julien-ferencz kiss | University of Oradea (original) (raw)
Books by julien-ferencz kiss
Foreword by Phd Mihai Anitei
Papers by julien-ferencz kiss
Romanian psychology has undergone extensive transformations over the past 70 years, in relation t... more Romanian psychology has undergone extensive transformations over the past 70 years, in relation to social and political changes that took place in Romanian society during this period. After building an internationally recognized status by the year 1938, the establishment of the totalitarian regime in 1948 had a negative influence on psychology, essentially on ideological grounds. Of course, during this period of over 40 years, there were several stages in terms of intensity of interference. After the Revolution that led to the process of democratisation in 1989 we can witness the rebirth of psychology in Romania and its gradual reconnecting to mainstream psychology. In this paper, we trace how these broad changes are reflected in the Romanian psychology books published in the last 70 years, relating them to the evolution of Romanian society.
The development of scientific psychology in Romania begins in the late nineteenth century under t... more The development of scientific psychology in Romania begins in the late nineteenth century under the auspices of the new methodological paradigm of experimentalism. After Eduard Gruber established the first experimental psychology laboratory in 1893 in Iasi, Romania becoming the tenth country in the world to have such a laboratory, the new current was strongly supported by the local scientific community. Constantin Rădulescu-Motru (1906) and later Florian Ştefănescu-Goangă (1921), disciples of Wundt, as Gruber in fact, succeeded to to implement experimental psychology as the main direction in Romanian psychology, which in the interwar period came to an unanimous international recognition. The landmarks of the evolution of experimental psychology in Romania, as presented in this article are meant to invite the community of psychologists to initiate a debate, from the historical point of view, on the Romanian experimental psychology, especially after the social and epistemic changes that followed during the totalitarian and postdecembrist period. We believe that a historical perspective on the evolution of the experimental psychology in Romania is a challenge for the entire scientific community of Romanian psychologists. The first argument on the matter, a more general one, focuses on the role of the experimentalism in strengthening scientific psychology. We know that psychology, at least until the eve of the second half of the nineteenth century, did not enjoy the status of independent science. French philosopher Auguste Comte, the founder of positivism (doctrine with remarkable influence in the nineteenth century and early twentieth century), considered psychology at that time as a sub-branch of biology. The dominant pattern in terms of science was certainly derived from the field of natural sciences and it is not surprising that the pioneers of experimental research in psychology came from this area. In this respect we mention
Pe parcursul acestui articol am încercat să analizăm succint sursele istoriografice de bază prin ... more Pe parcursul acestui articol am încercat să analizăm succint sursele istoriografice de bază prin prisma cărora s-a consolidat imaginea actuală asupra istoriei psihologiei în România. Focalizându-ne atât asupra perioadei acoperite în cadrul lucrărilor cercetate cât şi asupra unor aspecte generale privind metodologia istoriografică, putem concluziona că marea majoritate a acestora abordează în special evoluţia psihologiei autohtone până în momentul constituirii şi consolidării acesteia ca ştiinţă, iar lucrările lui Marian Bejat (1972) şi Traian Herseni (1980) stau la baza celor mai multe întreprinderi ulterioare. Dezvoltarea psihologiei după anii '40 ai sec. XX este tratată mai degrabă schematic şi fragmentar, lipsind cercetările sistematice asupra acestei perioade. Golurile sunt într-o oarecare măsură completate în special de publicaţii apărute după anul anul 1989, iar pe baza tuturor acestor surse am încercat în finalul articolului conturarea unui model general al evoluţiei psihologiei româneşti, propunându-ne să delimităm cele mai semnificative etape în raport cu reperele istorice esenţiale.
Abstract – en. In this article we tried to conduct an analysis on the basic historiographical sources underlying the general image of history of Romanian psychology, focusing both on the covered period and on the methodological perspectives. We conclude that the vast majority of the publications are based on two essential researches conducted by Marian Bejat (1972) and Traian Herseni (1980) covering only the period of Romanian psychology's consolidation until the '40's in the XX-th century. Later works, published especially after 1989 manage to cover the mentioned shortcomings to some extent, but there is a great lack of systematic research in this field. In the final part of the article we tried to highlight the main stages of Romanian psychology's evolution as reflected in the analyzed sources.
Romanian psychology has undergone extensive transformations over the past 70 years, in relation t... more Romanian psychology has undergone extensive transformations over the past 70 years, in relation to social and political changes that took place in Romanian society during this period. After building an internationally recognized status by the year 1938, the establishment of the totalitarian regime in 1948 had a negative influence on psychology, essentially on ideological grounds. Of course, during this period of over 40 years, there were several stages in terms of intensity of interference. After the Revolution that led to the process of democratisation in 1989 we can witness the rebirth of psychology in Romania and its gradual reconnecting to mainstream psychology. In this paper, we trace how these broad changes are reflected in the Romanian psychology books published in the last 70 years, relating them to the evolution of Romanian society.
The development of scientific psychology in Romania begins in the late nineteenth century under t... more The development of scientific psychology in Romania begins in the late nineteenth century under the auspices of the new methodological paradigm of experimentalism. After Eduard Gruber established the first experimental psychology laboratory in 1893 in Iasi, Romania becoming the tenth country in the world to have such a laboratory, the new current was strongly supported by the local scientific community. Constantin Rădulescu-Motru (1906) and later Florian Ştefănescu-Goangă (1921), disciples of Wundt, as Gruber in fact, succeeded to to implement experimental psychology as the main direction in Romanian psychology, which in the interwar period came to an unanimous international recognition. The landmarks of the evolution of experimental psychology in Romania, as presented in this article are meant to invite the community of psychologists to initiate a debate, from the historical point of view, on the Romanian experimental psychology, especially after the social and epistemic changes that followed during the totalitarian and postdecembrist period. We believe that a historical perspective on the evolution of the experimental psychology in Romania is a challenge for the entire scientific community of Romanian psychologists. The first argument on the matter, a more general one, focuses on the role of the experimentalism in strengthening scientific psychology. We know that psychology, at least until the eve of the second half of the nineteenth century, did not enjoy the status of independent science. French philosopher Auguste Comte, the founder of positivism (doctrine with remarkable influence in the nineteenth century and early twentieth century), considered psychology at that time as a sub-branch of biology. The dominant pattern in terms of science was certainly derived from the field of natural sciences and it is not surprising that the pioneers of experimental research in psychology came from this area. In this respect we mention
Pe parcursul acestui articol am încercat să analizăm succint sursele istoriografice de bază prin ... more Pe parcursul acestui articol am încercat să analizăm succint sursele istoriografice de bază prin prisma cărora s-a consolidat imaginea actuală asupra istoriei psihologiei în România. Focalizându-ne atât asupra perioadei acoperite în cadrul lucrărilor cercetate cât şi asupra unor aspecte generale privind metodologia istoriografică, putem concluziona că marea majoritate a acestora abordează în special evoluţia psihologiei autohtone până în momentul constituirii şi consolidării acesteia ca ştiinţă, iar lucrările lui Marian Bejat (1972) şi Traian Herseni (1980) stau la baza celor mai multe întreprinderi ulterioare. Dezvoltarea psihologiei după anii '40 ai sec. XX este tratată mai degrabă schematic şi fragmentar, lipsind cercetările sistematice asupra acestei perioade. Golurile sunt într-o oarecare măsură completate în special de publicaţii apărute după anul anul 1989, iar pe baza tuturor acestor surse am încercat în finalul articolului conturarea unui model general al evoluţiei psihologiei româneşti, propunându-ne să delimităm cele mai semnificative etape în raport cu reperele istorice esenţiale.
Abstract – en. In this article we tried to conduct an analysis on the basic historiographical sources underlying the general image of history of Romanian psychology, focusing both on the covered period and on the methodological perspectives. We conclude that the vast majority of the publications are based on two essential researches conducted by Marian Bejat (1972) and Traian Herseni (1980) covering only the period of Romanian psychology's consolidation until the '40's in the XX-th century. Later works, published especially after 1989 manage to cover the mentioned shortcomings to some extent, but there is a great lack of systematic research in this field. In the final part of the article we tried to highlight the main stages of Romanian psychology's evolution as reflected in the analyzed sources.