Mercy B Bientri Yunindanova | Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta (original) (raw)

Papers by Mercy B Bientri Yunindanova

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan Narapidana Perempuan Melalui Pelatihan Ecoprintdi Lapas Perempuan Kelas IIA Semarang

Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat dan CSR ke-4 Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sebelas Maret, 2024

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keterbatasan waktu yang dimiliki narapidana dalam mengikuti ... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keterbatasan waktu yang dimiliki narapidana dalam mengikuti pelatihan di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas), yang menjadi tantangan dalam pengembangan keterampilan mereka. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi efektivitas pelatihan ecoprintberbasis kertas dengan metode action research yang diberikan kepada 30 narapidana di Lapas Perempuan Kelas IIA Semarang. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pretest sebelum pelatihan dan posttest setelah pelatihan, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji beda (paired simple t-test) dan uji N-Gain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara skor pretest dan posttest dengan rata-rata peningkatan sebesar 77%, yang termasuk dalam kategori tinggi, dan 77% peserta masuk dalam kategoripeningkatan yang tinggi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan ecoprintefektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan narapidana meskipun mereka menghadapi keterbatasan waktu dan sumber daya, sehingga pelatihan ini layak untuk diimplementasikan diLapas sebagai alternatif pengembangan keterampilan.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Ibu & Aktivasi Anak: Konsep Pendekatan Pengabdian Masyarakat yang Holistik, Studi Kasus Pengabdian Masyarakat di Jepang

Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat dan CSR ke-4 Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sebelas Maret, 2024

Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi konsep "Pemberdayaan Ibu dan Aktivasi Anak" sebagai pendekatan holi... more Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi konsep "Pemberdayaan Ibu dan Aktivasi Anak" sebagai pendekatan holistik dalam pengabdian masyarakat, dengan fokus pada studi kasus dari Jepang. Di Jepang, kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh sukarelawan, seperti kelas bahasa Jepang, sering kali melibatkan ibu-ibu dengan anak kecil, terutama selama jam kerja ketika balita tidak bersekolah. Untuk mendukung belajar, penyelenggara menyediakan fasilitas kegiatan bagi anak, memungkinkan para ibu untuk fokus penuh pada pembelajaran. Pendekatan yang berfokus pada pemberdayaan ibu dan aktivasi anak ini tidak hanya meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan ibu melalui peningkatan fokus belajar, menjadi daya tarik bagi program, tetapi juga memastikan bahwa anak-anak mereka terlibat dalam aktivitas bermakna yang mendorong perkembangan kognitif dan sosial. Di Indonesia, beberapa kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang menargetkan ibu rumah tangga banyak dilakukan, mengingat potensi waktu yang dimiliki dan peran signifikan ibu rumah tangga dalam kontribusi ekonomi keluarga. Ibu rumah tangga di Indonesia juga beberapa mengalami kondisi serupa dengan adanya kegiatan mengasuh anak. Keberhasilan model ini di Jepang menunjukkan efektivitas integrasi antara pemberdayaan ibu dan aktivasi anak, yang berkontribusi pada penguatan keluarga dan ketahanan komunitas. Berdasarkan model di Jepang, pendekatan serupa dapat diterapkan di Indonesia sebagai pilihan yang dapat diimplementasikan sesuai dengan konteks masyarakat Indonesia guna memberikan manfaat yang substansial.

Research paper thumbnail of Metabolomics application for food quality improvement and reduction of food loss

AIP conference proceedings, 2024

Metabolomics is a comprehensive measurement of the metabolome in biological samples conducted by ... more Metabolomics is a comprehensive measurement of the metabolome in biological samples conducted by specific instruments and involves multivariate analysis. Metabolomics can be applied in a wide range of fields, including bioscience (functional genomics), medical (clinical research or public health), bio-industry (biofuel production), as well as food and agriculture. Metabolomics analysis generates numerous metabolites information which applicable for various purposes. Information related to metabolites can lead to the determination of metabolite markers, metabolic pathways, and modeling processes. Food metabolomics evaluates the food quality resulting from various treatments starting from cultivation, harvesting, post-harvest treatment, and food processing. Food metabolomics combines the metabolomics approach with specific attributes/grades/characteristics of the product to fully elucidate factors contributing the food quality. Metabolomics can complement or determine the grade of food products previously carried out by sensory evaluation resulting in a more effective and efficient determination method. Food metabolomics applications range from increasing shelf life, quality improvement, authenticity assessment, diet monitoring, identifying unique characteristics, and product development. This field of study also contributes to realizing an ethical consumption society and less food loss and waste reduction. Eventually, food metabolomics contributes to SDG 2 (creating a world free of hunger), SDG 3 (ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages), and SDG 12 (ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns).

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of kopyor coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) using sensory analysis and metabolomics-based approach

Journal of bioscience and bioengineering, Apr 1, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Azolla and intermittent irrigation to improve the productivity and nutrient contents of local black rice variety

IOP conference series, Mar 1, 2018

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licenc... more Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.

Research paper thumbnail of Variasi Nutrisi Dan Naungan Terhadap Hasil Seledri Dengan Hidroponik Rakit Apung

Jurnal Agroteknologi, Aug 31, 2018

Celery (Apium graveolens L.) is an important horticultural commodity with a high level of demand.... more Celery (Apium graveolens L.) is an important horticultural commodity with a high level of demand. The fulfillment of celery needs can be done by cultivating celery with hydroponic floating system. However, cultivation of celery on a home-scale by using hydroponic floating system is often faced with the issue of shade and nutrient availability. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the effect of shade, variation of nutrients and their interaction on the growth and yield of celery. The research was conducted from March to August 2016 at Greenhouse Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Research utilized two factors, namely the types of nutrients and shade levels. The nutrients composition comprised AB Mix, Composition I (NPK Phonska TM 1g, KCl 1g, and Foliar Fertilizer GrowMore TM 0.5 g)/L, Compostition II (NPK Phonska TM 1 g, Foliar Fertilizer GrowMore TM 1.5 g)/L and Composition III (Foliar Fertilizer Growmore TM 2.5g)/L. Shade treatments were 0%, 33%, 58% and 70%. The results showed that shading significantly decreased the growth and yield of celery. Different nutrients significantly influenced the root length but exhibited the same value on plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, number of clumps and fresh weight. There was no interaction between nutrients and shade treatments.

Research paper thumbnail of Metabolomics application for food quality improvement and reduction of food loss

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Food and Agricultural Sciences (ICFAS) 2022, 2024

Metabolomics is a comprehensive measurement of the metabolome in biological samples conducted by ... more Metabolomics is a comprehensive measurement of the metabolome in biological samples conducted by specific instruments and involves multivariate analysis. Metabolomics can be applied in a wide range of fields, including bioscience (functional genomics), medical (clinical research or public health), bio-industry (biofuel production), as well as food and agriculture. Metabolomics analysis generates numerous metabolites information which applicable for various purposes. Information related to metabolites can lead to the determination of metabolite markers, metabolic pathways, and modeling processes. Food metabolomics evaluates the food quality resulting from various treatments starting from cultivation, harvesting, post-harvest treatment, and food processing. Food metabolomics combines the metabolomics approach with specific attributes/grades/characteristics of the product to fully elucidate factors contributing the food quality. Metabolomics can complement or determine the grade of food products previously carried out by sensory evaluation resulting in a more effective and efficient determination method. Food metabolomics applications range from increasing shelf life, quality improvement, authenticity assessment, diet monitoring, identifying unique characteristics, and product development. This field of study also contributes to realizing an ethical consumption society and less food loss and waste reduction. Eventually, food metabolomics contributes to SDG 2 (creating a world free of hunger), SDG 3 (ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages), and SDG 12 (ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns).

Research paper thumbnail of Nutrient Uptake, Partitioning, and Production of Two Subspecies of Brassica using Different Solution Concentrates in Floating Hydroponics Systems

Buletin Agroteknologi, Dec 31, 2020

In this study, we investigated nutrient uptake, partitioning, and production of two subspecies of... more In this study, we investigated nutrient uptake, partitioning, and production of two subspecies of Brassica in response to nutrient solution concentration in floating hydroponics systems. This study used a complete randomized block design factorial with two factors. The first factor was two Brassica subspecies consisting of Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis (Pak Choi) and Brassica rapa var. parachinensis (Choy Sum). The second factor was the concentration level consisting electrical conductivity (EC) 1 mS cm-1 and EC 2 mS cm-1. The results indicated the absorption rates of nitrogen (N,) phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in leaves, roots and stems were similar in both nutrient concentrations. In general, all combination treatments resulted more accumulation of P followed by N, also K as the smallest proportion. P was mostly accumulated at the root and leaves (19.60 to 25.90 mg g-1), while majority of N was collected in leaves ranging from 18.00 to 24.30 mg g-1. The highest K content was detected in the stem (10.70 to 14.20 mg g-1). P uptake was 1.69 to 2.47 times higher than K, while N uptake was 1.44 to 2.04 times higher than K. Both two subspecies and concentrations performed no significant effects on nutrient uptake. Although same species, the plant growth parameters of Pak Choi and Choy Sum are very different including plant height, leaves number, width and length. Both two subspecies adapted well with both concentrations. However, significant differences were recorded in the combination of subspecies and nutrient concentration on plant growth and production parameters. To achieve higher market portion, Pak Choi would be more suitable to be planted on EC 1 mS cm-1 , while Choy Sum was favorable at both concentrations.

Research paper thumbnail of CH4 and N2O Emissions and Productivity of Physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) In Three Nitrogen Fertilizer Sources

Research paper thumbnail of Tingkat Kematangan Kompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit dan Penggunaan Berbagai Mulsa Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Tomat (Licopersicon esculentum Mill.) dan Cabai (Capsicum annuum L.)


Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Purna Tenaga Kerja Wanita melalui Pemanfaatan Pekarangan dan Pengolahan Jahe Menjadi Produk Bernilai Ekonomi

Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, Jun 30, 2020

Banyak wanita produktif di Desa Kadirejo, Kabupaten Semarang yang harus bekerja sebagai tenaga ke... more Banyak wanita produktif di Desa Kadirejo, Kabupaten Semarang yang harus bekerja sebagai tenaga kerja wanita (TKW) di luar negeri. Meskipun pilihan ini menguntungkan secara ekonomi, di sisi lain hal ini memunculkan beberapa dampak negatif bagi keluarga dan masyarakat. Peran wanita sebagai istri dan ibu menjadi kurang optimal. Terlebih lagi, umumnya mereka kurang memiliki keterampilan ekonomi produktif saat kembali Indonesia setelah bekerja sebagai TKW. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan wanita purna TKW melalui pemanfaatan pekarangan dan pengolahan empon-empon khususnya jahe menjadi produk bernilai ekonomi. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Desa Kadirejo, Kecamatan Pabelan, Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah sejak bulan Juli hingga September 2019. Program ini dilaksanakan melalui 6 tahap yaitu kajian masalah; sosialisasi mengenai potensi pekarangan dan informasi metode budidaya; praktek budidaya sayur dan pembagian benih; praktek pembuatan herbal instan; pelatihan pengemasan dan pelabelan; dan pelatihan marketing mix. Kegiatan ini secara nyata mampu memberikan keterampilan bagi wanita purna TKW. Para peserta telah menghasilkan produk herbal instan dengan kemasan yang siap jual. Selain itu, kelompok wanita juga telah memiliki kemampuan mengelola pekarangan. Harapan selanjutnya adalah peserta dapat mengembangkan ini menjadi bisnis yang dapat membantu keuangan keluarga tanpa harus meninggalkan tanggung jawab utama sebagai istri dan ibu.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of NPK Fertilizer and Foliar Fertilizer on Chili Growth and Yield

Journal of Agronomy Research, Dec 31, 2022

Chili consumption in Indonesia has increased. Efforts to increase chili production need fertiliza... more Chili consumption in Indonesia has increased. Efforts to increase chili production need fertilization through roots and leaf fertilization. The research aimed to obtain optimum intervals of NPK (nitrogen, phosphor, potassium) fertilization and kinds of foliar fertilizer for the growth and yield of chili. The research was conducted from April to August 2020 in Gayam Village, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. This study used an experiential method with a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) of 2 factors. The first factor was an interval of NPK fertilization (16-16-16) with a concentration of 25 g.L-1 with a dose of 240 mL.plant-1. The interval of NPK fertilization consists of 4 levels, NPK fertilizer which was applied every 5, 10, 15, and 21 days. The second factor was foliar fertilizer which consists of A foliar fertilizer, B foliar fertilizer, and C foliar fertilizer. The results showed that the interval of NPK fertilizer affected the number of dichotomous branches, dry stove weight, cumulative fruit, cumulative fruit weight, and fruit length at 1st harvest. NPK fertilization every 15 days increased the dichotomous branches by 23.16%, dry stove weight by 37.98%, cumulative fruits by 37.41%, and cumulative fruit weight by 41.46%. B foliar fertilizer and A foliar fertilizer gave the same performance in dichotomous branches. There was no interaction effect between the interval of NPK fertilization and the kind of foliar fertilizer on all growth and yield variables. NPK fertilization optimum intervals as supplementary fertilizers should be given every 15 days. This research can be used as a reference for farmers in fertilizing chilies.

Research paper thumbnail of Thermal hydrolysate of coconut trunk, coir, and shell as bioherbicide

IOP conference series, Jun 1, 2022

Biomass of coconut trunk, coir, and shell as lignocellulosic waste was partially hydrolyzed in su... more Biomass of coconut trunk, coir, and shell as lignocellulosic waste was partially hydrolyzed in sub-critical temperature for a relatively short time. The process was implemented in an anaerobic condition which produced predominantly phenolics compounds and other complexes’ organic constituents. Base on previous findings, in which allelopathic effects of growing vegetation were sourced by phenolics compounds, the filtrates of the hydrolysates were tested as bioherbicide on Borreria alata as a broadleaf weed. The testing of the weed growth covered the weed response at pre-emergence, early post-emergence, and post-emergence stages. The hydrolysate solution contained phenolic, carboxylic, and ketone groups with a yield of less than 12 mg/kg feedstock after undergoing the thermal hydrolyzation process at subcritical temperature. At the post-emergence stage, coconut shell hydrolysates were capable to suppress the growth of Borreria alata by 13-40% and cause leaf damage at the level of 43-63%. However, its effectivity was higher at the pre-emergence and the early post-emergence stages, where the suppression capacity of shell hydrolysate on the weed growth reached 84-100%.

Research paper thumbnail of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Microbial Inoculations Determined the Nutrient Uptake and Productivity of Soybean

IOP conference series, Oct 1, 2020

Soybean is an important commodity in Indonesia. This study aimed to identify the application of m... more Soybean is an important commodity in Indonesia. This study aimed to identify the application of microbe inoculations with dosage of N in form of urea toward the growth, N uptake and yield in soybean. This research was conducted on October 2017 to January 2018 in Panunggalan village, Pulokulon, Grobogan, Central Java. It used the Randomized Complete Block Design 2 factors: urea dosages (0; 50; 100 kg ha−1) and microbe inoculations (no inoculation; Rhizobium (R); Rhizobium + Trichoderma (R+T); Trichoderma(T)). The result showed that combination of urea dosage and microbe inoculations significantly influenced plant height and number of trifoliate leaves. Urea dosages and microbe inoculations or combination of both factors did not imply nodulation process. Higher N dosage and microbe inoculations increased N uptake of biomass on vegetative period but had no effect on flowering and pod filling periods. The combination of 100 kgHa-1 urea with microbes or without microbes produced the highest productivity. However, treatment without urea and no inoculation also achieved the highest production. This suggested that there was a native population of Rhizobium bacteria strains that effectively supplied N for plants. Besides, application of urea of 100 kg ha-1 or 46 N kg ha-1 was too small to interfere fixation nitrogen by local Rhizobium population. Therefore, N application in form of anorganic fertilizer or microbe for symbiotic N-fixation was not recommended for existing agro climatic conditions of area with soybean history. Thus, it could simultaneously save the cost of agricultural production.

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Heavy Metal in Palm Oil Empty Fruit Bunch Compost, Mulch from Palm oil Waste and Its Effect on Chili (Capsicum annuum L.)

Indonesian journal of physics and nuclear applications, Jun 30, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Cocoa Cultivation on Suboptimal Land

Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 2016

Cocoa cultivation has been introduced at Pacitan East Java in 2009 and until today the production... more Cocoa cultivation has been introduced at Pacitan East Java in 2009 and until today the production has not well developed as much as hope. Generally geophysics aspect does not support the growth and development of cocoa especially that caused by natural limited factors (water and soil fertility) on suboptimal land. The research propose is to evaluate the role of fertilizer on cocoa production. The soil fertility is in the low level such as C organic, total of N and organic compound as big as 0.63, 4.15, 1.08% respectively and the available of P2O5 is 2.72 part per million. Besides soil properties, there is another constrain which no less important to physical aspect, it is the minimum knowledge of cocoa cultivation especially maintenance aspect such as fertilizer and shoots (chupon) cutting. Fertilization has been applied three times that are after harvest, initiation of flowering and fruit formation at five samples of cocoa at every location which based on the three levels of altitude. The role of fertilizer has been evaluated from nutrition absorption (leaf tissue analysis), number of seeds per 100 g and the content of protein, fat, phenol in seed. The data has been analyzed by F test and be continued by Duncan multiple range test. N, P and K content of leaves are not significant both before (after harvest) and after fertilization (initiation of flowering and fruit formation) and it means that most of the element have distributed for formatting flower and fruit.

Research paper thumbnail of Yield and anthocyanin content of M1 generation of black rice induced by gamma rays

IOP conference series, Oct 1, 2019

Black rice is rice that has a dark purple to blackish pigment and has high antioxidant properties... more Black rice is rice that has a dark purple to blackish pigment and has high antioxidant properties. The gamma rays can induce mutation in plant. The purpose of this research was to understand the yield and anthocyanin of black rice with gamma ray irradiation using M1 generation from Bantul and Boyolali varieties. This experiment employed 0, 100, 200 and 300 Gy gamma ray irradiation. The effects of gamma rays on Boyolali variety differed from Bantul variety. Bantul variety was more sensitive to gamma rays irradiation than Boyolali variety. The application of gamma rays did not significantly change the flowering age Boyolali variety. However, on Bantul variety, gamma rays reduced flowering age. Application 100 Gy irradiation yielded early maturing plant on Bantul variety. This result revealed that the gamma ray had potential for decreasing the harvest age in black rice. The application of irradiation could enhance the size of grain of black rice indicated by higher weight of 1000 seed in Boyolali variety. Irradiation 100 Gy also boosted yield per plant in Boyolali variety. In Boyolali variety, gamma ray boosted the yield per plant by producing bigger seed rather than increased the number of productive tillers. The increase of the irradiation doses did not always correlate with the changes of plant phenotype. To conclude, application 100 Gy was the most effective dose to produce higher anthocyanin content compared to another doses.

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of organic fertilizer and water stress on Valerian biomass (Valeriana javanica (BL.) DC.) for domestication

IOP conference series, Apr 1, 2021

Valerian (Valeriana javanica BL.) DC.) has the potential to be developed as a medicinal plant. Ho... more Valerian (Valeriana javanica BL.) DC.) has the potential to be developed as a medicinal plant. However, this plant is still collected from nature, so this will threaten Valerian germplasm, varying quality and uncertain crop yields. Moreover, the impact of climate change, such as drought and lack of nutrients in the soil, could threaten Valerian’s presence. This research aimed to investigate the tolerance level of Valerian on several water stress levels and influence of organic fertilizer on the plant biomass. This experiment utilized completely randomized design with 2 factors and three repetitions. The first factor was organic fertilizer consisting of no fertilizer (control), cow manure, and goat manure. The second factor was water stress consisting of 100% field capacity, 80% field capacity, 60% field capacity and 40% field capacity. The result depicted that 40% field capacity produced the lowest biomass compared to 60 %, 80 % and 100 % field capacity. In addition, goat manure resulted in higher biomass than cow manure.

Research paper thumbnail of Induced Mutation for Genetic Improvement in Black Rice Using Gamma-Ray

Agrivita : Journal of Agricultural Science, Jun 1, 2019

Black Rice is rice producing anthocyanin in high intensity and popularly consumed as functional f... more Black Rice is rice producing anthocyanin in high intensity and popularly consumed as functional food. Long harvesting age and low productivity are the inhibiting factors in black rice breeding. High plant crown potentially results in plant fall-down. Mutation induction is expected to be able to improve the character of black rice. Therefore, the objectives of this research were to get more early-ripening black rice mutant, with shorter plant crown and increase productivity by inducing mutation in three varieties of local black rice using gamma-ray radiation. This experiment employed three local varieties as the first factor comprised Cempo Ireng, Cempo Melik and Melik. The second factor was the gamma-ray radiation dose, consisting of 4 levels: without radiation, radiations at 100 Gy, 200 Gy and 300 Gy doses. The results indicated that Melik variety is very potential. Melik variety has shorter plant crown with a responsive character in number of tiller for higher productivity. Moreover, radiation significantly reduces the duration of flowering and harvesting. However, to achieve a more stable character and lower flowering and harvesting period, the radiation needs to be continued in the next generation. The doses of radiation produces a response that varies in both morphological and biochemical properties.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Dosis Pemupukan N terhadap Kualitas Biji Kakao di Punung Pacitan

Journal of Agronomy Research, Dec 27, 2018

Punung is a village in Pacitan Regency which potentiall for cultivating of cocoa, on the contrary... more Punung is a village in Pacitan Regency which potentiall for cultivating of cocoa, on the contrary it produces low seeds quality. This condition is caused by unintensive fertilization and low light intensity caused by shading. The effort to increase cocoa seed quality was by light compensation and the use of nitrogen (N) fertilizer. The purpose of this reseach was to determine of optimum N dosage fertilizer for inproving seed quality. The research was arranged in Completely Randomized Block Design with one factor which is the varies N dosages (0 as control, 820, 870, and 920 gram plant-1 year-1), level of radiation represented as blocks. Nitrogen fertilization was applicated three times. Fertilization of P (SP36) and K (KCl), 1390 and 1000 gram tree-1 year-1 respectively. The observation variables are soil character, micro climate, leaf anatomi, physical and chemical seed quality. The result showed that N fertilizer influenced positively toward increasing potassium (K) content in leaf tissue on the first and second month, while on the third month no significant influence toward N, P and K content. However there was preference of increased N, P and K content in leaf tissue on each month although in small rise number. In the leaves tissue, there was detected that nitrogen proportion was larger than potassium and phosphorus. N fertilizer increased the physical and chemical seed quality (protein and fat content). Optimum dosage was 870 gram tree-1 year-1 , highest weight of 100 seed (146 gram) and seed quality was categorized as grade 1.

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan Narapidana Perempuan Melalui Pelatihan Ecoprintdi Lapas Perempuan Kelas IIA Semarang

Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat dan CSR ke-4 Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sebelas Maret, 2024

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keterbatasan waktu yang dimiliki narapidana dalam mengikuti ... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keterbatasan waktu yang dimiliki narapidana dalam mengikuti pelatihan di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas), yang menjadi tantangan dalam pengembangan keterampilan mereka. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi efektivitas pelatihan ecoprintberbasis kertas dengan metode action research yang diberikan kepada 30 narapidana di Lapas Perempuan Kelas IIA Semarang. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pretest sebelum pelatihan dan posttest setelah pelatihan, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji beda (paired simple t-test) dan uji N-Gain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara skor pretest dan posttest dengan rata-rata peningkatan sebesar 77%, yang termasuk dalam kategori tinggi, dan 77% peserta masuk dalam kategoripeningkatan yang tinggi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan ecoprintefektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan narapidana meskipun mereka menghadapi keterbatasan waktu dan sumber daya, sehingga pelatihan ini layak untuk diimplementasikan diLapas sebagai alternatif pengembangan keterampilan.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Ibu & Aktivasi Anak: Konsep Pendekatan Pengabdian Masyarakat yang Holistik, Studi Kasus Pengabdian Masyarakat di Jepang

Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat dan CSR ke-4 Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sebelas Maret, 2024

Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi konsep "Pemberdayaan Ibu dan Aktivasi Anak" sebagai pendekatan holi... more Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi konsep "Pemberdayaan Ibu dan Aktivasi Anak" sebagai pendekatan holistik dalam pengabdian masyarakat, dengan fokus pada studi kasus dari Jepang. Di Jepang, kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh sukarelawan, seperti kelas bahasa Jepang, sering kali melibatkan ibu-ibu dengan anak kecil, terutama selama jam kerja ketika balita tidak bersekolah. Untuk mendukung belajar, penyelenggara menyediakan fasilitas kegiatan bagi anak, memungkinkan para ibu untuk fokus penuh pada pembelajaran. Pendekatan yang berfokus pada pemberdayaan ibu dan aktivasi anak ini tidak hanya meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan ibu melalui peningkatan fokus belajar, menjadi daya tarik bagi program, tetapi juga memastikan bahwa anak-anak mereka terlibat dalam aktivitas bermakna yang mendorong perkembangan kognitif dan sosial. Di Indonesia, beberapa kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang menargetkan ibu rumah tangga banyak dilakukan, mengingat potensi waktu yang dimiliki dan peran signifikan ibu rumah tangga dalam kontribusi ekonomi keluarga. Ibu rumah tangga di Indonesia juga beberapa mengalami kondisi serupa dengan adanya kegiatan mengasuh anak. Keberhasilan model ini di Jepang menunjukkan efektivitas integrasi antara pemberdayaan ibu dan aktivasi anak, yang berkontribusi pada penguatan keluarga dan ketahanan komunitas. Berdasarkan model di Jepang, pendekatan serupa dapat diterapkan di Indonesia sebagai pilihan yang dapat diimplementasikan sesuai dengan konteks masyarakat Indonesia guna memberikan manfaat yang substansial.

Research paper thumbnail of Metabolomics application for food quality improvement and reduction of food loss

AIP conference proceedings, 2024

Metabolomics is a comprehensive measurement of the metabolome in biological samples conducted by ... more Metabolomics is a comprehensive measurement of the metabolome in biological samples conducted by specific instruments and involves multivariate analysis. Metabolomics can be applied in a wide range of fields, including bioscience (functional genomics), medical (clinical research or public health), bio-industry (biofuel production), as well as food and agriculture. Metabolomics analysis generates numerous metabolites information which applicable for various purposes. Information related to metabolites can lead to the determination of metabolite markers, metabolic pathways, and modeling processes. Food metabolomics evaluates the food quality resulting from various treatments starting from cultivation, harvesting, post-harvest treatment, and food processing. Food metabolomics combines the metabolomics approach with specific attributes/grades/characteristics of the product to fully elucidate factors contributing the food quality. Metabolomics can complement or determine the grade of food products previously carried out by sensory evaluation resulting in a more effective and efficient determination method. Food metabolomics applications range from increasing shelf life, quality improvement, authenticity assessment, diet monitoring, identifying unique characteristics, and product development. This field of study also contributes to realizing an ethical consumption society and less food loss and waste reduction. Eventually, food metabolomics contributes to SDG 2 (creating a world free of hunger), SDG 3 (ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages), and SDG 12 (ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns).

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of kopyor coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) using sensory analysis and metabolomics-based approach

Journal of bioscience and bioengineering, Apr 1, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Azolla and intermittent irrigation to improve the productivity and nutrient contents of local black rice variety

IOP conference series, Mar 1, 2018

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licenc... more Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.

Research paper thumbnail of Variasi Nutrisi Dan Naungan Terhadap Hasil Seledri Dengan Hidroponik Rakit Apung

Jurnal Agroteknologi, Aug 31, 2018

Celery (Apium graveolens L.) is an important horticultural commodity with a high level of demand.... more Celery (Apium graveolens L.) is an important horticultural commodity with a high level of demand. The fulfillment of celery needs can be done by cultivating celery with hydroponic floating system. However, cultivation of celery on a home-scale by using hydroponic floating system is often faced with the issue of shade and nutrient availability. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the effect of shade, variation of nutrients and their interaction on the growth and yield of celery. The research was conducted from March to August 2016 at Greenhouse Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Research utilized two factors, namely the types of nutrients and shade levels. The nutrients composition comprised AB Mix, Composition I (NPK Phonska TM 1g, KCl 1g, and Foliar Fertilizer GrowMore TM 0.5 g)/L, Compostition II (NPK Phonska TM 1 g, Foliar Fertilizer GrowMore TM 1.5 g)/L and Composition III (Foliar Fertilizer Growmore TM 2.5g)/L. Shade treatments were 0%, 33%, 58% and 70%. The results showed that shading significantly decreased the growth and yield of celery. Different nutrients significantly influenced the root length but exhibited the same value on plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, number of clumps and fresh weight. There was no interaction between nutrients and shade treatments.

Research paper thumbnail of Metabolomics application for food quality improvement and reduction of food loss

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Food and Agricultural Sciences (ICFAS) 2022, 2024

Metabolomics is a comprehensive measurement of the metabolome in biological samples conducted by ... more Metabolomics is a comprehensive measurement of the metabolome in biological samples conducted by specific instruments and involves multivariate analysis. Metabolomics can be applied in a wide range of fields, including bioscience (functional genomics), medical (clinical research or public health), bio-industry (biofuel production), as well as food and agriculture. Metabolomics analysis generates numerous metabolites information which applicable for various purposes. Information related to metabolites can lead to the determination of metabolite markers, metabolic pathways, and modeling processes. Food metabolomics evaluates the food quality resulting from various treatments starting from cultivation, harvesting, post-harvest treatment, and food processing. Food metabolomics combines the metabolomics approach with specific attributes/grades/characteristics of the product to fully elucidate factors contributing the food quality. Metabolomics can complement or determine the grade of food products previously carried out by sensory evaluation resulting in a more effective and efficient determination method. Food metabolomics applications range from increasing shelf life, quality improvement, authenticity assessment, diet monitoring, identifying unique characteristics, and product development. This field of study also contributes to realizing an ethical consumption society and less food loss and waste reduction. Eventually, food metabolomics contributes to SDG 2 (creating a world free of hunger), SDG 3 (ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages), and SDG 12 (ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns).

Research paper thumbnail of Nutrient Uptake, Partitioning, and Production of Two Subspecies of Brassica using Different Solution Concentrates in Floating Hydroponics Systems

Buletin Agroteknologi, Dec 31, 2020

In this study, we investigated nutrient uptake, partitioning, and production of two subspecies of... more In this study, we investigated nutrient uptake, partitioning, and production of two subspecies of Brassica in response to nutrient solution concentration in floating hydroponics systems. This study used a complete randomized block design factorial with two factors. The first factor was two Brassica subspecies consisting of Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis (Pak Choi) and Brassica rapa var. parachinensis (Choy Sum). The second factor was the concentration level consisting electrical conductivity (EC) 1 mS cm-1 and EC 2 mS cm-1. The results indicated the absorption rates of nitrogen (N,) phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in leaves, roots and stems were similar in both nutrient concentrations. In general, all combination treatments resulted more accumulation of P followed by N, also K as the smallest proportion. P was mostly accumulated at the root and leaves (19.60 to 25.90 mg g-1), while majority of N was collected in leaves ranging from 18.00 to 24.30 mg g-1. The highest K content was detected in the stem (10.70 to 14.20 mg g-1). P uptake was 1.69 to 2.47 times higher than K, while N uptake was 1.44 to 2.04 times higher than K. Both two subspecies and concentrations performed no significant effects on nutrient uptake. Although same species, the plant growth parameters of Pak Choi and Choy Sum are very different including plant height, leaves number, width and length. Both two subspecies adapted well with both concentrations. However, significant differences were recorded in the combination of subspecies and nutrient concentration on plant growth and production parameters. To achieve higher market portion, Pak Choi would be more suitable to be planted on EC 1 mS cm-1 , while Choy Sum was favorable at both concentrations.

Research paper thumbnail of CH4 and N2O Emissions and Productivity of Physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) In Three Nitrogen Fertilizer Sources

Research paper thumbnail of Tingkat Kematangan Kompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit dan Penggunaan Berbagai Mulsa Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Tomat (Licopersicon esculentum Mill.) dan Cabai (Capsicum annuum L.)


Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Purna Tenaga Kerja Wanita melalui Pemanfaatan Pekarangan dan Pengolahan Jahe Menjadi Produk Bernilai Ekonomi

Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, Jun 30, 2020

Banyak wanita produktif di Desa Kadirejo, Kabupaten Semarang yang harus bekerja sebagai tenaga ke... more Banyak wanita produktif di Desa Kadirejo, Kabupaten Semarang yang harus bekerja sebagai tenaga kerja wanita (TKW) di luar negeri. Meskipun pilihan ini menguntungkan secara ekonomi, di sisi lain hal ini memunculkan beberapa dampak negatif bagi keluarga dan masyarakat. Peran wanita sebagai istri dan ibu menjadi kurang optimal. Terlebih lagi, umumnya mereka kurang memiliki keterampilan ekonomi produktif saat kembali Indonesia setelah bekerja sebagai TKW. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan wanita purna TKW melalui pemanfaatan pekarangan dan pengolahan empon-empon khususnya jahe menjadi produk bernilai ekonomi. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Desa Kadirejo, Kecamatan Pabelan, Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah sejak bulan Juli hingga September 2019. Program ini dilaksanakan melalui 6 tahap yaitu kajian masalah; sosialisasi mengenai potensi pekarangan dan informasi metode budidaya; praktek budidaya sayur dan pembagian benih; praktek pembuatan herbal instan; pelatihan pengemasan dan pelabelan; dan pelatihan marketing mix. Kegiatan ini secara nyata mampu memberikan keterampilan bagi wanita purna TKW. Para peserta telah menghasilkan produk herbal instan dengan kemasan yang siap jual. Selain itu, kelompok wanita juga telah memiliki kemampuan mengelola pekarangan. Harapan selanjutnya adalah peserta dapat mengembangkan ini menjadi bisnis yang dapat membantu keuangan keluarga tanpa harus meninggalkan tanggung jawab utama sebagai istri dan ibu.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of NPK Fertilizer and Foliar Fertilizer on Chili Growth and Yield

Journal of Agronomy Research, Dec 31, 2022

Chili consumption in Indonesia has increased. Efforts to increase chili production need fertiliza... more Chili consumption in Indonesia has increased. Efforts to increase chili production need fertilization through roots and leaf fertilization. The research aimed to obtain optimum intervals of NPK (nitrogen, phosphor, potassium) fertilization and kinds of foliar fertilizer for the growth and yield of chili. The research was conducted from April to August 2020 in Gayam Village, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. This study used an experiential method with a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) of 2 factors. The first factor was an interval of NPK fertilization (16-16-16) with a concentration of 25 g.L-1 with a dose of 240 mL.plant-1. The interval of NPK fertilization consists of 4 levels, NPK fertilizer which was applied every 5, 10, 15, and 21 days. The second factor was foliar fertilizer which consists of A foliar fertilizer, B foliar fertilizer, and C foliar fertilizer. The results showed that the interval of NPK fertilizer affected the number of dichotomous branches, dry stove weight, cumulative fruit, cumulative fruit weight, and fruit length at 1st harvest. NPK fertilization every 15 days increased the dichotomous branches by 23.16%, dry stove weight by 37.98%, cumulative fruits by 37.41%, and cumulative fruit weight by 41.46%. B foliar fertilizer and A foliar fertilizer gave the same performance in dichotomous branches. There was no interaction effect between the interval of NPK fertilization and the kind of foliar fertilizer on all growth and yield variables. NPK fertilization optimum intervals as supplementary fertilizers should be given every 15 days. This research can be used as a reference for farmers in fertilizing chilies.

Research paper thumbnail of Thermal hydrolysate of coconut trunk, coir, and shell as bioherbicide

IOP conference series, Jun 1, 2022

Biomass of coconut trunk, coir, and shell as lignocellulosic waste was partially hydrolyzed in su... more Biomass of coconut trunk, coir, and shell as lignocellulosic waste was partially hydrolyzed in sub-critical temperature for a relatively short time. The process was implemented in an anaerobic condition which produced predominantly phenolics compounds and other complexes’ organic constituents. Base on previous findings, in which allelopathic effects of growing vegetation were sourced by phenolics compounds, the filtrates of the hydrolysates were tested as bioherbicide on Borreria alata as a broadleaf weed. The testing of the weed growth covered the weed response at pre-emergence, early post-emergence, and post-emergence stages. The hydrolysate solution contained phenolic, carboxylic, and ketone groups with a yield of less than 12 mg/kg feedstock after undergoing the thermal hydrolyzation process at subcritical temperature. At the post-emergence stage, coconut shell hydrolysates were capable to suppress the growth of Borreria alata by 13-40% and cause leaf damage at the level of 43-63%. However, its effectivity was higher at the pre-emergence and the early post-emergence stages, where the suppression capacity of shell hydrolysate on the weed growth reached 84-100%.

Research paper thumbnail of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Microbial Inoculations Determined the Nutrient Uptake and Productivity of Soybean

IOP conference series, Oct 1, 2020

Soybean is an important commodity in Indonesia. This study aimed to identify the application of m... more Soybean is an important commodity in Indonesia. This study aimed to identify the application of microbe inoculations with dosage of N in form of urea toward the growth, N uptake and yield in soybean. This research was conducted on October 2017 to January 2018 in Panunggalan village, Pulokulon, Grobogan, Central Java. It used the Randomized Complete Block Design 2 factors: urea dosages (0; 50; 100 kg ha−1) and microbe inoculations (no inoculation; Rhizobium (R); Rhizobium + Trichoderma (R+T); Trichoderma(T)). The result showed that combination of urea dosage and microbe inoculations significantly influenced plant height and number of trifoliate leaves. Urea dosages and microbe inoculations or combination of both factors did not imply nodulation process. Higher N dosage and microbe inoculations increased N uptake of biomass on vegetative period but had no effect on flowering and pod filling periods. The combination of 100 kgHa-1 urea with microbes or without microbes produced the highest productivity. However, treatment without urea and no inoculation also achieved the highest production. This suggested that there was a native population of Rhizobium bacteria strains that effectively supplied N for plants. Besides, application of urea of 100 kg ha-1 or 46 N kg ha-1 was too small to interfere fixation nitrogen by local Rhizobium population. Therefore, N application in form of anorganic fertilizer or microbe for symbiotic N-fixation was not recommended for existing agro climatic conditions of area with soybean history. Thus, it could simultaneously save the cost of agricultural production.

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Heavy Metal in Palm Oil Empty Fruit Bunch Compost, Mulch from Palm oil Waste and Its Effect on Chili (Capsicum annuum L.)

Indonesian journal of physics and nuclear applications, Jun 30, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Cocoa Cultivation on Suboptimal Land

Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 2016

Cocoa cultivation has been introduced at Pacitan East Java in 2009 and until today the production... more Cocoa cultivation has been introduced at Pacitan East Java in 2009 and until today the production has not well developed as much as hope. Generally geophysics aspect does not support the growth and development of cocoa especially that caused by natural limited factors (water and soil fertility) on suboptimal land. The research propose is to evaluate the role of fertilizer on cocoa production. The soil fertility is in the low level such as C organic, total of N and organic compound as big as 0.63, 4.15, 1.08% respectively and the available of P2O5 is 2.72 part per million. Besides soil properties, there is another constrain which no less important to physical aspect, it is the minimum knowledge of cocoa cultivation especially maintenance aspect such as fertilizer and shoots (chupon) cutting. Fertilization has been applied three times that are after harvest, initiation of flowering and fruit formation at five samples of cocoa at every location which based on the three levels of altitude. The role of fertilizer has been evaluated from nutrition absorption (leaf tissue analysis), number of seeds per 100 g and the content of protein, fat, phenol in seed. The data has been analyzed by F test and be continued by Duncan multiple range test. N, P and K content of leaves are not significant both before (after harvest) and after fertilization (initiation of flowering and fruit formation) and it means that most of the element have distributed for formatting flower and fruit.

Research paper thumbnail of Yield and anthocyanin content of M1 generation of black rice induced by gamma rays

IOP conference series, Oct 1, 2019

Black rice is rice that has a dark purple to blackish pigment and has high antioxidant properties... more Black rice is rice that has a dark purple to blackish pigment and has high antioxidant properties. The gamma rays can induce mutation in plant. The purpose of this research was to understand the yield and anthocyanin of black rice with gamma ray irradiation using M1 generation from Bantul and Boyolali varieties. This experiment employed 0, 100, 200 and 300 Gy gamma ray irradiation. The effects of gamma rays on Boyolali variety differed from Bantul variety. Bantul variety was more sensitive to gamma rays irradiation than Boyolali variety. The application of gamma rays did not significantly change the flowering age Boyolali variety. However, on Bantul variety, gamma rays reduced flowering age. Application 100 Gy irradiation yielded early maturing plant on Bantul variety. This result revealed that the gamma ray had potential for decreasing the harvest age in black rice. The application of irradiation could enhance the size of grain of black rice indicated by higher weight of 1000 seed in Boyolali variety. Irradiation 100 Gy also boosted yield per plant in Boyolali variety. In Boyolali variety, gamma ray boosted the yield per plant by producing bigger seed rather than increased the number of productive tillers. The increase of the irradiation doses did not always correlate with the changes of plant phenotype. To conclude, application 100 Gy was the most effective dose to produce higher anthocyanin content compared to another doses.

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of organic fertilizer and water stress on Valerian biomass (Valeriana javanica (BL.) DC.) for domestication

IOP conference series, Apr 1, 2021

Valerian (Valeriana javanica BL.) DC.) has the potential to be developed as a medicinal plant. Ho... more Valerian (Valeriana javanica BL.) DC.) has the potential to be developed as a medicinal plant. However, this plant is still collected from nature, so this will threaten Valerian germplasm, varying quality and uncertain crop yields. Moreover, the impact of climate change, such as drought and lack of nutrients in the soil, could threaten Valerian’s presence. This research aimed to investigate the tolerance level of Valerian on several water stress levels and influence of organic fertilizer on the plant biomass. This experiment utilized completely randomized design with 2 factors and three repetitions. The first factor was organic fertilizer consisting of no fertilizer (control), cow manure, and goat manure. The second factor was water stress consisting of 100% field capacity, 80% field capacity, 60% field capacity and 40% field capacity. The result depicted that 40% field capacity produced the lowest biomass compared to 60 %, 80 % and 100 % field capacity. In addition, goat manure resulted in higher biomass than cow manure.

Research paper thumbnail of Induced Mutation for Genetic Improvement in Black Rice Using Gamma-Ray

Agrivita : Journal of Agricultural Science, Jun 1, 2019

Black Rice is rice producing anthocyanin in high intensity and popularly consumed as functional f... more Black Rice is rice producing anthocyanin in high intensity and popularly consumed as functional food. Long harvesting age and low productivity are the inhibiting factors in black rice breeding. High plant crown potentially results in plant fall-down. Mutation induction is expected to be able to improve the character of black rice. Therefore, the objectives of this research were to get more early-ripening black rice mutant, with shorter plant crown and increase productivity by inducing mutation in three varieties of local black rice using gamma-ray radiation. This experiment employed three local varieties as the first factor comprised Cempo Ireng, Cempo Melik and Melik. The second factor was the gamma-ray radiation dose, consisting of 4 levels: without radiation, radiations at 100 Gy, 200 Gy and 300 Gy doses. The results indicated that Melik variety is very potential. Melik variety has shorter plant crown with a responsive character in number of tiller for higher productivity. Moreover, radiation significantly reduces the duration of flowering and harvesting. However, to achieve a more stable character and lower flowering and harvesting period, the radiation needs to be continued in the next generation. The doses of radiation produces a response that varies in both morphological and biochemical properties.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Dosis Pemupukan N terhadap Kualitas Biji Kakao di Punung Pacitan

Journal of Agronomy Research, Dec 27, 2018

Punung is a village in Pacitan Regency which potentiall for cultivating of cocoa, on the contrary... more Punung is a village in Pacitan Regency which potentiall for cultivating of cocoa, on the contrary it produces low seeds quality. This condition is caused by unintensive fertilization and low light intensity caused by shading. The effort to increase cocoa seed quality was by light compensation and the use of nitrogen (N) fertilizer. The purpose of this reseach was to determine of optimum N dosage fertilizer for inproving seed quality. The research was arranged in Completely Randomized Block Design with one factor which is the varies N dosages (0 as control, 820, 870, and 920 gram plant-1 year-1), level of radiation represented as blocks. Nitrogen fertilization was applicated three times. Fertilization of P (SP36) and K (KCl), 1390 and 1000 gram tree-1 year-1 respectively. The observation variables are soil character, micro climate, leaf anatomi, physical and chemical seed quality. The result showed that N fertilizer influenced positively toward increasing potassium (K) content in leaf tissue on the first and second month, while on the third month no significant influence toward N, P and K content. However there was preference of increased N, P and K content in leaf tissue on each month although in small rise number. In the leaves tissue, there was detected that nitrogen proportion was larger than potassium and phosphorus. N fertilizer increased the physical and chemical seed quality (protein and fat content). Optimum dosage was 870 gram tree-1 year-1 , highest weight of 100 seed (146 gram) and seed quality was categorized as grade 1.