Patricia Romeiro | Universidade do Porto (original) (raw)

Papers by Patricia Romeiro

Research paper thumbnail of As TIC na dinamização das indústrias criativas. O caso da produção de software de entretenimento na região urbano-metropolitana do noroeste de Portugal

Respuestas de la Geografía Ibérica a la crisis actual: XIII Coloquio Ibérico de Geografía: Santiago de Compostela: 24 – 27 de octubre 2012, 2012, ISBN 978-84-940469-7-1, págs. 198-208, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of The evolutionary dynamics of creative clusters: How can they best be captured?

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Manobras no Porto’ project (Porto): What can creative activism do for policies and urban place(-making) and the other way around

City, Culture and Society, 2017

In recent decades, much has been written about urban policies for culture and creativity. Little ... more In recent decades, much has been written about urban policies for culture and creativity. Little is known, however, about how public policies are shaped in practice at local level. To what extent are the different notions and forms of creativity activated and mobilized, and contribute to the development of urban policies for culture and creativity? Recent literature on urban studies drew attention to the creative activism practices contesting the instrumentalisation of culture and creativity by neo-liberal approaches to urban development. Recognizing the potential of creative activism as a creative practice of critical reflection and action, this paper focuses on an underexplored perspective so far e creative activism developed in dialogue and cooperation, and not as a practice of radical opposition, and oriented to have impacts beyond the temporality of the actions developed. Through the analysis of a case study e Manobras no Porto (Porto, Portugal), we explore how a creative activism project can be understood as a space for the experimentation of new spaces of governance. The results show not only that creative activism can play an important role in policy learning and urban place-making, but that policies and place (as context and content) can also have a decisive effect on the activation of creative activism practices.

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping the Intangibilities of the Historic Centre of Porto: ParticipA(C)TION (and its Challenges) in Cultural Mapping Projects

Culture and Local Governance, 2015

This article focuses on cultural mapping projects as a strategy for urban development. In particu... more This article focuses on cultural mapping projects as a strategy for urban development. In particular, it analyzes how one of the most important cultural mapping matrices-its participatory mission-can be operationalized. Moving away from other projects where participation is merely rhetoric or is interpreted with little depth (for example, exchange of information, consultation), the public project Manobras no Porto serves to analyze: 1) how a broad and deep concept of participation can be implemented in practice (and under what circumstances can it be successful) and 2) what kind of results can be achieved. In addition to the potential practical interest, the article also aims to contribute to deepening the debate on cultural mapping. The analysis clearly shows that participation involves a large and complex set of motivations and abilities, and that understanding how cultural mapping projects are developed (and their impact on the territory) requires that they be understood as exercises of negotiation between the agents involved.

Research paper thumbnail of Desarrollo Territorial, Redes Institucionales y Procesos de Innovación Socioeconómica en Castilla-La Mancha” en Julia Salom y Juan M. Albertos (Coords.) del libro Redes sociointitucionales, Estrategias de innovación y desarrollo territorial en España. 2011.(pp. 173-202)

Research paper thumbnail of Desarrollo Territorial, Redes Institucionales y Procesos De Innovaciìn Socioeconìmica. El Caso Del Mueble en La Comunidad …

... Julia Salom Carrasco Juan Miguel Albertos Puebla Juan.M.Albertos@uv. es Ins... more ... Julia Salom Carrasco Juan Miguel Albertos Puebla Juan.M.Albertos@uv. es Instituto Interuniversitario de Desarrollo Local UNIVERSIDAD DE VALENCIA ... Economía del conocimiento y learning regions (Mansell, Machlup, Florida, Antonelli, Ferrâo...) ...

Research paper thumbnail of Operacionalização da teoria dos ciclos de vida dos clusters. As indústrias criativas como contexto para a reflexão e o Software Educacional e de Entretenimento no Norte de Portugal como caso de estudo

GOT - Geography and Spatial Planning Journal, 2013

Operacionalização da teoria dos ciclos de vida dos clusters. As indústrias criativas como context... more Operacionalização da teoria dos ciclos de vida dos clusters. As indústrias criativas como contexto para a reflexão e o Software Educacional e de Entretenimento no Norte de Portugal como caso de estudo. Referência: Romeiro, P.; Nunes, F. (2013). Operacionalização da teoria dos ciclos de vida dos clusters. As indústrias criativas como contexto para a reflexão e o Software Educacional e de Entretenimento no Norte de Portugal como caso de estudo. Revista de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território (GOT), n.º 4 (dezembro). Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, p. 273-298

Research paper thumbnail of Redes socio-institucionales e innovación para el desarrollo de las ciudades intermedias

Los contrastes entre ciudades y regiones en la UE, a partir de la ampliacion e integracion, evide... more Los contrastes entre ciudades y regiones en la UE, a partir de la ampliacion e integracion, evidencian diferentes respuestas locales a esos desafios. Las ciudades intermedias pueden ser importantes catalizadores del desarrollo territorial, especialmente en las regiones perifericas, aquejadas por debilidades estructurales que dificultan su desarrollo. Luego de un analisis inicial sobre su papel en el desarrollo territorial, se plantean algunas claves para la construccion de ciudades intermedias innovadoras haciendo referencia a las redes institucionales, el capital social y la gobernabilidad territorial derivada de las relaciones sinergicas entre ambos. Se plantean finalmente indicadores para caracterizar e identificar estas ciudades y se comentan lineas de actuacion orientadas a dinamizar el territorio a partir de las mismas.

Research paper thumbnail of Primeiro Atlas do Sector dos Videojogos em Portugal: Contributo para a Análise das Economias Urbanas em Transformação

Trabalhos recentes no âmbito da geografia economica e da inovacao contribuiram para um maior ente... more Trabalhos recentes no âmbito da geografia economica e da inovacao contribuiram para um maior entendimento sobre a forma como as actividades economicas emergem e se desenvolvem nas cidades e regioes. Apesar do grande crescimento do sector dos Videojogos no contexto europeu e do crescente interesse que tem despertado (ex. Comissao Europeia), pouco se sabe sobre as suas caracteristicas e o seu contributo para o desenvolvimento de novos caminhos de crescimento urbano e regional. Partindo do mapeamento das aglomeracoes mais representativas em Portugal, este trabalho explora as caracteristicas do seu tecido empresarial, os factores de localizacao e as redes criadas, bem como o seu papel no desenvolvimento das economias urbanas. O artigo desenvolve-se a partir de dados recolhidos em Portugal atraves de um inquerito respondido por 70 agentes economicos, e resulta do trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito do projecto ‘Primeiro Atlas do Sector dos Videojogos em Portugal’. O artigo conclui com uma re...

Research paper thumbnail of The video game industry in Portugal

Despite the impressive growth of the video game industry in Europe and a growing interest emergin... more Despite the impressive growth of the video game industry in Europe and a growing interest emerging in that industrial sector (e.g. from the European Commission), there is still a knowledge deficiency in respect of its characteristics and regional impact. By mapping the most relevant active agents participating in this economic activity in Portugal, this paper explores the characteristics the industry communities, types of games developed, tools used, marketing and sales channels and economic impact. This research is based on data collected in Portugal through a survey of 70 economic agents, under the auspices of the First Atlas of video games Industry in Portugal research project. The paper concludes with an elaboration of the opportunities and challenges associated with the industry and the potential role of public and institutional policies in supporting its development and sustainability.

Research paper thumbnail of A survey of the video game industry in Portugal

Despite the impressive growth of the video game industry in Europe and a growing interest emergin... more Despite the impressive growth of the video game industry in Europe and a growing interest emerging in that industrial sector, there is still a knowledge deficiency in respect of its characteristics, and its contribution to urban and regional development. This paper explores the characteristics of the industry communities, location factors, types of games developed, tools used, marketing and sales channels and economic impact. This research is based on data collected in Portugal through a survey of 70 economic agents, under the auspices of the First Atlas of video games Industry in Portugal research project. The paper concludes with an elaboration of the opportunities and challenges associated with the industry and the potential role of public and institutional policies in supporting its development and sustainability.

Research paper thumbnail of O Setor dos Videojogos em Portugal

Numa altura em que a industria portuguesa de videojogos esta a ganhar forma acreditamos ser muito... more Numa altura em que a industria portuguesa de videojogos esta a ganhar forma acreditamos ser muito importante a realizacao de estudos de caraterizacao que promovam o seu autoconhecimento. Este e o primeiro de um desses estudos promovido pela Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciencias de Videojogos (SPCV). O estudo mostra o resultado de pesquisa e consulta direta a varias empresas e criadores, apresentando uma caraterizacao socioeconomica do setor, ilustrando a sua dinâmica e distribuicao, e incluindo algumas das preocupacoes comuns. Congratulamo-nos com o resultado final agradecendo aos seus autores e aos centros Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores - Investigacao e Desenvolvimento (INESC-ID) e Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Ordenamento do Territorio (GEGOT) por garantirem as condicoes para a execucao deste projeto. Salientamos o papel fundamental do projeto RAGE - Realizing an Applied Gaming Ecossystem (H2020-ICT2014-1/644187) cujo enquadramento financeiro viabilizou a realiza...

Research paper thumbnail of 'Manobras no Porto' project: What can creative activism do for policies and urban place(-making) and the other way around. City, Culture and Society, 2016.

In recent decades, much has been written about urban policies for culture and creativity. Little ... more In recent decades, much has been written about urban policies for culture and creativity. Little is known, however, about how public policies are shaped in practice at local level. To what extent are the different notions and forms of creativity activated and mobilized, and contribute to the development of urban policies for culture and creativity? Recent literature on urban studies drew attention to the creative activism practices contesting the instrumentalisation of culture and creativity by neo-liberal approaches to urban development. Recognizing the potential of creative activism as a creative practice of critical reflection and action, this paper focuses on an underexplored perspective so far - creative activism developed in dialogue and cooperation, and not as a practice of radical opposition, and oriented to have impacts beyond the temporality of the actions developed. Through the analysis of a case study - Manobras no Porto (Porto, Portugal), we explore how a creative activism project can be understood as a space for the experimentation of new spaces of governance. The results show not only that creative activism can play an important role in policy learning and urban place-making, but that policies and place (as context and content) can also have a decisive effect on the activation of creative activism practices.

Research paper thumbnail of Dinâmicas recentes de clusterização da economia criativa e digital no Porto Cidade-Região: o caso da indústria dos Videojogos. RPER - Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 2016, n. 42, pp. 21-37

Despite globalization and digitization of the economy, activities such as the Creative Industries... more Despite globalization and digitization of the economy, activities such as the Creative Industries tend to geographical agglomeration. Some studies have shown that the Video games industry follows this international trend of clustering around specific regions. Based on an analysis of the factors that favours these agglomeration processes in Video games production, we propose an analysis focused on five dimensions: human capital, related variety, global connections, market and public policies. Using that systematization, we analyse recent dynamics (public and private) in the production of Video games in the Porto City-Region, to critically reflect on the potential of this activity to the diversification and modernization processes of the regional economy.

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping the intangibilities of the Historic Centre of Porto:  ParticipA(C)TION (and its challenges) in cultural mapping projects. Culture and Local Governance, 2015, 5(1-2), Special Double Issue on Cultural Mapping in Planning and Development Contexts.

This article focuses on cultural mapping projects as a strategy for urban development. In particu... more This article focuses on cultural mapping projects as a strategy for urban development. In particular, it analyzes how one of the most important cultural mapping matrices – its participatory mission – can be operationalized. Moving away from other projects where participation is merely rhetoric or is interpreted with little depth (for example, exchange of information, consultation), the public project Manobras no Porto serves to analyze: 1) how a broad and deep concept of participation can be implemented in practice (and under what circumstances can it be successful) and 2) what kind of results can be achieved. In addition to the potential practical interest, the article also aims to contribute to deepening the debate on cultural mapping. The analysis clearly shows that participation involves a large and complex set of motivations and abilities, and that understanding how cultural mapping projects are developed (and their impact on the territory) requires that they be understood as exercises of negotiation between the agents involved.

Research paper thumbnail of Os Videojogos no território Noroeste (Portugal): estratégias de diversificação e modernização da base produtiva regional. XIV Colóquio Ibérico de Geografia, AGE - UM (Guimarães - Portugal), 2014, pp. 1097-1103 - Proceedings

Research paper thumbnail of Operacionalização da teoria dos ciclos de vida dos clusters. As indústrias criativas como contexto para a reflexão e o Software Educacional e de Entretenimento no Norte de Portugal como caso de estudo. GOT - Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, 2013, 4, pp. 273-298

This paper analyses the clusters evolutionary dynamics, in the light of the ‘clusters life cycle... more This paper analyses the clusters evolutionary dynamics, in the light of the ‘clusters life
cycle’ theory (CVC), and the appropriate elements to capture in practice these dynamics.
Having as a starting point a literature review, the study focuses on the analysis of an
organized cluster - Educational and Entertainment Software in Northern Portugal. The
literature review and the analysis of the case study shows that, despite the growing
recognition that soft factors (e.g. social capital, networks) have in clusters dynamics, it
tends to be frequently analysed based on statistical data related to their growth.
Consequently, it is provided an analytical framework that combines quantitative and
qualitative elements, and that allows to compare the different clusters trajectories.

Research paper thumbnail of As TIC na dinamização das indústrias criativas. O caso da produção de software de entretenimento na Região Urbano-Metropolitana do Noroeste de Portugal. XIII Colóquio Ibérico de Geografia (Santiago de Compostela - Spain), 2012 - Procedings

Research paper thumbnail of The potential of management networks in the innovation and competitiveness of rural tourism: a case study on the Valle del Jerte (Spain). Current Issues in Tourism, 2010, 13 (1), pp. 75-91.

Current Issues in Tourism, Jan 1, 2010

Since the 1980s, rural tourism has witnessed a significant and generalised growth among the Europ... more Since the 1980s, rural tourism has witnessed a significant and generalised growth among the European Union members. However, from the perspective of business management, rural tourism suffers from several obstacles that complicates its competitiveness as a tourism product. By focusing on the Valle del Jerte (Extremadura, Spain) case study, this study analyses a rural tourism business network, from the social network analysis perspective, to critically discuss its potential as a structure that enhances competitiveness and innovation. The results demonstrate that these networking structures contribute towards the creation of a cohesive destination, whereby the sharing of resources enables innovative local responses to the global market challenges.

Research paper thumbnail of Las ciudades del conocimiento: revisión crítica y posibilidades de aplicación a las ciudades intermedias. Scripta Nova, Revista Electrónica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales, 2008, vol. XII, núm. 270 (50).

Always considered an important resource, it is in the last decade that strategicknowledge managem... more Always considered an important resource, it is in the last decade that strategicknowledge management was become a reality with outstanding protagonism. Thus, inplanning and urban development issues, the association between knowledge and theterritorial competitiveness has lead to a proliferation of cities that self- denominate likeknowledge cities. Knowledge cities, however, are often associated to city-region or bigurban agglomerations, excluding from this debate fundamental areas in the Europeanurban system, as they are intermediate cities. This article sets out a critical revision of the many allusive concepts to the increasing importance of the knowledge in urbandevelopment, and some components of urban development related to knowledge as wellas indicators for their measurement. Finally, we set out a reflection on the opportunitiesand limitations of the intermediate cities to integrate the group of the cities that advancetowards forms of development based on knowledge.

Research paper thumbnail of As TIC na dinamização das indústrias criativas. O caso da produção de software de entretenimento na região urbano-metropolitana do noroeste de Portugal

Respuestas de la Geografía Ibérica a la crisis actual: XIII Coloquio Ibérico de Geografía: Santiago de Compostela: 24 – 27 de octubre 2012, 2012, ISBN 978-84-940469-7-1, págs. 198-208, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of The evolutionary dynamics of creative clusters: How can they best be captured?

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Manobras no Porto’ project (Porto): What can creative activism do for policies and urban place(-making) and the other way around

City, Culture and Society, 2017

In recent decades, much has been written about urban policies for culture and creativity. Little ... more In recent decades, much has been written about urban policies for culture and creativity. Little is known, however, about how public policies are shaped in practice at local level. To what extent are the different notions and forms of creativity activated and mobilized, and contribute to the development of urban policies for culture and creativity? Recent literature on urban studies drew attention to the creative activism practices contesting the instrumentalisation of culture and creativity by neo-liberal approaches to urban development. Recognizing the potential of creative activism as a creative practice of critical reflection and action, this paper focuses on an underexplored perspective so far e creative activism developed in dialogue and cooperation, and not as a practice of radical opposition, and oriented to have impacts beyond the temporality of the actions developed. Through the analysis of a case study e Manobras no Porto (Porto, Portugal), we explore how a creative activism project can be understood as a space for the experimentation of new spaces of governance. The results show not only that creative activism can play an important role in policy learning and urban place-making, but that policies and place (as context and content) can also have a decisive effect on the activation of creative activism practices.

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping the Intangibilities of the Historic Centre of Porto: ParticipA(C)TION (and its Challenges) in Cultural Mapping Projects

Culture and Local Governance, 2015

This article focuses on cultural mapping projects as a strategy for urban development. In particu... more This article focuses on cultural mapping projects as a strategy for urban development. In particular, it analyzes how one of the most important cultural mapping matrices-its participatory mission-can be operationalized. Moving away from other projects where participation is merely rhetoric or is interpreted with little depth (for example, exchange of information, consultation), the public project Manobras no Porto serves to analyze: 1) how a broad and deep concept of participation can be implemented in practice (and under what circumstances can it be successful) and 2) what kind of results can be achieved. In addition to the potential practical interest, the article also aims to contribute to deepening the debate on cultural mapping. The analysis clearly shows that participation involves a large and complex set of motivations and abilities, and that understanding how cultural mapping projects are developed (and their impact on the territory) requires that they be understood as exercises of negotiation between the agents involved.

Research paper thumbnail of Desarrollo Territorial, Redes Institucionales y Procesos de Innovación Socioeconómica en Castilla-La Mancha” en Julia Salom y Juan M. Albertos (Coords.) del libro Redes sociointitucionales, Estrategias de innovación y desarrollo territorial en España. 2011.(pp. 173-202)

Research paper thumbnail of Desarrollo Territorial, Redes Institucionales y Procesos De Innovaciìn Socioeconìmica. El Caso Del Mueble en La Comunidad …

... Julia Salom Carrasco Juan Miguel Albertos Puebla Juan.M.Albertos@uv. es Ins... more ... Julia Salom Carrasco Juan Miguel Albertos Puebla Juan.M.Albertos@uv. es Instituto Interuniversitario de Desarrollo Local UNIVERSIDAD DE VALENCIA ... Economía del conocimiento y learning regions (Mansell, Machlup, Florida, Antonelli, Ferrâo...) ...

Research paper thumbnail of Operacionalização da teoria dos ciclos de vida dos clusters. As indústrias criativas como contexto para a reflexão e o Software Educacional e de Entretenimento no Norte de Portugal como caso de estudo

GOT - Geography and Spatial Planning Journal, 2013

Operacionalização da teoria dos ciclos de vida dos clusters. As indústrias criativas como context... more Operacionalização da teoria dos ciclos de vida dos clusters. As indústrias criativas como contexto para a reflexão e o Software Educacional e de Entretenimento no Norte de Portugal como caso de estudo. Referência: Romeiro, P.; Nunes, F. (2013). Operacionalização da teoria dos ciclos de vida dos clusters. As indústrias criativas como contexto para a reflexão e o Software Educacional e de Entretenimento no Norte de Portugal como caso de estudo. Revista de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território (GOT), n.º 4 (dezembro). Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, p. 273-298

Research paper thumbnail of Redes socio-institucionales e innovación para el desarrollo de las ciudades intermedias

Los contrastes entre ciudades y regiones en la UE, a partir de la ampliacion e integracion, evide... more Los contrastes entre ciudades y regiones en la UE, a partir de la ampliacion e integracion, evidencian diferentes respuestas locales a esos desafios. Las ciudades intermedias pueden ser importantes catalizadores del desarrollo territorial, especialmente en las regiones perifericas, aquejadas por debilidades estructurales que dificultan su desarrollo. Luego de un analisis inicial sobre su papel en el desarrollo territorial, se plantean algunas claves para la construccion de ciudades intermedias innovadoras haciendo referencia a las redes institucionales, el capital social y la gobernabilidad territorial derivada de las relaciones sinergicas entre ambos. Se plantean finalmente indicadores para caracterizar e identificar estas ciudades y se comentan lineas de actuacion orientadas a dinamizar el territorio a partir de las mismas.

Research paper thumbnail of Primeiro Atlas do Sector dos Videojogos em Portugal: Contributo para a Análise das Economias Urbanas em Transformação

Trabalhos recentes no âmbito da geografia economica e da inovacao contribuiram para um maior ente... more Trabalhos recentes no âmbito da geografia economica e da inovacao contribuiram para um maior entendimento sobre a forma como as actividades economicas emergem e se desenvolvem nas cidades e regioes. Apesar do grande crescimento do sector dos Videojogos no contexto europeu e do crescente interesse que tem despertado (ex. Comissao Europeia), pouco se sabe sobre as suas caracteristicas e o seu contributo para o desenvolvimento de novos caminhos de crescimento urbano e regional. Partindo do mapeamento das aglomeracoes mais representativas em Portugal, este trabalho explora as caracteristicas do seu tecido empresarial, os factores de localizacao e as redes criadas, bem como o seu papel no desenvolvimento das economias urbanas. O artigo desenvolve-se a partir de dados recolhidos em Portugal atraves de um inquerito respondido por 70 agentes economicos, e resulta do trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito do projecto ‘Primeiro Atlas do Sector dos Videojogos em Portugal’. O artigo conclui com uma re...

Research paper thumbnail of The video game industry in Portugal

Despite the impressive growth of the video game industry in Europe and a growing interest emergin... more Despite the impressive growth of the video game industry in Europe and a growing interest emerging in that industrial sector (e.g. from the European Commission), there is still a knowledge deficiency in respect of its characteristics and regional impact. By mapping the most relevant active agents participating in this economic activity in Portugal, this paper explores the characteristics the industry communities, types of games developed, tools used, marketing and sales channels and economic impact. This research is based on data collected in Portugal through a survey of 70 economic agents, under the auspices of the First Atlas of video games Industry in Portugal research project. The paper concludes with an elaboration of the opportunities and challenges associated with the industry and the potential role of public and institutional policies in supporting its development and sustainability.

Research paper thumbnail of A survey of the video game industry in Portugal

Despite the impressive growth of the video game industry in Europe and a growing interest emergin... more Despite the impressive growth of the video game industry in Europe and a growing interest emerging in that industrial sector, there is still a knowledge deficiency in respect of its characteristics, and its contribution to urban and regional development. This paper explores the characteristics of the industry communities, location factors, types of games developed, tools used, marketing and sales channels and economic impact. This research is based on data collected in Portugal through a survey of 70 economic agents, under the auspices of the First Atlas of video games Industry in Portugal research project. The paper concludes with an elaboration of the opportunities and challenges associated with the industry and the potential role of public and institutional policies in supporting its development and sustainability.

Research paper thumbnail of O Setor dos Videojogos em Portugal

Numa altura em que a industria portuguesa de videojogos esta a ganhar forma acreditamos ser muito... more Numa altura em que a industria portuguesa de videojogos esta a ganhar forma acreditamos ser muito importante a realizacao de estudos de caraterizacao que promovam o seu autoconhecimento. Este e o primeiro de um desses estudos promovido pela Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciencias de Videojogos (SPCV). O estudo mostra o resultado de pesquisa e consulta direta a varias empresas e criadores, apresentando uma caraterizacao socioeconomica do setor, ilustrando a sua dinâmica e distribuicao, e incluindo algumas das preocupacoes comuns. Congratulamo-nos com o resultado final agradecendo aos seus autores e aos centros Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores - Investigacao e Desenvolvimento (INESC-ID) e Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Ordenamento do Territorio (GEGOT) por garantirem as condicoes para a execucao deste projeto. Salientamos o papel fundamental do projeto RAGE - Realizing an Applied Gaming Ecossystem (H2020-ICT2014-1/644187) cujo enquadramento financeiro viabilizou a realiza...

Research paper thumbnail of 'Manobras no Porto' project: What can creative activism do for policies and urban place(-making) and the other way around. City, Culture and Society, 2016.

In recent decades, much has been written about urban policies for culture and creativity. Little ... more In recent decades, much has been written about urban policies for culture and creativity. Little is known, however, about how public policies are shaped in practice at local level. To what extent are the different notions and forms of creativity activated and mobilized, and contribute to the development of urban policies for culture and creativity? Recent literature on urban studies drew attention to the creative activism practices contesting the instrumentalisation of culture and creativity by neo-liberal approaches to urban development. Recognizing the potential of creative activism as a creative practice of critical reflection and action, this paper focuses on an underexplored perspective so far - creative activism developed in dialogue and cooperation, and not as a practice of radical opposition, and oriented to have impacts beyond the temporality of the actions developed. Through the analysis of a case study - Manobras no Porto (Porto, Portugal), we explore how a creative activism project can be understood as a space for the experimentation of new spaces of governance. The results show not only that creative activism can play an important role in policy learning and urban place-making, but that policies and place (as context and content) can also have a decisive effect on the activation of creative activism practices.

Research paper thumbnail of Dinâmicas recentes de clusterização da economia criativa e digital no Porto Cidade-Região: o caso da indústria dos Videojogos. RPER - Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 2016, n. 42, pp. 21-37

Despite globalization and digitization of the economy, activities such as the Creative Industries... more Despite globalization and digitization of the economy, activities such as the Creative Industries tend to geographical agglomeration. Some studies have shown that the Video games industry follows this international trend of clustering around specific regions. Based on an analysis of the factors that favours these agglomeration processes in Video games production, we propose an analysis focused on five dimensions: human capital, related variety, global connections, market and public policies. Using that systematization, we analyse recent dynamics (public and private) in the production of Video games in the Porto City-Region, to critically reflect on the potential of this activity to the diversification and modernization processes of the regional economy.

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping the intangibilities of the Historic Centre of Porto:  ParticipA(C)TION (and its challenges) in cultural mapping projects. Culture and Local Governance, 2015, 5(1-2), Special Double Issue on Cultural Mapping in Planning and Development Contexts.

This article focuses on cultural mapping projects as a strategy for urban development. In particu... more This article focuses on cultural mapping projects as a strategy for urban development. In particular, it analyzes how one of the most important cultural mapping matrices – its participatory mission – can be operationalized. Moving away from other projects where participation is merely rhetoric or is interpreted with little depth (for example, exchange of information, consultation), the public project Manobras no Porto serves to analyze: 1) how a broad and deep concept of participation can be implemented in practice (and under what circumstances can it be successful) and 2) what kind of results can be achieved. In addition to the potential practical interest, the article also aims to contribute to deepening the debate on cultural mapping. The analysis clearly shows that participation involves a large and complex set of motivations and abilities, and that understanding how cultural mapping projects are developed (and their impact on the territory) requires that they be understood as exercises of negotiation between the agents involved.

Research paper thumbnail of Os Videojogos no território Noroeste (Portugal): estratégias de diversificação e modernização da base produtiva regional. XIV Colóquio Ibérico de Geografia, AGE - UM (Guimarães - Portugal), 2014, pp. 1097-1103 - Proceedings

Research paper thumbnail of Operacionalização da teoria dos ciclos de vida dos clusters. As indústrias criativas como contexto para a reflexão e o Software Educacional e de Entretenimento no Norte de Portugal como caso de estudo. GOT - Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, 2013, 4, pp. 273-298

This paper analyses the clusters evolutionary dynamics, in the light of the ‘clusters life cycle... more This paper analyses the clusters evolutionary dynamics, in the light of the ‘clusters life
cycle’ theory (CVC), and the appropriate elements to capture in practice these dynamics.
Having as a starting point a literature review, the study focuses on the analysis of an
organized cluster - Educational and Entertainment Software in Northern Portugal. The
literature review and the analysis of the case study shows that, despite the growing
recognition that soft factors (e.g. social capital, networks) have in clusters dynamics, it
tends to be frequently analysed based on statistical data related to their growth.
Consequently, it is provided an analytical framework that combines quantitative and
qualitative elements, and that allows to compare the different clusters trajectories.

Research paper thumbnail of As TIC na dinamização das indústrias criativas. O caso da produção de software de entretenimento na Região Urbano-Metropolitana do Noroeste de Portugal. XIII Colóquio Ibérico de Geografia (Santiago de Compostela - Spain), 2012 - Procedings

Research paper thumbnail of The potential of management networks in the innovation and competitiveness of rural tourism: a case study on the Valle del Jerte (Spain). Current Issues in Tourism, 2010, 13 (1), pp. 75-91.

Current Issues in Tourism, Jan 1, 2010

Since the 1980s, rural tourism has witnessed a significant and generalised growth among the Europ... more Since the 1980s, rural tourism has witnessed a significant and generalised growth among the European Union members. However, from the perspective of business management, rural tourism suffers from several obstacles that complicates its competitiveness as a tourism product. By focusing on the Valle del Jerte (Extremadura, Spain) case study, this study analyses a rural tourism business network, from the social network analysis perspective, to critically discuss its potential as a structure that enhances competitiveness and innovation. The results demonstrate that these networking structures contribute towards the creation of a cohesive destination, whereby the sharing of resources enables innovative local responses to the global market challenges.

Research paper thumbnail of Las ciudades del conocimiento: revisión crítica y posibilidades de aplicación a las ciudades intermedias. Scripta Nova, Revista Electrónica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales, 2008, vol. XII, núm. 270 (50).

Always considered an important resource, it is in the last decade that strategicknowledge managem... more Always considered an important resource, it is in the last decade that strategicknowledge management was become a reality with outstanding protagonism. Thus, inplanning and urban development issues, the association between knowledge and theterritorial competitiveness has lead to a proliferation of cities that self- denominate likeknowledge cities. Knowledge cities, however, are often associated to city-region or bigurban agglomerations, excluding from this debate fundamental areas in the Europeanurban system, as they are intermediate cities. This article sets out a critical revision of the many allusive concepts to the increasing importance of the knowledge in urbandevelopment, and some components of urban development related to knowledge as wellas indicators for their measurement. Finally, we set out a reflection on the opportunitiesand limitations of the intermediate cities to integrate the group of the cities that advancetowards forms of development based on knowledge.