Senadin Sabanija, Ph.D. | University of Sarajevo (original) (raw)
Papers by Senadin Sabanija, Ph.D.
Kriminalističke teme
A negative impact on public safety and security caused by the massive presence of different categ... more A negative impact on public safety and security caused by the massive presence of different categories of migrants and refugees in Bosnia and Herzegovina is considered a source of instability for the last several years. Current migration management approaches in Bosnia and Herzegovina seem to be ineffective and causing direct impacts on security in local communities. Frequent violations of basic human rights and freedoms of migrants often causing adverse responses against public safety in local communities. Securitization of migrations in Bosnia and Herzegovina becomes a legitimate approach by different organizational levels and further leading to the humanitarian crisis of unprecedented scale. It is necessary to change the current approach in Bosnia and Herzegovina to improve the migration management process in local communities ensuring minimal impacts on public safety and security. The unified, organized, and effective approach in establishing migrant transit centers based on hum...
Neksus migracija i sigurnosti na jugositoku Evrope, 2022
Neksus migracija i sigurnosti na jugoistoku Evrope sve više dobija na značaju prvenstveno zbog po... more Neksus migracija i sigurnosti na jugoistoku Evrope sve više dobija na
značaju prvenstveno zbog potencijalnih veza ilegalnih migracija sa
određenim sigurnosnim prijetnjama. U sklopu istraživanja veza koje nastaju
između migracija i sigurnosti u periodu 2016-2021 godina na jugoistoku
Evrope, intervjuisano je 32 eksperta iz oblasti migracija i sigurnosti i
ispitani su stavovi i mišljenja o tim vezama. Sproveden je i upitnik u kojem je
učestvovalo 252 ispitanika iz humanitarnog sektora, profesionalaca koji
rade na implementaciji raznih humanitarnih programa na prostoru
jugoistoka Evrope. Rezultati sprovedenih istraživanja ukazuju na postojanje
uzročno-posljedičnih veza između migracija i sigurnosti na ovom prostoru.
Većina ipitanika smatra da su migracije povezane sa terorizmom,
prekograničnim kriminalom i trgovinom ljudima ali ne mogu biti uzročnik ili
generator ovih prijetnji. Prema mišljenju većine ispitanika, termin „ ilegalne
migracije “ poželjno je zamijeniti terminom „neregularne migracije“ u
svakodnevnoj komunikaciji kako bi se izbjegla kriminalizacija migranata u
takvim situacijama i negativan uticaj na određivanje njihovog statusa.
Ispitani su stavovi i mišljenja eksperata o kršenju osnovnih ljudskih prava
migrantske populacije na ovom prostoru kao i migrantskoj krizi u pojedinim
zemljama ove regije. Većina ispitanika smatra da su migratorna kretanja u
nekom periodu prerasla u krizu u nekim državama na ovom prostoru ali je
trajanje te krize je bilo vremenski ograničeno. Može se zaključiti da neksus
migracija i sigurnosti na ovom prostoru zavisi od mnogih faktora ali da
migracije stvaraju određene sigurnosne izazove na jugoistoku Evrope.
Criminal Justice Issues Journal of Criminal Justice and Security, 2022
A negative impacts on public safety and security caused by the massive presence of different cate... more A negative impacts on public safety and security caused by the massive presence of different categories of migrants and refugees in Bosnia and Herzegovina is considered a source of instability for the last several years. Current migration management approaches in Bosnia and Herzegovina seem to be ineffective and causing direct impacts on security in local communities. Frequent violations of basic human rights and freedoms of migrants often causing adverse responses against public safety in local communities. Securitization of migrations in Bosnia and Herzegovina becomes a legitimate approach by different organizational levels and further leading to the humanitarian crisis of unprecedented scale. It is necessary to change the current approach in Bosnia and Herzegovina to improve the migration management process in local communities ensuring minimal impacts on public safety and security. The unified, organized, and effective approach in establishing migrant transit centers based on humanitarian principles might bring many benefits to local communities. Overall positive effects of such solution might abolish any financial constraint argued by local authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Comparative analysis of different migrations strategies implemented in Turkey and Greece suggests that the migration crisis approach should be highly coordinated and, to a certain level, centralized to prevent negative implications on public security.
Društvena i tehnička istraživanja, 2021
Trafficking in human beings and the smuggling of migrants today in many countries take forms that... more Trafficking in human beings and the smuggling of migrants today in
many countries take forms that might have a serious potential for impacts on
security. Security aspects of these phenomena are expressed both in
countries of origin, transit, or final destination and concerning victims of
these activities. A common element of human trafficking and migrant
smuggling is the enormous profit made by the organizers of these activities,
but it is wrong to equate these two concepts. The difference is coercion for
exploitation, which is coercion that appears as obligatory in human
trafficking, while in the smuggling of migrants it is only a side effect and can
occur during the whole process, not only at the beginning. Security aspects
of human trafficking and migrant smuggling can be also viewed through the
prism of links to terrorism, but there is insufficient evidence to suggest direct
links between the two phenomena. On the other hand, the uprise of violent
extremism, ultra-right nationalism as well as ethnonational separatism can
be directly linked to the increase of migrations in some countries. Hence, the
securitization of migration emerges as the most common response of some
countries to mass migrations, which can lead to greater security challenges.
A review of available research on migration and security in Southeast
Europe, the European Union, and the United States may lead to a conclusion
that human trafficking and smuggling of migrants, although the backbone of
organized transnational crime, cannot be considered generators of negative
security impacts in these countries.
Criminal Justice Issues, 2021
A negative impact on public safety and security caused by the massive presence of different categ... more A negative impact on public safety and security caused by the massive presence of different categories of migrants and refugees in Bosnia and Herzegovina is considered a source of instability for the last several years. Current migration management approaches in Bosnia and Herzegovina seem to be ineffective and causing direct impacts on security in local communities. Frequent violations of basic human rights and freedoms of migrants often causing adverse responses against local communities and public safety. Securitization of migrations in Bosnia and Herzegovina becomes a legitimate approach by different organizational levels and further leading to the humanitarian crisis of unprecedented scale. It is necessary to change the current approach in Bosnia and Herzegovina to improve the migration management process in local communities ensuring minimal impacts on public safety and security. The unified, organized, and effective approach in establishing migrants transit centers based on humanitarian principles might have many other benefits in local communities. Overall positive effects of such a solution might abolish any financial constraint argued by local authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Comparative analysis of different migrations strategies implemented in Turkey and Greece suggests that the migration crisis approach should be highly coordinated and, to a certain level, centralized to prevent negative implications on public security.
Društvena i tehnička istraživanja DITI, 2021
Međunarodne migracije nisu problem koji treba rješavati već proces kojim treba upravljati. Sekuri... more Međunarodne migracije nisu problem koji treba rješavati već proces kojim treba upravljati. Sekuritizacija migracija kao dominanatan odgovor na migrantsku krizu u posljednjem desetljeću postaje pristup koji poduzimaju neke zemlje Jugoistočne Evrope u cilju rješavanja problema ilegalnih migracija unutar vlastitih granica. Pristup ilegalnim migracijama kao sigurnosnoj prijetnji usmjerenoj prema prvenstveno nacionalnoj sigurnosti, inicira i odgovor tih država adekvatnim sigurnosnim mjerama. Teorija sekuritizacije prema Kopenhagenškoj školi smatra da je poduzimanje akcije prema unaprijed utvrđenoj opasnosti u skladu sa osnovnom zadaćom države koja može koristiti sva sredstva za eliminaciju egzistencijalne prijetnje na osnovu odluke političkih elita. Proširivanje sigurnosne agende kako to zagovaraju sekuritizacijske studije na situacije koje nikada nisu bile smatrane sigurnosnim problemima kao što su međunarodne migracije može dovesti i do stvaranja novih sigurnosnih izazova.Sekuritizacija migracija nije adekvatan niti dovoljan odgovor u upravljanju migracijama jer zanemaruje druge dimenzije migracija iako je politički veoma prihvatljiva. Klasifikacija ilegalnih migracija kao sigurnosne prijetnje zavisi prvenstveno od političkih interesa „učesnika” iako ova kategorija migracija zahtijeva određeni krivično pravni odgovor u mnogim slučajevima. U kontekstu teorije sekuritizacije Kopenhagenške škole ilegalne migracije mogu predstavljati tek djelomičnu sigurnosnu prijetnju u izloženim zemljama. Ta djelomična sigurnosna prijetnja se može identifiovati u segmentima prekograničnog kriminala, trgovine ljudima i krijumčarenju dok se veze sa terorizmom mogu uspostaviti samo u strogo izolovanim, pojedinačnim slučajevima a nikako kao generalna pretpostavka.
Kriminalističke teme
A negative impact on public safety and security caused by the massive presence of different categ... more A negative impact on public safety and security caused by the massive presence of different categories of migrants and refugees in Bosnia and Herzegovina is considered a source of instability for the last several years. Current migration management approaches in Bosnia and Herzegovina seem to be ineffective and causing direct impacts on security in local communities. Frequent violations of basic human rights and freedoms of migrants often causing adverse responses against public safety in local communities. Securitization of migrations in Bosnia and Herzegovina becomes a legitimate approach by different organizational levels and further leading to the humanitarian crisis of unprecedented scale. It is necessary to change the current approach in Bosnia and Herzegovina to improve the migration management process in local communities ensuring minimal impacts on public safety and security. The unified, organized, and effective approach in establishing migrant transit centers based on hum...
Neksus migracija i sigurnosti na jugositoku Evrope, 2022
Neksus migracija i sigurnosti na jugoistoku Evrope sve više dobija na značaju prvenstveno zbog po... more Neksus migracija i sigurnosti na jugoistoku Evrope sve više dobija na
značaju prvenstveno zbog potencijalnih veza ilegalnih migracija sa
određenim sigurnosnim prijetnjama. U sklopu istraživanja veza koje nastaju
između migracija i sigurnosti u periodu 2016-2021 godina na jugoistoku
Evrope, intervjuisano je 32 eksperta iz oblasti migracija i sigurnosti i
ispitani su stavovi i mišljenja o tim vezama. Sproveden je i upitnik u kojem je
učestvovalo 252 ispitanika iz humanitarnog sektora, profesionalaca koji
rade na implementaciji raznih humanitarnih programa na prostoru
jugoistoka Evrope. Rezultati sprovedenih istraživanja ukazuju na postojanje
uzročno-posljedičnih veza između migracija i sigurnosti na ovom prostoru.
Većina ipitanika smatra da su migracije povezane sa terorizmom,
prekograničnim kriminalom i trgovinom ljudima ali ne mogu biti uzročnik ili
generator ovih prijetnji. Prema mišljenju većine ispitanika, termin „ ilegalne
migracije “ poželjno je zamijeniti terminom „neregularne migracije“ u
svakodnevnoj komunikaciji kako bi se izbjegla kriminalizacija migranata u
takvim situacijama i negativan uticaj na određivanje njihovog statusa.
Ispitani su stavovi i mišljenja eksperata o kršenju osnovnih ljudskih prava
migrantske populacije na ovom prostoru kao i migrantskoj krizi u pojedinim
zemljama ove regije. Većina ispitanika smatra da su migratorna kretanja u
nekom periodu prerasla u krizu u nekim državama na ovom prostoru ali je
trajanje te krize je bilo vremenski ograničeno. Može se zaključiti da neksus
migracija i sigurnosti na ovom prostoru zavisi od mnogih faktora ali da
migracije stvaraju određene sigurnosne izazove na jugoistoku Evrope.
Criminal Justice Issues Journal of Criminal Justice and Security, 2022
A negative impacts on public safety and security caused by the massive presence of different cate... more A negative impacts on public safety and security caused by the massive presence of different categories of migrants and refugees in Bosnia and Herzegovina is considered a source of instability for the last several years. Current migration management approaches in Bosnia and Herzegovina seem to be ineffective and causing direct impacts on security in local communities. Frequent violations of basic human rights and freedoms of migrants often causing adverse responses against public safety in local communities. Securitization of migrations in Bosnia and Herzegovina becomes a legitimate approach by different organizational levels and further leading to the humanitarian crisis of unprecedented scale. It is necessary to change the current approach in Bosnia and Herzegovina to improve the migration management process in local communities ensuring minimal impacts on public safety and security. The unified, organized, and effective approach in establishing migrant transit centers based on humanitarian principles might bring many benefits to local communities. Overall positive effects of such solution might abolish any financial constraint argued by local authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Comparative analysis of different migrations strategies implemented in Turkey and Greece suggests that the migration crisis approach should be highly coordinated and, to a certain level, centralized to prevent negative implications on public security.
Društvena i tehnička istraživanja, 2021
Trafficking in human beings and the smuggling of migrants today in many countries take forms that... more Trafficking in human beings and the smuggling of migrants today in
many countries take forms that might have a serious potential for impacts on
security. Security aspects of these phenomena are expressed both in
countries of origin, transit, or final destination and concerning victims of
these activities. A common element of human trafficking and migrant
smuggling is the enormous profit made by the organizers of these activities,
but it is wrong to equate these two concepts. The difference is coercion for
exploitation, which is coercion that appears as obligatory in human
trafficking, while in the smuggling of migrants it is only a side effect and can
occur during the whole process, not only at the beginning. Security aspects
of human trafficking and migrant smuggling can be also viewed through the
prism of links to terrorism, but there is insufficient evidence to suggest direct
links between the two phenomena. On the other hand, the uprise of violent
extremism, ultra-right nationalism as well as ethnonational separatism can
be directly linked to the increase of migrations in some countries. Hence, the
securitization of migration emerges as the most common response of some
countries to mass migrations, which can lead to greater security challenges.
A review of available research on migration and security in Southeast
Europe, the European Union, and the United States may lead to a conclusion
that human trafficking and smuggling of migrants, although the backbone of
organized transnational crime, cannot be considered generators of negative
security impacts in these countries.
Criminal Justice Issues, 2021
A negative impact on public safety and security caused by the massive presence of different categ... more A negative impact on public safety and security caused by the massive presence of different categories of migrants and refugees in Bosnia and Herzegovina is considered a source of instability for the last several years. Current migration management approaches in Bosnia and Herzegovina seem to be ineffective and causing direct impacts on security in local communities. Frequent violations of basic human rights and freedoms of migrants often causing adverse responses against local communities and public safety. Securitization of migrations in Bosnia and Herzegovina becomes a legitimate approach by different organizational levels and further leading to the humanitarian crisis of unprecedented scale. It is necessary to change the current approach in Bosnia and Herzegovina to improve the migration management process in local communities ensuring minimal impacts on public safety and security. The unified, organized, and effective approach in establishing migrants transit centers based on humanitarian principles might have many other benefits in local communities. Overall positive effects of such a solution might abolish any financial constraint argued by local authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Comparative analysis of different migrations strategies implemented in Turkey and Greece suggests that the migration crisis approach should be highly coordinated and, to a certain level, centralized to prevent negative implications on public security.
Društvena i tehnička istraživanja DITI, 2021
Međunarodne migracije nisu problem koji treba rješavati već proces kojim treba upravljati. Sekuri... more Međunarodne migracije nisu problem koji treba rješavati već proces kojim treba upravljati. Sekuritizacija migracija kao dominanatan odgovor na migrantsku krizu u posljednjem desetljeću postaje pristup koji poduzimaju neke zemlje Jugoistočne Evrope u cilju rješavanja problema ilegalnih migracija unutar vlastitih granica. Pristup ilegalnim migracijama kao sigurnosnoj prijetnji usmjerenoj prema prvenstveno nacionalnoj sigurnosti, inicira i odgovor tih država adekvatnim sigurnosnim mjerama. Teorija sekuritizacije prema Kopenhagenškoj školi smatra da je poduzimanje akcije prema unaprijed utvrđenoj opasnosti u skladu sa osnovnom zadaćom države koja može koristiti sva sredstva za eliminaciju egzistencijalne prijetnje na osnovu odluke političkih elita. Proširivanje sigurnosne agende kako to zagovaraju sekuritizacijske studije na situacije koje nikada nisu bile smatrane sigurnosnim problemima kao što su međunarodne migracije može dovesti i do stvaranja novih sigurnosnih izazova.Sekuritizacija migracija nije adekvatan niti dovoljan odgovor u upravljanju migracijama jer zanemaruje druge dimenzije migracija iako je politički veoma prihvatljiva. Klasifikacija ilegalnih migracija kao sigurnosne prijetnje zavisi prvenstveno od političkih interesa „učesnika” iako ova kategorija migracija zahtijeva određeni krivično pravni odgovor u mnogim slučajevima. U kontekstu teorije sekuritizacije Kopenhagenške škole ilegalne migracije mogu predstavljati tek djelomičnu sigurnosnu prijetnju u izloženim zemljama. Ta djelomična sigurnosna prijetnja se može identifiovati u segmentima prekograničnog kriminala, trgovine ljudima i krijumčarenju dok se veze sa terorizmom mogu uspostaviti samo u strogo izolovanim, pojedinačnim slučajevima a nikako kao generalna pretpostavka.