unnaturalpagans, posts by tag: pagan counseling - LiveJournal (original) (raw)
Hey all,
New here to the whole LJ thing, but thought I might hit the ground running here with the formative beginnings (which means discussion) of a workshop I've been asked to create for my local community.
My path is most definitely NOT Wiccan, nor any kind of new age "neopagan" (gods, I hate that term...but that's a different topic) "eclectic". My path is fairly shamanic in nature, and, as some would say, of a slightly more "left-handed" variety. My personal interpretation (or shortening) of "Men's and Women's Mysteries", while basically accurate, is found by many Wiccans (or eclectic wiccans) to be somewhat "offensive". I do, however, desire for all of my students to put some serious effort into their shadow work, and am willing to go to some "interesting" places to help them deal their issues. No, I don't agree with the twits who would try to have you deal with your shadow self via a short "guided meditation or workshop" where you look at your anger/shame/fear/anguish and say "I see you and I forgive you/myself" and that's supposed to be the end of it. Really dealing with ones issues, the "shadow work", is NEVER that bloody simple.
So, after our local Samhain festival was finished the other weekend, it was suggested that I lead "Men's Mysteries" next year with a rather...touchy..subject:
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Chris / Grynner
That Memphis Guy