil konsep asil rancangan tersebut, setelah Hotel Senyum ini satu tahun beroperasi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Evaluasi Pasca Huni (EPH). Metode EPH dilakukan guna menguji secara teknis dan fungsionalnya se...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Dan Pengelolaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Coastal Road DI Kabupaten Nunukan

Mintakat: Jurnal Arsitektur, 2021

ABSTRAK Ruang Terbuka Hijau Coastal Road (RTH-CR) di Kabupaten Nunukan sangat berperan penting da... more ABSTRAK Ruang Terbuka Hijau Coastal Road (RTH-CR) di Kabupaten Nunukan sangat berperan penting dalam aspek sistem transportasi yang mempunyai fungsi perlindungan, pemanfaatan dan pelestarian lingkungan hidup, saat ini kondisi fisiknya banyak diintervensi kegiatan lain yang bersifat ilegal. Untuk mengembangkannya diperlukan pengelolaan yang mengacu pada ketentuan regulasi yang ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) Mengidentifikasi karakteristik fisik dan non fisik RTH-CR; 2) Menganalisis dan membuat sintesis model pengelolaan RTH-CR; dan 3) Menyusun model dan desain pengelolaan RTH-CR. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis : Proyeksi Penggunaan Lahan dan Kesesuaian Lahan, Status Lahan, Prioritas Penanganan RTH-CR, dan Kebutuhan Penanganan dan Penyediaan RTH-CR. Hasil penelitiannya adalah : Kondisi fisik dasar RTH-CR pada 3 titik spot dari gerbang Pelabuhan Tunon T...

Research paper thumbnail of Spatial Patterns on Traditional Houses in Java as an Effort to Preserve Historic Buildings

Java Island can be divided into several cultural areas of Banten and Sunda in West Java, while in... more Java Island can be divided into several cultural areas of Banten and Sunda in West Java, while in Central Java and East Java there are Pesisir Kilen, Pesisir Wetan, Banyumas, Bagelen, Negarigung, Mancanegari, Surabaya, Tanah Sabrang Wetan and Madura (Koentjaraningrat 1994: 27). Traditional buildings have been a silent witness to how life in the past was run and its influence on the life order of society at that time and has the original building characteristics of Indonesian society in that era and functionally have special purpose and purpose which influence the process of the establishment of the building. This study is expected to provide a benefit form of development of science related to traditional houses in general that can be applied in building architecture. The method used in this paper is the study description descriptions, namely exposing and analyzing spatial patterns in some traditional houses in Java. The method of data collection is done by looking for literature stu...

Research paper thumbnail of Air Inflated Stage Roof Structure with Independent Energy for Smes Exhibition

Applied Research with objects of the SME Exhibition Stage in the form of portable stage buildings... more Applied Research with objects of the SME Exhibition Stage in the form of portable stage buildings with inflatable structure roofs using PVC Tarpaulin fabric material. These facilities can be built, dismantled and moved to other locations easily, safely, quickly and lightly with independent energy sources (photovoltaic solar energy systems). The research objective is to develop stage facilities as a means of exhibiting SME products that fulfill aesthetic aspects, strength, speed, effectiveness, comfort and energy saving so as to encourage the development of creative economy SMEs. The research method used the Experimental Method and Action Research, beginning with the development of design, manufacture and testing of portable stage models with pneumatic air inflated stage roofs of Independent Energy, including: (1) speed test of the manufacture, transport, assembly, installation, dismantling of pneumatic air inflated structures and solar energy modules, (2) strength testing of Air Inf...

Research paper thumbnail of Virtual Expo UMKM dengan Atap Panggung Tiup: Sebuah solusi pameran dengan protokol covid-19 di kawasan perkotaan

Marketing of Micro Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) products through exhibitions is an effectiv... more Marketing of Micro Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) products through exhibitions is an effective means of selling MSME products in urban areas. However, the COVID-19 outbreak that broke out in early 2020 had a significant impact on the lives of mankind around the world. Some of the non face-to-face marketing alternatives are online, including: e-Commerce, e-Marketplace, and Virtual Exhibition. Virtual exhibitions can be a solution amid the ban on crowding during large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) in urban areas in Indonesia. This exhibition is an event that can be watched on computers and mobile phones using the internet directly (live streaming) or via Youtube channels from anywhere and anytime. The virtual exhibition entitled "Virtual Expo and MSME Workshop in Malang City" is an application of the Higher Education Leading Research in the form of a portable stage and an inflatable stage roof with independent photovoltaic energy. The use of solar energy for the exhib...

Research paper thumbnail of Program Pengembangan Kewirausahaan Dalam Bentuk Inkubator Bisnis DI Perguruan Tinggi Bagi Mahasiswa Pemilik Usaha Pemula

Program Pengembangan Kewirausahaan di Perguruan Tinggi dilaksanakan dalam bentuk Inkubator Bisnis... more Program Pengembangan Kewirausahaan di Perguruan Tinggi dilaksanakan dalam bentuk Inkubator Bisnis Mahasiswa yang merupakan suatu program dengan misi menghasilkan mahasiswa berwirausaha yang mandiri berbasis ipteks, melalui program yang terintegrasi dengan melibatkan para dosen pengelola Inkubator, Narasumber, Perusahaan dan Institusi kewirausahaan di luar kampus. Kegiatan-kegiatan Inkubator Bisnis Mahasiswa antara lain: pengembangan jiwa wirausaha, pelatihan manajemen dan skills usaha bagi tenant, konsultasi bisnis, peninjauan di perusahaan yang sudah mapan serta memfasilitasi tenant dalam berwirausaha untuk menghasilkan wirausaha baru. Tenant membentuk dan meningkatkan ketrampilan untuk menunjang manajemen dan pemasaran produk di laboratorium di Perguruan Tinggi yang telah dipersiapkan. Untuk memperluas wawasan dan jaringan pemasaran, Inkubator Bisnis Mahasiswa juga berkolaborasi dengan lembaga-lembaga yang terkait dengan pengembangan kewirausahaan, yaitu Asosiasi Perajin, Asosiasi...

Research paper thumbnail of Urban Agriculture Technology to Support Urban Tourism

Urban Farming (Urban Agriculture) is farmed by a narrow land use or intensification of land, in o... more Urban Farming (Urban Agriculture) is farmed by a narrow land use or intensification of land, in order to meet the needs of vegetables and fresh fruit daily for the public residential / housing in urban areas. Air inflated Structure technology as a support facility to increase production of Urban Agriculture, with Greenhouse portable system can be built and transferred to a specific location is convenient, safe, fast, lightweight structural materials (PVC 0,55mm Terpaulin) so that the Urban Agricultural products closer to residential customers in urban, impact prices getting cheaper, but quality. The objective is to plan, build and test the tent prototype Air inflated Structure Urban Farming as a facility to meet aspects of strength, speed, effectiveness, and comfort Greenhouse. Methods using methods Experiment, beginning with the design, manufacture and testing of prototype tent includes (1) a test of strength and endurance of materials to the weather (2) evaluating the materiality ...

Research paper thumbnail of Atap Panggung Struktur Tiup Energi Mandiri Sebagai Sarana Pameran Produk Ukm

Penelitian Terapan atap panggung struktur tiup menggunakan bahan kain Tarpaulin lapis PVC. Fasili... more Penelitian Terapan atap panggung struktur tiup menggunakan bahan kain Tarpaulin lapis PVC. Fasilitas ini dapat dibangun, dibongkar serta dipindahkan ke lokasi lain secara mudah, aman, cepat dan ringan dengan sumber energi mandiri (sistem energi surya fotovoltaik). Tujuan penelitian adalah mengembangkan fasilitas atap panggung sebagai sarana pameran produk UKM yang memenuhi aspek estetika, kekuatan, kecepatan, efektifitas, kenyamanan dan hemat energi sehingga dapat mendorong pengembangan UKM ekonomi kreatif. Metode Penelitian menggunakan Metode Eksperimen dan Action Research, diawali dengan pengembangan rancang bangun, pembuatan dan pengujian atap panggung pneumatik Tiup Energi Mandiri, meliputi: (1) uji kecepatan pembuatan, pengangkutan, perakitan, pemasangan, pembongkaran atap struktur pneumatik tiup dan modul energi surya, (2) uji kekuatan bahan Air Inflated (3) uji kenyamanan termal dibawah atap panggung struktur pneumatik Air Inflated, (4) uji efektivitas penggunaan energi surya...

Research paper thumbnail of Pendampingan Dalam Proses Perencanaan Partisipatif Program Penataan Lingkungan Permukiman Berbasis Komunitas (PLPBK)

Research paper thumbnail of Business Incubator in Higher Education for Students Business Owner

Entrepreneurship Development Program in Higher Education is conducted in the form of Student Busi... more Entrepreneurship Development Program in Higher Education is conducted in the form of Student Business Incubator which is a program with mission to produce independent entrepreneur based on science and technology, through an integrated program involving lecturers managing Incubators, Resources, Companies and Institutional entrepreneurship off campus. Student Business Incubator Activities include: development of entrepreneurial spirit, management training and business skills for tenants, business consulting, review in established companies and facilitating tenants in entrepreneurship to produce new entrepreneurs. Tenant establishes and enhances the skills to support the management and marketing of products in laboratories at the universities that have been prepared. To expand the insight and marketing network. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the activities of Entrepreneurial Development Program in the form of Business Incubator at the University of Merdeka Malang which aims t...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya pada Greenhouse Hidroponik di Desa Sutojayan, Kabupaten Malang

Jurnal Pengabdian Dharma Wacana, Dec 26, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of The bamboo greenhouse technology for hydrogenic plants with independent photovoltaic energy in the food safety program

The development of the City has made a lot of agricultural land turned into residential land and ... more The development of the City has made a lot of agricultural land turned into residential land and other urban facilities so that agricultural land becomes increasingly narrow so that it can weaken the food safety program. Another Way is needed to utilize narrow lad in an effort to develop agricultural products, namely by farming and maintaining fsh hydrogenic. Hydrogenic comes from the words "hydro" and "organic" which are defined as organic cultivation system by combining the hydro system and the organic system. The research method uses a descriptive qualitative method, beginning with the design, the creation of an independent energy hydrogenic greenhouse and the planting of vegetables and fish stocking. Retrieval of data in the form of observations and documentation of photos and video on activities. Through this program the construction of a tunnel-shaped reenhouse with bamboo structure has been carried of succesfully, 2 (two) hydrogenic farming facilities comp...

Research paper thumbnail of Air Inflated Stage Roof With Independent Energy For SMEs Exhibition

Applied Research with objects of the SME Exhibition Stage in the form of portable stag buildings ... more Applied Research with objects of the SME Exhibition Stage in the form of portable stag buildings with inflatable structure roofs using PVC Tarpaulin fabric material. These faciliti can be built, dismantled and moved to other locations easily, safely, quickly and lightly wi independent energy sources (photovoltaic solar energy systems). The research objective is develop stage facilities as a means of exhibiting SME products that fulfill aesthetic aspect strength, speed, effectiveness, comfort and energy saving so as to encourage the developmen of creative economy SMEs. The research method used the Experimental Method and Actio Research, beginning with the development of design, manufacture and testing of portab stage models with pneumatic air inflated stage roofs of Independent Energy, including: ( speed test of the manufacture, transport, assembly, installation, dismantling of pneumatic a inflated structures and solar energy modules, (2) strength testing of Air Inflated materials ( ...

Research paper thumbnail of Prototipe Atap Panggung Struktur Pneumatik Air Inflated Energi Mandiri Sebagai Sarana Pameran Produk UKM

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Darmajaya, Nov 4, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Teknologi greenhouse hidroganik dengan tenaga listrik mandiri

Perkembangan kota telah menjadikan banyak lahan pertanian berubah menjadi lahan permukiman dan fa... more Perkembangan kota telah menjadikan banyak lahan pertanian berubah menjadi lahan permukiman dan fasilitas kota lainnya sehingga lahan pertanian menjadi semakin sempit sehingga dapat memperlemah program ketahanan pangan. Diperlukan cara lain untuk memanfaatkan lahan sempit sebagai usaha untuk mengembangkan hasil pertanian, yaitu dengan cara bercocok tanam dan memelihara ikan secara hidroganik. Hidroganik berasal dari kata "Hidro" dan "Organik" yang didefinisikan sebagai sistem budidaya organik dengan memadukan sistem hidro dan sistem organik. Sumber nutrisi utama dari hidroganik ini diperoleh dari pupuk organik padat dan cair serta air kolam ikan yang di-treatment sebagai nutrisi tanaman. Program Diseminasi Teknologi Hidroganik dengan sumber listrik mandiri yang berasal dari pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (PLTS) dilaksanakan di Kampung Bunga Grangsil, Desa Jambangan Kecamatan Dampit Kabupaten Malang. Masyarakat yang menjadi pelaku kegiatan adalah Kelompok Sadar Wisata (POKDARWIS) "Kampoeng Boenga Grangsil" dan Kelompok Wanita Tani "Syakura Arum". Metode Penelitian menggunakan Metode deskriptif kualitatif, diawali dengan rancang bangun, pembuatan Greenhouse Hidroganik Energi Mandiri dan penanaman sayur serta penebaran ikan sistem hidroganik. Pengambilan data berupa pengamatan dan dokumentasi foto serta video pada kegiatan-kegiatan: a) ceramah dan diskusi; b) praktek pembuatan greenhouse struktur bambu; c) praktek pemasangan instalasi hidroganik; d) praktek pemasangan pembangkit listrik tenaga surya; e) praktek penanaman dan pemeliharaan tanaman sayur serta ikan secara hidroganik. Melalui program ini telah berhasil dilaksanakan pembangunan sebuah greenhouse berbentuk tunnel dengan bahan struktur bambu, 2 (dua) unit sarana pertanian hidroganik lengkap dengan kolam ikan, 1 (satu) unit pembangkit listrik tenaga surya terdiri dari 4 buah panel surya masing-masing berkapasitas 100 wp dengan penyimpan energi berupa sebuah aki 100 AH 12 V dan inverter 1000 WH dalam kondisi cerah menghasilkan minimum 11,6 Amp, 18,8 V dapat mencukupi kebutuhan energi untuk menggerakkan pompa sirkulasi air dan lampu penerangan greenhouse maupun lingkungan sekitarnya. Penanaman sayur sla dan sawi daging serta penebaran ikan lele dan nila pada pertengahan Agustus 2019, sayur sla telah dapat dipanen pada akhir September 2019. Keberhasilan yang dapat dilihat adalah ketika para petani tidak dapat bertanam sayur di tanah kering maka tanaman sayur di greenhouse hidroganik ini tetap subur dan sehat karena sirkulasi air terjadi secara kontinyu. Greenhouse bentuk tunnel dengan stuktur bambu menggunakan energi mandiri untuk pertanian hidroganik sangat praktis, efisien dan cepat bangun serta dapat ditanami sayur dan ditebarkan ikan sepanjang tahun tanpa jeda ini diharapkan menjadi prototip fasilitas pertanian dan perikanan modern dengan tidak bergantung pada musim hujan atau kemarau dalam rangka program peningkatan ketahanan pangan skala nasional.

Research paper thumbnail of PKM Penerapan PLTS Pada Kawasan Pertanian Hidroganik Padi DI Bengkel Mimpi Kabupaten Malang

Currently, rice farming land is getting narrower because it is pressed for housing. Ways are need... more Currently, rice farming land is getting narrower because it is pressed for housing. Ways are needed to utilize narrow land to develop a rice farming system, including hydrogenic farming, which is an organic cultivation system by planting rice on humus soil in plastic cups planted in a row of paralon pipes above fish ponds, integrating a hydro system (water circulation) nutritious and organic systems (without chemical fertilizers). This Community Partnership Program aims to deal with the problems experienced by service partners, namely the Self-help Agricultural and Rural Training Center "Bengkel Mimpi" in Malang Regency which carries out hydroganic rice cultivation, namely how to obtain alternative sources of electricity so that financial expenditures for electricity can be increased. So far, only state electricity company can save more/reduce, so that the solution and output target implemented in overcoming these problems is in the form of a solar power plant which is used to drive 12 hydraulic water pumps. The method of service is action research: discussion, design and application of solar power plants. After going through technical calculations, 6 @ 100 wp solar panels were installed, complete with support brackets, 3 @100 AH batteries, 1 solar charge controller, 1 of 3000 WA inverter, 12 water pumps. The advantage of this solar power plant is the design aspect of the solar panel support bracket which is made attractively resembles the shape of a sunflower. The test results have been carried out in sunny conditions this solar power plant produces 2,194 Watt Hours. The output of this Community Partnership Program can be used as a model for alternative sources of electricity in other villages nationally, especially on hydrogenic and hydroponic agricultural lands which are located far from the state electricity network.

Research paper thumbnail of Hearth as the Most Dynamic Element in the Sasak House

A place to put a hearth inside the house of the nusantara society should not be arbitrary and som... more A place to put a hearth inside the house of the nusantara society should not be arbitrary and sometimes are even sacred. A certain position is always occupied by the hearth in Sasak house, which is located on the rear right or left corner in Sasak house, it is called Langen Dalem in Sade and called Bale Adat Mengina in Segenter. Hearth in Sasak house is always associated with space for women. Along with the development, the house order of Sasak is also affected by the process of modernization and industrialization. Compared with the other elements of space, a hearth in Sasak house has more dynamic changes. Among them are: a) the use of modern hearth (oil and gas stoves) although the old hearth (original) is still dominantly maintained b) the shifting of the hearth shape from 3 (three) stones it is called jingkirang or jangkih to the furnace form of clay and cement; c) the shifting of the hearth location and the addition of hearth. The dynamics of shifting location of the hearth in Sasak house can affect a shift occupant's activity and changes in the building shape. ln this paper, the approach typology and interpretive-historical research method are used in order to obtain the shift pattern and pattern of change in the hearth of Sasak. Furthermore, the dynamics that occur in the hearth of Sasak house will show the values that should not be changed or maintained, and the values that may be changed.

Research paper thumbnail of Portable Stage and Pneumatic Air Inflated Roof Structure with Independent Energy as a Means of Exhibition of SME Products

Research paper thumbnail of IJTI Air inflated Greenhouse As Urban Farming Facilities: Architectural Overview

Urban Farming utilizing land intensification, in order to meet the needs of fresh vegetables and ... more Urban Farming utilizing land intensification, in order to meet the needs of fresh vegetables and fruits every day for the community residential / housing in urban areas. Air Inflated Greenhouse as urban farming facilities, can be built and transferred to a residential location / specific housing is easy, safe, fast and lightweight (0,55mm PV C tarpaulin) so that urban farming products closer to consumers in urban settlements, the price impact getting cheaper, but quality. Long-term goal is to develop prototype Air inflated Greenhouse as facilities Urban Farming which fulfills the power, speed, effectiveness, comfort and encourage crops of fruit / vegetable hy droponic hygienic, cheap and profitable, so that the product Air Inflated Greenhous e automatically support an increase in food production, specific target is the availability prototype Air Inflated Greenhouse as Urban Farming facility in order to increas e productivity of crops of fruit / vegetable hydroponic hygienic, cheap a...

Research paper thumbnail of Rumah Sakit Darurat Bencana Dengan Struktur Pneumatik Tiup

Mintakat: Jurnal Arsitektur, 2021

Penelitian desain ini dimulai dari permasalahan penanganan penduduk yang sakit dan kebutuhan fasi... more Penelitian desain ini dimulai dari permasalahan penanganan penduduk yang sakit dan kebutuhan fasilitas medis darurat di daerah bencana. Kecepatan dan Efisiensi dalam penanganan bencana, tindakan pencegahan yang efektif, rehabilitasi dan pemulihan, penyampaian bantuan bencana yang tepat waktu akan meminimalkan hasil negatif setelah bencana terjadi. Penanggulangan bencana dimaksudkan untuk menampung banyak korban bencana dalam suatu bangunan yang layak huni dan nyaman, salah satu fasilitas penanggulangan bencana yang sangat dibutuhkan adalah Rumah Sakit Darurat Bencana, yang terdiri dari peralatan diagnostik dasar dan sarana yaitu: Triase, ICU, Ruang Operasi, Terapi / Perawatan, Ruang Konsultasi, Radiologi, Laboratorium / Diagnostik, Apotek. Sampai saat ini Fasilitas Rumah Sakit Darurat Bencana Terpadu belum tersedia di Indonesia, beberapa bencana yang terjadi di Indonesia hanya difasilitasi dengan posko kesehatan dengan tenda atau gedung gawat darurat yang dibangun dengan struktur da...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Purna Huni (Eph) Hotel Senyum Kota Batu Pada Aspek Tema “Memory and Entertainment”

Mintakat: Jurnal Arsitektur, 2021

Hotel Senyum adalah salah satu fasilitas di destinasi baru di dalam lingkungan Jawa Timur Park 3,... more Hotel Senyum adalah salah satu fasilitas di destinasi baru di dalam lingkungan Jawa Timur Park 3, di kota Batu. Hotel Senyum mengusung konsep memory and entertainment. Konsep Hotel Senyum ini memiliki keunikan yang mengarah kepada target wisata keluarga. Setiap lantainya memiliki tema-tema yang bernuansa berbeda dan diadaptasi dari beberapa negara, antara lain seperti: Jepang, Mexico, Cina, Maroko, Afrika, Eropa, Yunani dan Indonesia, sehingga menjadikan hotel ini menjadi sangat impresif. Melalui keunikan konsep memory and entertainment tersebut tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk mengevaluasi kesesuaian tema dengan performansi fisik interior ruangnya menurut persepsi dan pandangan wisatawan sebagai pengguna. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui sukses dan tidaknya hasil konsep asil rancangan tersebut, setelah Hotel Senyum ini satu tahun beroperasi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Evaluasi Pasca Huni (EPH). Metode EPH dilakukan guna menguji secara teknis dan fungsionalnya se...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Dan Pengelolaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Coastal Road DI Kabupaten Nunukan

Mintakat: Jurnal Arsitektur, 2021

ABSTRAK Ruang Terbuka Hijau Coastal Road (RTH-CR) di Kabupaten Nunukan sangat berperan penting da... more ABSTRAK Ruang Terbuka Hijau Coastal Road (RTH-CR) di Kabupaten Nunukan sangat berperan penting dalam aspek sistem transportasi yang mempunyai fungsi perlindungan, pemanfaatan dan pelestarian lingkungan hidup, saat ini kondisi fisiknya banyak diintervensi kegiatan lain yang bersifat ilegal. Untuk mengembangkannya diperlukan pengelolaan yang mengacu pada ketentuan regulasi yang ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) Mengidentifikasi karakteristik fisik dan non fisik RTH-CR; 2) Menganalisis dan membuat sintesis model pengelolaan RTH-CR; dan 3) Menyusun model dan desain pengelolaan RTH-CR. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis : Proyeksi Penggunaan Lahan dan Kesesuaian Lahan, Status Lahan, Prioritas Penanganan RTH-CR, dan Kebutuhan Penanganan dan Penyediaan RTH-CR. Hasil penelitiannya adalah : Kondisi fisik dasar RTH-CR pada 3 titik spot dari gerbang Pelabuhan Tunon T...

Research paper thumbnail of Spatial Patterns on Traditional Houses in Java as an Effort to Preserve Historic Buildings

Java Island can be divided into several cultural areas of Banten and Sunda in West Java, while in... more Java Island can be divided into several cultural areas of Banten and Sunda in West Java, while in Central Java and East Java there are Pesisir Kilen, Pesisir Wetan, Banyumas, Bagelen, Negarigung, Mancanegari, Surabaya, Tanah Sabrang Wetan and Madura (Koentjaraningrat 1994: 27). Traditional buildings have been a silent witness to how life in the past was run and its influence on the life order of society at that time and has the original building characteristics of Indonesian society in that era and functionally have special purpose and purpose which influence the process of the establishment of the building. This study is expected to provide a benefit form of development of science related to traditional houses in general that can be applied in building architecture. The method used in this paper is the study description descriptions, namely exposing and analyzing spatial patterns in some traditional houses in Java. The method of data collection is done by looking for literature stu...

Research paper thumbnail of Air Inflated Stage Roof Structure with Independent Energy for Smes Exhibition

Applied Research with objects of the SME Exhibition Stage in the form of portable stage buildings... more Applied Research with objects of the SME Exhibition Stage in the form of portable stage buildings with inflatable structure roofs using PVC Tarpaulin fabric material. These facilities can be built, dismantled and moved to other locations easily, safely, quickly and lightly with independent energy sources (photovoltaic solar energy systems). The research objective is to develop stage facilities as a means of exhibiting SME products that fulfill aesthetic aspects, strength, speed, effectiveness, comfort and energy saving so as to encourage the development of creative economy SMEs. The research method used the Experimental Method and Action Research, beginning with the development of design, manufacture and testing of portable stage models with pneumatic air inflated stage roofs of Independent Energy, including: (1) speed test of the manufacture, transport, assembly, installation, dismantling of pneumatic air inflated structures and solar energy modules, (2) strength testing of Air Inf...

Research paper thumbnail of Virtual Expo UMKM dengan Atap Panggung Tiup: Sebuah solusi pameran dengan protokol covid-19 di kawasan perkotaan

Marketing of Micro Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) products through exhibitions is an effectiv... more Marketing of Micro Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) products through exhibitions is an effective means of selling MSME products in urban areas. However, the COVID-19 outbreak that broke out in early 2020 had a significant impact on the lives of mankind around the world. Some of the non face-to-face marketing alternatives are online, including: e-Commerce, e-Marketplace, and Virtual Exhibition. Virtual exhibitions can be a solution amid the ban on crowding during large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) in urban areas in Indonesia. This exhibition is an event that can be watched on computers and mobile phones using the internet directly (live streaming) or via Youtube channels from anywhere and anytime. The virtual exhibition entitled "Virtual Expo and MSME Workshop in Malang City" is an application of the Higher Education Leading Research in the form of a portable stage and an inflatable stage roof with independent photovoltaic energy. The use of solar energy for the exhib...

Research paper thumbnail of Program Pengembangan Kewirausahaan Dalam Bentuk Inkubator Bisnis DI Perguruan Tinggi Bagi Mahasiswa Pemilik Usaha Pemula

Program Pengembangan Kewirausahaan di Perguruan Tinggi dilaksanakan dalam bentuk Inkubator Bisnis... more Program Pengembangan Kewirausahaan di Perguruan Tinggi dilaksanakan dalam bentuk Inkubator Bisnis Mahasiswa yang merupakan suatu program dengan misi menghasilkan mahasiswa berwirausaha yang mandiri berbasis ipteks, melalui program yang terintegrasi dengan melibatkan para dosen pengelola Inkubator, Narasumber, Perusahaan dan Institusi kewirausahaan di luar kampus. Kegiatan-kegiatan Inkubator Bisnis Mahasiswa antara lain: pengembangan jiwa wirausaha, pelatihan manajemen dan skills usaha bagi tenant, konsultasi bisnis, peninjauan di perusahaan yang sudah mapan serta memfasilitasi tenant dalam berwirausaha untuk menghasilkan wirausaha baru. Tenant membentuk dan meningkatkan ketrampilan untuk menunjang manajemen dan pemasaran produk di laboratorium di Perguruan Tinggi yang telah dipersiapkan. Untuk memperluas wawasan dan jaringan pemasaran, Inkubator Bisnis Mahasiswa juga berkolaborasi dengan lembaga-lembaga yang terkait dengan pengembangan kewirausahaan, yaitu Asosiasi Perajin, Asosiasi...

Research paper thumbnail of Urban Agriculture Technology to Support Urban Tourism

Urban Farming (Urban Agriculture) is farmed by a narrow land use or intensification of land, in o... more Urban Farming (Urban Agriculture) is farmed by a narrow land use or intensification of land, in order to meet the needs of vegetables and fresh fruit daily for the public residential / housing in urban areas. Air inflated Structure technology as a support facility to increase production of Urban Agriculture, with Greenhouse portable system can be built and transferred to a specific location is convenient, safe, fast, lightweight structural materials (PVC 0,55mm Terpaulin) so that the Urban Agricultural products closer to residential customers in urban, impact prices getting cheaper, but quality. The objective is to plan, build and test the tent prototype Air inflated Structure Urban Farming as a facility to meet aspects of strength, speed, effectiveness, and comfort Greenhouse. Methods using methods Experiment, beginning with the design, manufacture and testing of prototype tent includes (1) a test of strength and endurance of materials to the weather (2) evaluating the materiality ...

Research paper thumbnail of Atap Panggung Struktur Tiup Energi Mandiri Sebagai Sarana Pameran Produk Ukm

Penelitian Terapan atap panggung struktur tiup menggunakan bahan kain Tarpaulin lapis PVC. Fasili... more Penelitian Terapan atap panggung struktur tiup menggunakan bahan kain Tarpaulin lapis PVC. Fasilitas ini dapat dibangun, dibongkar serta dipindahkan ke lokasi lain secara mudah, aman, cepat dan ringan dengan sumber energi mandiri (sistem energi surya fotovoltaik). Tujuan penelitian adalah mengembangkan fasilitas atap panggung sebagai sarana pameran produk UKM yang memenuhi aspek estetika, kekuatan, kecepatan, efektifitas, kenyamanan dan hemat energi sehingga dapat mendorong pengembangan UKM ekonomi kreatif. Metode Penelitian menggunakan Metode Eksperimen dan Action Research, diawali dengan pengembangan rancang bangun, pembuatan dan pengujian atap panggung pneumatik Tiup Energi Mandiri, meliputi: (1) uji kecepatan pembuatan, pengangkutan, perakitan, pemasangan, pembongkaran atap struktur pneumatik tiup dan modul energi surya, (2) uji kekuatan bahan Air Inflated (3) uji kenyamanan termal dibawah atap panggung struktur pneumatik Air Inflated, (4) uji efektivitas penggunaan energi surya...

Research paper thumbnail of Pendampingan Dalam Proses Perencanaan Partisipatif Program Penataan Lingkungan Permukiman Berbasis Komunitas (PLPBK)

Research paper thumbnail of Business Incubator in Higher Education for Students Business Owner

Entrepreneurship Development Program in Higher Education is conducted in the form of Student Busi... more Entrepreneurship Development Program in Higher Education is conducted in the form of Student Business Incubator which is a program with mission to produce independent entrepreneur based on science and technology, through an integrated program involving lecturers managing Incubators, Resources, Companies and Institutional entrepreneurship off campus. Student Business Incubator Activities include: development of entrepreneurial spirit, management training and business skills for tenants, business consulting, review in established companies and facilitating tenants in entrepreneurship to produce new entrepreneurs. Tenant establishes and enhances the skills to support the management and marketing of products in laboratories at the universities that have been prepared. To expand the insight and marketing network. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the activities of Entrepreneurial Development Program in the form of Business Incubator at the University of Merdeka Malang which aims t...