Eihab Bashier | University of Khartoum (original) (raw)

Papers by Eihab Bashier

Research paper thumbnail of Machine Learning: Algorithms and Applications

Research paper thumbnail of Principal Component Analysis

Research paper thumbnail of The k-Nearest Neighbors Classifiers

Research paper thumbnail of Solving Optimization Problems: Nonlinear Programming

Practical Numerical and Scientific Computing with MATLAB® and Python, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of A fish harvesting model with Allee effect and Holling type II functional response

The journal of mathematics and computer science, Nov 3, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to Machine Learning

Research paper thumbnail of Rule-Based Classifiers

Research paper thumbnail of Fast and accurate detection for polymorphic worms

International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, Dec 30, 2010

Computer worms pose a real threat to the Internet security, and their automatic nature makes them... more Computer worms pose a real threat to the Internet security, and their automatic nature makes them powerfUl and destructive. In this paper we propose fast and accurate detection system for Zero-day polymorphic worms. We have designed a novel double-honeynet system, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Optimal Strategy for Controlling Transmission Dynamics of HBV Epidemic Model

Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Solving Linear Systems Using Direct Methods

Research paper thumbnail of On Computing Techniques for Sombor Index of Some Graphs

Mathematical Problems in Engineering

In all types of topological indicators, degree-based indicators play a major role in chemical gra... more In all types of topological indicators, degree-based indicators play a major role in chemical graph theory. The topological index is a fixed numeric value associated with graph isomerism. Firstly, in 1972, the concept of degree-based index was developed by Gutman and Trinajstic. These degree-based indices are divided into two ways, namely, degree and connection number. These degree-based graph indices are positive-valued for non-regular graphs and zero for regular graphs. In this article, we discussed the degree-based Sombor, reduced Sombor, and average Sombor indices for wheel graph, gear graph, helm graph, flower graph, sunflower graph, and lobster graph.

Research paper thumbnail of Gaussian Mixture Model

Modelling data drawn from an unknown statistical distribution with a weighted sum of distribution... more Modelling data drawn from an unknown statistical distribution with a weighted sum of distributions defines a finite mixture model, also known as a latent class method. The most common example incorporates a given number, say k, of Gaussian (i.e., Normal) distributions to model data. Mixture models can be applied to a wide range of applications to grouped data, such as density estimation and clustering. The routine G03GAF is new to Mark 24 of the NAG Fortran Library and fits a Gaussian k-mixture model with the following (co)variance structures: a. Group-wise covariances: the data are assumed to be drawn from k Normal distributions with different means and covariances. b. Pooled covariances: the data are assumed to be drawn from k Normal distributions with different means but equal covariances. c. Group-wise variances: the data are assumed to be drawn from k Normal distributions with different means and variances. d. Pooled variances: the data are assumed to be drawn from k Normal dis...

Research paper thumbnail of Topological Descriptors and Polynomials for Analysing the Structure of Antimony Telluride

Journal of Mathematics

In a molecular network, molecules are correlated with numerical values, which are referred to as ... more In a molecular network, molecules are correlated with numerical values, which are referred to as topological indices. The chemical and physical properties of chemical substances can be determined using topological indices. Mathematicians frequently use topological indices to calculate the strain energy, melting point, boiling temperature, distortion, and stability of chemical compounds. Topological indices also serve as a connection between a compound’s biological activity and its physical properties. In this research paper, we have computed degree-based topological descriptors and polynomials to analyze the structure of antimony telluride.

Research paper thumbnail of k-Means Clustering

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Topological Aspects for Metal-Insulator Transition Superlattice Network

Complexity, 2022

In this research work, we have explored the physical and topological properties of the crystal st... more In this research work, we have explored the physical and topological properties of the crystal structure of metal-insulator transition superlattice (GST-SL). In recent times, two-dimensional substantial have enamored comprehensive considerations owing to their novel ophthalmic and mechanical properties for anticipated employment. Recently, some researchers put their interest in modifying this material into useful forms in human life. Also, Metal-Insulator Transition Superlattice (GST–SL) is useful in form of a thin film to utilize as two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). Moreover, we have defined the computed-based bond properties such as the degree constructed topological indices and their heat of formation for single crystal and monolayered structure of Ge-Sb-Te. Also, this structure is one of the most interesting composites in modern resources of science.

Research paper thumbnail of On Randic, Seidel, and Laplacian Energy of NEPS Graph

Journal of Mathematics, 2022

Let Z be the simple graph; then, we can obtain the energy E Z of a graph Z by taking the absolute... more Let Z be the simple graph; then, we can obtain the energy E Z of a graph Z by taking the absolute sum of the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of Z . In this research, we have computed different energy invariants of the noncompleted extended P-Sum (NEPS) of graph Z i . In particular, we investigate the Randic, Seidel, and Laplacian energies of the NEPS of path graph P n i with any base ℬ . Here, n denotes the number of vertices and i denotes the number of copies of path graph P n . Some of the results depend on the number of zeroes in base elements, for which we use the notation j .

Research paper thumbnail of Linear Discriminant Analysis

Semi-supervised dimensionality reduction

Research paper thumbnail of Estimating sample size to approximate some sampling distributions by information measures

B-entropy measure, Fisher information measures and Akaike information criterion are considered as... more B-entropy measure, Fisher information measures and Akaike information criterion are considered as three different types of information measures, entropy, parametric and statistical measures respectively. The main objective of this paper is to estimate the optimal sample size under which a random variable belonging to Gamma or Poisson distribution can be approximated by a random variable following the normal distribution in the sense of the central limit theorem, based on the concept of the percentage relative error in information due to approximation. The idea is to determining the sample size for which the percentage relative error in information measure is less than a given accuracy level 100𝜖% for small 𝜖 > 0.

Research paper thumbnail of Ill-Conditioning in Matlab Computation of Optimal Control with Time- Delays

Journal of Advances in Mathematics, 2015

A direct transcription method transforms an optimal control problem (OCP) into a nonlinear progra... more A direct transcription method transforms an optimal control problem (OCP) into a nonlinear programming problem (NLP). The resulting NLP can be solved by any NLP solver, such as the Matlab's optimization toolbox, the fsqp, etc. On solving optimization problems using the Matlab's optimization toolbox does not obtain an accurate Hessian matrix at the optimal solution due to the fact that the Hessian matrix is not being evaluated directly from the optimal solution. In this paper we compute the condition numbers associated with the optimal control computation, where the classical forth-order Runge-Kutta method is used for the discretization of the state equations. The computations of optimal solutions are done for different numbers of switching points and quadrature points per a switching interval. Test examples show that the condition numbers of the active constraints, projected Hessian and the whole Lagrangian system are more likely to increase with the number of the switching ...

Research paper thumbnail of Naïve Bayesian Classification

Research paper thumbnail of Machine Learning: Algorithms and Applications

Research paper thumbnail of Principal Component Analysis

Research paper thumbnail of The k-Nearest Neighbors Classifiers

Research paper thumbnail of Solving Optimization Problems: Nonlinear Programming

Practical Numerical and Scientific Computing with MATLAB® and Python, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of A fish harvesting model with Allee effect and Holling type II functional response

The journal of mathematics and computer science, Nov 3, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to Machine Learning

Research paper thumbnail of Rule-Based Classifiers

Research paper thumbnail of Fast and accurate detection for polymorphic worms

International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, Dec 30, 2010

Computer worms pose a real threat to the Internet security, and their automatic nature makes them... more Computer worms pose a real threat to the Internet security, and their automatic nature makes them powerfUl and destructive. In this paper we propose fast and accurate detection system for Zero-day polymorphic worms. We have designed a novel double-honeynet system, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Optimal Strategy for Controlling Transmission Dynamics of HBV Epidemic Model

Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Solving Linear Systems Using Direct Methods

Research paper thumbnail of On Computing Techniques for Sombor Index of Some Graphs

Mathematical Problems in Engineering

In all types of topological indicators, degree-based indicators play a major role in chemical gra... more In all types of topological indicators, degree-based indicators play a major role in chemical graph theory. The topological index is a fixed numeric value associated with graph isomerism. Firstly, in 1972, the concept of degree-based index was developed by Gutman and Trinajstic. These degree-based indices are divided into two ways, namely, degree and connection number. These degree-based graph indices are positive-valued for non-regular graphs and zero for regular graphs. In this article, we discussed the degree-based Sombor, reduced Sombor, and average Sombor indices for wheel graph, gear graph, helm graph, flower graph, sunflower graph, and lobster graph.

Research paper thumbnail of Gaussian Mixture Model

Modelling data drawn from an unknown statistical distribution with a weighted sum of distribution... more Modelling data drawn from an unknown statistical distribution with a weighted sum of distributions defines a finite mixture model, also known as a latent class method. The most common example incorporates a given number, say k, of Gaussian (i.e., Normal) distributions to model data. Mixture models can be applied to a wide range of applications to grouped data, such as density estimation and clustering. The routine G03GAF is new to Mark 24 of the NAG Fortran Library and fits a Gaussian k-mixture model with the following (co)variance structures: a. Group-wise covariances: the data are assumed to be drawn from k Normal distributions with different means and covariances. b. Pooled covariances: the data are assumed to be drawn from k Normal distributions with different means but equal covariances. c. Group-wise variances: the data are assumed to be drawn from k Normal distributions with different means and variances. d. Pooled variances: the data are assumed to be drawn from k Normal dis...

Research paper thumbnail of Topological Descriptors and Polynomials for Analysing the Structure of Antimony Telluride

Journal of Mathematics

In a molecular network, molecules are correlated with numerical values, which are referred to as ... more In a molecular network, molecules are correlated with numerical values, which are referred to as topological indices. The chemical and physical properties of chemical substances can be determined using topological indices. Mathematicians frequently use topological indices to calculate the strain energy, melting point, boiling temperature, distortion, and stability of chemical compounds. Topological indices also serve as a connection between a compound’s biological activity and its physical properties. In this research paper, we have computed degree-based topological descriptors and polynomials to analyze the structure of antimony telluride.

Research paper thumbnail of k-Means Clustering

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Topological Aspects for Metal-Insulator Transition Superlattice Network

Complexity, 2022

In this research work, we have explored the physical and topological properties of the crystal st... more In this research work, we have explored the physical and topological properties of the crystal structure of metal-insulator transition superlattice (GST-SL). In recent times, two-dimensional substantial have enamored comprehensive considerations owing to their novel ophthalmic and mechanical properties for anticipated employment. Recently, some researchers put their interest in modifying this material into useful forms in human life. Also, Metal-Insulator Transition Superlattice (GST–SL) is useful in form of a thin film to utilize as two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). Moreover, we have defined the computed-based bond properties such as the degree constructed topological indices and their heat of formation for single crystal and monolayered structure of Ge-Sb-Te. Also, this structure is one of the most interesting composites in modern resources of science.

Research paper thumbnail of On Randic, Seidel, and Laplacian Energy of NEPS Graph

Journal of Mathematics, 2022

Let Z be the simple graph; then, we can obtain the energy E Z of a graph Z by taking the absolute... more Let Z be the simple graph; then, we can obtain the energy E Z of a graph Z by taking the absolute sum of the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of Z . In this research, we have computed different energy invariants of the noncompleted extended P-Sum (NEPS) of graph Z i . In particular, we investigate the Randic, Seidel, and Laplacian energies of the NEPS of path graph P n i with any base ℬ . Here, n denotes the number of vertices and i denotes the number of copies of path graph P n . Some of the results depend on the number of zeroes in base elements, for which we use the notation j .

Research paper thumbnail of Linear Discriminant Analysis

Semi-supervised dimensionality reduction

Research paper thumbnail of Estimating sample size to approximate some sampling distributions by information measures

B-entropy measure, Fisher information measures and Akaike information criterion are considered as... more B-entropy measure, Fisher information measures and Akaike information criterion are considered as three different types of information measures, entropy, parametric and statistical measures respectively. The main objective of this paper is to estimate the optimal sample size under which a random variable belonging to Gamma or Poisson distribution can be approximated by a random variable following the normal distribution in the sense of the central limit theorem, based on the concept of the percentage relative error in information due to approximation. The idea is to determining the sample size for which the percentage relative error in information measure is less than a given accuracy level 100𝜖% for small 𝜖 > 0.

Research paper thumbnail of Ill-Conditioning in Matlab Computation of Optimal Control with Time- Delays

Journal of Advances in Mathematics, 2015

A direct transcription method transforms an optimal control problem (OCP) into a nonlinear progra... more A direct transcription method transforms an optimal control problem (OCP) into a nonlinear programming problem (NLP). The resulting NLP can be solved by any NLP solver, such as the Matlab's optimization toolbox, the fsqp, etc. On solving optimization problems using the Matlab's optimization toolbox does not obtain an accurate Hessian matrix at the optimal solution due to the fact that the Hessian matrix is not being evaluated directly from the optimal solution. In this paper we compute the condition numbers associated with the optimal control computation, where the classical forth-order Runge-Kutta method is used for the discretization of the state equations. The computations of optimal solutions are done for different numbers of switching points and quadrature points per a switching interval. Test examples show that the condition numbers of the active constraints, projected Hessian and the whole Lagrangian system are more likely to increase with the number of the switching ...

Research paper thumbnail of Naïve Bayesian Classification

Research paper thumbnail of Journal of Computer Science November 2013

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS – established since Ma... more International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS – established since May 2009), is a prime venue to publicize research and development results of high significance in the theory, design, implementation, analysis, and application of computing and security. As a scholarly open access peer-reviewed international journal, the primary objective is to provide the academic community and industry a forum for sharing ideas and for the submission of original research related to Computer Science and Security. High caliber authors are solicited to contribute to this journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe latest advances in the Computer Science & Information Security.
IJCSIS archives all publications in major academic/scientific databases; abstracting/indexing, editorial board and other important information are available online on homepage.
