Glen Filson | University of Guelph (original) (raw)

Papers by Glen Filson

Research paper thumbnail of Food sovereignty: understanding Somali gastronomy

Food, Culture, and Society, 2021

Culture, acquired taste and past experiences, shape immigrants’ food preferences and acculturatio... more Culture, acquired taste and past experiences, shape immigrants’ food preferences and acculturation inclination. As people migrate from Africa, South Asia and China to Canada, Toronto’s food landsca...

Research paper thumbnail of Indigenous miombo fruit trees: health and wealth for the Sukuma people

Research paper thumbnail of Social implications of intensive agriculture

Research paper thumbnail of Thought for Fuelling Change: A Review of Three Models for Understanding Environmentally Significant Transitions

For over a century, western economic development has depended upon the use of combustible hydroca... more For over a century, western economic development has depended upon the use of combustible hydrocarbons for its energy needs. The 20th century saw the prolific exploitation of fossil hydrocarbon sources (coal and oil) which are finite and exhaustible. There is a clear need for society to conserve such non-renewable resources. In addition to conservation, a wholesale switch to renewable energy sources should be seen as the first research and development priority. In the interim, moving towards a cropbased fuel economy appears to be a good alternative to provide the necessarily dramatic changes in lifestyle and mindset that would be required of consumers, for a wholesale shift away from hydrocarbon combustion. Before programs and policies designed to address the need for an interim or alternative energy and materials economy are put into place however, it is important to understand the barriers and opportunities put forth by society itself. Conventional frameworks designed to understand this type of change are of limited assistance. This paper argues that institutional thinking is a very useful tool in addressing these types of environmental problems.

Research paper thumbnail of Non-Farm Rural Ontario Residents’ Perceived Quality of Life

Social Indicators Research, 2000

This paper presents a study of Ontario non-farm ruralresidents’ perceived quality of life. The re... more This paper presents a study of Ontario non-farm ruralresidents’ perceived quality of life. The researchsought to understand residents’ perceived quality oflife both in absolute and relative terms. Measurementfocused on indicators of satisfaction with personallife, community and environment and quality of life incomparison to others. A pre-tested questionnaire wasmailed to a random sample of non-farm rural residentsin Brock and Uxbridge Townships,

Research paper thumbnail of Innovation and agricultural exports: the case of sub-Saharan Africa

African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 2014

ABSTRACT The multifaceted nature of agricultural innovation makes it evident that technological, ... more ABSTRACT The multifaceted nature of agricultural innovation makes it evident that technological, industrial, human and economic factors define and redefine agricultural innovation within new cultural and technological contexts. Juxtaposing the African condition to the earlier understanding of the cross-cultural dimensions of agricultural innovation, this paper proposes that technological insufficiencies in Africa shall necessitate the creation of an enabling environment which utilises an indigenous approach to agricultural innovation. Agricultural innovation ought to use intellectual capital based on human potential and indigenous approaches to enhance long term economic growth in the African context especially in the area of trade liberalisation and agricultural exports both within the region and outside the continent of Africa.

Research paper thumbnail of Factors affecting the adoption of best management practices in southern Ontario

The Environmentalist, 2008

This paper examines the factors that affect the adoption of best management practices (BMPs) in S... more This paper examines the factors that affect the adoption of best management practices (BMPs) in Southern Ontario watersheds using both qualitative and quantitative techniques. A sample of 164 farmers was analyzed and triangulated with the results from in-depth interviews. The results suggest that farm and personal characteristics affect the adoption rate of BMPs and there should be financial incentives in order to create an enabling environment that will encourage the adoption of BMPs.

Research paper thumbnail of Working off the farm: Impacts on quality of life

Social Indicators Research, 1996

The purpose of this paper is to determine the effects of off-farm employment on perceptions of qu... more The purpose of this paper is to determine the effects of off-farm employment on perceptions of quality of life. Data collected on 311 Western Ontario male and female farmers revealed that although most indicated satisfaction with their lives, some differences are apparent. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Demographic and farm characteristic differences in ontario farmers’ views about sustainability policies

Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 1996

Page 1. Demographic and Farm Characteristic Differences in Ontario Farmers' Views about Sust... more Page 1. Demographic and Farm Characteristic Differences in Ontario Farmers' Views about Sustainability Policies* GLEN C. FILSON Rural Extension Studies University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario NIG 2W1 Canada Abstract This ...

Research paper thumbnail of Access to agricultural extension, credit and markets among small‐scale farmers in southern Zambia

Development Southern Africa, 1998

ABSTRACT This article used survey data to determine the extent to which small-scale farm househol... more ABSTRACT This article used survey data to determine the extent to which small-scale farm households in the Choma district of Zambia's southern province have access to agricultural extension services, credit and markets. The findings show that the majority of the sample households had access to extension and credit services. They also showed that the resource base or wealth of the households — as manifested by farm size, livestock ownership and human capital or management capacity (the household head's training in agriculture) — is a significant factor when accounting for differential access to extension and credit. On the other hand, study findings suggest that farm households are facing problems with marketing their produce under the liberalised agricultural marketing system. Based on these findings, the article discusses recommendations for providing solutions to some of the problems affecting small-scale farmers in accessing production services.

Research paper thumbnail of Perceived levels of farming skills and problems of small‐scale commercial farmers in Ciskei

Development Southern Africa, 1993

The aim of the study was to determine the potential for improved agricultural production among sm... more The aim of the study was to determine the potential for improved agricultural production among small‐scale commercial farmers at irrigation schemes in Ciskei, not by removing physical constraints but rather by enhancing human resource capabilities. A combination of individual and group interviews was used to examine perceptions of farmers about their farming skills and farming problems. It is apparent from this study that more emphasis needs to be placed on literacy training in the black farming community. Extension officers should ...

Research paper thumbnail of Class and ethnic differences in Canadians' attitudes to native people's rights and immigration

Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, 1983

A l'aide de donn6es tir6es d'entrevues traitant des attitudes envers l'immigration et des droits ... more A l'aide de donn6es tir6es d'entrevues traitant des attitudes envers l'immigration et des droits des aborigenes dans le cadre de 1'6tude sur la qualit6 de la vie (1977), cette note essaye d'expliquer certains aspects de la dialectique de la classe sociale et de l'ethnicite' au Canada. On constate ensuite la mesure dans laquelle ces attitudes diffgrent, selon la classe et l'ethnicit6, dans la direction de 1'Cducation. Les rbsultats, tels que l'opposition considkrable de la classe ouvriere B l'immigration et le sCrieux antagonisme ethnique i I'intCrieur de certain groupes ethniques de mOme que de certaines classes, sont d6voilCs B travers des rCalit6s telles que la division du march6 du travail du point de vue ethnique, le r81e des entremetteurs ethniques et la promotion de la conscience ethnique pour Ctouffer la conscience de classe. Employing interview data regarding attitudes to immigration and native people's rights from the Quality of Life Survey (i977), I attempt to illuminate aspects of the dialectic of social class and ethnicity in Canada. The proportion of variance in these attitudes explicable by class and ethnicity, controlling for education, are then ascertained. Findings such as the substantial working class opposition to immigration and serious ethnic The first version of this paper was presented to the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, 4 June, 1979. This data was made available from the Social Change in Canada project supported by the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Council of Canada. The project is situated in the Institute for Behavioural Research at York University and is under the direction of Tom Atkinson, Bernard Blishen, Michael Ornstein and Michael Stevenson. The approach taken here is similar to that of William Johnston and Michael Ornstein, 'Social Class and Political Ideology in Canada,' Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 16 (I). William Johnston and Michael Ornstein have been of considerable help in the production of this paper; they bear no responsibility for its conclusions.

Research paper thumbnail of An Evaluation of the Ontario Farm Business Management Association Program

Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie, 1994

The The Ontario Ontario Farm Farm Business Business Management Management Association Association... more The The Ontario Ontario Farm Farm Business Business Management Management Association Association (FBMA) (FBMA) program program was initiated initiated to improve improve the the was to business management management skills of Ontario red meat producers. producers. The The program has has three aims: business skills of Ontario red meat program three aims: • to increase increase management management skills skills on the the farm farm 9 to on • � to increase increase management management skills skills in in the the private private sector to sector • to help help farmers farmers make make use of private private sector advice. advice. � to use of sector Two methods were used to evaluate the program. First, First, FBMA members and other red meat producers producers Two methods were used to evaluate the program. FBMA members and other red meat were surveyed surveyed about theirfarm and personal personal characteristics as well as use farm records and information were about their farm and characteristics as well as use farm records and information sources. Second, Second, focus groups were held with the FBMAfieldpersons. Results indicate that membership membership sources. focus groups were held with the FBMABeldpersons. Results indicate that in an FBMA FBMA increased the collection and use offarm records, records, but that there was no significant significant increase in an increased the collection and use offarm but that there was no increase Plus prt!cist!ment, il visait a accroitre les competences de tant a la ferme que dQns le secteur prive et aaider les chefs d'exploitation arecourir aux conseils du secteur prive. Deux methodes etaient prive' et h aider les chefs d 'exploitation h recourir aux conseils du secteur privt-5 Deux methodes etaient utilisees pour evaluer Ie programme. En premier lieu, les membres des GGEA et les autres producteurs utilisees pour &valuer le programme. En premier lieu, les membres des GGEA et les autres producteurs de viande rouge etaient interroges sur leurs caractiristiques personnelles et sur celles de leur exploita de viande rouge etaient interroges sur leurs caracteristiques personnelles et sur celles de leur exploitation, ainsi que sur leur utilisation des releves d'exploitation et sur leurs sources d'information. Deux tion, ainsi que sur leur utilisation des releves d 'exploitation et sur leurs sources d 'information. Deuxiemement, des groupes de discussion etaient organises avec des agents techniques des GGEA. Les resultats iemement, &s groupes de discussion etaient organises avec des agents techniques &s GGEA. Les resultats montrent que I'adhesion aun GGEA accroissait la prise et I'utilisation des releves d'exploitation, mais montrent que 1'adhesion a un GGEA accroissait la prise et 1'utilisation des releves d 'exploitation, mais qu 'elle n 'accroissait pas de fafon significative Ie recours des producteurs aux conseillers du secteur qu 'elle n 'accroissait pas de facon significative le recours des producteurs aux conseillers du secteur prive. De plus, les membres des GGEA etaient tres peu disposes aassurer eux-memes la survie finan prive. De plus, les membres des GGEA etaient tres peu disposes b assurer eux-memes la survieflnanciere de leur groupement, si ['aide financiere de ['Etat leur etait enlevee. citre de leur groupement, si 1'aide $nancitre de 1@tat leur etait enlevee. � One One such such program program for for Ontario Ontario red red meat meat producers producers is is the the Farm Farm Business Business Management Management Association Association Program Program (FBMA). (FBMA). This This pro program gram is is unique unique in in that that its its aim aim is is not only only to to not " ".. .. improve improve the the farm farm management management .. decision-making decision-making abilities abilities of of Ontario Ontario farmers farmers. . ." but also also to develop".. . the the private private. . ." but to develop ' '. .. sector to to better better serve the the management management needs needs ' ".. . sector serve of of farmers" farmers' and and to to prepare prepare ".. . farm farm to use sector busi-managers managers to use the the private private sector for for busi ness management management advice" (Government (Government of ness advice" of Ontario 1989). 1989). Hence, Hence, the the program program has has three three Ontario • aims: � to increase management management skills and aims: to increase skills and decision-making decision-making abilities on the farm abilities on the farm • � to increase management management skills and to increase skills and decision-making decision-making abilities in the private private abilities in the

Research paper thumbnail of Kvalitetivota ruskih i kanadskih farmera–komparativna analiza (na primjeru moskovske oblasti i Ontarija)

... Kvalitet `ivota ruskih i kanadskih farmera – komparativna analiza (na primjeru moskovske obla... more ... Kvalitet `ivota ruskih i kanadskih farmera – komparativna analiza (na primjeru moskovske oblasti i Ontarija) GLEN FILSON, VLADIMIR DOBRENKOV, GRIGORIJ BUTURIN, ALEKSANDAR KLUBOV Toronto – Moskva Rezime ...

Research paper thumbnail of Russian and Canadian Farmers' Quality of Life: comparative analysis (exemplified by Moscow Region and Ontario)

This research is based on mail and personal surveys conducted with Ontario and Moscow Region farm... more This research is based on mail and personal surveys conducted with Ontario and Moscow Region farmers from 1991 to 1994-95. When we compared the 1991 stratified random sample of 1,105 Ontario farmers with a 1992 random sample of 165 newly privatized Moscow Region ...

Research paper thumbnail of Waterloo Region and Perth County Perceptions of Hog Production

Waterloo Region and Perth County Perceptions of Hog Production. By: Glen C. Filson and Robert M. ... more Waterloo Region and Perth County Perceptions of Hog Production. By: Glen C. Filson and Robert M. Friendship INTRODUCTION. Insufficient attention has been devoted to understanding the reaction of people and rural communities ...

Research paper thumbnail of Culturally appropriate vegetables and economic development. A contextual analysis

Appetite, 2012

This paper examines the implications of the demand for ethno-cultural vegetables (ECV) by South-A... more This paper examines the implications of the demand for ethno-cultural vegetables (ECV) by South-Asians, the largest cultural group in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), on their potential for Ontario agricultural economic development and significant consumer health benefits. A conceptual framework is presented to explain the relationship among factors such as change in demographics, demand for locally produced ECV and both the potential agricultural and health benefits. Analysis of cross-sectional data collected in 2009 also indicates that the respondents have certain characteristics that are pertinent to understanding why they shop in particular stores and their perceptions about what constitutes quality. In sum, household size and percentage spent on vegetables predict their expenditure on ECV, an indication that South-Asians resident in the GTA will continue to demand their ECV. It is thus a niche market that farmers can explore if its potential economic value to them is clarified and the government can provide sufficient support by increasing awareness and creating appropriate economic incentives for farmers willing to grow these vegetables.

Research paper thumbnail of Beneficial Management Practice Adoption in Five Southern Ontario Watersheds

Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 2009

This paper presents an analysis of 481 landowners' self-administered questionnaires from recent s... more This paper presents an analysis of 481 landowners' self-administered questionnaires from recent surveys in five southern Ontario watersheds. Farmers opposed "excessive" regulation but wanted government financial support for implementing environmental practices voluntarily. Logistic regression models for adoption rate and gross sales helped identify the variables that predicted the Adoption Rate Index (ARI) and Gross Farm Sales (GFS). Farm size, the adoption rate of best management practices, age and education predicted gross farm sales for combined data sets. Minimum regulations, financial incentives, outreach and technical support for voluntary programs geared to different farm types and sizes are needed for effective environmental management.

Research paper thumbnail of Resources, household decision making and organisation of labour in food production among small-scale farmers in southern Zambia

Development Southern Africa, 2000

ABSTRACT This article examines the production context of small-scale farm households in the Choma... more ABSTRACT This article examines the production context of small-scale farm households in the Choma District in southern Zambia. Factors associated with differential access to production assets among the households are analysed. In addition to this, patterns of household decision making and the social organisation of labour in agricultural production are documented. The study findings show that farm size, a proxy for wealth or social status, accounted for significant differences in the level of ownership and access to production assets. The study also highlights the importance of labour and livestock in the production strategies of small-scale farmers. The data from this study on decision making and the social organisation of labour confirm the importance of gender roles in agricultural production.

Research paper thumbnail of Acculturation and consumption: Examining the consumption behavior of people of Afro-Caribbean descent in Canada

Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 2011

... Corresponding author: Bamidele Adekunle, School of ... consumers who are visible minorities (... more ... Corresponding author: Bamidele Adekunle, School of ... consumers who are visible minorities (visibly dis-tinct from the dominant ethnocultural groups) are often in a multiple state of identity, which affects their interactions within and outside their ethnic group (Jamal & Chapman ...

Research paper thumbnail of Food sovereignty: understanding Somali gastronomy

Food, Culture, and Society, 2021

Culture, acquired taste and past experiences, shape immigrants’ food preferences and acculturatio... more Culture, acquired taste and past experiences, shape immigrants’ food preferences and acculturation inclination. As people migrate from Africa, South Asia and China to Canada, Toronto’s food landsca...

Research paper thumbnail of Indigenous miombo fruit trees: health and wealth for the Sukuma people

Research paper thumbnail of Social implications of intensive agriculture

Research paper thumbnail of Thought for Fuelling Change: A Review of Three Models for Understanding Environmentally Significant Transitions

For over a century, western economic development has depended upon the use of combustible hydroca... more For over a century, western economic development has depended upon the use of combustible hydrocarbons for its energy needs. The 20th century saw the prolific exploitation of fossil hydrocarbon sources (coal and oil) which are finite and exhaustible. There is a clear need for society to conserve such non-renewable resources. In addition to conservation, a wholesale switch to renewable energy sources should be seen as the first research and development priority. In the interim, moving towards a cropbased fuel economy appears to be a good alternative to provide the necessarily dramatic changes in lifestyle and mindset that would be required of consumers, for a wholesale shift away from hydrocarbon combustion. Before programs and policies designed to address the need for an interim or alternative energy and materials economy are put into place however, it is important to understand the barriers and opportunities put forth by society itself. Conventional frameworks designed to understand this type of change are of limited assistance. This paper argues that institutional thinking is a very useful tool in addressing these types of environmental problems.

Research paper thumbnail of Non-Farm Rural Ontario Residents’ Perceived Quality of Life

Social Indicators Research, 2000

This paper presents a study of Ontario non-farm ruralresidents’ perceived quality of life. The re... more This paper presents a study of Ontario non-farm ruralresidents’ perceived quality of life. The researchsought to understand residents’ perceived quality oflife both in absolute and relative terms. Measurementfocused on indicators of satisfaction with personallife, community and environment and quality of life incomparison to others. A pre-tested questionnaire wasmailed to a random sample of non-farm rural residentsin Brock and Uxbridge Townships,

Research paper thumbnail of Innovation and agricultural exports: the case of sub-Saharan Africa

African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 2014

ABSTRACT The multifaceted nature of agricultural innovation makes it evident that technological, ... more ABSTRACT The multifaceted nature of agricultural innovation makes it evident that technological, industrial, human and economic factors define and redefine agricultural innovation within new cultural and technological contexts. Juxtaposing the African condition to the earlier understanding of the cross-cultural dimensions of agricultural innovation, this paper proposes that technological insufficiencies in Africa shall necessitate the creation of an enabling environment which utilises an indigenous approach to agricultural innovation. Agricultural innovation ought to use intellectual capital based on human potential and indigenous approaches to enhance long term economic growth in the African context especially in the area of trade liberalisation and agricultural exports both within the region and outside the continent of Africa.

Research paper thumbnail of Factors affecting the adoption of best management practices in southern Ontario

The Environmentalist, 2008

This paper examines the factors that affect the adoption of best management practices (BMPs) in S... more This paper examines the factors that affect the adoption of best management practices (BMPs) in Southern Ontario watersheds using both qualitative and quantitative techniques. A sample of 164 farmers was analyzed and triangulated with the results from in-depth interviews. The results suggest that farm and personal characteristics affect the adoption rate of BMPs and there should be financial incentives in order to create an enabling environment that will encourage the adoption of BMPs.

Research paper thumbnail of Working off the farm: Impacts on quality of life

Social Indicators Research, 1996

The purpose of this paper is to determine the effects of off-farm employment on perceptions of qu... more The purpose of this paper is to determine the effects of off-farm employment on perceptions of quality of life. Data collected on 311 Western Ontario male and female farmers revealed that although most indicated satisfaction with their lives, some differences are apparent. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Demographic and farm characteristic differences in ontario farmers’ views about sustainability policies

Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 1996

Page 1. Demographic and Farm Characteristic Differences in Ontario Farmers' Views about Sust... more Page 1. Demographic and Farm Characteristic Differences in Ontario Farmers' Views about Sustainability Policies* GLEN C. FILSON Rural Extension Studies University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario NIG 2W1 Canada Abstract This ...

Research paper thumbnail of Access to agricultural extension, credit and markets among small‐scale farmers in southern Zambia

Development Southern Africa, 1998

ABSTRACT This article used survey data to determine the extent to which small-scale farm househol... more ABSTRACT This article used survey data to determine the extent to which small-scale farm households in the Choma district of Zambia's southern province have access to agricultural extension services, credit and markets. The findings show that the majority of the sample households had access to extension and credit services. They also showed that the resource base or wealth of the households — as manifested by farm size, livestock ownership and human capital or management capacity (the household head's training in agriculture) — is a significant factor when accounting for differential access to extension and credit. On the other hand, study findings suggest that farm households are facing problems with marketing their produce under the liberalised agricultural marketing system. Based on these findings, the article discusses recommendations for providing solutions to some of the problems affecting small-scale farmers in accessing production services.

Research paper thumbnail of Perceived levels of farming skills and problems of small‐scale commercial farmers in Ciskei

Development Southern Africa, 1993

The aim of the study was to determine the potential for improved agricultural production among sm... more The aim of the study was to determine the potential for improved agricultural production among small‐scale commercial farmers at irrigation schemes in Ciskei, not by removing physical constraints but rather by enhancing human resource capabilities. A combination of individual and group interviews was used to examine perceptions of farmers about their farming skills and farming problems. It is apparent from this study that more emphasis needs to be placed on literacy training in the black farming community. Extension officers should ...

Research paper thumbnail of Class and ethnic differences in Canadians' attitudes to native people's rights and immigration

Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, 1983

A l'aide de donn6es tir6es d'entrevues traitant des attitudes envers l'immigration et des droits ... more A l'aide de donn6es tir6es d'entrevues traitant des attitudes envers l'immigration et des droits des aborigenes dans le cadre de 1'6tude sur la qualit6 de la vie (1977), cette note essaye d'expliquer certains aspects de la dialectique de la classe sociale et de l'ethnicite' au Canada. On constate ensuite la mesure dans laquelle ces attitudes diffgrent, selon la classe et l'ethnicit6, dans la direction de 1'Cducation. Les rbsultats, tels que l'opposition considkrable de la classe ouvriere B l'immigration et le sCrieux antagonisme ethnique i I'intCrieur de certain groupes ethniques de mOme que de certaines classes, sont d6voilCs B travers des rCalit6s telles que la division du march6 du travail du point de vue ethnique, le r81e des entremetteurs ethniques et la promotion de la conscience ethnique pour Ctouffer la conscience de classe. Employing interview data regarding attitudes to immigration and native people's rights from the Quality of Life Survey (i977), I attempt to illuminate aspects of the dialectic of social class and ethnicity in Canada. The proportion of variance in these attitudes explicable by class and ethnicity, controlling for education, are then ascertained. Findings such as the substantial working class opposition to immigration and serious ethnic The first version of this paper was presented to the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, 4 June, 1979. This data was made available from the Social Change in Canada project supported by the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Council of Canada. The project is situated in the Institute for Behavioural Research at York University and is under the direction of Tom Atkinson, Bernard Blishen, Michael Ornstein and Michael Stevenson. The approach taken here is similar to that of William Johnston and Michael Ornstein, 'Social Class and Political Ideology in Canada,' Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 16 (I). William Johnston and Michael Ornstein have been of considerable help in the production of this paper; they bear no responsibility for its conclusions.

Research paper thumbnail of An Evaluation of the Ontario Farm Business Management Association Program

Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie, 1994

The The Ontario Ontario Farm Farm Business Business Management Management Association Association... more The The Ontario Ontario Farm Farm Business Business Management Management Association Association (FBMA) (FBMA) program program was initiated initiated to improve improve the the was to business management management skills of Ontario red meat producers. producers. The The program has has three aims: business skills of Ontario red meat program three aims: • to increase increase management management skills skills on the the farm farm 9 to on • � to increase increase management management skills skills in in the the private private sector to sector • to help help farmers farmers make make use of private private sector advice. advice. � to use of sector Two methods were used to evaluate the program. First, First, FBMA members and other red meat producers producers Two methods were used to evaluate the program. FBMA members and other red meat were surveyed surveyed about theirfarm and personal personal characteristics as well as use farm records and information were about their farm and characteristics as well as use farm records and information sources. Second, Second, focus groups were held with the FBMAfieldpersons. Results indicate that membership membership sources. focus groups were held with the FBMABeldpersons. Results indicate that in an FBMA FBMA increased the collection and use offarm records, records, but that there was no significant significant increase in an increased the collection and use offarm but that there was no increase Plus prt!cist!ment, il visait a accroitre les competences de tant a la ferme que dQns le secteur prive et aaider les chefs d'exploitation arecourir aux conseils du secteur prive. Deux methodes etaient prive' et h aider les chefs d 'exploitation h recourir aux conseils du secteur privt-5 Deux methodes etaient utilisees pour evaluer Ie programme. En premier lieu, les membres des GGEA et les autres producteurs utilisees pour &valuer le programme. En premier lieu, les membres des GGEA et les autres producteurs de viande rouge etaient interroges sur leurs caractiristiques personnelles et sur celles de leur exploita de viande rouge etaient interroges sur leurs caracteristiques personnelles et sur celles de leur exploitation, ainsi que sur leur utilisation des releves d'exploitation et sur leurs sources d'information. Deux tion, ainsi que sur leur utilisation des releves d 'exploitation et sur leurs sources d 'information. Deuxiemement, des groupes de discussion etaient organises avec des agents techniques des GGEA. Les resultats iemement, &s groupes de discussion etaient organises avec des agents techniques &s GGEA. Les resultats montrent que I'adhesion aun GGEA accroissait la prise et I'utilisation des releves d'exploitation, mais montrent que 1'adhesion a un GGEA accroissait la prise et 1'utilisation des releves d 'exploitation, mais qu 'elle n 'accroissait pas de fafon significative Ie recours des producteurs aux conseillers du secteur qu 'elle n 'accroissait pas de facon significative le recours des producteurs aux conseillers du secteur prive. De plus, les membres des GGEA etaient tres peu disposes aassurer eux-memes la survie finan prive. De plus, les membres des GGEA etaient tres peu disposes b assurer eux-memes la survieflnanciere de leur groupement, si ['aide financiere de ['Etat leur etait enlevee. citre de leur groupement, si 1'aide $nancitre de 1@tat leur etait enlevee. � One One such such program program for for Ontario Ontario red red meat meat producers producers is is the the Farm Farm Business Business Management Management Association Association Program Program (FBMA). (FBMA). This This pro program gram is is unique unique in in that that its its aim aim is is not only only to to not " ".. .. improve improve the the farm farm management management .. decision-making decision-making abilities abilities of of Ontario Ontario farmers farmers. . ." but also also to develop".. . the the private private. . ." but to develop ' '. .. sector to to better better serve the the management management needs needs ' ".. . sector serve of of farmers" farmers' and and to to prepare prepare ".. . farm farm to use sector busi-managers managers to use the the private private sector for for busi ness management management advice" (Government (Government of ness advice" of Ontario 1989). 1989). Hence, Hence, the the program program has has three three Ontario • aims: � to increase management management skills and aims: to increase skills and decision-making decision-making abilities on the farm abilities on the farm • � to increase management management skills and to increase skills and decision-making decision-making abilities in the private private abilities in the

Research paper thumbnail of Kvalitetivota ruskih i kanadskih farmera–komparativna analiza (na primjeru moskovske oblasti i Ontarija)

... Kvalitet `ivota ruskih i kanadskih farmera – komparativna analiza (na primjeru moskovske obla... more ... Kvalitet `ivota ruskih i kanadskih farmera – komparativna analiza (na primjeru moskovske oblasti i Ontarija) GLEN FILSON, VLADIMIR DOBRENKOV, GRIGORIJ BUTURIN, ALEKSANDAR KLUBOV Toronto – Moskva Rezime ...

Research paper thumbnail of Russian and Canadian Farmers' Quality of Life: comparative analysis (exemplified by Moscow Region and Ontario)

This research is based on mail and personal surveys conducted with Ontario and Moscow Region farm... more This research is based on mail and personal surveys conducted with Ontario and Moscow Region farmers from 1991 to 1994-95. When we compared the 1991 stratified random sample of 1,105 Ontario farmers with a 1992 random sample of 165 newly privatized Moscow Region ...

Research paper thumbnail of Waterloo Region and Perth County Perceptions of Hog Production

Waterloo Region and Perth County Perceptions of Hog Production. By: Glen C. Filson and Robert M. ... more Waterloo Region and Perth County Perceptions of Hog Production. By: Glen C. Filson and Robert M. Friendship INTRODUCTION. Insufficient attention has been devoted to understanding the reaction of people and rural communities ...

Research paper thumbnail of Culturally appropriate vegetables and economic development. A contextual analysis

Appetite, 2012

This paper examines the implications of the demand for ethno-cultural vegetables (ECV) by South-A... more This paper examines the implications of the demand for ethno-cultural vegetables (ECV) by South-Asians, the largest cultural group in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), on their potential for Ontario agricultural economic development and significant consumer health benefits. A conceptual framework is presented to explain the relationship among factors such as change in demographics, demand for locally produced ECV and both the potential agricultural and health benefits. Analysis of cross-sectional data collected in 2009 also indicates that the respondents have certain characteristics that are pertinent to understanding why they shop in particular stores and their perceptions about what constitutes quality. In sum, household size and percentage spent on vegetables predict their expenditure on ECV, an indication that South-Asians resident in the GTA will continue to demand their ECV. It is thus a niche market that farmers can explore if its potential economic value to them is clarified and the government can provide sufficient support by increasing awareness and creating appropriate economic incentives for farmers willing to grow these vegetables.

Research paper thumbnail of Beneficial Management Practice Adoption in Five Southern Ontario Watersheds

Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 2009

This paper presents an analysis of 481 landowners' self-administered questionnaires from recent s... more This paper presents an analysis of 481 landowners' self-administered questionnaires from recent surveys in five southern Ontario watersheds. Farmers opposed "excessive" regulation but wanted government financial support for implementing environmental practices voluntarily. Logistic regression models for adoption rate and gross sales helped identify the variables that predicted the Adoption Rate Index (ARI) and Gross Farm Sales (GFS). Farm size, the adoption rate of best management practices, age and education predicted gross farm sales for combined data sets. Minimum regulations, financial incentives, outreach and technical support for voluntary programs geared to different farm types and sizes are needed for effective environmental management.

Research paper thumbnail of Resources, household decision making and organisation of labour in food production among small-scale farmers in southern Zambia

Development Southern Africa, 2000

ABSTRACT This article examines the production context of small-scale farm households in the Choma... more ABSTRACT This article examines the production context of small-scale farm households in the Choma District in southern Zambia. Factors associated with differential access to production assets among the households are analysed. In addition to this, patterns of household decision making and the social organisation of labour in agricultural production are documented. The study findings show that farm size, a proxy for wealth or social status, accounted for significant differences in the level of ownership and access to production assets. The study also highlights the importance of labour and livestock in the production strategies of small-scale farmers. The data from this study on decision making and the social organisation of labour confirm the importance of gender roles in agricultural production.

Research paper thumbnail of Acculturation and consumption: Examining the consumption behavior of people of Afro-Caribbean descent in Canada

Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 2011

... Corresponding author: Bamidele Adekunle, School of ... consumers who are visible minorities (... more ... Corresponding author: Bamidele Adekunle, School of ... consumers who are visible minorities (visibly dis-tinct from the dominant ethnocultural groups) are often in a multiple state of identity, which affects their interactions within and outside their ethnic group (Jamal & Chapman ...