Albert Sangrà | Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (original) (raw)

Papers by Albert Sangrà

Research paper thumbnail of Competencias para la docencia en línea: evaluación de la oferta formativa para profesorado universitario en el marco del EEES

Research paper thumbnail of Personalización de planes de aprendizaje en base a la selección de estudios de caso

In order to provide engaging learning solutions to the students of the Master’s in Education and ... more In order to provide engaging learning solutions to the students of the Master’s in Education and ICT (e-learning) (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) we have undertaken an action-research project. This study aims at the definition and validation of a pedagogical strategy consisting of a student-lead learning path personalization through case studies’ selection. The definition of this strategy takes into account the diversity of our student’s professional interests as well as the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) guidelines of a more personalized learning. The strategy is evaluated through the design of a competency-based teaching plan that allows the students to build their own learning pathways through the selection of three out of six case studies. The design and implementation of this approach involves teachers and tutors according to the UOC teaching model, as well as, researchers who take part of the project. This article presents the results of the first research iteration w...

Research paper thumbnail of Marco de referencia para la evaluación y aseguramiento de los programas de aprendizaje en línea a nivel superior

Este estudio se refiere a los procesos descritos por agencias e instituciones de evaluacion y ent... more Este estudio se refiere a los procesos descritos por agencias e instituciones de evaluacion y entidades academicas para medir la calidad de los programas en linea a nivel superior. Su proposito es identificar aquellos mecanismos que puedan facilitar la internacionalizacion de los programas y acuerdos entre las instituciones de educacion superior de Europa y America Latina. Para el analisis, se seleccionaron dos casos paradigmaticos: la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) y la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). A partir de esta eleccion, se identificaron las agencias de acreditacion correspondientes a estas instituciones: a nivel local, nacional y regional. En un segundo paso, se genero un cuadro comparativo con las dimensiones y los criterios relacionados sobre la evaluacion de la calidad de atendiendo la literatura y en las guias de las agencias acreditadoras. En una tercera etapa, se identifico en donde ponen el acento las agencias y las universidades para el asegur...

Research paper thumbnail of Learning ecologies as new challenge and essence of e-learning. The case of PhD e-researchers

Research paper thumbnail of Chronotopes in learner-generated contexts

Journal of Pulp and Paper Science

This work is concerned with a reflection on the construct of “chronotope” (Bakhtin, 1981) as a co... more This work is concerned with a reflection on the construct of “chronotope” (Bakhtin, 1981) as a conceptual tool suitable for illustrating the affordances of emerging Web 2.0 learning ecologies of doctoral researchers. For the purposes of this work, the chronotope is considered as an analytical lens suitable for illustrating the movements of PhD researchers across shifting space/time configurations (affordances) arising from scholarly environments increasingly permeated by digital mediation. The conceptual framework under construction looks at the intersection of time and space being produced by self-directed PhD students, engaged in sifting the learning opportunities provided both by institution-bounded and self-organized learning ecologies in the open Web. The focus is on the role that personal technologies – especially social Web tools and environments – play in the function of supporting academic identity building in the course of a doctorate and in affecting the boundary crossing...

Research paper thumbnail of Open learning recognition: Taking open educational resources a step further

The OERTest project has released its final results in the form a publication, entitled "Open... more The OERTest project has released its final results in the form a publication, entitled "Open Learning Recognition: Taking Open Educational Resources a Step Further". The book is the fruit of two years of research by 8 European partners, and provides the reader with the foundation for the development of envisaged framework, organised into the four topics: assessment methods; requirements and standards of resources; credentialisation, certification and recognition and inter-institutional collaboration. The third chapter is devoted to different scenarios of open learning in order to obtain in-depth understanding of the OER challenges and bring closer a basis for identifying vital differences among them to better address these challenges.El proyecto OERTest ha publicado los resultados finales de su investigación en forma de una publicación, titulada "Open Learning Recognition: Taking Open Educational Resources a Step Further". El libro es el fruto de dos años de investigación de 8 socios europeos, y ofrece al lector las bases para el desarrollo del marco previsto, se organiza en cuatro temas: métodos de evaluación, requisitos y estándares de los recursos; credencialización, certificación y reconocimiento y colaboración interinstitucional. El tercer capítulo está dedicado a los diferentes escenarios de la educación abierta con el fin de comprender en profundidad los desafíos de los REA (OER) y proponer una base para identificar las diferencias vitales entre ellos para abordar mejor estos retos.El projecte OERTest ha publicat els resultats finals de la seva recerca en forma d'una publicació, titulada "Open Learning Recognition: Taking Open Educational Resources a Step Further". El llibre és el fruit de dos anys d'investigació de 8 socis europeus, i ofereix al lector les bases per al desenvolupament del marc previst, s'organitza en quatre temes: mètodes d'avaluació, requisits i estàndards dels recursos; credencialización, certificació i reconeixement i col·laboració interinstitucional. El tercer capítol està dedicat als diferents escenaris de l'ensenyament obert per tal de comprendre en profunditat els reptes dels REO (OER) i proposar una base per identificar les diferències vitals entre ells per abordar millor aquests reptes

Research paper thumbnail of Transformar la universidad : desafíos, oportunidades y propuestas desde una mirada global

Editorial UOC eBooks, Oct 5, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Liderazgo Y Tensiones En La Universidad: El Reto De Integrar La Educación Digital

American Journal of Distance Education, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Tabla 1. Libro de códigos resultante del proceso de codificación.pdf

Tabla 1 utilizada en el artículo "Ecologías de aprendizaje para usar las TIC: Inspirándose e... more Tabla 1 utilizada en el artículo "Ecologías de aprendizaje para usar las TIC: Inspirándose en docentes referencias ", publicado en la revista Comunicar, 62.

Research paper thumbnail of APPENDICES - The street lamp paradox: Analysing students' evaluation of teaching through qualitative and quantitative approaches

Appendices are complementary file to the main research paper, showing: 1- Appendix 1 - Features o... more Appendices are complementary file to the main research paper, showing: 1- Appendix 1 - Features of eLD17 (eLearning Design 2016/2017) course 2- Appendix 2 - Survey about the eLD17 course quality (Quantitative Instrument -questionnaire- for Quality Teaching Assessment and results) 3- Appendix 3 - Codebook (excerpts from the corpus of Students' Essays adopted for qualitative analysis) 4- Figure 1, representing the Content Analysis (Corpus: Students' Essays).

Research paper thumbnail of Tags

educational models, online learning, learner empowerment The debate around Massive Open Online Co... more educational models, online learning, learner empowerment The debate around Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is much more focused on the social, institutional, technological and economical aspects than on the need for development of new pedagogical approaches that provide consistent guidance on how to design for this emergent educational scenario. A new understanding of knowledge production and learning challenges the core of learning design, demanding innovative and appropriate approaches to teaching and learning. We present a set of learning design principles drawn from the learner’s perspective. They focus on empowering learners in networked environments for fostering critical thinking and collaboration, developing competence based outcomes, encouraging peer assistance and assessment through social appraisal, providing strategies and tools for self-regulation, and finally using a variety of media and ICTs to create and publish learning resources and outputs. 1.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplicación del método del caso en las actividades en línea

Research paper thumbnail of E-learning quality standards. The case study of an online university

Research paper thumbnail of El Pla de Doctorats Industrials de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Avaluació i impacte de la finalització de la prova pilot en les relacions entre el món acadèmic i el món empresarial

La transferència de coneixement cap al teixit productiu i cap a la societat en general... more La transferència de coneixement cap al teixit productiu i cap a la societat en general és uns dels reptes que afronta actualment Catalunya per desenvolupar-se socialment i econòmicament. En aquest sentit i amb la finalitat de potenciar la transferència de coneixement entre el món acadèmic i el món empresarial, la Generalitat de Catalunya va impulsar el Pla de Doctorats Industrials (DI), en col·laboració amb el sistema universitari i de recerca de Catalunya. Un projecte de doctorat industrial és un projecte de recerca estratègic d’una empresa o institució que es desenvoluparà en col·laboració amb una universitat o centre de recerca català i que esdevindrà l’objecte d’una tesi doctoral que permetrà a un doctorand o doctoranda iniciar la carrera investigadora en un entorn dual: empresarial i acadèmic. El Pla es va posar en marxa l’any 2012 amb una prova pilot i ja compta amb cinc edicions al llarg de les quals s’han iniciat 437 projectes. Hi han col·laborat les universitats catalanes i els centres de recerca, conjuntament amb 294 empreses i institucions de totes les dimensions i en tots els àmbits de coneixement. La inversió públic-privada en R+D associada a aquests projectes ascendeix a 60,6 milions d’euros, dues terceres parts dels quals provenen del sector privat. Els resultats d’aquesta primera avaluació, amb una mostra total de 51 persones i una taxa de resposta del 92,2%, permeten concloure que el Pla de Doctorats Industrials ha esdevingut una estratègia sòlida per a la generació i transferència de coneixement i de creació de ponts estables de col·laboració entre els entorns empresarials i acadèmics

Research paper thumbnail of Elements of Open Education: An Invitation to Future Research

The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 2020

This paper explores elements of open education within the context of higher education. After an i... more This paper explores elements of open education within the context of higher education. After an introduction to the origins of open education and its theoretical foundations, the topics of open and distance learning, international education issues in open education, open educational practices and scholarship, open educational resources, MOOCs, prior learning accreditation and recognition, and learner characteristics are considered, following the framework of macro, meso, and micro levels of research in open and distance learning. Implications for future research at the macro, meso, and micro levels are then provided.

Research paper thumbnail of A Comparative Study of National Infrastructures for Digital (Open) Educational Resources in Higher Education

Open Praxis, 2020

This paper reports on the first stage of an international comparative study for the project “Digi... more This paper reports on the first stage of an international comparative study for the project “Digital educational architectures: Open learning resources in distributed learning infrastructures–EduArc”, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. This study reviews the situation of digital educational resources (or (O)ER) framed within the digital transformation of ten different Higher Education (HE) systems (Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Japan, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Turkey and the United States). Following a comparative case study approach, we investigated issues related to the existence of policies, quality assurance mechanisms and measures for the promotion of change in supporting infrastructure development for (O)ER at the national level in HE in the different countries. The results of this mainly documentary research highlight differences and similarities, which are largely due to variations in these countries’ political structure organisatio...

Research paper thumbnail of Ranking Meets Distance Education

The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 2019

University ranking systems are being implemented with the aim of assessing and comparing higher e... more University ranking systems are being implemented with the aim of assessing and comparing higher education institutions at a global level. Despite their being increasingly used, rankings are often strongly criticized for their social and economic implications, as well as for limitations in their technical implementation. One of these limitations is that they do not consider the specific characteristics of online education. This study used a participatory approach to define a set of criteria and indicators suitable to reflect the specific nature of distance education. This endeavour will help evaluate and rank online higher education institutions more appropriately than in current practice, where indicators are devised for traditional universities. To this end, several stakeholders and informants were involved in a Delphi study in an attempt to reach the broader higher education institutions (HEI) community. According to the study participants, apart from students’ achievements and ge...

Research paper thumbnail of La organización escolar y el desarrollo de la competencia de Aprender a Aprender: Un enfoque globalizador singular

Revista de Estudios y Experiencias en Educación, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Ecologías de aprendizaje en la Era Digital: desafíos para la Educación Superior

Research paper thumbnail of We can, we know how. But do we want to? Teaching attitudes towards ICT based on the level of technology integration in schools

Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Competencias para la docencia en línea: evaluación de la oferta formativa para profesorado universitario en el marco del EEES

Research paper thumbnail of Personalización de planes de aprendizaje en base a la selección de estudios de caso

In order to provide engaging learning solutions to the students of the Master’s in Education and ... more In order to provide engaging learning solutions to the students of the Master’s in Education and ICT (e-learning) (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) we have undertaken an action-research project. This study aims at the definition and validation of a pedagogical strategy consisting of a student-lead learning path personalization through case studies’ selection. The definition of this strategy takes into account the diversity of our student’s professional interests as well as the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) guidelines of a more personalized learning. The strategy is evaluated through the design of a competency-based teaching plan that allows the students to build their own learning pathways through the selection of three out of six case studies. The design and implementation of this approach involves teachers and tutors according to the UOC teaching model, as well as, researchers who take part of the project. This article presents the results of the first research iteration w...

Research paper thumbnail of Marco de referencia para la evaluación y aseguramiento de los programas de aprendizaje en línea a nivel superior

Este estudio se refiere a los procesos descritos por agencias e instituciones de evaluacion y ent... more Este estudio se refiere a los procesos descritos por agencias e instituciones de evaluacion y entidades academicas para medir la calidad de los programas en linea a nivel superior. Su proposito es identificar aquellos mecanismos que puedan facilitar la internacionalizacion de los programas y acuerdos entre las instituciones de educacion superior de Europa y America Latina. Para el analisis, se seleccionaron dos casos paradigmaticos: la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) y la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). A partir de esta eleccion, se identificaron las agencias de acreditacion correspondientes a estas instituciones: a nivel local, nacional y regional. En un segundo paso, se genero un cuadro comparativo con las dimensiones y los criterios relacionados sobre la evaluacion de la calidad de atendiendo la literatura y en las guias de las agencias acreditadoras. En una tercera etapa, se identifico en donde ponen el acento las agencias y las universidades para el asegur...

Research paper thumbnail of Learning ecologies as new challenge and essence of e-learning. The case of PhD e-researchers

Research paper thumbnail of Chronotopes in learner-generated contexts

Journal of Pulp and Paper Science

This work is concerned with a reflection on the construct of “chronotope” (Bakhtin, 1981) as a co... more This work is concerned with a reflection on the construct of “chronotope” (Bakhtin, 1981) as a conceptual tool suitable for illustrating the affordances of emerging Web 2.0 learning ecologies of doctoral researchers. For the purposes of this work, the chronotope is considered as an analytical lens suitable for illustrating the movements of PhD researchers across shifting space/time configurations (affordances) arising from scholarly environments increasingly permeated by digital mediation. The conceptual framework under construction looks at the intersection of time and space being produced by self-directed PhD students, engaged in sifting the learning opportunities provided both by institution-bounded and self-organized learning ecologies in the open Web. The focus is on the role that personal technologies – especially social Web tools and environments – play in the function of supporting academic identity building in the course of a doctorate and in affecting the boundary crossing...

Research paper thumbnail of Open learning recognition: Taking open educational resources a step further

The OERTest project has released its final results in the form a publication, entitled "Open... more The OERTest project has released its final results in the form a publication, entitled "Open Learning Recognition: Taking Open Educational Resources a Step Further". The book is the fruit of two years of research by 8 European partners, and provides the reader with the foundation for the development of envisaged framework, organised into the four topics: assessment methods; requirements and standards of resources; credentialisation, certification and recognition and inter-institutional collaboration. The third chapter is devoted to different scenarios of open learning in order to obtain in-depth understanding of the OER challenges and bring closer a basis for identifying vital differences among them to better address these challenges.El proyecto OERTest ha publicado los resultados finales de su investigación en forma de una publicación, titulada "Open Learning Recognition: Taking Open Educational Resources a Step Further". El libro es el fruto de dos años de investigación de 8 socios europeos, y ofrece al lector las bases para el desarrollo del marco previsto, se organiza en cuatro temas: métodos de evaluación, requisitos y estándares de los recursos; credencialización, certificación y reconocimiento y colaboración interinstitucional. El tercer capítulo está dedicado a los diferentes escenarios de la educación abierta con el fin de comprender en profundidad los desafíos de los REA (OER) y proponer una base para identificar las diferencias vitales entre ellos para abordar mejor estos retos.El projecte OERTest ha publicat els resultats finals de la seva recerca en forma d'una publicació, titulada "Open Learning Recognition: Taking Open Educational Resources a Step Further". El llibre és el fruit de dos anys d'investigació de 8 socis europeus, i ofereix al lector les bases per al desenvolupament del marc previst, s'organitza en quatre temes: mètodes d'avaluació, requisits i estàndards dels recursos; credencialización, certificació i reconeixement i col·laboració interinstitucional. El tercer capítol està dedicat als diferents escenaris de l'ensenyament obert per tal de comprendre en profunditat els reptes dels REO (OER) i proposar una base per identificar les diferències vitals entre ells per abordar millor aquests reptes

Research paper thumbnail of Transformar la universidad : desafíos, oportunidades y propuestas desde una mirada global

Editorial UOC eBooks, Oct 5, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Liderazgo Y Tensiones En La Universidad: El Reto De Integrar La Educación Digital

American Journal of Distance Education, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Tabla 1. Libro de códigos resultante del proceso de codificación.pdf

Tabla 1 utilizada en el artículo "Ecologías de aprendizaje para usar las TIC: Inspirándose e... more Tabla 1 utilizada en el artículo "Ecologías de aprendizaje para usar las TIC: Inspirándose en docentes referencias ", publicado en la revista Comunicar, 62.

Research paper thumbnail of APPENDICES - The street lamp paradox: Analysing students' evaluation of teaching through qualitative and quantitative approaches

Appendices are complementary file to the main research paper, showing: 1- Appendix 1 - Features o... more Appendices are complementary file to the main research paper, showing: 1- Appendix 1 - Features of eLD17 (eLearning Design 2016/2017) course 2- Appendix 2 - Survey about the eLD17 course quality (Quantitative Instrument -questionnaire- for Quality Teaching Assessment and results) 3- Appendix 3 - Codebook (excerpts from the corpus of Students' Essays adopted for qualitative analysis) 4- Figure 1, representing the Content Analysis (Corpus: Students' Essays).

Research paper thumbnail of Tags

educational models, online learning, learner empowerment The debate around Massive Open Online Co... more educational models, online learning, learner empowerment The debate around Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is much more focused on the social, institutional, technological and economical aspects than on the need for development of new pedagogical approaches that provide consistent guidance on how to design for this emergent educational scenario. A new understanding of knowledge production and learning challenges the core of learning design, demanding innovative and appropriate approaches to teaching and learning. We present a set of learning design principles drawn from the learner’s perspective. They focus on empowering learners in networked environments for fostering critical thinking and collaboration, developing competence based outcomes, encouraging peer assistance and assessment through social appraisal, providing strategies and tools for self-regulation, and finally using a variety of media and ICTs to create and publish learning resources and outputs. 1.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplicación del método del caso en las actividades en línea

Research paper thumbnail of E-learning quality standards. The case study of an online university

Research paper thumbnail of El Pla de Doctorats Industrials de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Avaluació i impacte de la finalització de la prova pilot en les relacions entre el món acadèmic i el món empresarial

La transferència de coneixement cap al teixit productiu i cap a la societat en general... more La transferència de coneixement cap al teixit productiu i cap a la societat en general és uns dels reptes que afronta actualment Catalunya per desenvolupar-se socialment i econòmicament. En aquest sentit i amb la finalitat de potenciar la transferència de coneixement entre el món acadèmic i el món empresarial, la Generalitat de Catalunya va impulsar el Pla de Doctorats Industrials (DI), en col·laboració amb el sistema universitari i de recerca de Catalunya. Un projecte de doctorat industrial és un projecte de recerca estratègic d’una empresa o institució que es desenvoluparà en col·laboració amb una universitat o centre de recerca català i que esdevindrà l’objecte d’una tesi doctoral que permetrà a un doctorand o doctoranda iniciar la carrera investigadora en un entorn dual: empresarial i acadèmic. El Pla es va posar en marxa l’any 2012 amb una prova pilot i ja compta amb cinc edicions al llarg de les quals s’han iniciat 437 projectes. Hi han col·laborat les universitats catalanes i els centres de recerca, conjuntament amb 294 empreses i institucions de totes les dimensions i en tots els àmbits de coneixement. La inversió públic-privada en R+D associada a aquests projectes ascendeix a 60,6 milions d’euros, dues terceres parts dels quals provenen del sector privat. Els resultats d’aquesta primera avaluació, amb una mostra total de 51 persones i una taxa de resposta del 92,2%, permeten concloure que el Pla de Doctorats Industrials ha esdevingut una estratègia sòlida per a la generació i transferència de coneixement i de creació de ponts estables de col·laboració entre els entorns empresarials i acadèmics

Research paper thumbnail of Elements of Open Education: An Invitation to Future Research

The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 2020

This paper explores elements of open education within the context of higher education. After an i... more This paper explores elements of open education within the context of higher education. After an introduction to the origins of open education and its theoretical foundations, the topics of open and distance learning, international education issues in open education, open educational practices and scholarship, open educational resources, MOOCs, prior learning accreditation and recognition, and learner characteristics are considered, following the framework of macro, meso, and micro levels of research in open and distance learning. Implications for future research at the macro, meso, and micro levels are then provided.

Research paper thumbnail of A Comparative Study of National Infrastructures for Digital (Open) Educational Resources in Higher Education

Open Praxis, 2020

This paper reports on the first stage of an international comparative study for the project “Digi... more This paper reports on the first stage of an international comparative study for the project “Digital educational architectures: Open learning resources in distributed learning infrastructures–EduArc”, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. This study reviews the situation of digital educational resources (or (O)ER) framed within the digital transformation of ten different Higher Education (HE) systems (Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Japan, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Turkey and the United States). Following a comparative case study approach, we investigated issues related to the existence of policies, quality assurance mechanisms and measures for the promotion of change in supporting infrastructure development for (O)ER at the national level in HE in the different countries. The results of this mainly documentary research highlight differences and similarities, which are largely due to variations in these countries’ political structure organisatio...

Research paper thumbnail of Ranking Meets Distance Education

The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 2019

University ranking systems are being implemented with the aim of assessing and comparing higher e... more University ranking systems are being implemented with the aim of assessing and comparing higher education institutions at a global level. Despite their being increasingly used, rankings are often strongly criticized for their social and economic implications, as well as for limitations in their technical implementation. One of these limitations is that they do not consider the specific characteristics of online education. This study used a participatory approach to define a set of criteria and indicators suitable to reflect the specific nature of distance education. This endeavour will help evaluate and rank online higher education institutions more appropriately than in current practice, where indicators are devised for traditional universities. To this end, several stakeholders and informants were involved in a Delphi study in an attempt to reach the broader higher education institutions (HEI) community. According to the study participants, apart from students’ achievements and ge...

Research paper thumbnail of La organización escolar y el desarrollo de la competencia de Aprender a Aprender: Un enfoque globalizador singular

Revista de Estudios y Experiencias en Educación, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Ecologías de aprendizaje en la Era Digital: desafíos para la Educación Superior

Research paper thumbnail of We can, we know how. But do we want to? Teaching attitudes towards ICT based on the level of technology integration in schools

Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 2017