Dr. Bachtiar Baetal | Universitas Pamulang (original) (raw)
Papers by Dr. Bachtiar Baetal
AbstractConstitutionally, the state no longer acts as the owner of the land, but only as the hold... more AbstractConstitutionally, the state no longer acts as the owner of the land, but only as the holder of the right to control. In the principle of state control, the relationship between the state and society, society cannot be subordinated to its position under the state, because the state actually receives power from the community to regulate the allocation, supply and use of land, as well as legal relations and legal actions with land. The authority to regulate by the state is also limited, both by the Constitution and its relevance to the objectives to be achieved. However, at a practical level, there is no common perception regarding the definition of State Controlling Rights over land or state land, so that there is often a bias and disorientation related to land policy itself. Therefore, the meaning of the concept of state control over land must be returned to the meaning desired by the constitution.Keyword: Meaning, the right to control the state over land, Constitutio
Asas retroaktif merupakan asas hukum utama dalam penegakan hukum yang menjadi dasar bagi seseoran... more Asas retroaktif merupakan asas hukum utama dalam penegakan hukum yang menjadi dasar bagi seseorang untuk dituntut atas dasar hukum yang berlaku surut, yang terbatas hanya pada tindak pidana tertentu. Pemberlakuan asas retroaktif dalam sistem hukum Indonesia merupakan bentuk penyimpangan dari asas non-retroaktif dan asas legalitas. Dalam optik hukum tata negara, asas non-retroaktif adalah perintah konstitusi, tidak dapat disimpangi, apalagi dinegasi oleh suatu undang-undang. Karenanya, asas retroaktif dalam optik hukum tata negara tidak dapat diberlakukan dalam sistem hukum Indonesia
In Indonesian contitutional design, the Political Party Court is an organ of political party that... more In Indonesian contitutional design, the Political Party Court is an organ of political party that play a role in the resolution of internal conflicts of political parties. Political Party Court is oriented to strengthen the independence of political parties in the exercise of its functions as one of the pillars of democracy, especially the conflict resolution function. Nevertheless, the existence of the Political Party Court becomes meaningless due to the ambiguity of setting their own norms in the Political Party Laws. There are a number of norms related to the existence and role of the Political Party Court that seem ambiguous and give rise to legal complications in its application. Regarding that, it is time for the existence and role of the Political Party Court should be reconstructed in accordance with the spirit of the internal democratization of political parties. Reconstruction of Political Party Court's role is a diligence effort of political of law which must be realized in order to ground the principles of constitutional democracy as a model of the desired democratic constitution. Democracy that will be built and maintained in internal political party is a democracy based on the rule of law. Included in this is the settlement of disputes or internal conflicts of political parties should refer to the mechanisms of the Political Party Court. The presence of the Political Party Court is none other than to take care of internal democracy which is based on the law. In this paper, it will be described the legal issues related to the existence of the Political Party Court, the problems related normative political party's internal conflict resolution in the Political Party Court, and the urgency of strengthening the Political Party Court in the perspective of democracy. The purpose of this paper writing is to find the ideal role of the Political Party Court as decisive organ on internal conflicts in political parties in Indonesian constitutional design.
This study aims to find the ideal model of punishment as an effort to eradicate corruption in the... more This study aims to find the ideal model of punishment as an effort to eradicate corruption in the corruption law enfoercement system in Indonesia. The discovery of the ideal model is urgently needed in view of the model to eradication corruption that has been applied in Indonesia dominant approach between the legal structure and legal substance, and tend to forget the legal cultural approach, while the law enforcement itself takes a holistic approach between the legal substance, legal structure and legal culture. Without being supported by a conducive legal culture, surely the law in the framework of the fight against corruption can be realized. The application of shaming punishment idea is a certainty in order to restore equality in society as a result of the loss of the state's financial resources that was corrupted by the criminal perpetrator.
Universitas Pamulang, Apr 19, 2017
Konstitusionalisme bagi negara-negara modern sebagai suatu keniscayaan. Dalam paham konstitusiona... more Konstitusionalisme bagi negara-negara modern sebagai suatu keniscayaan. Dalam paham konstitusionalisme, konstitusi merupakan perwujudan dari hukum tertinggi yang harus dipatuhi oleh semua komponen negara. Makna filosofis paham ini, kekuasaan harus dibatasi, penyelenggaraan kekuasaan diselenggarakan berdasarkan kesepkatan umum yang dikristalisasikan ke dalam konstitusi, dan pelaksanaan kekuasaan senantiasa menghendaki adanya pertanggungjawaban dalam kerangka konstitusi
Tulisan ini membahas dua isu utama yang mendorong adanya perubahan format kelembagaan negara dala... more Tulisan ini membahas dua isu utama yang mendorong adanya perubahan format kelembagaan negara dalam UUD NRI 1945 dan kedudukan lembaga negara pasca perubahan UUD NRI 1945 relevansinya dengan aspek-aspek pengubah hukum. Hal ini ditujukan agar dapat diperoleh gambaran mengenai kedudukan lembaga negara pasca perubahan UUD NRI 1945 sebagai faktor pengubah hukum dalam tatanan sistem ketatanegaraan Indonesia. Pasca perubahan UUD NRI 1945, format kelembagaan negara di Indonesia telah mengalami proses deferensiasi yang semakin jelas baik dari segi sumber, kewenangannya maupun dari fungsi kelembagaannya. Hal ini merupakan suatu keniscayaan karena di negara-negara yang tengah mengalami perubahan dari otoriterian menuju demokrasi, gagasan pembaruan format kelembagaan negara menjadi sesuatu yang urgen karena ingin mengubah atau memperbaiki sistem kehidupan ketatanegaraan lebih ideal dan sempurna, sesuai dengan perkembangan jamannya
Conference Presentations by Dr. Bachtiar Baetal
Abstrak Untuk menjaga eksistensi parpol sebagai pilar demokrasi dari ancaman perpecahan akibat ko... more Abstrak Untuk menjaga eksistensi parpol sebagai pilar demokrasi dari ancaman perpecahan akibat konflik internal yang dapat berimbas pada kestabilan politik negara, diperlukan adanya mekanisme penyelesaian atas konflik internal parpol, yang dalam UU Parpol dilakukan melalui suatu Mahkamah Partai. Meskipun Mahkamah Partai digunakan sebagai instrumen penyelesaian konflik internal parpol, namun dalam implementasinya masih menyisahkan persoalan akibat ambiguitas norma pengaturannya dalam UU Parpol. Mahkamah Partai masih diragukan eksistensinya sebagai lembaga pemutus sengketa internal parpol. Hakim yang memutus sengketa parpol masih dianggap sebagai bagian dari pusaran konflik sehingga independensi dan imparsialitas hakim Mahkamah Politik diragukan. Dalam paper ini akan diuraikan isu hukum yang terkait eksistensi Mahkamah Partai menurut UU Parpol, problematika normatif terkait penyelesaian konflik internal Parpol di Mahkamah, dan urgensi penguatan Mahkamah Partai dalam perspektif demokrasi. Tujuan dari penulisan paper ini adalah untuk menemukan posisi dan peran ideal dari Mahkamah Partai dalam fungsinya sebagai organ resolusi konflik internal partai. Hasil telaah penulis terkait kerancuan norma pengaturan Mahkamah Partai dalam UU Parpol dikaitkan dengan posisi dan peran ideal Mahkamah Partai sebagai pranata demokrasi, menuntut untuk segera melakukan revisi terhadap UU Parpol. Tujuannya adalah untuk memperkuat eksistensinya bagi tumbuh kembangnya demokrasi dalam kerangka negara hukum Indonesia yang berasaskan Pancasila dan UUD NRI 1945. Gagasan untuk menjadikan Mahkamah Partai sebagai satu-satunya saluran penyelesaian sengketa internal parpol menjadi gagasan yang patut dipertimbangkan, apalagi mengingat salah satu fungsi parpol adalah sebagai sarana pengatur konflik. Konflik internal parpol harus selesai secara internal dan tidak melibatkan organ negara lain. Semua itu ditujukan untuk dan atas nama demokrasi.
The application of the idea of shaming punishment is a certainty in order to restore equality in ... more The application of the idea of shaming punishment is a certainty in order to restore equality in society as a result of the loss of the state’s financial resources that was corrupted by the criminal perpetrator. The application of this idea is properly carried out considering that corruption as an extraordinary crime nature that factually has gnawed the nation's economy and has spent a lot of energy out of people to fight corruptors. In this paper, it will be questioned two legal issues, namely (1) how the urgency of tackling corruption through the cultural approach to the law? and (2) whether the shaming punishment as a legal culture based ideas can be applied to corruptor? Both the legal issue will be further analyzed using the method of hermeneutics law. The use of this method is done with the consideration that the interpretation of the law is always associated with the substance, because the law has two terms of explicit and implicit, or the sound of the laws and spirit of the law, including in terms of criminal prosecution against the corruptors through the application of the concept of punishment based on the values law institutionalized in the legal culture of society. Such study design is intended to find the ideal model of punishment as an effort to eradicate corruption in the law enforcement system of corruption in Indonesia.The two legal issues have proposed to find the ideal model in efforts to combat corruption in the law enforcement system of corruption in Indonesia. The discovery of the ideal model is urgently needed in view of the model to eradicate corruption that has been applied in Indonesia dominant approach between the legal structure and the substance of the law, and tend to forget the cultural approach of law, while the law enforcement itself takes a holistic approach between the substance, structure and legal culture. Without being supported by a conducive legal culture, surely the law in the framework of the fight against corruption can be realized.
Books by Dr. Bachtiar Baetal
Hak cipta dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Dilarang mengutip atau memperbanyak sebagian atau seluru... more Hak cipta dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Dilarang mengutip atau memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini tanpa izin tertulis dari penerbit.
AbstractConstitutionally, the state no longer acts as the owner of the land, but only as the hold... more AbstractConstitutionally, the state no longer acts as the owner of the land, but only as the holder of the right to control. In the principle of state control, the relationship between the state and society, society cannot be subordinated to its position under the state, because the state actually receives power from the community to regulate the allocation, supply and use of land, as well as legal relations and legal actions with land. The authority to regulate by the state is also limited, both by the Constitution and its relevance to the objectives to be achieved. However, at a practical level, there is no common perception regarding the definition of State Controlling Rights over land or state land, so that there is often a bias and disorientation related to land policy itself. Therefore, the meaning of the concept of state control over land must be returned to the meaning desired by the constitution.Keyword: Meaning, the right to control the state over land, Constitutio
Asas retroaktif merupakan asas hukum utama dalam penegakan hukum yang menjadi dasar bagi seseoran... more Asas retroaktif merupakan asas hukum utama dalam penegakan hukum yang menjadi dasar bagi seseorang untuk dituntut atas dasar hukum yang berlaku surut, yang terbatas hanya pada tindak pidana tertentu. Pemberlakuan asas retroaktif dalam sistem hukum Indonesia merupakan bentuk penyimpangan dari asas non-retroaktif dan asas legalitas. Dalam optik hukum tata negara, asas non-retroaktif adalah perintah konstitusi, tidak dapat disimpangi, apalagi dinegasi oleh suatu undang-undang. Karenanya, asas retroaktif dalam optik hukum tata negara tidak dapat diberlakukan dalam sistem hukum Indonesia
In Indonesian contitutional design, the Political Party Court is an organ of political party that... more In Indonesian contitutional design, the Political Party Court is an organ of political party that play a role in the resolution of internal conflicts of political parties. Political Party Court is oriented to strengthen the independence of political parties in the exercise of its functions as one of the pillars of democracy, especially the conflict resolution function. Nevertheless, the existence of the Political Party Court becomes meaningless due to the ambiguity of setting their own norms in the Political Party Laws. There are a number of norms related to the existence and role of the Political Party Court that seem ambiguous and give rise to legal complications in its application. Regarding that, it is time for the existence and role of the Political Party Court should be reconstructed in accordance with the spirit of the internal democratization of political parties. Reconstruction of Political Party Court's role is a diligence effort of political of law which must be realized in order to ground the principles of constitutional democracy as a model of the desired democratic constitution. Democracy that will be built and maintained in internal political party is a democracy based on the rule of law. Included in this is the settlement of disputes or internal conflicts of political parties should refer to the mechanisms of the Political Party Court. The presence of the Political Party Court is none other than to take care of internal democracy which is based on the law. In this paper, it will be described the legal issues related to the existence of the Political Party Court, the problems related normative political party's internal conflict resolution in the Political Party Court, and the urgency of strengthening the Political Party Court in the perspective of democracy. The purpose of this paper writing is to find the ideal role of the Political Party Court as decisive organ on internal conflicts in political parties in Indonesian constitutional design.
This study aims to find the ideal model of punishment as an effort to eradicate corruption in the... more This study aims to find the ideal model of punishment as an effort to eradicate corruption in the corruption law enfoercement system in Indonesia. The discovery of the ideal model is urgently needed in view of the model to eradication corruption that has been applied in Indonesia dominant approach between the legal structure and legal substance, and tend to forget the legal cultural approach, while the law enforcement itself takes a holistic approach between the legal substance, legal structure and legal culture. Without being supported by a conducive legal culture, surely the law in the framework of the fight against corruption can be realized. The application of shaming punishment idea is a certainty in order to restore equality in society as a result of the loss of the state's financial resources that was corrupted by the criminal perpetrator.
Universitas Pamulang, Apr 19, 2017
Konstitusionalisme bagi negara-negara modern sebagai suatu keniscayaan. Dalam paham konstitusiona... more Konstitusionalisme bagi negara-negara modern sebagai suatu keniscayaan. Dalam paham konstitusionalisme, konstitusi merupakan perwujudan dari hukum tertinggi yang harus dipatuhi oleh semua komponen negara. Makna filosofis paham ini, kekuasaan harus dibatasi, penyelenggaraan kekuasaan diselenggarakan berdasarkan kesepkatan umum yang dikristalisasikan ke dalam konstitusi, dan pelaksanaan kekuasaan senantiasa menghendaki adanya pertanggungjawaban dalam kerangka konstitusi
Tulisan ini membahas dua isu utama yang mendorong adanya perubahan format kelembagaan negara dala... more Tulisan ini membahas dua isu utama yang mendorong adanya perubahan format kelembagaan negara dalam UUD NRI 1945 dan kedudukan lembaga negara pasca perubahan UUD NRI 1945 relevansinya dengan aspek-aspek pengubah hukum. Hal ini ditujukan agar dapat diperoleh gambaran mengenai kedudukan lembaga negara pasca perubahan UUD NRI 1945 sebagai faktor pengubah hukum dalam tatanan sistem ketatanegaraan Indonesia. Pasca perubahan UUD NRI 1945, format kelembagaan negara di Indonesia telah mengalami proses deferensiasi yang semakin jelas baik dari segi sumber, kewenangannya maupun dari fungsi kelembagaannya. Hal ini merupakan suatu keniscayaan karena di negara-negara yang tengah mengalami perubahan dari otoriterian menuju demokrasi, gagasan pembaruan format kelembagaan negara menjadi sesuatu yang urgen karena ingin mengubah atau memperbaiki sistem kehidupan ketatanegaraan lebih ideal dan sempurna, sesuai dengan perkembangan jamannya
Abstrak Untuk menjaga eksistensi parpol sebagai pilar demokrasi dari ancaman perpecahan akibat ko... more Abstrak Untuk menjaga eksistensi parpol sebagai pilar demokrasi dari ancaman perpecahan akibat konflik internal yang dapat berimbas pada kestabilan politik negara, diperlukan adanya mekanisme penyelesaian atas konflik internal parpol, yang dalam UU Parpol dilakukan melalui suatu Mahkamah Partai. Meskipun Mahkamah Partai digunakan sebagai instrumen penyelesaian konflik internal parpol, namun dalam implementasinya masih menyisahkan persoalan akibat ambiguitas norma pengaturannya dalam UU Parpol. Mahkamah Partai masih diragukan eksistensinya sebagai lembaga pemutus sengketa internal parpol. Hakim yang memutus sengketa parpol masih dianggap sebagai bagian dari pusaran konflik sehingga independensi dan imparsialitas hakim Mahkamah Politik diragukan. Dalam paper ini akan diuraikan isu hukum yang terkait eksistensi Mahkamah Partai menurut UU Parpol, problematika normatif terkait penyelesaian konflik internal Parpol di Mahkamah, dan urgensi penguatan Mahkamah Partai dalam perspektif demokrasi. Tujuan dari penulisan paper ini adalah untuk menemukan posisi dan peran ideal dari Mahkamah Partai dalam fungsinya sebagai organ resolusi konflik internal partai. Hasil telaah penulis terkait kerancuan norma pengaturan Mahkamah Partai dalam UU Parpol dikaitkan dengan posisi dan peran ideal Mahkamah Partai sebagai pranata demokrasi, menuntut untuk segera melakukan revisi terhadap UU Parpol. Tujuannya adalah untuk memperkuat eksistensinya bagi tumbuh kembangnya demokrasi dalam kerangka negara hukum Indonesia yang berasaskan Pancasila dan UUD NRI 1945. Gagasan untuk menjadikan Mahkamah Partai sebagai satu-satunya saluran penyelesaian sengketa internal parpol menjadi gagasan yang patut dipertimbangkan, apalagi mengingat salah satu fungsi parpol adalah sebagai sarana pengatur konflik. Konflik internal parpol harus selesai secara internal dan tidak melibatkan organ negara lain. Semua itu ditujukan untuk dan atas nama demokrasi.
The application of the idea of shaming punishment is a certainty in order to restore equality in ... more The application of the idea of shaming punishment is a certainty in order to restore equality in society as a result of the loss of the state’s financial resources that was corrupted by the criminal perpetrator. The application of this idea is properly carried out considering that corruption as an extraordinary crime nature that factually has gnawed the nation's economy and has spent a lot of energy out of people to fight corruptors. In this paper, it will be questioned two legal issues, namely (1) how the urgency of tackling corruption through the cultural approach to the law? and (2) whether the shaming punishment as a legal culture based ideas can be applied to corruptor? Both the legal issue will be further analyzed using the method of hermeneutics law. The use of this method is done with the consideration that the interpretation of the law is always associated with the substance, because the law has two terms of explicit and implicit, or the sound of the laws and spirit of the law, including in terms of criminal prosecution against the corruptors through the application of the concept of punishment based on the values law institutionalized in the legal culture of society. Such study design is intended to find the ideal model of punishment as an effort to eradicate corruption in the law enforcement system of corruption in Indonesia.The two legal issues have proposed to find the ideal model in efforts to combat corruption in the law enforcement system of corruption in Indonesia. The discovery of the ideal model is urgently needed in view of the model to eradicate corruption that has been applied in Indonesia dominant approach between the legal structure and the substance of the law, and tend to forget the cultural approach of law, while the law enforcement itself takes a holistic approach between the substance, structure and legal culture. Without being supported by a conducive legal culture, surely the law in the framework of the fight against corruption can be realized.
Hak cipta dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Dilarang mengutip atau memperbanyak sebagian atau seluru... more Hak cipta dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Dilarang mengutip atau memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini tanpa izin tertulis dari penerbit.