Paola Bica | Universidad Nacional de San Martin (original) (raw)

Books by Paola Bica

Research paper thumbnail of Visibilizando lo invisible: El porqué de los cambios en las lenguas en tanto cuestiones de género

Visibilizando lo invisible: El porqué de los cambios en las lenguas en tanto cuestiones de género , 2019

Sinopsis Las asimetrías en las lenguas son debatidas desde hace varias décadas y, últimamente, he... more Sinopsis
Las asimetrías en las lenguas son debatidas desde hace varias décadas y, últimamente, hemos empezado a querer interpelar el lenguaje desde otros puntos de vista. Queremos incluir a las disidencias, llegar a una igualdad social que sea reconocida en el lenguaje, desnaturalizar lo aceptado hasta ahora: queremos hacer visible lo invisible. Es por eso que escribimos este libro, donde tratamos temas tales como los insultos, las frases sexistas que se expresan en nuestras rutinas e incluso en los medios de comunicación y analizamos cómo se trató de derribar asimetrías y romper con lo binario hasta llegar al llamado lenguaje inclusivo —que, como veremos, no es simplemente una moda actual—, examinando los intentos previos hasta llegar a él. No solamente tratamos el caso que se da en el castellano, sino que lo exploramos como el hecho global que en verdad es y que se va desarrollando en otros idiomas.

Quienes dudan de la necesidad de los cambios en el lenguaje encontrarán en este libro algunas razones para cuestionar sus preconceptos. Quienes, por otro lado, ya los consideran necesarios podrán disponer de argumentos varios, una guía con usos sugeridos y preguntas frecuentes.

ISBN 978-987-87-0212-4
Editorial Autores de Argentina

Conference Presentations by Paola Bica

Research paper thumbnail of Las ideas sobre la (no)maternidad en “Las madres no” (2022) de Katixa Agirre, y “Un Trabajo Para Toda La Vida: Sobre la Experiencia de Ser Madre” (2023) de Rachel Cusk

XIII Congreso Internacional liLETRAd 2024 San José State University (California, Estados Unidos)... more XIII Congreso Internacional liLETRAd 2024
San José State University (California, Estados Unidos)
Conferencia: Las ideas sobre la (no)maternidad en “Las madres no” (2022) de Katixa Agirre, y “Un Trabajo Para Toda La Vida: Sobre la Experiencia de Ser Madre” (2023) de Rachel Cusk. Bica, P.
13, 14 y 15 de marzo de 2024

Research paper thumbnail of “Hollywood"(2020) y la (re) construcción de un archivo de las disidencias

Revista académica liLETRAd, ISSN 2444-7439, Nº. 8, 1, 2024 , 2024

Español En este ensayo, nos proponemos reflexionar acerca de la revisión de la historia planteada... more Español
En este ensayo, nos proponemos reflexionar acerca de la revisión de la historia planteada en la serie “Hollywood” (Netflix, 2020), de Ryan Murphy e Ian Brennan, desde una lectura torcida (Gavrila, 2018) y situada. Dicha serie desafía el modo de producción convencional e insiste en ejercitar la pregunta y la crítica. ¿Cómo nos interpela la serie en tanto forma de revisitar situaciones y dinámicas discriminatorias hacia las disidencias? ¿De qué manera lo expuesto en ella conforma un "archivo de sentimientos"? (Cvetkovich, 2003) ¿Qué huellas nos deja el archivo del odio y cuál es el sentimiento colectivo que desata? Analizaremos entonces la experimentación de la nostalgia de lo que no fue y cómo la producción de Netflix viene a romper y exponer el archivo tradicional en el que las estrellas del cine estadounidense, en la época de auge del cine sonoro, eran cisgénero, héterosexuales, blancas, católicas y hegemónicas en su totalidad.

Los autores que nos servirán de marco teórico serán, entre otres, Ann Cvetkovich, Val Flores, y Canela Gavrila.

In this essay, we shall reflect on the revision of history put forward by the show “Hollywood” (Netflix, 2020), by Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan, through a bent (Gavrila, 2018) and contextualized analysis. The show challenges the conventional production process and insists on exercising question and analysis. How does the series affect us, in its revising discriminatory situations and dynamics towards gender and sexual diversity? How does what is shown in it make up an “archive of feelings”? (Cvetkovich, 2003) What traces does an archive of hatred leave us and what type of collective feeling does it unleash? We shall therefore analyze the experiencing of nostalgia for what never happened and how Netflix’s production shatters and exposes the traditional archive, in which American movie stars, during the golden age of sound film, were all cisgender, straight, white, cristian and traditionally attractive.

Our theoretical background shall be, among others, Ann Cvetkovich, val flores, and Canela Gavrila.

Research paper thumbnail of La disrupción de los géneros binarios y su representación en la literatura y los  medios audiovisuales / Revista academica liletrad no 6 (1)

Edita: Asociación liLETRAd INTERNACIONAL Edición especial que contiene las V Jornadas Internaci... more Edita: Asociación liLETRAd INTERNACIONAL
Edición especial que contiene las V Jornadas Internacionales y el I Congreso Internacional
de Literatura y Medios Audiovisuales en Lenguas Extranjeras: En homenaje a Virginia
© de los textos los autores ISSN: 2444-7439
Depósito Legal: SE 1620-2015
Maquetación y producción: Asociación liLETRAd INTERNACIONAL
Impreso en Sevilla, España 2023- Printed in Spain 2023


Históricamente, las identidades no binarias han sido invisibilizadas en los distintos medios artísticos: ya sea en las artes plásticas, la literatura, el cine, las series, etc. Si bien estas identidades siempre han existido, rara vez se han visto representadas en el arte y, en la mayoría de los casos, ha sido en manos de disidencias sexo-genéricas.
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es el análisis de distintas instancias en las que artistas han incorporado a sus obras representaciones de personas que no responden a una expectativa binaria sobre el género. Analizaremos la importancia de la visibilidad para las disidencias de género y cómo influyen estos conceptos disruptivos de la hegemonía cisnormativa binaria en la percepción de las demás personas. Exploraremos aquellas artes que se valgan de la lengua para su desarrollo, teniendo en cuenta las restricciones que establece el castellano como idioma con género gramatical que sólo contempla el femenino y el masculino y lo compararemos con otras lenguas como el inglés.
Se le dará entonces al ensayo un enfoque histórico y social que explicite la magra representación de las personas no binarias a través del tiempo y permita problematizarla desde un punto de vista tanto cualitativo como cuantitativo. Para eso acudiremos a distintos medios artísticos y los analizaremos mediante las bases teóricas de autores tales como Monique Wittig, Dee Shull y Virginia Woolf, entre otres.

Palabras claves

No-binario - Artes - Lenguaje

Research paper thumbnail of A Book of One's Own: Gender Diversity and Non Binary Identities Represented in Recent Literature

Non binary representations openly discussed in literature are a rather recent phenomenon, which g... more Non binary representations openly discussed in literature are a rather recent phenomenon, which goes hand in hand with the social changes witnessed in these past decades.

Research paper thumbnail of Towards a less sexist English class where non binary students are included.

Actas de Congreso de III Jornadas Nacionales del Profesorado de Inglés, 2022

The aim of this investigation is to provide teachers with new tools in order to create a non-sex... more The aim of this investigation is to provide teachers with new tools in order to create a
non-sexist atmosphere including non binary kids and teenagers in the classroom. We will
suggest different resources to avoid misgendering acts and to update the language used by
teachers so it can be respectful towards gender dissidences. It will be also important to
analyze how misgendering can affect children -and adults- in quite a negative way to
understand its relevance as regards our job. Topics and concepts such as non-sexist language,
non binary language, natural gender and gendered languages, will be explored as well as the
use of “new” pronouns and how they function in possible utterances used in class. We will
study the historical and global changes in language as regards gender exposed by authors as,
for instance, Levy Hord, Matías Veneziani, Judith Butler, and Gabriela Mansilla will be taken
into account for this purpose.

NOTA EDITORIAL: Las opiniones y contenidos de los resúmenes y/o comunicaciones publicadas en el-Actas de Congreso de III Jornadas Nacionales del Profesorado de Inglés, son de responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores; los trabajos sólo han sido editados en su formato para su digitalización.

Research paper thumbnail of The male gaze in literature: the case of They're not your husband (1973) by Raymond Carver

The male gaze in literature: the case of They’re not your husband (1973) by Raymond Carver, 2020

ISBN 978-987-47448-0-7 In this essay, we will analyse how the male gaze is represented in liter... more ISBN 978-987-47448-0-7

In this essay, we will analyse how the male gaze is represented in literature, more specifically, in
Raymond Carver's short story They’re not your husband (1973), a story included in the
short-story collection Will you please be quiet, please? (1976)
The male gaze is a theory developed in the 1975 essay entitled "Visual Pleasure and
Narrative Cinema" by film psychologist Laura Mulvey who states, “In a world ordered by sexual
imbalance, pleasure in looking has been split between active/male and passive/female. The
determining male gaze projects its phantasy on to the female form which is styled accordingly”
(p. 4). However, in recent years this theory has been applied to visual arts and literature. As
regards literature, this theory allows writers to criticise women representations and their
treatment in literature and also writing to change its traditional patriarchal perspective in which
women are seen as beautiful objects or products for the heterosexual man viewer.
It will be analysed in this paper how Raymond Carver (1938-1988), being an author that
“has taken the ‘dirty’ reality of day-to-day life and explored it” (Kita, 2014, p. 386), deals with the
male gaze and its consequences in his short story They´re not your husband (1973), in which
psychological violence against a woman is perpetrated because of her appearance. In addition,
it will be explored not only how the male gaze affects women, but also what happens to the
male protagonist —as the male gaze shapes some aspects of masculinity as well— in order to
reveal the consequences of this perspective on both women and men.
For the purpose of this analysis, we will consult different authors such as Simone De
Beauvoir, Viola Kita and Michael S. Kimmel.

Research paper thumbnail of The Ministry of Utmost Happiness: The Subaltern’s Resistance

The Ministry of Utmost Happiness: The Subaltern’s Resistance, 2019

The notion of the Subaltern subject is foregrounded at different instances within the novel The M... more The notion of the Subaltern subject is foregrounded at different instances within the novel The Ministry of Utmost Happiness (2017) by Arundhati Roy. In this essay, we will focus on gender and language since the treatment of those aspects in this text highlights the marginalisation of post-colonial societies. In order to discover how the author constructs the resistance of the Subaltern, we will explore concepts such as hybridization, the Other, double-colonisation, heteronormative societies, and the analysis of in-between identities. The theoretical background will be provided by different authors, for instance Gayatri Spivak, Bill Ashcroft, Homi Bhabha, Ritu Tyagi, among others.

Research paper thumbnail of Poe‘s Writing Process Explored in Two of his Short Stories

In this presentation, we will analyse the theories from the ―Philosophy of Composition by Edgar A... more In this presentation, we will analyse the theories from the ―Philosophy of Composition by Edgar Allan Poe (1846), and the way they are illustrated in two of his short stories: ―The Masque of the Red Death (1842), a symbolic representation of Death as an unavoidable stage in life, and ―The Pit and the Pendulum (1842), a short retelling of a prisoner‘s experience locked into his mental torture. In order to analyse the author‘s creative process, we will consult the essay written by Poe and published in 1846 in Graham's Magazine. In that essay, the author explains his own artistic method as regards literary procedures as well as pre-considerations before writing. Poe‘s ―Philosophy of Composition explores retrospectively the structure of a selected poem, ―The Raven, and gives explanation for the decisions he took before writing it. However, since our focus of attention for this examination are tales, considerable evidence on discontinuities between tale-poem will emerge. The theoretical background will be also provided by authors like Kenneth Silverman, Laurie Kirsner and Stephen Mandell.

Papers by Paola Bica

Research paper thumbnail of The Vegetarian byHan Kang:A postmodern allegory for women’s fight for power and freedom

RihumSo : Revista de investigación del Departamento de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales

Research paper thumbnail of The struggle to pretend and belong: Americanah’s case

RihumSo : Revista de investigación del Departamento de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, 2021

In this essay, it will be analyzed the postcolonial novel Americana (2013) written by author Chim... more In this essay, it will be analyzed the postcolonial novel Americana (2013) written by author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. The lives of main and secondary characters will be explored in order to demonstrate how, living in a foreign country, they will have to adapt themselves to the American and England life pretending to be something they are not to find a sense of belonging there. Racism, the language used by these characters and identity are some topics to deal with within this essay.

Research paper thumbnail of Educar en pandemia: La salud docente

El trabajo de educar en pandemia: La salud docente en el Gran Buenos Aires”

Autoras: ALBA, Melisa Noemí (UNAHUR) BICA, Paola M. (UNSAM / UNAHUR) GORRASI, Pamela A. (UNAHUR... more Autoras:

ALBA, Melisa Noemí (UNAHUR)
OVIEDO, Carolina M. (UNAHUR)

En estos tiempos de crisis sanitaria debido al COVID-19 y el Aislamiento Social, Preventivo y Obligatorio (ASPO) que esta conlleva, se nos interpela en nuestro proceder como trabajadorxs docentes. No es tarea fácil poder llevar a cabo la debida continuidad pedagógica desde la virtualidad, ya que esto causa varias alteraciones en tanto la tarea que se solía realizar en la normalidad, entre ellas, mayor presión y demanda, lo que afecta la salud laboral docente.

Research paper thumbnail of El Ministerio de la Felicidad Suprema: La Resistencia Subalterna

The notion of the Subaltern subject is foregrounded at different instances within the novel The M... more The notion of the Subaltern subject is foregrounded at different instances within the novel The Ministry of Utmost Happiness (2017) by Arundhati Roy. In this essay, we will focus on gender and language since the treatment of those aspects in this text highlights the marginalisation of post-colonial societies. In order to discover how the author constructs the resistance of the Subaltern, we will explore concepts such as hybridization, the Other, double-colonisation, heteronormative societies, and the analysis of in-between identities. The theoretical background will be provided by different authors, for instance Gayatri Spivak, Bill Ashcroft, Homi Bhabha, Ritu Tyagi, among others.

Research paper thumbnail of La desactualización de la ESI con respecto al trato digno identidades no binarias y lenguaje inclusivo en las aulas

La desactualización de la ESI con respecto al trato digno identidades no binarias y lenguaje inclusivo en las aulas, 2019

How to cite/ Cómo citar Bica, Paola; Gómez, Rocío (2019) "La desactualización de la ESI con res... more How to cite/ Cómo citar

Bica, Paola; Gómez, Rocío (2019) "La desactualización de la ESI con respecto al trato digno identidades no binarias y lenguaje inclusivo en las aulas." En prensa.

Research paper thumbnail of Proyecto de mejora de la Ley de Educación Sexual Integral

El tema escogido se encuentra en la agenda pública al ser una Ley Nacional, pero buscamos una mej... more El tema escogido se encuentra en la agenda pública al ser una Ley Nacional, pero buscamos una mejoría con respecto a la inclusión de las identidades no binarias. Les destinataries serán las personas a las que ya tiene llegada dicha Ley aunque sumando a ciertas identidades disidentes que, consideramos, no están propiamente incluídas en la propuesta de dicha Ley; por lo tanto, se busca atender problemas de cierta población a nivel nacional.
Pretendemos mejorar la Ley de Educación Sexual Integral (Ley 26.150) y ampliar su llegada a estudiantes incluyendo a las disidencias en la misma, en cuanto identidad de género y lenguaje inclusivo.
El sentido de desarrollar esta mejora a la Ley 26.150 en este tiempo y lugar apunta a actualizar dicha ley considerando que, posteriormente, se sancionó la Ley de Identidad de Género (Ley 26.743) y ciertas identidades no son tenidas en cuenta de forma suficiente.

Research paper thumbnail of Identity in Richard II and Macbeth by William Shakespeare

The purpose of this literary analysis essay is to examine identity in Richard II and Macbeth by W... more The purpose of this literary analysis essay is to examine identity in Richard II and Macbeth by William Shakespeare. We will study identity in both tragedies; however, we will focus only on Richard II and the language's role in the construction of his identity as well as Macbeth's crisis in identity and the idea of "the single state of man". Lastly, we will analyse Lady Macbeth and gender identity. Some authors such as Harold Bloom, James Well , John Joughin and A.C. Bradley will support the ideas presented and add important information according to their points of view.

Research paper thumbnail of Nurse’s Song by William Blake: A comparative analysis

The purpose of this paper is to analyse and contrast the poems Nurse’s song by William ... more The purpose of this paper is to analyse and contrast the poems Nurse’s song by William Blake in Songs of innocence and Songs of Experience taking into account the ideas of the Romanticism and its Romantic idealization of the child. The two poems show a dualism and a contrast between key, main ideas: the innocence of the children and the corrupted, experienced life of adult people. The theme is recurrent along the whole book Songs of innocence and Songs of Experience. The symbolism in both poems will be analysed in order to discover the sets of connotations and spiritual meanings. In the analysis, we will include Vines and Blechman’s points of view.

Research paper thumbnail of The Vegeterian by Han Kang: A postmodern allegory for women’s fight for power and freedom.

Trabaja como profesora de inglés en escuelas secundarias públicas y en el nivel terciario. Sus in... more Trabaja como profesora de inglés en escuelas secundarias públicas y en el nivel terciario. Sus intereses e investigaciones incluyen las lenguas, la escritura creativa, los medios audiovisuales, la literatura y los estudios de género.

Research paper thumbnail of Gender in Atonement, The Ministry of Utmost Happiness, Swing time and The Return

The aim of this essay is to explore how gender issues are represented and subverted in these piec... more The aim of this essay is to explore how gender issues are represented and subverted in these pieces of literature, more specifically, within four novels: Atonement , The Ministry of Utmost Happiness, Swing time and The Return. Some particular topics related to gender studies will be developed, for instance, traditional gender stereotypes, motherhood and the role of women, non-binary gender, parental roles, female voices and sexuality.
In order to do so, we will consult different authors such as Ritu Tyagi, Inakalia Assumis and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.

Research paper thumbnail of The Gothic in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus”

Introduction In this paper, it will be discussed whether the Gothic characterist... more Introduction

In this paper, it will be discussed whether the Gothic characteristics are displayed in the piece of fiction called Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus. As David Punter describes, “When thinking of the Gothic novel, a set of characteristics springs readily to mind: an emphasis on portraying the terrifying, a common insistence on archaic settings, a prominent use of the supernatural, the presence of highly stereotyped characters and the attempt to deploy and perfect techniques of literary suspense are the most significant.” (Punter 1) The aim of the analysis is to discover if the different Gothic conventions are present in the novel and how they are featured, as well as the exploration of different topics of importance for the analysis of the novel. In order to explore the Gothic in the novel, five topics will be considered in detail. The first topic will be Nature and the Sublime, the second one will be Industrialization vs Nature, then the concept of Alienation will be also analyzed, the fourth topic will be The monster as the Other and lastly, Traditional Gothic elements in the story will be examined. To fulfil this objective, ideas presented by authors such as David Punter, Ronald Carter , Proshanta Sarkar, Kelly Hurley and Michael Gamer will be considered. Some information about the author and the novel can be found below.

Research paper thumbnail of Visibilizando lo invisible: El porqué de los cambios en las lenguas en tanto cuestiones de género

Visibilizando lo invisible: El porqué de los cambios en las lenguas en tanto cuestiones de género , 2019

Sinopsis Las asimetrías en las lenguas son debatidas desde hace varias décadas y, últimamente, he... more Sinopsis
Las asimetrías en las lenguas son debatidas desde hace varias décadas y, últimamente, hemos empezado a querer interpelar el lenguaje desde otros puntos de vista. Queremos incluir a las disidencias, llegar a una igualdad social que sea reconocida en el lenguaje, desnaturalizar lo aceptado hasta ahora: queremos hacer visible lo invisible. Es por eso que escribimos este libro, donde tratamos temas tales como los insultos, las frases sexistas que se expresan en nuestras rutinas e incluso en los medios de comunicación y analizamos cómo se trató de derribar asimetrías y romper con lo binario hasta llegar al llamado lenguaje inclusivo —que, como veremos, no es simplemente una moda actual—, examinando los intentos previos hasta llegar a él. No solamente tratamos el caso que se da en el castellano, sino que lo exploramos como el hecho global que en verdad es y que se va desarrollando en otros idiomas.

Quienes dudan de la necesidad de los cambios en el lenguaje encontrarán en este libro algunas razones para cuestionar sus preconceptos. Quienes, por otro lado, ya los consideran necesarios podrán disponer de argumentos varios, una guía con usos sugeridos y preguntas frecuentes.

ISBN 978-987-87-0212-4
Editorial Autores de Argentina

Research paper thumbnail of Las ideas sobre la (no)maternidad en “Las madres no” (2022) de Katixa Agirre, y “Un Trabajo Para Toda La Vida: Sobre la Experiencia de Ser Madre” (2023) de Rachel Cusk

XIII Congreso Internacional liLETRAd 2024 San José State University (California, Estados Unidos)... more XIII Congreso Internacional liLETRAd 2024
San José State University (California, Estados Unidos)
Conferencia: Las ideas sobre la (no)maternidad en “Las madres no” (2022) de Katixa Agirre, y “Un Trabajo Para Toda La Vida: Sobre la Experiencia de Ser Madre” (2023) de Rachel Cusk. Bica, P.
13, 14 y 15 de marzo de 2024

Research paper thumbnail of “Hollywood"(2020) y la (re) construcción de un archivo de las disidencias

Revista académica liLETRAd, ISSN 2444-7439, Nº. 8, 1, 2024 , 2024

Español En este ensayo, nos proponemos reflexionar acerca de la revisión de la historia planteada... more Español
En este ensayo, nos proponemos reflexionar acerca de la revisión de la historia planteada en la serie “Hollywood” (Netflix, 2020), de Ryan Murphy e Ian Brennan, desde una lectura torcida (Gavrila, 2018) y situada. Dicha serie desafía el modo de producción convencional e insiste en ejercitar la pregunta y la crítica. ¿Cómo nos interpela la serie en tanto forma de revisitar situaciones y dinámicas discriminatorias hacia las disidencias? ¿De qué manera lo expuesto en ella conforma un "archivo de sentimientos"? (Cvetkovich, 2003) ¿Qué huellas nos deja el archivo del odio y cuál es el sentimiento colectivo que desata? Analizaremos entonces la experimentación de la nostalgia de lo que no fue y cómo la producción de Netflix viene a romper y exponer el archivo tradicional en el que las estrellas del cine estadounidense, en la época de auge del cine sonoro, eran cisgénero, héterosexuales, blancas, católicas y hegemónicas en su totalidad.

Los autores que nos servirán de marco teórico serán, entre otres, Ann Cvetkovich, Val Flores, y Canela Gavrila.

In this essay, we shall reflect on the revision of history put forward by the show “Hollywood” (Netflix, 2020), by Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan, through a bent (Gavrila, 2018) and contextualized analysis. The show challenges the conventional production process and insists on exercising question and analysis. How does the series affect us, in its revising discriminatory situations and dynamics towards gender and sexual diversity? How does what is shown in it make up an “archive of feelings”? (Cvetkovich, 2003) What traces does an archive of hatred leave us and what type of collective feeling does it unleash? We shall therefore analyze the experiencing of nostalgia for what never happened and how Netflix’s production shatters and exposes the traditional archive, in which American movie stars, during the golden age of sound film, were all cisgender, straight, white, cristian and traditionally attractive.

Our theoretical background shall be, among others, Ann Cvetkovich, val flores, and Canela Gavrila.

Research paper thumbnail of La disrupción de los géneros binarios y su representación en la literatura y los  medios audiovisuales / Revista academica liletrad no 6 (1)

Edita: Asociación liLETRAd INTERNACIONAL Edición especial que contiene las V Jornadas Internaci... more Edita: Asociación liLETRAd INTERNACIONAL
Edición especial que contiene las V Jornadas Internacionales y el I Congreso Internacional
de Literatura y Medios Audiovisuales en Lenguas Extranjeras: En homenaje a Virginia
© de los textos los autores ISSN: 2444-7439
Depósito Legal: SE 1620-2015
Maquetación y producción: Asociación liLETRAd INTERNACIONAL
Impreso en Sevilla, España 2023- Printed in Spain 2023


Históricamente, las identidades no binarias han sido invisibilizadas en los distintos medios artísticos: ya sea en las artes plásticas, la literatura, el cine, las series, etc. Si bien estas identidades siempre han existido, rara vez se han visto representadas en el arte y, en la mayoría de los casos, ha sido en manos de disidencias sexo-genéricas.
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es el análisis de distintas instancias en las que artistas han incorporado a sus obras representaciones de personas que no responden a una expectativa binaria sobre el género. Analizaremos la importancia de la visibilidad para las disidencias de género y cómo influyen estos conceptos disruptivos de la hegemonía cisnormativa binaria en la percepción de las demás personas. Exploraremos aquellas artes que se valgan de la lengua para su desarrollo, teniendo en cuenta las restricciones que establece el castellano como idioma con género gramatical que sólo contempla el femenino y el masculino y lo compararemos con otras lenguas como el inglés.
Se le dará entonces al ensayo un enfoque histórico y social que explicite la magra representación de las personas no binarias a través del tiempo y permita problematizarla desde un punto de vista tanto cualitativo como cuantitativo. Para eso acudiremos a distintos medios artísticos y los analizaremos mediante las bases teóricas de autores tales como Monique Wittig, Dee Shull y Virginia Woolf, entre otres.

Palabras claves

No-binario - Artes - Lenguaje

Research paper thumbnail of A Book of One's Own: Gender Diversity and Non Binary Identities Represented in Recent Literature

Non binary representations openly discussed in literature are a rather recent phenomenon, which g... more Non binary representations openly discussed in literature are a rather recent phenomenon, which goes hand in hand with the social changes witnessed in these past decades.

Research paper thumbnail of Towards a less sexist English class where non binary students are included.

Actas de Congreso de III Jornadas Nacionales del Profesorado de Inglés, 2022

The aim of this investigation is to provide teachers with new tools in order to create a non-sex... more The aim of this investigation is to provide teachers with new tools in order to create a
non-sexist atmosphere including non binary kids and teenagers in the classroom. We will
suggest different resources to avoid misgendering acts and to update the language used by
teachers so it can be respectful towards gender dissidences. It will be also important to
analyze how misgendering can affect children -and adults- in quite a negative way to
understand its relevance as regards our job. Topics and concepts such as non-sexist language,
non binary language, natural gender and gendered languages, will be explored as well as the
use of “new” pronouns and how they function in possible utterances used in class. We will
study the historical and global changes in language as regards gender exposed by authors as,
for instance, Levy Hord, Matías Veneziani, Judith Butler, and Gabriela Mansilla will be taken
into account for this purpose.

NOTA EDITORIAL: Las opiniones y contenidos de los resúmenes y/o comunicaciones publicadas en el-Actas de Congreso de III Jornadas Nacionales del Profesorado de Inglés, son de responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores; los trabajos sólo han sido editados en su formato para su digitalización.

Research paper thumbnail of The male gaze in literature: the case of They're not your husband (1973) by Raymond Carver

The male gaze in literature: the case of They’re not your husband (1973) by Raymond Carver, 2020

ISBN 978-987-47448-0-7 In this essay, we will analyse how the male gaze is represented in liter... more ISBN 978-987-47448-0-7

In this essay, we will analyse how the male gaze is represented in literature, more specifically, in
Raymond Carver's short story They’re not your husband (1973), a story included in the
short-story collection Will you please be quiet, please? (1976)
The male gaze is a theory developed in the 1975 essay entitled "Visual Pleasure and
Narrative Cinema" by film psychologist Laura Mulvey who states, “In a world ordered by sexual
imbalance, pleasure in looking has been split between active/male and passive/female. The
determining male gaze projects its phantasy on to the female form which is styled accordingly”
(p. 4). However, in recent years this theory has been applied to visual arts and literature. As
regards literature, this theory allows writers to criticise women representations and their
treatment in literature and also writing to change its traditional patriarchal perspective in which
women are seen as beautiful objects or products for the heterosexual man viewer.
It will be analysed in this paper how Raymond Carver (1938-1988), being an author that
“has taken the ‘dirty’ reality of day-to-day life and explored it” (Kita, 2014, p. 386), deals with the
male gaze and its consequences in his short story They´re not your husband (1973), in which
psychological violence against a woman is perpetrated because of her appearance. In addition,
it will be explored not only how the male gaze affects women, but also what happens to the
male protagonist —as the male gaze shapes some aspects of masculinity as well— in order to
reveal the consequences of this perspective on both women and men.
For the purpose of this analysis, we will consult different authors such as Simone De
Beauvoir, Viola Kita and Michael S. Kimmel.

Research paper thumbnail of The Ministry of Utmost Happiness: The Subaltern’s Resistance

The Ministry of Utmost Happiness: The Subaltern’s Resistance, 2019

The notion of the Subaltern subject is foregrounded at different instances within the novel The M... more The notion of the Subaltern subject is foregrounded at different instances within the novel The Ministry of Utmost Happiness (2017) by Arundhati Roy. In this essay, we will focus on gender and language since the treatment of those aspects in this text highlights the marginalisation of post-colonial societies. In order to discover how the author constructs the resistance of the Subaltern, we will explore concepts such as hybridization, the Other, double-colonisation, heteronormative societies, and the analysis of in-between identities. The theoretical background will be provided by different authors, for instance Gayatri Spivak, Bill Ashcroft, Homi Bhabha, Ritu Tyagi, among others.

Research paper thumbnail of Poe‘s Writing Process Explored in Two of his Short Stories

In this presentation, we will analyse the theories from the ―Philosophy of Composition by Edgar A... more In this presentation, we will analyse the theories from the ―Philosophy of Composition by Edgar Allan Poe (1846), and the way they are illustrated in two of his short stories: ―The Masque of the Red Death (1842), a symbolic representation of Death as an unavoidable stage in life, and ―The Pit and the Pendulum (1842), a short retelling of a prisoner‘s experience locked into his mental torture. In order to analyse the author‘s creative process, we will consult the essay written by Poe and published in 1846 in Graham's Magazine. In that essay, the author explains his own artistic method as regards literary procedures as well as pre-considerations before writing. Poe‘s ―Philosophy of Composition explores retrospectively the structure of a selected poem, ―The Raven, and gives explanation for the decisions he took before writing it. However, since our focus of attention for this examination are tales, considerable evidence on discontinuities between tale-poem will emerge. The theoretical background will be also provided by authors like Kenneth Silverman, Laurie Kirsner and Stephen Mandell.

Research paper thumbnail of The Vegetarian byHan Kang:A postmodern allegory for women’s fight for power and freedom

RihumSo : Revista de investigación del Departamento de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales

Research paper thumbnail of The struggle to pretend and belong: Americanah’s case

RihumSo : Revista de investigación del Departamento de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, 2021

In this essay, it will be analyzed the postcolonial novel Americana (2013) written by author Chim... more In this essay, it will be analyzed the postcolonial novel Americana (2013) written by author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. The lives of main and secondary characters will be explored in order to demonstrate how, living in a foreign country, they will have to adapt themselves to the American and England life pretending to be something they are not to find a sense of belonging there. Racism, the language used by these characters and identity are some topics to deal with within this essay.

Research paper thumbnail of Educar en pandemia: La salud docente

El trabajo de educar en pandemia: La salud docente en el Gran Buenos Aires”

Autoras: ALBA, Melisa Noemí (UNAHUR) BICA, Paola M. (UNSAM / UNAHUR) GORRASI, Pamela A. (UNAHUR... more Autoras:

ALBA, Melisa Noemí (UNAHUR)
OVIEDO, Carolina M. (UNAHUR)

En estos tiempos de crisis sanitaria debido al COVID-19 y el Aislamiento Social, Preventivo y Obligatorio (ASPO) que esta conlleva, se nos interpela en nuestro proceder como trabajadorxs docentes. No es tarea fácil poder llevar a cabo la debida continuidad pedagógica desde la virtualidad, ya que esto causa varias alteraciones en tanto la tarea que se solía realizar en la normalidad, entre ellas, mayor presión y demanda, lo que afecta la salud laboral docente.

Research paper thumbnail of El Ministerio de la Felicidad Suprema: La Resistencia Subalterna

The notion of the Subaltern subject is foregrounded at different instances within the novel The M... more The notion of the Subaltern subject is foregrounded at different instances within the novel The Ministry of Utmost Happiness (2017) by Arundhati Roy. In this essay, we will focus on gender and language since the treatment of those aspects in this text highlights the marginalisation of post-colonial societies. In order to discover how the author constructs the resistance of the Subaltern, we will explore concepts such as hybridization, the Other, double-colonisation, heteronormative societies, and the analysis of in-between identities. The theoretical background will be provided by different authors, for instance Gayatri Spivak, Bill Ashcroft, Homi Bhabha, Ritu Tyagi, among others.

Research paper thumbnail of La desactualización de la ESI con respecto al trato digno identidades no binarias y lenguaje inclusivo en las aulas

La desactualización de la ESI con respecto al trato digno identidades no binarias y lenguaje inclusivo en las aulas, 2019

How to cite/ Cómo citar Bica, Paola; Gómez, Rocío (2019) "La desactualización de la ESI con res... more How to cite/ Cómo citar

Bica, Paola; Gómez, Rocío (2019) "La desactualización de la ESI con respecto al trato digno identidades no binarias y lenguaje inclusivo en las aulas." En prensa.

Research paper thumbnail of Proyecto de mejora de la Ley de Educación Sexual Integral

El tema escogido se encuentra en la agenda pública al ser una Ley Nacional, pero buscamos una mej... more El tema escogido se encuentra en la agenda pública al ser una Ley Nacional, pero buscamos una mejoría con respecto a la inclusión de las identidades no binarias. Les destinataries serán las personas a las que ya tiene llegada dicha Ley aunque sumando a ciertas identidades disidentes que, consideramos, no están propiamente incluídas en la propuesta de dicha Ley; por lo tanto, se busca atender problemas de cierta población a nivel nacional.
Pretendemos mejorar la Ley de Educación Sexual Integral (Ley 26.150) y ampliar su llegada a estudiantes incluyendo a las disidencias en la misma, en cuanto identidad de género y lenguaje inclusivo.
El sentido de desarrollar esta mejora a la Ley 26.150 en este tiempo y lugar apunta a actualizar dicha ley considerando que, posteriormente, se sancionó la Ley de Identidad de Género (Ley 26.743) y ciertas identidades no son tenidas en cuenta de forma suficiente.

Research paper thumbnail of Identity in Richard II and Macbeth by William Shakespeare

The purpose of this literary analysis essay is to examine identity in Richard II and Macbeth by W... more The purpose of this literary analysis essay is to examine identity in Richard II and Macbeth by William Shakespeare. We will study identity in both tragedies; however, we will focus only on Richard II and the language's role in the construction of his identity as well as Macbeth's crisis in identity and the idea of "the single state of man". Lastly, we will analyse Lady Macbeth and gender identity. Some authors such as Harold Bloom, James Well , John Joughin and A.C. Bradley will support the ideas presented and add important information according to their points of view.

Research paper thumbnail of Nurse’s Song by William Blake: A comparative analysis

The purpose of this paper is to analyse and contrast the poems Nurse’s song by William ... more The purpose of this paper is to analyse and contrast the poems Nurse’s song by William Blake in Songs of innocence and Songs of Experience taking into account the ideas of the Romanticism and its Romantic idealization of the child. The two poems show a dualism and a contrast between key, main ideas: the innocence of the children and the corrupted, experienced life of adult people. The theme is recurrent along the whole book Songs of innocence and Songs of Experience. The symbolism in both poems will be analysed in order to discover the sets of connotations and spiritual meanings. In the analysis, we will include Vines and Blechman’s points of view.

Research paper thumbnail of The Vegeterian by Han Kang: A postmodern allegory for women’s fight for power and freedom.

Trabaja como profesora de inglés en escuelas secundarias públicas y en el nivel terciario. Sus in... more Trabaja como profesora de inglés en escuelas secundarias públicas y en el nivel terciario. Sus intereses e investigaciones incluyen las lenguas, la escritura creativa, los medios audiovisuales, la literatura y los estudios de género.

Research paper thumbnail of Gender in Atonement, The Ministry of Utmost Happiness, Swing time and The Return

The aim of this essay is to explore how gender issues are represented and subverted in these piec... more The aim of this essay is to explore how gender issues are represented and subverted in these pieces of literature, more specifically, within four novels: Atonement , The Ministry of Utmost Happiness, Swing time and The Return. Some particular topics related to gender studies will be developed, for instance, traditional gender stereotypes, motherhood and the role of women, non-binary gender, parental roles, female voices and sexuality.
In order to do so, we will consult different authors such as Ritu Tyagi, Inakalia Assumis and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.

Research paper thumbnail of The Gothic in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus”

Introduction In this paper, it will be discussed whether the Gothic characterist... more Introduction

In this paper, it will be discussed whether the Gothic characteristics are displayed in the piece of fiction called Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus. As David Punter describes, “When thinking of the Gothic novel, a set of characteristics springs readily to mind: an emphasis on portraying the terrifying, a common insistence on archaic settings, a prominent use of the supernatural, the presence of highly stereotyped characters and the attempt to deploy and perfect techniques of literary suspense are the most significant.” (Punter 1) The aim of the analysis is to discover if the different Gothic conventions are present in the novel and how they are featured, as well as the exploration of different topics of importance for the analysis of the novel. In order to explore the Gothic in the novel, five topics will be considered in detail. The first topic will be Nature and the Sublime, the second one will be Industrialization vs Nature, then the concept of Alienation will be also analyzed, the fourth topic will be The monster as the Other and lastly, Traditional Gothic elements in the story will be examined. To fulfil this objective, ideas presented by authors such as David Punter, Ronald Carter , Proshanta Sarkar, Kelly Hurley and Michael Gamer will be considered. Some information about the author and the novel can be found below.

Research paper thumbnail of Cambios de paradigma, Alfabetización digital y Subjetividades

La idea de la inclusión de las TIC en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje ha evolucionado y ha ca... more La idea de la inclusión de las TIC en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje ha evolucionado y ha cambiado su paradigma. Como menciona Prensky , "El papel de la tecnología en nuestras aulas es dar apoyo al nuevo paradigma de enseñanza. Esto es, el papel de la tecnología -su único papel-debería ser el de ayudar a los estudiantes a aprender por sí mismos (con la guía de su profesor, por supuesto)".