Lilian Negura | University of Ottawa | Université d'Ottawa (original) (raw)
Papers by Lilian Negura
Discover Global Society, 2024
Alcopops are malt-based or spirit-based sugary beverages whose consumption has led to numerous po... more Alcopops are malt-based or spirit-based sugary beverages whose consumption has led to numerous policies in different
Western countries. This article examines the representational and socio-political dynamics surrounding the sale of
alcopops that led to restrictive policies in Canada (2017–2020). Using qualitative methods during this period, including
interviews with key players in the field of alcohol policy, analysis of press articles and review of legislative documents,
we trace the evolution of public and political discourse on alcopops. We shed light on the role of social actors—mainly
public-health organizations and the alcohol industry—defending their own interests to influence policy-making. A
multi-theoretical framework is used to analyze how alcopops emerged as a public problem. This framework integrates
Herbert Blumer’s theoretical perspective on social problems, Serge Moscovici’s social representation theory and Stevens
and Zampini’s political constellation model. Through an analysis of the socio-political context in Quebec, we reveal the
complex interplay between public health imperatives and the interests of the alcohol industry. This should serve as a
model to study public problems that lead to public policies implementation.
Discover Global Society
Springer Nature is launching a new series of open access journals, the journal “Discover Global S... more Springer Nature is launching a new series of open access journals, the journal “Discover Global Society” being one of them, which is a transdisciplinary, open access journal publishing societal research on all areas of our modern global society and its challenges.
Discover Global Society is a completely open access journal, which means that its contents are freely available and can be used by a world audience. I am currently serving as a Guest Editor and would like to invite you and your team to contribute one paper to my Topical Collection whose title is “Social Representations in the Public Sphere: Unmasking the Dynamics of Social Problems in a Global Context”. I believe that your contribution would elevate the level of interest in the Topical Collection.
The submission deadline for this collection is May 31st, 2024. You can submit your manuscript any time before that, and all articles published by Discover Global Society are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication. You can access the Topical Collection via the following link:
To submit your manuscript for consideration at Discover Global Society as part of this Topical Collection, please follow the steps detailed on this page. When submitting your manuscript, you will need to indicate that you are submitting your manuscript to a Collection. To do so, on the ‘Details’ page select the “Social Representations in the Public Sphere: Unmasking the Dynamics of Social Problems in a Global Context” Topical Collection from the drop-down list. Authors should also express their interest in the Collection in their cover letter.
If this invitation receives your favorable consideration, we look forward to our future collaboration.
Reflets, 2008
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y ... more Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne. Cet article est diffusé et préservé par Érudit. Érudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé de l'
International Social Work, Mar 28, 2021
Our study sought to refine our understanding of professional distress by examining the experience... more Our study sought to refine our understanding of professional distress by examining the experience of healthcare social workers in the following three Canadian provinces: Manitoba, Ontario and New Brunswick. Thirty semi-directed interviews were conducted to explore the social workers’ social representation of professional distress and its ties to professional identity and growing organizational constraints. Attitudes, work–life imbalances, and negative workplace experiences were found to increase the subjective experience of distress. Current psychosocial and organizational contexts of front-line practitioners are contributors to their professional distress, a matter further exacerbated by the misrepresentation of social work by colleagues and service beneficiaries.
Les Cahiers internationaux de psychologie sociale, 2011
Distribution électronique pour Presses universitaires de Liège. © Presses universitair... more Distribution électronique pour Presses universitaires de Liège. © Presses universitaires de Liège. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit.
Canadian Ethnic Studies, 2021
This article explores the role of linguistic affiliation in the representation of the professiona... more This article explores the role of linguistic affiliation in the representation of the professional distress of francophone healthcare social workers in minority settings. Faced with a contradictory literature on the influence of linguistic affiliation on mental health and workplace well-being, we conducted 30 semi-directive interviews with healthcare social workers in three provinces: Manitoba, Ontario and New-Brunswick. A thematic analysis of content was performed on the interview transcriptions and organized through the NVivo platform. Overall, our results indicate that linguistic affiliation relate to the social representation of professional distress on matters of recognition, discrimination, employment precarity and role boundaries. These findings were discussed in terms of their ties to professional identity, the lived experience of our participants and the power relations that they involved
Canadian Ethnic Studies, 2017
La construction sociale de la migration : Le rôle de l'expérience et des représentations sociales... more La construction sociale de la migration : Le rôle de l'expérience et des représentations sociales Résumé L'article présente les résultats d'une enquête exploratoire effectuée en Moldavie sur les représentations sociales des 18 jeunes, 9 migrants et 9 non-migrants, et leurs expériences sociales qui façonnent leur rapport à l'émigration au Canada. L'analyse des éléments représentationnels, suite à une technique d'évocation ainsi que l'analyse de contenu intégrée des entrevues semi-dirigées ont révélé des configurations représentationnelles et expérientielles qui permettent de relativiser les explications de la migration avancées par les théories économiques et du choix rationnel.
Canadian Ethnic Studies, 2017
This paper explores the rarely addressed subject of linguistic majority in the context of Canadia... more This paper explores the rarely addressed subject of linguistic majority in the context of Canadian society, through a qualitative analysis of 20 semi-directed interviews with majority Anglophone participants. It was found that while participants acknowledged a certain form of privilege related to their majority status within Canadian society, it was also common for them to experience situations in which they felt overlooked, marginalized and even discriminated against. "Linguistic privilege" has not been the subject of more studies because it is often seen as a "default", taken-for-granted status in Canadian society. However, studying this form of privilege and its intersections with other dimensions of identity such as gender, class and race could lead to new insights on language, power and group identity. Moreover, studies on "the majority" are especially pertinent in a context where "silent majorities" are becoming increasingly vocal in stating their dissatisfaction and feelings of discrimination. This article can provide pathways to a better understanding of this emergent issue. Résumé Le « privilège linguistique » est un concept peu exploité dans la littérature scientifique, puisqu'être anglophone en situation majoritaire constitue le statu quo de l'identité canadienne. Pourtant, l'étude de cette forme possible de privilège et de ses intersections avec d'autres catégories sociales telles que la classe, le genre et la race s'avère un terreau très fertile pour l'analyse des liens entre la langue, le pouvoir et l'identité de groupe. Cet article s'intéresse au sujet peu documenté de la majorité linguistique au Canada à l'aide d'une analyse qualitative de 20 entretiens semi-dirigés réalisés auprès d'individus anglophones en situation majoritaire. Nos résultats montrent que bien que les participants reconnaissaient leur statut privilégié au sein de la société canadienne, ces derniers pouvaient également vivre des situations dans lesquelles ils se sentaient invisibles et marginalisés, voire discriminés. De plus, les études « sur la majorité » sont particulièrement pertinentes dans le contexte sociopolitique actuel où les « majorités silencieuses » prennent parole pour dénoncer leur insatisfaction et leurs sentiments d'injustice. INTRODUCTION: O, CANADA! CULTURAL AND LINGUISTIC CONTEXT Canada is a bilingual country: its two official languages are French and English. The vast majority of Francophones are located in the province of Quebec (totalling
Drugs-education Prevention and Policy, 2008
A survey was conducted with 70 managers responsible for hiring in large-, medium-and small-sized ... more A survey was conducted with 70 managers responsible for hiring in large-, medium-and small-sized companies in the Montreal and Quebec City areas. A content analysis of the semi-structured interviews allowed us to examine the social representations underlying the managers' attitudes towards the issue of substance misusing in the company or the hiring process. This examination in turn allowed us to develop a typology of the managers' needs regarding the integration of this category of people into employment. Our results show how the representations of the determinants of drug addiction and of the role of the workplace generate attitudes that are closed-minded, ambivalent, tolerant or supportive, and that underlie the manager's requirements for information on drug addiction, for internal rehabilitation services or external services supporting the reintegration of drug abusers into employment.
Recherches sociographiques, 2009
Sociologies, Oct 22, 2006
Dans l'étude des représentations sociales l'on utilise de plus en plus de techniq... more Dans l'étude des représentations sociales l'on utilise de plus en plus de techniques de recueil des données dites qualitatives. Cependant, il n'ya pas encore une méthode d'analyse du matériel qualitatif en mesure de rendre compte de la dynamique ...
In this paper, we analyze the evolution of the expert discourse in the media during the first wav... more In this paper, we analyze the evolution of the expert discourse in the media during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in Canada. From our analysis of 527 media products published by CBC/Radio Canada between January 1 and August 31, 2020, it was possible to document the type of expertise mobilized, the types of experts engaged by the media, the modalities of appropriation of this discourse by non-experts and the use of expert discourse by political actors. We organize our analysis around governmental measures that have generated more controversy and debate in the media (e.g., closing international borders) and that will be used to analyze the processes of representational naturalization (Negura and Plante, submitted). We begin our chapter with an overview of the use of expertise in the Canadian publichealth decision-making chain in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic by highlighting the tensions, contradictions, and paradoxes in political communication that this process revealed. We demonstrate the relevance of studying these dynamics reflected in the media from the perspective of social representations. A brief explanation of the research objectives, the data used and some methodological elements will follow. We then discuss the results of our analysis of the different stages of the evolution of the pandemic in Canada according to the expert discourse in the media. Finally, our analysis focuses on the role of expert discourse in determining what aspects of Covid-19 the public and the political authorities in Canada have defined as a social problem.
Societies, Sep 18, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 2007
Sociología y Tecnociencia, May 3, 2018
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance
Relations industrielles, 2011
Tous droits réservés © Département des relations industrielles de l'Université Laval, 2011 Ce doc... more Tous droits réservés © Département des relations industrielles de l'Université Laval, 2011 Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne. Cet article est diffusé et préservé par Érudit. Érudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé de l'
Journal for The Theory of Social Behaviour, Mar 1, 2021
This theoretical paper explores the role of social representations in the construction of social ... more This theoretical paper explores the role of social representations in the construction of social reality. Even though this question has been the subject of many debates, the actual processes and mechanisms through which social representations contribute to the construction of social reality have rarely been explored. Citing key works on the topic, the paper explores the role of the genesis of social representations in this process. Each stage of the objectification of social representations (selective construction, structuring schematization, and naturalization) is examined in detail. A more in‐depth analysis of the naturalization process is provided by dividing it into four phases: (1) recognition; (2) elimination of contradictions; (3) instrumental use; and (4) validation through experience. These phases are illustrated using the example of the construction of the social object of drugs in our contemporary society. The present examination of the naturalization process in relation to drugs reveals the mechanisms through which the reality of drugs as a social problem has been constructed and reproduced in our society.
Discover Global Society, 2024
Alcopops are malt-based or spirit-based sugary beverages whose consumption has led to numerous po... more Alcopops are malt-based or spirit-based sugary beverages whose consumption has led to numerous policies in different
Western countries. This article examines the representational and socio-political dynamics surrounding the sale of
alcopops that led to restrictive policies in Canada (2017–2020). Using qualitative methods during this period, including
interviews with key players in the field of alcohol policy, analysis of press articles and review of legislative documents,
we trace the evolution of public and political discourse on alcopops. We shed light on the role of social actors—mainly
public-health organizations and the alcohol industry—defending their own interests to influence policy-making. A
multi-theoretical framework is used to analyze how alcopops emerged as a public problem. This framework integrates
Herbert Blumer’s theoretical perspective on social problems, Serge Moscovici’s social representation theory and Stevens
and Zampini’s political constellation model. Through an analysis of the socio-political context in Quebec, we reveal the
complex interplay between public health imperatives and the interests of the alcohol industry. This should serve as a
model to study public problems that lead to public policies implementation.
Discover Global Society
Springer Nature is launching a new series of open access journals, the journal “Discover Global S... more Springer Nature is launching a new series of open access journals, the journal “Discover Global Society” being one of them, which is a transdisciplinary, open access journal publishing societal research on all areas of our modern global society and its challenges.
Discover Global Society is a completely open access journal, which means that its contents are freely available and can be used by a world audience. I am currently serving as a Guest Editor and would like to invite you and your team to contribute one paper to my Topical Collection whose title is “Social Representations in the Public Sphere: Unmasking the Dynamics of Social Problems in a Global Context”. I believe that your contribution would elevate the level of interest in the Topical Collection.
The submission deadline for this collection is May 31st, 2024. You can submit your manuscript any time before that, and all articles published by Discover Global Society are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication. You can access the Topical Collection via the following link:
To submit your manuscript for consideration at Discover Global Society as part of this Topical Collection, please follow the steps detailed on this page. When submitting your manuscript, you will need to indicate that you are submitting your manuscript to a Collection. To do so, on the ‘Details’ page select the “Social Representations in the Public Sphere: Unmasking the Dynamics of Social Problems in a Global Context” Topical Collection from the drop-down list. Authors should also express their interest in the Collection in their cover letter.
If this invitation receives your favorable consideration, we look forward to our future collaboration.
Reflets, 2008
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y ... more Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne. Cet article est diffusé et préservé par Érudit. Érudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé de l'
International Social Work, Mar 28, 2021
Our study sought to refine our understanding of professional distress by examining the experience... more Our study sought to refine our understanding of professional distress by examining the experience of healthcare social workers in the following three Canadian provinces: Manitoba, Ontario and New Brunswick. Thirty semi-directed interviews were conducted to explore the social workers’ social representation of professional distress and its ties to professional identity and growing organizational constraints. Attitudes, work–life imbalances, and negative workplace experiences were found to increase the subjective experience of distress. Current psychosocial and organizational contexts of front-line practitioners are contributors to their professional distress, a matter further exacerbated by the misrepresentation of social work by colleagues and service beneficiaries.
Les Cahiers internationaux de psychologie sociale, 2011
Distribution électronique pour Presses universitaires de Liège. © Presses universitair... more Distribution électronique pour Presses universitaires de Liège. © Presses universitaires de Liège. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit.
Canadian Ethnic Studies, 2021
This article explores the role of linguistic affiliation in the representation of the professiona... more This article explores the role of linguistic affiliation in the representation of the professional distress of francophone healthcare social workers in minority settings. Faced with a contradictory literature on the influence of linguistic affiliation on mental health and workplace well-being, we conducted 30 semi-directive interviews with healthcare social workers in three provinces: Manitoba, Ontario and New-Brunswick. A thematic analysis of content was performed on the interview transcriptions and organized through the NVivo platform. Overall, our results indicate that linguistic affiliation relate to the social representation of professional distress on matters of recognition, discrimination, employment precarity and role boundaries. These findings were discussed in terms of their ties to professional identity, the lived experience of our participants and the power relations that they involved
Canadian Ethnic Studies, 2017
La construction sociale de la migration : Le rôle de l'expérience et des représentations sociales... more La construction sociale de la migration : Le rôle de l'expérience et des représentations sociales Résumé L'article présente les résultats d'une enquête exploratoire effectuée en Moldavie sur les représentations sociales des 18 jeunes, 9 migrants et 9 non-migrants, et leurs expériences sociales qui façonnent leur rapport à l'émigration au Canada. L'analyse des éléments représentationnels, suite à une technique d'évocation ainsi que l'analyse de contenu intégrée des entrevues semi-dirigées ont révélé des configurations représentationnelles et expérientielles qui permettent de relativiser les explications de la migration avancées par les théories économiques et du choix rationnel.
Canadian Ethnic Studies, 2017
This paper explores the rarely addressed subject of linguistic majority in the context of Canadia... more This paper explores the rarely addressed subject of linguistic majority in the context of Canadian society, through a qualitative analysis of 20 semi-directed interviews with majority Anglophone participants. It was found that while participants acknowledged a certain form of privilege related to their majority status within Canadian society, it was also common for them to experience situations in which they felt overlooked, marginalized and even discriminated against. "Linguistic privilege" has not been the subject of more studies because it is often seen as a "default", taken-for-granted status in Canadian society. However, studying this form of privilege and its intersections with other dimensions of identity such as gender, class and race could lead to new insights on language, power and group identity. Moreover, studies on "the majority" are especially pertinent in a context where "silent majorities" are becoming increasingly vocal in stating their dissatisfaction and feelings of discrimination. This article can provide pathways to a better understanding of this emergent issue. Résumé Le « privilège linguistique » est un concept peu exploité dans la littérature scientifique, puisqu'être anglophone en situation majoritaire constitue le statu quo de l'identité canadienne. Pourtant, l'étude de cette forme possible de privilège et de ses intersections avec d'autres catégories sociales telles que la classe, le genre et la race s'avère un terreau très fertile pour l'analyse des liens entre la langue, le pouvoir et l'identité de groupe. Cet article s'intéresse au sujet peu documenté de la majorité linguistique au Canada à l'aide d'une analyse qualitative de 20 entretiens semi-dirigés réalisés auprès d'individus anglophones en situation majoritaire. Nos résultats montrent que bien que les participants reconnaissaient leur statut privilégié au sein de la société canadienne, ces derniers pouvaient également vivre des situations dans lesquelles ils se sentaient invisibles et marginalisés, voire discriminés. De plus, les études « sur la majorité » sont particulièrement pertinentes dans le contexte sociopolitique actuel où les « majorités silencieuses » prennent parole pour dénoncer leur insatisfaction et leurs sentiments d'injustice. INTRODUCTION: O, CANADA! CULTURAL AND LINGUISTIC CONTEXT Canada is a bilingual country: its two official languages are French and English. The vast majority of Francophones are located in the province of Quebec (totalling
Drugs-education Prevention and Policy, 2008
A survey was conducted with 70 managers responsible for hiring in large-, medium-and small-sized ... more A survey was conducted with 70 managers responsible for hiring in large-, medium-and small-sized companies in the Montreal and Quebec City areas. A content analysis of the semi-structured interviews allowed us to examine the social representations underlying the managers' attitudes towards the issue of substance misusing in the company or the hiring process. This examination in turn allowed us to develop a typology of the managers' needs regarding the integration of this category of people into employment. Our results show how the representations of the determinants of drug addiction and of the role of the workplace generate attitudes that are closed-minded, ambivalent, tolerant or supportive, and that underlie the manager's requirements for information on drug addiction, for internal rehabilitation services or external services supporting the reintegration of drug abusers into employment.
Recherches sociographiques, 2009
Sociologies, Oct 22, 2006
Dans l'étude des représentations sociales l'on utilise de plus en plus de techniq... more Dans l'étude des représentations sociales l'on utilise de plus en plus de techniques de recueil des données dites qualitatives. Cependant, il n'ya pas encore une méthode d'analyse du matériel qualitatif en mesure de rendre compte de la dynamique ...
In this paper, we analyze the evolution of the expert discourse in the media during the first wav... more In this paper, we analyze the evolution of the expert discourse in the media during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in Canada. From our analysis of 527 media products published by CBC/Radio Canada between January 1 and August 31, 2020, it was possible to document the type of expertise mobilized, the types of experts engaged by the media, the modalities of appropriation of this discourse by non-experts and the use of expert discourse by political actors. We organize our analysis around governmental measures that have generated more controversy and debate in the media (e.g., closing international borders) and that will be used to analyze the processes of representational naturalization (Negura and Plante, submitted). We begin our chapter with an overview of the use of expertise in the Canadian publichealth decision-making chain in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic by highlighting the tensions, contradictions, and paradoxes in political communication that this process revealed. We demonstrate the relevance of studying these dynamics reflected in the media from the perspective of social representations. A brief explanation of the research objectives, the data used and some methodological elements will follow. We then discuss the results of our analysis of the different stages of the evolution of the pandemic in Canada according to the expert discourse in the media. Finally, our analysis focuses on the role of expert discourse in determining what aspects of Covid-19 the public and the political authorities in Canada have defined as a social problem.
Societies, Sep 18, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 2007
Sociología y Tecnociencia, May 3, 2018
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance
Relations industrielles, 2011
Tous droits réservés © Département des relations industrielles de l'Université Laval, 2011 Ce doc... more Tous droits réservés © Département des relations industrielles de l'Université Laval, 2011 Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne. Cet article est diffusé et préservé par Érudit. Érudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé de l'
Journal for The Theory of Social Behaviour, Mar 1, 2021
This theoretical paper explores the role of social representations in the construction of social ... more This theoretical paper explores the role of social representations in the construction of social reality. Even though this question has been the subject of many debates, the actual processes and mechanisms through which social representations contribute to the construction of social reality have rarely been explored. Citing key works on the topic, the paper explores the role of the genesis of social representations in this process. Each stage of the objectification of social representations (selective construction, structuring schematization, and naturalization) is examined in detail. A more in‐depth analysis of the naturalization process is provided by dividing it into four phases: (1) recognition; (2) elimination of contradictions; (3) instrumental use; and (4) validation through experience. These phases are illustrated using the example of the construction of the social object of drugs in our contemporary society. The present examination of the naturalization process in relation to drugs reveals the mechanisms through which the reality of drugs as a social problem has been constructed and reproduced in our society.
Workshop, 2019
Ce colloque se propose d’offrir aux chercheurs qui emploient différentes approches théoriques dan... more Ce colloque se propose d’offrir aux chercheurs qui emploient différentes approches théoriques dans l’étude des problèmes sociaux et qui proviennent de divers champs disciplinaires de se réunir et réfléchir aux aspects théoriques et empiriques de la définition des problèmes sociaux comme objets de représentation. Il se veut aussi un espace d’échange sur la pertinence pratique de l’analyse des problèmes sociaux dans une perspective des représentations sociales et sur la richesse des regards que cette perspective apporte sur toute une variété de problèmes sociaux auxquels la société est amenée à se confronter.
Stockholm University Press, 2021
In this paper, we analyze the evolution of the expert discourse in the media during the first wav... more In this paper, we analyze the evolution of the expert discourse in the media during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in Canada. From our analysis of 527 media products published by CBC/Radio Canada between January 1 and August 31, 2020, it was possible to document the type of expertise mobilized, the types of experts engaged by the media, the modalities of appropriation of this discourse by non-experts and the use of expert discourse by political actors. We organize our analysis around governmental measures that have generated more controversy and debate in the media (e.g., closing international borders) and that will be used to analyze the processes of representational naturalization (Negura and Plante, submitted).
We begin our chapter with an overview of the use of expertise in the Canadian public- health decision-making chain in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic by highlighting the tensions, contradictions, and paradoxes in political communication that this process revealed. We demonstrate the relevance of studying these dynamics reflected in the media from the perspective of social representations. A brief explanation of the research objectives, the data used and some methodological elements will follow. We then discuss the results of our analysis of the different stages of the evolution of the pandemic in Canada according to the expert discourse in the media. Finally, our analysis focuses on the role of expert discourse in determining what aspects of Covid-19 the public and the political authorities in Canada have defined as a social problem.
Comparing the place of experts during the first waves of the COVID-19 pandemic,, 2024
The role of expert, institutional and media communication in the pandemic emergency is crucial, s... more The role of expert, institutional and media communication in the pandemic emergency is crucial, since it contributes to spread collective interpretations of the crisis that drive community responses. Based on social representations theory approach, and specifically relying on the notions of collective symbolic coping and polemical social representations, the study presents 10 country-based case studies of public communication with the aim of exploring the social representations of COVID-19 during the first wave of the outbreak. Multiple communication sources from ten countries in five geo-cultural contexts (Europe, North America, Latino America,Asia, Africa) were selected and analysed: institutional websites;
international/national/local newspapers and news channels;
national/international press agencies; and social media platforms.
Results highlighted the prevalence of multi-vocality and polemical
social representations, along with outgroup blaming and stigmatisation
processes, the use of military and naturalistic metaphors,
antinomies, and discourse polarisation. Implications for effective
public communication in crisis management are discussed.
Comparing the place of experts during the first waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2024
In this chapter, we analyse the evolution of expert discourse in the media during the first wave ... more In this chapter, we analyse the evolution of expert discourse in the media during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in Canada. We begin with an overview of the use of expertise in the Canadian public-health decision-making chain in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the tensions, contradictions and paradoxes of political communication that this process revealed. These decisions were widely reflected and debated in the media, hence the relevance of studying them from the perspective of social representations. Based on our analysis of 527 media products published by CBC/Radio Canada between 1 January and 31 August 2020, it was possible to document the type of expertise mobilised, the types of experts engaged by the media, the modalities of appropriation of this discourse by non-experts and the use of expert discourse by political actors. The analysis of the governmental measures that have generated the most controversy and debate in the media has allowed us to reveal the public's understanding of the pandemic through the process of
The Oxford Handbook of Power, Politics and Social Work , 2024
The chapter on social work and professional representation provides an overview of the history of... more The chapter on social work and professional representation provides an overview of the history of social work in Canada and explores the complex tensions defining the professional identity of social workers today, both in institutional and community settings. The chapter deconstructs the lasting dynamics fostered by the ideologies of social service, beginning with the Judeo-Christian values of charity work to the neoliberalism of today. It then discusses the core policies and principles informing contemporary Canadian social work, the difficulties that they engender and the ways in which professionals have responded to internal and external occupational pressures. Power relations influencing the social work identity are discussed as they relate to both current practice and the broader establishment of the profession nationally. The chapter concludes by highlighting the means of resistance that have strengthened, and continue to strengthen, Canadian social work.