Munira Sestic | University of Sarajevo (original) (raw)
Papers by Munira Sestic
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo, Dec 19, 2019
Entrepreneurship education aims at developing not only knowledge and skills for entrepreneurial a... more Entrepreneurship education aims at developing not only knowledge and skills for entrepreneurial activity, but also the change of attitude toward entrepreneurship as a way of acting and thinking. Starting from the assumption that higher education is the basis for further professional affirmation and bearing in mind the importance of entrepreneurship for the development of the economy and society, entrepreneurial education should have a very important place in the study programs of higher education institutions. The objective of the subject research is to examine the representation of entrepreneurial education in higher education programs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to determine the structure and content of the current curricula and to give a brief overview of the methods and techniques used in teaching. Additionally, opinions of business studies students about entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurship, in terms of interest in programs aimed at strengthening entrepreneurial competencies, were examined, as well as the evaluation of these programs by students, in terms of to which extent they assess the importance and usefulness education for entrepreneurship The existing study programs at business-oriented colleges at public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina include numerous subjects that, in different ways, address the problems of entrepreneurship. However, education and education programs show weaknesses in terms of insufficient orientation to practice and the inaccessibility of these programs to some students.
Islam encourages and supports efforts to involve women in social life, to integrate them through ... more Islam encourages and supports efforts to involve women in social life, to integrate them through many courses and, together with men, to share the burden of the road towards the development and prosperity of society. The only condition set before a woman is the consistent adherence to shariah rules and principles and to jealously guarding their Islamic dignity. The economic empowerment of women through entrepreneurship and small business offers a huge space for the introduction of real changes in their lives. Although in many sectors shown as a positive example, and as a trend in the economic reality of Bosnia and Herzegovina, women’s small entrepreneurship is challenged to respond to the current economic recession. In order to gain strength and in turn to help the healing of the whole economy, such empowerment has to be first of all legally recognized (as it is in most countries of the world and neighbouring countries) both by statistical and by legislative institutions. Only by cr...
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo, Dec 19, 2019
Entrepreneurship education aims at developing not only knowledge and skills for entrepreneurial a... more Entrepreneurship education aims at developing not only knowledge and skills for entrepreneurial activity, but also the change of attitude toward entrepreneurship as a way of acting and thinking. Starting from the assumption that higher education is the basis for further professional affirmation and bearing in mind the importance of entrepreneurship for the development of the economy and society, entrepreneurial education should have a very important place in the study programs of higher education institutions. The objective of the subject research is to examine the representation of entrepreneurial education in higher education programs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to determine the structure and content of the current curricula and to give a brief overview of the methods and techniques used in teaching. Additionally, opinions of business studies students about entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurship, in terms of interest in programs aimed at strengthening entrepreneurial competencies, were examined, as well as the evaluation of these programs by students, in terms of to which extent they assess the importance and usefulness education for entrepreneurship The existing study programs at business-oriented colleges at public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina include numerous subjects that, in different ways, address the problems of entrepreneurship. However, education and education programs show weaknesses in terms of insufficient orientation to practice and the inaccessibility of these programs to some students.
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo, Dec 19, 2019
Entrepreneurship education aims at developing not only knowledge and skills for entrepreneurial a... more Entrepreneurship education aims at developing not only knowledge and skills for entrepreneurial activity, but also the change of attitude toward entrepreneurship as a way of acting and thinking. Starting from the assumption that higher education is the basis for further professional affirmation and bearing in mind the importance of entrepreneurship for the development of the economy and society, entrepreneurial education should have a very important place in the study programs of higher education institutions. The objective of the subject research is to examine the representation of entrepreneurial education in higher education programs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to determine the structure and content of the current curricula and to give a brief overview of the methods and techniques used in teaching. Additionally, opinions of business studies students about entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurship, in terms of interest in programs aimed at strengthening entrepreneurial competencies, were examined, as well as the evaluation of these programs by students, in terms of to which extent they assess the importance and usefulness education for entrepreneurship The existing study programs at business-oriented colleges at public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina include numerous subjects that, in different ways, address the problems of entrepreneurship. However, education and education programs show weaknesses in terms of insufficient orientation to practice and the inaccessibility of these programs to some students.
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo, Dec 19, 2019
Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci
In the time of digitalization within the framework of the fourth technological revolution, it is ... more In the time of digitalization within the framework of the fourth technological revolution, it is necessary to return the human being to the first place in the science of management. Men and women as the performers of activities should be on the pedestal of all modern processes that take place in society and business, to avoid the problem in which the society was “trapped“, during the previous industrial revolutions. The application of information technology in general and artificial intelligence in particular affects the design and content of the main components of job design, which inevitably leads to a reflection on the satisfaction and performance of employees at the workplace. The paper aims to explore the impact of specific workplace components on employee satisfaction and performance, further recognizing which components contribute the most in the context of digitalization and 4IR. From Hackman and Oldham’s job design theory and Mintzberg’s organizational structure framework, ...
Poduzetništvo se smatra jednim od (ključnih) načina za kreiranje zaposlenosti, a posredno i za po... more Poduzetništvo se smatra jednim od (ključnih) načina za kreiranje zaposlenosti, a posredno i za povećanje ukupnoga ekonomskog blagostanja. Ovo je osobito važno i naglašeno za tranzicijske zemlje, kakva je Bosna i Hercegovina. Stoga je opravdano postaviti sljedeće pitanje: Jesu li današnji studenti u Bosni i Hercegovini potencijalni poduzetnici sutrašnjice? Cilj je predmetnog istraživanja ispitati poduzetničke namjere studenata poslovnih studija u Bosni i Hercegovini te identificirati odrednice poduzetničkih namjera kod ove skupine. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćeni studenti prve godine poslovnih studija na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Sarajevu, nakon što su kao polaznici predmeta Poduzetništvo završili semestar. Za prikupljanje podataka korišten je anketni upitnik s 25 pitanja u formi Likertove ljestvice. Uzorak je obuhvatio 190 studenata/studentica prve godine studija. Rezultati istraživanja obrađeni su korištenjem SPSS softverskog paketa, a primijenjena je deskriptivna i korelacijska analiza. ...
Aplikacija industrije 4.0 – prilika za novi iskorak u svim industrijskim granama / Application of Industry 4.0 – an opportunity for a new step forward in all industrial branches
Currently, the world is facing major changes. Research and development of innovations in new tech... more Currently, the world is facing major changes. Research and development of innovations in new technologies, the rapid pace of implementation of these innovations and especially digitization and automation, play a major role in shaping the future world. Technological innovations promise the transformation of the world we live in all its dimensions. However, in order for the benefits of innovation to be adequately exploited, it is necessary for us as a society to adapt to the coming changes. We must also keep in mind that these changes come at a time previously marked by uncertainty, turbulent changes and hyper competitiveness. The development and implementation of new technologies in business is motivated by a number of technical and economic reasons: improving the quality of finished products (machining, etc.), increasing productivity and reducing the share of work (assembly process), increasing the degree of homogeneity of product quality in all production processes related to the a...
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo, Dec 19, 2019
Kontekstualizacijom poduzetništva proces poduzetništva dimenzionira se u prostoru i vremenu. Uklj... more Kontekstualizacijom poduzetništva proces poduzetništva dimenzionira se u prostoru i vremenu. Uključujući dimenzije prostora i vremena, istraživačima poduzetništva omogućeno je da na specifičan način odgovore na neka temeljna istraživačka pitanja vezano za poduzetnički proces-a to su: tko, zašto, na koji način, gdje, kada i koliko uspješno? Kontekstualizacija poduzetništva omogućuje bolje razumijevanje, ne samo načina na koji kontekst djeluje na poduzetništvo, bilo u smislu ograničenja ili u smislu mogućnosti, već i u smislu povratne sprege-mogućnosti djelovanja poduzetništva na promjene u kontekstu. Korist kontekstualizacije poduzetništva u tom smislu može biti dvojna-donosi korist ne samo istraživačima poduzetništva kao sredstvo unapređenja njihovih budućih istraživanja o prirodi i doprinosu poduzetničkih aktivnosti na jedan sveobuhvatniji način, već i praktičarima koji su do sada iskazivali slab interes za naučne radove iz poduzetništva u odnosu na druga područja istraživanja-kontekstualizacijom poduzetnička istraživanja za njih nisu više uopćena. Cilj rada je da predstavi i istraži recentnu literaturu koja se bavi pitanjem kontekstualizacije poduzetništva, posebno imajući u vidu upute i smjernice koje bi navedeni izvori mogli imati za istraživače poduzetništva u specifičnim kontekstima, kao što je područje Zapadnog Balkana.
New Technologies, Development and Application IV, 2021
Crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is a backward step in efforts to achieve gender equality (... more Crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is a backward step in efforts to achieve gender equality (WEF 2020). Bearing in mind that women entrepreneurs face serious obstacles, especially in less stimulating context, as it is in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the question arises – is there a gender difference in the resilience of entrepreneurial companies during the crises caused by COVID-19 pandemic. The justification of the question lies in the knowledge that women entrepreneurs face insufficient or poor quality of information in the existing government or non-government initiatives, poor supply of entrepreneurial capital, unfavourable and inappropriate attitude of banks even in “non-pandemic” times. This article will offer uncommon evidence on the (non) existence of a gender behaviour difference in sense of entrepreneurial companies’ resilience as a part of the broader study of the consequences in the pandemic crisis in entrepreneurial businesses in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The pandemic crisis has an uncertain end and global consequences, so authors will give insights for all stakeholders with a focus on the gender sensitivity when formulating policies to overcome impact of the pandemic crisis, but also a broader contribution to gender aspects of entrepreneurial researches.
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo, Dec 19, 2019
Entrepreneurship education aims at developing not only knowledge and skills for entrepreneurial a... more Entrepreneurship education aims at developing not only knowledge and skills for entrepreneurial activity, but also the change of attitude toward entrepreneurship as a way of acting and thinking. Starting from the assumption that higher education is the basis for further professional affirmation and bearing in mind the importance of entrepreneurship for the development of the economy and society, entrepreneurial education should have a very important place in the study programs of higher education institutions. The objective of the subject research is to examine the representation of entrepreneurial education in higher education programs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to determine the structure and content of the current curricula and to give a brief overview of the methods and techniques used in teaching. Additionally, opinions of business studies students about entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurship, in terms of interest in programs aimed at strengthening entrepreneurial competencies, were examined, as well as the evaluation of these programs by students, in terms of to which extent they assess the importance and usefulness education for entrepreneurship The existing study programs at business-oriented colleges at public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina include numerous subjects that, in different ways, address the problems of entrepreneurship. However, education and education programs show weaknesses in terms of insufficient orientation to practice and the inaccessibility of these programs to some students.
New Technologies, Development and Application III, 2020
Techno-entrepreneurship includes both entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial activities in which ent... more Techno-entrepreneurship includes both entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial activities in which entrepreneur recognises ideas related to innovation and technology development, finding ways to its market implementation and verification in technology-intensive environments. Therefore academic entrepreneurs in Bosnia and Herzegovina are facing the urge to create curricula that would enable potential future techno-entrepreneurs to acquire interdisciplinary knowledge and skills that would enable them to market their ideas more effectively in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). In this article we analyse the presence of the subject of Techno-entrepreneurship in Economic and Non-economic studies at the universities of Bosnia and Herzegovina and widely suggest guidelines and recommendations for creating its interdisciplinary curricula for the aforementioned studies following contemporary world academic practices. The aim is to domesticate the term of techno-entrepreneurship in the educational offer of the universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, responding to the demands of modern educational requirements and rhythms brought by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo, Dec 19, 2019
Entrepreneurship education aims at developing not only knowledge and skills for entrepreneurial a... more Entrepreneurship education aims at developing not only knowledge and skills for entrepreneurial activity, but also the change of attitude toward entrepreneurship as a way of acting and thinking. Starting from the assumption that higher education is the basis for further professional affirmation and bearing in mind the importance of entrepreneurship for the development of the economy and society, entrepreneurial education should have a very important place in the study programs of higher education institutions. The objective of the subject research is to examine the representation of entrepreneurial education in higher education programs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to determine the structure and content of the current curricula and to give a brief overview of the methods and techniques used in teaching. Additionally, opinions of business studies students about entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurship, in terms of interest in programs aimed at strengthening entrepreneurial competencies, were examined, as well as the evaluation of these programs by students, in terms of to which extent they assess the importance and usefulness education for entrepreneurship The existing study programs at business-oriented colleges at public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina include numerous subjects that, in different ways, address the problems of entrepreneurship. However, education and education programs show weaknesses in terms of insufficient orientation to practice and the inaccessibility of these programs to some students.
Islam encourages and supports efforts to involve women in social life, to integrate them through ... more Islam encourages and supports efforts to involve women in social life, to integrate them through many courses and, together with men, to share the burden of the road towards the development and prosperity of society. The only condition set before a woman is the consistent adherence to shariah rules and principles and to jealously guarding their Islamic dignity. The economic empowerment of women through entrepreneurship and small business offers a huge space for the introduction of real changes in their lives. Although in many sectors shown as a positive example, and as a trend in the economic reality of Bosnia and Herzegovina, women’s small entrepreneurship is challenged to respond to the current economic recession. In order to gain strength and in turn to help the healing of the whole economy, such empowerment has to be first of all legally recognized (as it is in most countries of the world and neighbouring countries) both by statistical and by legislative institutions. Only by cr...
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo, Dec 19, 2019
Entrepreneurship education aims at developing not only knowledge and skills for entrepreneurial a... more Entrepreneurship education aims at developing not only knowledge and skills for entrepreneurial activity, but also the change of attitude toward entrepreneurship as a way of acting and thinking. Starting from the assumption that higher education is the basis for further professional affirmation and bearing in mind the importance of entrepreneurship for the development of the economy and society, entrepreneurial education should have a very important place in the study programs of higher education institutions. The objective of the subject research is to examine the representation of entrepreneurial education in higher education programs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to determine the structure and content of the current curricula and to give a brief overview of the methods and techniques used in teaching. Additionally, opinions of business studies students about entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurship, in terms of interest in programs aimed at strengthening entrepreneurial competencies, were examined, as well as the evaluation of these programs by students, in terms of to which extent they assess the importance and usefulness education for entrepreneurship The existing study programs at business-oriented colleges at public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina include numerous subjects that, in different ways, address the problems of entrepreneurship. However, education and education programs show weaknesses in terms of insufficient orientation to practice and the inaccessibility of these programs to some students.
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo, Dec 19, 2019
Entrepreneurship education aims at developing not only knowledge and skills for entrepreneurial a... more Entrepreneurship education aims at developing not only knowledge and skills for entrepreneurial activity, but also the change of attitude toward entrepreneurship as a way of acting and thinking. Starting from the assumption that higher education is the basis for further professional affirmation and bearing in mind the importance of entrepreneurship for the development of the economy and society, entrepreneurial education should have a very important place in the study programs of higher education institutions. The objective of the subject research is to examine the representation of entrepreneurial education in higher education programs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to determine the structure and content of the current curricula and to give a brief overview of the methods and techniques used in teaching. Additionally, opinions of business studies students about entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurship, in terms of interest in programs aimed at strengthening entrepreneurial competencies, were examined, as well as the evaluation of these programs by students, in terms of to which extent they assess the importance and usefulness education for entrepreneurship The existing study programs at business-oriented colleges at public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina include numerous subjects that, in different ways, address the problems of entrepreneurship. However, education and education programs show weaknesses in terms of insufficient orientation to practice and the inaccessibility of these programs to some students.
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo, Dec 19, 2019
Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci
In the time of digitalization within the framework of the fourth technological revolution, it is ... more In the time of digitalization within the framework of the fourth technological revolution, it is necessary to return the human being to the first place in the science of management. Men and women as the performers of activities should be on the pedestal of all modern processes that take place in society and business, to avoid the problem in which the society was “trapped“, during the previous industrial revolutions. The application of information technology in general and artificial intelligence in particular affects the design and content of the main components of job design, which inevitably leads to a reflection on the satisfaction and performance of employees at the workplace. The paper aims to explore the impact of specific workplace components on employee satisfaction and performance, further recognizing which components contribute the most in the context of digitalization and 4IR. From Hackman and Oldham’s job design theory and Mintzberg’s organizational structure framework, ...
Poduzetništvo se smatra jednim od (ključnih) načina za kreiranje zaposlenosti, a posredno i za po... more Poduzetništvo se smatra jednim od (ključnih) načina za kreiranje zaposlenosti, a posredno i za povećanje ukupnoga ekonomskog blagostanja. Ovo je osobito važno i naglašeno za tranzicijske zemlje, kakva je Bosna i Hercegovina. Stoga je opravdano postaviti sljedeće pitanje: Jesu li današnji studenti u Bosni i Hercegovini potencijalni poduzetnici sutrašnjice? Cilj je predmetnog istraživanja ispitati poduzetničke namjere studenata poslovnih studija u Bosni i Hercegovini te identificirati odrednice poduzetničkih namjera kod ove skupine. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćeni studenti prve godine poslovnih studija na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Sarajevu, nakon što su kao polaznici predmeta Poduzetništvo završili semestar. Za prikupljanje podataka korišten je anketni upitnik s 25 pitanja u formi Likertove ljestvice. Uzorak je obuhvatio 190 studenata/studentica prve godine studija. Rezultati istraživanja obrađeni su korištenjem SPSS softverskog paketa, a primijenjena je deskriptivna i korelacijska analiza. ...
Aplikacija industrije 4.0 – prilika za novi iskorak u svim industrijskim granama / Application of Industry 4.0 – an opportunity for a new step forward in all industrial branches
Currently, the world is facing major changes. Research and development of innovations in new tech... more Currently, the world is facing major changes. Research and development of innovations in new technologies, the rapid pace of implementation of these innovations and especially digitization and automation, play a major role in shaping the future world. Technological innovations promise the transformation of the world we live in all its dimensions. However, in order for the benefits of innovation to be adequately exploited, it is necessary for us as a society to adapt to the coming changes. We must also keep in mind that these changes come at a time previously marked by uncertainty, turbulent changes and hyper competitiveness. The development and implementation of new technologies in business is motivated by a number of technical and economic reasons: improving the quality of finished products (machining, etc.), increasing productivity and reducing the share of work (assembly process), increasing the degree of homogeneity of product quality in all production processes related to the a...
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo, Dec 19, 2019
Kontekstualizacijom poduzetništva proces poduzetništva dimenzionira se u prostoru i vremenu. Uklj... more Kontekstualizacijom poduzetništva proces poduzetništva dimenzionira se u prostoru i vremenu. Uključujući dimenzije prostora i vremena, istraživačima poduzetništva omogućeno je da na specifičan način odgovore na neka temeljna istraživačka pitanja vezano za poduzetnički proces-a to su: tko, zašto, na koji način, gdje, kada i koliko uspješno? Kontekstualizacija poduzetništva omogućuje bolje razumijevanje, ne samo načina na koji kontekst djeluje na poduzetništvo, bilo u smislu ograničenja ili u smislu mogućnosti, već i u smislu povratne sprege-mogućnosti djelovanja poduzetništva na promjene u kontekstu. Korist kontekstualizacije poduzetništva u tom smislu može biti dvojna-donosi korist ne samo istraživačima poduzetništva kao sredstvo unapređenja njihovih budućih istraživanja o prirodi i doprinosu poduzetničkih aktivnosti na jedan sveobuhvatniji način, već i praktičarima koji su do sada iskazivali slab interes za naučne radove iz poduzetništva u odnosu na druga područja istraživanja-kontekstualizacijom poduzetnička istraživanja za njih nisu više uopćena. Cilj rada je da predstavi i istraži recentnu literaturu koja se bavi pitanjem kontekstualizacije poduzetništva, posebno imajući u vidu upute i smjernice koje bi navedeni izvori mogli imati za istraživače poduzetništva u specifičnim kontekstima, kao što je područje Zapadnog Balkana.
New Technologies, Development and Application IV, 2021
Crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is a backward step in efforts to achieve gender equality (... more Crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is a backward step in efforts to achieve gender equality (WEF 2020). Bearing in mind that women entrepreneurs face serious obstacles, especially in less stimulating context, as it is in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the question arises – is there a gender difference in the resilience of entrepreneurial companies during the crises caused by COVID-19 pandemic. The justification of the question lies in the knowledge that women entrepreneurs face insufficient or poor quality of information in the existing government or non-government initiatives, poor supply of entrepreneurial capital, unfavourable and inappropriate attitude of banks even in “non-pandemic” times. This article will offer uncommon evidence on the (non) existence of a gender behaviour difference in sense of entrepreneurial companies’ resilience as a part of the broader study of the consequences in the pandemic crisis in entrepreneurial businesses in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The pandemic crisis has an uncertain end and global consequences, so authors will give insights for all stakeholders with a focus on the gender sensitivity when formulating policies to overcome impact of the pandemic crisis, but also a broader contribution to gender aspects of entrepreneurial researches.
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo, Dec 19, 2019
Entrepreneurship education aims at developing not only knowledge and skills for entrepreneurial a... more Entrepreneurship education aims at developing not only knowledge and skills for entrepreneurial activity, but also the change of attitude toward entrepreneurship as a way of acting and thinking. Starting from the assumption that higher education is the basis for further professional affirmation and bearing in mind the importance of entrepreneurship for the development of the economy and society, entrepreneurial education should have a very important place in the study programs of higher education institutions. The objective of the subject research is to examine the representation of entrepreneurial education in higher education programs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to determine the structure and content of the current curricula and to give a brief overview of the methods and techniques used in teaching. Additionally, opinions of business studies students about entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurship, in terms of interest in programs aimed at strengthening entrepreneurial competencies, were examined, as well as the evaluation of these programs by students, in terms of to which extent they assess the importance and usefulness education for entrepreneurship The existing study programs at business-oriented colleges at public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina include numerous subjects that, in different ways, address the problems of entrepreneurship. However, education and education programs show weaknesses in terms of insufficient orientation to practice and the inaccessibility of these programs to some students.
New Technologies, Development and Application III, 2020
Techno-entrepreneurship includes both entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial activities in which ent... more Techno-entrepreneurship includes both entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial activities in which entrepreneur recognises ideas related to innovation and technology development, finding ways to its market implementation and verification in technology-intensive environments. Therefore academic entrepreneurs in Bosnia and Herzegovina are facing the urge to create curricula that would enable potential future techno-entrepreneurs to acquire interdisciplinary knowledge and skills that would enable them to market their ideas more effectively in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). In this article we analyse the presence of the subject of Techno-entrepreneurship in Economic and Non-economic studies at the universities of Bosnia and Herzegovina and widely suggest guidelines and recommendations for creating its interdisciplinary curricula for the aforementioned studies following contemporary world academic practices. The aim is to domesticate the term of techno-entrepreneurship in the educational offer of the universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, responding to the demands of modern educational requirements and rhythms brought by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.