Lydia Xourafi | National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (original) (raw)
Papers by Lydia Xourafi
Η παρούσα εργασία περιγράφει και αναλύει θεωρητικά, φιλοσοφικά, και καλλιτεχνικά ζητήματα γύρω απ... more Η παρούσα εργασία περιγράφει και αναλύει θεωρητικά, φιλοσοφικά, και καλλιτεχνικά ζητήματα γύρω από την διαδικασία δημιουργίας έργων της σύγχρονης περφόρμανς, έχοντας ως κύρια περίπτωση μελέτης το χορογραφικό video-performance The sky has not fallen, yet. Η σύγχρονη περφόρμανς ευθυγραμμίζεται με την εννοιολογική τέχνη, λόγω της συχνά άυλης φύσης της ενώ αποτελεί έναν τρόπο άμεσης ενασχόλησης με την κοινωνική πραγματικότητα, τις λειτουργίες της έννοιας του χώρου και την πολιτική του σώματος και των ταυτοτήτων. Η «χρήση του εδώ και τώρα», η σωματική κίνηση και η παροδικότητα προσφέρουν εναλλακτικές λύσεις στη στατική μονιμότητα της ζωγραφικής και της γλυπτικής.Το παρόν έργο αφορά το θέμα της συνύπαρξης και της αλληλεπίδρασης μεταξύ φυσικού και τεχνητού, υλικού και άυλου. Αποτελεί μέρος του καλλιτεχνικού ερευνητικού project Bodies of Chthulucene. Τα διαφορετικά στάδια του καλλιτεχνικού αυτού ερευνητικού έργου επικεντρώνονται στους χώρους όπου ανθρώπινα και μη ανθρώπινα σώματα μπορούν να δημιουργήσουν μαζί κατασκευάζοντας εφήμερες ετεροτοπίες. Η σχετική θεωρητική έρευνα αφορά τις σύγχρονες κοινωνικές και υλικές προκλήσεις και την σχέση αντιπαράθεσης με τα καθιερωμένα κοινωνικά δίπολα. Κεντρικό άξονα της παρούσας έρευνας αποτελούν τα θεωρητικά κείμενα της Donna Haraway που αφορούν την συνύπαρξη πολλών ειδών, όπως η αφήγηση της «Χθουλόκαινου» (Chthulucene), μίας έννοιας που στοχεύει στην δημιουργία νέων αφηγήσεων που προωθούν την ισότιμη αλληλεπίδραση και συνεργασία των ειδών. Στην εργασία αυτή αναλύονται ορισμένες από τις θεωρητικές και φιλοσοφικές προσεγγίσεις που χρησιμοποιούνται στην σύγχρονη περφόρμανς με οικολογική και φεμινιστική στόχευση –οι οποίες συντέλεσαν και στην δημιουργία του εν λόγω έργου. Επίσης, συζητούνται οι καλλιτεχνικές αναφορές και η διαδικασία σύνθεσης και τελικής επεξεργασίας, ενώ τέλος, αναφέρονται τα συμπεράσματα και ο αναστοχασμός πάνω στην δημιουργική διαδικασία καθώς και τα επόμενα στάδια της καλλιτεχνικής έρευνας. Λέξεις Κλειδιά: θεωρία της σύγχρονης performance, video-performance, καλλιτεχνικές πρακτικές, συνδημιουργικό τοπίο, chthulucene, συνύπαρξη, κινητικός αυτοσχεδιασμός
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Κείμενα Εργασίας του ‘Λόγω Ψυχής’- Ινστιτούτο Εκπαίδευσης και Έρευνας στη Συστημική Ψυχοθεραπεία. , 2022
Η παρούσα έρευνα παρουσιάζει μία μελέτη περίπτωσης της ψυχοθεραπευτικής διεργασίας της Λ., μιας ν... more Η παρούσα έρευνα παρουσιάζει μία μελέτη περίπτωσης της ψυχοθεραπευτικής
διεργασίας της Λ., μιας νεαρής γυναίκας που ξεκίνησε ψυχοθεραπεία με αίτημα την
ανάπτυξη μιας διαφορετικής αίσθησης και εικόνας του εαυτού της. Η Λ. αντιμετώπιζε
συναισθήματα διαρκούς απογοήτευσης, ματαίωσης, έλλειψη κινήτρου, συμπτώματα
διαταραχών πρόσληψης τροφής και σωματικής αποσύνδεσης. Τα κυρίαρχα θέματα
που επεξεργαστήκαμε εντός θεραπευτικού πλαισίου ήταν η επικριτικότητα και
κυριαρχικότητα των γονέων της, η οποία ξεκίνησε από την παιδική της ηλικία, η
αρνητική εικόνα εαυτού της δομημένη μέσω διπόλων εξιδανίκευσης και υποτίμησης
καθώς και η δυσκολία της να συνδεθεί με τις σωματικές της αισθήσεις. Στο
θεραπευτικό πλαίσιο εστιάσαμε στην επανανοηματοδότηση παλαιότερων αφηγήσεων,
στην αποδόμηση των εσωτερικών επικριτικών φωνών και στην δόμηση αφηγήσεων
του ενσώματου εαυτού. Η προσέγγιση που χρησιμοποιήθηκε ήταν η αφηγηματικήδιαλογική οπτική SANE (Systemic Attachment Narrative Encephalon). Οι νέες πιο
ευέλικτες θέσεις των εσωτερικών φωνών δημιούργησαν έναν πιο συνθετικό τρόπο να
αντιλαμβάνεται τον εαυτό της ενισχύοντας την αποδοχή του ενώ οι συμπερίληψη των
αφηγήσεων εστιασμένων στην αυτοπαρατήρηση και σε σωματικές εμπειρίες ανέπτυξε
μια πιο αυτο-φροντιστική στάση μειώνοντας την ανάγκη για σωματική αποσύνδεση. Η
θεραπεία της Λ. είναι εν εξελίξει στοχεύοντας στην ανάπτυξη μιας διαλογικής οπτικής
του εαυτού δημιουργώντας χώρο για να ακουστούν όλες οι εσωτερικές της φωνές προς
μία συνθετική κατεύθυνση.
Λέξεις κλειδιά:
Αφηγηματική θεραπεία, Διαλογικός εαυτός, Ενσώματος εαυτός. SANE, Σωματική
This study explores the psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the population in Greece ... more This study explores the psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the population in Greece during the general lockdown period. Specifically, depression, anxiety and stress scores, as well as the factors associated with vulnerability to developing mental health conditions during this period, were investigated. A total of 911 adults participated in an online survey by completing a self-reporting questionnaire that included demographic questions, DASS-42 items (anxiety, stress and depression scales) and other questions related to personal experience. Regression modelling uncovered a significant relationship between gender and DASS scores, with women having significantly higher scores than men for all mental health problems. Participants aged 20–39 years were especially vulnerable to experiencing poor mental health. Unemployed participants reported having worse mental health than others. Having more perceived psychosocial support during the pandemic was associated with lower overa...
Unemployment, underemployment and stressful working conditions in today’s Greece comprise common ... more Unemployment, underemployment and stressful working conditions in today’s Greece comprise common phenomena whose consequences are not only evident in the socioeconomic sphere but also in the individual psychological sphere. The present investigation combines mixed methods focusing on the psychological impact of unemployment and underemployment on individual mental health, and on the role of attachment self-representations in self-construction and resilience. Two studies are presented: In Study 1, 120 unemployed young adults in Greece completed an online survey assessing self-reported depressive symptoms, history of and features of the present unemployment, and other demographic data. Over 60% of participants reported symptoms suggesting major depression, while the level of severity (mild to severe) was related to the duration of unemployment. In Study 2, unemployed young adults (N=7) were interviewed with a semi-structured interview focusing on the experience of unemployment and wit...
Dialogicality. Personal, local and planetary dialogue in education, health citizenship and research., 2021
There is a recent revival of psychobiography, with approaches other than the psychoanalytic being... more There is a recent revival of psychobiography, with approaches other than the psychoanalytic being used as theoretical lenses to study famous persons. There is also increased recognition that psychobiography can advance psychological theory and help improve clinical practice. Psychobiographers study original sources (autobiographical documents, optical material, archives), but also other biographies to gain inside into a famous person’s life. In the case of famous suicides, the study of residuals—materials left behind by a person who has committed suicide, such as suicide notes, diaries, and letters can provide valuable insight into the experience of suicides, and most specifically the person’s mood, with clinical implications for suicide prevention.
In the present Mayakovsky psychobogaphy study, voices were recorded in a time frame covering his whole life and were found to have a developmental origin. The two personal inner voices or self-positions monitored were not presented as counter-positions as one might have expected, but were in coalition. An accepting counter-position (or “promoter”), was only found in the early years in imaginary friends, but was mostly quiet in adulthood.
Researchers employed a narrative and dialogical analysis to gain insight into the way various personal inner voices present themselves as recurring themes in these residuals. They traced themes across all writings on the assumption that each theme was sustained by a different voice within an inner dialogue. Themes were traced following the guidelines suggested by Lieblich, Tuval- Maschiach, and Zilber (1998). These guidelines incorporate markers of significance suggested by Alexander (1988) (i.e. primacy, frequency, uniqueness, negation, emphasis, omission, error, isolation, and incompletion).
Unemployment, underemployment and stressful working conditions in today's Greece comprise common ... more Unemployment, underemployment and stressful working conditions in today's Greece comprise common phenomena whose consequences are not only evident in the socioeconomic sphere but also in the individual psychological sphere. The present investigation combines mixed methods focusing on the psychological impact of unemployment and underemployment on individual mental health, and on the role of attachment self-representations in self-construction and resilience. Two studies are presented: In Study 1, 120 unemployed young adults in Greece completed an online survey assessing self-reported depressive symptoms, history of and features of the present unemployment, and other demographic data. Over 60% of participants reported symptoms suggesting major depression, while the level of severity (mild to severe) was related to the duration of unemployment. In Study 2, unemployed young adults (N=7) were interviewed with a semi-structured interview focusing on the experience of unemployment and with the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI).
Drafts by Lydia Xourafi
The performance research project "Old and New Playscapes" is a psychogeorgaphical research of Kyp... more The performance research project "Old and New Playscapes" is a psychogeorgaphical research of Kypseli area in the center of Athens aiming in the creation of a participatory action in Kypseli square. The current project is focusing in the concept of the playscape as a place that invites people to play, meet, interact. A long part of this project is autobiographical since Kypseli is an area where I lived as a child. A Changing Landscape: Kypseli The Site Of Kypseli Kypseli (Greek κυψέλη= beehive) is one of the oldest neighborhoods of Athens, Attiki and belongs to Athens Municipality. Until the interwar period, it was quite sparsely populated, but the influx of people from the countryside to the capital led to the beginning of its transformation into an urban district while the extensions of the road plan of 1930, it acquires approximately its current area and the first apartment buildings are built. According to a variety of urban planning studies Kypseli is now one of the most problematic areas of the Municipality of Athens, with high densities, pollution, traffic and parking problems, minimal free spaces and insufficient infrastructure (Vaiou and Lafazani, 2015). For those reasons many old residents left the area and moved in the suburbs. Kypseli has been also a place where many artists, writers and poets have lived and being inspired during that period while many theater venues developed in the area.
Lydia Xourafi, 2018
The current report focuses on the school integration of refugee children. Specifically, the main ... more The current report focuses on the school integration of refugee children. Specifically, the main barriers of the integration procedure and the influence of parents' previous attitudes and experiences concerning schooling and education are examined. The participants were 27 families from One-Stop-Shop program. The data was analyzed qualitatively. Findings revealed that parents and children participated had mainly positive attitudes towards Greek School while difficulties and concerns which are described. Finally, in this report suggestion for further research in the topic of school integration are presented.
The current research report focuses on the school integration of refugee children In Athens, Gree... more The current research report focuses on the school integration of refugee children In Athens, Greece. Specifically, main barriers of the integration procedure and influences of parents' previous attitudes and experiences concerning schooling on current children's schooling experiences are examined. The participants were 27 families from UNHCR's One-Stop-Shop program, executed by Greek Council of Refugees. The data was analyzed qualitatively via the use of thematic analysis. Findings revealed that parents and children participated had mainly positive attitudes towards Greek School independently of parents previous experience and Family narratives related to school and education. Difficulties and schooling related concerns that refugee parents and children are facing in Greece are described. Finally, suggestions for further research focused in the topic of school integration are presented.
Attachment theory was developed by John Bowlby mainly in order to explain the distress that is ob... more Attachment theory was developed by John Bowlby mainly in order to explain the distress that is observed in infants' behavior while they are separated from their primary caregivers . Bowlby started his research on the particular area after realizing the difficulties of children in forming emotional bonds with other while he was working in a home for maladjusted boys. According to him, separation of the infant from the primary caregiver creates the feeling of aggression which is a response to threat and it is expressed after the separation which is perceived as a threat . He observed infants' behaviors such as crying, searching for the caregiver and clinging, which are mainly expressed in order to prevent separation or to reestablish proximity.
Conference Presentations by Lydia Xourafi
The present study is exploring the psychosocial impact of Covid-19 pandemic in Greek population d... more The present study is exploring the psychosocial impact of Covid-19 pandemic in Greek population during the period of lockdown aiming in the examination of depression, anxiety and stress scores but also in the investigation of possible factors related to mental health conditions during the lockdown period. A total of 911 adults participated in an online survey by completing a self-reporting questionnaire including demographic questions, DASS42 (anxiety, stress, depression scale), 'Integrative Worldview Framework' (IWF) and open-ended questions. Statistical analysis revealed mild increased stress levels in female participants (p=0.063) while gender differences were significant in depression and anxiety scores as well. Age and education level appeared to be important vulnerability factors for younger ages and for individuals with tertiary education level. Moreover, individuals with traditional worldviews appear to be somewhat more vulnerable than others to stress symptoms (p=0.060) , while those with modern worldviews exhibit significantly lower DASS42 scores in all three categories (p=0.035, 0.061, and 0.007).
Dialogical Self Conference , 2021
Play Perform Learn Grow - Conference 2019, 2019
The processing of research material leads to the composition of the image of a liminal worker (Sp... more The processing of research material leads to the composition of the image of a liminal worker (Spyridakis, 2013). Participants experienced a precariousness (Macassa, 2017) where unemployment and underemployment were constantly alternating in their lives, resulting in a boundary condition characterized by severe emotional outbursts, a sense of insecurity, inability to maintain a structured life or structure. Financial dependence on family members due to constant job search, financial deficit and social and personal expectations have shown to stimulate a sustained internal self-assessment with signs of severe anxiety. Descriptions of future images (daydreaming) reveals that people who have a more constructed image of themselves in the future tend to be more resilient and more able to develop a sense of agency.
7ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Συμβουλευτικής Ψυχολογίας, 2018
Οι εμπειρίες της εργασιακής επισφάλειας και της ανεργίας αποτελούν κοινά φαινόμενα στη σύγχρονη Ε... more Οι εμπειρίες της εργασιακής επισφάλειας και της ανεργίας αποτελούν κοινά φαινόμενα στη
σύγχρονη Ελλάδα με οικονομικό, κοινωνικό αλλά και ψυχολογικό αντίκτυπο. Τέτοιες εμπειρίες συμβάλλουν ιδιαίτερα στην διαδικασία
δημιουργίας ταυτότητας και νοήματος (Blustein et al., 2013) . Μια κριτική επισκόπηση των βασικών θεωριών της ανεργίας βασίζεται στο
μοντέλο της μετάβασης κοινωνικής κατάστασης (status passage theory) προσεγγίζοντας την ανεργία σαν μια διαδικασία μετάβασης που
αφορά τις αλλαγές της ταυτότητας και της αίσθησης του εαυτού (Ezzy, 1993). Η παρούσα έρευνα εξετάζει εμπειρίες επισφάλειας σαν
μέρος της ευρύτερης βιογραφίας του ατόμου μέσω αφηγήσεων, οι οποίες εκφράζουν τον τρόπο με τον οποίο οι άνθρωποι δημιουργούν
νόημα στο παρόν και μέλλον (McAdams, 2006) και της οπτικής του αφηγηματικού εαυτού που ορίζεται σαν μία συνεχής επανεγγραφή
μιας ιστορίας ζωής (Ανδρουτσοπούλου, 2015).
Nordic Attachment Network Conference, 2017
Socio-economic crisis in Greece is a very-well known phenomenon in Europe during the last years, ... more Socio-economic crisis in Greece is a very-well known phenomenon in Europe during the last years, with a significant impact in people's life conditions. Terms as poverty and precarity constitute some of the main difficulties of Greek citizens. Migration flows have also influenced Greek community by raising both challenges and opportunities for local territories. Those socio-political situations have created precarious living condition for both locals and migrants. The current study aims in exploring how artistic engagement through theater and performative art groups can enhance resilience, emotional security and agency of individuals who experience precarity in Athens, Greece. Eight to ten young adults (locals and migrants) who are experiencing precarious conditions related to employment, financial difficulties, and issues related to accommodation or access to education and are members of artistic groups or communities in Athens, Greece were interviewed. Participants were recruited from independent structures that offer performing arts workshops or independent art groups. Semi-structure interviews' qualitative data were analyzed through narrative thematic analysis in order to explore themes of resilience that are related to art group membership identity. The findings revealed that group identity, creativity, emotional expression enhance resilience. Additionally, theater methods such as applied drama ad physical theater enhance social awareness and understanding of subjective experience. Conclusions are aiming in promoting ideas for using performative arts methods for agency enhancement procedures. Directions and guidelines are given for designing art informed programs aiming in the enhancement of resilience an integration of locals and migrants.
Η παρούσα εργασία περιγράφει και αναλύει θεωρητικά, φιλοσοφικά, και καλλιτεχνικά ζητήματα γύρω απ... more Η παρούσα εργασία περιγράφει και αναλύει θεωρητικά, φιλοσοφικά, και καλλιτεχνικά ζητήματα γύρω από την διαδικασία δημιουργίας έργων της σύγχρονης περφόρμανς, έχοντας ως κύρια περίπτωση μελέτης το χορογραφικό video-performance The sky has not fallen, yet. Η σύγχρονη περφόρμανς ευθυγραμμίζεται με την εννοιολογική τέχνη, λόγω της συχνά άυλης φύσης της ενώ αποτελεί έναν τρόπο άμεσης ενασχόλησης με την κοινωνική πραγματικότητα, τις λειτουργίες της έννοιας του χώρου και την πολιτική του σώματος και των ταυτοτήτων. Η «χρήση του εδώ και τώρα», η σωματική κίνηση και η παροδικότητα προσφέρουν εναλλακτικές λύσεις στη στατική μονιμότητα της ζωγραφικής και της γλυπτικής.Το παρόν έργο αφορά το θέμα της συνύπαρξης και της αλληλεπίδρασης μεταξύ φυσικού και τεχνητού, υλικού και άυλου. Αποτελεί μέρος του καλλιτεχνικού ερευνητικού project Bodies of Chthulucene. Τα διαφορετικά στάδια του καλλιτεχνικού αυτού ερευνητικού έργου επικεντρώνονται στους χώρους όπου ανθρώπινα και μη ανθρώπινα σώματα μπορούν να δημιουργήσουν μαζί κατασκευάζοντας εφήμερες ετεροτοπίες. Η σχετική θεωρητική έρευνα αφορά τις σύγχρονες κοινωνικές και υλικές προκλήσεις και την σχέση αντιπαράθεσης με τα καθιερωμένα κοινωνικά δίπολα. Κεντρικό άξονα της παρούσας έρευνας αποτελούν τα θεωρητικά κείμενα της Donna Haraway που αφορούν την συνύπαρξη πολλών ειδών, όπως η αφήγηση της «Χθουλόκαινου» (Chthulucene), μίας έννοιας που στοχεύει στην δημιουργία νέων αφηγήσεων που προωθούν την ισότιμη αλληλεπίδραση και συνεργασία των ειδών. Στην εργασία αυτή αναλύονται ορισμένες από τις θεωρητικές και φιλοσοφικές προσεγγίσεις που χρησιμοποιούνται στην σύγχρονη περφόρμανς με οικολογική και φεμινιστική στόχευση –οι οποίες συντέλεσαν και στην δημιουργία του εν λόγω έργου. Επίσης, συζητούνται οι καλλιτεχνικές αναφορές και η διαδικασία σύνθεσης και τελικής επεξεργασίας, ενώ τέλος, αναφέρονται τα συμπεράσματα και ο αναστοχασμός πάνω στην δημιουργική διαδικασία καθώς και τα επόμενα στάδια της καλλιτεχνικής έρευνας. Λέξεις Κλειδιά: θεωρία της σύγχρονης performance, video-performance, καλλιτεχνικές πρακτικές, συνδημιουργικό τοπίο, chthulucene, συνύπαρξη, κινητικός αυτοσχεδιασμός
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Κείμενα Εργασίας του ‘Λόγω Ψυχής’- Ινστιτούτο Εκπαίδευσης και Έρευνας στη Συστημική Ψυχοθεραπεία. , 2022
Η παρούσα έρευνα παρουσιάζει μία μελέτη περίπτωσης της ψυχοθεραπευτικής διεργασίας της Λ., μιας ν... more Η παρούσα έρευνα παρουσιάζει μία μελέτη περίπτωσης της ψυχοθεραπευτικής
διεργασίας της Λ., μιας νεαρής γυναίκας που ξεκίνησε ψυχοθεραπεία με αίτημα την
ανάπτυξη μιας διαφορετικής αίσθησης και εικόνας του εαυτού της. Η Λ. αντιμετώπιζε
συναισθήματα διαρκούς απογοήτευσης, ματαίωσης, έλλειψη κινήτρου, συμπτώματα
διαταραχών πρόσληψης τροφής και σωματικής αποσύνδεσης. Τα κυρίαρχα θέματα
που επεξεργαστήκαμε εντός θεραπευτικού πλαισίου ήταν η επικριτικότητα και
κυριαρχικότητα των γονέων της, η οποία ξεκίνησε από την παιδική της ηλικία, η
αρνητική εικόνα εαυτού της δομημένη μέσω διπόλων εξιδανίκευσης και υποτίμησης
καθώς και η δυσκολία της να συνδεθεί με τις σωματικές της αισθήσεις. Στο
θεραπευτικό πλαίσιο εστιάσαμε στην επανανοηματοδότηση παλαιότερων αφηγήσεων,
στην αποδόμηση των εσωτερικών επικριτικών φωνών και στην δόμηση αφηγήσεων
του ενσώματου εαυτού. Η προσέγγιση που χρησιμοποιήθηκε ήταν η αφηγηματικήδιαλογική οπτική SANE (Systemic Attachment Narrative Encephalon). Οι νέες πιο
ευέλικτες θέσεις των εσωτερικών φωνών δημιούργησαν έναν πιο συνθετικό τρόπο να
αντιλαμβάνεται τον εαυτό της ενισχύοντας την αποδοχή του ενώ οι συμπερίληψη των
αφηγήσεων εστιασμένων στην αυτοπαρατήρηση και σε σωματικές εμπειρίες ανέπτυξε
μια πιο αυτο-φροντιστική στάση μειώνοντας την ανάγκη για σωματική αποσύνδεση. Η
θεραπεία της Λ. είναι εν εξελίξει στοχεύοντας στην ανάπτυξη μιας διαλογικής οπτικής
του εαυτού δημιουργώντας χώρο για να ακουστούν όλες οι εσωτερικές της φωνές προς
μία συνθετική κατεύθυνση.
Λέξεις κλειδιά:
Αφηγηματική θεραπεία, Διαλογικός εαυτός, Ενσώματος εαυτός. SANE, Σωματική
This study explores the psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the population in Greece ... more This study explores the psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the population in Greece during the general lockdown period. Specifically, depression, anxiety and stress scores, as well as the factors associated with vulnerability to developing mental health conditions during this period, were investigated. A total of 911 adults participated in an online survey by completing a self-reporting questionnaire that included demographic questions, DASS-42 items (anxiety, stress and depression scales) and other questions related to personal experience. Regression modelling uncovered a significant relationship between gender and DASS scores, with women having significantly higher scores than men for all mental health problems. Participants aged 20–39 years were especially vulnerable to experiencing poor mental health. Unemployed participants reported having worse mental health than others. Having more perceived psychosocial support during the pandemic was associated with lower overa...
Unemployment, underemployment and stressful working conditions in today’s Greece comprise common ... more Unemployment, underemployment and stressful working conditions in today’s Greece comprise common phenomena whose consequences are not only evident in the socioeconomic sphere but also in the individual psychological sphere. The present investigation combines mixed methods focusing on the psychological impact of unemployment and underemployment on individual mental health, and on the role of attachment self-representations in self-construction and resilience. Two studies are presented: In Study 1, 120 unemployed young adults in Greece completed an online survey assessing self-reported depressive symptoms, history of and features of the present unemployment, and other demographic data. Over 60% of participants reported symptoms suggesting major depression, while the level of severity (mild to severe) was related to the duration of unemployment. In Study 2, unemployed young adults (N=7) were interviewed with a semi-structured interview focusing on the experience of unemployment and wit...
Dialogicality. Personal, local and planetary dialogue in education, health citizenship and research., 2021
There is a recent revival of psychobiography, with approaches other than the psychoanalytic being... more There is a recent revival of psychobiography, with approaches other than the psychoanalytic being used as theoretical lenses to study famous persons. There is also increased recognition that psychobiography can advance psychological theory and help improve clinical practice. Psychobiographers study original sources (autobiographical documents, optical material, archives), but also other biographies to gain inside into a famous person’s life. In the case of famous suicides, the study of residuals—materials left behind by a person who has committed suicide, such as suicide notes, diaries, and letters can provide valuable insight into the experience of suicides, and most specifically the person’s mood, with clinical implications for suicide prevention.
In the present Mayakovsky psychobogaphy study, voices were recorded in a time frame covering his whole life and were found to have a developmental origin. The two personal inner voices or self-positions monitored were not presented as counter-positions as one might have expected, but were in coalition. An accepting counter-position (or “promoter”), was only found in the early years in imaginary friends, but was mostly quiet in adulthood.
Researchers employed a narrative and dialogical analysis to gain insight into the way various personal inner voices present themselves as recurring themes in these residuals. They traced themes across all writings on the assumption that each theme was sustained by a different voice within an inner dialogue. Themes were traced following the guidelines suggested by Lieblich, Tuval- Maschiach, and Zilber (1998). These guidelines incorporate markers of significance suggested by Alexander (1988) (i.e. primacy, frequency, uniqueness, negation, emphasis, omission, error, isolation, and incompletion).
Unemployment, underemployment and stressful working conditions in today's Greece comprise common ... more Unemployment, underemployment and stressful working conditions in today's Greece comprise common phenomena whose consequences are not only evident in the socioeconomic sphere but also in the individual psychological sphere. The present investigation combines mixed methods focusing on the psychological impact of unemployment and underemployment on individual mental health, and on the role of attachment self-representations in self-construction and resilience. Two studies are presented: In Study 1, 120 unemployed young adults in Greece completed an online survey assessing self-reported depressive symptoms, history of and features of the present unemployment, and other demographic data. Over 60% of participants reported symptoms suggesting major depression, while the level of severity (mild to severe) was related to the duration of unemployment. In Study 2, unemployed young adults (N=7) were interviewed with a semi-structured interview focusing on the experience of unemployment and with the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI).
The performance research project "Old and New Playscapes" is a psychogeorgaphical research of Kyp... more The performance research project "Old and New Playscapes" is a psychogeorgaphical research of Kypseli area in the center of Athens aiming in the creation of a participatory action in Kypseli square. The current project is focusing in the concept of the playscape as a place that invites people to play, meet, interact. A long part of this project is autobiographical since Kypseli is an area where I lived as a child. A Changing Landscape: Kypseli The Site Of Kypseli Kypseli (Greek κυψέλη= beehive) is one of the oldest neighborhoods of Athens, Attiki and belongs to Athens Municipality. Until the interwar period, it was quite sparsely populated, but the influx of people from the countryside to the capital led to the beginning of its transformation into an urban district while the extensions of the road plan of 1930, it acquires approximately its current area and the first apartment buildings are built. According to a variety of urban planning studies Kypseli is now one of the most problematic areas of the Municipality of Athens, with high densities, pollution, traffic and parking problems, minimal free spaces and insufficient infrastructure (Vaiou and Lafazani, 2015). For those reasons many old residents left the area and moved in the suburbs. Kypseli has been also a place where many artists, writers and poets have lived and being inspired during that period while many theater venues developed in the area.
Lydia Xourafi, 2018
The current report focuses on the school integration of refugee children. Specifically, the main ... more The current report focuses on the school integration of refugee children. Specifically, the main barriers of the integration procedure and the influence of parents' previous attitudes and experiences concerning schooling and education are examined. The participants were 27 families from One-Stop-Shop program. The data was analyzed qualitatively. Findings revealed that parents and children participated had mainly positive attitudes towards Greek School while difficulties and concerns which are described. Finally, in this report suggestion for further research in the topic of school integration are presented.
The current research report focuses on the school integration of refugee children In Athens, Gree... more The current research report focuses on the school integration of refugee children In Athens, Greece. Specifically, main barriers of the integration procedure and influences of parents' previous attitudes and experiences concerning schooling on current children's schooling experiences are examined. The participants were 27 families from UNHCR's One-Stop-Shop program, executed by Greek Council of Refugees. The data was analyzed qualitatively via the use of thematic analysis. Findings revealed that parents and children participated had mainly positive attitudes towards Greek School independently of parents previous experience and Family narratives related to school and education. Difficulties and schooling related concerns that refugee parents and children are facing in Greece are described. Finally, suggestions for further research focused in the topic of school integration are presented.
Attachment theory was developed by John Bowlby mainly in order to explain the distress that is ob... more Attachment theory was developed by John Bowlby mainly in order to explain the distress that is observed in infants' behavior while they are separated from their primary caregivers . Bowlby started his research on the particular area after realizing the difficulties of children in forming emotional bonds with other while he was working in a home for maladjusted boys. According to him, separation of the infant from the primary caregiver creates the feeling of aggression which is a response to threat and it is expressed after the separation which is perceived as a threat . He observed infants' behaviors such as crying, searching for the caregiver and clinging, which are mainly expressed in order to prevent separation or to reestablish proximity.
The present study is exploring the psychosocial impact of Covid-19 pandemic in Greek population d... more The present study is exploring the psychosocial impact of Covid-19 pandemic in Greek population during the period of lockdown aiming in the examination of depression, anxiety and stress scores but also in the investigation of possible factors related to mental health conditions during the lockdown period. A total of 911 adults participated in an online survey by completing a self-reporting questionnaire including demographic questions, DASS42 (anxiety, stress, depression scale), 'Integrative Worldview Framework' (IWF) and open-ended questions. Statistical analysis revealed mild increased stress levels in female participants (p=0.063) while gender differences were significant in depression and anxiety scores as well. Age and education level appeared to be important vulnerability factors for younger ages and for individuals with tertiary education level. Moreover, individuals with traditional worldviews appear to be somewhat more vulnerable than others to stress symptoms (p=0.060) , while those with modern worldviews exhibit significantly lower DASS42 scores in all three categories (p=0.035, 0.061, and 0.007).
Dialogical Self Conference , 2021
Play Perform Learn Grow - Conference 2019, 2019
The processing of research material leads to the composition of the image of a liminal worker (Sp... more The processing of research material leads to the composition of the image of a liminal worker (Spyridakis, 2013). Participants experienced a precariousness (Macassa, 2017) where unemployment and underemployment were constantly alternating in their lives, resulting in a boundary condition characterized by severe emotional outbursts, a sense of insecurity, inability to maintain a structured life or structure. Financial dependence on family members due to constant job search, financial deficit and social and personal expectations have shown to stimulate a sustained internal self-assessment with signs of severe anxiety. Descriptions of future images (daydreaming) reveals that people who have a more constructed image of themselves in the future tend to be more resilient and more able to develop a sense of agency.
7ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Συμβουλευτικής Ψυχολογίας, 2018
Οι εμπειρίες της εργασιακής επισφάλειας και της ανεργίας αποτελούν κοινά φαινόμενα στη σύγχρονη Ε... more Οι εμπειρίες της εργασιακής επισφάλειας και της ανεργίας αποτελούν κοινά φαινόμενα στη
σύγχρονη Ελλάδα με οικονομικό, κοινωνικό αλλά και ψυχολογικό αντίκτυπο. Τέτοιες εμπειρίες συμβάλλουν ιδιαίτερα στην διαδικασία
δημιουργίας ταυτότητας και νοήματος (Blustein et al., 2013) . Μια κριτική επισκόπηση των βασικών θεωριών της ανεργίας βασίζεται στο
μοντέλο της μετάβασης κοινωνικής κατάστασης (status passage theory) προσεγγίζοντας την ανεργία σαν μια διαδικασία μετάβασης που
αφορά τις αλλαγές της ταυτότητας και της αίσθησης του εαυτού (Ezzy, 1993). Η παρούσα έρευνα εξετάζει εμπειρίες επισφάλειας σαν
μέρος της ευρύτερης βιογραφίας του ατόμου μέσω αφηγήσεων, οι οποίες εκφράζουν τον τρόπο με τον οποίο οι άνθρωποι δημιουργούν
νόημα στο παρόν και μέλλον (McAdams, 2006) και της οπτικής του αφηγηματικού εαυτού που ορίζεται σαν μία συνεχής επανεγγραφή
μιας ιστορίας ζωής (Ανδρουτσοπούλου, 2015).
Nordic Attachment Network Conference, 2017
Socio-economic crisis in Greece is a very-well known phenomenon in Europe during the last years, ... more Socio-economic crisis in Greece is a very-well known phenomenon in Europe during the last years, with a significant impact in people's life conditions. Terms as poverty and precarity constitute some of the main difficulties of Greek citizens. Migration flows have also influenced Greek community by raising both challenges and opportunities for local territories. Those socio-political situations have created precarious living condition for both locals and migrants. The current study aims in exploring how artistic engagement through theater and performative art groups can enhance resilience, emotional security and agency of individuals who experience precarity in Athens, Greece. Eight to ten young adults (locals and migrants) who are experiencing precarious conditions related to employment, financial difficulties, and issues related to accommodation or access to education and are members of artistic groups or communities in Athens, Greece were interviewed. Participants were recruited from independent structures that offer performing arts workshops or independent art groups. Semi-structure interviews' qualitative data were analyzed through narrative thematic analysis in order to explore themes of resilience that are related to art group membership identity. The findings revealed that group identity, creativity, emotional expression enhance resilience. Additionally, theater methods such as applied drama ad physical theater enhance social awareness and understanding of subjective experience. Conclusions are aiming in promoting ideas for using performative arts methods for agency enhancement procedures. Directions and guidelines are given for designing art informed programs aiming in the enhancement of resilience an integration of locals and migrants.