Gisela Ammetller | Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (original) (raw)

Books by Gisela Ammetller

Research paper thumbnail of Principios y estrategias de marketing Vol. 2 (3rd edition)

El marketing está experimentando transformaciones radicales, por las que las empresas se relacion... more El marketing está experimentando transformaciones radicales, por las que las empresas se relacionan de un modo distinto con el mercado. Estos cambios proceden tanto de la tecnología digital, que facilita nuevas formas de conectar con los clientes, como de los propios consumidores, que demandan propuestas de valor superiores.

Este libro presenta desarrollos y marcos teóricos para crear, captar, entregar y comunicar valor con éxito al mercado, y los integra con numerosas aplicaciones y ejemplos ilustrativos de casos reales. Permite conocer cómo crear productos innovadores en colaboración con los consumidores, cómo captar valor mediante estrategias dinámicas de precios, cómo distribuir eficientemente los productos con sistemas omnicanal y cómo construir entornos comunicativos integrados, donde los consumidores dialogan y se enganchan a la marca.

Research paper thumbnail of Principios y estrategias de marketing Vol. 1 (3rd edition)

El marketing es clave para todas las empresas. De las decisiones de marketing que tomen dependerá... more El marketing es clave para todas las empresas. De las decisiones de marketing que tomen dependerá que se relacionen de manera eficiente con los consumidores, desplieguen propuestas de valor que satisfagan las necesidades de los consumidores de un modo superior a la competencia, se responsabilicen de las consecuencias de sus actividades de negocio y generen beneficios. Este libro expone principios y estrategias fundamentales del marketing actual, con los que se obtienen conocimientos útiles sobre el mercado, se segmenta y selecciona el mercado objetivo, se posiciona la marca sobre ventajas competitivas sostenibles y se crea valor para los consumidores. De la mano de situaciones de negocio reales, también se presentan las últimas tendencias en marketing móvil y de medios sociales, en marketing relacional, en la orientación a la creación de valor y en la ética y la responsabilidad social en marketing.

Research paper thumbnail of Entorn innovador, iniciativa emprenedora i desenvolupament local

El trabajo de investigación que ha dado pie a este libro ha sido posible gracias al esfuerzo y la... more El trabajo de investigación que ha dado pie a este libro ha sido posible gracias al esfuerzo y la colaboración de muchas personas con las que nos sentimos deudores.

Research paper thumbnail of Entorno innovador, iniciativa emprendedora y desarrollo local

En los mercados actuales, sometidos a un intenso proceso de globalización y donde el conocimiento... more En los mercados actuales, sometidos a un intenso proceso de globalización y donde el conocimiento constituye una fuente crucial de competitividad, las empresas de nueva creación desarrollan un papel esencial. En esta obra se analiza de qué modo un entorno como el creado por Barcelona Activa (la agencia de desarrollo local del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona) es capaz de estimular las iniciativas de emprendimiento y la innovación empresarial. Se pone de manifiesto que las nuevas empresas, mediante el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y su interacción con otros agentes, se dotan de diseños estratégicos y organizativos flexibles y avanzados que les permiten adaptarse rápida y adecuadamente a los cambios de la demanda. También se analiza cómo los proyectos empresariales de reciente creación se convierten en mecanismos de difusión de conocimiento y generación de innovaciones. Con ello se pone de relieve que los emprendedores más cualificados se sirven del conocimiento para extraer valor y rendimiento económico a sus iniciativas de negocio más innovadoras.

Research paper thumbnail of Entorn innovador, iniciativa emprenedora i desenvolupament local

En els mercats actuals, sotmesos a un intens procés de globalització, el coneixement representa u... more En els mercats actuals, sotmesos a un intens procés de globalització, el coneixement representa una font de competititvitat fonamental i, per això, les empreses de nova creació hi tenen un paper decisiu. En aquesta obra s’analitza de quina manera un entorn com el que potencia Barcelona Activa (l’agència de desenvolupament local de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona) pot estimular les iniciatives emprenedores i la innovació empresarial.

Research paper thumbnail of Principios y estrategias de marketing

El mundo del marketing es muy dinámico. Los consumidores están, cada vez, más y mejor informados,... more El mundo del marketing es muy dinámico. Los consumidores están, cada vez, más y mejor informados, son más exigentes en relación con los productos que adquieren, y sus preferencias cambian rápidamente. Los mercados se globalizan y la presión competitiva a la que se hallan sometidas las empresas es intensa. Además, a éstas les resulta imprescindible considerar las implicaciones que se derivan de la aplicación de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en su negocio. Se constata, en definitiva, que para que las iniciativas de marketing tengan éxito se requiere tener en cuenta nuevos elementos: comunicaciones integradas en el marketing, sistemas CRM, marketing uno a uno, orientaciones estratégicas hacia el mercado y las relaciones, etc. Esta obra permite conocer en profundidad los temas que continúan siendo relevantes en materia de marketing y aborda, también, las más recientes ideas y aproximaciones al mercado. Con ello, pretende facilitar la comprensión de los entornos competitivos actuales, el diseño de las estrategias más adecuadas en cada situación y el desarrollo de iniciativas de marketing realmente efectivas.

Papers by Gisela Ammetller

Research paper thumbnail of New firms and business support services: an integrative view on entrepreneurs’ decisions

This paper offers an integrative view about the use of services specifically designed for providi... more This paper offers an integrative view about the use of services specifically designed for providing support in creating new businesses and making them grow. In particular, it addresses entrepreneurs’ decisions by considering not only firms’ internal and external resources but also entrepreneurs’ behavior within decision-making processes. Several studies have analysed entrepreneurs’ use of business support services. However, rather than studying how the decision-making process is developed and concludes with the use of business support services, they have been mainly interested in: a) understanding the different sources of assistance in new firm creation; b) the role of public and private sectors in providing business support services; c) the frequency of use of business support services, and their impact on business performance. By contrast, this paper proposes a behavioral perspective to explain the processes by means of which entrepreneurs decide to adopt and use business support services. To the best of our knowledge, this is indeed the first entrepreneurship study that seeks to explain entrepreneurial behaviors by integrating resource-based and behavioral decisionmaking perspectives. According to this line of reasoning, we conceive entrepreneurs’ decisionmaking on business support services as a multi-stage decision process. This process is composed by four stages: entrepreneur’s internal triggering force, search for information, assessment of alternatives, and use decision. Entrepreneur’s prior start-up experience becomes the triggering force of the decision process, while entrepreneur’s previous knowledge and experience facilitate acting precisely and accurately towards those business support services that better allow achieving business goals. Once the triggering force is activated, the entrepreneur searches information, either internally and/or externally. The importance and characteristics of these search activities vary according to prior start-up experience and firms’ resources. In fact, entrepreneurs with knowledge and experience and firms with more resources have more appropriate internal information. Therefore, these entrepreneurs and firms will be more inclined to identify and employ relevant external information sources. In addition, incoming spillovers can facilitate the identification of external information search and thus favor both the creation of opportunities and the access to specific resources. Moreover, external information sources may influence the propensity to regard the integration of new knowledge.

Research paper thumbnail of Entorno innovador, iniciativa emprendedora y desarrollo local

En los mercados actuales, sometidos a un intenso proceso de globalización y donde el conocimiento... more En los mercados actuales, sometidos a un intenso proceso de globalización y donde el conocimiento constituye una fuente crucial de competitividad, las empresas de nueva creación desarrollan un papel esencial. En esta obra se analiza de qué modo un entorno como el creado por Barcelona Activa (la agencia de desarrollo local del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona) es capaz de estimular las iniciativas de emprendimiento y la innovación empresarial. Se pone de manifiesto que las nuevas empresas, mediante el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y su interacción con otros agentes, se dotan de diseños estratégicos y organizativos flexibles y avanzados que les permiten adaptarse rápida y adecuadamente a los cambios de la demanda. También se analiza cómo los proyectos empresariales de reciente creación se convierten en mecanismos de difusión de conocimiento y generación de innovaciones. Con ello se pone de relieve que los emprendedores más cualificados se sirven del conocimiento para extraer valor y rendimiento económico a sus iniciativas de negocio más innovadoras.

Research paper thumbnail of A Review of Online Consumer Behaviour Research: Main Themes and Insights

Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Direcció de màrqueting: direcció de màrqueting I

... Direcció de màrqueting: direcció de màrqueting I. Información General. Autores: Inmaculada Ro... more ... Direcció de màrqueting: direcció de màrqueting I. Información General. Autores: Inmaculada Rodríguez Ardura, Oscar López Prieto, Gisela Ammetller Montes; Editores: Barcelona : UOC, 2006; Año de publicación: 2006; País: España; Idioma: Catalán; ISBN : 84-9707-703-2. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring new criteria to design materials for online education

Nevertheless, learners often do not exploit fully the potential of hypermedia resources: sometime... more Nevertheless, learners often do not exploit fully the potential of hypermedia resources: sometimes they explore the different options available to them to only a shallow level; in other cases, they revise the teaching materials on paper and attempt to read the material linearly, though the material was not designed to be used in this way; and at times, they find it difficult to choose between the numerous navigational paths and are apprehensive about adopting an active role, which is consistent with the risk of feeling lost in “hyperspace” (Burbules and Callister, 1996).

Research paper thumbnail of Dirección de marketing I

Research paper thumbnail of A la vanguardia de las TIC: el impacto de la digitalización en la audiencia de la prensa y el desarrollo de los diarios digitales

Información del artículo A la vanguardia de las TIC: el impacto de la digitalización en la audien... more Información del artículo A la vanguardia de las TIC: el impacto de la digitalización en la audiencia de la prensa y el desarrollo de los diarios digitales.

Research paper thumbnail of Entrepreneurial decisions: insights into the use of support services for new business creation

This research presents an integrative model about the use of those services that have been specif... more This research presents an integrative model about the use of those services that have been specifically designed to support entrepreneurial initiative. By contrast with conventional perspectives from the entrepreneurship field, mainly drawn from a resource-based view, we propose a twofold approach to explain the utilization of services that are oriented to new business creation: by considering the role of resources within the start-up's reach (internal and external); by incorporating a behavioral and decision-making approach. On the basis of the suggested decision-making framework, a multi-stage decision model is developed and tested by means of a representative sample of entrepreneurs linked to a local development agency. The results show that the adoption and use of support services for new business creation is a complex and reflexive process, triggered by the entrepreneur's internal forces. The entrepreneur searches for information throughout the process and, with assistance from internal teams and external networks, evaluates the choices of business-support services. Our findings offer relevant implications and recommendations for business incubators and institutions.

Research paper thumbnail of Publicidad interactiva, febrer 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Learning with Wikipedia in Higher Education: Academic Performance and Students' Quality Perception

Despite some quality concerns, the success of Wikipedia as a resource of information is influenci... more Despite some quality concerns, the success of Wikipedia as a resource of information is influencing education. New technology-enhanced learning strategies are recently developed to include this open educational resource in courses’ design. Although research about the use of Wikipedia in higher education and its quality perception is scarce, there are some empirical evidences showing its positive effect on the students’ academic performance and its positive quality perception. In line with this, the main aim of this paper is to prove statistically that Wikipedia’s usage improves the final marks of the students enrolled in topics from different knowledge areas. Additionally, we study the Wikipedia’s quality perception among students. Based on an experimental research design with 2330 students, and using data from a questionnaire and from their course marks, we prove through different statistical tests that (1) the academic active use of Wikipedia has a positive influence on the studen...

Research paper thumbnail of Gestió dels recursos docents en el marc de l'EEES

Research paper thumbnail of Nuevas ideas para los mercados electrónicos: marketing... ¿posmoderno?

El Marketing posmoderno defiende la necesidad de adoptar una postura mas critica sobre las activi... more El Marketing posmoderno defiende la necesidad de adoptar una postura mas critica sobre las actividades comerciales que se llevan a cabo en internet.

Research paper thumbnail of Marketing digital y comercio electrónico

Research paper thumbnail of How do the experiences of virtual presence and flow differ? evidence from engineering and ICT online education

Virtual presence and flow are usually presented as two core facets of the individual’s immersion ... more Virtual presence and flow are usually presented as two core facets of the individual’s immersion in online educationsettings, yet their delimitation is still unclear. We seek to address this issue by theoretically explaining, and empiricallyshowing, their different extents. From a sample of students of engineering and ICT programmes in a pure-online educationsetting, we have found that although virtual presence and flow are both triggered by focused attention (which in turn isprompted by a similar feeling of perceived control), virtual presence is directly activated by the challenges perceived in theonline environment—and its activation facilitates flow states. The findings also support the impact of challenge and skill onperceived control. These results shed light on the complexity of immersive experiences in virtual education environments,and offer implications for higher education institutions and instructors.

Research paper thumbnail of Principios y estrategias de marketing Vol. 2 (3rd edition)

El marketing está experimentando transformaciones radicales, por las que las empresas se relacion... more El marketing está experimentando transformaciones radicales, por las que las empresas se relacionan de un modo distinto con el mercado. Estos cambios proceden tanto de la tecnología digital, que facilita nuevas formas de conectar con los clientes, como de los propios consumidores, que demandan propuestas de valor superiores.

Este libro presenta desarrollos y marcos teóricos para crear, captar, entregar y comunicar valor con éxito al mercado, y los integra con numerosas aplicaciones y ejemplos ilustrativos de casos reales. Permite conocer cómo crear productos innovadores en colaboración con los consumidores, cómo captar valor mediante estrategias dinámicas de precios, cómo distribuir eficientemente los productos con sistemas omnicanal y cómo construir entornos comunicativos integrados, donde los consumidores dialogan y se enganchan a la marca.

Research paper thumbnail of Principios y estrategias de marketing Vol. 1 (3rd edition)

El marketing es clave para todas las empresas. De las decisiones de marketing que tomen dependerá... more El marketing es clave para todas las empresas. De las decisiones de marketing que tomen dependerá que se relacionen de manera eficiente con los consumidores, desplieguen propuestas de valor que satisfagan las necesidades de los consumidores de un modo superior a la competencia, se responsabilicen de las consecuencias de sus actividades de negocio y generen beneficios. Este libro expone principios y estrategias fundamentales del marketing actual, con los que se obtienen conocimientos útiles sobre el mercado, se segmenta y selecciona el mercado objetivo, se posiciona la marca sobre ventajas competitivas sostenibles y se crea valor para los consumidores. De la mano de situaciones de negocio reales, también se presentan las últimas tendencias en marketing móvil y de medios sociales, en marketing relacional, en la orientación a la creación de valor y en la ética y la responsabilidad social en marketing.

Research paper thumbnail of Entorn innovador, iniciativa emprenedora i desenvolupament local

El trabajo de investigación que ha dado pie a este libro ha sido posible gracias al esfuerzo y la... more El trabajo de investigación que ha dado pie a este libro ha sido posible gracias al esfuerzo y la colaboración de muchas personas con las que nos sentimos deudores.

Research paper thumbnail of Entorno innovador, iniciativa emprendedora y desarrollo local

En los mercados actuales, sometidos a un intenso proceso de globalización y donde el conocimiento... more En los mercados actuales, sometidos a un intenso proceso de globalización y donde el conocimiento constituye una fuente crucial de competitividad, las empresas de nueva creación desarrollan un papel esencial. En esta obra se analiza de qué modo un entorno como el creado por Barcelona Activa (la agencia de desarrollo local del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona) es capaz de estimular las iniciativas de emprendimiento y la innovación empresarial. Se pone de manifiesto que las nuevas empresas, mediante el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y su interacción con otros agentes, se dotan de diseños estratégicos y organizativos flexibles y avanzados que les permiten adaptarse rápida y adecuadamente a los cambios de la demanda. También se analiza cómo los proyectos empresariales de reciente creación se convierten en mecanismos de difusión de conocimiento y generación de innovaciones. Con ello se pone de relieve que los emprendedores más cualificados se sirven del conocimiento para extraer valor y rendimiento económico a sus iniciativas de negocio más innovadoras.

Research paper thumbnail of Entorn innovador, iniciativa emprenedora i desenvolupament local

En els mercats actuals, sotmesos a un intens procés de globalització, el coneixement representa u... more En els mercats actuals, sotmesos a un intens procés de globalització, el coneixement representa una font de competititvitat fonamental i, per això, les empreses de nova creació hi tenen un paper decisiu. En aquesta obra s’analitza de quina manera un entorn com el que potencia Barcelona Activa (l’agència de desenvolupament local de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona) pot estimular les iniciatives emprenedores i la innovació empresarial.

Research paper thumbnail of Principios y estrategias de marketing

El mundo del marketing es muy dinámico. Los consumidores están, cada vez, más y mejor informados,... more El mundo del marketing es muy dinámico. Los consumidores están, cada vez, más y mejor informados, son más exigentes en relación con los productos que adquieren, y sus preferencias cambian rápidamente. Los mercados se globalizan y la presión competitiva a la que se hallan sometidas las empresas es intensa. Además, a éstas les resulta imprescindible considerar las implicaciones que se derivan de la aplicación de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en su negocio. Se constata, en definitiva, que para que las iniciativas de marketing tengan éxito se requiere tener en cuenta nuevos elementos: comunicaciones integradas en el marketing, sistemas CRM, marketing uno a uno, orientaciones estratégicas hacia el mercado y las relaciones, etc. Esta obra permite conocer en profundidad los temas que continúan siendo relevantes en materia de marketing y aborda, también, las más recientes ideas y aproximaciones al mercado. Con ello, pretende facilitar la comprensión de los entornos competitivos actuales, el diseño de las estrategias más adecuadas en cada situación y el desarrollo de iniciativas de marketing realmente efectivas.

Research paper thumbnail of New firms and business support services: an integrative view on entrepreneurs’ decisions

This paper offers an integrative view about the use of services specifically designed for providi... more This paper offers an integrative view about the use of services specifically designed for providing support in creating new businesses and making them grow. In particular, it addresses entrepreneurs’ decisions by considering not only firms’ internal and external resources but also entrepreneurs’ behavior within decision-making processes. Several studies have analysed entrepreneurs’ use of business support services. However, rather than studying how the decision-making process is developed and concludes with the use of business support services, they have been mainly interested in: a) understanding the different sources of assistance in new firm creation; b) the role of public and private sectors in providing business support services; c) the frequency of use of business support services, and their impact on business performance. By contrast, this paper proposes a behavioral perspective to explain the processes by means of which entrepreneurs decide to adopt and use business support services. To the best of our knowledge, this is indeed the first entrepreneurship study that seeks to explain entrepreneurial behaviors by integrating resource-based and behavioral decisionmaking perspectives. According to this line of reasoning, we conceive entrepreneurs’ decisionmaking on business support services as a multi-stage decision process. This process is composed by four stages: entrepreneur’s internal triggering force, search for information, assessment of alternatives, and use decision. Entrepreneur’s prior start-up experience becomes the triggering force of the decision process, while entrepreneur’s previous knowledge and experience facilitate acting precisely and accurately towards those business support services that better allow achieving business goals. Once the triggering force is activated, the entrepreneur searches information, either internally and/or externally. The importance and characteristics of these search activities vary according to prior start-up experience and firms’ resources. In fact, entrepreneurs with knowledge and experience and firms with more resources have more appropriate internal information. Therefore, these entrepreneurs and firms will be more inclined to identify and employ relevant external information sources. In addition, incoming spillovers can facilitate the identification of external information search and thus favor both the creation of opportunities and the access to specific resources. Moreover, external information sources may influence the propensity to regard the integration of new knowledge.

Research paper thumbnail of Entorno innovador, iniciativa emprendedora y desarrollo local

En los mercados actuales, sometidos a un intenso proceso de globalización y donde el conocimiento... more En los mercados actuales, sometidos a un intenso proceso de globalización y donde el conocimiento constituye una fuente crucial de competitividad, las empresas de nueva creación desarrollan un papel esencial. En esta obra se analiza de qué modo un entorno como el creado por Barcelona Activa (la agencia de desarrollo local del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona) es capaz de estimular las iniciativas de emprendimiento y la innovación empresarial. Se pone de manifiesto que las nuevas empresas, mediante el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y su interacción con otros agentes, se dotan de diseños estratégicos y organizativos flexibles y avanzados que les permiten adaptarse rápida y adecuadamente a los cambios de la demanda. También se analiza cómo los proyectos empresariales de reciente creación se convierten en mecanismos de difusión de conocimiento y generación de innovaciones. Con ello se pone de relieve que los emprendedores más cualificados se sirven del conocimiento para extraer valor y rendimiento económico a sus iniciativas de negocio más innovadoras.

Research paper thumbnail of A Review of Online Consumer Behaviour Research: Main Themes and Insights

Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Direcció de màrqueting: direcció de màrqueting I

... Direcció de màrqueting: direcció de màrqueting I. Información General. Autores: Inmaculada Ro... more ... Direcció de màrqueting: direcció de màrqueting I. Información General. Autores: Inmaculada Rodríguez Ardura, Oscar López Prieto, Gisela Ammetller Montes; Editores: Barcelona : UOC, 2006; Año de publicación: 2006; País: España; Idioma: Catalán; ISBN : 84-9707-703-2. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring new criteria to design materials for online education

Nevertheless, learners often do not exploit fully the potential of hypermedia resources: sometime... more Nevertheless, learners often do not exploit fully the potential of hypermedia resources: sometimes they explore the different options available to them to only a shallow level; in other cases, they revise the teaching materials on paper and attempt to read the material linearly, though the material was not designed to be used in this way; and at times, they find it difficult to choose between the numerous navigational paths and are apprehensive about adopting an active role, which is consistent with the risk of feeling lost in “hyperspace” (Burbules and Callister, 1996).

Research paper thumbnail of Dirección de marketing I

Research paper thumbnail of A la vanguardia de las TIC: el impacto de la digitalización en la audiencia de la prensa y el desarrollo de los diarios digitales

Información del artículo A la vanguardia de las TIC: el impacto de la digitalización en la audien... more Información del artículo A la vanguardia de las TIC: el impacto de la digitalización en la audiencia de la prensa y el desarrollo de los diarios digitales.

Research paper thumbnail of Entrepreneurial decisions: insights into the use of support services for new business creation

This research presents an integrative model about the use of those services that have been specif... more This research presents an integrative model about the use of those services that have been specifically designed to support entrepreneurial initiative. By contrast with conventional perspectives from the entrepreneurship field, mainly drawn from a resource-based view, we propose a twofold approach to explain the utilization of services that are oriented to new business creation: by considering the role of resources within the start-up's reach (internal and external); by incorporating a behavioral and decision-making approach. On the basis of the suggested decision-making framework, a multi-stage decision model is developed and tested by means of a representative sample of entrepreneurs linked to a local development agency. The results show that the adoption and use of support services for new business creation is a complex and reflexive process, triggered by the entrepreneur's internal forces. The entrepreneur searches for information throughout the process and, with assistance from internal teams and external networks, evaluates the choices of business-support services. Our findings offer relevant implications and recommendations for business incubators and institutions.

Research paper thumbnail of Publicidad interactiva, febrer 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Learning with Wikipedia in Higher Education: Academic Performance and Students' Quality Perception

Despite some quality concerns, the success of Wikipedia as a resource of information is influenci... more Despite some quality concerns, the success of Wikipedia as a resource of information is influencing education. New technology-enhanced learning strategies are recently developed to include this open educational resource in courses’ design. Although research about the use of Wikipedia in higher education and its quality perception is scarce, there are some empirical evidences showing its positive effect on the students’ academic performance and its positive quality perception. In line with this, the main aim of this paper is to prove statistically that Wikipedia’s usage improves the final marks of the students enrolled in topics from different knowledge areas. Additionally, we study the Wikipedia’s quality perception among students. Based on an experimental research design with 2330 students, and using data from a questionnaire and from their course marks, we prove through different statistical tests that (1) the academic active use of Wikipedia has a positive influence on the studen...

Research paper thumbnail of Gestió dels recursos docents en el marc de l'EEES

Research paper thumbnail of Nuevas ideas para los mercados electrónicos: marketing... ¿posmoderno?

El Marketing posmoderno defiende la necesidad de adoptar una postura mas critica sobre las activi... more El Marketing posmoderno defiende la necesidad de adoptar una postura mas critica sobre las actividades comerciales que se llevan a cabo en internet.

Research paper thumbnail of Marketing digital y comercio electrónico

Research paper thumbnail of How do the experiences of virtual presence and flow differ? evidence from engineering and ICT online education

Virtual presence and flow are usually presented as two core facets of the individual’s immersion ... more Virtual presence and flow are usually presented as two core facets of the individual’s immersion in online educationsettings, yet their delimitation is still unclear. We seek to address this issue by theoretically explaining, and empiricallyshowing, their different extents. From a sample of students of engineering and ICT programmes in a pure-online educationsetting, we have found that although virtual presence and flow are both triggered by focused attention (which in turn isprompted by a similar feeling of perceived control), virtual presence is directly activated by the challenges perceived in theonline environment—and its activation facilitates flow states. The findings also support the impact of challenge and skill onperceived control. These results shed light on the complexity of immersive experiences in virtual education environments,and offer implications for higher education institutions and instructors.

Research paper thumbnail of Dirección de marketing I

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Didactic Resources’ Quality and the Instructor’s Attitude: E-Learning Continuance Explained by Flow and Presence Experiences

Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Academic impact and perceived value of Wikipedia as a primary learning resource in higher education

El profesional de la información

Wikipedia is an open educational resource whose frequency of use and importance in higher educati... more Wikipedia is an open educational resource whose frequency of use and importance in higher education are growing. However, empirical evidence about Wikipedia’s contribution to students’ academic performance is scant and many higher education actors express concern regarding its value. By applying a combined theoretical and empirical approach, we examine the impact of Wikipedia as a primary learning resource on both students’ academic performance and the perceived value of Wikipedia. Based on an experimental research design conducted with 2,330 university students, we show that the primary use of Wikipedia in combination with conventional learning resources has a positive effect on students’ academic performance, and that this effect is moderated by course discipline. Furthermore, the students’ perceived value of Wikipedia is positive and, generally, not influenced by individual academic performance.

Research paper thumbnail of Narratives of International Women Entrepreneurs: An Exploratory Case Study of Identity Negotiation in Technology Startups

IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication

About the case: Female entrepreneurs play a significant role in new business creation, yet women&... more About the case: Female entrepreneurs play a significant role in new business creation, yet women's entrepreneurship stories remain largely absent in professional communication research. Therefore, a need exists to “give voice” to female entrepreneurship stories, and this exploratory case examines the unique identities that three female entrepreneurs express in their narratives. This case asks how three female entrepreneurs reconciled the discourses of entrepreneurship, gender, and culture to construct a unique entrepreneurial identity in their reflective narratives. Situating the case: Professional communication has only recently begun to explore entrepreneurship communication, and little of that literature explicitly investigates women's experiences. This case, by comparison, uses three conceptual categories—entrepreneurial identity, gender identity, and cultural identity—to explore how three women negotiated their workplace identities. Methods: We recruited three women who self-identified as technology company entrepreneurs, each from a different culture, and recorded their oral narratives about their entrepreneurial journeys. Three raters independently coded data drawing on dimensions extracted from prior literature to build “identity curves” for each narrative. Results: Analysis suggests that each participant negotiated discourses of entrepreneurship, gender, and culture differently, with the greatest divergence appearing on cultural codes, and the least divergence appearing on gender codes. Conclusions: Based on these results, we suggest that future research should begin with the assumption that no single “entrepreneurial identity” exists for female entrepreneurs, and more broadly that professional communication research should foreground differences among individuals rather than attempt to aggregate individual experiences into homogenous characterizations.

Research paper thumbnail of A Narrative Perspective on International Entrepreneurship: Comparing Stories From the United States, Spain, and China

IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Gestió dels recursos docents en el marc de l'EEES

Research paper thumbnail of The impact of didactic resources’ quality and the instructor’s attitude: e-learning continuance explained by flow and presence experiences

Rediscovering the essentiality of marketing: proceedings of the 18th Biennial Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Explaining continuance intention in online education: a composite view

Collaboration in research – Proceedings of the 44th annual conference of the European Marketing Academy, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of New firms and business support services: an integrative view on entrepreneurs’ decisions

Innovation vision 2020: sustainable growth, entrepreneurship, and economic development, 2012

This paper offers an integrative view about the use of services specifically designed for providi... more This paper offers an integrative view about the use of services specifically designed for providing support in creating new businesses and making them grow. In particular, it addresses entrepreneurs’ decisions by considering not only firms’ internal and external resources but also entrepreneurs’ behavior within decision-making processes.

Several studies have analysed entrepreneurs’ use of business support services. However, rather than studying how the decision-making process is developed and concludes with the use of business support services, they have been mainly interested in: a) understanding the different sources of assistance in new firm creation; b) the role of public and private sectors in providing business support services; c) the frequency of use of business support services, and their impact on business performance. By contrast, this paper proposes a behavioral perspective to explain the processes by means of which entrepreneurs decide to adopt and use business support services.

To the best of our knowledge, this is indeed the first entrepreneurship study that seeks to explain entrepreneurial behaviors by integrating resource-based and behavioral decisionmaking perspectives. According to this line of reasoning, we conceive entrepreneurs’ decisionmaking on business support services as a multi-stage decision process. This process is composed by four stages: entrepreneur’s internal triggering force, search for information, assessment of alternatives, and use decision. Entrepreneur’s prior start-up experience becomes the triggering force of the decision process, while entrepreneur’s previous knowledge and experience facilitate acting precisely and accurately towards those business support services that better allow achieving business goals. Once the triggering force is activated, the entrepreneur searches information, either internally and/or externally. The importance and characteristics of these search activities vary according to prior start-up experience and firms’ resources. In fact, entrepreneurs with knowledge and experience and firms with more resources have more appropriate internal information. Therefore, these entrepreneurs and firms will be more inclined to identify and employ relevant external information sources. In addition, incoming spillovers can facilitate the identification of external information search and thus favor both the creation of opportunities and the access to specific resources. Moreover, external information sources may influence the propensity to regard the integration of new knowledge.

Research paper thumbnail of The use of business support services in satisfying entrepreneurs’ needs about firm performance – The influence of new firm’s age and prior start-up experience

Innovation vision 2020: sustainable growth, entrepreneurship, and economic development, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of A review of online consumer behaviour research: main themes and insights

Proceedings of the 15th Biennial AMS World Marketing Congress: The customer is not always right? Marketing orientations in a dynamic business world, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Fundamentos para la dirección de marketing. Material didáctico hipermedia para el aprendizaje del marketing en un entorno virtual de formación

II Jornadas Universitarias de Innovación y Calidad: Buenas Prácticas Académicas, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring new criteria to design materials for online education

EDiNEB Conference: Advances in Business Education and Training, 2008

Despite the importance of the educational resources in e-learning initiatives, there is still muc... more Despite the importance of the educational resources in e-learning initiatives, there is still much to learn about the criteria guiding their design and development. This study aims to examine new design criteria for teaching and learning materials used in computer-mediated ...

Research paper thumbnail of Innovative environment, micro-businesses and local development: an analysis of the businesses created with the support of Barcelona Activa

Research paper thumbnail of Tesi doctoral Comportament del consumidor i productes de suport a la creació i al creixement d'empreses: una anàlisi empírica de la conducta de l'emprenedor en espais d'incubació

Consumer behavior and business support services: an empirical anyalisis of entrepreneur's behavio... more Consumer behavior and business support services: an empirical anyalisis of entrepreneur's behavior in business incubators. Doctoral thesis.

Research paper thumbnail of A la vanguardia de las TIC: el impacto de la digitalización en la audiencia de la prensa y el desarrollo de los diarios digitales

Comportamientos de compra del consumidor: 29 casos reales, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Marketing en línea y comercio electrónico

Casos de dirección de marketing, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Nuevas ideas para actuar en los mercados electrónicos. Marketing… ¿postmoderno?