Dženana Radončić | University of Zenica (original) (raw)

Papers by Dženana Radončić

Research paper thumbnail of The Principle of Non-Discrimination in Excercise of the Right to Maternity Pay - Primjena Načela Zabrane Diskriminacije U Ostvarenju Prava Na Porodiljsku Naknadu

Research paper thumbnail of Zaštita Prava Intelektualnog Vlasništva Nastalog U Okviru Radnog Odnosa

Pravna regulativa usluga u nacionalnim zakonodavstvima i pravu evropske unije

The general rule for regulating the position of the worker in relation to the employer, in cases ... more The general rule for regulating the position of the worker in relation to the employer, in cases where the worker is the creator of a certain intellectual creation, provides that the right to intellectual property of the worker created within the framework of the employment relationship belongs to the employer, with certain time and content limitations. The scope of the rights acquired by the employer, the time at which the transfer of rights was carried out or other rules governing the ownership of the intellectual property of the employee may differ, considering the type of intellectual property in question, the special provisions of the employment contract that the parties agreed or special provisions provided by legal instruments. These specific situations will be the subject of consideration in the paper from the perspective of law of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with reference to comparative solutions.

Research paper thumbnail of Orodnjavanje nastavnih planova i programa

Izazovai integrisanja rodne ravnopravnosti u univerzitetskoj zajednici: Protiv rodno zasnovanog nasilja , 2022

Mnoge države centralne i istočne Evrope (CEE) usvojile su zakone protiv diskriminacije i za promo... more Mnoge države centralne i istočne Evrope (CEE) usvojile su zakone protiv diskriminacije i za promovisanje jednakih mogućnosti, ali, u većini slučajeva, takvi zakoni i dalje ostaju formalna demonstracija usklađenosti normi sa zahtevima Evropske komisije, jer sa njima nisu povezane jasne politike i što je još važnije: budžeti za sprovođenje politika i aktivnosti. Države, kao politički akteri, pristale su da usvoje politike rodne ravnopravnosti kao uslov da budu prihvaćene u klubu evropskih zemalja. Integrisanje roda u nastavne planove i programe je više od neophodnosti, to je zakonska obaveza sistema obrazovanja, uopšte, a posebno akademskih institucija.
Orodnjavanje nastavnog plana i programa visokog obrazovanja podrazumeva integraciju rodno opredeljenih i rodno osetljivih sadržaja u kurseve osnovnih i postdiplomskih programa, sa posebnom pažnjom na intersekciju roda sa drugim identitetskim markerima kao što su rasa, etnička pripadnost, klasa ili seksualni identitet. Pružanje širokog spektra „navigacionih uvida“ pomaže studentima i studentkinjama da identifikuju i problematizuju postojeće rodno zasnovane norme i uloge (Lyle-Gonga, 2013). Štaviše, uključivanje ženskih perspektiva i iskustava, kao i priznanje njihovog doprinosa sadržaju kursa (Rios et al., 2010), osnažuje studentkinje, tako što dovodi u pitanje i preispituje rodne stereotipe (Cassese i Bos, 2013).

Research paper thumbnail of Zaštita Odjevnih Predmeta U Sistemu Prava Intelektualnog Vlasništva


The article deals with the question of whether and how to provide protection to fashion desigms i... more The article deals with the question of whether and how to provide protection to fashion desigms in the system of intellectual property rights. Clothing items are primarily useful, functional items, but they are also a reflection of personal style and creativity, an indicator of social status and an expression of political and other opinion. The same garment can have several different designs, still performing its basic utilitarian function. There is, therefore, the possibility of separating the function from the appearance and aesthetic elements of clothing. The fact that the fashion industry has had no or at least inadequate protection of intellectual property rights for much of its history, and yet continued to evolve, suggests that the lack of legal protection has not eliminated the creativity and productivity of fashion industry. Does such an approach of non-regulation still suit the fashion industry in the digital age, which is characterized by easier and faster copying and cou...

Research paper thumbnail of Defective computer software under defective Products liability regime in Bosnia and Hercegovina and Croatia: Obstacles in implementation of EU law

Authors analyzed posibility of putting producers' liability for defective computer software u... more Authors analyzed posibility of putting producers' liability for defective computer software under the EU defective product liability regime. The article primarily discussed whether software could fit into category of product as set under Directive 85/374/EEC. Further, comparison is made between Bosnia and Hercegovina, as a non-EU Member State, and Croatia, as an EU Member State. Authors explained differences between these two national laws on a hypothetical case study.

Research paper thumbnail of Brussels I Recast and the South-East Europe

The recast of the Brussels I Regulation on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of ju... more The recast of the Brussels I Regulation on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters arouses interest in the region in terms of both aspects, harmonization of the national legislation with the PIL of EU and its application in the courts of the Member States on matters related to the SEE countries. The obligation to harmonize national legislation with the Brussels I Regulation in the pre-accession period is disputable, as the regulations may not be transposed in the national law and the Brussels I Regime is based on the mutual trust between Member States, with no benefits for (potential) candidate states. The national legislators of the South East Europe used the Brussels I regime as a model for the reforms of their Private International Law Acts, but also to create a regional multilateral convention with identical content as the Brussels I Regulation, which is called the Sarajevo Convention. This leads to an interesting situation w...


Godišnjak Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta "Džemal Bijedić" u Mostaru, 2021

The right to a debtor’s home is not prescribed by the Laws on Enforcement Procedure in Bosnia and... more The right to a debtor’s home is not prescribed by the Laws on
Enforcement Procedure in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a possible restriction or exemption in respect of enforcement on immovable property. Consequently, the courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a general practice, did not provide legal protection to debtors in enforcement procedures on immovable property constituting their home. Protecting the debtor’s right to a home presupposes a complex and delicate challenge of balancing the need to protect the debtor, on the
one hand, and the need to ensure the effective enforcement of monetary judgments, on the other. The Constitutional Court of BiH and the European Court of Human Rights have ruled on the protection of debtors through the human rights system, especially right to peaceful enjoyment of property and the right to a home, which contributes to the complexity of the issue of protection of debtor’s rights, tasking the legislator to make proper intervention in the Law on Enforcement Procedure in F BiH, and courts to consider the principle of proportionality in each case of
enforcement procedure on debtor’s immovable property.


Annals of the Law Faculty University in Zenica, 2021

Protection of interests in environmental law in Bosnia and Herzegovina can be achieved through se... more Protection of interests in environmental law in Bosnia and Herzegovina
can be achieved through several civil law remedies, of which, in relation to
collective interests, we single out the so-called environmental claim and a claim for protection of collective interests. A deeper analysis of legal framework and (lack of) case law indicates a number of limitations for the purposeful use of formally available civil law remedies. The paper provides an overview of the legal framework for the use of these claims, with a proposal for the legislator and judges, in order to ensure substantial access to environmental justice in BiH, in accordance with Aarhus Convention standards, through legislative interventions and /or targeted interpretation of existing regulations.

Research paper thumbnail of Zaštita Potrošača Od Nepoštene Poslovne Prakse

Research paper thumbnail of Analiza Transpozicije Direktive 90/314 U Zakonodavstva Bosne I Hercegovine, Republike Hrvatske I Republike Srbije

Potpisivanjem zasebnih Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju sa EU, Bosna i Hercegovina, Repu... more Potpisivanjem zasebnih Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju sa EU, Bosna i Hercegovina, Republika Hrvatska i Republika Srbija, preuzele su obavezu usklađivanja svojih zakonodavstava sa pravom Evropske Uni-je. Direktiva o paket-putovanjima, paket-odmorima i paket-turama, usvo-jena 13. juna 1990. godine, čini dio acquis communitaire, pa samim tim ustanovljava obavezu navedenih država za njenom pravilnom transpozi-cijom u nacionalne pravne poretke. U ovom radu će se izvršiti analiza transpozicije predmetne Direktive i komparacija nacionalnih rješenja, sa prijedlozima za poboljšanje postojećih odredbi kojima se štite korisnici paket aranžmana. Pravilnom implementacijom Direktive, navedene države odgovaraju, manje ili više uspješno, izazovima sa kojima se susreću i države članice Evropske Unije. Kako je potrošačko pravo prvenstveno uređeno direktiva-ma, ono trpi kritike zbog svoje iscjepkanosti i nekonzistentnosti, čime se dovodi u pitanje obezbjeđenje jedinstvene zaštite za potrošače na nivou EU. Upravo zato, neophodno je s posebnom pažnjom osigurati implemen-taciju navedene Direktive, a ovaj rad će pokušati dati odgovor na to koliko se u tome uspjelo, bar kada su u pitanju navedene države.

Research paper thumbnail of (Non)discriminatory treatment of cohabitation partners in exercising the right to survivor's pension

Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta Nis

Research paper thumbnail of (Non)discriminatory treatment of cohabitation partners in exercising the right to survivor's pension

Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta Nis

Research paper thumbnail of Mandatory legal representation in a third-instance (second appeal/revision) civil procedure in the context of the right to access to a court as developed with case law of European Court of Human Rights and European Court of Justice

REVIJA ZA PRAVO I EKONOMIJU - REVIEW FOR LAW & ECONOMICS: Radovi sa Treće međunarodne naučne konferencije “Pravni i ekonomski aspekti procesa integracije Bosne i Hercegovine u Evropsku uniju”, 2019

The introduction of mandatory legal representation by a lawyer or a person with a bar exam in thi... more The introduction of mandatory legal representation by a lawyer or a
person with a bar exam in third-instance civil procedure has a clear logic. The overall goal is to professionalize the proceedings before the Supreme Court, so that parties can no longer represent themselves, unless they are themselves legally qualified. This solution should ideally contribute to rationalization and raising the quality of the procedure initiated by the second appeal/revision, that is, to enable the fulfillment of proclaimed goals of the innovated revision system - less burden
for a supreme court, as a prerequisite for greater efficiency, unification of law and jurisprudence, better protection of and equality of citizens before the law. In this paper, the introduction of mandatory legal representation with the accompanying financial burden of civil justice will be analyzed, on the one hand, in the context of the legislator’s intention to assist the supreme court in the exercise of its functions, and on the other hand, in the context of the right to access to a court. Given that the issue of access to justice and the protection of rights before judicial institutions is particularly important when citizens are faced with significant procedural costs, including lawyer’s costs, it is important to establish fair balance between restricting access to the Supreme Court and respecting guarantees contained in fundamental human right to access the court, as developed by the case law of European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice.

Research paper thumbnail of Brussels I Recast and South East Europe

Revija za evropsko pravo: XV (2013) Udruženje za evropsko pravo, Kragujevac, 2013

The recast of the Brussels I Regulation on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of ju... more The recast of the Brussels I Regulation on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters arouses interest in the region in terms of both aspects, harmonization of the national legislation with the PIL of EU and its application in the courts of the Member States on matters related to the SEE countries. The obligation to harmonize national legislation with the Brussels I Regulation in the pre-accession period is disputable, as the regulations may not be transposed in the national law and the Brussels I Regime is based on the mutual trust between Member States, with no benefits for (potential) candidate states. The national legislators of the South East Europe used the Brussels I regime as a model for the reforms of their Private International Law Acts, but also to create a regional multilateral convention with identical content as the Brussels I Regulation, which is called the Sarajevo Convention. This leads to an interesting situation where the EU Member States and the Lugano Convention parties will become third States to their own regime taken over in the Sarajevo Convention. Consequently, the reform of the status of third States in the Brussels I recast gets a new dimension for both, the SEE states and the Member States of the EU.

Research paper thumbnail of Analiza transpozicije Direktive 90/314 u zakonodavstva Bosne i Hercegovine, Republike Hrvatske i Republike Srbije

Anali Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Zenici, 2011

Potpisivanjem zasebnih Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju sa EU, Bosna i Hercegovina, Rep... more Potpisivanjem zasebnih Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju sa EU, Bosna i Hercegovina, Republika Hrvatska i Republika Srbija, preuzele su obavezu usklađivanja svojih zakonodavstava sa pravom Evropske Uni-je. Direktiva o paket-putovanjima, paket-odmorima i paket-turama, usvo-jena 13. juna 1990. godine, čini dio acquis communitaire, pa samim tim ustanovljava obavezu navedenih država za njenom pravilnom transpozi-cijom u nacionalne pravne poretke. U ovom radu će se izvršiti analiza transpozicije predmetne Direktive i komparacija nacionalnih rješenja, sa prijedlozima za poboljšanje postojećih odredbi kojima se štite korisnici paket aranžmana. Pravilnom implementacijom Direktive, navedene države odgovaraju, manje ili više uspješno, izazovima sa kojima se susreću i države članice Evropske Unije. Kako je potrošačko pravo prvenstveno uređeno direktiva-ma, ono trpi kritike zbog svoje iscjepkanosti i nekonzistentnosti, čime se dovodi u pitanje obezbjeđenje jedinstvene zaštite za potrošače na nivou EU. Upravo zato, neophodno je s posebnom pažnjom osigurati implemen-taciju navedene Direktive, a ovaj rad će pokušati dati odgovor na to koliko se u tome uspjelo, bar kada su u pitanju navedene države.

Research paper thumbnail of The Principle of Non-Discrimination in Excercise of the Right to Maternity Pay - Primjena Načela Zabrane Diskriminacije U Ostvarenju Prava Na Porodiljsku Naknadu

Research paper thumbnail of Zaštita Prava Intelektualnog Vlasništva Nastalog U Okviru Radnog Odnosa

Pravna regulativa usluga u nacionalnim zakonodavstvima i pravu evropske unije

The general rule for regulating the position of the worker in relation to the employer, in cases ... more The general rule for regulating the position of the worker in relation to the employer, in cases where the worker is the creator of a certain intellectual creation, provides that the right to intellectual property of the worker created within the framework of the employment relationship belongs to the employer, with certain time and content limitations. The scope of the rights acquired by the employer, the time at which the transfer of rights was carried out or other rules governing the ownership of the intellectual property of the employee may differ, considering the type of intellectual property in question, the special provisions of the employment contract that the parties agreed or special provisions provided by legal instruments. These specific situations will be the subject of consideration in the paper from the perspective of law of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with reference to comparative solutions.

Research paper thumbnail of Orodnjavanje nastavnih planova i programa

Izazovai integrisanja rodne ravnopravnosti u univerzitetskoj zajednici: Protiv rodno zasnovanog nasilja , 2022

Mnoge države centralne i istočne Evrope (CEE) usvojile su zakone protiv diskriminacije i za promo... more Mnoge države centralne i istočne Evrope (CEE) usvojile su zakone protiv diskriminacije i za promovisanje jednakih mogućnosti, ali, u većini slučajeva, takvi zakoni i dalje ostaju formalna demonstracija usklađenosti normi sa zahtevima Evropske komisije, jer sa njima nisu povezane jasne politike i što je još važnije: budžeti za sprovođenje politika i aktivnosti. Države, kao politički akteri, pristale su da usvoje politike rodne ravnopravnosti kao uslov da budu prihvaćene u klubu evropskih zemalja. Integrisanje roda u nastavne planove i programe je više od neophodnosti, to je zakonska obaveza sistema obrazovanja, uopšte, a posebno akademskih institucija.
Orodnjavanje nastavnog plana i programa visokog obrazovanja podrazumeva integraciju rodno opredeljenih i rodno osetljivih sadržaja u kurseve osnovnih i postdiplomskih programa, sa posebnom pažnjom na intersekciju roda sa drugim identitetskim markerima kao što su rasa, etnička pripadnost, klasa ili seksualni identitet. Pružanje širokog spektra „navigacionih uvida“ pomaže studentima i studentkinjama da identifikuju i problematizuju postojeće rodno zasnovane norme i uloge (Lyle-Gonga, 2013). Štaviše, uključivanje ženskih perspektiva i iskustava, kao i priznanje njihovog doprinosa sadržaju kursa (Rios et al., 2010), osnažuje studentkinje, tako što dovodi u pitanje i preispituje rodne stereotipe (Cassese i Bos, 2013).

Research paper thumbnail of Zaštita Odjevnih Predmeta U Sistemu Prava Intelektualnog Vlasništva


The article deals with the question of whether and how to provide protection to fashion desigms i... more The article deals with the question of whether and how to provide protection to fashion desigms in the system of intellectual property rights. Clothing items are primarily useful, functional items, but they are also a reflection of personal style and creativity, an indicator of social status and an expression of political and other opinion. The same garment can have several different designs, still performing its basic utilitarian function. There is, therefore, the possibility of separating the function from the appearance and aesthetic elements of clothing. The fact that the fashion industry has had no or at least inadequate protection of intellectual property rights for much of its history, and yet continued to evolve, suggests that the lack of legal protection has not eliminated the creativity and productivity of fashion industry. Does such an approach of non-regulation still suit the fashion industry in the digital age, which is characterized by easier and faster copying and cou...

Research paper thumbnail of Defective computer software under defective Products liability regime in Bosnia and Hercegovina and Croatia: Obstacles in implementation of EU law

Authors analyzed posibility of putting producers' liability for defective computer software u... more Authors analyzed posibility of putting producers' liability for defective computer software under the EU defective product liability regime. The article primarily discussed whether software could fit into category of product as set under Directive 85/374/EEC. Further, comparison is made between Bosnia and Hercegovina, as a non-EU Member State, and Croatia, as an EU Member State. Authors explained differences between these two national laws on a hypothetical case study.

Research paper thumbnail of Brussels I Recast and the South-East Europe

The recast of the Brussels I Regulation on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of ju... more The recast of the Brussels I Regulation on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters arouses interest in the region in terms of both aspects, harmonization of the national legislation with the PIL of EU and its application in the courts of the Member States on matters related to the SEE countries. The obligation to harmonize national legislation with the Brussels I Regulation in the pre-accession period is disputable, as the regulations may not be transposed in the national law and the Brussels I Regime is based on the mutual trust between Member States, with no benefits for (potential) candidate states. The national legislators of the South East Europe used the Brussels I regime as a model for the reforms of their Private International Law Acts, but also to create a regional multilateral convention with identical content as the Brussels I Regulation, which is called the Sarajevo Convention. This leads to an interesting situation w...


Godišnjak Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta "Džemal Bijedić" u Mostaru, 2021

The right to a debtor’s home is not prescribed by the Laws on Enforcement Procedure in Bosnia and... more The right to a debtor’s home is not prescribed by the Laws on
Enforcement Procedure in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a possible restriction or exemption in respect of enforcement on immovable property. Consequently, the courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a general practice, did not provide legal protection to debtors in enforcement procedures on immovable property constituting their home. Protecting the debtor’s right to a home presupposes a complex and delicate challenge of balancing the need to protect the debtor, on the
one hand, and the need to ensure the effective enforcement of monetary judgments, on the other. The Constitutional Court of BiH and the European Court of Human Rights have ruled on the protection of debtors through the human rights system, especially right to peaceful enjoyment of property and the right to a home, which contributes to the complexity of the issue of protection of debtor’s rights, tasking the legislator to make proper intervention in the Law on Enforcement Procedure in F BiH, and courts to consider the principle of proportionality in each case of
enforcement procedure on debtor’s immovable property.


Annals of the Law Faculty University in Zenica, 2021

Protection of interests in environmental law in Bosnia and Herzegovina can be achieved through se... more Protection of interests in environmental law in Bosnia and Herzegovina
can be achieved through several civil law remedies, of which, in relation to
collective interests, we single out the so-called environmental claim and a claim for protection of collective interests. A deeper analysis of legal framework and (lack of) case law indicates a number of limitations for the purposeful use of formally available civil law remedies. The paper provides an overview of the legal framework for the use of these claims, with a proposal for the legislator and judges, in order to ensure substantial access to environmental justice in BiH, in accordance with Aarhus Convention standards, through legislative interventions and /or targeted interpretation of existing regulations.

Research paper thumbnail of Zaštita Potrošača Od Nepoštene Poslovne Prakse

Research paper thumbnail of Analiza Transpozicije Direktive 90/314 U Zakonodavstva Bosne I Hercegovine, Republike Hrvatske I Republike Srbije

Potpisivanjem zasebnih Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju sa EU, Bosna i Hercegovina, Repu... more Potpisivanjem zasebnih Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju sa EU, Bosna i Hercegovina, Republika Hrvatska i Republika Srbija, preuzele su obavezu usklađivanja svojih zakonodavstava sa pravom Evropske Uni-je. Direktiva o paket-putovanjima, paket-odmorima i paket-turama, usvo-jena 13. juna 1990. godine, čini dio acquis communitaire, pa samim tim ustanovljava obavezu navedenih država za njenom pravilnom transpozi-cijom u nacionalne pravne poretke. U ovom radu će se izvršiti analiza transpozicije predmetne Direktive i komparacija nacionalnih rješenja, sa prijedlozima za poboljšanje postojećih odredbi kojima se štite korisnici paket aranžmana. Pravilnom implementacijom Direktive, navedene države odgovaraju, manje ili više uspješno, izazovima sa kojima se susreću i države članice Evropske Unije. Kako je potrošačko pravo prvenstveno uređeno direktiva-ma, ono trpi kritike zbog svoje iscjepkanosti i nekonzistentnosti, čime se dovodi u pitanje obezbjeđenje jedinstvene zaštite za potrošače na nivou EU. Upravo zato, neophodno je s posebnom pažnjom osigurati implemen-taciju navedene Direktive, a ovaj rad će pokušati dati odgovor na to koliko se u tome uspjelo, bar kada su u pitanju navedene države.

Research paper thumbnail of (Non)discriminatory treatment of cohabitation partners in exercising the right to survivor's pension

Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta Nis

Research paper thumbnail of (Non)discriminatory treatment of cohabitation partners in exercising the right to survivor's pension

Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta Nis

Research paper thumbnail of Mandatory legal representation in a third-instance (second appeal/revision) civil procedure in the context of the right to access to a court as developed with case law of European Court of Human Rights and European Court of Justice

REVIJA ZA PRAVO I EKONOMIJU - REVIEW FOR LAW & ECONOMICS: Radovi sa Treće međunarodne naučne konferencije “Pravni i ekonomski aspekti procesa integracije Bosne i Hercegovine u Evropsku uniju”, 2019

The introduction of mandatory legal representation by a lawyer or a person with a bar exam in thi... more The introduction of mandatory legal representation by a lawyer or a
person with a bar exam in third-instance civil procedure has a clear logic. The overall goal is to professionalize the proceedings before the Supreme Court, so that parties can no longer represent themselves, unless they are themselves legally qualified. This solution should ideally contribute to rationalization and raising the quality of the procedure initiated by the second appeal/revision, that is, to enable the fulfillment of proclaimed goals of the innovated revision system - less burden
for a supreme court, as a prerequisite for greater efficiency, unification of law and jurisprudence, better protection of and equality of citizens before the law. In this paper, the introduction of mandatory legal representation with the accompanying financial burden of civil justice will be analyzed, on the one hand, in the context of the legislator’s intention to assist the supreme court in the exercise of its functions, and on the other hand, in the context of the right to access to a court. Given that the issue of access to justice and the protection of rights before judicial institutions is particularly important when citizens are faced with significant procedural costs, including lawyer’s costs, it is important to establish fair balance between restricting access to the Supreme Court and respecting guarantees contained in fundamental human right to access the court, as developed by the case law of European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice.

Research paper thumbnail of Brussels I Recast and South East Europe

Revija za evropsko pravo: XV (2013) Udruženje za evropsko pravo, Kragujevac, 2013

The recast of the Brussels I Regulation on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of ju... more The recast of the Brussels I Regulation on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters arouses interest in the region in terms of both aspects, harmonization of the national legislation with the PIL of EU and its application in the courts of the Member States on matters related to the SEE countries. The obligation to harmonize national legislation with the Brussels I Regulation in the pre-accession period is disputable, as the regulations may not be transposed in the national law and the Brussels I Regime is based on the mutual trust between Member States, with no benefits for (potential) candidate states. The national legislators of the South East Europe used the Brussels I regime as a model for the reforms of their Private International Law Acts, but also to create a regional multilateral convention with identical content as the Brussels I Regulation, which is called the Sarajevo Convention. This leads to an interesting situation where the EU Member States and the Lugano Convention parties will become third States to their own regime taken over in the Sarajevo Convention. Consequently, the reform of the status of third States in the Brussels I recast gets a new dimension for both, the SEE states and the Member States of the EU.

Research paper thumbnail of Analiza transpozicije Direktive 90/314 u zakonodavstva Bosne i Hercegovine, Republike Hrvatske i Republike Srbije

Anali Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Zenici, 2011

Potpisivanjem zasebnih Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju sa EU, Bosna i Hercegovina, Rep... more Potpisivanjem zasebnih Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju sa EU, Bosna i Hercegovina, Republika Hrvatska i Republika Srbija, preuzele su obavezu usklađivanja svojih zakonodavstava sa pravom Evropske Uni-je. Direktiva o paket-putovanjima, paket-odmorima i paket-turama, usvo-jena 13. juna 1990. godine, čini dio acquis communitaire, pa samim tim ustanovljava obavezu navedenih država za njenom pravilnom transpozi-cijom u nacionalne pravne poretke. U ovom radu će se izvršiti analiza transpozicije predmetne Direktive i komparacija nacionalnih rješenja, sa prijedlozima za poboljšanje postojećih odredbi kojima se štite korisnici paket aranžmana. Pravilnom implementacijom Direktive, navedene države odgovaraju, manje ili više uspješno, izazovima sa kojima se susreću i države članice Evropske Unije. Kako je potrošačko pravo prvenstveno uređeno direktiva-ma, ono trpi kritike zbog svoje iscjepkanosti i nekonzistentnosti, čime se dovodi u pitanje obezbjeđenje jedinstvene zaštite za potrošače na nivou EU. Upravo zato, neophodno je s posebnom pažnjom osigurati implemen-taciju navedene Direktive, a ovaj rad će pokušati dati odgovor na to koliko se u tome uspjelo, bar kada su u pitanju navedene države.