Ani Rakhmawati | Sebelas Maret University (original) (raw)
Papers by Ani Rakhmawati
Praxis international journal of social science and literature, Aug 24, 2023
There are language variations in non-formal situations called colloquialism. Colloquialism can be... more There are language variations in non-formal situations called colloquialism. Colloquialism can be in the form of colloquial language, conversational language, and market language that is not in accordance with standard language rules. The purpose of this article is to describe and discuss the form of colloquialism usage by foreign students learning Indonesian as a foreign language. This research is a descriptive qualitative research and uses case study method. The data sources of this research are recordings of BIPA learning, recordings of active participants, and recordings of events involving passive participants. The results of this study show that the use of colloquialism of Indonesian conversation has an influence in the language acquisition of BIPA learners. The processing of Indonesian that does not conform to standard rules is an initial strategy for foreign students that can facilitate the achievement of effective communication skills. The colloquialism learned by foreign students act as scaffolding in achieving language proficiency and effective communication skills for both formal (academic) and daily communication purposes.
Adjektiva, Apr 14, 2022
This research is a descriptive qualitative research that aims to implement the STAD type cooperat... more This research is a descriptive qualitative research that aims to implement the STAD type cooperative learning model with a combination of the results of the analysis of the social elements of Ayah novel in the literature sociology course in college. The purpose of this study was to (1) know how to model STAD learning with a combination of the results of the analysis of the social elements of Ayah novel effective or not when applied in learning to learn the sociology of literature in universities and (2) find out how to use the results of the social analysis of Ayah novel in learning literary sociology in college. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with content analysis method and index interview. The source of this research data includes the text of Ayah novel, interview guide, and syllabus of learning sociology of literature. Data collection techniques by analyzing documents and interviews in depth. Checking the validity of the findings using source, method and theory triangulation by checking document data and interview results to get the same conclusion. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling while data analysis techniques used interactive model analysis of three components, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of the analysis showed that the application of the STAD type cooperative learning model with a combination of the results of Ayah novel social element analysis in the literature sociology courses in universities was effective if applied in group-based learning (cooperative).
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Sains dan Teknologi, Nov 16, 2023
Cogent Arts & Humanities, Jan 16, 2024
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, Dec 7, 2023
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, May 1, 2021
This study aims at describing the dimensionality of Javanese covid-19 appeals of five mayors and ... more This study aims at describing the dimensionality of Javanese covid-19 appeals of five mayors and regents on Instagram. The current study is descriptive qualitative research. The data of this research are the five Javanese Covid-19 appeals from five mayors and regents in East Java province. This study uses Norman Fairclough's CDA to identify and analyze the data. This study found that those Javanese Covid-19 appeals have three-dimensionality. In the textual dimension, it is found that those appeals are constructed through Javanese language identity. The imperative sentences are dominant. There are also obligatory and prohibitive deontic modalities. This shows that those appeals have a strong persuasion power. In the discursive dimension of practice, it is found that those posters are produced and distributed directly by the institution of the five regional head`s Instagram account. The consumers of those appeals are social media (Instagram) users who speak the Javanese language and especially those who live in the area where these regional heads lead. In the socio-cultural dimension, it was found that those appeals were affected by the Covid-19 situation. In the context of the situation, those appeals are a manifestation of preventive efforts from the institution in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.
Basastra: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya, Oct 30, 2022
JDMP (Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen Pendidikan), Oct 23, 2022
Learning with contemporary methods and media with interactive, innovative, and collaborative conc... more Learning with contemporary methods and media with interactive, innovative, and collaborative concepts is one of the efforts to convey material accurately and quickly to students. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of using the Team Games Tournament method and to collaborate the use of digital-based learning media with Quizizz media as an effort to improve language acquisition and skills in students with dyslexia at SMP PGRI 2 Wates. The research method used is field research and classroom action research (CAR) using case studies conducted at the Teaching Campus placement school in 2022 at SMP PGRI 2 Wates, Blitar Regency, East Java Province. The use of learning media using Quizizz and the Team Games Tournament method is carried out in several stages, namely (1) the definition stage; and (2) the design stage. The study took samples from class VII and VIII with a total number of 37 students using a test questionnaire in the form of questions through the media Quizizz. The results obtained from the results of the trial using the method and media were an increase, which initially only 46% of students had understanding and language skills to increase to 87% according to the scoring that had been done with the Quizizz media and applying the Team Games Tournament learning method. It is hoped that the application of these methods and media will be able to improve language acquisition and skills for dyslexic students who have delays in understanding language and language skills.
Seminar Internasional Riksa Bahasa, 2020
This study discusses the ritual tradition of Bubak Kawah in Surakarta traditional wedding ceremon... more This study discusses the ritual tradition of Bubak Kawah in Surakarta traditional wedding ceremony. The focus of this research is the cultural meaning contained in Bubak Kawah ritual. The purpose of this research is to look for noble values and cultural meanings in one of the ritual sequences in Surakarta's traditional wedding ceremony. This study employed qualitative research methods. The results of this study explain the meanings and values contained in the Bubak Kawah ritual. The meaning and values in this ritual can be shown through symbols and equipment used in the ritual. Broadly speaking, Bubak Kawah ritual describes the filial form of the bride and groom to the parents. The bride and groom are expected to be able to always remember parents who have given birth, raised and educated them. Through cultural meanings, it is hoped that the community can understand, maintain and preserve the existing customs and culture of Bubak Kawah.
Bahtera: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra
The Ministry of Education and Culture develops the Independent Curriculum (Which previously calle... more The Ministry of Education and Culture develops the Independent Curriculum (Which previously called as curriculum prototype) as a learning recovery effort in the midst of conditions that are expected to improve. Learning recovery is carried out to overcome the learning loss experienced by students during the pandemic. The purpose of this study was to find out whether the independent curriculum had been properly implemented at SMP Negeri 2 Batang. This study uses qualitative methods and research techniques in the form of interviews with teachers women lesson language Indonesia Of Junior High School Negeri 2 Batang as well as field studies or field research. Project strengthening profile student Pancasila has been implemented with the theme of Local Wisdom in the form of exploring herbal ingredients, all things in the Tiban market, traces of ancestral lands, and old school culinary delights. So, from this study it can be concluded that SMP Negeri 2 Batang has implemented independent cu...
Ibda' : Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya, Sep 30, 2021
Javanese society was awarded a noble cultural heritage. Every Javanese tradition and literature a... more Javanese society was awarded a noble cultural heritage. Every Javanese tradition and literature always contains the teachings of the value of goodness in it, including Serat Wedhatama pupuh Gambuh by KGPAA Mangkunegara IV. Serat Wedhatama pupuh Gambuh contains the value of Islamic religiosity, which is very important to be studied considering the occurrence of moral degradation among generations of the nation. Weak religious values are one of the factors in this moral degradation. So that this study is important to do with the hope that it can contribute to the cultivation of religious and cultural values to the nation's generation. The results of this study indicate that there is a value of Islamic religiosity in Serat Wedhatama pupuh Gambuh. These values can be used as parameters and guidelines for life. This study can also be used as a solution to answer the condition of the people who are in the midst of deculturation and dereligiosity.
The aims of this study are to describe and explain: (1) the social background of the author, (2) ... more The aims of this study are to describe and explain: (1) the social background of the author, (2) the social problem, (3) reader response, (4) the value of character building, and (5) relevancies of novel "Bulan Terbelah Di Langit Amerika" as literary learning materials in high school. The study is a descriptive qualitative study with sociology of literature approach. The sampling technique is purposive sampling.Technique of data collecting uses analysis of document technique and interview. Technique of data validity uses triangulation theory, data sources, and methods. Technique of data analysis uses interactive analysis.The results of the study show that: (1) the social background of the author BTDLA includes: profession background of the author as journalist and lecturer,religious family background, and background of the creation of novel base on author experience when they visited America; (2) the social problem in the novel consists of: tragedy of 9/11, Islamophobia, family breakdowns, and the dark side of media; (3) reader response of the novel BTDLA includes: ideal readersand common readers; (4) the values of character building in the novel BTDLA consist of 16 values, they are: religiosity, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creativity, independence, democracy, curiosity, appreciation of achievement, friendship/communication, peace, penchant reading, environmental care, social care, and responsibility; and (5) the novel BTDLA can be used as literary learning materials in High School according to Basic Competency (KD) 4.5 in grade XIICurriculum 2013, there is convert novel into another form. The novel BTDLA can be used as an example to convert the novel into film/drama.Then, the novel can also be used as teaching materials viewed from the aspects of language, psychology, and cultural background.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) unsur intrinsik pada Kumpulan Cerpen Pilihan ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) unsur intrinsik pada Kumpulan Cerpen Pilihan Kompas 2014; (2) unsur ekstrinsik pada Kumpulan Cerpen Pilihan Kompas 2014; (3) Relevansi Kumpulan Cerpen Pilihan Kompas 2014 sebagai materi pembelajaran sastra di SMA. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode struktural dan strategi analisis isi. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah Kumpulan Cerpen Pilihan Kompas 2014. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan purpossive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis dokumen, wawancara, dan angket. Validitas data diperoleh dengan triangulasi sumber data dan triangulasi teknik. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan model analisis interaktif (interactive model of analysis) yang meliputi reduksi data, display data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah: (1) unsur intrinsik yang terdapat pada Kumpulan Cerpen Pilihan Kompas 2014 meliputi alur, penokohan, latar, tema, amanat, sudut pandang, dan gaya bahasa. Unsur-unsur tersebut berbeda antara satu cerpen dengan cerpen yang lain. Perbedaan tersebut meliputi unsur intrinsik yang terkandung pada masing-masing cerpen dan unsur ekstrinsik yang digunakan oleh pengarang dalam menyampaikan cerita; (2) unsur ekstrinsik yang terdapat pada Kumpulan Cerpen Pilihan Kompas 2014 meliputi latar belakang pengarang, kondisi sosial, kondisi budaya, lingkungan pengarang, pengetahuan pengarang; (3) Kumpulan Cerpen Pilihan Kompas 2014 dan hasil analisis unsur intrinsik dan ekstrinsik yang terdapat pada cerpen relevan bila digunakan dalam materi pembelajaran sastra di SMA.
International journal of pedagogy and teacher education, Oct 31, 2017
Cross-cultural and intercultural communication is a cross-ethnic communication that naturally ari... more Cross-cultural and intercultural communication is a cross-ethnic communication that naturally arises in a social context with different religious, social, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds. In this case, it is learned how people with different cultural backgrounds interact with each other using their language. One form of communication can be seen from the use of speech acts and the form of interference from the communicant language. This paper aims to describe how the use of Malay Manado local language interference in academic discourse at Alkhairaat Palu University of Central Sulawesi. The method employed to prepare this research is descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected throught observation, recording, and interview. Systematically analyzed by using the descriptive qualitative model of interactive. The results of this study concludes that the Malay Manado local language used in acting speech to ethnic Kaili and Makassar as linguistic features between students. In the speech acts are also colored the use of Manado language interference seen vowel changing / e / and / i /, vowel removal/ e /, and consonant removal / s /, / t /, and / k /. This language varies as a result of cross-cultural and intercultural communication within the academic community in accordance with its social context.
Jurnal Sosial Humaniora Sigli
Bahasa adalah sistem lambang bunyi yang bersifat arbitrer yang digunakan oleh para anggota kelomp... more Bahasa adalah sistem lambang bunyi yang bersifat arbitrer yang digunakan oleh para anggota kelompok sosial untuk bekerja sama, berkomunikasi, dan mengidentifikasikan diri. Fungsi utama bahasa adalah sebagai alat komunikasi antar manusia baik secara individu maupun kelompok. Sosiolinguistik adalah antardisiplin ilmu yang mempelajari tentang bahasa dalam kaitannya dengan penggunaan bahasa itu sendiri di dalam masyarakat. Sosiolinguistik yang merupakan kajian ilmu bahasa dengan masyarakat tentu saja memiliki objek kajian di dalamnya. Dalam hal ini objek kajian tersebut adalah masalah-masalah yang ditemui sehingga perlu adanya pengkajian guna mencari jawaban atas pertanyaan yang ada sehingga hal ini akan menjadi kajian dimensi masalah dalam sosiolinguistik.Kata kunci: bahasa, sosiolinguistik, dimensi masalah sosiolinguistik
SEPA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis, 2018
The research aims to determine the cost, revenue, profit of industry milkfish presto Bu Jumiati, ... more The research aims to determine the cost, revenue, profit of industry milkfish presto Bu Jumiati, identify internal and external factors that affecting the development industry milkfish presto Bu Jumiati, to determine alternative strategy and strategy priority in development of industry milkfish presto Bu Jumiati. The basic method of research is descriptive with case study implementation technique. The location of the research is determined by purposive in industry milkfish presto Bu Jumiati. Analysis of the data used are (1) Analysis of cost, revenue, and profit, (2) IFE, (3) EFE, (4) SWOT, (5) QSPM. The results showed (1) Total cost of expenditure of Idr 69.043.750, the receipt of Idr 83,4 million, profit of Idr 14.356.250; (2) IFE indicates there are eight strengths and six weaknesses; (3) EFE shows there are five opportunities and five threats; (4) Alternative strategies that can be applied is to seek certificates of PIRT, halal certificate and include expiration date on product packaging, make improvements to bookkeeping management, design sales promotion with online media to increase sales and increase market development, foster strong motivation Owner of industry milkfish presto to attend information technology training and financial management; (5) A good strategic priority to apply is to obtain a PIRT certificate, a Halal certificate and include an expiration date on the product packaging.
Kata kunci: This study aimed to: (1) identify the kind of students' difficulties in learning ... more Kata kunci: This study aimed to: (1) identify the kind of students' difficulties in learning literature; (2) find out the kind of teacher's difficulties and errors in teaching literature; (3) find out the concept of using various resources study and facilities in learning literature that are available at school and society; and (4) find out a model of teaching literature that is suitable for junior high school students. The method of the research was a classroom action research. The research was conducted at SLTP 4 Surakarta from August to November 2000, consisting of 3 cycles learning activities by implementing practice-active approach. The practice-active approach is a strategy to unite between teaching learning activity in the classroom with any literature studies' activities outside the school by means of utilizing facilities and resources studies available in the society. To enhance the student's understanding and appreciation to the literature being studied, th...
Bahtera: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra
Current technological developments need to be followed by adaptation to the world of education. H... more Current technological developments need to be followed by adaptation to the world of education. However, the problem in the world of education today is that there is still unpreparedness and gaps in the use of technology in the educational sphere. The purpose of this research is as an effort to transform the development of learning media that makes more use of information technology and keeps up with the times. The Canva application can support the learning process because of the many designs provided so that learning materials can be designed more attractively. Then, the Quizlet application provides various features for creating interactive quizzes. This study used a qualitative descriptive method with interview data collection techniques with informants. Based on the results of the research, Canva and Quizlet media for learning fables at SMP Muhammadiyah Purworejo are considered to be very effective. The use of these applications does not make students bored and more interested in...
Praxis international journal of social science and literature, Aug 24, 2023
There are language variations in non-formal situations called colloquialism. Colloquialism can be... more There are language variations in non-formal situations called colloquialism. Colloquialism can be in the form of colloquial language, conversational language, and market language that is not in accordance with standard language rules. The purpose of this article is to describe and discuss the form of colloquialism usage by foreign students learning Indonesian as a foreign language. This research is a descriptive qualitative research and uses case study method. The data sources of this research are recordings of BIPA learning, recordings of active participants, and recordings of events involving passive participants. The results of this study show that the use of colloquialism of Indonesian conversation has an influence in the language acquisition of BIPA learners. The processing of Indonesian that does not conform to standard rules is an initial strategy for foreign students that can facilitate the achievement of effective communication skills. The colloquialism learned by foreign students act as scaffolding in achieving language proficiency and effective communication skills for both formal (academic) and daily communication purposes.
Adjektiva, Apr 14, 2022
This research is a descriptive qualitative research that aims to implement the STAD type cooperat... more This research is a descriptive qualitative research that aims to implement the STAD type cooperative learning model with a combination of the results of the analysis of the social elements of Ayah novel in the literature sociology course in college. The purpose of this study was to (1) know how to model STAD learning with a combination of the results of the analysis of the social elements of Ayah novel effective or not when applied in learning to learn the sociology of literature in universities and (2) find out how to use the results of the social analysis of Ayah novel in learning literary sociology in college. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with content analysis method and index interview. The source of this research data includes the text of Ayah novel, interview guide, and syllabus of learning sociology of literature. Data collection techniques by analyzing documents and interviews in depth. Checking the validity of the findings using source, method and theory triangulation by checking document data and interview results to get the same conclusion. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling while data analysis techniques used interactive model analysis of three components, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of the analysis showed that the application of the STAD type cooperative learning model with a combination of the results of Ayah novel social element analysis in the literature sociology courses in universities was effective if applied in group-based learning (cooperative).
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Sains dan Teknologi, Nov 16, 2023
Cogent Arts & Humanities, Jan 16, 2024
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, Dec 7, 2023
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, May 1, 2021
This study aims at describing the dimensionality of Javanese covid-19 appeals of five mayors and ... more This study aims at describing the dimensionality of Javanese covid-19 appeals of five mayors and regents on Instagram. The current study is descriptive qualitative research. The data of this research are the five Javanese Covid-19 appeals from five mayors and regents in East Java province. This study uses Norman Fairclough's CDA to identify and analyze the data. This study found that those Javanese Covid-19 appeals have three-dimensionality. In the textual dimension, it is found that those appeals are constructed through Javanese language identity. The imperative sentences are dominant. There are also obligatory and prohibitive deontic modalities. This shows that those appeals have a strong persuasion power. In the discursive dimension of practice, it is found that those posters are produced and distributed directly by the institution of the five regional head`s Instagram account. The consumers of those appeals are social media (Instagram) users who speak the Javanese language and especially those who live in the area where these regional heads lead. In the socio-cultural dimension, it was found that those appeals were affected by the Covid-19 situation. In the context of the situation, those appeals are a manifestation of preventive efforts from the institution in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.
Basastra: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya, Oct 30, 2022
JDMP (Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen Pendidikan), Oct 23, 2022
Learning with contemporary methods and media with interactive, innovative, and collaborative conc... more Learning with contemporary methods and media with interactive, innovative, and collaborative concepts is one of the efforts to convey material accurately and quickly to students. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of using the Team Games Tournament method and to collaborate the use of digital-based learning media with Quizizz media as an effort to improve language acquisition and skills in students with dyslexia at SMP PGRI 2 Wates. The research method used is field research and classroom action research (CAR) using case studies conducted at the Teaching Campus placement school in 2022 at SMP PGRI 2 Wates, Blitar Regency, East Java Province. The use of learning media using Quizizz and the Team Games Tournament method is carried out in several stages, namely (1) the definition stage; and (2) the design stage. The study took samples from class VII and VIII with a total number of 37 students using a test questionnaire in the form of questions through the media Quizizz. The results obtained from the results of the trial using the method and media were an increase, which initially only 46% of students had understanding and language skills to increase to 87% according to the scoring that had been done with the Quizizz media and applying the Team Games Tournament learning method. It is hoped that the application of these methods and media will be able to improve language acquisition and skills for dyslexic students who have delays in understanding language and language skills.
Seminar Internasional Riksa Bahasa, 2020
This study discusses the ritual tradition of Bubak Kawah in Surakarta traditional wedding ceremon... more This study discusses the ritual tradition of Bubak Kawah in Surakarta traditional wedding ceremony. The focus of this research is the cultural meaning contained in Bubak Kawah ritual. The purpose of this research is to look for noble values and cultural meanings in one of the ritual sequences in Surakarta's traditional wedding ceremony. This study employed qualitative research methods. The results of this study explain the meanings and values contained in the Bubak Kawah ritual. The meaning and values in this ritual can be shown through symbols and equipment used in the ritual. Broadly speaking, Bubak Kawah ritual describes the filial form of the bride and groom to the parents. The bride and groom are expected to be able to always remember parents who have given birth, raised and educated them. Through cultural meanings, it is hoped that the community can understand, maintain and preserve the existing customs and culture of Bubak Kawah.
Bahtera: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra
The Ministry of Education and Culture develops the Independent Curriculum (Which previously calle... more The Ministry of Education and Culture develops the Independent Curriculum (Which previously called as curriculum prototype) as a learning recovery effort in the midst of conditions that are expected to improve. Learning recovery is carried out to overcome the learning loss experienced by students during the pandemic. The purpose of this study was to find out whether the independent curriculum had been properly implemented at SMP Negeri 2 Batang. This study uses qualitative methods and research techniques in the form of interviews with teachers women lesson language Indonesia Of Junior High School Negeri 2 Batang as well as field studies or field research. Project strengthening profile student Pancasila has been implemented with the theme of Local Wisdom in the form of exploring herbal ingredients, all things in the Tiban market, traces of ancestral lands, and old school culinary delights. So, from this study it can be concluded that SMP Negeri 2 Batang has implemented independent cu...
Ibda' : Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya, Sep 30, 2021
Javanese society was awarded a noble cultural heritage. Every Javanese tradition and literature a... more Javanese society was awarded a noble cultural heritage. Every Javanese tradition and literature always contains the teachings of the value of goodness in it, including Serat Wedhatama pupuh Gambuh by KGPAA Mangkunegara IV. Serat Wedhatama pupuh Gambuh contains the value of Islamic religiosity, which is very important to be studied considering the occurrence of moral degradation among generations of the nation. Weak religious values are one of the factors in this moral degradation. So that this study is important to do with the hope that it can contribute to the cultivation of religious and cultural values to the nation's generation. The results of this study indicate that there is a value of Islamic religiosity in Serat Wedhatama pupuh Gambuh. These values can be used as parameters and guidelines for life. This study can also be used as a solution to answer the condition of the people who are in the midst of deculturation and dereligiosity.
The aims of this study are to describe and explain: (1) the social background of the author, (2) ... more The aims of this study are to describe and explain: (1) the social background of the author, (2) the social problem, (3) reader response, (4) the value of character building, and (5) relevancies of novel "Bulan Terbelah Di Langit Amerika" as literary learning materials in high school. The study is a descriptive qualitative study with sociology of literature approach. The sampling technique is purposive sampling.Technique of data collecting uses analysis of document technique and interview. Technique of data validity uses triangulation theory, data sources, and methods. Technique of data analysis uses interactive analysis.The results of the study show that: (1) the social background of the author BTDLA includes: profession background of the author as journalist and lecturer,religious family background, and background of the creation of novel base on author experience when they visited America; (2) the social problem in the novel consists of: tragedy of 9/11, Islamophobia, family breakdowns, and the dark side of media; (3) reader response of the novel BTDLA includes: ideal readersand common readers; (4) the values of character building in the novel BTDLA consist of 16 values, they are: religiosity, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creativity, independence, democracy, curiosity, appreciation of achievement, friendship/communication, peace, penchant reading, environmental care, social care, and responsibility; and (5) the novel BTDLA can be used as literary learning materials in High School according to Basic Competency (KD) 4.5 in grade XIICurriculum 2013, there is convert novel into another form. The novel BTDLA can be used as an example to convert the novel into film/drama.Then, the novel can also be used as teaching materials viewed from the aspects of language, psychology, and cultural background.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) unsur intrinsik pada Kumpulan Cerpen Pilihan ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) unsur intrinsik pada Kumpulan Cerpen Pilihan Kompas 2014; (2) unsur ekstrinsik pada Kumpulan Cerpen Pilihan Kompas 2014; (3) Relevansi Kumpulan Cerpen Pilihan Kompas 2014 sebagai materi pembelajaran sastra di SMA. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode struktural dan strategi analisis isi. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah Kumpulan Cerpen Pilihan Kompas 2014. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan purpossive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis dokumen, wawancara, dan angket. Validitas data diperoleh dengan triangulasi sumber data dan triangulasi teknik. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan model analisis interaktif (interactive model of analysis) yang meliputi reduksi data, display data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah: (1) unsur intrinsik yang terdapat pada Kumpulan Cerpen Pilihan Kompas 2014 meliputi alur, penokohan, latar, tema, amanat, sudut pandang, dan gaya bahasa. Unsur-unsur tersebut berbeda antara satu cerpen dengan cerpen yang lain. Perbedaan tersebut meliputi unsur intrinsik yang terkandung pada masing-masing cerpen dan unsur ekstrinsik yang digunakan oleh pengarang dalam menyampaikan cerita; (2) unsur ekstrinsik yang terdapat pada Kumpulan Cerpen Pilihan Kompas 2014 meliputi latar belakang pengarang, kondisi sosial, kondisi budaya, lingkungan pengarang, pengetahuan pengarang; (3) Kumpulan Cerpen Pilihan Kompas 2014 dan hasil analisis unsur intrinsik dan ekstrinsik yang terdapat pada cerpen relevan bila digunakan dalam materi pembelajaran sastra di SMA.
International journal of pedagogy and teacher education, Oct 31, 2017
Cross-cultural and intercultural communication is a cross-ethnic communication that naturally ari... more Cross-cultural and intercultural communication is a cross-ethnic communication that naturally arises in a social context with different religious, social, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds. In this case, it is learned how people with different cultural backgrounds interact with each other using their language. One form of communication can be seen from the use of speech acts and the form of interference from the communicant language. This paper aims to describe how the use of Malay Manado local language interference in academic discourse at Alkhairaat Palu University of Central Sulawesi. The method employed to prepare this research is descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected throught observation, recording, and interview. Systematically analyzed by using the descriptive qualitative model of interactive. The results of this study concludes that the Malay Manado local language used in acting speech to ethnic Kaili and Makassar as linguistic features between students. In the speech acts are also colored the use of Manado language interference seen vowel changing / e / and / i /, vowel removal/ e /, and consonant removal / s /, / t /, and / k /. This language varies as a result of cross-cultural and intercultural communication within the academic community in accordance with its social context.
Jurnal Sosial Humaniora Sigli
Bahasa adalah sistem lambang bunyi yang bersifat arbitrer yang digunakan oleh para anggota kelomp... more Bahasa adalah sistem lambang bunyi yang bersifat arbitrer yang digunakan oleh para anggota kelompok sosial untuk bekerja sama, berkomunikasi, dan mengidentifikasikan diri. Fungsi utama bahasa adalah sebagai alat komunikasi antar manusia baik secara individu maupun kelompok. Sosiolinguistik adalah antardisiplin ilmu yang mempelajari tentang bahasa dalam kaitannya dengan penggunaan bahasa itu sendiri di dalam masyarakat. Sosiolinguistik yang merupakan kajian ilmu bahasa dengan masyarakat tentu saja memiliki objek kajian di dalamnya. Dalam hal ini objek kajian tersebut adalah masalah-masalah yang ditemui sehingga perlu adanya pengkajian guna mencari jawaban atas pertanyaan yang ada sehingga hal ini akan menjadi kajian dimensi masalah dalam sosiolinguistik.Kata kunci: bahasa, sosiolinguistik, dimensi masalah sosiolinguistik
SEPA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis, 2018
The research aims to determine the cost, revenue, profit of industry milkfish presto Bu Jumiati, ... more The research aims to determine the cost, revenue, profit of industry milkfish presto Bu Jumiati, identify internal and external factors that affecting the development industry milkfish presto Bu Jumiati, to determine alternative strategy and strategy priority in development of industry milkfish presto Bu Jumiati. The basic method of research is descriptive with case study implementation technique. The location of the research is determined by purposive in industry milkfish presto Bu Jumiati. Analysis of the data used are (1) Analysis of cost, revenue, and profit, (2) IFE, (3) EFE, (4) SWOT, (5) QSPM. The results showed (1) Total cost of expenditure of Idr 69.043.750, the receipt of Idr 83,4 million, profit of Idr 14.356.250; (2) IFE indicates there are eight strengths and six weaknesses; (3) EFE shows there are five opportunities and five threats; (4) Alternative strategies that can be applied is to seek certificates of PIRT, halal certificate and include expiration date on product packaging, make improvements to bookkeeping management, design sales promotion with online media to increase sales and increase market development, foster strong motivation Owner of industry milkfish presto to attend information technology training and financial management; (5) A good strategic priority to apply is to obtain a PIRT certificate, a Halal certificate and include an expiration date on the product packaging.
Kata kunci: This study aimed to: (1) identify the kind of students' difficulties in learning ... more Kata kunci: This study aimed to: (1) identify the kind of students' difficulties in learning literature; (2) find out the kind of teacher's difficulties and errors in teaching literature; (3) find out the concept of using various resources study and facilities in learning literature that are available at school and society; and (4) find out a model of teaching literature that is suitable for junior high school students. The method of the research was a classroom action research. The research was conducted at SLTP 4 Surakarta from August to November 2000, consisting of 3 cycles learning activities by implementing practice-active approach. The practice-active approach is a strategy to unite between teaching learning activity in the classroom with any literature studies' activities outside the school by means of utilizing facilities and resources studies available in the society. To enhance the student's understanding and appreciation to the literature being studied, th...
Bahtera: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra
Current technological developments need to be followed by adaptation to the world of education. H... more Current technological developments need to be followed by adaptation to the world of education. However, the problem in the world of education today is that there is still unpreparedness and gaps in the use of technology in the educational sphere. The purpose of this research is as an effort to transform the development of learning media that makes more use of information technology and keeps up with the times. The Canva application can support the learning process because of the many designs provided so that learning materials can be designed more attractively. Then, the Quizlet application provides various features for creating interactive quizzes. This study used a qualitative descriptive method with interview data collection techniques with informants. Based on the results of the research, Canva and Quizlet media for learning fables at SMP Muhammadiyah Purworejo are considered to be very effective. The use of these applications does not make students bored and more interested in...