Federico Lince Klinger | Universidad Nacional de San Juan (original) (raw)
Papers by Federico Lince Klinger
Geoacta, Feb 16, 2016
RESUMEN Sobre la base de mediciones gravimetricas realizadas por el IGSV (Instituto Geofisico Sis... more RESUMEN Sobre la base de mediciones gravimetricas realizadas por el IGSV (Instituto Geofisico Sismologico Volponi) y la UNS (Universidad Nacional del Sur) se procedio a la homogeneizacion de los datos con el fin de confeccionar mapas de anomalias de Bouguer. Estos serviran para analizar las estructuras corticales presentes en la zona sur de las Sierras Pampeanas Orientales de Argentina, entre los paralelos 31o y 33.5o S y los meridianos 64o y 67.5o O, con una resolucion maxima aproximada de 2500 m. Al trabajar con derivadas de orden superior pudo notarse resultados espurios cuando se utiliza el metodo de Minimos Cuadrados (MC) para el grillado de datos gravimetricos. Esto es, sin duda, producto del espaciado irregular de los datos iniciales y un decaimiento del valor de SNR (Relacion Senal-Ruido). Por este motivo se propone la tecnica de Kriging (KG) y se comparan los resultados obtenidos mediante este procedimiento con el anterior (MC), aplicando operadores diferenciales, como gradiente horizontal total del angulo de tilt y derivadas segundas.
One of the intriguing aspects of the subduction of the Nazca plate beneath western South America ... more One of the intriguing aspects of the subduction of the Nazca plate beneath western South America is the along strike segmentation of the dip of the descending plate as defined by the earthquake distribution. At approximately 30° S the Nazca plate has a subhorizontal geometry and extends inland over 300 km beneath the Sierra Pampeanas of northwest Argentina. However, further
ABSTRACT Resumen Se realizó un estudio gravimétrico y magnetométrico en los afloramientos graníti... more ABSTRACT Resumen Se realizó un estudio gravimétrico y magnetométrico en los afloramientos graníticos del Complejo Plutónico Navarrete, ubicado al noreste del Macizo Norpatagónico. Se analizó el grado de correlación entre ambos campos potenciales utilizando la relación de Poisson. Para ello, 1) se preparó un mapa de gradiente vertical de gravedad, que se comparó con el mapa de anomalías magnéticas reducidas al polo, 2) se calculó la relación magnetización -densidad encontrándose un notorio cambio de polaridad entre ambos campos potenciales. Cálculos complementarios como las soluciones de la señal analítica, en una sección transversal al Complejo Plutónico Navarrete, muestran la existencia de una falla geológica central que lo divide en dos bloques. La geometría inferida a partir de un modelo gravimétrico, y los cambios de polaridad en ambos lados del Complejo Plutónico Navarrete, indican diferencias de composición mineralógica y génesis, entre el Complejo Plutónico Navarrete Oriental y el Occidental. Abstract A gravimetric study was carried out in the granite outcrops of the Navarrete Plutonic Complex (NPC), located to the northeast of the Northpatagonian Massive (NPM). The degree of correlation between the gravimetric and magnetometric fields was analyzed using the Poisson relation. In order to do this 1) a vertical gradient map of gravity was compared to the map of magnetic anomalies reduced at the pole, 2) the magnetization-density relation between the two potential fields was analyzed showing a distinct change in polarity. Complementary calculations (the analytic signal in one transverse sector of the NPC) have shown the existence of a central geological fault dividing it into two blocks. Based on the gravimetric model and the polarity changes, the inferred geometry encountered on both sides of the NPC leads to the intuition of mineralogical differences between the composition and origin of the Eastern and Western NPC.
Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Mar 1, 2023
VII Congreso de Exploración y Desarrollo de Hidrocarburos (Simposio de La Geofísica: Integradora del Conocimiento del Subsuelo), 2008
Se presenta un trabajo piloto sobre relevamiento microgravimetrico sobre Ia linea sIsmica R238 de... more Se presenta un trabajo piloto sobre relevamiento microgravimetrico sobre Ia linea sIsmica R238 de Puesto Galdame - provincia de RIo Negro, ubicada aproximadamente a 35 km de Ia ciudad de General Roca, y a 9 km de Ia Ruta N° 6. Se demuestra las bondades de Ia microgravedad en Ia determinacion de los parametros fIsicos de a zona del weathering, empleados para el calculo de las correcciones estaticas en exploracion sismica. Los resultados manifiestan que ademas de ser una tecnica agil y economica, tambien es eficiente en cuanto a a determinacion de cuerpos anomalos que son inadvertidos por las clasicas tecnicas empleadas en Ia prospeccion sismica.
Near Surface Geophysics, 2015
ABSTRACTA high‐resolution geophysical study was carried out in a region of the retroarc of the Pa... more ABSTRACTA high‐resolution geophysical study was carried out in a region of the retroarc of the Patagonian Andes located on the western slope of the Sierra de El Maitén. This structure is characterized by an imbricated west‐vergent fault system developed in the orogenic front area of the North Patagonian Andes that has uplifted. Oligocene volcanic rocks (Ventana Formation) affect Miocene to Quaternary sediments. Even though neotectonic fault scarps are affecting Quaternary deposits in the foothills of this range, no direct observation of slip in Quaternary strata was determined. The main objective of this study is to determine geometry of recognized neotectonic structures, characterizing them by variations in magnetic susceptibility, density, and p‐wave velocities. The combined application of different geophysical methods has allowed the characterization of the bedrock geometry and the determination of neotectonic displacements along faults. The potential field model and its integrat...
G e o l o g i c a A c t a , V o l . 8 , N º 4 , D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 0 , 3 4 9 -3 7 1 D O I : 1 ... more G e o l o g i c a A c t a , V o l . 8 , N º 4 , D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 0 , 3 4 9 -3 7 1 D O I : 1 0 . 1 3 4 4 / 1 0 5 . 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 7 7 A v a i l a b l e o n l i n e a t w w w. g e o l o g i c a -a c t a . c o m The origin of Patagonia and its relations with the South American crustal blocks to the north have been a matter of debate for decades. We report results from a multidisciplinary study centered on Paleozoic granitoids exposed in the northeastern corner of the North Patagonian Massif. Microstructural and magnetofabric studies reveal two suites of granitoids. Late Carboniferous (?) granitoids (Yaminué Complex, Tardugno Granodiorite, Cabeza de Vaca leucogranite) were emplaced and subsequently deformed in a major NNE-SSW compressive stress regime that also provoked top-to-the-SW thrust deformation in shallow crustal levels. Gravity and geobarometric studies show that the same major deformation event has been recorded at different crustal levels. The age and type of deformation ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Dec 1, 2017
Journal of South American Earth Sciences
Journal of Structural Geology
<p>El Valle de Tulum est&#225; ubicado en la provincia de San Juan, en el C... more <p>El Valle de Tulum est&#225; ubicado en la provincia de San Juan, en el Centro-Oeste de Argentina y tiene una poblaci&#243;n de 629.530 habitantes. Se encuentra en una zona de la Diagonal &#193;rida Sudamericana. Sus habitantes han convertido el territorio en un oasis de riego, aprovechando las aguas superficiales del r&#237;o San Juan a trav&#233;s de tres grandes obras como son los embalses de Ull&#250;m, Punta Negra y Caracoles, m&#225;s uno a&#250;n en construcci&#243;n; y las aguas subterr&#225;neas de su amplio abanico aluvial.</p><p>Algunas pr&#225;cticas antr&#243;picas que en &#233;pocas pasadas contribuyeron al desarrollo de la regi&#243;n, como el drenaje de humedales, que ampl&#237;an la frontera agr&#237;cola, hoy son el origen de suelos con severos problemas para habitar. En el siglo XIX, el valle se caracteriz&#243; por la presencia de cuerpos hidrom&#243;rficos que lo ocuparon en su parte central, cerca del r&#237;o San Juan. Este paleoambiente del Holoceno estaba formado por extensos humedales con agua permanente y un gran n&#250;mero de canales intercomunicados, as&#237; como por cauces de r&#237;os abandonados. Los humedales desaparecieron por acciones de drenaje. Los nuevos suelos han permitido ampliar la frontera agr&#237;cola y proporcionar suelos org&#225;nicos para la producci&#243;n de alimentos.</p><p>In recent years, the region has experienced a serious water deficit, due to decreasing snow fall and high temperatures in the Andes Mountains, where the basins that supply water to the river, are located. (Pucheta, 2021). This condition unfavorably affected the agricultural soils caused by the action of anthropic drainage, which caused a large part of them to remain available for the real estate market.</p><p>In this new context, numerous problems have been detected and have been increasing with the water crisis due to climate change. For example, deformations and subsidence of the soil due to lower water tables, constructions on the river's paleochannels that are not visible to the naked eye because of anthropogenic changes in the landscape, which are evidenced through undulations and cracks in the streets and houses that can be detected by indirect geophysic consumption. As a result, there are dry vegetation areas and peat associated with old wetlands which are burnt during the summer, as well as salinization of the soil, among others. These problems have consequences, both for the environment, because it will not recover its original condition, and for the socio-economic dimension of the inhabitants, since the scarcity of irrigation water leads to the loss of agricultural and livestock production. Eventually, future scenarios that show serious difficulties in obtaining water for human consumption.</p>
This dataset presents .edi files from 18 magnetotelluric broadband soundings in northeastern Arge... more This dataset presents .edi files from 18 magnetotelluric broadband soundings in northeastern Argentina, across the provinces of Corrients and Misiones. This data collection was financially supported by FAPESP Thematic Project 2012/06082-6 and CAPES-MINCYT project 234/13 in Brazil and MINCyT-CAPES BR/12/02 in Argentina.
Based on terrestrial gravity data, in this paper we prepared a map of Bouguer anomalies, which wa... more Based on terrestrial gravity data, in this paper we prepared a map of Bouguer anomalies, which was filtered to separate shallow and deep gravity sources. Based on a density model and gravimetric inversion techniques, the discontinuous crustmantle boundary and the top of crystalline basement were modeled. Subsequently, the equivalent elastic thickness (Te) was evaluated, considering information from the crust-mantle discontinuity and topographic load, finding high Te values in the eastern Andean foothills and west of the Velasco range. These results are consistent with the positive isostatic and residual Bouguer anomaly values, which suggest the presence of high-density rocks in the mid-to upper crust. In addition, petrographic and geochemical analysis conducted in surface outcrops suggest a mantle origin.
Geoacta, 2014
Con el objeto de inferir la distribucion en corteza de las diferentes unidades litologicas aflora... more Con el objeto de inferir la distribucion en corteza de las diferentes unidades litologicas aflorantes en el borde noreste del macizo Norpatagonico, provincia de Rio Negro, Argentina. Se construyo un modelo de doble inversion utilizando datos de gravedad terrestre y aeromagnetometricos. Este modelo sumado a mapas de reduccion al Polo y senal analitica, obtenidos a partir de una grilla de anomalias aeromagnetometricas, permitio dividir la corteza superior en tres dominios magneticos. Estos cambios laterales de densidad y susceptibilidad magnetica podrian estar vinculados a una corteza dividida en bloques de distinto origen. Esto ultimo estaria apoyando la hipotesis sobre la aloctonia de algunos bloques en el norte de la Patagonia, propuesta que recientemente ha sido realizada por otros autores. Desde este modelo se propone un mayor espesor litologico para el Complejo Yaminue y la probable ubicacion de su contacto en profundidad con la Formacion Nahuel Niyeu.
Tectonophysics, 2021
Abstract A magnetotelluric survey comprising 18 broadband stations disposed along a 450 km-long p... more Abstract A magnetotelluric survey comprising 18 broadband stations disposed along a 450 km-long profile was carried out at the transition between the Chaco-Parana (CPB) and the Parana (PB) intracratonic basins in northeastern Argentina. Three-dimensional inversions of the responses show that the CPB and southern PB lithospheres are resistive (~103 Ω m) down to 120 km, but with distinct crustal and upper mantle electrical properties. Also, Bouguer gravity and density anomalies are positive at CPB, whereas they are negative at PB. We associate the CPB lithosphere with the Paleoproterozoic Rio Tebicuary craton and the southern PB lithosphere with an ancient and buried piece of craton, the Southern Parana craton. Geochemical data of mantle xenoliths from the Cenozoic alkaline/carbonatitic province within the Rio Tebicuary craton suggest a subcontinental lithospheric mantle affected by metasomatic processes, which explains its lower resistivity (reaching values as low as 300 Ω m) and higher density (#Mg = 0.87). In contrast, the Southern Parana craton is more resistive (>103 Ω m) and less dense, suggesting a de-hydrated, depleted, and thicker craton. These cratons are separated by a crustal conductor (15 to 20 km depth; 1–10 Ω m) that we interpret as a southward continuation of a linear anomaly (Parana Axial Anomaly) defined in former induction studies within the PB in Brazil. Hence, we redefined the trace of this conductive lineament: instead of bending towards the Torres Syncline, it continues inside the CPB. We propose the lineament to be an Early Neoproterozoic suture zone that controlled the location of maximum subsidence in the intracratonic basins during the Paleozoic. In the Early Cretaceous, the Parana Axial Anomaly was the site of maximum extrusion and deposition of Serra Geral basalts. This anomaly separates compositionally distinct cratonic lithospheres along its path. Melting of this heterogeneous and enriched mantle created the Parana igneous province.
Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society&Expogef, 2019
Contents of this paper were reviewed by the Technical Committee of the 16 th International Congre... more Contents of this paper were reviewed by the Technical Committee of the 16 th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society and do not necessarily represent any position of the SBGf, its officers or members. Electronic reproduction or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Brazilian Geophysical Society is prohibited.
Revista Brasileira de Geofísica, 2010
We present a gravimetric study on the northeast edge of the North Patagonian massif in the provin... more We present a gravimetric study on the northeast edge of the North Patagonian massif in the province of Rio Negro, to ascertain the depth distribution of the different outcrop units in the study area, as well as the geometry of the Navarrete Plutonic Complex. The negative anomalies in the Bouguer residual map reproduce the lateral density contrast between what would be the bedrock of Cambrian age and the lithologic units of the Mesozoic age. The solutions of the analytical signal along with variations in the curve of the horizontal gradient of gravity, obtained along a profile across the outcrops of the Navarrete Plutonic Complex, show contacts between the intrusive body and the bedrock with different densities. Over this profile we obtained a 2D (dimensional) gravimetric forward model adjusted with the density data of the surface rocks. Above the outcrop of the Yaminué Complex there exists a gravimetric high which does not correspond to the density in this area. This is a new evidence that proves that it is a series of intrusions and thin subhorizontal tectonic slices and that its thickness is probably thin. On the other hand the Navarrete Pluton shows the greatest development in size and depth to the east of Treneta stream.
The La Rioja Valley is a sedimentary basin in the Pampean Ranges, a region of basement uplifts an... more The La Rioja Valley is a sedimentary basin in the Pampean Ranges, a region of basement uplifts and broad valleys in the Andean foreland. The present study advances understanding of the genesis of the basin by providing subsurface data on its geometry and characteristics. Gravity and topographic data, including a newly completed gravity survey, were integrated to create a complete Bouguer anomaly map. Euler and Werner deconvolution techniques sum with traditional potential-fields methods and sparse independent data from seismic and magnetotelluric methods to test and constrain the subsurface geophysical characterization of the La Rioja Valley Basin. The residual anomaly, obtained through upward continuation, was inverted to obtain the best 3D gravity model of the La Rioja Valley Basin, which shows the first-order geometry of the basin. This reveals that the basin is asymmetric, with up to [Formula: see text] of low-density basin fill in a depocenter located in the west-central sector...
Geoacta, Feb 16, 2016
RESUMEN Sobre la base de mediciones gravimetricas realizadas por el IGSV (Instituto Geofisico Sis... more RESUMEN Sobre la base de mediciones gravimetricas realizadas por el IGSV (Instituto Geofisico Sismologico Volponi) y la UNS (Universidad Nacional del Sur) se procedio a la homogeneizacion de los datos con el fin de confeccionar mapas de anomalias de Bouguer. Estos serviran para analizar las estructuras corticales presentes en la zona sur de las Sierras Pampeanas Orientales de Argentina, entre los paralelos 31o y 33.5o S y los meridianos 64o y 67.5o O, con una resolucion maxima aproximada de 2500 m. Al trabajar con derivadas de orden superior pudo notarse resultados espurios cuando se utiliza el metodo de Minimos Cuadrados (MC) para el grillado de datos gravimetricos. Esto es, sin duda, producto del espaciado irregular de los datos iniciales y un decaimiento del valor de SNR (Relacion Senal-Ruido). Por este motivo se propone la tecnica de Kriging (KG) y se comparan los resultados obtenidos mediante este procedimiento con el anterior (MC), aplicando operadores diferenciales, como gradiente horizontal total del angulo de tilt y derivadas segundas.
One of the intriguing aspects of the subduction of the Nazca plate beneath western South America ... more One of the intriguing aspects of the subduction of the Nazca plate beneath western South America is the along strike segmentation of the dip of the descending plate as defined by the earthquake distribution. At approximately 30° S the Nazca plate has a subhorizontal geometry and extends inland over 300 km beneath the Sierra Pampeanas of northwest Argentina. However, further
ABSTRACT Resumen Se realizó un estudio gravimétrico y magnetométrico en los afloramientos graníti... more ABSTRACT Resumen Se realizó un estudio gravimétrico y magnetométrico en los afloramientos graníticos del Complejo Plutónico Navarrete, ubicado al noreste del Macizo Norpatagónico. Se analizó el grado de correlación entre ambos campos potenciales utilizando la relación de Poisson. Para ello, 1) se preparó un mapa de gradiente vertical de gravedad, que se comparó con el mapa de anomalías magnéticas reducidas al polo, 2) se calculó la relación magnetización -densidad encontrándose un notorio cambio de polaridad entre ambos campos potenciales. Cálculos complementarios como las soluciones de la señal analítica, en una sección transversal al Complejo Plutónico Navarrete, muestran la existencia de una falla geológica central que lo divide en dos bloques. La geometría inferida a partir de un modelo gravimétrico, y los cambios de polaridad en ambos lados del Complejo Plutónico Navarrete, indican diferencias de composición mineralógica y génesis, entre el Complejo Plutónico Navarrete Oriental y el Occidental. Abstract A gravimetric study was carried out in the granite outcrops of the Navarrete Plutonic Complex (NPC), located to the northeast of the Northpatagonian Massive (NPM). The degree of correlation between the gravimetric and magnetometric fields was analyzed using the Poisson relation. In order to do this 1) a vertical gradient map of gravity was compared to the map of magnetic anomalies reduced at the pole, 2) the magnetization-density relation between the two potential fields was analyzed showing a distinct change in polarity. Complementary calculations (the analytic signal in one transverse sector of the NPC) have shown the existence of a central geological fault dividing it into two blocks. Based on the gravimetric model and the polarity changes, the inferred geometry encountered on both sides of the NPC leads to the intuition of mineralogical differences between the composition and origin of the Eastern and Western NPC.
Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Mar 1, 2023
VII Congreso de Exploración y Desarrollo de Hidrocarburos (Simposio de La Geofísica: Integradora del Conocimiento del Subsuelo), 2008
Se presenta un trabajo piloto sobre relevamiento microgravimetrico sobre Ia linea sIsmica R238 de... more Se presenta un trabajo piloto sobre relevamiento microgravimetrico sobre Ia linea sIsmica R238 de Puesto Galdame - provincia de RIo Negro, ubicada aproximadamente a 35 km de Ia ciudad de General Roca, y a 9 km de Ia Ruta N° 6. Se demuestra las bondades de Ia microgravedad en Ia determinacion de los parametros fIsicos de a zona del weathering, empleados para el calculo de las correcciones estaticas en exploracion sismica. Los resultados manifiestan que ademas de ser una tecnica agil y economica, tambien es eficiente en cuanto a a determinacion de cuerpos anomalos que son inadvertidos por las clasicas tecnicas empleadas en Ia prospeccion sismica.
Near Surface Geophysics, 2015
ABSTRACTA high‐resolution geophysical study was carried out in a region of the retroarc of the Pa... more ABSTRACTA high‐resolution geophysical study was carried out in a region of the retroarc of the Patagonian Andes located on the western slope of the Sierra de El Maitén. This structure is characterized by an imbricated west‐vergent fault system developed in the orogenic front area of the North Patagonian Andes that has uplifted. Oligocene volcanic rocks (Ventana Formation) affect Miocene to Quaternary sediments. Even though neotectonic fault scarps are affecting Quaternary deposits in the foothills of this range, no direct observation of slip in Quaternary strata was determined. The main objective of this study is to determine geometry of recognized neotectonic structures, characterizing them by variations in magnetic susceptibility, density, and p‐wave velocities. The combined application of different geophysical methods has allowed the characterization of the bedrock geometry and the determination of neotectonic displacements along faults. The potential field model and its integrat...
G e o l o g i c a A c t a , V o l . 8 , N º 4 , D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 0 , 3 4 9 -3 7 1 D O I : 1 ... more G e o l o g i c a A c t a , V o l . 8 , N º 4 , D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 0 , 3 4 9 -3 7 1 D O I : 1 0 . 1 3 4 4 / 1 0 5 . 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 7 7 A v a i l a b l e o n l i n e a t w w w. g e o l o g i c a -a c t a . c o m The origin of Patagonia and its relations with the South American crustal blocks to the north have been a matter of debate for decades. We report results from a multidisciplinary study centered on Paleozoic granitoids exposed in the northeastern corner of the North Patagonian Massif. Microstructural and magnetofabric studies reveal two suites of granitoids. Late Carboniferous (?) granitoids (Yaminué Complex, Tardugno Granodiorite, Cabeza de Vaca leucogranite) were emplaced and subsequently deformed in a major NNE-SSW compressive stress regime that also provoked top-to-the-SW thrust deformation in shallow crustal levels. Gravity and geobarometric studies show that the same major deformation event has been recorded at different crustal levels. The age and type of deformation ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Dec 1, 2017
Journal of South American Earth Sciences
Journal of Structural Geology
<p>El Valle de Tulum est&#225; ubicado en la provincia de San Juan, en el C... more <p>El Valle de Tulum est&#225; ubicado en la provincia de San Juan, en el Centro-Oeste de Argentina y tiene una poblaci&#243;n de 629.530 habitantes. Se encuentra en una zona de la Diagonal &#193;rida Sudamericana. Sus habitantes han convertido el territorio en un oasis de riego, aprovechando las aguas superficiales del r&#237;o San Juan a trav&#233;s de tres grandes obras como son los embalses de Ull&#250;m, Punta Negra y Caracoles, m&#225;s uno a&#250;n en construcci&#243;n; y las aguas subterr&#225;neas de su amplio abanico aluvial.</p><p>Algunas pr&#225;cticas antr&#243;picas que en &#233;pocas pasadas contribuyeron al desarrollo de la regi&#243;n, como el drenaje de humedales, que ampl&#237;an la frontera agr&#237;cola, hoy son el origen de suelos con severos problemas para habitar. En el siglo XIX, el valle se caracteriz&#243; por la presencia de cuerpos hidrom&#243;rficos que lo ocuparon en su parte central, cerca del r&#237;o San Juan. Este paleoambiente del Holoceno estaba formado por extensos humedales con agua permanente y un gran n&#250;mero de canales intercomunicados, as&#237; como por cauces de r&#237;os abandonados. Los humedales desaparecieron por acciones de drenaje. Los nuevos suelos han permitido ampliar la frontera agr&#237;cola y proporcionar suelos org&#225;nicos para la producci&#243;n de alimentos.</p><p>In recent years, the region has experienced a serious water deficit, due to decreasing snow fall and high temperatures in the Andes Mountains, where the basins that supply water to the river, are located. (Pucheta, 2021). This condition unfavorably affected the agricultural soils caused by the action of anthropic drainage, which caused a large part of them to remain available for the real estate market.</p><p>In this new context, numerous problems have been detected and have been increasing with the water crisis due to climate change. For example, deformations and subsidence of the soil due to lower water tables, constructions on the river's paleochannels that are not visible to the naked eye because of anthropogenic changes in the landscape, which are evidenced through undulations and cracks in the streets and houses that can be detected by indirect geophysic consumption. As a result, there are dry vegetation areas and peat associated with old wetlands which are burnt during the summer, as well as salinization of the soil, among others. These problems have consequences, both for the environment, because it will not recover its original condition, and for the socio-economic dimension of the inhabitants, since the scarcity of irrigation water leads to the loss of agricultural and livestock production. Eventually, future scenarios that show serious difficulties in obtaining water for human consumption.</p>
This dataset presents .edi files from 18 magnetotelluric broadband soundings in northeastern Arge... more This dataset presents .edi files from 18 magnetotelluric broadband soundings in northeastern Argentina, across the provinces of Corrients and Misiones. This data collection was financially supported by FAPESP Thematic Project 2012/06082-6 and CAPES-MINCYT project 234/13 in Brazil and MINCyT-CAPES BR/12/02 in Argentina.
Based on terrestrial gravity data, in this paper we prepared a map of Bouguer anomalies, which wa... more Based on terrestrial gravity data, in this paper we prepared a map of Bouguer anomalies, which was filtered to separate shallow and deep gravity sources. Based on a density model and gravimetric inversion techniques, the discontinuous crustmantle boundary and the top of crystalline basement were modeled. Subsequently, the equivalent elastic thickness (Te) was evaluated, considering information from the crust-mantle discontinuity and topographic load, finding high Te values in the eastern Andean foothills and west of the Velasco range. These results are consistent with the positive isostatic and residual Bouguer anomaly values, which suggest the presence of high-density rocks in the mid-to upper crust. In addition, petrographic and geochemical analysis conducted in surface outcrops suggest a mantle origin.
Geoacta, 2014
Con el objeto de inferir la distribucion en corteza de las diferentes unidades litologicas aflora... more Con el objeto de inferir la distribucion en corteza de las diferentes unidades litologicas aflorantes en el borde noreste del macizo Norpatagonico, provincia de Rio Negro, Argentina. Se construyo un modelo de doble inversion utilizando datos de gravedad terrestre y aeromagnetometricos. Este modelo sumado a mapas de reduccion al Polo y senal analitica, obtenidos a partir de una grilla de anomalias aeromagnetometricas, permitio dividir la corteza superior en tres dominios magneticos. Estos cambios laterales de densidad y susceptibilidad magnetica podrian estar vinculados a una corteza dividida en bloques de distinto origen. Esto ultimo estaria apoyando la hipotesis sobre la aloctonia de algunos bloques en el norte de la Patagonia, propuesta que recientemente ha sido realizada por otros autores. Desde este modelo se propone un mayor espesor litologico para el Complejo Yaminue y la probable ubicacion de su contacto en profundidad con la Formacion Nahuel Niyeu.
Tectonophysics, 2021
Abstract A magnetotelluric survey comprising 18 broadband stations disposed along a 450 km-long p... more Abstract A magnetotelluric survey comprising 18 broadband stations disposed along a 450 km-long profile was carried out at the transition between the Chaco-Parana (CPB) and the Parana (PB) intracratonic basins in northeastern Argentina. Three-dimensional inversions of the responses show that the CPB and southern PB lithospheres are resistive (~103 Ω m) down to 120 km, but with distinct crustal and upper mantle electrical properties. Also, Bouguer gravity and density anomalies are positive at CPB, whereas they are negative at PB. We associate the CPB lithosphere with the Paleoproterozoic Rio Tebicuary craton and the southern PB lithosphere with an ancient and buried piece of craton, the Southern Parana craton. Geochemical data of mantle xenoliths from the Cenozoic alkaline/carbonatitic province within the Rio Tebicuary craton suggest a subcontinental lithospheric mantle affected by metasomatic processes, which explains its lower resistivity (reaching values as low as 300 Ω m) and higher density (#Mg = 0.87). In contrast, the Southern Parana craton is more resistive (>103 Ω m) and less dense, suggesting a de-hydrated, depleted, and thicker craton. These cratons are separated by a crustal conductor (15 to 20 km depth; 1–10 Ω m) that we interpret as a southward continuation of a linear anomaly (Parana Axial Anomaly) defined in former induction studies within the PB in Brazil. Hence, we redefined the trace of this conductive lineament: instead of bending towards the Torres Syncline, it continues inside the CPB. We propose the lineament to be an Early Neoproterozoic suture zone that controlled the location of maximum subsidence in the intracratonic basins during the Paleozoic. In the Early Cretaceous, the Parana Axial Anomaly was the site of maximum extrusion and deposition of Serra Geral basalts. This anomaly separates compositionally distinct cratonic lithospheres along its path. Melting of this heterogeneous and enriched mantle created the Parana igneous province.
Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society&Expogef, 2019
Contents of this paper were reviewed by the Technical Committee of the 16 th International Congre... more Contents of this paper were reviewed by the Technical Committee of the 16 th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society and do not necessarily represent any position of the SBGf, its officers or members. Electronic reproduction or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Brazilian Geophysical Society is prohibited.
Revista Brasileira de Geofísica, 2010
We present a gravimetric study on the northeast edge of the North Patagonian massif in the provin... more We present a gravimetric study on the northeast edge of the North Patagonian massif in the province of Rio Negro, to ascertain the depth distribution of the different outcrop units in the study area, as well as the geometry of the Navarrete Plutonic Complex. The negative anomalies in the Bouguer residual map reproduce the lateral density contrast between what would be the bedrock of Cambrian age and the lithologic units of the Mesozoic age. The solutions of the analytical signal along with variations in the curve of the horizontal gradient of gravity, obtained along a profile across the outcrops of the Navarrete Plutonic Complex, show contacts between the intrusive body and the bedrock with different densities. Over this profile we obtained a 2D (dimensional) gravimetric forward model adjusted with the density data of the surface rocks. Above the outcrop of the Yaminué Complex there exists a gravimetric high which does not correspond to the density in this area. This is a new evidence that proves that it is a series of intrusions and thin subhorizontal tectonic slices and that its thickness is probably thin. On the other hand the Navarrete Pluton shows the greatest development in size and depth to the east of Treneta stream.
The La Rioja Valley is a sedimentary basin in the Pampean Ranges, a region of basement uplifts an... more The La Rioja Valley is a sedimentary basin in the Pampean Ranges, a region of basement uplifts and broad valleys in the Andean foreland. The present study advances understanding of the genesis of the basin by providing subsurface data on its geometry and characteristics. Gravity and topographic data, including a newly completed gravity survey, were integrated to create a complete Bouguer anomaly map. Euler and Werner deconvolution techniques sum with traditional potential-fields methods and sparse independent data from seismic and magnetotelluric methods to test and constrain the subsurface geophysical characterization of the La Rioja Valley Basin. The residual anomaly, obtained through upward continuation, was inverted to obtain the best 3D gravity model of the La Rioja Valley Basin, which shows the first-order geometry of the basin. This reveals that the basin is asymmetric, with up to [Formula: see text] of low-density basin fill in a depocenter located in the west-central sector...