Endang Sjamsudin | University of Padjadjaran (UNPAD) (original) (raw)
Papers by Endang Sjamsudin
Trauma to the face has the potential to be life-threatening and cause facial deformities. Head in... more Trauma to the face has the potential to be life-threatening and cause facial deformities. Head injuries are usually a more severe consequence of such incidents and must be addressed earlier. Here we present a case of a 24year old male patient with history fell from motorcycle three hours before the patient was admitted to the hospital, the patient fell with the mechanism of his face hitting the asphalt first. He was diagnosed with panfacial fracture of facial bones and mild head injury. Emergency treatment need to be done for his general condition improvement, transfusion of red blood cell, admister of elecltrolyte, oxygenation and observation of consciousness, primary suture of laceration, placing erich bar wire for maxilla mandible, placing skin traction was done in the emergency room. The patient then was scheduled for open reduction internal fixation of the facial fracture after the condition was optimal enough. Maintaining the airway and limiting bleeding are fundamental concep...
International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies
Introduction: Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, motor vehicle accidents, falls, physical assaults, ... more Introduction: Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, motor vehicle accidents, falls, physical assaults, and sports injuries were the main causes of maxillofacial trauma. The existence of interventions to prevent the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in home-centered social activities in the community. This also contributes to alterations in the aetiology of maxillofacial trauma that occur worldwide and may affect other characteristics of this entity. Methods:This is a retrospective study conducted at the Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, and was carried out in September–December 2022. The population of this study were maxillofacial trauma patients with diagnoses of vulnus (laceratum, schissum, punctum, and morsum), frontal, mandibular, maxillary fractures, orbit, naso-orbito-ethmoid (NOE), zygomaticus, and dentoalveolar fractures before the 2018–2019 pandemic period and during the 2020–2021 pandemic period at the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department at RSUP Dr. Hasan Sad...
Dislokasi pada sendi temporomandibula ditemukan 3% dari seluruh dislokasi pada sendi yang pernah ... more Dislokasi pada sendi temporomandibula ditemukan 3% dari seluruh dislokasi pada sendi yang pernah dilaporkan, dan tipe dislokasi ke anterior adalah yang paling sering ditemukan. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk melaporkan kasus dan penatalaksanaan dislokasi sendi temporomandibula anterior bilateral. Seorang pasien laki-laki usia 35 tahun datang ke IGD Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin karenatidak dapat menutup mulut kembali setelah menguap, pasien mempunyai riwayat keluhan yang sama sebelumnya ± 2 tahun yang lalu. Penatalaksanaan yang dilakukan adalah pemberian analgesik; muscle relaxant, reposisi manual dan pemasangan head bandage. Dislokasi pada sendi temporomandibula anterior diakibatkan oleh pergerakan kondilus kearah depan dari eminensia artikulare dan untuk penatalaksanaannya dapat direposisi secara manual ataupun dengan pembedahan. Komplikasi yang terjadi bila tidak dilakukan reposisi adalah terjadinya fibro-osseus ankylosis, jejas pada arteri carotis eksternal dan jejas pada saraf wajah. Dislokasi pada sendi temporomandibula sering ditemukan dalam praktek kedokteran gigi sehari-hari dan perlu dilakukan tindakan dengan segera dan cepat karena pasien merasa sangat tidak nyaman walaupun pada kasus ini jarang disertai dengan keluhan nyeri yang hebat.
International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies, Feb 6, 2023
Dentoalveolar fractures are often found in children due to physical trauma, falls, and motorized ... more Dentoalveolar fractures are often found in children due to physical trauma, falls, and motorized accidents. In pediatric patients, there are variations in age, jaw development, and dentition which are the primary considerations in choosing a dentoalveolar fracture treatment method. This case report aims to describe and discuss the emergency management of soft tissue injuries and mandibular dentoalveolar fractures with Risdon wiring in pediatric patients due to motorized accidents. Case report: A 9-year-old female patient complained of bleeding from the mouth due to a traffic accident. Clinical and radiographic examination showed dentoalveolar segment fractures in tooth region 32-42, stab wounds, and lacerations on the inferior lip, vestibule, and gingiva in tooth region 32-42. The patient underwent wound cleaning, wound suturing, and treatment of dentoalveolar fractures with fixation using Risdon wiring in the mandibular region 36-46. Conclusion: Conservative treatment of dentoalveolar fractures in pediatric patients with minimal intervention can give good results. Risdon wiring as a fixation method can be used in the emergency treatment of dentoalveolar fractures in pediatric patients with mixed dentition.
Journal of dentomaxillofacial science, Apr 1, 2017
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran, Feb 28, 2021
Sialolithiasis adalah penyakit umum kelenjar saliva. Gejalanya termasuk pembengkakan kelenjar yan... more Sialolithiasis adalah penyakit umum kelenjar saliva. Gejalanya termasuk pembengkakan kelenjar yang terlibat, terutama selama makan, dan nyeri tekan, yang mungkin mereda tetapi dapat kambuh kembali. Sialolith terjadi terutama di kelenjar submandibula (80-90%) dan pada tingkat yang lebih rendah di kelenjar parotid (5-20%). Sialolith bisa tunggal atau jamak. Multipel sialolith di kelenjar submandibula jarang terjadi. Tujuh puluh dari delapan puluh persen kasus memiliki sialolith tunggal, hanya sekitar 5% pasien yang memiliki tiga atau lebih sialolith. Faktor etiopatogenesis terkait dengan pembentukan sialolith adalah obstruksi, penurunan laju aliran saliva, dehidrasi, infeksi kelenjar saliva, dan terganggunya kelarutan kristaloid. Tujuan penulisan laporan kasus ini untuk menjelaskan etiopatogenesis dan terapi kasus multipel sialolithiasis kelenjar submandibula. Laporan kasus: Seorang wanita 24 tahun datang dengan pembengkakkan dan nyeri pada submandibula kanan. Radiografi panoramik menunjukkan massa radiopak terdefinisi dengan baik dalam submandibula kanan. Interpretasi ultrasonografi menunjukkan massa tak homogen hypoechoic dengan kalsifikasi ganda. Pengangkatan kelenjar submandibula dilakukan dengan pendekatan ekstraoral. Laporan kasus ini menunjukkan Gambaran sebanyak sembilan sialolith di kelenjar submandibula, yang dihilangkan dengan pendekatan ekstraoral. Simpulan: Etiopatogenesis dari pembentukan multipel sialolithiasis pada duktus kelenjar, yaitu faktor mekanis, inflamasi, kimiawi, dan infeksi. Diperkirakan bahwa alkalin serta saliva kental yang mengandung banyak sel mukus, memiliki persentase kalsium fosfat lebih tinggi seperti pada kelenjar saliva submandibula yang mendukung pembentukan sialolith. Pengangkatan kelenjar submandibula beserta sialolith sebagai standar baku perawatan dan dapat menghindari kekambuhan sialolith.
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran, Aug 31, 2021
Dislokasi sendi temporomandibula (TMJ) merupakan suatu keadaan dimana kondilus keluar dari fosa g... more Dislokasi sendi temporomandibula (TMJ) merupakan suatu keadaan dimana kondilus keluar dari fosa glenoidalis ke arah superior, posterior atau anterior melewati eminentia artikularis dan seringkali disertai dengan spasme otot-otot pengunyahan. Penanganan yang terlambat dapat menimbulkan komplikasi berupa asimetri wajah dan menggangu pengunyahan. Tujuan penulisan kasus ini adalah menyampaikan serial kasus perawatan dislokasi sendi temporomandibular berdasarkan jenis dislokasinya. Laporan kasus: Empat tipe kasus dislokasi TMJ datang ke IGD dan Poli Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung dengan riwayat dislokasi yang berbeda. Pasien berjenis kelamin dua laki-laki dan dua perempuan, berusia 33 hingga 66 tahun dengan faktor predisposisi menguap. Klasifikasi dislokasi yaitu akut dan kronis. Perawatan keempat kasus berupa reduksi manual, menggunakan metode Hippocrates dan wrist pivot, hingga pembedahan dengan miotomi. Simpulan: Keadaan dislokasi yang berbeda memerlukan perawatan yang berbeda. Kasus akut dapat segera dilakukan reduksi manual, sedangkan kasus kronis memerlukan pembedahan. Keterlambatan penanganan yang tepat dapat membuat keadaan menjadi lebih berat sehingga memerlukan penanganan yang lebih kompleks dan biaya yang lebih besar. Kata kunci: Penyakit sendi temporomandibular; miotomi Case series of various temporomandibular joint dislocation treatment methods based on the dislocation type ABSTRACT Introduction: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dislocation is a condition in which the condyle exits the glenoid fossa superiorly, posteriorly, or anteriorly through the articular eminence and is often accompanied by mastication muscle spasm. Delayed treatment can cause complications in the form of facial asymmetry, thus interfere with mastication. The purpose of the case series was to present a case series of temporomandibular joint dislocations treatment based on the dislocation type. Case reports: Four different patients with four types of TMJ dislocation cases came to the ER and the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic of Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung, with different dislocation histories. The patients were two males and two females, aged 33 to 66 years, with predisposing factors of yawning. Classifications of dislocations were acute and chronic. The four cases' treatments were manual reduction, each using the Hippocrates method and wrist pivot, up to surgery with myotomy. Conclusions: Different dislocation conditions require different treatments. Acute cases can be directly reduced manually, while chronic cases require surgery. Delay in proper handling will severe the situation, requiring more complex treatment with higher costs.
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oct 1, 2015
International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies
Emergency Treatment of Submandibular Abscess Spreading to Buccal and Submental Spaces in Uncontro... more Emergency Treatment of Submandibular Abscess Spreading to Buccal and Submental Spaces in Uncontrolled Diabetic Patients: A Case Study Cahyono Yudianto1*, Endang Sjamsudin2, Winarno Priyanto3, Agus Nurwiadh4, 1Resident of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Padjadjaran/ RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin, Bandung, Indonesia 2,3,4Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Padjadjaran/ RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin, Bandung, Indonesia *Email correspondence: cahyono19001@mail.unpad.ac.id ABSTRACT Introduction: Dental infections can extend to the maxillofacial space causing severe infections such as abscesses. Abscess in the maxillofacial space aggravated by the systemic disease of diabetes mellitus can delay healing and cause further complications. This case report discusses the emergency treatment of a submandibular abscess that extends to the buccal and submental spaces in a patient with diabetes mellitus. Case Report: A 41-year-...
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran
Pencabutan gigi adalah tindakan mengeluarkan gigi dari soketnya. Pencabutan gigi dilakukan jika t... more Pencabutan gigi adalah tindakan mengeluarkan gigi dari soketnya. Pencabutan gigi dilakukan jika terdapat indikasi medis dan sosial dengan epidemiologi di tiap negara berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan indikasi pencabutan gigi pasien di klinik Eksodonsia RSGM Universitas Padjadjaran dari tahun 2014-2018. Metode: Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif retrospektif. Data diambil dari rekam medis pasien yang datang untuk dilakukan tindakan pencabutan gigi. Data meliputi jenis kelamin, usia, pekerjaan, tingkat pendidikan, dan diagnosis. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik total sampling. Hasil: Terdapat 2165 gigi yang dicabut dari 1535 pasien. Pencabutan gigi yang dilakukan karena penyakit periodontal 1465 gigi (67,67%), karies dan penyakit pulpa 517 gigi (23,88%), persistensi gigi sulung 76 gigi (3,50%), gigi dengan lesi patologis 60 gigi (2,80%), impaksi 14 gigi (0,64%), perawatan preprostetik 11 gigi (0,50%), perawatan ortodontik 10 gigi (0,50%), gigi supernumerary 5 gigi (0,23%), gigi malposisi 6 gigi (0,27%), dan gigi patah atau fraktur 1 gigi (0,05%). Karakteristik pasien didapatkan terbanyak pada jenis kelamin perempuan 861 (56%), kelompok umur 12-25 tahun 626 (41%), kelompok pelajar/mahasiswa 495 (32%), dan tingkat pendidikan SMA sebanyak 794 (52%). Simpulan: Perempuan dewasa muda dari kalangan pelajar atau mahasiswa merupakan karakteristik pasien yang paling banyak ditemukan di Klinik eksodonsia RSGM Universitas Padjadjaran dengan indikasi pencabutan gigi terbanyak yaitu penyakit periodontal, karies, dan penyakit pulpa. Kata kunci: indikasi; pencabutan gigi; karies; periodontal; penyakit pulpa Characteristics patient and indications of tooth extraction of patients at the exodontia clinic Padjadjaran University Dental Hospital ABSTRACT Introduction: Tooth extraction is a procedure to remove the tooth from its socket. Tooth extraction performed if there are any medical and social indications with different epidemiology in each country. This study aimed to determine tooth extraction indication and characteristic of patients at exodontia clinic Padjadjaran University Dental Hospital in 2014-2018. Methods: The research used descriptive retrospective as the method. Data were taken from the medical record of patients who came for tooth extraction procedure. The data include gender, age, occupation, level of education, and diagnosis. Sampling was done using total sampling. Results: There were 2165 teeth extracted from 1535 patients. Tooth extraction performed due to periodontal disease were 1465 teeth (67.67%), followed by caries and pulp disease 517 teeth (23.88%), over-retained primary teeth 76 teeth (3.50%), teeth associated with pathologic lesions 60 teeth (2.80%), impacted teeth 14 teeth (0.64%), preprosthetic extraction 11 teeth (0.50%), orthodontic reasons 10 teeth (0.50%), supernumerary teeth 5 teeth (0.23%), malposed teeth 6 teeth (0.27%), and fractured teeth 1 teeth (0.05%). The most common patient characteristics were female 861 patients (56%), 12-25 years old age group 626 patients (41%), students 495 patients (32%), and level of educations was high school 794 pasien (52%). Conclusion: Female young adult among students or college students were the most common characteristic of patients in exodontia clinic Padjadjaran University Dental Hospital with the most common reasons for tooth extraction were Periodontal disease, caries and pulp disease.
Proceedings of the International Dental Conference of Sumatera Utara 2017 (IDCSU 2017), 2018
Oral wound healing is a process that consists of three highly integrated and overlapping phases i... more Oral wound healing is a process that consists of three highly integrated and overlapping phases inflammation, proliferation and tissue remodelling. These phases involve the interaction between many cells and growth factors that work together from the beginning of an injury to complete tissue formation either through regeneration of tissue or by scar formation. At the point of injury, circulating platelets are capable of secreting growth factors needed during the wound healing phases. Growth factors such as transforming growth factor beta-1(TGF-β1) and platelet-derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB) involved in oral wound healing stimulates epithelial proliferation and angiogenesis within the injured tissue.Proliferation of epithelial cells in wound healing and formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) plays a significant role in healing of keratinized mucosa such as the palate and gingiva. Therefore, TGF-β and PDGF, being one of the major growth factors in oral wound healing is found to play a pivotal role in tissue healing of the palatal mucosa after an injury.
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran, 2022
ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Fraktur kondilus dan Korpus mandibula merupakan fraktur pada mandibula yang c... more ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Fraktur kondilus dan Korpus mandibula merupakan fraktur pada mandibula yang cukup sering terjadi pasca trauma, Komplikasi yang sering terjadi akibat fraktur akibat fraktur kondilus dan korpus mandibula pada anak adalah ankilosis dan gangguan sendi sendi temporomandibula. Perawatan fraktur mandibula dapat dengan reduksi terbuka atau reduksi tertutup. Penanganan fraktur secara sederhana dan teknik yang tepat dapat mencegah komplikasi lebih lanjut. Tujuan laporan kasus ini memaparkan dan membahas penatalaksanaan kegawatdaruratan pada pasien remaja yang menderita fraktur kondilus dan korpus mandibula dengan reduksi tertutup. Laporan kasus: Pasien perempuan usia 16 tahun datang Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin dengan keluhan perdarahan dari mulut dan sulit membuka mulut akibat kecelakaan lalu-lintas. Pemeriksaan klinis dan radiografis menunjukan adanya fraktur kondilus bilateral dan fraktur korpus mandibula. Pasien dilakukan pembersihan dan penjahitan luka , perawatan fraktu...
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran, 2021
Pendahuluan: Tugas yang dihadapi oleh personel TNI AU mengandung tantangan baik secara mental mau... more Pendahuluan: Tugas yang dihadapi oleh personel TNI AU mengandung tantangan baik secara mental maupun fisik terhadap tubuh sehingga dapat menimbulkan stres dan berpotensi mempengaruhi fungsi sendi temporomandibular. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis korelasi gangguan sendi temporomandibular dengan tingkat stres pada personel Korps Paskhas TNI AU yang bertugas di Jakarta. Metode: Jenis penelitian survei dengan pendekatan analisis korelasional. Teknik yang digunakan menggunakan purposive sampling sesuai kriteria inklusi yang ditetapkan. Pengukuran menggunakan masing-masing 10 pertanyaan menggunakan kuesioner Fonseca dan Perceived Stress Scale. Jumlah responden yang terlibat sebanyak 95 orang yang ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode Slovin. Hasil: Penilaian gangguan sendi temporomandibular berdasarkan skor kuesioner Fonseca didapatkan kategori ringan 33,7% dan sedang 6,3%. Penilaian tingkat stress berdasarkan skor Perceived Stress Scale, ringan 65,2%, sedang 32,7%, dan be...
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry, 2020
Introduction: Odontectomy is a minor surgical procedure that often results in dental anxiety. Den... more Introduction: Odontectomy is a minor surgical procedure that often results in dental anxiety. Dental anxiety can interfere during odontectomy treatment. Dental anxiety can be examined using the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale (MDAS) and through the level of the salivary alpha-amylase enzyme, both of which are dental anxiety biomarkers. The objective of this study was to analyse the correlation between anxiety values with salivary alpha-amylase levels using MDAS as an indicator of anxiety in pre-odontectomy patients. Methods: This study was conducted on 60 research samples of women aged 18-40 years who came to the minor surgery clinic of Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Universitas Padjadjaran Dental Hospital, to have odontectomy treatment of maxillary or mandibular third molars impaction, not having systemic and oral diseases, and willing to participate in this study. Patients who met the inclusion criteria then required to sign the research consent statement; afterwards,...
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2017
Background: Pleomorphic adenoma considered as the most common benign tumour of the parotid gland.... more Background: Pleomorphic adenoma considered as the most common benign tumour of the parotid gland. The most effective treatment for this lesion is a surgical excision. Superficial parotidectomy is considered to be gold standard for benign tumours localised in superficial parotid lobe but has higher complication rate. Objective: The objective of this study was to analyse surgical outcome of superficial parotidectomy on the treatment of pleomorphic adenoma. Methods: Clinical records on a 3-year period of 15 patients were analysed for surgical outcome characteristics. Findings: On this review, tumour recurrence was found on one patient (6.67%), four patients (26.67%) with auricular numbness, three patients (20%) with facial nerve palsy, one patient (6.67%) with Frey's syndrome. The surgical complication was higher on the tumours with diameter >4 cm. Conclusion: Superficial parotidectomy is favourable as surgical approach on pleomorphic adenoma localised in superficial parotid lobe in certain condition.
International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies, Feb 20, 2023
Patients with maxillofacial fractures have a high risk of accompanying head injury because of the... more Patients with maxillofacial fractures have a high risk of accompanying head injury because of the close anatomical location of facial bones and cranium. Forces striking the face are transmitted directly to the neurocranium, resulting in more severe brain injury. Objective: To analyze the prevalence of patients with maxillofacial fractures with frontal fractures at RSHS Bandung in 2020. Methods: Descriptive study of medical records of maxillofacial trauma patients with frontal fractures at Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, January-December 2020. The data collected included gender, age, aetiology and location of the fracture. Results: The majority gender was 79.8% male, while the female was only 20.2%. The age range is 17-25 years old (36%). Most fracture locations were maxillofacial trauma without frontal fracture (92.2%), compared to maxillofacial fracture with frontal fracture as much as 10%. The most common trauma etiology was Traffic accidents (81.3%), followed by falls as much as 17.8%, and physical violence 0.7%. Conclusion: Maxillofacial trauma with frontal fracture has relatively few incidences, and the primary aetiology is Traffic accidents in young adults.
Indonesia Journal of Biomedical Science, 2018
Introduction: Traumatic dental injuries (TDI) of permanent teeth frequently occur in children and... more Introduction: Traumatic dental injuries (TDI) of permanent teeth frequently occur in children and young adults. Intrusive luxation is one of the most severe forms of traumatic injuries in which the affected tooth is forced to displace deeper into the alveolus. As a consequence of this type of injury, maximum damage occurs to the pulp and all the supporting structures. The aim of this study is for proper diagnosis, treatment planning and follow up for improving a favorable outcome. Case: A 14 years old male patient came to the emergency department of Hospital Dr. Hasan Sadikin with bleeding from mouth due to an accident. Through clinical and radiographic examination discovered there was an intrusion of teeth 11,21. The intruded teeth were immediately repositioned and splinted within hours following injury with Arch Bar. Antibiotic therapy was initiated at the time of repositioning and maintained for five days. The splint was removed one month later. Clinical and radiographic examinat...
Journal of dentomaxillofacial science, Aug 1, 2022
Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of patient satisfaction after ortho... more Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of patient satisfaction after orthognathic surgery and the correlation between the patient satisfaction level after orthognathic surgery and the results of the cephalometric skeletal analysis. Material and Methods: This study were patients who had orthognathic surgery either BSSO, Osteotomy Le Fort 1, or Double Jaw Surgery. First, the subjects filled out a questionnaire about patient satisfaction after orthognathic surgery, the second was taking cephalometric radiographs which were then analyzed by the Steiner method by measuring the angles of SNA, SNB, ANB, and GoGN-SN. Results: The results of the study on 10 research subjects showed that all questionnaire scores were in the "satisfied" category. Cephalometric skeletal analysis of all cephalograms showed 50% normal SNA angle, 10% normal SNB angle, 80% normal ANB angle, and 90% normal GoGN-SN angle. The Concordal Kendall test results show the correlation coefficient value of 0.534 or 53.4%. Conclusion: On average, patients are very satisfied with the orthognathic surgery they have undergone. There is a correlation between the level of patient satisfaction after orthognathic surgery and the results of the cephalometric skeletal analysis.
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry
Introduction: Oromaxillofacial traumas comprise injuries to the face, jaws, or both that are larg... more Introduction: Oromaxillofacial traumas comprise injuries to the face, jaws, or both that are largely caused by physical forces, foreign bodies, or burns; they include injury to any of the bony structures, skin, and soft tissues around the face. Maxillofacial trauma is related to human activity or mobility, so traffic accidents are the highest cause. During the Covid-19 pandemic, human activity was mostly at home with movement restrictions. This paper aims to describe the types of characteristics and management of oromaxillofacial traumas during covid-19 pandemic at the emergency room RSUP Dr.Hasan Sadikin Bandung Hospital.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate every maxillofacial trauma in patients treated by the oral surgeon in the emergency room at RSUP Dr.Hasan Sadikin Bandung Hospital. Maxillofacial trauma incidence records were taken directly from case reports department of oral and maxillofacial surgery emergency room patients from January 2020-December 20...
Pendahuluan: Sialolithiasis adalah penyakit umum kelenjar saliva. Gejalanya termasuk pembengkakan... more Pendahuluan: Sialolithiasis adalah penyakit umum kelenjar saliva. Gejalanya termasuk pembengkakan kelenjar yang terlibat, terutama selama makan, dan nyeri tekan, yang mungkin mereda tetapi dapat kambuh kembali. Sialolith terjadi terutama di kelenjar submandibula (80-90%) dan pada tingkat yang lebih rendah di kelenjar parotid (5-20%). Sialolith bisa tunggal atau jamak. Multipel sialolith di kelenjar submandibula jarang terjadi. Tujuh puluh dari delapan puluh persen kasus memiliki sialolith tunggal, hanya sekitar 5% pasien yang memiliki tiga atau lebih sialolith. Faktor etiopatogenesis terkait dengan pembentukan sialolith adalah obstruksi, penurunan laju aliran saliva, dehidrasi, infeksi kelenjar saliva, dan terganggunya kelarutan kristaloid. Tujuan penulisan laporan kasus ini untuk menjelaskan etiopatogenesis dan terapi kasus multipel sialolithiasis kelenjar submandibula. Laporan kasus: Seorang wanita 24 tahun datang dengan pembengkakkan dan nyeri pada submandibula kanan. Radiografi ...
Trauma to the face has the potential to be life-threatening and cause facial deformities. Head in... more Trauma to the face has the potential to be life-threatening and cause facial deformities. Head injuries are usually a more severe consequence of such incidents and must be addressed earlier. Here we present a case of a 24year old male patient with history fell from motorcycle three hours before the patient was admitted to the hospital, the patient fell with the mechanism of his face hitting the asphalt first. He was diagnosed with panfacial fracture of facial bones and mild head injury. Emergency treatment need to be done for his general condition improvement, transfusion of red blood cell, admister of elecltrolyte, oxygenation and observation of consciousness, primary suture of laceration, placing erich bar wire for maxilla mandible, placing skin traction was done in the emergency room. The patient then was scheduled for open reduction internal fixation of the facial fracture after the condition was optimal enough. Maintaining the airway and limiting bleeding are fundamental concep...
International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies
Introduction: Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, motor vehicle accidents, falls, physical assaults, ... more Introduction: Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, motor vehicle accidents, falls, physical assaults, and sports injuries were the main causes of maxillofacial trauma. The existence of interventions to prevent the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in home-centered social activities in the community. This also contributes to alterations in the aetiology of maxillofacial trauma that occur worldwide and may affect other characteristics of this entity. Methods:This is a retrospective study conducted at the Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, and was carried out in September–December 2022. The population of this study were maxillofacial trauma patients with diagnoses of vulnus (laceratum, schissum, punctum, and morsum), frontal, mandibular, maxillary fractures, orbit, naso-orbito-ethmoid (NOE), zygomaticus, and dentoalveolar fractures before the 2018–2019 pandemic period and during the 2020–2021 pandemic period at the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department at RSUP Dr. Hasan Sad...
Dislokasi pada sendi temporomandibula ditemukan 3% dari seluruh dislokasi pada sendi yang pernah ... more Dislokasi pada sendi temporomandibula ditemukan 3% dari seluruh dislokasi pada sendi yang pernah dilaporkan, dan tipe dislokasi ke anterior adalah yang paling sering ditemukan. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk melaporkan kasus dan penatalaksanaan dislokasi sendi temporomandibula anterior bilateral. Seorang pasien laki-laki usia 35 tahun datang ke IGD Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin karenatidak dapat menutup mulut kembali setelah menguap, pasien mempunyai riwayat keluhan yang sama sebelumnya ± 2 tahun yang lalu. Penatalaksanaan yang dilakukan adalah pemberian analgesik; muscle relaxant, reposisi manual dan pemasangan head bandage. Dislokasi pada sendi temporomandibula anterior diakibatkan oleh pergerakan kondilus kearah depan dari eminensia artikulare dan untuk penatalaksanaannya dapat direposisi secara manual ataupun dengan pembedahan. Komplikasi yang terjadi bila tidak dilakukan reposisi adalah terjadinya fibro-osseus ankylosis, jejas pada arteri carotis eksternal dan jejas pada saraf wajah. Dislokasi pada sendi temporomandibula sering ditemukan dalam praktek kedokteran gigi sehari-hari dan perlu dilakukan tindakan dengan segera dan cepat karena pasien merasa sangat tidak nyaman walaupun pada kasus ini jarang disertai dengan keluhan nyeri yang hebat.
International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies, Feb 6, 2023
Dentoalveolar fractures are often found in children due to physical trauma, falls, and motorized ... more Dentoalveolar fractures are often found in children due to physical trauma, falls, and motorized accidents. In pediatric patients, there are variations in age, jaw development, and dentition which are the primary considerations in choosing a dentoalveolar fracture treatment method. This case report aims to describe and discuss the emergency management of soft tissue injuries and mandibular dentoalveolar fractures with Risdon wiring in pediatric patients due to motorized accidents. Case report: A 9-year-old female patient complained of bleeding from the mouth due to a traffic accident. Clinical and radiographic examination showed dentoalveolar segment fractures in tooth region 32-42, stab wounds, and lacerations on the inferior lip, vestibule, and gingiva in tooth region 32-42. The patient underwent wound cleaning, wound suturing, and treatment of dentoalveolar fractures with fixation using Risdon wiring in the mandibular region 36-46. Conclusion: Conservative treatment of dentoalveolar fractures in pediatric patients with minimal intervention can give good results. Risdon wiring as a fixation method can be used in the emergency treatment of dentoalveolar fractures in pediatric patients with mixed dentition.
Journal of dentomaxillofacial science, Apr 1, 2017
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran, Feb 28, 2021
Sialolithiasis adalah penyakit umum kelenjar saliva. Gejalanya termasuk pembengkakan kelenjar yan... more Sialolithiasis adalah penyakit umum kelenjar saliva. Gejalanya termasuk pembengkakan kelenjar yang terlibat, terutama selama makan, dan nyeri tekan, yang mungkin mereda tetapi dapat kambuh kembali. Sialolith terjadi terutama di kelenjar submandibula (80-90%) dan pada tingkat yang lebih rendah di kelenjar parotid (5-20%). Sialolith bisa tunggal atau jamak. Multipel sialolith di kelenjar submandibula jarang terjadi. Tujuh puluh dari delapan puluh persen kasus memiliki sialolith tunggal, hanya sekitar 5% pasien yang memiliki tiga atau lebih sialolith. Faktor etiopatogenesis terkait dengan pembentukan sialolith adalah obstruksi, penurunan laju aliran saliva, dehidrasi, infeksi kelenjar saliva, dan terganggunya kelarutan kristaloid. Tujuan penulisan laporan kasus ini untuk menjelaskan etiopatogenesis dan terapi kasus multipel sialolithiasis kelenjar submandibula. Laporan kasus: Seorang wanita 24 tahun datang dengan pembengkakkan dan nyeri pada submandibula kanan. Radiografi panoramik menunjukkan massa radiopak terdefinisi dengan baik dalam submandibula kanan. Interpretasi ultrasonografi menunjukkan massa tak homogen hypoechoic dengan kalsifikasi ganda. Pengangkatan kelenjar submandibula dilakukan dengan pendekatan ekstraoral. Laporan kasus ini menunjukkan Gambaran sebanyak sembilan sialolith di kelenjar submandibula, yang dihilangkan dengan pendekatan ekstraoral. Simpulan: Etiopatogenesis dari pembentukan multipel sialolithiasis pada duktus kelenjar, yaitu faktor mekanis, inflamasi, kimiawi, dan infeksi. Diperkirakan bahwa alkalin serta saliva kental yang mengandung banyak sel mukus, memiliki persentase kalsium fosfat lebih tinggi seperti pada kelenjar saliva submandibula yang mendukung pembentukan sialolith. Pengangkatan kelenjar submandibula beserta sialolith sebagai standar baku perawatan dan dapat menghindari kekambuhan sialolith.
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran, Aug 31, 2021
Dislokasi sendi temporomandibula (TMJ) merupakan suatu keadaan dimana kondilus keluar dari fosa g... more Dislokasi sendi temporomandibula (TMJ) merupakan suatu keadaan dimana kondilus keluar dari fosa glenoidalis ke arah superior, posterior atau anterior melewati eminentia artikularis dan seringkali disertai dengan spasme otot-otot pengunyahan. Penanganan yang terlambat dapat menimbulkan komplikasi berupa asimetri wajah dan menggangu pengunyahan. Tujuan penulisan kasus ini adalah menyampaikan serial kasus perawatan dislokasi sendi temporomandibular berdasarkan jenis dislokasinya. Laporan kasus: Empat tipe kasus dislokasi TMJ datang ke IGD dan Poli Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung dengan riwayat dislokasi yang berbeda. Pasien berjenis kelamin dua laki-laki dan dua perempuan, berusia 33 hingga 66 tahun dengan faktor predisposisi menguap. Klasifikasi dislokasi yaitu akut dan kronis. Perawatan keempat kasus berupa reduksi manual, menggunakan metode Hippocrates dan wrist pivot, hingga pembedahan dengan miotomi. Simpulan: Keadaan dislokasi yang berbeda memerlukan perawatan yang berbeda. Kasus akut dapat segera dilakukan reduksi manual, sedangkan kasus kronis memerlukan pembedahan. Keterlambatan penanganan yang tepat dapat membuat keadaan menjadi lebih berat sehingga memerlukan penanganan yang lebih kompleks dan biaya yang lebih besar. Kata kunci: Penyakit sendi temporomandibular; miotomi Case series of various temporomandibular joint dislocation treatment methods based on the dislocation type ABSTRACT Introduction: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dislocation is a condition in which the condyle exits the glenoid fossa superiorly, posteriorly, or anteriorly through the articular eminence and is often accompanied by mastication muscle spasm. Delayed treatment can cause complications in the form of facial asymmetry, thus interfere with mastication. The purpose of the case series was to present a case series of temporomandibular joint dislocations treatment based on the dislocation type. Case reports: Four different patients with four types of TMJ dislocation cases came to the ER and the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic of Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung, with different dislocation histories. The patients were two males and two females, aged 33 to 66 years, with predisposing factors of yawning. Classifications of dislocations were acute and chronic. The four cases' treatments were manual reduction, each using the Hippocrates method and wrist pivot, up to surgery with myotomy. Conclusions: Different dislocation conditions require different treatments. Acute cases can be directly reduced manually, while chronic cases require surgery. Delay in proper handling will severe the situation, requiring more complex treatment with higher costs.
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oct 1, 2015
International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies
Emergency Treatment of Submandibular Abscess Spreading to Buccal and Submental Spaces in Uncontro... more Emergency Treatment of Submandibular Abscess Spreading to Buccal and Submental Spaces in Uncontrolled Diabetic Patients: A Case Study Cahyono Yudianto1*, Endang Sjamsudin2, Winarno Priyanto3, Agus Nurwiadh4, 1Resident of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Padjadjaran/ RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin, Bandung, Indonesia 2,3,4Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Padjadjaran/ RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin, Bandung, Indonesia *Email correspondence: cahyono19001@mail.unpad.ac.id ABSTRACT Introduction: Dental infections can extend to the maxillofacial space causing severe infections such as abscesses. Abscess in the maxillofacial space aggravated by the systemic disease of diabetes mellitus can delay healing and cause further complications. This case report discusses the emergency treatment of a submandibular abscess that extends to the buccal and submental spaces in a patient with diabetes mellitus. Case Report: A 41-year-...
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran
Pencabutan gigi adalah tindakan mengeluarkan gigi dari soketnya. Pencabutan gigi dilakukan jika t... more Pencabutan gigi adalah tindakan mengeluarkan gigi dari soketnya. Pencabutan gigi dilakukan jika terdapat indikasi medis dan sosial dengan epidemiologi di tiap negara berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan indikasi pencabutan gigi pasien di klinik Eksodonsia RSGM Universitas Padjadjaran dari tahun 2014-2018. Metode: Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif retrospektif. Data diambil dari rekam medis pasien yang datang untuk dilakukan tindakan pencabutan gigi. Data meliputi jenis kelamin, usia, pekerjaan, tingkat pendidikan, dan diagnosis. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik total sampling. Hasil: Terdapat 2165 gigi yang dicabut dari 1535 pasien. Pencabutan gigi yang dilakukan karena penyakit periodontal 1465 gigi (67,67%), karies dan penyakit pulpa 517 gigi (23,88%), persistensi gigi sulung 76 gigi (3,50%), gigi dengan lesi patologis 60 gigi (2,80%), impaksi 14 gigi (0,64%), perawatan preprostetik 11 gigi (0,50%), perawatan ortodontik 10 gigi (0,50%), gigi supernumerary 5 gigi (0,23%), gigi malposisi 6 gigi (0,27%), dan gigi patah atau fraktur 1 gigi (0,05%). Karakteristik pasien didapatkan terbanyak pada jenis kelamin perempuan 861 (56%), kelompok umur 12-25 tahun 626 (41%), kelompok pelajar/mahasiswa 495 (32%), dan tingkat pendidikan SMA sebanyak 794 (52%). Simpulan: Perempuan dewasa muda dari kalangan pelajar atau mahasiswa merupakan karakteristik pasien yang paling banyak ditemukan di Klinik eksodonsia RSGM Universitas Padjadjaran dengan indikasi pencabutan gigi terbanyak yaitu penyakit periodontal, karies, dan penyakit pulpa. Kata kunci: indikasi; pencabutan gigi; karies; periodontal; penyakit pulpa Characteristics patient and indications of tooth extraction of patients at the exodontia clinic Padjadjaran University Dental Hospital ABSTRACT Introduction: Tooth extraction is a procedure to remove the tooth from its socket. Tooth extraction performed if there are any medical and social indications with different epidemiology in each country. This study aimed to determine tooth extraction indication and characteristic of patients at exodontia clinic Padjadjaran University Dental Hospital in 2014-2018. Methods: The research used descriptive retrospective as the method. Data were taken from the medical record of patients who came for tooth extraction procedure. The data include gender, age, occupation, level of education, and diagnosis. Sampling was done using total sampling. Results: There were 2165 teeth extracted from 1535 patients. Tooth extraction performed due to periodontal disease were 1465 teeth (67.67%), followed by caries and pulp disease 517 teeth (23.88%), over-retained primary teeth 76 teeth (3.50%), teeth associated with pathologic lesions 60 teeth (2.80%), impacted teeth 14 teeth (0.64%), preprosthetic extraction 11 teeth (0.50%), orthodontic reasons 10 teeth (0.50%), supernumerary teeth 5 teeth (0.23%), malposed teeth 6 teeth (0.27%), and fractured teeth 1 teeth (0.05%). The most common patient characteristics were female 861 patients (56%), 12-25 years old age group 626 patients (41%), students 495 patients (32%), and level of educations was high school 794 pasien (52%). Conclusion: Female young adult among students or college students were the most common characteristic of patients in exodontia clinic Padjadjaran University Dental Hospital with the most common reasons for tooth extraction were Periodontal disease, caries and pulp disease.
Proceedings of the International Dental Conference of Sumatera Utara 2017 (IDCSU 2017), 2018
Oral wound healing is a process that consists of three highly integrated and overlapping phases i... more Oral wound healing is a process that consists of three highly integrated and overlapping phases inflammation, proliferation and tissue remodelling. These phases involve the interaction between many cells and growth factors that work together from the beginning of an injury to complete tissue formation either through regeneration of tissue or by scar formation. At the point of injury, circulating platelets are capable of secreting growth factors needed during the wound healing phases. Growth factors such as transforming growth factor beta-1(TGF-β1) and platelet-derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB) involved in oral wound healing stimulates epithelial proliferation and angiogenesis within the injured tissue.Proliferation of epithelial cells in wound healing and formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) plays a significant role in healing of keratinized mucosa such as the palate and gingiva. Therefore, TGF-β and PDGF, being one of the major growth factors in oral wound healing is found to play a pivotal role in tissue healing of the palatal mucosa after an injury.
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran, 2022
ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Fraktur kondilus dan Korpus mandibula merupakan fraktur pada mandibula yang c... more ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Fraktur kondilus dan Korpus mandibula merupakan fraktur pada mandibula yang cukup sering terjadi pasca trauma, Komplikasi yang sering terjadi akibat fraktur akibat fraktur kondilus dan korpus mandibula pada anak adalah ankilosis dan gangguan sendi sendi temporomandibula. Perawatan fraktur mandibula dapat dengan reduksi terbuka atau reduksi tertutup. Penanganan fraktur secara sederhana dan teknik yang tepat dapat mencegah komplikasi lebih lanjut. Tujuan laporan kasus ini memaparkan dan membahas penatalaksanaan kegawatdaruratan pada pasien remaja yang menderita fraktur kondilus dan korpus mandibula dengan reduksi tertutup. Laporan kasus: Pasien perempuan usia 16 tahun datang Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin dengan keluhan perdarahan dari mulut dan sulit membuka mulut akibat kecelakaan lalu-lintas. Pemeriksaan klinis dan radiografis menunjukan adanya fraktur kondilus bilateral dan fraktur korpus mandibula. Pasien dilakukan pembersihan dan penjahitan luka , perawatan fraktu...
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran, 2021
Pendahuluan: Tugas yang dihadapi oleh personel TNI AU mengandung tantangan baik secara mental mau... more Pendahuluan: Tugas yang dihadapi oleh personel TNI AU mengandung tantangan baik secara mental maupun fisik terhadap tubuh sehingga dapat menimbulkan stres dan berpotensi mempengaruhi fungsi sendi temporomandibular. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis korelasi gangguan sendi temporomandibular dengan tingkat stres pada personel Korps Paskhas TNI AU yang bertugas di Jakarta. Metode: Jenis penelitian survei dengan pendekatan analisis korelasional. Teknik yang digunakan menggunakan purposive sampling sesuai kriteria inklusi yang ditetapkan. Pengukuran menggunakan masing-masing 10 pertanyaan menggunakan kuesioner Fonseca dan Perceived Stress Scale. Jumlah responden yang terlibat sebanyak 95 orang yang ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode Slovin. Hasil: Penilaian gangguan sendi temporomandibular berdasarkan skor kuesioner Fonseca didapatkan kategori ringan 33,7% dan sedang 6,3%. Penilaian tingkat stress berdasarkan skor Perceived Stress Scale, ringan 65,2%, sedang 32,7%, dan be...
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry, 2020
Introduction: Odontectomy is a minor surgical procedure that often results in dental anxiety. Den... more Introduction: Odontectomy is a minor surgical procedure that often results in dental anxiety. Dental anxiety can interfere during odontectomy treatment. Dental anxiety can be examined using the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale (MDAS) and through the level of the salivary alpha-amylase enzyme, both of which are dental anxiety biomarkers. The objective of this study was to analyse the correlation between anxiety values with salivary alpha-amylase levels using MDAS as an indicator of anxiety in pre-odontectomy patients. Methods: This study was conducted on 60 research samples of women aged 18-40 years who came to the minor surgery clinic of Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Universitas Padjadjaran Dental Hospital, to have odontectomy treatment of maxillary or mandibular third molars impaction, not having systemic and oral diseases, and willing to participate in this study. Patients who met the inclusion criteria then required to sign the research consent statement; afterwards,...
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2017
Background: Pleomorphic adenoma considered as the most common benign tumour of the parotid gland.... more Background: Pleomorphic adenoma considered as the most common benign tumour of the parotid gland. The most effective treatment for this lesion is a surgical excision. Superficial parotidectomy is considered to be gold standard for benign tumours localised in superficial parotid lobe but has higher complication rate. Objective: The objective of this study was to analyse surgical outcome of superficial parotidectomy on the treatment of pleomorphic adenoma. Methods: Clinical records on a 3-year period of 15 patients were analysed for surgical outcome characteristics. Findings: On this review, tumour recurrence was found on one patient (6.67%), four patients (26.67%) with auricular numbness, three patients (20%) with facial nerve palsy, one patient (6.67%) with Frey's syndrome. The surgical complication was higher on the tumours with diameter >4 cm. Conclusion: Superficial parotidectomy is favourable as surgical approach on pleomorphic adenoma localised in superficial parotid lobe in certain condition.
International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies, Feb 20, 2023
Patients with maxillofacial fractures have a high risk of accompanying head injury because of the... more Patients with maxillofacial fractures have a high risk of accompanying head injury because of the close anatomical location of facial bones and cranium. Forces striking the face are transmitted directly to the neurocranium, resulting in more severe brain injury. Objective: To analyze the prevalence of patients with maxillofacial fractures with frontal fractures at RSHS Bandung in 2020. Methods: Descriptive study of medical records of maxillofacial trauma patients with frontal fractures at Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, January-December 2020. The data collected included gender, age, aetiology and location of the fracture. Results: The majority gender was 79.8% male, while the female was only 20.2%. The age range is 17-25 years old (36%). Most fracture locations were maxillofacial trauma without frontal fracture (92.2%), compared to maxillofacial fracture with frontal fracture as much as 10%. The most common trauma etiology was Traffic accidents (81.3%), followed by falls as much as 17.8%, and physical violence 0.7%. Conclusion: Maxillofacial trauma with frontal fracture has relatively few incidences, and the primary aetiology is Traffic accidents in young adults.
Indonesia Journal of Biomedical Science, 2018
Introduction: Traumatic dental injuries (TDI) of permanent teeth frequently occur in children and... more Introduction: Traumatic dental injuries (TDI) of permanent teeth frequently occur in children and young adults. Intrusive luxation is one of the most severe forms of traumatic injuries in which the affected tooth is forced to displace deeper into the alveolus. As a consequence of this type of injury, maximum damage occurs to the pulp and all the supporting structures. The aim of this study is for proper diagnosis, treatment planning and follow up for improving a favorable outcome. Case: A 14 years old male patient came to the emergency department of Hospital Dr. Hasan Sadikin with bleeding from mouth due to an accident. Through clinical and radiographic examination discovered there was an intrusion of teeth 11,21. The intruded teeth were immediately repositioned and splinted within hours following injury with Arch Bar. Antibiotic therapy was initiated at the time of repositioning and maintained for five days. The splint was removed one month later. Clinical and radiographic examinat...
Journal of dentomaxillofacial science, Aug 1, 2022
Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of patient satisfaction after ortho... more Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of patient satisfaction after orthognathic surgery and the correlation between the patient satisfaction level after orthognathic surgery and the results of the cephalometric skeletal analysis. Material and Methods: This study were patients who had orthognathic surgery either BSSO, Osteotomy Le Fort 1, or Double Jaw Surgery. First, the subjects filled out a questionnaire about patient satisfaction after orthognathic surgery, the second was taking cephalometric radiographs which were then analyzed by the Steiner method by measuring the angles of SNA, SNB, ANB, and GoGN-SN. Results: The results of the study on 10 research subjects showed that all questionnaire scores were in the "satisfied" category. Cephalometric skeletal analysis of all cephalograms showed 50% normal SNA angle, 10% normal SNB angle, 80% normal ANB angle, and 90% normal GoGN-SN angle. The Concordal Kendall test results show the correlation coefficient value of 0.534 or 53.4%. Conclusion: On average, patients are very satisfied with the orthognathic surgery they have undergone. There is a correlation between the level of patient satisfaction after orthognathic surgery and the results of the cephalometric skeletal analysis.
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry
Introduction: Oromaxillofacial traumas comprise injuries to the face, jaws, or both that are larg... more Introduction: Oromaxillofacial traumas comprise injuries to the face, jaws, or both that are largely caused by physical forces, foreign bodies, or burns; they include injury to any of the bony structures, skin, and soft tissues around the face. Maxillofacial trauma is related to human activity or mobility, so traffic accidents are the highest cause. During the Covid-19 pandemic, human activity was mostly at home with movement restrictions. This paper aims to describe the types of characteristics and management of oromaxillofacial traumas during covid-19 pandemic at the emergency room RSUP Dr.Hasan Sadikin Bandung Hospital.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate every maxillofacial trauma in patients treated by the oral surgeon in the emergency room at RSUP Dr.Hasan Sadikin Bandung Hospital. Maxillofacial trauma incidence records were taken directly from case reports department of oral and maxillofacial surgery emergency room patients from January 2020-December 20...
Pendahuluan: Sialolithiasis adalah penyakit umum kelenjar saliva. Gejalanya termasuk pembengkakan... more Pendahuluan: Sialolithiasis adalah penyakit umum kelenjar saliva. Gejalanya termasuk pembengkakan kelenjar yang terlibat, terutama selama makan, dan nyeri tekan, yang mungkin mereda tetapi dapat kambuh kembali. Sialolith terjadi terutama di kelenjar submandibula (80-90%) dan pada tingkat yang lebih rendah di kelenjar parotid (5-20%). Sialolith bisa tunggal atau jamak. Multipel sialolith di kelenjar submandibula jarang terjadi. Tujuh puluh dari delapan puluh persen kasus memiliki sialolith tunggal, hanya sekitar 5% pasien yang memiliki tiga atau lebih sialolith. Faktor etiopatogenesis terkait dengan pembentukan sialolith adalah obstruksi, penurunan laju aliran saliva, dehidrasi, infeksi kelenjar saliva, dan terganggunya kelarutan kristaloid. Tujuan penulisan laporan kasus ini untuk menjelaskan etiopatogenesis dan terapi kasus multipel sialolithiasis kelenjar submandibula. Laporan kasus: Seorang wanita 24 tahun datang dengan pembengkakkan dan nyeri pada submandibula kanan. Radiografi ...