Basem Suleiman | The University of New South Wales (original) (raw)

Papers by Basem Suleiman

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling Performance of Elasticity Rules for Cloud-based Applications

EDOC 2013, Sep 13, 2013

Many IaaS providers allow cloud consumers to define elasticity (or auto-scaling) rules that carry... more Many IaaS providers allow cloud consumers to define elasticity (or auto-scaling) rules that carry out provisioning or de-provisioning actions in response to monitored variables crossing user-defined thresholds over performance measurements. Defining elasticity rules, however, remains as a key challenge for cloud consumers as it requires choosing appropriate threshold values to satisfy performance and cost requirements. In this paper we propose novel analytical models that enable the study of application performance under different elasticity rules. Based on these, we develop algorithms for performing scale-in and scale-out operations. We simulate our models and algorithms using different thresholds, and validate the results against empirical data obtained using the same rules with the TPC-W benchmark on Amazon cloud.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Framework for Providing Mobile Web Services

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Research paper thumbnail of  Elasticity Economics of Cloud-Based Applications

Cloud infrastructure services offer elastic computing resources that particularly match the requi... more Cloud infrastructure services offer elastic computing resources that particularly match the requirements of web transactional applications. Such applications, e.g., e-business applications, have high business value and variable workload patterns and therefore utilizing such elastic cloud resources in a cost-effective way is crucial need for cloud consumers. Defining economic elasticity rules, however, is not trivial as it requires (i) running considerable number of experiments with different parameters/metrics and workloads (ii) collecting appropriate cloud and application cost/performance measurements and (iii) performing cost/performance trade-off analysis. In this paper we introduce our on-going work on elasticity economics platform that supports cloud consumers to achieve the above three requirements. We also discuss the key elements of the elasticity economics platform and our early prototyping experience.

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Research paper thumbnail of Trade-off Analysis of Elasticity Approaches for Cloud-based Business Applications

Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2012, Nov 29, 2012

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers, such as Amazon Web Services, o er on-demand access ... more Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers, such as Amazon Web Services, o er on-demand access to computing resources at pay-as-you-go prices. The key bene t of IaaS is elasticity, i.e., the ability to provision and de-provision resources at will. This feature makes IaaS infrastructure as the best platform for hosting web applications, e.g. e-business, that are subjected to highly-variable request patterns. However, elasticity can be triggered either on the basis of resource utilization or for meeting service level objectives (SLOs). In this paper, we extensively evaluate these two types of elasticity rules using the TPC-W benchmark on Amazon IaaS infrastructure. From this experimental data, we evaluate the performance of these rules against the primary metric of service level satisfaction for web applications, and secondary metrics such as resource utilization and cost. Through our inferences, we present a number of recommendations that would enable practitioners and cloud consumers using Amazon to de ne appropriate elasticity rules to meet their SLOs and other metrics

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Research paper thumbnail of On Understanding The Economics and Elasticity of Deploying Business Applications on Public Cloud Infrastructure

The exposure of business applications to the web has considerably increased the variability of it... more The exposure of business applications to the web has considerably increased the variability of its workload patterns and volumes as the number of users/customers often grows and shrinks at various rates and times. Such application characteristics have increasingly demanded the need for flexible yet inexpensive computing infrastructure to accommodate variable workloads. The on-demand and per-use cloud computing model, specifically that of public Cloud Infrastructure Service Offerings (CISOs), has quickly evolved and adopted by majority of hardware and software computing companies with the promise of provisioning utility-like computing resources at massive economies of scale. However, deploying business applications on public cloud infrastructure does not lead to achieving desired economics and elasticity gains, and some challenges block the way for realizing its real benefits. These challenges are due to multiple differences between CISOs and application’s requirements and characteristics. This article introduces a detailed analysis and discussion of the economics and elasticity challenges of business applications to be deployed and operate on public cloud infrastructure. This includes analysis of various aspects of public CISOs, modeling and measuring CISOs’ economics and elasticity, application workload patterns and its impact on achieving elasticity and economics, economics-driven elasticity decisions and policies, and SLA-driven monitoring and elasticity of cloud-based business applications. The analysis and discussion are supported with motivating scenarios for cloud-based business applications. The paper provides a multi-lenses overview that can help cloud consumers and potential business application’s owners to understand, analyze, and evaluate important economics and elasticity capabilities of different CISOs and its suitability for meeting their business application’s requirements.

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Research paper thumbnail of Using SOA Governance Design Methodologies to Augment Enterprise Service Descriptions

Advanced Information …, Jan 1, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Software Development Framework

Software Engineering, 2008. ASWEC 2008. 19th …, Jan 1, 2008

... Basem Suleiman1, 2, (•) 1 School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South... more ... Basem Suleiman1, 2, (•) 1 School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia 2 Managing Complexity – Sydney ATP Group, (National ICT ... [3] Clements, P., L. Bass and R. Kazman, Software Architecture in Practice, Addison-Wesley, MA ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Specification of Business Value with and in Software Patterns

… on Software Patterns …

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Research paper thumbnail of A Constraint-Based Approach for Developing Consistent Contracts in Composite Services

2009 Congress on Services-I, Jan 1, 2009

Abstract— A key problem that challenges the designers of service-oriented systems is ensuring the... more Abstract— A key problem that challenges the designers of service-oriented systems is ensuring the consistency of composite Web service contracts based on their parameters. This paper utilizes constraint satisfaction approach to examine the problem at design time and by focusing ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Time-Quality Metric Model for Quality Measurement of Web-Based Systems

The confrontation between the software professionals and legacy system is one of the major issues... more The confrontation between the software professionals and legacy system is one of the major issues in the software engineering field. Efforts made in this regard for the formation of the Re-engineering process. The modern software industry is producing quality oriented ...

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Research paper thumbnail of One Size Does Not Fit All: A Group-Based Service Selection for Web-Based Business Processes

2011 Workshops of International …, Jan 1, 2011

Web service failures or degradations directly cause operational inefficiencies and financial loss... more Web service failures or degradations directly cause operational inefficiencies and financial losses in Web service-based business processes (WSBP). In today’s competitive Web service market a considerable number of functionally-similar Web services offered by different providers are differentiated by competitive QoS levels and pricing structures. Consequently, dynamic and optimal Web service selection is a significant challenge to business organizations which run such WSBPs. Having a cost-effective and efficient Web service selection approach is becoming an important necessity for such organizations. Current Web service selection approaches offer “one-size-fits-all” solution, i.e., one optimal service selection for all running BP instances. However, such solutions are neither efficient nor cost-effective given that the service levels of WSBPs are associated with customers classes/profiles, e.g.,Gold, Silver or Bronze. Therefore, we propose a group-based Web service selection approach,“one-size-does-not-fit-all”, that optimizes multiple QoS criteria and differentiate the service selection based on the BP customers classes/profiles. Our approach shows a very good improvement over existing “one-size-fits-all” approaches; 65% average cost reduction and 30% utility value improvement.

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Research paper thumbnail of Non-functional property specifications for WRIGHT ADL

Computer and Information …, Jan 1, 2008

Many architecture description languages (ADLs) were proposed for describing structure of software... more Many architecture description languages (ADLs) were proposed for describing structure of software systems in terms of components and connectors. However, specification of non-functional properties is not addressed well in these ADLs, although it is crucial for building quality software architectures. We propose new extensions of WRIGHT ADL with capabilities to specify non-functional properties at the architectural level. They are based on ontological definitions of non-functional properties. To demonstrate their usefulness, we applied them to an e-health example.

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Research paper thumbnail of Models and algorithms for business value-driven adaptation of business processes and software infrastructure

… Volume, 2009. ICSE-Companion 2009. 31st …, Jan 1, 2009

This research investigates how to provide auto-mated analysis and decision-making support for ada... more This research investigates how to provide auto-mated analysis and decision-making support for adap-tation of business processes and underlying software infrastructure, in the way that both maximizes business value metrics (eg, profit, return on investment) and maintains ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Physical interaction in pervasive computing: formal modeling, analysis and verification

Proceedings of the …, Jan 1, 2009

... Fuyuki Ishikawa GRACE Center, National Institute of informatics, Tokyo, Japan f-ishikawa@nii.... more ... Fuyuki Ishikawa GRACE Center, National Institute of informatics, Tokyo, Japan Basem Suleiman National ICT Australia (NICTA), Sydney, Australia University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Facilitating enterprise service discovery for non-technical business users

Service-Oriented Computing, Jan 1, 2011

Enterprise Services (ES) are Web services with which enterprise applications expose a subset of t... more Enterprise Services (ES) are Web services with which enterprise applications expose a subset of their functionality. Due to the often high number of different ES, as well as the complex nature of their names, it is difficult for non-technical business users to discover ...

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Research paper thumbnail of UML Profiles for WS-Policy4MASC as Support for Business Value Driven Engineering and Management of Web Services and their Compositions

Enterprise Distributed Object …, Jan 1, 2007

WS-Policy4MASC is an XML language for specifica-tion of policies for run-time Web service managem... more WS-Policy4MASC is an XML language for specifica-tion of policies for run-time Web service management (monitoring and control) activities executed by the Man-ageable and Adaptable Services Compositions (MASC) middleware. Among its original contributions are specifi- ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Integration of UML modeling and policy-driven management of Web service systems

Proceedings of the 2009 ICSE Workshop on …, Jan 1, 2009

2 School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia 3 Departme... more 2 School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia 3 Department of Computer Science, University of Western Ontario, Canada, ... * NICTA is funded by the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Modeling Performance of Elasticity Rules for Cloud-based Applications

EDOC 2013, Sep 13, 2013

Many IaaS providers allow cloud consumers to define elasticity (or auto-scaling) rules that carry... more Many IaaS providers allow cloud consumers to define elasticity (or auto-scaling) rules that carry out provisioning or de-provisioning actions in response to monitored variables crossing user-defined thresholds over performance measurements. Defining elasticity rules, however, remains as a key challenge for cloud consumers as it requires choosing appropriate threshold values to satisfy performance and cost requirements. In this paper we propose novel analytical models that enable the study of application performance under different elasticity rules. Based on these, we develop algorithms for performing scale-in and scale-out operations. We simulate our models and algorithms using different thresholds, and validate the results against empirical data obtained using the same rules with the TPC-W benchmark on Amazon cloud.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Framework for Providing Mobile Web Services

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Research paper thumbnail of  Elasticity Economics of Cloud-Based Applications

Cloud infrastructure services offer elastic computing resources that particularly match the requi... more Cloud infrastructure services offer elastic computing resources that particularly match the requirements of web transactional applications. Such applications, e.g., e-business applications, have high business value and variable workload patterns and therefore utilizing such elastic cloud resources in a cost-effective way is crucial need for cloud consumers. Defining economic elasticity rules, however, is not trivial as it requires (i) running considerable number of experiments with different parameters/metrics and workloads (ii) collecting appropriate cloud and application cost/performance measurements and (iii) performing cost/performance trade-off analysis. In this paper we introduce our on-going work on elasticity economics platform that supports cloud consumers to achieve the above three requirements. We also discuss the key elements of the elasticity economics platform and our early prototyping experience.

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Research paper thumbnail of Trade-off Analysis of Elasticity Approaches for Cloud-based Business Applications

Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2012, Nov 29, 2012

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers, such as Amazon Web Services, o er on-demand access ... more Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers, such as Amazon Web Services, o er on-demand access to computing resources at pay-as-you-go prices. The key bene t of IaaS is elasticity, i.e., the ability to provision and de-provision resources at will. This feature makes IaaS infrastructure as the best platform for hosting web applications, e.g. e-business, that are subjected to highly-variable request patterns. However, elasticity can be triggered either on the basis of resource utilization or for meeting service level objectives (SLOs). In this paper, we extensively evaluate these two types of elasticity rules using the TPC-W benchmark on Amazon IaaS infrastructure. From this experimental data, we evaluate the performance of these rules against the primary metric of service level satisfaction for web applications, and secondary metrics such as resource utilization and cost. Through our inferences, we present a number of recommendations that would enable practitioners and cloud consumers using Amazon to de ne appropriate elasticity rules to meet their SLOs and other metrics

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Research paper thumbnail of On Understanding The Economics and Elasticity of Deploying Business Applications on Public Cloud Infrastructure

The exposure of business applications to the web has considerably increased the variability of it... more The exposure of business applications to the web has considerably increased the variability of its workload patterns and volumes as the number of users/customers often grows and shrinks at various rates and times. Such application characteristics have increasingly demanded the need for flexible yet inexpensive computing infrastructure to accommodate variable workloads. The on-demand and per-use cloud computing model, specifically that of public Cloud Infrastructure Service Offerings (CISOs), has quickly evolved and adopted by majority of hardware and software computing companies with the promise of provisioning utility-like computing resources at massive economies of scale. However, deploying business applications on public cloud infrastructure does not lead to achieving desired economics and elasticity gains, and some challenges block the way for realizing its real benefits. These challenges are due to multiple differences between CISOs and application’s requirements and characteristics. This article introduces a detailed analysis and discussion of the economics and elasticity challenges of business applications to be deployed and operate on public cloud infrastructure. This includes analysis of various aspects of public CISOs, modeling and measuring CISOs’ economics and elasticity, application workload patterns and its impact on achieving elasticity and economics, economics-driven elasticity decisions and policies, and SLA-driven monitoring and elasticity of cloud-based business applications. The analysis and discussion are supported with motivating scenarios for cloud-based business applications. The paper provides a multi-lenses overview that can help cloud consumers and potential business application’s owners to understand, analyze, and evaluate important economics and elasticity capabilities of different CISOs and its suitability for meeting their business application’s requirements.

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Research paper thumbnail of Using SOA Governance Design Methodologies to Augment Enterprise Service Descriptions

Advanced Information …, Jan 1, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Software Development Framework

Software Engineering, 2008. ASWEC 2008. 19th …, Jan 1, 2008

... Basem Suleiman1, 2, (•) 1 School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South... more ... Basem Suleiman1, 2, (•) 1 School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia 2 Managing Complexity – Sydney ATP Group, (National ICT ... [3] Clements, P., L. Bass and R. Kazman, Software Architecture in Practice, Addison-Wesley, MA ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Specification of Business Value with and in Software Patterns

… on Software Patterns …

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Research paper thumbnail of A Constraint-Based Approach for Developing Consistent Contracts in Composite Services

2009 Congress on Services-I, Jan 1, 2009

Abstract— A key problem that challenges the designers of service-oriented systems is ensuring the... more Abstract— A key problem that challenges the designers of service-oriented systems is ensuring the consistency of composite Web service contracts based on their parameters. This paper utilizes constraint satisfaction approach to examine the problem at design time and by focusing ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Time-Quality Metric Model for Quality Measurement of Web-Based Systems

The confrontation between the software professionals and legacy system is one of the major issues... more The confrontation between the software professionals and legacy system is one of the major issues in the software engineering field. Efforts made in this regard for the formation of the Re-engineering process. The modern software industry is producing quality oriented ...

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Research paper thumbnail of One Size Does Not Fit All: A Group-Based Service Selection for Web-Based Business Processes

2011 Workshops of International …, Jan 1, 2011

Web service failures or degradations directly cause operational inefficiencies and financial loss... more Web service failures or degradations directly cause operational inefficiencies and financial losses in Web service-based business processes (WSBP). In today’s competitive Web service market a considerable number of functionally-similar Web services offered by different providers are differentiated by competitive QoS levels and pricing structures. Consequently, dynamic and optimal Web service selection is a significant challenge to business organizations which run such WSBPs. Having a cost-effective and efficient Web service selection approach is becoming an important necessity for such organizations. Current Web service selection approaches offer “one-size-fits-all” solution, i.e., one optimal service selection for all running BP instances. However, such solutions are neither efficient nor cost-effective given that the service levels of WSBPs are associated with customers classes/profiles, e.g.,Gold, Silver or Bronze. Therefore, we propose a group-based Web service selection approach,“one-size-does-not-fit-all”, that optimizes multiple QoS criteria and differentiate the service selection based on the BP customers classes/profiles. Our approach shows a very good improvement over existing “one-size-fits-all” approaches; 65% average cost reduction and 30% utility value improvement.

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Research paper thumbnail of Non-functional property specifications for WRIGHT ADL

Computer and Information …, Jan 1, 2008

Many architecture description languages (ADLs) were proposed for describing structure of software... more Many architecture description languages (ADLs) were proposed for describing structure of software systems in terms of components and connectors. However, specification of non-functional properties is not addressed well in these ADLs, although it is crucial for building quality software architectures. We propose new extensions of WRIGHT ADL with capabilities to specify non-functional properties at the architectural level. They are based on ontological definitions of non-functional properties. To demonstrate their usefulness, we applied them to an e-health example.

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Research paper thumbnail of Models and algorithms for business value-driven adaptation of business processes and software infrastructure

… Volume, 2009. ICSE-Companion 2009. 31st …, Jan 1, 2009

This research investigates how to provide auto-mated analysis and decision-making support for ada... more This research investigates how to provide auto-mated analysis and decision-making support for adap-tation of business processes and underlying software infrastructure, in the way that both maximizes business value metrics (eg, profit, return on investment) and maintains ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Physical interaction in pervasive computing: formal modeling, analysis and verification

Proceedings of the …, Jan 1, 2009

... Fuyuki Ishikawa GRACE Center, National Institute of informatics, Tokyo, Japan f-ishikawa@nii.... more ... Fuyuki Ishikawa GRACE Center, National Institute of informatics, Tokyo, Japan Basem Suleiman National ICT Australia (NICTA), Sydney, Australia University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Facilitating enterprise service discovery for non-technical business users

Service-Oriented Computing, Jan 1, 2011

Enterprise Services (ES) are Web services with which enterprise applications expose a subset of t... more Enterprise Services (ES) are Web services with which enterprise applications expose a subset of their functionality. Due to the often high number of different ES, as well as the complex nature of their names, it is difficult for non-technical business users to discover ...

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Research paper thumbnail of UML Profiles for WS-Policy4MASC as Support for Business Value Driven Engineering and Management of Web Services and their Compositions

Enterprise Distributed Object …, Jan 1, 2007

WS-Policy4MASC is an XML language for specifica-tion of policies for run-time Web service managem... more WS-Policy4MASC is an XML language for specifica-tion of policies for run-time Web service management (monitoring and control) activities executed by the Man-ageable and Adaptable Services Compositions (MASC) middleware. Among its original contributions are specifi- ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Integration of UML modeling and policy-driven management of Web service systems

Proceedings of the 2009 ICSE Workshop on …, Jan 1, 2009

2 School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia 3 Departme... more 2 School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia 3 Department of Computer Science, University of Western Ontario, Canada, ... * NICTA is funded by the ...

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