raudhatul fadhilah | UNIVIRSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH PONTIANAK (original) (raw)
Papers by raudhatul fadhilah
Jurnal IPA & Pembelajaran IPA
Practicum is often not carried out in schools because of the limitations of practical tools. Ther... more Practicum is often not carried out in schools because of the limitations of practical tools. Therefore, it is necessary to develop practical tools to make it easier for students to understand the concept of thermochemistry. This study aims to produce a valid and practical thermochemistry practicum tool. Validity is measured from the material and media aspects using a validation sheet. Meanwhile, practicality was measured using teacher and student response questionnaires. This type of research is research and development (research and development) ADDIE model (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). The results of the analysis show that the thermochemical practicum tool developed is declared to be very valid with an average value of 0.94 and 0.92. The results of the practicality test obtained very practical criteria in the initial field trial and the main field trial an average of 94.64% and 97.92%, respectively. Thus, the thermochemistry practicum tool develo...
Hydrogen: Jurnal Kependidikan Kimia
The practicum method in chemistry subjects, especially in chemical equilibrium material, is still... more The practicum method in chemistry subjects, especially in chemical equilibrium material, is still rare and has never been carried out in schools due to the unavailability of adequate practicum tools. Therefore, a practical tool is needed to make it more straightforward for understudies to comprehend the idea of equilibrium shift. This study aims to develop a chemical equilibrium practicum tool on the sub-material of equilibrium shift that is legitimate, commonsense and powerful. This sort of exploration is Innovative work (Research and development) model ADDIE (Investigation, Plan, Improvement, Execution, Assessment). The research subjec was 33 students from two private schools in Pontianak, with 15 and 18 students, respectively. The results showed that the chemical equilibrium practicum instrument created from the material and media viewpoints was pronounced substantial with a typical legitimacy worth of 0.87 and 0.9 with both extremely legitimate rules. The consequences of the r...
Jurnal Buletin Al-Ribaath, 2017
Nanga Taman Village whose field was about 415 ha and produce 828 tons of corn ears annually is po... more Nanga Taman Village whose field was about 415 ha and produce 828 tons of corn ears annually is potential natural resource of corn in Kalimantan Barat. As only its kernel has been used before, the other parts became a waste, which is threatening surrounding environment. The corn silk was unused part of the corn which can be converted into herbal tea for keeping body healthy and cure several disease. However, the villager did not have basic knowledge and skill to utilize it. To improve their knowledge, a training course was given as part of community service in Nanga Taman Village. By having this activity, participants’ attitude toward corn silk were improved as well as it offered a solution to reduce their garbage. Keywords: Nanga Taman Village, herbal tea, corn silk
AR-RAZI Jurnal Ilmiah, 2017
This study aimed at finding out the difference, the influence, and the implementation of students... more This study aimed at finding out the difference, the influence, and the implementation of students’ learning outcomes on Stoichiometry taught by using problem posing and lecturing method of Numbered Heads Together (NHT) cooperative model in class X, SMA 8 Pontianak. Using quasi experimental and Nonequivalent Control Group designs, this study employed students of class X MIA 1 as the experimental group and class X MIA 4 as the control group. The study revealed that the average score of experimental class was higher (78,06) than the control class (67,30). The affective assessment of the control class gained lower score than the experimental class with the Excellent criteria at the first and the second meeting. Whereas, the affective assessment for Good criteria was dominated by the control class with the average score of 78,26%. The results of Uman witney test (α=0,05) showed that significance score of 0,000 which means that there was significant difference of control and experiment cl...
AR-RAZI Jurnal Ilmiah, 2016
ABSTRACTThis study aimed by the students’ low mastery score on Chemical Bond material at SMA Nege... more ABSTRACTThis study aimed by the students’ low mastery score on Chemical Bond material at SMA Negeri 1 Pontianak. The mastery score gained by the students was only 44,3%. Based on the results of the questionnaires given to the students, they tend to study by using computer than power point program and video that have been used by the teachers. Therefore, this study aimed to develop teaching materials of Chemical Bond flash media for the students of grade X, SMA Negeri 1 Pontianak. A 3D (Define, Design, and Develop) development model suggested by Thiagarajan was carried out in this study. The data collection technique used were indirect communication, measurement, and observation. While the instruments were questionnaire sheets, pre-test and posttest questions, and observation sheet. The feasibility of the flash media developed was based on the aspects of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The results obtained in this study were: (1) the average score of the flash media validi...
Abstrak SMA Negeri 1 Sambas merupakan salah satu sekolah favorit di Kabupaten Sambas. Kurangnya a... more Abstrak SMA Negeri 1 Sambas merupakan salah satu sekolah favorit di Kabupaten Sambas. Kurangnya alat/bahan praktikum di SMA N 1 Sambas memerlukan penyelesaian dengan penyediaan alat/bahan praktikum yang berasal dari lingkungan. Salah satu mata pelajaran yang memerlukan praktikum dalam penguasaan konsepnya adalah asam-basa. Dalam praktikum asam-basa diperlukan indikator yang harganya relatif mahal. Pengabdian ini bertujuan melatih siswa-siswa di SMA N 1 Sambas untuk membuat indikator asam-basa, yaitu kertas lakmus yang lazim di laboratorium berbahan dasar alam. Dengan tersedianya indikator asam-basa ini diharapkan praktikum dapat terlaksana sehingga dapat membantu siswa memahami materi asam-basa yang akhirnya dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan selama 1 bulan dengan metode praktikum, ceramah dan tanya jawab. Pengabdian ini diikuti oleh siswa kelas XI IPA yang berjumlah 33 siswa. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa siswa berhasil membuat indikator asam-b...
AR-RAZI Jurnal Ilmiah, 2016
ABSTRACTThis research had the purpose to find out the difference between students’ learning outco... more ABSTRACTThis research had the purpose to find out the difference between students’ learning outcomes which were taught using problem solving method assisted pocket book and lectures method assisted pocket book as well as to know how large the effect of problem solving method assisted pocket book on students’ learning outcomes in class X of SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Raya on stoichiometry material. This research was Quasi Experimental Nonequivalent Control Group design. The sampling system was purposive sampling technique which considered the score of final exam. Based on the sampling technique, X C was choosen as control class and XA was choosen as experimental class. The techniques of data collection used measurement, direct communication, and direct observation techniques. The result of data analysis showed the mean score of pretestposttest in experimental class (73.1) was higher compared to control class (43.6). According to the statistical analysis of U-Mann witney test on pretest scor...
Preparasi sampel menggunakan fermentasi bakteri selulolitik telah diketahui mampu meningkatkan re... more Preparasi sampel menggunakan fermentasi bakteri selulolitik telah diketahui mampu meningkatkan rendemen minyak yang diisolasi dari tanaman. Walaupun demikian, pengaruh fermentasi tersebut terhadap komposisi minyak yang diperoleh masih belum banyak diinvestigasi. Dalam penelitian ini, komposisi minyak kulit jeruk Pontianak akan dibandingkan dengan sampel yang diawali tahap preparasi berupa fermentasi bakteri selulolitik. Bakteri yang digunakan untuk fermentasi adalah isolat Yersinia pseudotuberculosis RAG25 dan Proteus penneri RAG31 yang telah diisolasi dari tanah gambut Kota Pontianak. Analisis yang dilakukan menggunakan GCMS menunjukkan bahwa komponen utama minyak kulit jeruk yaitu limonen tidak berubah. Akan tetapi, komposisi minor minyak asiri kulit jeruk seperti n-nonanal dan n-dekanal, tidak muncul setelah dilakukan fermentasi. Kata kunci: bakteri selulolitik, fermentasi, jeruk Pontianak, senyawa asiri
Nanga Taman Village whose field was about 415 ha and produce 828 tons of corn ears annually is po... more Nanga Taman Village whose field was about 415 ha and produce 828 tons of corn ears annually is potential natural resource of corn in Kalimantan Barat. As only its kernel has been used before, the other parts became a waste, which is threatening surrounding environment. The corn silk was unused part of the corn which can be converted into herbal tea for keeping body healthy and cure several disease. However, the villager did not have basic knowledge and skill to utilize it. To improve their knowledge, a training course was given as part of community service in Nanga Taman Village. By having this activity, participants’ attitude toward corn silk were improved as well as it offered a solution to reduce their garbage.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrumen penilaian menggunakan software iSpring Qui... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrumen penilaian menggunakan software iSpring QuizMaker pada materi kesetimbangan kimia kelas XI di SMA Negeri 9 Pontianak. Adapun tahap pengembangan instrumen penilaian dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengumpulan data awal; perencanaan; pembuatan produk awal; uji coba awal; perbaikan produk awal; uji coba lapangan, dan perbaikan produk operasional. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa instrumen penilaian yang dikembangkan mempunyai nilai hasil validasi sebesar 1 yang terkategori sangat tinggi. Diperoleh nilai r 11 sebesar 1,05 yang menunjukkan instrumen hasil pengembangan reliabel dengan kategori sangat tinggi. Kepraktisan ditunjukkan oleh respon positif guru sebesar 82,5% dan siswa sebesar 72,5% yang terkategori sangat kuat. Keefektifan ditunjukkan oleh persentase ketuntasan siswa sebesar 76,9 %,. Berdasarkan analisis kualitas tes, soal diberi tingkat kesulitan berdasarkan proporsi soal yang dibuat. Soal mampu membedakan peser...
Jurnal Buletin Al-Ribaath, 2017
The problematic issue of water shortages is always happens in dry season because of rainwater abs... more The problematic issue of water shortages is always happens in dry season because of rainwater absorption in the peat soil which dominates most of the Borneo region especially Rantau Panjang subdistrict. The river water around peatlands area has typical smell, colour, and taste. Peat water has to be processed rightly before it is used to fulfill domestic needs. Therefore, there should be an effort to process the peat water appropriately through counseling and training in producing simple water purifier which is easy to operate. This dedication on the training in producing water purifier was conducted at Sebawi district in Sambas regency. There were 24 residents of Rantau Panjang subdistricts attended this training. The training began with the counseling in how to produce water purifier. The counseling aimed at transferring knowledge of the importance of clean water for the residents of Rantau Panjang subdistrict. The next activity was the training in producing water purifiers from si...
Sensor glukosa telah dikembangkan secara luas untuk mengukur kadar glukosa, baik glukosa darah m... more Sensor glukosa telah dikembangkan secara luas untuk mengukur kadar glukosa, baik glukosa darah maupun glukosa dalam makanan dan minuman. Performa analitik sensor glukosa terus ditingkatkan untuk menghasilkan sensor dengan rentang kerja dan sensitivitas yang semakin baik. Faktor kunci keberhasilan dalam pengembangan sensor glukosa berbasis enzim adalah ketepatan penggunaan teknik dan matriks imobilisasi sehingga eksplorasi material yang dapat digunakan sebagai matriks pengimobilisasi terus dilakukan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan linearitas dan sensitivitas elektrode enzim glukosa dehidrogenase flavin adenin dinukleotida (GDH-FAD) yang diimobilisasi pada zeolit tipe A. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa elektrode enzim GDH-FAD yang diimobilisasi dengan zeolit tipe A menghasilkan linearitas 0.06 mM-10.00 mM. Daerah linear yang dihasilkan cukup sempit jika dibandingkan dengan rentang konsentrasi glukosa darah normal pada manusia yaitu dari 4 sampai 6 mM, sehingga elektr...
AR-RAZI Jurnal Ilmiah, 2017
ABSTRACTThe results and retention of student learning is still low in learning the concept of mol... more ABSTRACTThe results and retention of student learning is still low in learning the concept of mole due to the difficulties of students to understand the concept and the lack of ability to resolve the matter of calculation. This study aimed to determine the differences in the results and retention of learning between the students who were taught with and without using mind-map media based on tier training method in the material of mole concept, knowing the great effectiveness of mind-map media based tier training method toward the results and retention of students in the material of mole concept at X grade students of SMAN 8 Pontianak. This research used Quasi Experimental Research with control group design. This research used purposive sampling with X MIA 4 as the experimental class and X MIA 3 as the control class. The techniques of collecting data used measurement techniques, observation and interviews, while the data collection tools used the test results and retention of learnin...
AR-RAZI Jurnal Ilmiah, 2018
Learning activity was a student’s activeness in learning process to achieve outcome and aim of le... more Learning activity was a student’s activeness in learning process to achieve outcome and aim of learning which had been determined. This research aimed to describe the degree of student’s learning activity, its outcome and the correlation between them. Collecting data used purposive sampling technique which used 36 students of class XB as a sample. The data of student’s learning activity was analyzed by using observation checklist. The observation result showed that the mean of student’s learning activity was 51,76 % with the category of active enough. The result of second term examination 2016/2017 showed that the mean of student’s score was 40,42 as less good category. The correlation between students’ learning activity and its outcome was analyzed by the correlation of product moment formula. The result of analyzing data showed that there was positive correlation between students’ learning activity and outcome in chemistry X class at SMA Negeri 5 Pontianak with correlation coeffic...
AR-RAZI Jurnal Ilmiah, Aug 30, 2017
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perbedaan dan pengaruh hasil belajar siswa yang diajarkan men... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perbedaan dan pengaruh hasil belajar siswa yang diajarkan menggunakan alat peraga model atom 3 dimensi berbasis pembelajaran Think Pair Share (TPS) terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada materi struktur atom di kelas X MAN 2 Filial Pontianak. Bentuk penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen semu. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan sampling jenuh dengan kelas X IIS sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas X MIA sebagai kelas kontrol. Teknik pengumpulan data mengunakan teknik pengukuran, observasi dan wawancara, sedangkan alat pengumpulan data yaitu tes hasil belajar, dan lembar observasi. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata posttest kelas eksperimen (73,33) lebih tinggi dibandingkan nilai rata-rata posttest kelas kontrol (44,22). Hasil analisis statistik uji Umann witney (α= 0,05) diperoleh nilai p value yaitu 0,00 artinya terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara kelas eksperimen dan kontrol. Perhitungan menggunakan effect size menunjukkan nilai ES= 1,47 artinya Penggunaan alat peraga model atom 3 dimensi berbasis pembelajaran Think Pair Share (TPS) berpengaruh tinggi terhadap hasil belajar siswa yaitu sebesar 42,92%.
AR-RAZI Jurnal Ilmiah, Feb 28, 2018
Background: Infants born by caesarean section or receiving antibiotics are at increased risk of d... more Background: Infants born by caesarean section or receiving antibiotics are at increased risk of developing metabolic, inflammatory and immunological diseases, potentially due to disruption of normal gut microbiota at a critical developmental time window. We investigated whether probiotic supplementation could ameliorate the effects of antibiotic use or caesarean birth on infant microbiota in a double blind, placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial. Mothers were given a multispecies probiotic, consisting of Bifidobacterium breve Bb99 (Bp99 2 × 10 8 cfu) Propionibacterium freundenreichii subsp. shermanii JS (2 × 10 9 cfu), Lactobacillus rhamnosus Lc705 (5 × 10 9 cfu) and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (5 × 10 9 cfu) (N = 168 breastfed and 31 formula-fed), or placebo supplement (N = 201 breastfed and 22 formula-fed) during pregnancy, and the infants were given the same supplement. Faecal samples of the infants were collected at 3 months and analyzed using taxonomic, metagenomic and metaproteomic approaches. Results: The probiotic supplement had a strong overall impact on the microbiota composition, but the effect depended on the infant's diet. Only breastfed infants showed the expected increase in bifidobacteria and reduction in Proteobacteria and Clostridia. In the placebo group, both birth mode and antibiotic use were significantly associated with altered microbiota composition and function, particularly reduced Bifidobacterium abundance. In the probiotic group, the effects of antibiotics and birth mode were either completely eliminated or reduced. Conclusions: The results indicate that it is possible to correct undesired changes in microbiota composition and function caused by antibiotic treatments or caesarean birth by supplementing infants with a probiotic mixture together with at least partial breastfeeding. Trial registration: clinicaltrials.gov NCT00298337. Registered March 2, 2006.
AR-RAZI Jurnal Ilmiah, 2020
This research is motivated by the low learning outcomes of students of class XI IPA of SMA Negeri... more This research is motivated by the low learning outcomes of students of class XI IPA of SMA Negeri 7 Pontianak in learning chemistry, especially indicator theory sub material. This study aims to determine the learning outcomes between students who are taught using the Acid Base Indicator Practicum Method Based on Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) and students who are taught with the Discovery Learning model based on practicum. This study uses Intact Group Comparison Design with research subjects of 15 control class students and 16 experimental class students. Data were collected using direct communication techniques: interview sheets, measurement techniques, and direct observation techniques, observation sheets and data collection tools using learning outcomes tests (pretest and posttest). The results of the average pretest and posttest of the control class were 35.1 and 66.1 respectively, the average pretest and posttest of the experimental class were 36.9 and 74.5. Learning outcom...
AR-RAZI Jurnal Ilmiah, 2019
Student learning results and retention is still low on periodic system learning elements caused b... more Student learning results and retention is still low on periodic system learning elements caused by a lack of motivation students in the periodic table system memorize elements and lack of reward when students are already able to memorize the table Periodic system of such elements. So it requires a learning method that can motivate students in deleting periodic table system elements. The study aims to determine the difference in outcomes and retention of learning between students taught with and without using the chemical token method on the periodic element system material, knowing the great effectiveness of the chemical token method of the results and Student learning retention on periodic element system materials in class X MAN 3 Pontianak. This research uses the type of experimental Quasi research with the design of control group design. The sampling technique uses saturated sampling with the X-class of MIA as the experimental class and X-grade IIS 2 as the control class. Data co...
Jurnal IPA & Pembelajaran IPA
Practicum is often not carried out in schools because of the limitations of practical tools. Ther... more Practicum is often not carried out in schools because of the limitations of practical tools. Therefore, it is necessary to develop practical tools to make it easier for students to understand the concept of thermochemistry. This study aims to produce a valid and practical thermochemistry practicum tool. Validity is measured from the material and media aspects using a validation sheet. Meanwhile, practicality was measured using teacher and student response questionnaires. This type of research is research and development (research and development) ADDIE model (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). The results of the analysis show that the thermochemical practicum tool developed is declared to be very valid with an average value of 0.94 and 0.92. The results of the practicality test obtained very practical criteria in the initial field trial and the main field trial an average of 94.64% and 97.92%, respectively. Thus, the thermochemistry practicum tool develo...
Hydrogen: Jurnal Kependidikan Kimia
The practicum method in chemistry subjects, especially in chemical equilibrium material, is still... more The practicum method in chemistry subjects, especially in chemical equilibrium material, is still rare and has never been carried out in schools due to the unavailability of adequate practicum tools. Therefore, a practical tool is needed to make it more straightforward for understudies to comprehend the idea of equilibrium shift. This study aims to develop a chemical equilibrium practicum tool on the sub-material of equilibrium shift that is legitimate, commonsense and powerful. This sort of exploration is Innovative work (Research and development) model ADDIE (Investigation, Plan, Improvement, Execution, Assessment). The research subjec was 33 students from two private schools in Pontianak, with 15 and 18 students, respectively. The results showed that the chemical equilibrium practicum instrument created from the material and media viewpoints was pronounced substantial with a typical legitimacy worth of 0.87 and 0.9 with both extremely legitimate rules. The consequences of the r...
Jurnal Buletin Al-Ribaath, 2017
Nanga Taman Village whose field was about 415 ha and produce 828 tons of corn ears annually is po... more Nanga Taman Village whose field was about 415 ha and produce 828 tons of corn ears annually is potential natural resource of corn in Kalimantan Barat. As only its kernel has been used before, the other parts became a waste, which is threatening surrounding environment. The corn silk was unused part of the corn which can be converted into herbal tea for keeping body healthy and cure several disease. However, the villager did not have basic knowledge and skill to utilize it. To improve their knowledge, a training course was given as part of community service in Nanga Taman Village. By having this activity, participants’ attitude toward corn silk were improved as well as it offered a solution to reduce their garbage. Keywords: Nanga Taman Village, herbal tea, corn silk
AR-RAZI Jurnal Ilmiah, 2017
This study aimed at finding out the difference, the influence, and the implementation of students... more This study aimed at finding out the difference, the influence, and the implementation of students’ learning outcomes on Stoichiometry taught by using problem posing and lecturing method of Numbered Heads Together (NHT) cooperative model in class X, SMA 8 Pontianak. Using quasi experimental and Nonequivalent Control Group designs, this study employed students of class X MIA 1 as the experimental group and class X MIA 4 as the control group. The study revealed that the average score of experimental class was higher (78,06) than the control class (67,30). The affective assessment of the control class gained lower score than the experimental class with the Excellent criteria at the first and the second meeting. Whereas, the affective assessment for Good criteria was dominated by the control class with the average score of 78,26%. The results of Uman witney test (α=0,05) showed that significance score of 0,000 which means that there was significant difference of control and experiment cl...
AR-RAZI Jurnal Ilmiah, 2016
ABSTRACTThis study aimed by the students’ low mastery score on Chemical Bond material at SMA Nege... more ABSTRACTThis study aimed by the students’ low mastery score on Chemical Bond material at SMA Negeri 1 Pontianak. The mastery score gained by the students was only 44,3%. Based on the results of the questionnaires given to the students, they tend to study by using computer than power point program and video that have been used by the teachers. Therefore, this study aimed to develop teaching materials of Chemical Bond flash media for the students of grade X, SMA Negeri 1 Pontianak. A 3D (Define, Design, and Develop) development model suggested by Thiagarajan was carried out in this study. The data collection technique used were indirect communication, measurement, and observation. While the instruments were questionnaire sheets, pre-test and posttest questions, and observation sheet. The feasibility of the flash media developed was based on the aspects of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The results obtained in this study were: (1) the average score of the flash media validi...
Abstrak SMA Negeri 1 Sambas merupakan salah satu sekolah favorit di Kabupaten Sambas. Kurangnya a... more Abstrak SMA Negeri 1 Sambas merupakan salah satu sekolah favorit di Kabupaten Sambas. Kurangnya alat/bahan praktikum di SMA N 1 Sambas memerlukan penyelesaian dengan penyediaan alat/bahan praktikum yang berasal dari lingkungan. Salah satu mata pelajaran yang memerlukan praktikum dalam penguasaan konsepnya adalah asam-basa. Dalam praktikum asam-basa diperlukan indikator yang harganya relatif mahal. Pengabdian ini bertujuan melatih siswa-siswa di SMA N 1 Sambas untuk membuat indikator asam-basa, yaitu kertas lakmus yang lazim di laboratorium berbahan dasar alam. Dengan tersedianya indikator asam-basa ini diharapkan praktikum dapat terlaksana sehingga dapat membantu siswa memahami materi asam-basa yang akhirnya dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan selama 1 bulan dengan metode praktikum, ceramah dan tanya jawab. Pengabdian ini diikuti oleh siswa kelas XI IPA yang berjumlah 33 siswa. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa siswa berhasil membuat indikator asam-b...
AR-RAZI Jurnal Ilmiah, 2016
ABSTRACTThis research had the purpose to find out the difference between students’ learning outco... more ABSTRACTThis research had the purpose to find out the difference between students’ learning outcomes which were taught using problem solving method assisted pocket book and lectures method assisted pocket book as well as to know how large the effect of problem solving method assisted pocket book on students’ learning outcomes in class X of SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Raya on stoichiometry material. This research was Quasi Experimental Nonequivalent Control Group design. The sampling system was purposive sampling technique which considered the score of final exam. Based on the sampling technique, X C was choosen as control class and XA was choosen as experimental class. The techniques of data collection used measurement, direct communication, and direct observation techniques. The result of data analysis showed the mean score of pretestposttest in experimental class (73.1) was higher compared to control class (43.6). According to the statistical analysis of U-Mann witney test on pretest scor...
Preparasi sampel menggunakan fermentasi bakteri selulolitik telah diketahui mampu meningkatkan re... more Preparasi sampel menggunakan fermentasi bakteri selulolitik telah diketahui mampu meningkatkan rendemen minyak yang diisolasi dari tanaman. Walaupun demikian, pengaruh fermentasi tersebut terhadap komposisi minyak yang diperoleh masih belum banyak diinvestigasi. Dalam penelitian ini, komposisi minyak kulit jeruk Pontianak akan dibandingkan dengan sampel yang diawali tahap preparasi berupa fermentasi bakteri selulolitik. Bakteri yang digunakan untuk fermentasi adalah isolat Yersinia pseudotuberculosis RAG25 dan Proteus penneri RAG31 yang telah diisolasi dari tanah gambut Kota Pontianak. Analisis yang dilakukan menggunakan GCMS menunjukkan bahwa komponen utama minyak kulit jeruk yaitu limonen tidak berubah. Akan tetapi, komposisi minor minyak asiri kulit jeruk seperti n-nonanal dan n-dekanal, tidak muncul setelah dilakukan fermentasi. Kata kunci: bakteri selulolitik, fermentasi, jeruk Pontianak, senyawa asiri
Nanga Taman Village whose field was about 415 ha and produce 828 tons of corn ears annually is po... more Nanga Taman Village whose field was about 415 ha and produce 828 tons of corn ears annually is potential natural resource of corn in Kalimantan Barat. As only its kernel has been used before, the other parts became a waste, which is threatening surrounding environment. The corn silk was unused part of the corn which can be converted into herbal tea for keeping body healthy and cure several disease. However, the villager did not have basic knowledge and skill to utilize it. To improve their knowledge, a training course was given as part of community service in Nanga Taman Village. By having this activity, participants’ attitude toward corn silk were improved as well as it offered a solution to reduce their garbage.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrumen penilaian menggunakan software iSpring Qui... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrumen penilaian menggunakan software iSpring QuizMaker pada materi kesetimbangan kimia kelas XI di SMA Negeri 9 Pontianak. Adapun tahap pengembangan instrumen penilaian dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengumpulan data awal; perencanaan; pembuatan produk awal; uji coba awal; perbaikan produk awal; uji coba lapangan, dan perbaikan produk operasional. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa instrumen penilaian yang dikembangkan mempunyai nilai hasil validasi sebesar 1 yang terkategori sangat tinggi. Diperoleh nilai r 11 sebesar 1,05 yang menunjukkan instrumen hasil pengembangan reliabel dengan kategori sangat tinggi. Kepraktisan ditunjukkan oleh respon positif guru sebesar 82,5% dan siswa sebesar 72,5% yang terkategori sangat kuat. Keefektifan ditunjukkan oleh persentase ketuntasan siswa sebesar 76,9 %,. Berdasarkan analisis kualitas tes, soal diberi tingkat kesulitan berdasarkan proporsi soal yang dibuat. Soal mampu membedakan peser...
Jurnal Buletin Al-Ribaath, 2017
The problematic issue of water shortages is always happens in dry season because of rainwater abs... more The problematic issue of water shortages is always happens in dry season because of rainwater absorption in the peat soil which dominates most of the Borneo region especially Rantau Panjang subdistrict. The river water around peatlands area has typical smell, colour, and taste. Peat water has to be processed rightly before it is used to fulfill domestic needs. Therefore, there should be an effort to process the peat water appropriately through counseling and training in producing simple water purifier which is easy to operate. This dedication on the training in producing water purifier was conducted at Sebawi district in Sambas regency. There were 24 residents of Rantau Panjang subdistricts attended this training. The training began with the counseling in how to produce water purifier. The counseling aimed at transferring knowledge of the importance of clean water for the residents of Rantau Panjang subdistrict. The next activity was the training in producing water purifiers from si...
Sensor glukosa telah dikembangkan secara luas untuk mengukur kadar glukosa, baik glukosa darah m... more Sensor glukosa telah dikembangkan secara luas untuk mengukur kadar glukosa, baik glukosa darah maupun glukosa dalam makanan dan minuman. Performa analitik sensor glukosa terus ditingkatkan untuk menghasilkan sensor dengan rentang kerja dan sensitivitas yang semakin baik. Faktor kunci keberhasilan dalam pengembangan sensor glukosa berbasis enzim adalah ketepatan penggunaan teknik dan matriks imobilisasi sehingga eksplorasi material yang dapat digunakan sebagai matriks pengimobilisasi terus dilakukan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan linearitas dan sensitivitas elektrode enzim glukosa dehidrogenase flavin adenin dinukleotida (GDH-FAD) yang diimobilisasi pada zeolit tipe A. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa elektrode enzim GDH-FAD yang diimobilisasi dengan zeolit tipe A menghasilkan linearitas 0.06 mM-10.00 mM. Daerah linear yang dihasilkan cukup sempit jika dibandingkan dengan rentang konsentrasi glukosa darah normal pada manusia yaitu dari 4 sampai 6 mM, sehingga elektr...
AR-RAZI Jurnal Ilmiah, 2017
ABSTRACTThe results and retention of student learning is still low in learning the concept of mol... more ABSTRACTThe results and retention of student learning is still low in learning the concept of mole due to the difficulties of students to understand the concept and the lack of ability to resolve the matter of calculation. This study aimed to determine the differences in the results and retention of learning between the students who were taught with and without using mind-map media based on tier training method in the material of mole concept, knowing the great effectiveness of mind-map media based tier training method toward the results and retention of students in the material of mole concept at X grade students of SMAN 8 Pontianak. This research used Quasi Experimental Research with control group design. This research used purposive sampling with X MIA 4 as the experimental class and X MIA 3 as the control class. The techniques of collecting data used measurement techniques, observation and interviews, while the data collection tools used the test results and retention of learnin...
AR-RAZI Jurnal Ilmiah, 2018
Learning activity was a student’s activeness in learning process to achieve outcome and aim of le... more Learning activity was a student’s activeness in learning process to achieve outcome and aim of learning which had been determined. This research aimed to describe the degree of student’s learning activity, its outcome and the correlation between them. Collecting data used purposive sampling technique which used 36 students of class XB as a sample. The data of student’s learning activity was analyzed by using observation checklist. The observation result showed that the mean of student’s learning activity was 51,76 % with the category of active enough. The result of second term examination 2016/2017 showed that the mean of student’s score was 40,42 as less good category. The correlation between students’ learning activity and its outcome was analyzed by the correlation of product moment formula. The result of analyzing data showed that there was positive correlation between students’ learning activity and outcome in chemistry X class at SMA Negeri 5 Pontianak with correlation coeffic...
AR-RAZI Jurnal Ilmiah, Aug 30, 2017
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perbedaan dan pengaruh hasil belajar siswa yang diajarkan men... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perbedaan dan pengaruh hasil belajar siswa yang diajarkan menggunakan alat peraga model atom 3 dimensi berbasis pembelajaran Think Pair Share (TPS) terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada materi struktur atom di kelas X MAN 2 Filial Pontianak. Bentuk penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen semu. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan sampling jenuh dengan kelas X IIS sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas X MIA sebagai kelas kontrol. Teknik pengumpulan data mengunakan teknik pengukuran, observasi dan wawancara, sedangkan alat pengumpulan data yaitu tes hasil belajar, dan lembar observasi. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata posttest kelas eksperimen (73,33) lebih tinggi dibandingkan nilai rata-rata posttest kelas kontrol (44,22). Hasil analisis statistik uji Umann witney (α= 0,05) diperoleh nilai p value yaitu 0,00 artinya terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara kelas eksperimen dan kontrol. Perhitungan menggunakan effect size menunjukkan nilai ES= 1,47 artinya Penggunaan alat peraga model atom 3 dimensi berbasis pembelajaran Think Pair Share (TPS) berpengaruh tinggi terhadap hasil belajar siswa yaitu sebesar 42,92%.
AR-RAZI Jurnal Ilmiah, Feb 28, 2018
Background: Infants born by caesarean section or receiving antibiotics are at increased risk of d... more Background: Infants born by caesarean section or receiving antibiotics are at increased risk of developing metabolic, inflammatory and immunological diseases, potentially due to disruption of normal gut microbiota at a critical developmental time window. We investigated whether probiotic supplementation could ameliorate the effects of antibiotic use or caesarean birth on infant microbiota in a double blind, placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial. Mothers were given a multispecies probiotic, consisting of Bifidobacterium breve Bb99 (Bp99 2 × 10 8 cfu) Propionibacterium freundenreichii subsp. shermanii JS (2 × 10 9 cfu), Lactobacillus rhamnosus Lc705 (5 × 10 9 cfu) and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (5 × 10 9 cfu) (N = 168 breastfed and 31 formula-fed), or placebo supplement (N = 201 breastfed and 22 formula-fed) during pregnancy, and the infants were given the same supplement. Faecal samples of the infants were collected at 3 months and analyzed using taxonomic, metagenomic and metaproteomic approaches. Results: The probiotic supplement had a strong overall impact on the microbiota composition, but the effect depended on the infant's diet. Only breastfed infants showed the expected increase in bifidobacteria and reduction in Proteobacteria and Clostridia. In the placebo group, both birth mode and antibiotic use were significantly associated with altered microbiota composition and function, particularly reduced Bifidobacterium abundance. In the probiotic group, the effects of antibiotics and birth mode were either completely eliminated or reduced. Conclusions: The results indicate that it is possible to correct undesired changes in microbiota composition and function caused by antibiotic treatments or caesarean birth by supplementing infants with a probiotic mixture together with at least partial breastfeeding. Trial registration: clinicaltrials.gov NCT00298337. Registered March 2, 2006.
AR-RAZI Jurnal Ilmiah, 2020
This research is motivated by the low learning outcomes of students of class XI IPA of SMA Negeri... more This research is motivated by the low learning outcomes of students of class XI IPA of SMA Negeri 7 Pontianak in learning chemistry, especially indicator theory sub material. This study aims to determine the learning outcomes between students who are taught using the Acid Base Indicator Practicum Method Based on Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) and students who are taught with the Discovery Learning model based on practicum. This study uses Intact Group Comparison Design with research subjects of 15 control class students and 16 experimental class students. Data were collected using direct communication techniques: interview sheets, measurement techniques, and direct observation techniques, observation sheets and data collection tools using learning outcomes tests (pretest and posttest). The results of the average pretest and posttest of the control class were 35.1 and 66.1 respectively, the average pretest and posttest of the experimental class were 36.9 and 74.5. Learning outcom...
AR-RAZI Jurnal Ilmiah, 2019
Student learning results and retention is still low on periodic system learning elements caused b... more Student learning results and retention is still low on periodic system learning elements caused by a lack of motivation students in the periodic table system memorize elements and lack of reward when students are already able to memorize the table Periodic system of such elements. So it requires a learning method that can motivate students in deleting periodic table system elements. The study aims to determine the difference in outcomes and retention of learning between students taught with and without using the chemical token method on the periodic element system material, knowing the great effectiveness of the chemical token method of the results and Student learning retention on periodic element system materials in class X MAN 3 Pontianak. This research uses the type of experimental Quasi research with the design of control group design. The sampling technique uses saturated sampling with the X-class of MIA as the experimental class and X-grade IIS 2 as the control class. Data co...