Hellna Tehubijuluw | Pattimura University (original) (raw)
Papers by Hellna Tehubijuluw
Environmental research, Jul 1, 2024
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science, Sep 22, 2023
Photodegradation of organic pollutants depends significantly on the structure of metal oxide-base... more Photodegradation of organic pollutants depends significantly on the structure of metal oxide-based semiconductor photocatalysts. ZnO/ZSM-5 has shown the potential to significantly improve its photocatalytic efficiency for removing waterborne pollutants. ZnO/ZSM-5 has been reported to be an active catalyst for degrading methylene blue. These methods commonly involve various catalytic reactions, with the Langmuir-Hinshelwood process being used to describe the reaction kinetics. A kinetic study on the photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue using ZnO/ZSM-5 was conducted under UV-LED lamp irradiation. ZnO/ZSM-5 was characterized using XRD, SEM, and N2 adsorption-desorption, and it was prepared via the impregnation method. The interaction between ZnO/ZSM-5 and methylene blue solutions over a period of 30 to 180 minutes was monitored using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue followed first-order rate kinetics. The Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H) kinetic analysis revealed that the photocatalytic reaction constant (kc) was 4.207 L.mg-1. menit-1 , and the Langmuir-Hinshelwood constant (K) was 261.509 L.mg-1 .
Arika, Mar 8, 2014
Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang analisis kandungan Ca, Mg, P, dan S pada kompos limbah ikan. K... more Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang analisis kandungan Ca, Mg, P, dan S pada kompos limbah ikan. Kompos limbah ikan diperoleh dengan cara mencampurkan limbah ikan yang telah dijemur selama satu minggu dengan kompos yang berasal dari sisa-sisa tumbuhan, ampas gergaji, dan abu sekam. Campuran kompos dan limbah ikan dimasukan ke dalam tanur pada suhu 600 C selama 45 menit. Analisis kandungan Ca dan Mg menggunakan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom dan analisis P dan S menggunakan Spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Hasil analisis kandungan unsur hara Ca, Mg, P, dan S masing-masing adalah Ca 9,58% (b/b), Mg 2,97% (b/b), dan S 6,81% (b/b).
BIOEDUPAT, Mar 29, 2023
The synthesis of biodiesel from the waste cooking oil was carried out using the catalyst from egg... more The synthesis of biodiesel from the waste cooking oil was carried out using the catalyst from eggshell of purebred chicken with methanol as a solvent. Synthesis of the biodiesel was prepared in two steps, there are esterification and transesterification. Esterification was conducted in a mol ratio of methanol and waste cooking oil was 9:1, with H2SO4 as a catalyst. Transesterification with mol ratio methanol and waste cooking oil was 12:1, with CaO from eggshell of purebred chicken as a catalyst. CaO catalyst was yielded by calcinations egg shell of purebred chicken on 1000 ⁰C for two hours. The calcination product was characterized with X-RD determine of CaO. The result of biodiesel was characterized based on 1 H-NMR, FTIR, GC-MS, dan ASTM (American Standard Testing of Materials). Yielded of biodiesel theoretically was 40.298% and experiment was 36.779%. The main component that resulted in there is methyl stearic (40.21%).
Eksakta: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu MIPA, Apr 20, 2014
Penentuan konsentrasi logam Cd dan Cu dala telah dilakukan. Produk ikan kemasan kaleng yang diten... more Penentuan konsentrasi logam Cd dan Cu dala telah dilakukan. Produk ikan kemasan kaleng yang ditentukan logamnya diambil dari 3 merek yang beredar di pasaran, yakni RS(sampel 1),NF(sampel 2), dan CP(sampel 3). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan besarnya kandun produk ikan kemasan kaleng dan membandingkan kandungan logam Cd dan Cu pada produk ikan kemasan kaleng dengan standar yang dikeluarkan oleh S.K Dirjen BPOM No. 03725/B/SK/VII/89. Penentuan kandungan logam Cd dan Cu dilakukan mengg spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA). Berdasarkan hasil,ditemukan konsentrasi logam Cd pada RS adalah 0,1969 mg/kg Sedangkan konsentrasi logam Cu pada RS adalah 3 dan CP adalah 3,3047 mg/kg. Hasil penentuan menunjukkan bahwa sampel ikan kaleng telah tercemar oleh logam kadmium dan tembaga. Konsentrasi logam Cd dan Cu yang diperoleh pada semua sampel, tidak melampaui batas maksim Dirjen Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan No : 03725/B/SK/VII/89 dimana batas maksimum untuk untuk tembaga sebesar 5,0 mg/kg, sedangkan untuk kadmium sebesar 0,2 mg/kg.
This paper describes the determination of individual magnetic particle sources found in the sedim... more This paper describes the determination of individual magnetic particle sources found in the sediment of the Wae Tomu river estuary in Ambon City, Indonesia. The sample used was a magnetic particle extracted from the sediment. As comparative data, magnetic particles were also extracted from the soil in the river upstream. These particles were characterized using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscope (EDX), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). SEM analysis results showed that the magnetic particles found in the sediment have a spherule-shaped and framboid-like surface morphology measuring ≈43–97 mm, while magnetic particles found in the soil were octahedral and angular-shaped with a maximum length of ≈40–60 mm. The majority of the elemental composition of the magnetic particles from the sediment were Fe and O, followed by minor elements of Zn, Cu, S, Al, Si, and Cr. In contrast, the majority of elements from the soil were Fe and O, followed by minor elemen...
Photocatalytic degradation of Methylene Blue (MB) by zinc oxide/zeolite socony mobile-5 (ZnO/ZSM-... more Photocatalytic degradation of Methylene Blue (MB) by zinc oxide/zeolite socony mobile-5 (ZnO/ZSM-5) composites was investigated. The ZSM-5 material was synthesized from red mud by a two-step hydrothermal method to which ZnO loadings at different mass ratios were subsequently performed. Characterizations using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy were carried out to identify the formation of ZSM-5 and ZnO/ZSM-5. ZSM-5 and ZnO/ZSM-5 have cubic microcrystallite morphologies. ZnO loading in the ZnO/ZSM-5 composites was successfully performed and confirmed by the appearance of wurtzite peaks in the XRD spectra that matched the Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards data. The presence of ZnO in ZSM-5 leading resulted in a decrease in the surface area and pore size as confirming by nitrogen adsorptiondesorption isotherm experiments. The band gap of the samples was measured using UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The optimum photocatalytic degradation of MB was observed at a ZnO loading of 34% w/w dubbed 34-ZnO/ZSM-5. The influence of the initial concentration of MB was also investigated at 80, 90, and 100 mg L − 1 using 34-ZnO/ZSM-5 and ZSM-5. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry characterization was performed to analyze the degradation products.
BIOEDUPAT: Pattimura Journal of Biology and Learning
The synthesis of biodiesel from the waste cooking oil was carried out using the catalyst from egg... more The synthesis of biodiesel from the waste cooking oil was carried out using the catalyst from egg shell of purebred chicken with methanol as a solvent. Synthesis the biodiesel was prepared in two steps, there are esterification and transesterification. In esterification was conducted in mol ratio of methanol and waste cooking oil were 9:1, with H2SO4 as a catalyst. Transesterification with mol ratio methanol and waste cooking oil were 12:1, with CaO from egg shell of purebred chicken as a catalyst. CaO catalyst was yielded by calcinations egg shell of purebred chicken on 1000 ⁰C for two hours. Calcination product was characterized with X-RD to determine of CaO. Result of biodiesel was characterized based on 1H-NMR, FTIR, GC-MS, dan ASTM (American Standard Testing of Materials). Yielded of biodiesel theoretically was 40.298% and experiment was 36.779%. Main component that resulted there is methyl stearic (40.21%).
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y ... more Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne. https://apropos.erudit.org/fr/usagers/politique-dutilisation/ Cet article est diffusé et préservé par Érudit.
Jurnal Kimia Riset
The concern associated with the depletion of fossil fuel energy has opened up windows of opportun... more The concern associated with the depletion of fossil fuel energy has opened up windows of opportunity for researchers to develop potential energy from renewable resources. The renewable green diesel with diesel range hydrocarbon structure has gained increasing popularity by removing oxygen molecule via direct or hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) and indirect or deoxygenation (DO) reaction. The catalyst design is an important key to achieve the high quality of diesel range hydrocarbon fuels. The different catalyst properties effect to the distribution of deoxygenated liquid product, the catalytic activity and coke formation during the reaction process. The interaction between metal and support catalyst causes electron transfer to give the synestistic effect. The acidity and basicity play important role in C-C and C-O breaking bond in triglyceride and prevent the coke formation. The pore structure and pore size catalyst provide the accessibility of active sites alleviates the diffusion limitat...
Limbah bauksit (Red mud) Pulau Bintan Kepulauan Riau telah dimanfaatkan untuk mensintesis ZSM-5 h... more Limbah bauksit (Red mud) Pulau Bintan Kepulauan Riau telah dimanfaatkan untuk mensintesis ZSM-5 hierarki. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan material ZSM-5 hierarki yang berfungsi sebagai adsorben dengan metode hidrotermal dan sebagai fotokatalis untuk menghilangkan (MB) dalam air. ZSM-5 hierarki disintesis menggunakan metode hidrotermal dengan 2 tahap kristalisasi yaitu suhu 80 C pada waktu 6, 9, dan 24 jam dan suhu 150 C pada waktu 24 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ZSM-5 hierarki 6 jam mempunyai luas permukaan dan volume mesopori intra-partikel masing-masing sebesar 734 m2/g dan 0,58 cm3/g. Kinetika adsorpsi ZSM-5 hierarki 6 jam pada MB mengikuti model orde satu. Parameter termodinamika adsorpsi G, H, dan S masing-masing -2,69; -4,04; -5,38 kJmol-1, 38,06 kJmol-1, dan 0,13 kJ/mol.K. Pengaruh pH terhadap fotokatalisis MB dengan removal sebesar 98,38 %. Kinetika laju reaksi fotokatalisis MB oleh ZnO/ZSM-5 hierarki 6 jam mengikuti orde satu dengan nilai R2 > 0,957. Fotokatalisis MB pada ZnO/ZSM-5 hierarki 6 jam mengikuti model kinetika Langmuir – Hinshelwood (L-H) dengan nilai R2 = 0,989. =================================================================================================== Bauxite waste (Red Mud) from Bintan Island, Riau Archipelago used to synthesize hierarchical ZSM-5. The purpose of this research is to produce a hierarchical ZSM-5 material that functions as an adsorbent by the hydrothermal method and as a photocatalyst material for removing methylene blue (MB) in water. ZSM-5 hierarchical was synthesized using the hydrothermal method with two stages of crystallization, namely a temperature of 80 C at 6, 9, and 24h and a temperature of 150 C at 24h. The results showed that the hierarchical ZSM-5_6h had a large mesoporous surface area and volume of 734 m2/g and 0.58 cm3/g, respectively. The hierarchical ZSM-5_6h adsorption kinetics on MB followed a pseudo-first-order model. The adsorption thermodynamic parameters such as G, H, and S were -2.69 kJmol-1 -4,04; -5,38 kJmol-, 38.06 kJmol-1, and 0.13 kJ/mol.K, respectively. The effect of pH on MB photocatalysis with removal is 98.38%. The kinetics of the MB photocatalysis reaction rate by ZnO/ZSM-5_6h hierarchical followed the first order with R2 > 0.957. MB photocatalysis on ZnO/ZSM-5_6h hierarchical followed the Langmuir – Hinshelwood (L-H) kinetic model with R2 = 0.989
Indo J Chem Res, 2017
Kinetics studies and adsorption isotherms of Pb metal have been conducted on activated clay salt... more Kinetics studies and adsorption isotherms of Pb metal have been conducted on activated clay salts of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3). Clays used are taken from Ouw village, Central Maluku. Clay activated by soaking in a solution of NH4NO3 700 ppm for 5 hours, then filtering and heating in a furnace at 550 oC for 4 hours. The optimum adsorption of metal ions Pb (II) by activated clay ammonium nitrate occurs at pH 4 with a contact time of 4 hours and followed the Freundlich adsorption isotherm pattern with a Kf value of 1.6193 x 10-8 mg/g and n value of 0.2059. Pb adsorption kinetics followed the pseudo-second-order Lagergren equation with the value of the adsorption rate constant (k2, ads) of 0.1248 g mg-1 min-1 and Xe value of 4.4783 mg/g.
Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2022
Red mud wastes have been converted into mesoporous zeolite socony mobile-5 (ZSM-5) followed by d... more Red mud wastes have been converted into mesoporous zeolite socony mobile-5 (ZSM-5)
followed by deposited titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles to generate synergy adsorptionphotodegradation for removal of dye removal in waste water. The amount of TiO2 loading was varied to achieve optimum photocatalytic activity while maintaining the mesoporosity and high surface
area of ZSM-5. Sol-gel method facilitated the formation of anatase TiO2 on the ZSM-5. The fourier
transform infrared spectra clarified the formation of Si–O–Ti at 957 cm1 by the exchanging the
hydrogen ion with titanium ion, which proved by decreasing the absorption band of Si–OH and
Si–O interaction at 964 and 944 cm1
, respectively. Sol-gel method also preserved the mesopore
diameter of ZSM-5 at 3.5 nm which allow the diffusion of methylene blue (MB) molecules into
the pores. However, the surface area and the pore volume were slightly reduced with increasing
the TiO2 loading. The adsorption performance of samples showed that the increasing in the TiO2
loading led to the decreasing in the adsorption capacity. All samples showed the suitability towards
the pseudo second order kinetic. The Langmuir isotherm was suitable to describe the adsorption
mechanism by monolayer adsorption. Mesoporosity of ZSM-5 accelerated the adsorption of dye via the increase of mass transfer in the pore channel which confirmed by the low intercept of intraparticle diffusion model at the first stage. The photocatalytic test showed that 10% TiO2 loading on the ZSM-5 exhibited the highest methylene blue removal followed by 5% and 20% TiO2 loading.
Optimization on the amount of photocatalyst and the pH of solution indicated the reaction
favoured 1 g L1 of catalysts and at alkaline pH. 10% TiO2/ZSM-5 also exhibited high stability
and reusability up to four reaction cycles. Photocatalytic performance of 10% TiO2/ZSM-5 was further investigated on photodegradation of malachite green and rhodamine B organic dyes, which
showed the photocatalytic efficiency of 73 and 88%, respectively. Superoxide radical, hydroxyl radical, and photogenerated electron were identified as the main active species for MB photodegradation based on the reduction of degradation rate following the addition scavenger mol
Sustainable Environment Research
Photocatalytic degradation of Methylene Blue (MB) by zinc oxide/zeolite socony mobile-5 (ZnO/ZSM-... more Photocatalytic degradation of Methylene Blue (MB) by zinc oxide/zeolite socony mobile-5 (ZnO/ZSM-5) composites was investigated. The ZSM-5 material was synthesized from red mud by a two-step hydrothermal method to which ZnO loadings at different mass ratios were subsequently performed. Characterizations using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy were carried out to identify the formation of ZSM-5 and ZnO/ZSM-5. ZSM-5 and ZnO/ZSM-5 have cubic microcrystallite morphologies. ZnO loading in the ZnO/ZSM-5 composites was successfully performed and confirmed by the appearance of wurtzite peaks in the XRD spectra that matched the Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards data. The presence of ZnO in ZSM-5 leading resulted in a decrease in the surface area and pore size as confirming by nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherm experiments. The band gap of the samples was measured using UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy....
Abstrak : Penentuan energi kisi, U, sangat penting dilakukan pada suatu senyawa ionik karena harg... more Abstrak : Penentuan energi kisi, U, sangat penting dilakukan pada suatu senyawa ionik karena harganya menjadi kendali termodinamika pembentukan senyawa tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan rumusan energi kisi yang berlaku untuk senyawa oksida perovskit dan membandingkan energi kisi dari persamaan yang dihasilkan dan hasil simulasi atomik. Oksida-oksida perovskit yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah golongan lantanoid ferat (LnFeO3) dan aluminat (LnA1O3). Kedua kelas senyawa oksida ionik terner tersebut memiliki grup ruang Pbnm atau R-3c. Energi kisi oksida-oksida perovskit telah ditentukan dengan persamaan pendekatan energi kisi Glasser (G), Glasser-Jenkins, (GJ), dan Yoder-Flora, (YF). Aluran antara energi kisi yang dihitung dengan siklus Born-Haber, U(BHC), terhadap U(G),U(GJ), dan U(YF) berturut-turut menghasilkan R = 0,8872, 0,5919 dan 0,9982. Berdasarkan aluran tadi disimpulkan bahwa pendekatan terbaik untuk U(BHC) adalah U(YF). Persamaan sederhana hasil aluran ...
Kinetics studies and adsorption isotherms of Pb metal have been conducted on activated clay salt... more Kinetics studies and adsorption isotherms of Pb metal have been conducted on activated clay salts of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3). Clays used are taken from Ouw village, Central Maluku. Clay activated by soaking in a solution of NH4NO3 700 ppm for 5 hours, then filtering and heating in a furnace at 550 oC for 4 hours. The optimum adsorption of metal ions Pb (II) by activated clay ammonium nitrate occurs at pH 4 with a contact time of 4 hours and followed the Freundlich adsorption isotherm pattern with a Kf value of 1.6193 x 10-8 mg/g and n value of 0.2059. Pb adsorption kinetics followed the pseudo-second-order Lagergren equation with the value of the adsorption rate constant (k2, ads) of 0.1248 g mg-1 min-1 and Xe value of 4.4783 mg/g.
Determination of cadmium and copper concentration of canned fish have been done. Some canned fish... more Determination of cadmium and copper concentration of canned fish have been done. Some canned fished were taken away from three mercks circulating in a market and marked as RS (the 1 st sample), NF(2 nd sample), and CP(3 rd sample). The aim of this research is to determine of cadmium (Cd) and copper (Cu) content of canned fish and to compare the content with the standard limit regulated by the Directorate General of Drug and Food Control No: 03725/B/SK/VII/89. Determination of metal concentration was conducted using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). It was found that Cd concentrations of RS and NF samples are 0.1969 mg/kg and0.0448 mg/kg, respecively while for CP it was not detected. For Cu concentrations of RS, NF, and CP are 3.3303 mg/kg, 4.6130 mg/kg, 3.3047 mg/kg respectively. The results indicated that the samples of the canned fishes have been contaminated with Cd and Cu metals although the levels of those metals are still lower than the maximum limit regulated...
Environmental research, Jul 1, 2024
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science, Sep 22, 2023
Photodegradation of organic pollutants depends significantly on the structure of metal oxide-base... more Photodegradation of organic pollutants depends significantly on the structure of metal oxide-based semiconductor photocatalysts. ZnO/ZSM-5 has shown the potential to significantly improve its photocatalytic efficiency for removing waterborne pollutants. ZnO/ZSM-5 has been reported to be an active catalyst for degrading methylene blue. These methods commonly involve various catalytic reactions, with the Langmuir-Hinshelwood process being used to describe the reaction kinetics. A kinetic study on the photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue using ZnO/ZSM-5 was conducted under UV-LED lamp irradiation. ZnO/ZSM-5 was characterized using XRD, SEM, and N2 adsorption-desorption, and it was prepared via the impregnation method. The interaction between ZnO/ZSM-5 and methylene blue solutions over a period of 30 to 180 minutes was monitored using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue followed first-order rate kinetics. The Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H) kinetic analysis revealed that the photocatalytic reaction constant (kc) was 4.207 L.mg-1. menit-1 , and the Langmuir-Hinshelwood constant (K) was 261.509 L.mg-1 .
Arika, Mar 8, 2014
Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang analisis kandungan Ca, Mg, P, dan S pada kompos limbah ikan. K... more Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang analisis kandungan Ca, Mg, P, dan S pada kompos limbah ikan. Kompos limbah ikan diperoleh dengan cara mencampurkan limbah ikan yang telah dijemur selama satu minggu dengan kompos yang berasal dari sisa-sisa tumbuhan, ampas gergaji, dan abu sekam. Campuran kompos dan limbah ikan dimasukan ke dalam tanur pada suhu 600 C selama 45 menit. Analisis kandungan Ca dan Mg menggunakan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom dan analisis P dan S menggunakan Spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Hasil analisis kandungan unsur hara Ca, Mg, P, dan S masing-masing adalah Ca 9,58% (b/b), Mg 2,97% (b/b), dan S 6,81% (b/b).
BIOEDUPAT, Mar 29, 2023
The synthesis of biodiesel from the waste cooking oil was carried out using the catalyst from egg... more The synthesis of biodiesel from the waste cooking oil was carried out using the catalyst from eggshell of purebred chicken with methanol as a solvent. Synthesis of the biodiesel was prepared in two steps, there are esterification and transesterification. Esterification was conducted in a mol ratio of methanol and waste cooking oil was 9:1, with H2SO4 as a catalyst. Transesterification with mol ratio methanol and waste cooking oil was 12:1, with CaO from eggshell of purebred chicken as a catalyst. CaO catalyst was yielded by calcinations egg shell of purebred chicken on 1000 ⁰C for two hours. The calcination product was characterized with X-RD determine of CaO. The result of biodiesel was characterized based on 1 H-NMR, FTIR, GC-MS, dan ASTM (American Standard Testing of Materials). Yielded of biodiesel theoretically was 40.298% and experiment was 36.779%. The main component that resulted in there is methyl stearic (40.21%).
Eksakta: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu MIPA, Apr 20, 2014
Penentuan konsentrasi logam Cd dan Cu dala telah dilakukan. Produk ikan kemasan kaleng yang diten... more Penentuan konsentrasi logam Cd dan Cu dala telah dilakukan. Produk ikan kemasan kaleng yang ditentukan logamnya diambil dari 3 merek yang beredar di pasaran, yakni RS(sampel 1),NF(sampel 2), dan CP(sampel 3). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan besarnya kandun produk ikan kemasan kaleng dan membandingkan kandungan logam Cd dan Cu pada produk ikan kemasan kaleng dengan standar yang dikeluarkan oleh S.K Dirjen BPOM No. 03725/B/SK/VII/89. Penentuan kandungan logam Cd dan Cu dilakukan mengg spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA). Berdasarkan hasil,ditemukan konsentrasi logam Cd pada RS adalah 0,1969 mg/kg Sedangkan konsentrasi logam Cu pada RS adalah 3 dan CP adalah 3,3047 mg/kg. Hasil penentuan menunjukkan bahwa sampel ikan kaleng telah tercemar oleh logam kadmium dan tembaga. Konsentrasi logam Cd dan Cu yang diperoleh pada semua sampel, tidak melampaui batas maksim Dirjen Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan No : 03725/B/SK/VII/89 dimana batas maksimum untuk untuk tembaga sebesar 5,0 mg/kg, sedangkan untuk kadmium sebesar 0,2 mg/kg.
This paper describes the determination of individual magnetic particle sources found in the sedim... more This paper describes the determination of individual magnetic particle sources found in the sediment of the Wae Tomu river estuary in Ambon City, Indonesia. The sample used was a magnetic particle extracted from the sediment. As comparative data, magnetic particles were also extracted from the soil in the river upstream. These particles were characterized using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscope (EDX), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). SEM analysis results showed that the magnetic particles found in the sediment have a spherule-shaped and framboid-like surface morphology measuring ≈43–97 mm, while magnetic particles found in the soil were octahedral and angular-shaped with a maximum length of ≈40–60 mm. The majority of the elemental composition of the magnetic particles from the sediment were Fe and O, followed by minor elements of Zn, Cu, S, Al, Si, and Cr. In contrast, the majority of elements from the soil were Fe and O, followed by minor elemen...
Photocatalytic degradation of Methylene Blue (MB) by zinc oxide/zeolite socony mobile-5 (ZnO/ZSM-... more Photocatalytic degradation of Methylene Blue (MB) by zinc oxide/zeolite socony mobile-5 (ZnO/ZSM-5) composites was investigated. The ZSM-5 material was synthesized from red mud by a two-step hydrothermal method to which ZnO loadings at different mass ratios were subsequently performed. Characterizations using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy were carried out to identify the formation of ZSM-5 and ZnO/ZSM-5. ZSM-5 and ZnO/ZSM-5 have cubic microcrystallite morphologies. ZnO loading in the ZnO/ZSM-5 composites was successfully performed and confirmed by the appearance of wurtzite peaks in the XRD spectra that matched the Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards data. The presence of ZnO in ZSM-5 leading resulted in a decrease in the surface area and pore size as confirming by nitrogen adsorptiondesorption isotherm experiments. The band gap of the samples was measured using UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The optimum photocatalytic degradation of MB was observed at a ZnO loading of 34% w/w dubbed 34-ZnO/ZSM-5. The influence of the initial concentration of MB was also investigated at 80, 90, and 100 mg L − 1 using 34-ZnO/ZSM-5 and ZSM-5. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry characterization was performed to analyze the degradation products.
BIOEDUPAT: Pattimura Journal of Biology and Learning
The synthesis of biodiesel from the waste cooking oil was carried out using the catalyst from egg... more The synthesis of biodiesel from the waste cooking oil was carried out using the catalyst from egg shell of purebred chicken with methanol as a solvent. Synthesis the biodiesel was prepared in two steps, there are esterification and transesterification. In esterification was conducted in mol ratio of methanol and waste cooking oil were 9:1, with H2SO4 as a catalyst. Transesterification with mol ratio methanol and waste cooking oil were 12:1, with CaO from egg shell of purebred chicken as a catalyst. CaO catalyst was yielded by calcinations egg shell of purebred chicken on 1000 ⁰C for two hours. Calcination product was characterized with X-RD to determine of CaO. Result of biodiesel was characterized based on 1H-NMR, FTIR, GC-MS, dan ASTM (American Standard Testing of Materials). Yielded of biodiesel theoretically was 40.298% and experiment was 36.779%. Main component that resulted there is methyl stearic (40.21%).
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y ... more Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne. https://apropos.erudit.org/fr/usagers/politique-dutilisation/ Cet article est diffusé et préservé par Érudit.
Jurnal Kimia Riset
The concern associated with the depletion of fossil fuel energy has opened up windows of opportun... more The concern associated with the depletion of fossil fuel energy has opened up windows of opportunity for researchers to develop potential energy from renewable resources. The renewable green diesel with diesel range hydrocarbon structure has gained increasing popularity by removing oxygen molecule via direct or hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) and indirect or deoxygenation (DO) reaction. The catalyst design is an important key to achieve the high quality of diesel range hydrocarbon fuels. The different catalyst properties effect to the distribution of deoxygenated liquid product, the catalytic activity and coke formation during the reaction process. The interaction between metal and support catalyst causes electron transfer to give the synestistic effect. The acidity and basicity play important role in C-C and C-O breaking bond in triglyceride and prevent the coke formation. The pore structure and pore size catalyst provide the accessibility of active sites alleviates the diffusion limitat...
Limbah bauksit (Red mud) Pulau Bintan Kepulauan Riau telah dimanfaatkan untuk mensintesis ZSM-5 h... more Limbah bauksit (Red mud) Pulau Bintan Kepulauan Riau telah dimanfaatkan untuk mensintesis ZSM-5 hierarki. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan material ZSM-5 hierarki yang berfungsi sebagai adsorben dengan metode hidrotermal dan sebagai fotokatalis untuk menghilangkan (MB) dalam air. ZSM-5 hierarki disintesis menggunakan metode hidrotermal dengan 2 tahap kristalisasi yaitu suhu 80 C pada waktu 6, 9, dan 24 jam dan suhu 150 C pada waktu 24 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ZSM-5 hierarki 6 jam mempunyai luas permukaan dan volume mesopori intra-partikel masing-masing sebesar 734 m2/g dan 0,58 cm3/g. Kinetika adsorpsi ZSM-5 hierarki 6 jam pada MB mengikuti model orde satu. Parameter termodinamika adsorpsi G, H, dan S masing-masing -2,69; -4,04; -5,38 kJmol-1, 38,06 kJmol-1, dan 0,13 kJ/mol.K. Pengaruh pH terhadap fotokatalisis MB dengan removal sebesar 98,38 %. Kinetika laju reaksi fotokatalisis MB oleh ZnO/ZSM-5 hierarki 6 jam mengikuti orde satu dengan nilai R2 > 0,957. Fotokatalisis MB pada ZnO/ZSM-5 hierarki 6 jam mengikuti model kinetika Langmuir – Hinshelwood (L-H) dengan nilai R2 = 0,989. =================================================================================================== Bauxite waste (Red Mud) from Bintan Island, Riau Archipelago used to synthesize hierarchical ZSM-5. The purpose of this research is to produce a hierarchical ZSM-5 material that functions as an adsorbent by the hydrothermal method and as a photocatalyst material for removing methylene blue (MB) in water. ZSM-5 hierarchical was synthesized using the hydrothermal method with two stages of crystallization, namely a temperature of 80 C at 6, 9, and 24h and a temperature of 150 C at 24h. The results showed that the hierarchical ZSM-5_6h had a large mesoporous surface area and volume of 734 m2/g and 0.58 cm3/g, respectively. The hierarchical ZSM-5_6h adsorption kinetics on MB followed a pseudo-first-order model. The adsorption thermodynamic parameters such as G, H, and S were -2.69 kJmol-1 -4,04; -5,38 kJmol-, 38.06 kJmol-1, and 0.13 kJ/mol.K, respectively. The effect of pH on MB photocatalysis with removal is 98.38%. The kinetics of the MB photocatalysis reaction rate by ZnO/ZSM-5_6h hierarchical followed the first order with R2 > 0.957. MB photocatalysis on ZnO/ZSM-5_6h hierarchical followed the Langmuir – Hinshelwood (L-H) kinetic model with R2 = 0.989
Indo J Chem Res, 2017
Kinetics studies and adsorption isotherms of Pb metal have been conducted on activated clay salt... more Kinetics studies and adsorption isotherms of Pb metal have been conducted on activated clay salts of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3). Clays used are taken from Ouw village, Central Maluku. Clay activated by soaking in a solution of NH4NO3 700 ppm for 5 hours, then filtering and heating in a furnace at 550 oC for 4 hours. The optimum adsorption of metal ions Pb (II) by activated clay ammonium nitrate occurs at pH 4 with a contact time of 4 hours and followed the Freundlich adsorption isotherm pattern with a Kf value of 1.6193 x 10-8 mg/g and n value of 0.2059. Pb adsorption kinetics followed the pseudo-second-order Lagergren equation with the value of the adsorption rate constant (k2, ads) of 0.1248 g mg-1 min-1 and Xe value of 4.4783 mg/g.
Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2022
Red mud wastes have been converted into mesoporous zeolite socony mobile-5 (ZSM-5) followed by d... more Red mud wastes have been converted into mesoporous zeolite socony mobile-5 (ZSM-5)
followed by deposited titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles to generate synergy adsorptionphotodegradation for removal of dye removal in waste water. The amount of TiO2 loading was varied to achieve optimum photocatalytic activity while maintaining the mesoporosity and high surface
area of ZSM-5. Sol-gel method facilitated the formation of anatase TiO2 on the ZSM-5. The fourier
transform infrared spectra clarified the formation of Si–O–Ti at 957 cm1 by the exchanging the
hydrogen ion with titanium ion, which proved by decreasing the absorption band of Si–OH and
Si–O interaction at 964 and 944 cm1
, respectively. Sol-gel method also preserved the mesopore
diameter of ZSM-5 at 3.5 nm which allow the diffusion of methylene blue (MB) molecules into
the pores. However, the surface area and the pore volume were slightly reduced with increasing
the TiO2 loading. The adsorption performance of samples showed that the increasing in the TiO2
loading led to the decreasing in the adsorption capacity. All samples showed the suitability towards
the pseudo second order kinetic. The Langmuir isotherm was suitable to describe the adsorption
mechanism by monolayer adsorption. Mesoporosity of ZSM-5 accelerated the adsorption of dye via the increase of mass transfer in the pore channel which confirmed by the low intercept of intraparticle diffusion model at the first stage. The photocatalytic test showed that 10% TiO2 loading on the ZSM-5 exhibited the highest methylene blue removal followed by 5% and 20% TiO2 loading.
Optimization on the amount of photocatalyst and the pH of solution indicated the reaction
favoured 1 g L1 of catalysts and at alkaline pH. 10% TiO2/ZSM-5 also exhibited high stability
and reusability up to four reaction cycles. Photocatalytic performance of 10% TiO2/ZSM-5 was further investigated on photodegradation of malachite green and rhodamine B organic dyes, which
showed the photocatalytic efficiency of 73 and 88%, respectively. Superoxide radical, hydroxyl radical, and photogenerated electron were identified as the main active species for MB photodegradation based on the reduction of degradation rate following the addition scavenger mol
Sustainable Environment Research
Photocatalytic degradation of Methylene Blue (MB) by zinc oxide/zeolite socony mobile-5 (ZnO/ZSM-... more Photocatalytic degradation of Methylene Blue (MB) by zinc oxide/zeolite socony mobile-5 (ZnO/ZSM-5) composites was investigated. The ZSM-5 material was synthesized from red mud by a two-step hydrothermal method to which ZnO loadings at different mass ratios were subsequently performed. Characterizations using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy were carried out to identify the formation of ZSM-5 and ZnO/ZSM-5. ZSM-5 and ZnO/ZSM-5 have cubic microcrystallite morphologies. ZnO loading in the ZnO/ZSM-5 composites was successfully performed and confirmed by the appearance of wurtzite peaks in the XRD spectra that matched the Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards data. The presence of ZnO in ZSM-5 leading resulted in a decrease in the surface area and pore size as confirming by nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherm experiments. The band gap of the samples was measured using UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy....
Abstrak : Penentuan energi kisi, U, sangat penting dilakukan pada suatu senyawa ionik karena harg... more Abstrak : Penentuan energi kisi, U, sangat penting dilakukan pada suatu senyawa ionik karena harganya menjadi kendali termodinamika pembentukan senyawa tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan rumusan energi kisi yang berlaku untuk senyawa oksida perovskit dan membandingkan energi kisi dari persamaan yang dihasilkan dan hasil simulasi atomik. Oksida-oksida perovskit yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah golongan lantanoid ferat (LnFeO3) dan aluminat (LnA1O3). Kedua kelas senyawa oksida ionik terner tersebut memiliki grup ruang Pbnm atau R-3c. Energi kisi oksida-oksida perovskit telah ditentukan dengan persamaan pendekatan energi kisi Glasser (G), Glasser-Jenkins, (GJ), dan Yoder-Flora, (YF). Aluran antara energi kisi yang dihitung dengan siklus Born-Haber, U(BHC), terhadap U(G),U(GJ), dan U(YF) berturut-turut menghasilkan R = 0,8872, 0,5919 dan 0,9982. Berdasarkan aluran tadi disimpulkan bahwa pendekatan terbaik untuk U(BHC) adalah U(YF). Persamaan sederhana hasil aluran ...
Kinetics studies and adsorption isotherms of Pb metal have been conducted on activated clay salt... more Kinetics studies and adsorption isotherms of Pb metal have been conducted on activated clay salts of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3). Clays used are taken from Ouw village, Central Maluku. Clay activated by soaking in a solution of NH4NO3 700 ppm for 5 hours, then filtering and heating in a furnace at 550 oC for 4 hours. The optimum adsorption of metal ions Pb (II) by activated clay ammonium nitrate occurs at pH 4 with a contact time of 4 hours and followed the Freundlich adsorption isotherm pattern with a Kf value of 1.6193 x 10-8 mg/g and n value of 0.2059. Pb adsorption kinetics followed the pseudo-second-order Lagergren equation with the value of the adsorption rate constant (k2, ads) of 0.1248 g mg-1 min-1 and Xe value of 4.4783 mg/g.
Determination of cadmium and copper concentration of canned fish have been done. Some canned fish... more Determination of cadmium and copper concentration of canned fish have been done. Some canned fished were taken away from three mercks circulating in a market and marked as RS (the 1 st sample), NF(2 nd sample), and CP(3 rd sample). The aim of this research is to determine of cadmium (Cd) and copper (Cu) content of canned fish and to compare the content with the standard limit regulated by the Directorate General of Drug and Food Control No: 03725/B/SK/VII/89. Determination of metal concentration was conducted using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). It was found that Cd concentrations of RS and NF samples are 0.1969 mg/kg and0.0448 mg/kg, respecively while for CP it was not detected. For Cu concentrations of RS, NF, and CP are 3.3303 mg/kg, 4.6130 mg/kg, 3.3047 mg/kg respectively. The results indicated that the samples of the canned fishes have been contaminated with Cd and Cu metals although the levels of those metals are still lower than the maximum limit regulated...