Rahina Nugrahani | Universitas Negeri Semarang (original) (raw)


Papers by Rahina Nugrahani

Research paper thumbnail of “The Explorer”: Introducing The Potential of <i>Kota Lama</i> Semarang through Mobile Game

Advances in biological sciences research, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Representasi Pribumi dalam Film Bumi Manusia (Kajian Semiotika Saussure)

Journal of Computer Science and Visual Communication Design

Bumi Manusia is one of Hanung Bramantyo's films that managed to attract the attention of Indo... more Bumi Manusia is one of Hanung Bramantyo's films that managed to attract the attention of Indonesian audiences because apart from being based on a historical novel written by a famous writer, namely Pramoedya Ananta Toer, this film also tells about the life of the Indigenous people in the colonial era. This study aims to provide knowledge and understanding of Indigenous Representation using Saussure's Semiotic Analysis Model. The representation approach used is a constructionist approach used in the process through the language used. The method used in this study is qualitative with a descriptive approach, describing, explaining, and representing the object of research based on existing facts or evidence. The data analysis technique used is Saussure's semiotic approach with the concept, Signifier and Signified as well as Langue and Parole. The results of the analysis of this film represent that the natives are a nation that is useless, lazy, stupid, unprofitable, worthy o...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Twitter User Responses to the Aqua Billboards Series #DiRumahAJa

CHANNEL: Jurnal Komunikasi

Research paper thumbnail of Multimedia Interaktif Mengenal Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia

Journal of Animation and Games Studies

Research paper thumbnail of Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Visual Berbentuk Permainan Ular Tangga Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Belajar Mengajar DI Sekolah Dasar

Lembaran Ilmu Kependidikan, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Portal Portofolio : Media Alternatif Untuk Menjembatani Kebutuhan Lembaga Pendidikan DKV Dan Industri

Imajinasi : Jurnal Seni, Jul 1, 2014


SANDI : Seminar Nasional Desain, Feb 14, 2021


Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ Usia dini merupakan u... more Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ Usia dini merupakan usia yang sangat penting bagi perkembangan anak sehingga disebut golden age (lima tahun pertama). Pada usia ini sebaiknya mendapatkan pendidikan yang dapat menuntun mereka ke kehidupan yang akan datang. Dalam pertimbangan di atas, pengenalan huruf dan angka merupakan sesuatu yang sangat penting bagi anak-anak sebagai perantara untuk lebih mengenal benda di sekitarnya. Salah satu cara yang cukup diminati oleh guru yaitu mengajar dengan menggunakan komputer karena dapat menjadikan anak berminat dan menggugah rasa ingin tahu serta pembelajaran tidak cepat membosankan. Proyek studi ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan Media Belajar Interaktif mengenai pengenalan angka dan huruf. Multimedia Pembelajaran Interaktif ini dapat digunakan oleh anak Taman Kanak-Kanak sebagai salah satu media untuk belajar yang dapat dilakukan secara mandiri melalui alat bantu komputer. Selain itu, Multimedia Perancangan...

Research paper thumbnail of Visual Communication Design Learning in Educational Institution: Has It Been Disrupted?

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Citra Kuliner Lokal Iklan Kecap Bango Seri Meat Diagram: Kajian Semiotika Peirce

ORASI: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Desain Antarmuka (User Interface) pada Game Edukasi

Penggunaan gawai berbasis Android sebagai salah satu bentuk perkembangan teknologi telah mencapai... more Penggunaan gawai berbasis Android sebagai salah satu bentuk perkembangan teknologi telah mencapai angka 70 juta pengguna pada tahun 2017 dan 18,4% dari angka tersebut adalah pengguna di usia belajar tingkat dasar dan menengah. Potensi game edukatif berbasis gawai telah terbukti efektif dalam menunjang kegiatan belajar mengajar. Kendala yang ada adalah bagaimana menentukan aspek visual yang tepat sehingga elemen visual dalam game menjadi estetik dan fungsional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis desain antar muka (user interface) yang diterapkan dalam game edukasi. Peletakan elemen desain dalam game edukasi menjadi objek penelitian. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Hasil penelitian berupa kajian visual estetik terhadap desain antarmuka game edukasi yang selanjutnya dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dalam mendesain antar muka game edukatif

Research paper thumbnail of Reconstructing Majapahit Kingdom In Virtual Reality: Proceeding The 3rd Bandung Creative Movement (BCM) 2016

In the last decade the development of technology led us to the era of virtual reality. Virtual re... more In the last decade the development of technology led us to the era of virtual reality. Virtual reality is a computer-based technology that provides a realistic experience, interactive, or a sense of an object. Virtual reality has the ability to describe the functionality of the object thoroughly, describing the environment, enabling user to immerse and involve in the environment without physical process and and placing it at the center of user experience. The ability of virtual reality in representing environment can be used in reconstructing the Majapahit kingdom in 13-15 century AD. As one of the great kingdom, Majapahit civilization is still slightly exposed, compared to some other world civilizations. Method used in this research is histeriographic where Majapahit written literature and artifacts can be used as reference. This study is aimed to produce a Virtual Reality (VR) application which can be used as a media to reintroduce the Majapahit Kingdom to the public. Outcomes of this study is a prototype that displays simulated visual reality of Majapahit kingdom. Keywords : Virtual reality, Heritage, Majapahi

Research paper thumbnail of Visual Art Learning in Virtual Community: A Study of Collaborative Learning in Hijabographic Community

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Creative Media, Design and Technology (REKA 2018), 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Interaction of Visual Arts Learning in a Virtual Community

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancement Strategies for Visual Arts Online Learning through Community of Inquiry

AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan

The demands and the need to be able to learn various cutting-edge techniques and media in the cre... more The demands and the need to be able to learn various cutting-edge techniques and media in the creation of visual arts, require students to be able to absorb a number of information combined with an intuitive understanding of things that are relevant in every situation. Amidst the COVID-19 global pandemic, various virtual learning communities initiated a trend of visual arts learning. This study aims to reveal the online Community of Inquiry (hereinafter, CoI) learning model that takes place in virtual learning communities in Indonesia. The method of the investigation was a qualitative virtual ethnography approach involving 24 members from two virtual learning communities in Indonesia. Understanding their learning experience was achieved through interviews, participatory observation, and assessment of the participants’ artworks that had been produced during the learning process. Results revealed that the experience of creating visual arts through an online community of inquiry learni...

Research paper thumbnail of Illustration Artworks of Hijabographic: Visual Expressions in Virtual Learning Community

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Science, Education and Technology, ISET 2019, 29th June 2019, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Visual Destination Branding dan Aplikasinya pada Berbagai Media Promosi Kawasan Wisata Bandungan Kabupaten Semarang

Bandungan adalah sebuah kecamatan yang terletak di selatan Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah yang k... more Bandungan adalah sebuah kecamatan yang terletak di selatan Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah yang kaya akan potensi pariwisata. Namun, sejak tahun 1970an, Bandungan dikenal oleh masyarakat di kawasan Semarang dan sekitarnya sebagai destinasi yang terkenal dengan keberadaan hotel dan karaoke yang dekat dengan kehidupan malam. Stigma negatif Bandungan sebagai destinasi wisata malam masih melekat di benak sebagian besar masyarakat yang mengenal Bandungan sejak beberapa dekadu lalu. Pemerintah dan paguyuban pengelola wisata di kawasan Bandungan menyadari kebutuhan kawasan ini akan adanya visual destination branding yang dapat memunculkan citra dan merefleksikan nilai-nilai yang dimiliki Bandungan serta harapan dari masyarakatnya. Artikel ini memaparkan hasil perancangan visual destination branding dan aplikasi pada berbagai media promosi. Metode perancangan yang digunakan dilakukan melalui tiga tahap yaitu tahap pra produksi, produksi dan pasca produksi. Kegiatan perancangan dan pengemban...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Game Simulasi Tari Kreasi Khas Semarangan dengan Memanfaatkan Sensor Gerak (Motion Capture)

Pengembangangan game simulasi tari kreasi khas Semarangan ini dilatarbelakangi oleh semakin menur... more Pengembangangan game simulasi tari kreasi khas Semarangan ini dilatarbelakangi oleh semakin menurunnya minat dan pengetahuan remaja mengenai kesenian tradisional seperti tari, namun di sisi lain animo remaja pada produk aplikasi game tari (dance game) seperti Pump It Up, Dance Dance Revolution dan Danz Base yang dikembangkan oleh game developer Asing semakin tinggi. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan mengadaptasi pendekatan Research and Development (R & D.) Kegiatan penelitian dimulai dengan memetakan kebutuhan dari aspek teknologi dan aspek visual. Aspek teknologi mencakup teknologi motion capture (sensor gerak) yang dijadikan sebagai dasar untuk mengembangkan game simulasi tari khas Semarangan, sedangkan aspek visual adalah hal-hal yang terkait dengan pengembangan elemen visual dan estetis yang sesuai dengan karakter remaja. Target dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah aplikasi simulasi tari khas Semarangan yang menggunakan teknologi sensor gerak. Dari simulasi tersebut diharapkan mampu m...

Research paper thumbnail of The Marketing Potential of Graphic Design Products in Disruptive Era

The presence of various portal marketplaces since the last few years has driven the massive growt... more The presence of various portal marketplaces since the last few years has driven the massive growth of creative industries in Indonesia. Marketplaces portal has opened up millions of jobs for many people, including the profession as a freelance artists and designers. In the field of graphic design, a marketplace is devoted in providing various supporting needs for an audio visual display that called as a microstock. This article focuses on the development of the microstock business, its potential and challenges in the disruptive era that occurred in Indonesia. Using a case study research design, this article conducts a qualitative method. The results of the study shows that the development of the microstock business in Indonesia is influenced by many factors, including facilities, networks and changes in the pattern of the creation of graphic design works that aimed at commercial interests. Keywords graphic design, creative industry, marketplace, microstock

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Tanda dan Simulasi pada Game Nusantara Online

Game as a cultural interactive product can be understood by its idea in producing message. Nusant... more Game as a cultural interactive product can be understood by its idea in producing message. Nusantara Online is one of MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) developed by Indonesian game developer. As a game with historical theme, there are some efforts to reconstruct the classical Majapahit social life. Through virtual comodity offered by game, the value and naration of the history potentially change. This research is aimed to analyse the signs that build a system presenting reality and simulation in the game. In the context of hypersemiotics, the fussion of reality and non reality is a result of sign using that creates hypereality (hypersigns). Identification of hypersigns explained in simulation frame of character, environment, space and time. Some aspects related to the background of simulation explained in logic of simulation. As the result of this research found the signs that construct visual element of this game are a system that makes player exist in a virtu...

Research paper thumbnail of “The Explorer”: Introducing The Potential of <i>Kota Lama</i> Semarang through Mobile Game

Advances in biological sciences research, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Representasi Pribumi dalam Film Bumi Manusia (Kajian Semiotika Saussure)

Journal of Computer Science and Visual Communication Design

Bumi Manusia is one of Hanung Bramantyo's films that managed to attract the attention of Indo... more Bumi Manusia is one of Hanung Bramantyo's films that managed to attract the attention of Indonesian audiences because apart from being based on a historical novel written by a famous writer, namely Pramoedya Ananta Toer, this film also tells about the life of the Indigenous people in the colonial era. This study aims to provide knowledge and understanding of Indigenous Representation using Saussure's Semiotic Analysis Model. The representation approach used is a constructionist approach used in the process through the language used. The method used in this study is qualitative with a descriptive approach, describing, explaining, and representing the object of research based on existing facts or evidence. The data analysis technique used is Saussure's semiotic approach with the concept, Signifier and Signified as well as Langue and Parole. The results of the analysis of this film represent that the natives are a nation that is useless, lazy, stupid, unprofitable, worthy o...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Twitter User Responses to the Aqua Billboards Series #DiRumahAJa

CHANNEL: Jurnal Komunikasi

Research paper thumbnail of Multimedia Interaktif Mengenal Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia

Journal of Animation and Games Studies

Research paper thumbnail of Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Visual Berbentuk Permainan Ular Tangga Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Belajar Mengajar DI Sekolah Dasar

Lembaran Ilmu Kependidikan, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Portal Portofolio : Media Alternatif Untuk Menjembatani Kebutuhan Lembaga Pendidikan DKV Dan Industri

Imajinasi : Jurnal Seni, Jul 1, 2014


SANDI : Seminar Nasional Desain, Feb 14, 2021


Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ Usia dini merupakan u... more Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ Usia dini merupakan usia yang sangat penting bagi perkembangan anak sehingga disebut golden age (lima tahun pertama). Pada usia ini sebaiknya mendapatkan pendidikan yang dapat menuntun mereka ke kehidupan yang akan datang. Dalam pertimbangan di atas, pengenalan huruf dan angka merupakan sesuatu yang sangat penting bagi anak-anak sebagai perantara untuk lebih mengenal benda di sekitarnya. Salah satu cara yang cukup diminati oleh guru yaitu mengajar dengan menggunakan komputer karena dapat menjadikan anak berminat dan menggugah rasa ingin tahu serta pembelajaran tidak cepat membosankan. Proyek studi ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan Media Belajar Interaktif mengenai pengenalan angka dan huruf. Multimedia Pembelajaran Interaktif ini dapat digunakan oleh anak Taman Kanak-Kanak sebagai salah satu media untuk belajar yang dapat dilakukan secara mandiri melalui alat bantu komputer. Selain itu, Multimedia Perancangan...

Research paper thumbnail of Visual Communication Design Learning in Educational Institution: Has It Been Disrupted?

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Citra Kuliner Lokal Iklan Kecap Bango Seri Meat Diagram: Kajian Semiotika Peirce

ORASI: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Desain Antarmuka (User Interface) pada Game Edukasi

Penggunaan gawai berbasis Android sebagai salah satu bentuk perkembangan teknologi telah mencapai... more Penggunaan gawai berbasis Android sebagai salah satu bentuk perkembangan teknologi telah mencapai angka 70 juta pengguna pada tahun 2017 dan 18,4% dari angka tersebut adalah pengguna di usia belajar tingkat dasar dan menengah. Potensi game edukatif berbasis gawai telah terbukti efektif dalam menunjang kegiatan belajar mengajar. Kendala yang ada adalah bagaimana menentukan aspek visual yang tepat sehingga elemen visual dalam game menjadi estetik dan fungsional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis desain antar muka (user interface) yang diterapkan dalam game edukasi. Peletakan elemen desain dalam game edukasi menjadi objek penelitian. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Hasil penelitian berupa kajian visual estetik terhadap desain antarmuka game edukasi yang selanjutnya dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dalam mendesain antar muka game edukatif

Research paper thumbnail of Reconstructing Majapahit Kingdom In Virtual Reality: Proceeding The 3rd Bandung Creative Movement (BCM) 2016

In the last decade the development of technology led us to the era of virtual reality. Virtual re... more In the last decade the development of technology led us to the era of virtual reality. Virtual reality is a computer-based technology that provides a realistic experience, interactive, or a sense of an object. Virtual reality has the ability to describe the functionality of the object thoroughly, describing the environment, enabling user to immerse and involve in the environment without physical process and and placing it at the center of user experience. The ability of virtual reality in representing environment can be used in reconstructing the Majapahit kingdom in 13-15 century AD. As one of the great kingdom, Majapahit civilization is still slightly exposed, compared to some other world civilizations. Method used in this research is histeriographic where Majapahit written literature and artifacts can be used as reference. This study is aimed to produce a Virtual Reality (VR) application which can be used as a media to reintroduce the Majapahit Kingdom to the public. Outcomes of this study is a prototype that displays simulated visual reality of Majapahit kingdom. Keywords : Virtual reality, Heritage, Majapahi

Research paper thumbnail of Visual Art Learning in Virtual Community: A Study of Collaborative Learning in Hijabographic Community

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Creative Media, Design and Technology (REKA 2018), 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Interaction of Visual Arts Learning in a Virtual Community

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancement Strategies for Visual Arts Online Learning through Community of Inquiry

AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan

The demands and the need to be able to learn various cutting-edge techniques and media in the cre... more The demands and the need to be able to learn various cutting-edge techniques and media in the creation of visual arts, require students to be able to absorb a number of information combined with an intuitive understanding of things that are relevant in every situation. Amidst the COVID-19 global pandemic, various virtual learning communities initiated a trend of visual arts learning. This study aims to reveal the online Community of Inquiry (hereinafter, CoI) learning model that takes place in virtual learning communities in Indonesia. The method of the investigation was a qualitative virtual ethnography approach involving 24 members from two virtual learning communities in Indonesia. Understanding their learning experience was achieved through interviews, participatory observation, and assessment of the participants’ artworks that had been produced during the learning process. Results revealed that the experience of creating visual arts through an online community of inquiry learni...

Research paper thumbnail of Illustration Artworks of Hijabographic: Visual Expressions in Virtual Learning Community

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Science, Education and Technology, ISET 2019, 29th June 2019, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Visual Destination Branding dan Aplikasinya pada Berbagai Media Promosi Kawasan Wisata Bandungan Kabupaten Semarang

Bandungan adalah sebuah kecamatan yang terletak di selatan Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah yang k... more Bandungan adalah sebuah kecamatan yang terletak di selatan Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah yang kaya akan potensi pariwisata. Namun, sejak tahun 1970an, Bandungan dikenal oleh masyarakat di kawasan Semarang dan sekitarnya sebagai destinasi yang terkenal dengan keberadaan hotel dan karaoke yang dekat dengan kehidupan malam. Stigma negatif Bandungan sebagai destinasi wisata malam masih melekat di benak sebagian besar masyarakat yang mengenal Bandungan sejak beberapa dekadu lalu. Pemerintah dan paguyuban pengelola wisata di kawasan Bandungan menyadari kebutuhan kawasan ini akan adanya visual destination branding yang dapat memunculkan citra dan merefleksikan nilai-nilai yang dimiliki Bandungan serta harapan dari masyarakatnya. Artikel ini memaparkan hasil perancangan visual destination branding dan aplikasi pada berbagai media promosi. Metode perancangan yang digunakan dilakukan melalui tiga tahap yaitu tahap pra produksi, produksi dan pasca produksi. Kegiatan perancangan dan pengemban...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Game Simulasi Tari Kreasi Khas Semarangan dengan Memanfaatkan Sensor Gerak (Motion Capture)

Pengembangangan game simulasi tari kreasi khas Semarangan ini dilatarbelakangi oleh semakin menur... more Pengembangangan game simulasi tari kreasi khas Semarangan ini dilatarbelakangi oleh semakin menurunnya minat dan pengetahuan remaja mengenai kesenian tradisional seperti tari, namun di sisi lain animo remaja pada produk aplikasi game tari (dance game) seperti Pump It Up, Dance Dance Revolution dan Danz Base yang dikembangkan oleh game developer Asing semakin tinggi. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan mengadaptasi pendekatan Research and Development (R & D.) Kegiatan penelitian dimulai dengan memetakan kebutuhan dari aspek teknologi dan aspek visual. Aspek teknologi mencakup teknologi motion capture (sensor gerak) yang dijadikan sebagai dasar untuk mengembangkan game simulasi tari khas Semarangan, sedangkan aspek visual adalah hal-hal yang terkait dengan pengembangan elemen visual dan estetis yang sesuai dengan karakter remaja. Target dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah aplikasi simulasi tari khas Semarangan yang menggunakan teknologi sensor gerak. Dari simulasi tersebut diharapkan mampu m...

Research paper thumbnail of The Marketing Potential of Graphic Design Products in Disruptive Era

The presence of various portal marketplaces since the last few years has driven the massive growt... more The presence of various portal marketplaces since the last few years has driven the massive growth of creative industries in Indonesia. Marketplaces portal has opened up millions of jobs for many people, including the profession as a freelance artists and designers. In the field of graphic design, a marketplace is devoted in providing various supporting needs for an audio visual display that called as a microstock. This article focuses on the development of the microstock business, its potential and challenges in the disruptive era that occurred in Indonesia. Using a case study research design, this article conducts a qualitative method. The results of the study shows that the development of the microstock business in Indonesia is influenced by many factors, including facilities, networks and changes in the pattern of the creation of graphic design works that aimed at commercial interests. Keywords graphic design, creative industry, marketplace, microstock

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Tanda dan Simulasi pada Game Nusantara Online

Game as a cultural interactive product can be understood by its idea in producing message. Nusant... more Game as a cultural interactive product can be understood by its idea in producing message. Nusantara Online is one of MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) developed by Indonesian game developer. As a game with historical theme, there are some efforts to reconstruct the classical Majapahit social life. Through virtual comodity offered by game, the value and naration of the history potentially change. This research is aimed to analyse the signs that build a system presenting reality and simulation in the game. In the context of hypersemiotics, the fussion of reality and non reality is a result of sign using that creates hypereality (hypersigns). Identification of hypersigns explained in simulation frame of character, environment, space and time. Some aspects related to the background of simulation explained in logic of simulation. As the result of this research found the signs that construct visual element of this game are a system that makes player exist in a virtu...

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the Potential of Local Culture Wisdom as an Effort to Build Destination Branding of Kampung Pelangi Semarang

Semarang as the capital city of Central Java has various tourism potentials. Semarang City Govern... more Semarang as the capital city of Central Java has various tourism potentials. Semarang City Government recognizes this potential and seeks to expose new tourism destinations to increase the number of tourists coming to Semarang. One of them is Kampung Pelangi. As a new destination projected to become one of the iconic locations in Semarang, the Government needs to formulate a strategy for Kampung Pelangi to provide a different value to the existing residential tourist trends in different regions of Indonesia. This study aims to explain how the destination branding strategy can be pursued by the Government to explore the potential owned by Kampung Pelangi. The result of the research is recommendation of strategy determination stage which can be done by Semarang City Government and society in Kampung Pelangi area to make the settlement as a superior tourist destination for long period of time.