Jonathan Nzuma | University of Nairobi, Kenya (original) (raw)

Papers by Jonathan Nzuma

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Contract Farming on Smallholder Poultry Farmers Income in Kenya. Department of Agricultural Economics University of Nairobi, Kenya. 2012.p.30. Wambugu, S.N. et al.: (2009) Effect

for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this copyright notice appears on all such... more for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this copyright notice appears on all such copies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Agricultural Trade and Related Policy reforms on Food security in

Impact of agricultural trade and related policy reforms on food security in Kenya

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Research paper thumbnail of An Error Corrected Almost Ideal Demand System for Major Cereals in Kenya. Agricultural Economics 41.1

may make verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that... more may make verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this copyright notice appears on all such copies. 2

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Research paper thumbnail of An assessment of the demand for meat in peri-urban areas of Kenya

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the impact of integrated pest management (IPM) technology for mango fruit fly control on food security among smallholders in Machakos County, Kenya

Adoption and extensive use of agricultural innovations is seen as a key avenue for poverty reduct... more Adoption and extensive use of agricultural innovations is seen as a key avenue for poverty reduction and improved food and nutritional security in developing countries. This paper evaluated the impact of IPM strategy for mango fruit flies suppression on food security with the help of a two-wave panel household survey data collected in Machakos County in Kenya. Using a randomly selected sample of 600, a difference in difference was fitted to the data in order to assess the impact of IPM on food security. The results showed that on average, both IPM participants and non-participants were food secure as measured by per capita calorie intake and Household Dietary Diversity Index (HDDI). The difference in difference estimates indicated that fruit fly IPM had a positive impact on per capita calorie intake but no significant effect on HDDI. Other factors that had an effect on per capita calorie include level of farm income, access to extension services, wealth category and distance to agri...

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Research paper thumbnail of Social Networks and Household Dietary Diversity, Evidence from Smallholder Farmers in Kenya

An important driver of household dietary diversity is nutrition knowledge which can be improved t... more An important driver of household dietary diversity is nutrition knowledge which can be improved through access to nutrition information. However, in many rural areas, formal flow of nutrition information is limited, and social networks could play an important role as an informal source of such information. This paper evaluates effects of social network on household dietary diversity in Kenya. Cross sectional data collected from 198 farmers using multi stage sampling technique, was analysed using a Poisson regression model. The results show that the average household dietary diversity of an individual s network members has a positive effect on the dietary diversity of the individual. The effects are more when the network includes at least a strong tie. Household size and farm size also have a positive effect on household dietary diversity. These results imply that farmers social networks could be used as a complementary tool for effective delivery of nutrition education which targets...

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Research paper thumbnail of ESA orphan crop prices rise in tandem with staple food prices

... With Sta , Joseph Karu 00) 09 nov_09 ... Over th period, the ypt rose by 12 tively. Across t ... more ... With Sta , Joseph Karu 00) 09 nov_09 ... Over th period, the ypt rose by 12 tively. Across t exhibited the reases in this s shooting up ember 2009 al ncreases in the its, fresh veg d milk (Uganda (UBOS), 2009 food prices c a poor harvest rtages in mark zed by high d demand. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Review of Agricultural, Food Security, Food Systems and Climate Change Adaptation Policies, Institutions and Actors in East Africa

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of social networks on household dietary diversity: Evidence from smallholder farmers in Kisii and Nyamira counties, Kenya

African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2020

Nutrition knowledge is an important driver of household dietary diversity that can be improved th... more Nutrition knowledge is an important driver of household dietary diversity that can be improved through access to nutrition information. However, in many rural areas, the formal flow of nutrition information is limited, although social networks could play an important role as an informal source of such information. This paper evaluates the effect of nutrition information networks on household dietary diversity in Nyamira and Kisii counties in Kenya. The paper employs a Poisson regression model on a sample of 462 farmers selected using a multi-stage sampling technique. The results show that the average household dietary diversity of an individual’s network (a proxy for social networks) had a positive and significant effect on the dietary diversity of the individual, implying that social networks have a positive effect on household dietary diversity. Moreover, the average education of an individual’s network, along with household size, wealth status and farm size, had positive signific...

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Research paper thumbnail of Who are the Real Gainers of Trade Liberalization in Kenya's Maize Sector?

In Kenya, trade policy reforms in the cereals sector were initiated as a key component of the eco... more In Kenya, trade policy reforms in the cereals sector were initiated as a key component of the economy-wide structural adjustment programmes (SAPs) during the mid 1980s. The SAPs were later strengthened and made irreversible by Kenya’s commitments at the multilateral trade negotiations. However, the welfare effects of these trade policy reforms remain controversial. This paper to quantifies the market and welfare impacts of trade liberalization in Kenya’s maize sector using a partial equilibrium model with market interrelationships at the farm, wholesale and retail levels. The model is calibrated to simulate a 24 percent reduction in maize import tariffs and a complete abolition of tariffs. The simulations results suggest that tariff reductions yield price decreases across the three market levels. The declining prices increase maize consumption but reduce domestic production. Consequently, consumer surplus increases while producer surplus decreases. However, the gain in consumer surp...

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Research paper thumbnail of Agricultural and Rural Policies in Kenya

Handbook of International Food and Agricultural Policies

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on French Beans Exports in Kenya

In Kenya, exports of French beans are one of the leading foreign exchange earners. Nevertheless, ... more In Kenya, exports of French beans are one of the leading foreign exchange earners. Nevertheless, the economic impacts of exchange rate volatility on French beans exports in Kenya are unclear. This paper evaluates the magnitude and direction of the effects of exchange rate volatility on French beans exports from Kenya to its major trading partners in the European Union using monthly data from January 1990 to December 2011. The generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model was employed to measure exchange rate volatility. The analytical framework used encompasses estimation of an export demand model, cointegration and specification of an error correction model. The results reveal a negative and significant short and long run effect of exchange rate volatility on French beans exports. Specifically, the empirical results show that a unit increase in exchange rate volatility in Kenya leads to more than proportionate decrease in French beans exports to the European Union...

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Research paper thumbnail of Kenya - Agricultural sector risk assessment

Despite myriad challenges, Kenya has emerged in recent years as one of Africa’s frontier economie... more Despite myriad challenges, Kenya has emerged in recent years as one of Africa’s frontier economies, with headline growth in the most recent decade propelling the country toward middle-income status. Less well understood is how risk dynamics associated with production, markets, and policy adversely impact sector performance, in terms of both influencing ex ante decision making among farmers, traders, and other sector stakeholders and causing ex post losses to crops, livestock, and incomes - destabilizing livelihoods and jeopardizing the country’s food security. The present study was commissioned in part to bridge this knowledge gap. It is the first step in a multiphase process designed to integrate a stronger risk focus into sector planning and development programs. It seeks to learn from and build on a range of broad initiatives by the Government of Kenya (GoK) and its development partners purposed to enhance Kenya’s resilience and response to natural disasters. The ultimate objecti...

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Research paper thumbnail of Impacts of Trade Liberalization on Kenya's MaizeSector

Kenya like most other developing countries has been reforming her staple grain markets since 1986... more Kenya like most other developing countries has been reforming her staple grain markets since 1986. The reforms were envisaged to improve the sectors terms of trade as a means of stimulating food production. However, the impacts of trade reforms on Kenya’s maize sector remain controversial. This book evaluates the welfare impacts of trade liberalization and their distributional effects on stakeholders in Kenya’s maize sectorusing a partial equilibrium model (PEM) of trade, which accounts for market interrelationships at the farm, wholesale and retail levels is developed. The simulations results suggest that tariff reductions yield price decreases across the three market levels. The declining prices increase maize consumption but reduce domestic production. Consequently, consumer surplus increases while producer surplus decreases. However, the gain in consumer surplus is not sufficient to compensate the loss in producer surplus. Kenya’s implementation of the Uruguay Round trade libera...

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Research paper thumbnail of Sources and determinants of agricultural growth and productivity in Kenya

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Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Nontariff Barriers on Cross-Border Trade in Maize and Beef Within the East African Community

The East African Customs Union was established in 2005 with the aim of increasing intraregional t... more The East African Customs Union was established in 2005 with the aim of increasing intraregional trade. The Customs Union protocol abolished intra-East-African-community (EAC) tariffs and required member states to eliminate nontariff barriers (NTBs) to intraregional trade. It is generally accepted that NTBs diminish the potential benefi ts that could be derived from the trade preferences offered through regional trading arrangements. These trade preference benefi ts include better access to partner country markets, increased export volumes and prices, improved economic welfare, more jobs, and more rapid economic growth. In the EAC protocol, NTBs are defi ned as “laws, regulations, administrative and technical requirements other than tariffs imposed by a partner state whose effect is to impede trade.” In spite of their commitment to eliminate them, member states continue to apply various NTBs to trade, which raises concerns among policymakers and the business community. In this brief,...

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Research paper thumbnail of Trade reforms and food security in Kenya. country case studies and synthesis

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Research paper thumbnail of Agricultural input-output linkages in the ESA region

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of the World Food Programmer’s (WFP) Purchase for Progress (P4P) pilot project on farm incomes in Kenya: Case of Uasin Gishu and Narok Counties

The World food Programme’s Purchase for Progress Pilot project in Kenya has been under implementa... more The World food Programme’s Purchase for Progress Pilot project in Kenya has been under implementation since 2009 but its welfare impacts are not well understood. In this paper, a propensity score matching method is employed to evaluate the impact of the Purchase for progress project on household farm incomes in Uasin Gishu and Narok counties in Kenya.The findings from this study indicate that the farmers’ decisions to participate in the Purchase for Progress project were significantly influenced by; gender of the household head, farm size,and price of maize, access to extension and access to credit. The results also indicate that the project participants had a higher gross margin per acre per year than the non-project participants. Additionally, the findings show that the project had a positive impact on the participant farmer’s incomes. This information can assist the policy makers in formulating policies which improve the likelihood of farmer’s participation in development based p...

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Research paper thumbnail of Staple Food Price Volatility and Its Policy Implications in Kenya

This paper evaluates the trends in staple food price volatility in Kenya for maize, wheat and Iri... more This paper evaluates the trends in staple food price volatility in Kenya for maize, wheat and Irish potatoes relative to three other Eastern Africa countries (Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda) using the unconditional and the conditional standard deviation. The paper tests the volatility of food prices during the global food crisis of 2007–2008. Using monthly wholesale prices data for maize, wheat and Irish potatoes in Kenya for the period January 2003 to February 2012, the paper estimates the conditional and unconditional price volatility and compares it with similar estimates from Ethiopia, Uganda and Tanzania. Overall the volatility of commodity prices in Kenya as implied by the unconditional standard deviation is in the range of 12% to 32% with maize prices being the most volatile followed by Irish potatoes. Wheat prices are the least volatile in Kenya. Compared with the Eastern Africa region, maize and wheat markets in Kenya are more volatile than counterpart markets in Ethiopia, T...

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Contract Farming on Smallholder Poultry Farmers Income in Kenya. Department of Agricultural Economics University of Nairobi, Kenya. 2012.p.30. Wambugu, S.N. et al.: (2009) Effect

for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this copyright notice appears on all such... more for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this copyright notice appears on all such copies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Agricultural Trade and Related Policy reforms on Food security in

Impact of agricultural trade and related policy reforms on food security in Kenya

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Research paper thumbnail of An Error Corrected Almost Ideal Demand System for Major Cereals in Kenya. Agricultural Economics 41.1

may make verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that... more may make verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this copyright notice appears on all such copies. 2

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Research paper thumbnail of An assessment of the demand for meat in peri-urban areas of Kenya

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the impact of integrated pest management (IPM) technology for mango fruit fly control on food security among smallholders in Machakos County, Kenya

Adoption and extensive use of agricultural innovations is seen as a key avenue for poverty reduct... more Adoption and extensive use of agricultural innovations is seen as a key avenue for poverty reduction and improved food and nutritional security in developing countries. This paper evaluated the impact of IPM strategy for mango fruit flies suppression on food security with the help of a two-wave panel household survey data collected in Machakos County in Kenya. Using a randomly selected sample of 600, a difference in difference was fitted to the data in order to assess the impact of IPM on food security. The results showed that on average, both IPM participants and non-participants were food secure as measured by per capita calorie intake and Household Dietary Diversity Index (HDDI). The difference in difference estimates indicated that fruit fly IPM had a positive impact on per capita calorie intake but no significant effect on HDDI. Other factors that had an effect on per capita calorie include level of farm income, access to extension services, wealth category and distance to agri...

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Research paper thumbnail of Social Networks and Household Dietary Diversity, Evidence from Smallholder Farmers in Kenya

An important driver of household dietary diversity is nutrition knowledge which can be improved t... more An important driver of household dietary diversity is nutrition knowledge which can be improved through access to nutrition information. However, in many rural areas, formal flow of nutrition information is limited, and social networks could play an important role as an informal source of such information. This paper evaluates effects of social network on household dietary diversity in Kenya. Cross sectional data collected from 198 farmers using multi stage sampling technique, was analysed using a Poisson regression model. The results show that the average household dietary diversity of an individual s network members has a positive effect on the dietary diversity of the individual. The effects are more when the network includes at least a strong tie. Household size and farm size also have a positive effect on household dietary diversity. These results imply that farmers social networks could be used as a complementary tool for effective delivery of nutrition education which targets...

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Research paper thumbnail of ESA orphan crop prices rise in tandem with staple food prices

... With Sta , Joseph Karu 00) 09 nov_09 ... Over th period, the ypt rose by 12 tively. Across t ... more ... With Sta , Joseph Karu 00) 09 nov_09 ... Over th period, the ypt rose by 12 tively. Across t exhibited the reases in this s shooting up ember 2009 al ncreases in the its, fresh veg d milk (Uganda (UBOS), 2009 food prices c a poor harvest rtages in mark zed by high d demand. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Review of Agricultural, Food Security, Food Systems and Climate Change Adaptation Policies, Institutions and Actors in East Africa

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of social networks on household dietary diversity: Evidence from smallholder farmers in Kisii and Nyamira counties, Kenya

African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2020

Nutrition knowledge is an important driver of household dietary diversity that can be improved th... more Nutrition knowledge is an important driver of household dietary diversity that can be improved through access to nutrition information. However, in many rural areas, the formal flow of nutrition information is limited, although social networks could play an important role as an informal source of such information. This paper evaluates the effect of nutrition information networks on household dietary diversity in Nyamira and Kisii counties in Kenya. The paper employs a Poisson regression model on a sample of 462 farmers selected using a multi-stage sampling technique. The results show that the average household dietary diversity of an individual’s network (a proxy for social networks) had a positive and significant effect on the dietary diversity of the individual, implying that social networks have a positive effect on household dietary diversity. Moreover, the average education of an individual’s network, along with household size, wealth status and farm size, had positive signific...

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Research paper thumbnail of Who are the Real Gainers of Trade Liberalization in Kenya's Maize Sector?

In Kenya, trade policy reforms in the cereals sector were initiated as a key component of the eco... more In Kenya, trade policy reforms in the cereals sector were initiated as a key component of the economy-wide structural adjustment programmes (SAPs) during the mid 1980s. The SAPs were later strengthened and made irreversible by Kenya’s commitments at the multilateral trade negotiations. However, the welfare effects of these trade policy reforms remain controversial. This paper to quantifies the market and welfare impacts of trade liberalization in Kenya’s maize sector using a partial equilibrium model with market interrelationships at the farm, wholesale and retail levels. The model is calibrated to simulate a 24 percent reduction in maize import tariffs and a complete abolition of tariffs. The simulations results suggest that tariff reductions yield price decreases across the three market levels. The declining prices increase maize consumption but reduce domestic production. Consequently, consumer surplus increases while producer surplus decreases. However, the gain in consumer surp...

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Research paper thumbnail of Agricultural and Rural Policies in Kenya

Handbook of International Food and Agricultural Policies

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on French Beans Exports in Kenya

In Kenya, exports of French beans are one of the leading foreign exchange earners. Nevertheless, ... more In Kenya, exports of French beans are one of the leading foreign exchange earners. Nevertheless, the economic impacts of exchange rate volatility on French beans exports in Kenya are unclear. This paper evaluates the magnitude and direction of the effects of exchange rate volatility on French beans exports from Kenya to its major trading partners in the European Union using monthly data from January 1990 to December 2011. The generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model was employed to measure exchange rate volatility. The analytical framework used encompasses estimation of an export demand model, cointegration and specification of an error correction model. The results reveal a negative and significant short and long run effect of exchange rate volatility on French beans exports. Specifically, the empirical results show that a unit increase in exchange rate volatility in Kenya leads to more than proportionate decrease in French beans exports to the European Union...

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Research paper thumbnail of Kenya - Agricultural sector risk assessment

Despite myriad challenges, Kenya has emerged in recent years as one of Africa’s frontier economie... more Despite myriad challenges, Kenya has emerged in recent years as one of Africa’s frontier economies, with headline growth in the most recent decade propelling the country toward middle-income status. Less well understood is how risk dynamics associated with production, markets, and policy adversely impact sector performance, in terms of both influencing ex ante decision making among farmers, traders, and other sector stakeholders and causing ex post losses to crops, livestock, and incomes - destabilizing livelihoods and jeopardizing the country’s food security. The present study was commissioned in part to bridge this knowledge gap. It is the first step in a multiphase process designed to integrate a stronger risk focus into sector planning and development programs. It seeks to learn from and build on a range of broad initiatives by the Government of Kenya (GoK) and its development partners purposed to enhance Kenya’s resilience and response to natural disasters. The ultimate objecti...

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Research paper thumbnail of Impacts of Trade Liberalization on Kenya's MaizeSector

Kenya like most other developing countries has been reforming her staple grain markets since 1986... more Kenya like most other developing countries has been reforming her staple grain markets since 1986. The reforms were envisaged to improve the sectors terms of trade as a means of stimulating food production. However, the impacts of trade reforms on Kenya’s maize sector remain controversial. This book evaluates the welfare impacts of trade liberalization and their distributional effects on stakeholders in Kenya’s maize sectorusing a partial equilibrium model (PEM) of trade, which accounts for market interrelationships at the farm, wholesale and retail levels is developed. The simulations results suggest that tariff reductions yield price decreases across the three market levels. The declining prices increase maize consumption but reduce domestic production. Consequently, consumer surplus increases while producer surplus decreases. However, the gain in consumer surplus is not sufficient to compensate the loss in producer surplus. Kenya’s implementation of the Uruguay Round trade libera...

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Research paper thumbnail of Sources and determinants of agricultural growth and productivity in Kenya

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Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Nontariff Barriers on Cross-Border Trade in Maize and Beef Within the East African Community

The East African Customs Union was established in 2005 with the aim of increasing intraregional t... more The East African Customs Union was established in 2005 with the aim of increasing intraregional trade. The Customs Union protocol abolished intra-East-African-community (EAC) tariffs and required member states to eliminate nontariff barriers (NTBs) to intraregional trade. It is generally accepted that NTBs diminish the potential benefi ts that could be derived from the trade preferences offered through regional trading arrangements. These trade preference benefi ts include better access to partner country markets, increased export volumes and prices, improved economic welfare, more jobs, and more rapid economic growth. In the EAC protocol, NTBs are defi ned as “laws, regulations, administrative and technical requirements other than tariffs imposed by a partner state whose effect is to impede trade.” In spite of their commitment to eliminate them, member states continue to apply various NTBs to trade, which raises concerns among policymakers and the business community. In this brief,...

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Research paper thumbnail of Trade reforms and food security in Kenya. country case studies and synthesis

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Research paper thumbnail of Agricultural input-output linkages in the ESA region

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of the World Food Programmer’s (WFP) Purchase for Progress (P4P) pilot project on farm incomes in Kenya: Case of Uasin Gishu and Narok Counties

The World food Programme’s Purchase for Progress Pilot project in Kenya has been under implementa... more The World food Programme’s Purchase for Progress Pilot project in Kenya has been under implementation since 2009 but its welfare impacts are not well understood. In this paper, a propensity score matching method is employed to evaluate the impact of the Purchase for progress project on household farm incomes in Uasin Gishu and Narok counties in Kenya.The findings from this study indicate that the farmers’ decisions to participate in the Purchase for Progress project were significantly influenced by; gender of the household head, farm size,and price of maize, access to extension and access to credit. The results also indicate that the project participants had a higher gross margin per acre per year than the non-project participants. Additionally, the findings show that the project had a positive impact on the participant farmer’s incomes. This information can assist the policy makers in formulating policies which improve the likelihood of farmer’s participation in development based p...

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Research paper thumbnail of Staple Food Price Volatility and Its Policy Implications in Kenya

This paper evaluates the trends in staple food price volatility in Kenya for maize, wheat and Iri... more This paper evaluates the trends in staple food price volatility in Kenya for maize, wheat and Irish potatoes relative to three other Eastern Africa countries (Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda) using the unconditional and the conditional standard deviation. The paper tests the volatility of food prices during the global food crisis of 2007–2008. Using monthly wholesale prices data for maize, wheat and Irish potatoes in Kenya for the period January 2003 to February 2012, the paper estimates the conditional and unconditional price volatility and compares it with similar estimates from Ethiopia, Uganda and Tanzania. Overall the volatility of commodity prices in Kenya as implied by the unconditional standard deviation is in the range of 12% to 32% with maize prices being the most volatile followed by Irish potatoes. Wheat prices are the least volatile in Kenya. Compared with the Eastern Africa region, maize and wheat markets in Kenya are more volatile than counterpart markets in Ethiopia, T...

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