Violeta Toncheva-Zlatkova | University of National and World Economy (original) (raw)
Papers by Violeta Toncheva-Zlatkova
Journal of Management Sciences and Applications
The article analyzes the challenges facing civil organizations in communicating with volunteers. ... more The article analyzes the challenges facing civil organizations in communicating with volunteers. Areas for which communication is crucial are described. The author clarifies the advantages and disadvantages of working with volunteers and the difficulty of control, indicating the influence of the communication techniques used for management and information. The highlights are tracked and six key communication points to consider when developing a communication plan are presented. A model FLIGHT is proposed: it summarizes the communication process for organizations regarding volunteers. It is emphasizing the importance of each of these steps and that organizations should monitor and pay attention to them when working with volunteers. A sample communication plan is offered that brings together communication practices for reaching potential volunteers and managing communication strategies for volunteers at the various stages - before, during and after volunteer participation.
Journal of Management Sciences and Applications, Dec 18, 2023
Conflicts are an inevitable part of our lives and it is important to have the skills to define th... more Conflicts are an inevitable part of our lives and it is important to have the skills to define them, relate them to a specific type and apply management techniques to deal with them in different situations. The article presents an analysis of the types of conflicts classified according to different criteria. In accordance with the levels of conflict in the organization, the four main types of conflicts are described in detail: intrapersonal conflict; interpersonal conflict; intra-group conflict; intergroup conflict. The main focus is on the most common conflicts in the organization conforming to the causes of occurrence. The author presents a description of the distinctive features of different types of organizational conflicts. It points to specific examples of conflicts and provides guidance on how to deal with them.
Public, 2023
Over the past two decades, the emergence of fourth-generation universities, which are expected to... more Over the past two decades, the emergence of fourth-generation universities, which are expected to transcend not only their campuses but also national and supranational barriers, has become increasingly evident. The transition from University 3.0 to University 4.0 is happening now and can be well traced through the prism of the participation of Bulgarian universities in various European research and scientific networks. This paper aims to outline the main parameters of these processes through the experience of the UNWE as part of ENGAGE.EU with a main focus on the changed expectations in terms of the "final product" – no longer just knowledge taught and new knowledge created, but also impact on the multiple elements of a complex community network.
През последните две десетилетия все по-ясно се очертава появата на университети от четвърто поколение, от които се очаква да надхвърлят не само границите на своите кампуси, но и национални и наднационални бариери. Преминаването на университет 3.0 към университет 4.0 се случва в момента и може да бъде добре
проследено през призмата на участието на български университети в различни европейски изследователски и научни мрежи. Настоящият текст има за цел да очертае основни параметри на тези процеси през опита на УНСС като част от ENGAGE.EU с основен акцент върху изменените очаквания по отношение на „крайния продукт“ – вече не просто преподадено знание и създадено ново такова, но и въздействие върху множеството елементи на една сложна мрежа от общности.
JOMSA, 2023
The article analyzes the challenges facing civil organizations in communicating with volunteers. ... more The article analyzes the challenges facing civil organizations in communicating with volunteers. Areas for which communication is crucial are described. The author clarifies the advantages and disadvantages of working with volunteers and the difficulty of control, indicating the influence of the communication techniques used for management and information. The highlights are tracked and six key communication points to consider when developing a communication plan are presented. A model FLIGHT is proposed: it summarizes the communication process for organizations regarding volunteers. It is emphasizing the importance of each of these steps and that organizations should monitor and pay attention to them when working with volunteers. A sample communication plan is offered that brings together communication practices for reaching potential volunteers and managing communication strategies for volunteers at the various stages-before, during and after volunteer participation.
JOMSA, 2023
Conflicts are an inevitable part of our lives and it is important to have the skills to define th... more Conflicts are an inevitable part of our lives and it is important to have the skills to define them, relate them to a specific type and apply management techniques to deal with them in different situations. The article presents an analysis of the types of conflicts classified according to different criteria. In accordance with the levels of conflict in the organization, the four main types of conflicts are described in detail: intrapersonal conflict; interpersonal conflict; intra-group conflict; intergroup conflict. The main focus is on the most common conflicts in the organization conforming to the causes of occurrence. The author presents a description of the distinctive features of different types of organizational conflicts. It points to specific examples of conflicts and provides guidance on how to deal with them.
Knowledge International Journal, Aug 17, 2020
In the social sciences, a case study is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and de... more In the social sciences, a case study is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a particular case. The case method is well suited for use in public administration courses. Students may lack related work experience to which to apply the theoretical information presented in the course. Case studies provide a good opportunity by which theory can be applied to practice, the new knowledge can be tested, the results can be discussed, the new insights can come. In addition, this method offers an occasion in which students can gain confidence in their ability to propose and defend their ideas, thereby learning skills they will need as public administrators, and they will have a proper understanding about quality of public services from the user's perspective. In European and world practice, a number of methods are used to study various elements of customer satisfaction, which are focused on attracting them as participants in the service design process and quality improvement. One of these techniques is "secret customer" monitoring. The first part of this article explains the-Secret customer‖ as a well-established technique in the private sector that has transferred to public services: the use of individuals trained to observe, experience and measure any customer service process, by acting as service users or customers and reporting back on their findings in a detailed and objective way. This procedure can be used over the telephone, in face-to-face situations or by email. The idea is to test out the actual customer experience of services, to take a snap shot of public service delivery and to measure the client's satisfaction. The second part aims to present the application of the-secret customer‖ technique in the education of students majoring in Public Administration in the discipline Quality and Competitiveness in the Public Sector. The big challenges facing students are to go through the whole process, create the necessary documents, carry out the inspections and provide evidence of their findings. And all this is related to a good knowledge not only of the methodology and theoretical formulations, but also to the development of soft skills for planning and time management, teamwork, digital skills and more. This case study motivates students to learn and to explore the topic of quality, provokes interest and increases their activity; they have chance to see the two sides of the processas a customer with his expectations and as a public administrator with difficulties to surpass them.
Godishnik na UNSS, 2020
The purpose of this article is to introduce the competence-based model for youth workers and to l... more The purpose of this article is to introduce the competence-based model for youth workers and to link it to diversity of personal youth work practices. The first part is devoted to the youth work and a wide range of activities, topics and measures provided by a number of actors in assorted fields and settings. It also discusses the roles of youth workers and proposes different tools for their self-management. The second part of the text is devoted to the competence-based approach (content, origins and intentions) and its applicability in the context of youth work. It puts the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for youth workers within the context of European youth policies and programmes and explains the benefits and challenges in front of youth workers. It also discusses how this model can support training and provoke professional development.
Godishnik na UNSS, 2020
The purpose of this article is to introduce the competence-based model for youth workers and to l... more The purpose of this article is to introduce the competence-based model for youth workers and to link it to diversity of personal youth work practices. The first part is devoted to the youth work and a wide range of activities, topics and measures provided by a number of actors in assorted fields and settings. It also discusses the roles of youth workers and proposes different tools for their self-management. The second part of the text is devoted to the competence-based approach (content, origins and intentions) and its applicability in the context of youth work. It puts the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for youth workers within the context of European youth policies and programmes and explains the benefits and challenges in front of youth workers. It also discusses how this model can support training and provoke professional development.
Knowledge International Journal, Aug 17, 2020
In the social sciences, a case study is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and de... more In the social sciences, a case study is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a particular case. The case method is well suited for use in public administration courses. Students may lack related work experience to which to apply the theoretical information presented in the course. Case studies provide a good opportunity by which theory can be applied to practice, the new knowledge can be tested, the results can be discussed, the new insights can come. In addition, this method offers an occasion in which students can gain confidence in their ability to propose and defend their ideas, thereby learning skills they will need as public administrators, and they will have a proper understanding about quality of public services from the user's perspective. In European and world practice, a number of methods are used to study various elements of customer satisfaction, which are focused on attracting them as participants in the service design process and quality improvement. One of these techniques is "secret customer" monitoring. The first part of this article explains the-Secret customer‖ as a well-established technique in the private sector that has transferred to public services: the use of individuals trained to observe, experience and measure any customer service process, by acting as service users or customers and reporting back on their findings in a detailed and objective way. This procedure can be used over the telephone, in face-to-face situations or by email. The idea is to test out the actual customer experience of services, to take a snap shot of public service delivery and to measure the client's satisfaction. The second part aims to present the application of the-secret customer‖ technique in the education of students majoring in Public Administration in the discipline Quality and Competitiveness in the Public Sector. The big challenges facing students are to go through the whole process, create the necessary documents, carry out the inspections and provide evidence of their findings. And all this is related to a good knowledge not only of the methodology and theoretical formulations, but also to the development of soft skills for planning and time management, teamwork, digital skills and more. This case study motivates students to learn and to explore the topic of quality, provokes interest and increases their activity; they have chance to see the two sides of the processas a customer with his expectations and as a public administrator with difficulties to surpass them.
Knowledge International Journal, Oct 8, 2020
This paper presents good practices from five European countries for building social competences i... more This paper presents good practices from five European countries for building social competences in students from all educational degrees. It discusses the pros and cons of including pro bono activities as part of the active extracurricular forms of teaching. The students benefit from sustaining and raising their motivation, building and filling the set of competencies, enlarging their social capital, etc. Challenges emerge from insufficient regulations, low level of popularity and understanding of the pro bono practice and the low level of social engagement of the young people. Introducing different forms of pro bono participation and tested in universities from Bulgaria, Hungary, Portugal, Spain and France. All of them have unique institutional culture and operate in countries with different levels of economic development and traditions in volunteering and acknowledging these activities. The project studies the possibilities to harmonize these practices and to apply the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) with the aim to raise the mobility and to boost the future professional career of the students. The students had the opportunity to be a part of three types of pro bono workshopsshort-term, mid-term and longterm. No matter the form, all of then mentioned at the exit interviews that the participation has helped them build transferable skills like: personal efficiency, personal presentation, self-reflection, self-knowledge self-respect; solving problems, thinking, creativity, analytical and research skills; initiative and leadership, communication skills, working in teams, interpersonal skills; computer and technical literacy; flexibility, adaptability, working under stress, positive attitude, high levels of energy and motivation. The students from all five country-participants in the project specifically pointed out that they are highly satisfied by the opportunity to build and develop their personal attributes like better understanding of others (empathy); higher levels of sensitivity towards social problems; willingness to learn, change and self-development; integrity and doing good for strangers (volunteering) as part of everyday life.
Докторантски четения 6 „Дигитално образование за дигитална администрация”, сборник с доклади от Шеста есенна академия „Администрация и управление: образование с хоризонт 2030“, 2020
Резюме: Темата, свързана със същността на валидирането на компетентностите на възрастни, критерии... more Резюме: Темата, свързана със същността на валидирането на компетентностите на възрастни, критериите, методите и подходите за осъществяването му, както и създаването на надеждни процедури и система от стандарти, функциониращи в обща квалификационна рамка е изключително комплексна. Тя представлява интерес не само от научноизследователска гледна точка, но и във връзка с практическото ѝ приложение. От една страна, тенденциите в развитието на образованието са свързани със създаването на все повече възможности за възрастните за учене през целия живот (УЦЖ), а от друга - пазарът на труда в страната поставя все по-големи изисквания към работната сила, тъй като нейното качество има ключова роля за повишаване на конкурентоспособността на организациите. В момент, когато Европейският съюз все още преживява тежка икономическа криза, довела до рязко нарастване на безработицата, особено сред младите хора и в контекста на застаряването на населението, валидирането на адекватни знания, умения и компетентности дава още по-ценен принос за подобряване на функционирането на пазара на труда, като стимулира мобилността и повишава конкурентоспособността и икономическия растеж. Освен всичко това, създаването на механизми, стандарти, правила за валидиране се превръща в съществена част от процеса по осигуряване на качество в образованието и има решаваща роля при определянето на резултатите от ученето. Докторантски четения 6 „Дигитално образование за дигитална администрация”, сборник с доклади от Шеста есенна академия „Администрация и управление: образование с хоризонт 2030“, С, УНСС, 14.11.2019 г., Издателски комплекс – УНСС, С., 2020, стр. 118-136, ISBN 978-619-232-390-5
Current trends in education, global goals for sustainable development and changing expectations o... more Current trends in education, global goals for sustainable development and changing expectations of stakeholders put on the agenda with increasing force the topic of quality assurance, control and management in the educational institution.. The study of quality processes shows the regulatory framework, the responsible institutions and the distribution of their responsibilities, the main features of quality, the quality management system and indicators for its measurement. The priority directions for intervention in terms of quality assurance and measurement in secondary education are outlined.
Conference:Членството на България в Европейския съюз: Тринадесет години по късно: Том I: Доклади на български език: Деветнадесета международна научна конференция, 16 октомври 2020 г., УНСС: Издателски комплекс - УНСС, 2021
Резюме: В доклада се подчертава важността и ролята на доброволчеството, младежката активност, про... more Резюме: В доклада се подчертава важността и ролята на доброволчеството, младежката активност, проследяват се и се представят идеите и осъществяването на национални политики за младежта, прави се преглед на нормативната и институционална рамка, регулираща въпросите, свързани с участието на младите хора и младежкото доброволчество. Дискутират се дефинициите и тенденциите на развитие на доброволчеството, обясняват се предимствата и предизвикателствата пред участниците на институционално ниво-студентите от една страна и висшите училища-от друга. Прави се моментна снимка на съществуващите студентски клубове в избрани български университети и се извеждат основни характеристики. Предлагат се стъпки, които трябва да предприемат висшите училища за насърчаване на младежкото доброволчество с цел изграждане на специфичен тип култура и визуализация и популяризиране на доброволчески дейности. Дават се примери за възможни решения и предложения за осъществяване на целенасочена университетска политика и създаването на стратегическа програма за подкрепа на доброволци, във връзка с изграждане на Европейско образователно пространство. Ключови думи: младежко доброволчество, про боно дейности; социална ангажираност; доброволческа култура, качество, висше образование, университети. Abstract: This report highlights the significance and the role of the volunteering and youth activity, a review is conducted on the ideas regarding national policies for young people and their implementation, an observation is made concerning the regulatory and institutional framework governing the issues pertaining to participation of the young people and youth volunteering. The definitions and trends in the volunteering development are discussed, the author explains the advantages and challenges for the participants at an institutional level – students on the one side, and the universities – on the other. A snapshot of the existing student clubs in select Bulgarian universities is offered with their main characteristics presented. Steps which must be undertaken by the higher education institutions to promote youth volunteering are proposed in order to build up a specific culture and to visualize and promote volunteering activities. Author suggests examples of possible solutions and proposals for the implementation of a focused university policy and the establishment of a strategic program to support volunteers in the context of the European Education Area formation.
Докторантски четения 6 „Дигитално образование за дигитална администрация”, сборник с доклади от Шеста есенна академия „Администрация и управление: образование с хоризонт 2030“, С, УНСС, 14.11.2019 г., Издателски комплекс – УНСС, С., 2020, стр. 151-160, ISBN 978-619-232-390-5, 2020
Резюме: В доклада се разглеждат въпросите, свързани с участие на младежта, проследява се изчерпат... more Резюме: В доклада се разглеждат въпросите, свързани с участие на младежта, проследява се изчерпателно идеите и осъществяването на европейски политики. Представя се развитието на националните политики за младежта. Прави се преглед на нормативната и институционална рамка, регулираща участието на младите хора и младежкото доброволчество. Дискутират се пропуски и се обобщават въпросите, по които заинтересованите страни следва да постигнат съгласие, за да бъде популяризирано, насърчавано и признавано доброволчеството в страната.
YEARBOOK OF UNWE 2020 (2), 2020
The purpose of this article is to introduce the competence-based model for youth workers and to l... more The purpose of this article is to introduce the competence-based model for youth workers and to link it to diversity of personal youth work practices. The first part is devoted to the youth work and a wide range of activities, topics and measures provided by a number of actors in assorted fields and settings. It also discusses the roles of youth workers and proposes different tools for their self-management. The second part of the text is devoted to the competence-based approach (content, origins and intentions) and its applicability in the context of youth work. It puts the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for youth workers within the context of European youth policies and programmes and explains the benefits and challenges in front of youth workers. It also discusses how this model can support training and provoke professional development.
Knowledge International Journal 42(5):837-842, 2020
This paper presents good practices from five European countries for building social competences i... more This paper presents good practices from five European countries for building social competences in students from all educational degrees. It discusses the pros and cons of including pro bono activities as part of the active extracurricular forms of teaching. The students benefit from sustaining and raising their motivation, building and filling the set of competencies, enlarging their social capital, etc. Challenges emerge from insufficient regulations, low level of popularity and understanding of the pro bono practice and the low level of social engagement of the young people. Introducing different forms of pro bono participation and tested in universities from Bulgaria, Hungary, Portugal, Spain and France. All of them have unique institutional culture and operate in countries with different levels of economic development and traditions in volunteering and acknowledging these activities. The project studies the possibilities to harmonize these practices and to apply the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) with the aim to raise the mobility and to boost the future professional career of the students. The students had the opportunity to be a part of three types of pro bono workshopsshort-term, mid-term and longterm. No matter the form, all of then mentioned at the exit interviews that the participation has helped them build transferable skills like: personal efficiency, personal presentation, self-reflection, self-knowledge self-respect; solving problems, thinking, creativity, analytical and research skills; initiative and leadership, communication skills, working in teams, interpersonal skills; computer and technical literacy; flexibility, adaptability, working under stress, positive attitude, high levels of energy and motivation. The students from all five country-participants in the project specifically pointed out that they are highly satisfied by the opportunity to build and develop their personal attributes like better understanding of others (empathy); higher levels of sensitivity towards social problems; willingness to learn, change and self-development; integrity and doing good for strangers (volunteering) as part of everyday life.
Toncheva-Zlatkova, V. (2020). Secret Customer: Teaching Quality In Public Administration. Knowledge International Journal, 41(5), 891-896. ISSN (online): 2545-4439, 2020
In the social sciences, a case study is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and de... more In the social sciences, a case study is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a particular case. The case method is well suited for use in public administration courses. Students may lack related work experience to which to apply the theoretical information presented in the course. Case studies provide a good opportunity by which theory can be applied to practice, the new knowledge can be tested, the results can be discussed, the new insights can come. In addition, this method offers an occasion in which students can gain confidence in their ability to propose and defend their ideas, thereby learning skills they will need as public administrators, and they will have a proper understanding about quality of public services from the user's perspective. In European and world practice, a number of methods are used to study various elements of customer satisfaction, which are focused on attracting them as participants in the service design process and quality improvement. One of these techniques is "secret customer" monitoring. The first part of this article explains the-Secret customer‖ as a well-established technique in the private sector that has transferred to public services: the use of individuals trained to observe, experience and measure any customer service process, by acting as service users or customers and reporting back on their findings in a detailed and objective way. This procedure can be used over the telephone, in face-to-face situations or by email. The idea is to test out the actual customer experience of services, to take a snap shot of public service delivery and to measure the client's satisfaction. The second part aims to present the application of the-secret customer‖ technique in the education of students majoring in Public Administration in the discipline Quality and Competitiveness in the Public Sector. The big challenges facing students are to go through the whole process, create the necessary documents, carry out the inspections and provide evidence of their findings. And all this is related to a good knowledge not only of the methodology and theoretical formulations, but also to the development of soft skills for planning and time management, teamwork, digital skills and more. This case study motivates students to learn and to explore the topic of quality, provokes interest and increases their activity; they have chance to see the two sides of the processas a customer with his expectations and as a public administrator with difficulties to surpass them.
Conference: International conference “Studies-Business-Society: present and future insights IV “, Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences, Klaipėdos valstybinė kolegija, 2018
This article presents some of the modern interactive methods used in the practical training of st... more This article presents some of the modern interactive methods used in the practical training of students in the field of Public administration studies. These are considered in the context of the discipline Civil society institutions education design which is oriented towards the development of professional competence for successful work, the organization of social initiatives and the good understanding of non-profit sector. Project‐based learning (PBL) has been gaining popularity among educators over the years as an innovative approach to learning that teaches a multitude of strategies critical for success in the 21st Century. Its focus on student‐initiated and student‐directed projects enables knowledge and skills to be integrated into the learning process. Students drive their own learning, as well as work collaboratively to research and create projects that reflect their knowledge and in the same time have a significant impact and a lasting resonance in the social environment. Students benefit from this approach and they are also led to use and develop their skills, thus heightening their awareness of the appropriate use of knowledge in context, to make decisions, to work with scarce resources, to show creativity and innovation. In PBL, the role of the teacher is less of an information provider and more of a facilitator and guide. In this entry, several examples from the perspective of high education are proposed to demonstrate the real PBL process. The article examines the main positive achievements, presents the difficulties encountered and, in conclusion, provide recommendations for the future implementation of the PBL.
сборник с доклади Образователни политики в XXI век, март 2014, с. 26-32, 2014
Резюме: Статията поставя акцент върху една от съвременните насоки в развитието на образованието-в... more Резюме: Статията поставя акцент върху една от съвременните насоки в развитието на образованието-валидирането на компетентности при възрастните. Специален фокус е поставен върху същността, научноизследователските и практикоприложните аспекти на валидирането на компетентностите. Основните аспекти са очертани в светлината на концепцията за учене през целия живот, с акцент върху значимостта на ученето и предизвикателствата по изграждането на гъвкава и отворена квалификационна система.
Books by Violeta Toncheva-Zlatkova
Toncheva-Zlatkova, V. (2021). RECRUITING VOLUNTEERS. In: D. Gorchilova Editor, Pro Bono at the European Universities, Guidebook, Publishing Complex-UNWE, рр. 31-35., 2021
RECRUITING VOLUNTEERS. In: D. Gorchilova Editor, Pro Bono at the European Universities, Guidebook
Journal of Management Sciences and Applications
The article analyzes the challenges facing civil organizations in communicating with volunteers. ... more The article analyzes the challenges facing civil organizations in communicating with volunteers. Areas for which communication is crucial are described. The author clarifies the advantages and disadvantages of working with volunteers and the difficulty of control, indicating the influence of the communication techniques used for management and information. The highlights are tracked and six key communication points to consider when developing a communication plan are presented. A model FLIGHT is proposed: it summarizes the communication process for organizations regarding volunteers. It is emphasizing the importance of each of these steps and that organizations should monitor and pay attention to them when working with volunteers. A sample communication plan is offered that brings together communication practices for reaching potential volunteers and managing communication strategies for volunteers at the various stages - before, during and after volunteer participation.
Journal of Management Sciences and Applications, Dec 18, 2023
Conflicts are an inevitable part of our lives and it is important to have the skills to define th... more Conflicts are an inevitable part of our lives and it is important to have the skills to define them, relate them to a specific type and apply management techniques to deal with them in different situations. The article presents an analysis of the types of conflicts classified according to different criteria. In accordance with the levels of conflict in the organization, the four main types of conflicts are described in detail: intrapersonal conflict; interpersonal conflict; intra-group conflict; intergroup conflict. The main focus is on the most common conflicts in the organization conforming to the causes of occurrence. The author presents a description of the distinctive features of different types of organizational conflicts. It points to specific examples of conflicts and provides guidance on how to deal with them.
Public, 2023
Over the past two decades, the emergence of fourth-generation universities, which are expected to... more Over the past two decades, the emergence of fourth-generation universities, which are expected to transcend not only their campuses but also national and supranational barriers, has become increasingly evident. The transition from University 3.0 to University 4.0 is happening now and can be well traced through the prism of the participation of Bulgarian universities in various European research and scientific networks. This paper aims to outline the main parameters of these processes through the experience of the UNWE as part of ENGAGE.EU with a main focus on the changed expectations in terms of the "final product" – no longer just knowledge taught and new knowledge created, but also impact on the multiple elements of a complex community network.
През последните две десетилетия все по-ясно се очертава появата на университети от четвърто поколение, от които се очаква да надхвърлят не само границите на своите кампуси, но и национални и наднационални бариери. Преминаването на университет 3.0 към университет 4.0 се случва в момента и може да бъде добре
проследено през призмата на участието на български университети в различни европейски изследователски и научни мрежи. Настоящият текст има за цел да очертае основни параметри на тези процеси през опита на УНСС като част от ENGAGE.EU с основен акцент върху изменените очаквания по отношение на „крайния продукт“ – вече не просто преподадено знание и създадено ново такова, но и въздействие върху множеството елементи на една сложна мрежа от общности.
JOMSA, 2023
The article analyzes the challenges facing civil organizations in communicating with volunteers. ... more The article analyzes the challenges facing civil organizations in communicating with volunteers. Areas for which communication is crucial are described. The author clarifies the advantages and disadvantages of working with volunteers and the difficulty of control, indicating the influence of the communication techniques used for management and information. The highlights are tracked and six key communication points to consider when developing a communication plan are presented. A model FLIGHT is proposed: it summarizes the communication process for organizations regarding volunteers. It is emphasizing the importance of each of these steps and that organizations should monitor and pay attention to them when working with volunteers. A sample communication plan is offered that brings together communication practices for reaching potential volunteers and managing communication strategies for volunteers at the various stages-before, during and after volunteer participation.
JOMSA, 2023
Conflicts are an inevitable part of our lives and it is important to have the skills to define th... more Conflicts are an inevitable part of our lives and it is important to have the skills to define them, relate them to a specific type and apply management techniques to deal with them in different situations. The article presents an analysis of the types of conflicts classified according to different criteria. In accordance with the levels of conflict in the organization, the four main types of conflicts are described in detail: intrapersonal conflict; interpersonal conflict; intra-group conflict; intergroup conflict. The main focus is on the most common conflicts in the organization conforming to the causes of occurrence. The author presents a description of the distinctive features of different types of organizational conflicts. It points to specific examples of conflicts and provides guidance on how to deal with them.
Knowledge International Journal, Aug 17, 2020
In the social sciences, a case study is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and de... more In the social sciences, a case study is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a particular case. The case method is well suited for use in public administration courses. Students may lack related work experience to which to apply the theoretical information presented in the course. Case studies provide a good opportunity by which theory can be applied to practice, the new knowledge can be tested, the results can be discussed, the new insights can come. In addition, this method offers an occasion in which students can gain confidence in their ability to propose and defend their ideas, thereby learning skills they will need as public administrators, and they will have a proper understanding about quality of public services from the user's perspective. In European and world practice, a number of methods are used to study various elements of customer satisfaction, which are focused on attracting them as participants in the service design process and quality improvement. One of these techniques is "secret customer" monitoring. The first part of this article explains the-Secret customer‖ as a well-established technique in the private sector that has transferred to public services: the use of individuals trained to observe, experience and measure any customer service process, by acting as service users or customers and reporting back on their findings in a detailed and objective way. This procedure can be used over the telephone, in face-to-face situations or by email. The idea is to test out the actual customer experience of services, to take a snap shot of public service delivery and to measure the client's satisfaction. The second part aims to present the application of the-secret customer‖ technique in the education of students majoring in Public Administration in the discipline Quality and Competitiveness in the Public Sector. The big challenges facing students are to go through the whole process, create the necessary documents, carry out the inspections and provide evidence of their findings. And all this is related to a good knowledge not only of the methodology and theoretical formulations, but also to the development of soft skills for planning and time management, teamwork, digital skills and more. This case study motivates students to learn and to explore the topic of quality, provokes interest and increases their activity; they have chance to see the two sides of the processas a customer with his expectations and as a public administrator with difficulties to surpass them.
Godishnik na UNSS, 2020
The purpose of this article is to introduce the competence-based model for youth workers and to l... more The purpose of this article is to introduce the competence-based model for youth workers and to link it to diversity of personal youth work practices. The first part is devoted to the youth work and a wide range of activities, topics and measures provided by a number of actors in assorted fields and settings. It also discusses the roles of youth workers and proposes different tools for their self-management. The second part of the text is devoted to the competence-based approach (content, origins and intentions) and its applicability in the context of youth work. It puts the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for youth workers within the context of European youth policies and programmes and explains the benefits and challenges in front of youth workers. It also discusses how this model can support training and provoke professional development.
Godishnik na UNSS, 2020
The purpose of this article is to introduce the competence-based model for youth workers and to l... more The purpose of this article is to introduce the competence-based model for youth workers and to link it to diversity of personal youth work practices. The first part is devoted to the youth work and a wide range of activities, topics and measures provided by a number of actors in assorted fields and settings. It also discusses the roles of youth workers and proposes different tools for their self-management. The second part of the text is devoted to the competence-based approach (content, origins and intentions) and its applicability in the context of youth work. It puts the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for youth workers within the context of European youth policies and programmes and explains the benefits and challenges in front of youth workers. It also discusses how this model can support training and provoke professional development.
Knowledge International Journal, Aug 17, 2020
In the social sciences, a case study is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and de... more In the social sciences, a case study is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a particular case. The case method is well suited for use in public administration courses. Students may lack related work experience to which to apply the theoretical information presented in the course. Case studies provide a good opportunity by which theory can be applied to practice, the new knowledge can be tested, the results can be discussed, the new insights can come. In addition, this method offers an occasion in which students can gain confidence in their ability to propose and defend their ideas, thereby learning skills they will need as public administrators, and they will have a proper understanding about quality of public services from the user's perspective. In European and world practice, a number of methods are used to study various elements of customer satisfaction, which are focused on attracting them as participants in the service design process and quality improvement. One of these techniques is "secret customer" monitoring. The first part of this article explains the-Secret customer‖ as a well-established technique in the private sector that has transferred to public services: the use of individuals trained to observe, experience and measure any customer service process, by acting as service users or customers and reporting back on their findings in a detailed and objective way. This procedure can be used over the telephone, in face-to-face situations or by email. The idea is to test out the actual customer experience of services, to take a snap shot of public service delivery and to measure the client's satisfaction. The second part aims to present the application of the-secret customer‖ technique in the education of students majoring in Public Administration in the discipline Quality and Competitiveness in the Public Sector. The big challenges facing students are to go through the whole process, create the necessary documents, carry out the inspections and provide evidence of their findings. And all this is related to a good knowledge not only of the methodology and theoretical formulations, but also to the development of soft skills for planning and time management, teamwork, digital skills and more. This case study motivates students to learn and to explore the topic of quality, provokes interest and increases their activity; they have chance to see the two sides of the processas a customer with his expectations and as a public administrator with difficulties to surpass them.
Knowledge International Journal, Oct 8, 2020
This paper presents good practices from five European countries for building social competences i... more This paper presents good practices from five European countries for building social competences in students from all educational degrees. It discusses the pros and cons of including pro bono activities as part of the active extracurricular forms of teaching. The students benefit from sustaining and raising their motivation, building and filling the set of competencies, enlarging their social capital, etc. Challenges emerge from insufficient regulations, low level of popularity and understanding of the pro bono practice and the low level of social engagement of the young people. Introducing different forms of pro bono participation and tested in universities from Bulgaria, Hungary, Portugal, Spain and France. All of them have unique institutional culture and operate in countries with different levels of economic development and traditions in volunteering and acknowledging these activities. The project studies the possibilities to harmonize these practices and to apply the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) with the aim to raise the mobility and to boost the future professional career of the students. The students had the opportunity to be a part of three types of pro bono workshopsshort-term, mid-term and longterm. No matter the form, all of then mentioned at the exit interviews that the participation has helped them build transferable skills like: personal efficiency, personal presentation, self-reflection, self-knowledge self-respect; solving problems, thinking, creativity, analytical and research skills; initiative and leadership, communication skills, working in teams, interpersonal skills; computer and technical literacy; flexibility, adaptability, working under stress, positive attitude, high levels of energy and motivation. The students from all five country-participants in the project specifically pointed out that they are highly satisfied by the opportunity to build and develop their personal attributes like better understanding of others (empathy); higher levels of sensitivity towards social problems; willingness to learn, change and self-development; integrity and doing good for strangers (volunteering) as part of everyday life.
Докторантски четения 6 „Дигитално образование за дигитална администрация”, сборник с доклади от Шеста есенна академия „Администрация и управление: образование с хоризонт 2030“, 2020
Резюме: Темата, свързана със същността на валидирането на компетентностите на възрастни, критерии... more Резюме: Темата, свързана със същността на валидирането на компетентностите на възрастни, критериите, методите и подходите за осъществяването му, както и създаването на надеждни процедури и система от стандарти, функциониращи в обща квалификационна рамка е изключително комплексна. Тя представлява интерес не само от научноизследователска гледна точка, но и във връзка с практическото ѝ приложение. От една страна, тенденциите в развитието на образованието са свързани със създаването на все повече възможности за възрастните за учене през целия живот (УЦЖ), а от друга - пазарът на труда в страната поставя все по-големи изисквания към работната сила, тъй като нейното качество има ключова роля за повишаване на конкурентоспособността на организациите. В момент, когато Европейският съюз все още преживява тежка икономическа криза, довела до рязко нарастване на безработицата, особено сред младите хора и в контекста на застаряването на населението, валидирането на адекватни знания, умения и компетентности дава още по-ценен принос за подобряване на функционирането на пазара на труда, като стимулира мобилността и повишава конкурентоспособността и икономическия растеж. Освен всичко това, създаването на механизми, стандарти, правила за валидиране се превръща в съществена част от процеса по осигуряване на качество в образованието и има решаваща роля при определянето на резултатите от ученето. Докторантски четения 6 „Дигитално образование за дигитална администрация”, сборник с доклади от Шеста есенна академия „Администрация и управление: образование с хоризонт 2030“, С, УНСС, 14.11.2019 г., Издателски комплекс – УНСС, С., 2020, стр. 118-136, ISBN 978-619-232-390-5
Current trends in education, global goals for sustainable development and changing expectations o... more Current trends in education, global goals for sustainable development and changing expectations of stakeholders put on the agenda with increasing force the topic of quality assurance, control and management in the educational institution.. The study of quality processes shows the regulatory framework, the responsible institutions and the distribution of their responsibilities, the main features of quality, the quality management system and indicators for its measurement. The priority directions for intervention in terms of quality assurance and measurement in secondary education are outlined.
Conference:Членството на България в Европейския съюз: Тринадесет години по късно: Том I: Доклади на български език: Деветнадесета международна научна конференция, 16 октомври 2020 г., УНСС: Издателски комплекс - УНСС, 2021
Резюме: В доклада се подчертава важността и ролята на доброволчеството, младежката активност, про... more Резюме: В доклада се подчертава важността и ролята на доброволчеството, младежката активност, проследяват се и се представят идеите и осъществяването на национални политики за младежта, прави се преглед на нормативната и институционална рамка, регулираща въпросите, свързани с участието на младите хора и младежкото доброволчество. Дискутират се дефинициите и тенденциите на развитие на доброволчеството, обясняват се предимствата и предизвикателствата пред участниците на институционално ниво-студентите от една страна и висшите училища-от друга. Прави се моментна снимка на съществуващите студентски клубове в избрани български университети и се извеждат основни характеристики. Предлагат се стъпки, които трябва да предприемат висшите училища за насърчаване на младежкото доброволчество с цел изграждане на специфичен тип култура и визуализация и популяризиране на доброволчески дейности. Дават се примери за възможни решения и предложения за осъществяване на целенасочена университетска политика и създаването на стратегическа програма за подкрепа на доброволци, във връзка с изграждане на Европейско образователно пространство. Ключови думи: младежко доброволчество, про боно дейности; социална ангажираност; доброволческа култура, качество, висше образование, университети. Abstract: This report highlights the significance and the role of the volunteering and youth activity, a review is conducted on the ideas regarding national policies for young people and their implementation, an observation is made concerning the regulatory and institutional framework governing the issues pertaining to participation of the young people and youth volunteering. The definitions and trends in the volunteering development are discussed, the author explains the advantages and challenges for the participants at an institutional level – students on the one side, and the universities – on the other. A snapshot of the existing student clubs in select Bulgarian universities is offered with their main characteristics presented. Steps which must be undertaken by the higher education institutions to promote youth volunteering are proposed in order to build up a specific culture and to visualize and promote volunteering activities. Author suggests examples of possible solutions and proposals for the implementation of a focused university policy and the establishment of a strategic program to support volunteers in the context of the European Education Area formation.
Докторантски четения 6 „Дигитално образование за дигитална администрация”, сборник с доклади от Шеста есенна академия „Администрация и управление: образование с хоризонт 2030“, С, УНСС, 14.11.2019 г., Издателски комплекс – УНСС, С., 2020, стр. 151-160, ISBN 978-619-232-390-5, 2020
Резюме: В доклада се разглеждат въпросите, свързани с участие на младежта, проследява се изчерпат... more Резюме: В доклада се разглеждат въпросите, свързани с участие на младежта, проследява се изчерпателно идеите и осъществяването на европейски политики. Представя се развитието на националните политики за младежта. Прави се преглед на нормативната и институционална рамка, регулираща участието на младите хора и младежкото доброволчество. Дискутират се пропуски и се обобщават въпросите, по които заинтересованите страни следва да постигнат съгласие, за да бъде популяризирано, насърчавано и признавано доброволчеството в страната.
YEARBOOK OF UNWE 2020 (2), 2020
The purpose of this article is to introduce the competence-based model for youth workers and to l... more The purpose of this article is to introduce the competence-based model for youth workers and to link it to diversity of personal youth work practices. The first part is devoted to the youth work and a wide range of activities, topics and measures provided by a number of actors in assorted fields and settings. It also discusses the roles of youth workers and proposes different tools for their self-management. The second part of the text is devoted to the competence-based approach (content, origins and intentions) and its applicability in the context of youth work. It puts the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for youth workers within the context of European youth policies and programmes and explains the benefits and challenges in front of youth workers. It also discusses how this model can support training and provoke professional development.
Knowledge International Journal 42(5):837-842, 2020
This paper presents good practices from five European countries for building social competences i... more This paper presents good practices from five European countries for building social competences in students from all educational degrees. It discusses the pros and cons of including pro bono activities as part of the active extracurricular forms of teaching. The students benefit from sustaining and raising their motivation, building and filling the set of competencies, enlarging their social capital, etc. Challenges emerge from insufficient regulations, low level of popularity and understanding of the pro bono practice and the low level of social engagement of the young people. Introducing different forms of pro bono participation and tested in universities from Bulgaria, Hungary, Portugal, Spain and France. All of them have unique institutional culture and operate in countries with different levels of economic development and traditions in volunteering and acknowledging these activities. The project studies the possibilities to harmonize these practices and to apply the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) with the aim to raise the mobility and to boost the future professional career of the students. The students had the opportunity to be a part of three types of pro bono workshopsshort-term, mid-term and longterm. No matter the form, all of then mentioned at the exit interviews that the participation has helped them build transferable skills like: personal efficiency, personal presentation, self-reflection, self-knowledge self-respect; solving problems, thinking, creativity, analytical and research skills; initiative and leadership, communication skills, working in teams, interpersonal skills; computer and technical literacy; flexibility, adaptability, working under stress, positive attitude, high levels of energy and motivation. The students from all five country-participants in the project specifically pointed out that they are highly satisfied by the opportunity to build and develop their personal attributes like better understanding of others (empathy); higher levels of sensitivity towards social problems; willingness to learn, change and self-development; integrity and doing good for strangers (volunteering) as part of everyday life.
Toncheva-Zlatkova, V. (2020). Secret Customer: Teaching Quality In Public Administration. Knowledge International Journal, 41(5), 891-896. ISSN (online): 2545-4439, 2020
In the social sciences, a case study is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and de... more In the social sciences, a case study is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a particular case. The case method is well suited for use in public administration courses. Students may lack related work experience to which to apply the theoretical information presented in the course. Case studies provide a good opportunity by which theory can be applied to practice, the new knowledge can be tested, the results can be discussed, the new insights can come. In addition, this method offers an occasion in which students can gain confidence in their ability to propose and defend their ideas, thereby learning skills they will need as public administrators, and they will have a proper understanding about quality of public services from the user's perspective. In European and world practice, a number of methods are used to study various elements of customer satisfaction, which are focused on attracting them as participants in the service design process and quality improvement. One of these techniques is "secret customer" monitoring. The first part of this article explains the-Secret customer‖ as a well-established technique in the private sector that has transferred to public services: the use of individuals trained to observe, experience and measure any customer service process, by acting as service users or customers and reporting back on their findings in a detailed and objective way. This procedure can be used over the telephone, in face-to-face situations or by email. The idea is to test out the actual customer experience of services, to take a snap shot of public service delivery and to measure the client's satisfaction. The second part aims to present the application of the-secret customer‖ technique in the education of students majoring in Public Administration in the discipline Quality and Competitiveness in the Public Sector. The big challenges facing students are to go through the whole process, create the necessary documents, carry out the inspections and provide evidence of their findings. And all this is related to a good knowledge not only of the methodology and theoretical formulations, but also to the development of soft skills for planning and time management, teamwork, digital skills and more. This case study motivates students to learn and to explore the topic of quality, provokes interest and increases their activity; they have chance to see the two sides of the processas a customer with his expectations and as a public administrator with difficulties to surpass them.
Conference: International conference “Studies-Business-Society: present and future insights IV “, Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences, Klaipėdos valstybinė kolegija, 2018
This article presents some of the modern interactive methods used in the practical training of st... more This article presents some of the modern interactive methods used in the practical training of students in the field of Public administration studies. These are considered in the context of the discipline Civil society institutions education design which is oriented towards the development of professional competence for successful work, the organization of social initiatives and the good understanding of non-profit sector. Project‐based learning (PBL) has been gaining popularity among educators over the years as an innovative approach to learning that teaches a multitude of strategies critical for success in the 21st Century. Its focus on student‐initiated and student‐directed projects enables knowledge and skills to be integrated into the learning process. Students drive their own learning, as well as work collaboratively to research and create projects that reflect their knowledge and in the same time have a significant impact and a lasting resonance in the social environment. Students benefit from this approach and they are also led to use and develop their skills, thus heightening their awareness of the appropriate use of knowledge in context, to make decisions, to work with scarce resources, to show creativity and innovation. In PBL, the role of the teacher is less of an information provider and more of a facilitator and guide. In this entry, several examples from the perspective of high education are proposed to demonstrate the real PBL process. The article examines the main positive achievements, presents the difficulties encountered and, in conclusion, provide recommendations for the future implementation of the PBL.
сборник с доклади Образователни политики в XXI век, март 2014, с. 26-32, 2014
Резюме: Статията поставя акцент върху една от съвременните насоки в развитието на образованието-в... more Резюме: Статията поставя акцент върху една от съвременните насоки в развитието на образованието-валидирането на компетентности при възрастните. Специален фокус е поставен върху същността, научноизследователските и практикоприложните аспекти на валидирането на компетентностите. Основните аспекти са очертани в светлината на концепцията за учене през целия живот, с акцент върху значимостта на ученето и предизвикателствата по изграждането на гъвкава и отворена квалификационна система.
Toncheva-Zlatkova, V. (2021). RECRUITING VOLUNTEERS. In: D. Gorchilova Editor, Pro Bono at the European Universities, Guidebook, Publishing Complex-UNWE, рр. 31-35., 2021
RECRUITING VOLUNTEERS. In: D. Gorchilova Editor, Pro Bono at the European Universities, Guidebook
Journal of Management Sciences and Applications (JOMSA) is an electronic journal of the Faculty of Management and Administration at the University of National and World Economy - Sofia, Bulgaria. The journal is committed to publishing scientific empirical and theoretical research articles that h..., 2022
Journal of Management Sciences and Applications (JOMSA) is an electronic journal of the Faculty o... more Journal of Management Sciences and Applications (JOMSA) is an electronic journal of the Faculty of Management and Administration at the University of National and World Economy - Sofia, Bulgaria.
The journal is committed to publishing scientific empirical and theoretical research articles that have a major impact on governance, administration, regional development and marketing. The journal encourages new ideas or perspectives on existing research. The publications are published twice a year in November and May.
The journal publishes a wide range of topics in the fields of Management sciences, Strategic planning, Methodological research and Theoretical paradigms. Manuscripts that are suitable for publication in the Journal of Management Sciences and Applications may also include Regional policy, Entrepreneurship, Human resource management, Organizational behavior, Organizational theory and Earth sciences. Our task is the Journal of Management Sciences and Applications (JOMSA) to publish scientific empirical, theoretical and review articles of young scientists and distinguished specialists working in the field of Management and Administration around the world.