Ayu Prawesti | University of Padjadjaran (UNPAD) (original) (raw)

Papers by Ayu Prawesti

Research paper thumbnail of Factors Associated with Nurses’ Self-Efficacy in Applying Palliative Care in Intensive Care Unit

Jurnal Ners, 2019

Introduction: The increasing need for palliative care (PC) in the intensive care unit (ICU) is ch... more Introduction: The increasing need for palliative care (PC) in the intensive care unit (ICU) is characterised by an increasing number of patients with critical and terminals conditions. It requires comprehensive treatment of nurses, through PC. Self-efficacy is a major predictor that affects the application of PC in ICU. Therefore, nurses need to have high self-efficacy to provide quality PC for patients and their families. This study aimed to analyse the factors that dominant relates to nurses' self-efficacy in implementing of providing PC in ICU.Methods: This research was correlational research with cross-sectional survey design. The sampling technique used was total sampling, which involved 127 critical nurses who were actively working at a general hospital in Bandung, Indonesia. Data were collected using questionnaires. Bivariate analysis using Pearson correlation and Rank-Spearman test and multivariate analysis using linear regression.Results: The results showed that the maj...

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor yang Memengaruhi Kualitas Hidup Pasien Paska Bedah Pintas Arteri Koroner

Jurnal Kesehatan, 2021

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) is aimed to improve the quality of life among post-CABG pa... more Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) is aimed to improve the quality of life among post-CABG patients, there exist a large number of patients having a low level of quality of life. The study aimed to analyze factors that influenced the quality of life among post-CABG patients. The descriptive study was conducted using cross-sectional analysis with a consecutive sampling of 80 post CABG patients in Hasan Sadikin Hospital from 20 May-30 June 2019. Data were analyzed using multivariate linear regression. The independent variables in this study included age, gender, education level, pain, mental health, social support, spiritual well-being, and cardiac rehabilitation. The data were collected using three questionnaires which included Short-Form 36 (SF-36) to measure patient-reported pain, mental health, and the quality of life; Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) to provide information about the role of social support; and Spirituality Index of Well Being (SIWB) ...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Pemerintah Spanyol Dalam Menghadapi Sengketa Wilayah Gibraltar Dengan Inggris Pada Tahun 2013-2017

Penelitian ini akan menganalisa tentang sikap dan strategi yang dilakukan oleh Spanyol dalam meng... more Penelitian ini akan menganalisa tentang sikap dan strategi yang dilakukan oleh Spanyol dalam menghadapi Inggris di sengketa wilayah Gibraltar. Negara kecil yang merupakan kedaulatan Kerajaan Inggris ini memiliki banyak sekali nilai ekonomi. Salah satu penunjang sektor ekonomi Gibraltar adalah letak wilayahnya yang sangat strategis, yaitu berada di titik masuk laut Mediterania. Hal ini membuat pelabuhan di Gibraltar menjadi pelabuhan besar di dunia dan banyak dilewati jalur perdagangan negara-negara Eropa. Selain itu, pariwisata yang dimiliki oleh Gibraltar juga meyumbang angka besar bagi perekonomian wilayahnya bahkan berdampak besar bagi Uni Eropa. Faktor tersebut merupakan dasar yang menjadi perebutan kembali Gibraltar oleh Spanyol. Perselisihan ini diawali dengan perpindahan kekuasaan atas Gibraltar dari Spanyol ke Inggris pada tahun 1713 melalui perjanjian Utrecht. Konflik antara Spanyol, Gibraltar dan Inggris ini berlangsung selama ratusan tahun dan masih belum terselesaikan hi...

Research paper thumbnail of Factors Analysis The Cause Of The Incident Of The Contipation Among Stroke Patiens In The Ward At The RSUP Hasan Sadikin Bandung

Incidence of stroke in Indonesia even in the world is increasing constantly. The incidence of str... more Incidence of stroke in Indonesia even in the world is increasing constantly. The incidence of stroke was followed by complications during hospitalized, given the long period of stroke recovery and mostly paralyzed / physical disability. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that cause the occurrence of constipation in patients with stroke. Research design was analytic-correlation with cross-sectional. The sample was 40 stroke patients treated in the department of neurology Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung, taken by consecutive sampling. Data analysis was using the chi square test and multiple logistic regressions. The results showed that stroke patients admitted to the neurological mostly aged between 51-70 years old. The majority (60%) had constipation. Dietary fiber intake in the majority of stroke patients (70%) was in poor condition. Consumption of liquid fraction of stroke patients was in poor condition (30%). Exercise in bed most of the stroke patients (85%) were in t...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Struktur Mikro Wacana Iklan “Biro Jodoh” Pada Koran Kompas Minggu

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan struktur mikro wacana yang terdapat di dalam wacan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan struktur mikro wacana yang terdapat di dalam wacana iklan biro jodoh koran Kompas Minggu. Subjek penelitian ini adalah iklan biro jodoh yang terdapat di dalam surat kabar nasional Kompas edisi hari minggu, periode bulan Desember 2010 sampai Februari 2011. Iklan “Biro Jodoh” koran Kompas Minggu ini ada di dalam rubrik yang namanya “Pertemuan”. Objek penelitiannya yaitu struktur mikro wacana(struktur mikro semantik, sintaksis, leksikon, dan retorika) serta penggunaan struktur mikro yang ada di dalam iklan biro jodoh koran Kompas Minggu. Data diperoleh dengan metode simak dan metode sadap dengan teknik lanjutan, tekniknya adalah simak bebas libat cakap (SBLC) dan teknik catat. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode padan dengan teknik padan ortografis dan padan referensial, serta metode distribusional (metode agih). Keabsahan data secara intrarater diperoleh melalui ketekunan pengamatan wacana iklan “Biro Jo...

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kompetensi Perawat Puskesmas Dalam Penanganan Tanggap Darurat Kasus Henti Jantung Sebagai Upaya Menurunkan Angka Mortalitas Pada Tatanan Pra Hospital Melalui Pelatihan Resusitasi Jantung Paru DI Kabupaten Pangandaran

Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement, 2017

Terdapat banyak kejadian henti jantung di masyarakat yang tidak dapat diselamatkan karena tidak m... more Terdapat banyak kejadian henti jantung di masyarakat yang tidak dapat diselamatkan karena tidak mendapatkan tindakan yang tepat dan cepat akibat ketidaktahuan dan ketidakmampuan perawat puskesmas untuk memberikan tindakan tanggap darurat resusitasi jantung paru.. Tindakan resusitasi jantung paru (RJP) merupakan tindakan utama pada henti jantung dan henti napas, yang dapat meningkatkan harapan hidup.Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam pelaksanaan program ini adalah Meningkatnya kemampuan perawat puskesmas dalam melakukan tindakan resusitasi jantung paru. Target khusus kegiatan adalah Meningkatnya kemampuan perawat puskesmas tentang kemampuan melakukan resusitasi jantung paru dengan pedoman terbaru. dan terselenggaranya program pelatihan yang terstruktur mengenai resusitasi jantung paru pada perawat puskesmas secara berkesinambungan. Solusi yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan adalah dilakukannya pelatihan Resusitasi Jantung Paru (RJP) kepada perawat Puskesmas. Kegiatan pelatihan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kualitas Tidur Pasien Di Ruang Intensif

Perawatan di ruang intensif sering menimbulkan pengalaman negatif yang akan menjadi pengalaman kh... more Perawatan di ruang intensif sering menimbulkan pengalaman negatif yang akan menjadi pengalaman khusus bagi pasien. Pengalaman negatif yang sering dialami oleh pasien adalah gangguan tidur.Gangguan tidur pada pasien kritis dapat menimbulkan berbagai dampak yang serius bagi pasien. Literature review ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kualitas tidur pasien di ruang perawatan intensif.Berdasarkan review, penulis menemukan 4 faktor utama yang mempengaruhi kualitas tidur pasien yaitu faktor pasien, lingkungan, tindakan keperawatan pada malam haridan medikasi. Treatment in intensive care often lead to negative experiences that will be a special experience for the patient. Negative experiences are experienced by patients is sleepd is order. Sleepd is ordersin critically patient scan cause a variety of serious consequences for the patient. This literature reviewaimed to identify many factors associated with sleep quality of patients in intensive care. Based ...

Research paper thumbnail of Attitude and Knowledge of Elementary School Teachers Towards First Aid on Emergency Condition in Children

Background. Emergency condition in school often was met in elementary school. Cases of accidents ... more Background. Emergency condition in school often was met in elementary school. Cases of accidents that often occur in school-age children included falling wounds, bleeding, fractures, and choking. Teachers had fully responsible for the safety of elementary school children. The teachers should been ready and able to give first aid on emergency incident. Assessment of teachers’ knowledge attitude was important to predict teachers’ intention and behavior of first aid. Objectives. The objective of this research was to assess the knowledge and attitude of elementary school teachers toward first aid on emergency condition in children. Methods. This cross-sectional study was conducted among teachers in Elementary School X in Jatinangor. This research was quantitative descriptive study. A total of 33 self-administered School Staff First Aid Knowledge (SSFAKT) questionnaire and attitude questionnaire were filled by teachers by total sampling. This questionnaire has been assessed its validity ...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Deskriptif Kualitas Hidup Pasien Epilepsi pada Anak Usia Sekolah dan Remaja

DESCRIPTIVE STUDY ABOUT QUALITY OF LIFE IN SCHOOL AGE AND ADOLESCENT WITH EPILEPSY ABSTRACT Epil... more DESCRIPTIVE STUDY ABOUT QUALITY OF LIFE IN SCHOOL AGE AND ADOLESCENT WITH EPILEPSY ABSTRACT Epilepsy is Chronic Neurological disease which have impact in various aspects of life, such as disruption of growth, cognitive function, psychosocial aspects, inhibit of daily activities, and the risk of death which can affect quality of life patients. Consider that the risk of anxiety and depression most occured in patients which have low quality of life. The aim of this study to describe about quality of life in children and adolescent with epilepsy at one of Lv.II hospital in Cimahi. Design of this study used quantitative descriptive with sampling technique used non problability consecutive sampling. Total of sample is 40 respondent aged 8-18 years old which devided by school age (n=4) and adolescent (n=36).The instrument of this study used QOLIE-AD-48 to identify 8 dimensions related to the quality of life in people with epilepsy (PWE), with analyzing technique descriptive data statistic...

Research paper thumbnail of Gambaran Faktor Risiko Sepsis Neonatorum Berdasarkan Waktu Kejadian di Ruang NICU RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung

Sepsis neonatal adalah penyebab utama kematian pada neonatus. Diagnosis awal sepsis sering sulit ... more Sepsis neonatal adalah penyebab utama kematian pada neonatus. Diagnosis awal sepsis sering sulit ditentukan karena faktor risiko klinis dan gejala klinis pada Sepsis Neonatorum Awitan Dini (SNAD) dan Sepsis Neonatorum Awitan Lanjut (SNAL) sangat beragam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan faktor risiko sepsis neonatal berdasarkan waktu insidensi di ruang NICU Rumah Sakit Dr.Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Penelitian deskriptif ini menggunakan pendekatan retrospektif yang mengidentifikasi 92 rekam medik dari Januari 2014-Desember 2017 menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan kriteria inklusi rekam medis neonatal dengan sepsis neonatus yang masuk ke RS Dr.Hasan Sadikin Bandung kurang dari 24 jam setelah lahir. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis univariat dengan distribusi frekuensi. Hasilnya adalah SNAD (59,80%) dan SNAL (40,20%). Faktor risiko pada SNAD seperti jenis kelamin laki-laki (69,10%), prematuritas (74,10%), berat lahir rendah (70,90%), memiliki penyakit pemicu (41,80%...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Akuntansi Piutang Usaha Dan Penyisihanpiutang Pada Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (Pdam)Kabupaten Wonogiri

Semakin lama kebutuhan akan air bersih dalam masyarakat semakin meningkat. Oleh karena itu dengan... more Semakin lama kebutuhan akan air bersih dalam masyarakat semakin meningkat. Oleh karena itu dengan sumber daya yang ada, PDAM Kabupaten Wonogiri berupaya semaksimal mungkin untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih secara kuantitas, kualitas, dan kontinuitas kepada masyarakat terutama di Kabupaten Wonogiri. Kegiatan penjualan air bersih dilakukan secara kredit yaitu pelanggan menikmati jasa penjualan air terlebih dahulu untuk ditagih pada bulan berikutnya sebesar meter air yang telah digunakan, sehingga piutang yang timbul dalam PDAM Kabupaten Wonogiri cukup besar. Maka dari itu, perlu dilakukan pencatatan piutang usaha secara tepat agar piutang usaha yang dilaporkan dalam neraca benar-benar menunjukkan nilai yang dimiliki. Akuntansi piutang usaha yang diterapkan PDAM Kabupaten Wonogiri memiliki beberapa kelebihan dan kelemahan. Kelebihannya antara lain pencatatan untuk mengakui piutang rekening air dan penerimaan kas sudah tepat sesuai dengan Prinsip Akuntansi Berterima Umum, perhitungan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengalaman Psikologis Pasien Infark Miokard Akut Selama Dirawat DI Ruang Intensif

Infark Miokard merupakan salah satu penyakit terminal yang memerlukan perawatan intensif. Perawat... more Infark Miokard merupakan salah satu penyakit terminal yang memerlukan perawatan intensif. Perawataan intensif yang diperlukan harus holistik, mencakup bio psiko sosial dan spiritual. Psikologis infark miokard harus selalu diperhatikan, karena salah satu penyebab infark miokard adalah dari psikologis atau dikenal dengan stress. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengalaman pasien infark miokard akut yang menjalani perawatan di ruang intensif. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan phenomenology yang dilakukan di salah satu rumah sakit di Bandung periode Juni-Juli 2013. Jumlah informan 10 orang pasien infrak miokard akut yang pada saat dilakukan wawancara sudah dalam perbaikan killip I dan II yang diambil secara purposive sampling, dirawat di ruang intensif dan kondisinya telah stabil. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam kemudian dianalisa menggunakan content analysis dari Hancoch. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 3 tema penelitan yaitu se...

Research paper thumbnail of Smoking Behavior and the Use of Cigarette Types Among University Student

Journal of Educational and Social Research

The number of smokers is increasing every year in Indonesia. Cigarettes can cause several health ... more The number of smokers is increasing every year in Indonesia. Cigarettes can cause several health problems and can even cause death. Aside from conventional cigarettes, e-cigarettes and shisha are starting to get the spotlight. The types of cigarettes include conventional cigarettes, electric cigarettes and shisha can cause health problems to both smokers and the people around them. The purpose of this study was to determine smoking behavior and the use of cigarette types in students. This research was quantitative descriptive. The population in this study were students who have smoked either the conventional, electric or shisha. The sampling technique used was accidental sampling with 384 students as the samples. The instrument in this study used a questionnaire that was independently developed by researchers with a total of 14 questions. The results of the data obtained were then analyzed using descriptive analysis presented in the form of a percentage. Based on the results of the ...

Research paper thumbnail of The relationship between nurses' knowledge and self-confidence in implementing palliative care in an intensive care unit

International Journal of Palliative Nursing

Background: This quantitative study aimed to analyse the relationship between knowledge and nurse... more Background: This quantitative study aimed to analyse the relationship between knowledge and nurses' self-confidence (or self-efficacy) in applying palliative care (PC) in the intensive care unit (ICU). This study was a correlational study with a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique used was total sampling, and the sample included all nurses who were actively working at the general hospital in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, during the study. There were 127 people in total. Data were collected using questionnaires. The Pearson correlation test was used for bivariate analysis. The results of univariate analysis showed that the majority of respondents had high self-confidence but had less knowledge related to PC in the ICU. Based on the results of the bivariate analysis, there was a significant relationship between knowledge and self-confidence variables. The results showed that a high number of respondents had less knowledge in implementing PC in the ICU. Therefore, fam...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Manajemen Bencana Bagi Anggota Padjadjaran Nursing Corps (PNC)


The high and varied disasters occur in Indonesia, requiring the government and the whole communit... more The high and varied disasters occur in Indonesia, requiring the government and the whole community to be ready for disaster. In the Faculty of Nursing Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad), there is a group of students who do extracurricular activities to provide health aid called PNC. Training needs to be done to enhance the role of PNC as well as increasing the participation of students in the disaster relief program. This training resulted in increased knowledge and attitudes of PNC members on disaster management, and also increased the knowledge and attitude related to the role and function of students in disaster management effort. In addition, other additional results related to the effectiveness of training methods for PNC members successfully obtained. The methods compared were lecture and discussion (LD) compared with LD plus simulation and FGD methods. It is measured by using the quasi experimental method with pretest-posttest control group design. Data analysis used Mann Whitney test. The result showed that there was no difference in knowledge and attitude (p = 1,000) in both treatment groups (p = 0,424). Which means that there was no difference between LD method and LD plus simulation and FGD method. Keywords: Training, Disaster Management, Padjadjaran Nursing Corps (PNC)

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Prone and Supine Nesting Positions on Changes of Oxygen Saturation and Weight in Premature Babies

Jurnal Ners

Introduction: Stress experienced by the baby will affect the body’s function by increasing the bo... more Introduction: Stress experienced by the baby will affect the body’s function by increasing the body’s metabolism. Nesting is used to reduce stress in premature babies. Nesting can be done in a supine or prone position. Few studies have examined the effects of body position on body weight and oxygen saturation. The objective of the study was to determine the difference in oxygen saturation and weight change on the use of nesting in the prone and supine positions in premature babies.Methods: The research used a quasi-experimental design. The sample consisted of 30 premature babies, which was obtained using a consecutive sample technique. The independent variables were nesting positioning (supine and prone), and the dependent variables were oxygen saturation and body weight. The data of oxygen saturation and the baby’s weight were collected using pulse oximetry; the baby’s weight scale used observation sheets. The data was analysed using the t-test, Wilcoxon Sign Ranks Test, and Mann W...

Research paper thumbnail of Improvement of Nurse Competence in Puskesmas In Handling Emergency Response to Cardiac arrest case for Reduce Mortality Rate In Pre Hospital Order Through Training   Pulmonary Heart Resuscitation In Pangandaran District

Jurnal Keperawatan

There are many cardiac arrest events in the community that can not be saved because they do not g... more There are many cardiac arrest events in the community that can not be saved because they do not get the right and quick action due to the ignorance and the inability of the nurses of the puskesmas to provide emergency response to cardiac pulmonary resuscitation. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is the main action in cardiac arrest and stop breath, which can increase life expectation. Goal to be achieved in the implementation of this program is increased ability of nurse puskesmas in performing action of heart resuscitation of lung. The specific targets of the activities are the increased ability of health center nurses on the ability to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation with the latest guidelines and the implementation of a structured training program on pulmonary cardiac resuscitation at community health center nurses on an ongoing basis. Solutions offered to overcome the problem is the training of Lung Heart Resuscitation (RJP) to nurses Puskesmas. Training activities condu...

Research paper thumbnail of Description of the Process of Grieving and Depression in Patient with Coronary Hearth Disease in the Intensive Room

Padjadjaran Acute Care Nursing Journal

Background: The process of grieving and depression can affect the treatment process and the condi... more Background: The process of grieving and depression can affect the treatment process and the condition of patients with coronary heart disease. The process experienced by the patient can be uncomplicated grief, complicated grief and depression. It is important to distinguish between uncomplicated grief, complicated grief and depression in response to normal and healthy loss and with response to the stresses of personal disorders that require more intensive intervention. The nurse is responsible for helping the patient go through the grieving process so as to prevent the adverse effects on the patient, so that the grieving and depression process are needed to determine the problems and to plan the nursing treatment.Objective: This study aimed to identify the process of grieving and depression in patients with coronary heart disease in the Intensive Room of Hospital Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung.Methods: This research method was quantitative descriptive. The study population of patients wi...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Factors Affecting the Weaning of Mechanical Ventilation at ICU RSUD Prof.Dr.Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto

Padjadjaran Acute Care Nursing Journal

The weaning of mechanical ventilation is a complex process and depends on many factors. The failu... more The weaning of mechanical ventilation is a complex process and depends on many factors. The failure to wean mechanical ventilation may lead to prolonged duration of mechanical ventilation, which may increase the risk of ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP), morbidity, mortality, increased hospital costs and lower quality of hospital services. In the year 2016, in ICU RSUD Prof.Dr.Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto, in average there is a 20% failure of mechanical ventilation, if not followed up will adversely affect the patient. Factors investigated in this study included patient, nurses, collaboration and organization. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that affect implementation of the weaning of mechanical ventilation in ICU Room Prof.Dr.Margono Soekarjo General Hospital Purwokerto.The method used in this research was descriptive quantitative analytic design with cross sectional approach on 47 mechanical ventilation weaning activities. The sample selection was conducted...

Research paper thumbnail of Perceived Facilitators to Preventing Pressure Ulcer among Intensive Care Unit Nurses

KnE Life Sciences

Background: Pressure ulcer or pressure injury is one of the complications of immobility patients ... more Background: Pressure ulcer or pressure injury is one of the complications of immobility patients in the intensive care unit. Nurses play an important role in pressure ulcer prevention. Actual factors like facilitators to preventing pressure ulcers can affect nurses’ behavior to prevent pressure ulcers. Objectives: The objective of this study was to identify nurses’ perceived facilitating factors that affected pressure ulcer prevention in the intensive care unit. Methods: A cross-sectional and quantitative descriptive study design was used to collect data. This study was conducted among nurses working in the intensive care unit in one hospital in West Java. Seventy nurses participated in this study. The facilitator factors questionnaire and information form were used to identify what factors affected pressure ulcer prevention among intensive nurses. Data were analyzed by a computer program using frequency distributive and cross-tabulation. Results: From the total sample size, 68.6% (...

Research paper thumbnail of Factors Associated with Nurses’ Self-Efficacy in Applying Palliative Care in Intensive Care Unit

Jurnal Ners, 2019

Introduction: The increasing need for palliative care (PC) in the intensive care unit (ICU) is ch... more Introduction: The increasing need for palliative care (PC) in the intensive care unit (ICU) is characterised by an increasing number of patients with critical and terminals conditions. It requires comprehensive treatment of nurses, through PC. Self-efficacy is a major predictor that affects the application of PC in ICU. Therefore, nurses need to have high self-efficacy to provide quality PC for patients and their families. This study aimed to analyse the factors that dominant relates to nurses' self-efficacy in implementing of providing PC in ICU.Methods: This research was correlational research with cross-sectional survey design. The sampling technique used was total sampling, which involved 127 critical nurses who were actively working at a general hospital in Bandung, Indonesia. Data were collected using questionnaires. Bivariate analysis using Pearson correlation and Rank-Spearman test and multivariate analysis using linear regression.Results: The results showed that the maj...

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor yang Memengaruhi Kualitas Hidup Pasien Paska Bedah Pintas Arteri Koroner

Jurnal Kesehatan, 2021

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) is aimed to improve the quality of life among post-CABG pa... more Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) is aimed to improve the quality of life among post-CABG patients, there exist a large number of patients having a low level of quality of life. The study aimed to analyze factors that influenced the quality of life among post-CABG patients. The descriptive study was conducted using cross-sectional analysis with a consecutive sampling of 80 post CABG patients in Hasan Sadikin Hospital from 20 May-30 June 2019. Data were analyzed using multivariate linear regression. The independent variables in this study included age, gender, education level, pain, mental health, social support, spiritual well-being, and cardiac rehabilitation. The data were collected using three questionnaires which included Short-Form 36 (SF-36) to measure patient-reported pain, mental health, and the quality of life; Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) to provide information about the role of social support; and Spirituality Index of Well Being (SIWB) ...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Pemerintah Spanyol Dalam Menghadapi Sengketa Wilayah Gibraltar Dengan Inggris Pada Tahun 2013-2017

Penelitian ini akan menganalisa tentang sikap dan strategi yang dilakukan oleh Spanyol dalam meng... more Penelitian ini akan menganalisa tentang sikap dan strategi yang dilakukan oleh Spanyol dalam menghadapi Inggris di sengketa wilayah Gibraltar. Negara kecil yang merupakan kedaulatan Kerajaan Inggris ini memiliki banyak sekali nilai ekonomi. Salah satu penunjang sektor ekonomi Gibraltar adalah letak wilayahnya yang sangat strategis, yaitu berada di titik masuk laut Mediterania. Hal ini membuat pelabuhan di Gibraltar menjadi pelabuhan besar di dunia dan banyak dilewati jalur perdagangan negara-negara Eropa. Selain itu, pariwisata yang dimiliki oleh Gibraltar juga meyumbang angka besar bagi perekonomian wilayahnya bahkan berdampak besar bagi Uni Eropa. Faktor tersebut merupakan dasar yang menjadi perebutan kembali Gibraltar oleh Spanyol. Perselisihan ini diawali dengan perpindahan kekuasaan atas Gibraltar dari Spanyol ke Inggris pada tahun 1713 melalui perjanjian Utrecht. Konflik antara Spanyol, Gibraltar dan Inggris ini berlangsung selama ratusan tahun dan masih belum terselesaikan hi...

Research paper thumbnail of Factors Analysis The Cause Of The Incident Of The Contipation Among Stroke Patiens In The Ward At The RSUP Hasan Sadikin Bandung

Incidence of stroke in Indonesia even in the world is increasing constantly. The incidence of str... more Incidence of stroke in Indonesia even in the world is increasing constantly. The incidence of stroke was followed by complications during hospitalized, given the long period of stroke recovery and mostly paralyzed / physical disability. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that cause the occurrence of constipation in patients with stroke. Research design was analytic-correlation with cross-sectional. The sample was 40 stroke patients treated in the department of neurology Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung, taken by consecutive sampling. Data analysis was using the chi square test and multiple logistic regressions. The results showed that stroke patients admitted to the neurological mostly aged between 51-70 years old. The majority (60%) had constipation. Dietary fiber intake in the majority of stroke patients (70%) was in poor condition. Consumption of liquid fraction of stroke patients was in poor condition (30%). Exercise in bed most of the stroke patients (85%) were in t...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Struktur Mikro Wacana Iklan “Biro Jodoh” Pada Koran Kompas Minggu

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan struktur mikro wacana yang terdapat di dalam wacan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan struktur mikro wacana yang terdapat di dalam wacana iklan biro jodoh koran Kompas Minggu. Subjek penelitian ini adalah iklan biro jodoh yang terdapat di dalam surat kabar nasional Kompas edisi hari minggu, periode bulan Desember 2010 sampai Februari 2011. Iklan “Biro Jodoh” koran Kompas Minggu ini ada di dalam rubrik yang namanya “Pertemuan”. Objek penelitiannya yaitu struktur mikro wacana(struktur mikro semantik, sintaksis, leksikon, dan retorika) serta penggunaan struktur mikro yang ada di dalam iklan biro jodoh koran Kompas Minggu. Data diperoleh dengan metode simak dan metode sadap dengan teknik lanjutan, tekniknya adalah simak bebas libat cakap (SBLC) dan teknik catat. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode padan dengan teknik padan ortografis dan padan referensial, serta metode distribusional (metode agih). Keabsahan data secara intrarater diperoleh melalui ketekunan pengamatan wacana iklan “Biro Jo...

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kompetensi Perawat Puskesmas Dalam Penanganan Tanggap Darurat Kasus Henti Jantung Sebagai Upaya Menurunkan Angka Mortalitas Pada Tatanan Pra Hospital Melalui Pelatihan Resusitasi Jantung Paru DI Kabupaten Pangandaran

Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement, 2017

Terdapat banyak kejadian henti jantung di masyarakat yang tidak dapat diselamatkan karena tidak m... more Terdapat banyak kejadian henti jantung di masyarakat yang tidak dapat diselamatkan karena tidak mendapatkan tindakan yang tepat dan cepat akibat ketidaktahuan dan ketidakmampuan perawat puskesmas untuk memberikan tindakan tanggap darurat resusitasi jantung paru.. Tindakan resusitasi jantung paru (RJP) merupakan tindakan utama pada henti jantung dan henti napas, yang dapat meningkatkan harapan hidup.Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam pelaksanaan program ini adalah Meningkatnya kemampuan perawat puskesmas dalam melakukan tindakan resusitasi jantung paru. Target khusus kegiatan adalah Meningkatnya kemampuan perawat puskesmas tentang kemampuan melakukan resusitasi jantung paru dengan pedoman terbaru. dan terselenggaranya program pelatihan yang terstruktur mengenai resusitasi jantung paru pada perawat puskesmas secara berkesinambungan. Solusi yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan adalah dilakukannya pelatihan Resusitasi Jantung Paru (RJP) kepada perawat Puskesmas. Kegiatan pelatihan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kualitas Tidur Pasien Di Ruang Intensif

Perawatan di ruang intensif sering menimbulkan pengalaman negatif yang akan menjadi pengalaman kh... more Perawatan di ruang intensif sering menimbulkan pengalaman negatif yang akan menjadi pengalaman khusus bagi pasien. Pengalaman negatif yang sering dialami oleh pasien adalah gangguan tidur.Gangguan tidur pada pasien kritis dapat menimbulkan berbagai dampak yang serius bagi pasien. Literature review ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kualitas tidur pasien di ruang perawatan intensif.Berdasarkan review, penulis menemukan 4 faktor utama yang mempengaruhi kualitas tidur pasien yaitu faktor pasien, lingkungan, tindakan keperawatan pada malam haridan medikasi. Treatment in intensive care often lead to negative experiences that will be a special experience for the patient. Negative experiences are experienced by patients is sleepd is order. Sleepd is ordersin critically patient scan cause a variety of serious consequences for the patient. This literature reviewaimed to identify many factors associated with sleep quality of patients in intensive care. Based ...

Research paper thumbnail of Attitude and Knowledge of Elementary School Teachers Towards First Aid on Emergency Condition in Children

Background. Emergency condition in school often was met in elementary school. Cases of accidents ... more Background. Emergency condition in school often was met in elementary school. Cases of accidents that often occur in school-age children included falling wounds, bleeding, fractures, and choking. Teachers had fully responsible for the safety of elementary school children. The teachers should been ready and able to give first aid on emergency incident. Assessment of teachers’ knowledge attitude was important to predict teachers’ intention and behavior of first aid. Objectives. The objective of this research was to assess the knowledge and attitude of elementary school teachers toward first aid on emergency condition in children. Methods. This cross-sectional study was conducted among teachers in Elementary School X in Jatinangor. This research was quantitative descriptive study. A total of 33 self-administered School Staff First Aid Knowledge (SSFAKT) questionnaire and attitude questionnaire were filled by teachers by total sampling. This questionnaire has been assessed its validity ...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Deskriptif Kualitas Hidup Pasien Epilepsi pada Anak Usia Sekolah dan Remaja

DESCRIPTIVE STUDY ABOUT QUALITY OF LIFE IN SCHOOL AGE AND ADOLESCENT WITH EPILEPSY ABSTRACT Epil... more DESCRIPTIVE STUDY ABOUT QUALITY OF LIFE IN SCHOOL AGE AND ADOLESCENT WITH EPILEPSY ABSTRACT Epilepsy is Chronic Neurological disease which have impact in various aspects of life, such as disruption of growth, cognitive function, psychosocial aspects, inhibit of daily activities, and the risk of death which can affect quality of life patients. Consider that the risk of anxiety and depression most occured in patients which have low quality of life. The aim of this study to describe about quality of life in children and adolescent with epilepsy at one of Lv.II hospital in Cimahi. Design of this study used quantitative descriptive with sampling technique used non problability consecutive sampling. Total of sample is 40 respondent aged 8-18 years old which devided by school age (n=4) and adolescent (n=36).The instrument of this study used QOLIE-AD-48 to identify 8 dimensions related to the quality of life in people with epilepsy (PWE), with analyzing technique descriptive data statistic...

Research paper thumbnail of Gambaran Faktor Risiko Sepsis Neonatorum Berdasarkan Waktu Kejadian di Ruang NICU RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung

Sepsis neonatal adalah penyebab utama kematian pada neonatus. Diagnosis awal sepsis sering sulit ... more Sepsis neonatal adalah penyebab utama kematian pada neonatus. Diagnosis awal sepsis sering sulit ditentukan karena faktor risiko klinis dan gejala klinis pada Sepsis Neonatorum Awitan Dini (SNAD) dan Sepsis Neonatorum Awitan Lanjut (SNAL) sangat beragam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan faktor risiko sepsis neonatal berdasarkan waktu insidensi di ruang NICU Rumah Sakit Dr.Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Penelitian deskriptif ini menggunakan pendekatan retrospektif yang mengidentifikasi 92 rekam medik dari Januari 2014-Desember 2017 menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan kriteria inklusi rekam medis neonatal dengan sepsis neonatus yang masuk ke RS Dr.Hasan Sadikin Bandung kurang dari 24 jam setelah lahir. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis univariat dengan distribusi frekuensi. Hasilnya adalah SNAD (59,80%) dan SNAL (40,20%). Faktor risiko pada SNAD seperti jenis kelamin laki-laki (69,10%), prematuritas (74,10%), berat lahir rendah (70,90%), memiliki penyakit pemicu (41,80%...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Akuntansi Piutang Usaha Dan Penyisihanpiutang Pada Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (Pdam)Kabupaten Wonogiri

Semakin lama kebutuhan akan air bersih dalam masyarakat semakin meningkat. Oleh karena itu dengan... more Semakin lama kebutuhan akan air bersih dalam masyarakat semakin meningkat. Oleh karena itu dengan sumber daya yang ada, PDAM Kabupaten Wonogiri berupaya semaksimal mungkin untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih secara kuantitas, kualitas, dan kontinuitas kepada masyarakat terutama di Kabupaten Wonogiri. Kegiatan penjualan air bersih dilakukan secara kredit yaitu pelanggan menikmati jasa penjualan air terlebih dahulu untuk ditagih pada bulan berikutnya sebesar meter air yang telah digunakan, sehingga piutang yang timbul dalam PDAM Kabupaten Wonogiri cukup besar. Maka dari itu, perlu dilakukan pencatatan piutang usaha secara tepat agar piutang usaha yang dilaporkan dalam neraca benar-benar menunjukkan nilai yang dimiliki. Akuntansi piutang usaha yang diterapkan PDAM Kabupaten Wonogiri memiliki beberapa kelebihan dan kelemahan. Kelebihannya antara lain pencatatan untuk mengakui piutang rekening air dan penerimaan kas sudah tepat sesuai dengan Prinsip Akuntansi Berterima Umum, perhitungan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengalaman Psikologis Pasien Infark Miokard Akut Selama Dirawat DI Ruang Intensif

Infark Miokard merupakan salah satu penyakit terminal yang memerlukan perawatan intensif. Perawat... more Infark Miokard merupakan salah satu penyakit terminal yang memerlukan perawatan intensif. Perawataan intensif yang diperlukan harus holistik, mencakup bio psiko sosial dan spiritual. Psikologis infark miokard harus selalu diperhatikan, karena salah satu penyebab infark miokard adalah dari psikologis atau dikenal dengan stress. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengalaman pasien infark miokard akut yang menjalani perawatan di ruang intensif. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan phenomenology yang dilakukan di salah satu rumah sakit di Bandung periode Juni-Juli 2013. Jumlah informan 10 orang pasien infrak miokard akut yang pada saat dilakukan wawancara sudah dalam perbaikan killip I dan II yang diambil secara purposive sampling, dirawat di ruang intensif dan kondisinya telah stabil. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam kemudian dianalisa menggunakan content analysis dari Hancoch. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 3 tema penelitan yaitu se...

Research paper thumbnail of Smoking Behavior and the Use of Cigarette Types Among University Student

Journal of Educational and Social Research

The number of smokers is increasing every year in Indonesia. Cigarettes can cause several health ... more The number of smokers is increasing every year in Indonesia. Cigarettes can cause several health problems and can even cause death. Aside from conventional cigarettes, e-cigarettes and shisha are starting to get the spotlight. The types of cigarettes include conventional cigarettes, electric cigarettes and shisha can cause health problems to both smokers and the people around them. The purpose of this study was to determine smoking behavior and the use of cigarette types in students. This research was quantitative descriptive. The population in this study were students who have smoked either the conventional, electric or shisha. The sampling technique used was accidental sampling with 384 students as the samples. The instrument in this study used a questionnaire that was independently developed by researchers with a total of 14 questions. The results of the data obtained were then analyzed using descriptive analysis presented in the form of a percentage. Based on the results of the ...

Research paper thumbnail of The relationship between nurses' knowledge and self-confidence in implementing palliative care in an intensive care unit

International Journal of Palliative Nursing

Background: This quantitative study aimed to analyse the relationship between knowledge and nurse... more Background: This quantitative study aimed to analyse the relationship between knowledge and nurses' self-confidence (or self-efficacy) in applying palliative care (PC) in the intensive care unit (ICU). This study was a correlational study with a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique used was total sampling, and the sample included all nurses who were actively working at the general hospital in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, during the study. There were 127 people in total. Data were collected using questionnaires. The Pearson correlation test was used for bivariate analysis. The results of univariate analysis showed that the majority of respondents had high self-confidence but had less knowledge related to PC in the ICU. Based on the results of the bivariate analysis, there was a significant relationship between knowledge and self-confidence variables. The results showed that a high number of respondents had less knowledge in implementing PC in the ICU. Therefore, fam...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Manajemen Bencana Bagi Anggota Padjadjaran Nursing Corps (PNC)


The high and varied disasters occur in Indonesia, requiring the government and the whole communit... more The high and varied disasters occur in Indonesia, requiring the government and the whole community to be ready for disaster. In the Faculty of Nursing Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad), there is a group of students who do extracurricular activities to provide health aid called PNC. Training needs to be done to enhance the role of PNC as well as increasing the participation of students in the disaster relief program. This training resulted in increased knowledge and attitudes of PNC members on disaster management, and also increased the knowledge and attitude related to the role and function of students in disaster management effort. In addition, other additional results related to the effectiveness of training methods for PNC members successfully obtained. The methods compared were lecture and discussion (LD) compared with LD plus simulation and FGD methods. It is measured by using the quasi experimental method with pretest-posttest control group design. Data analysis used Mann Whitney test. The result showed that there was no difference in knowledge and attitude (p = 1,000) in both treatment groups (p = 0,424). Which means that there was no difference between LD method and LD plus simulation and FGD method. Keywords: Training, Disaster Management, Padjadjaran Nursing Corps (PNC)

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Prone and Supine Nesting Positions on Changes of Oxygen Saturation and Weight in Premature Babies

Jurnal Ners

Introduction: Stress experienced by the baby will affect the body’s function by increasing the bo... more Introduction: Stress experienced by the baby will affect the body’s function by increasing the body’s metabolism. Nesting is used to reduce stress in premature babies. Nesting can be done in a supine or prone position. Few studies have examined the effects of body position on body weight and oxygen saturation. The objective of the study was to determine the difference in oxygen saturation and weight change on the use of nesting in the prone and supine positions in premature babies.Methods: The research used a quasi-experimental design. The sample consisted of 30 premature babies, which was obtained using a consecutive sample technique. The independent variables were nesting positioning (supine and prone), and the dependent variables were oxygen saturation and body weight. The data of oxygen saturation and the baby’s weight were collected using pulse oximetry; the baby’s weight scale used observation sheets. The data was analysed using the t-test, Wilcoxon Sign Ranks Test, and Mann W...

Research paper thumbnail of Improvement of Nurse Competence in Puskesmas In Handling Emergency Response to Cardiac arrest case for Reduce Mortality Rate In Pre Hospital Order Through Training   Pulmonary Heart Resuscitation In Pangandaran District

Jurnal Keperawatan

There are many cardiac arrest events in the community that can not be saved because they do not g... more There are many cardiac arrest events in the community that can not be saved because they do not get the right and quick action due to the ignorance and the inability of the nurses of the puskesmas to provide emergency response to cardiac pulmonary resuscitation. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is the main action in cardiac arrest and stop breath, which can increase life expectation. Goal to be achieved in the implementation of this program is increased ability of nurse puskesmas in performing action of heart resuscitation of lung. The specific targets of the activities are the increased ability of health center nurses on the ability to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation with the latest guidelines and the implementation of a structured training program on pulmonary cardiac resuscitation at community health center nurses on an ongoing basis. Solutions offered to overcome the problem is the training of Lung Heart Resuscitation (RJP) to nurses Puskesmas. Training activities condu...

Research paper thumbnail of Description of the Process of Grieving and Depression in Patient with Coronary Hearth Disease in the Intensive Room

Padjadjaran Acute Care Nursing Journal

Background: The process of grieving and depression can affect the treatment process and the condi... more Background: The process of grieving and depression can affect the treatment process and the condition of patients with coronary heart disease. The process experienced by the patient can be uncomplicated grief, complicated grief and depression. It is important to distinguish between uncomplicated grief, complicated grief and depression in response to normal and healthy loss and with response to the stresses of personal disorders that require more intensive intervention. The nurse is responsible for helping the patient go through the grieving process so as to prevent the adverse effects on the patient, so that the grieving and depression process are needed to determine the problems and to plan the nursing treatment.Objective: This study aimed to identify the process of grieving and depression in patients with coronary heart disease in the Intensive Room of Hospital Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung.Methods: This research method was quantitative descriptive. The study population of patients wi...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Factors Affecting the Weaning of Mechanical Ventilation at ICU RSUD Prof.Dr.Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto

Padjadjaran Acute Care Nursing Journal

The weaning of mechanical ventilation is a complex process and depends on many factors. The failu... more The weaning of mechanical ventilation is a complex process and depends on many factors. The failure to wean mechanical ventilation may lead to prolonged duration of mechanical ventilation, which may increase the risk of ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP), morbidity, mortality, increased hospital costs and lower quality of hospital services. In the year 2016, in ICU RSUD Prof.Dr.Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto, in average there is a 20% failure of mechanical ventilation, if not followed up will adversely affect the patient. Factors investigated in this study included patient, nurses, collaboration and organization. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that affect implementation of the weaning of mechanical ventilation in ICU Room Prof.Dr.Margono Soekarjo General Hospital Purwokerto.The method used in this research was descriptive quantitative analytic design with cross sectional approach on 47 mechanical ventilation weaning activities. The sample selection was conducted...

Research paper thumbnail of Perceived Facilitators to Preventing Pressure Ulcer among Intensive Care Unit Nurses

KnE Life Sciences

Background: Pressure ulcer or pressure injury is one of the complications of immobility patients ... more Background: Pressure ulcer or pressure injury is one of the complications of immobility patients in the intensive care unit. Nurses play an important role in pressure ulcer prevention. Actual factors like facilitators to preventing pressure ulcers can affect nurses’ behavior to prevent pressure ulcers. Objectives: The objective of this study was to identify nurses’ perceived facilitating factors that affected pressure ulcer prevention in the intensive care unit. Methods: A cross-sectional and quantitative descriptive study design was used to collect data. This study was conducted among nurses working in the intensive care unit in one hospital in West Java. Seventy nurses participated in this study. The facilitator factors questionnaire and information form were used to identify what factors affected pressure ulcer prevention among intensive nurses. Data were analyzed by a computer program using frequency distributive and cross-tabulation. Results: From the total sample size, 68.6% (...