Julia Athena Spinthourakis | University of Patras (original) (raw)

Papers by Julia Athena Spinthourakis

Research paper thumbnail of Communicating in Another Language: The Influence of Culture

Understanding Language and Culture: From Latin to Modern Spanish [translated from Greek title], 2000

Chapter in: Fay, R. J., & Spinthourakis-Katsillis, I.A. (2000). Communicating in another language... more Chapter in: Fay, R. J., & Spinthourakis-Katsillis, I.A. (2000). Communicating in another language: The influence of culture [translated from Greek title: Επικοινωνώντας σε άλλη γλώσσα: Η επιρροή του πολιτισμού ]. Understanding Language and Culture: From Latin to Modern Spanish [translated from Greek title: Κατανόηση Γλώσσας και Πολιτισμού: Από τα Λατινικά στα Σύγχρονα Ισπανικά]. Metaixmio, 2000. 159-324.

Research paper thumbnail of Can educational programmes address social inequity? Some examples from Europe

Educational Research for Social Justice, 2021

What are the characteristics of educational intervention programmes that appear more successful i... more What are the characteristics of educational intervention programmes that appear more successful in attempting to address social inequalities? This chapter reflects on the conclusions and recommendations of a study made by a seven-country team that in 2006–2009 investigated policies relating to different kinds of inequality and disadvantage in 14 states, locating them within the educational cultures, structures and policy discourses in each state. This chapter examines changes over the last decade in four particular areas: socioeconomic disadvantage, gender, migration and ethnicity, together with the intersectionalities between these. We then review changes in the policy discourse in three of these states: Greece, Sweden and the United Kingdom. We identify particular organisational approaches and perspectives that appear to correlate with more positive and lasting outcomes. This chapter offers some significant analysis of what might be understood by ‘the public good’ with reference t...

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Diversity in the Classroom

As a teacher I would try and incorporate a part of the student’s culture into the classroom. As I... more As a teacher I would try and incorporate a part of the student’s culture into the classroom. As I’m a believer that cultural diversity creates open-mindedness and being nonracist, to others who come from different cultures to that of your own. Cultural diversity enriches your knowledge about people, culture and their life experiences.

Research paper thumbnail of Identity in multicultural and multilingual contexts

specializing in Multilingual Multicultural Education. Julia's interests and publications are in t... more specializing in Multilingual Multicultural Education. Julia's interests and publications are in the area of linguistic and cultural diversity, citizenship and identity, teacher beliefs and the role of culture in communication.

Research paper thumbnail of L1 Communicative-Textual Competence Of Greek Upper Elementary School Students

L1?Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 2004

This article presents and discusses the findings of a research study on the issue of L1 communica... more This article presents and discusses the findings of a research study on the issue of L1 communicative-textual competence (CTC). More specifically it examines the L1 CTC of 10-12-year-old Greek elementary school students, before and after the use of alternative communicative-text-oriented teaching material versus traditional language materials currently used in the schools. The CTC of the students was examined using a version of the test published by the French Ministry of Education revised and adapted to the Greek language and educational context. Analysis of the pre-and post-intervention data suggests that using appropriately designed communicative-text-oriented teaching materials can increase Greek school students' level of written L1 CTC.

Research paper thumbnail of Pre‐service teacher intercultural sensitivity assessment as a basis for addressing multiculturalism

Intercultural Education, 2009

and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study pu... more and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.

Research paper thumbnail of Welfare state and philanthropy in Higher Education: Theoretical insights under review

The emergence of philanthropy as a regulatory argument will find its place in universities, follo... more The emergence of philanthropy as a regulatory argument will find its place in universities, following Market insights. The fundamental position of this study is that the shift towards philanthropy and charity, or even the substitution of charity for the social state, ultimately concerns the political definition of the social subject itself and the democratic composition of its action. In this context, philanthropy becomes a constitutive reason for action that is implied by the social biopolitics as a process of normalizing the pathology of social exclusion and not as a process of withdrawing it. Under this assumption, placing the University at the core of action for survival and (lifelong?) growth, the detached philanthropic narrative, implies an answer to the social importance of the University and, by extension, to the politician in the public sphere.

Research paper thumbnail of Η σημαντικότητα των προγραμμάτων κατάρτισης στη διδακτική της ελληνικής ως Δεύτερης / Ξένης γλώσσας (ΕΔ/ΞΓ) με τη χρήση Τεχνολογιών Επικοινωνίας και Πληροφόρησης (Τ.Ε.Π.). Η Περίπτωση της Ελλάδας-Πρόταση επιμόρφωσης

Research paper thumbnail of EDITORIAL: What identity; national, European or something more?

In this ed itorial we have chosen to begin the framing of the volume’s theme and to present key p... more In this ed itorial we have chosen to begin the framing of the volume’s theme and to present key points of each of the articles included in the spe­cial English issue of the Social Science Tribune. The criterion used to se­lect the articles to be included was predicated on our belief that they con­tain critical reflections, find i ngs and information of interest to researchers working with issues of identity and citizenship. Finally, it is our hope that the issues raised by the contributing authors in this volume will be useful and of crucial importance for other research­ers involved in issues of identity, citizenship diversity along with policy making process.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural diversity in the classroom

As a teacher I would try and incorporate a part of the student’s culture into the classroom. As I... more As a teacher I would try and incorporate a part of the student’s culture into the classroom. As I’m a believer that cultural diversity creates open-mindedness and being nonracist, to others who come from different cultures to that of your own. Cultural diversity enriches your knowledge about people, culture and their life experiences.

Research paper thumbnail of Bringing together Multicultural Awareness and Citizenship in post graduate teacher education

Multicultural awareness relates to the common world of experien­ces, values and knowledge at the ... more Multicultural awareness relates to the common world of experien­ces, values and knowledge at the individual and/or group level which highlights the concepts of identity and diversity. Multiculturalism deals with the recognizing the principles and practices of "accommo­dating diversity" in ways that guarantee interconnectedness is the ar­ea that multiculturalism deals with. Including diversity and specifical­ly multiculturalism is important as teachers need to work successful­ly with diverse learners at the ideological level, practical level, politi­cal level and methodological level. For the purposes of this article we will focus on: how Greek Master's degree candidates taking a Multi­cultural Education course understand the diversity around him and how it influences identity and citizenship. From the analysis we note that an opportunity for focused, organized and active participation and reflection can positively influence the multicultural awareness of post graduate ...

Research paper thumbnail of Welfare state and philanthropy in Higher Education: Theoretical insights under review

The emergence of philanthropy as a regulatory argument will find its place in universities, follo... more The emergence of philanthropy as a regulatory argument will find its place in universities, following Market insights. The fundamental position of this study is that the shift towards philanthropy and charity, or even the substitution of charity for the social state, ultimately concerns the political definition of the social subject itself and the democratic composition of its action. In this context, philanthropy becomes a constitutive reason for action that is implied by the social biopolitics as a process of normalizing the pathology of social exclusion and not as a process of withdrawing it. Under this assumption, placing the University at the core of action for survival and (lifelong?) growth, the detached philanthropic narrative, implies an answer to the social importance of the University and, by extension, to the politician in the public sphere.

Research paper thumbnail of Teacher education for teachers of English and French: Developing parallel distance learning programmes in Greece

Our story is about the birth of a new university, about the transplant of distance learning mater... more Our story is about the birth of a new university, about the transplant of distance learning materials which has aided its early growth, and about our search for an appropriate distance learning methodology. We begin with the emergence of our collaboration. 1

Research paper thumbnail of Developing multicultural competence through intercultural sensitivity

Research paper thumbnail of 1University of Patras (Greece), 2Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Turkey) and 3University of Turku (Finland)

Society is ever more characterized by increasing mobility, swift social and technological transfo... more Society is ever more characterized by increasing mobility, swift social and technological transformation. The number of children from immigrant and migrant families attending schools throughout many European countries has increased during the last two ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Multicultural Class in Greece

Cultural Diversity in the Classroom, 2011

... The dilemma seems fairly clear, in a democratic school the exclusion of children from ... M. ... more ... The dilemma seems fairly clear, in a democratic school the exclusion of children from ... M. (1997) Ekpaideysi palinnostounton kai allodapon mathiton stin Ellada: diapolitismiki prosegisi [Education of repatriated and foreigner students in Greece: intercultural approach]. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pre‐service teacher intercultural sensitivity assessment as a basis for addressing multiculturalism

Intercultural Education, 2009

The aim of the present study was to assess the cultural sensitivity of a sample of Greek Universi... more The aim of the present study was to assess the cultural sensitivity of a sample of Greek University Elementary education students using an adjusted version of Chen and Starosta’s Intercultural Sensitivity Scale, which is based on Bennett’s Inventory on Intercultural Sensitivity. Results show that Greek student intercultural sensitivity is already high, but that they feel they are not well enough prepared by their training for future educational work that might demand intercultural sensitivity.

Research paper thumbnail of Identity in Multicultural and Multilingual Contexts

Research paper thumbnail of Η σημαντικότητα των προγραμμάτων κατάρτισης στη διδακτική της ελληνικής ως Δεύτερης/Ξένης γλώσσας (ΕΔ/ΞΓ) με τη χρήση Τεχνολογιών Επικοινωνίας και …

... κατά τη διδασκαλία της γλώσσας μπορούν να βοηθήσουν τους μαθητές στη βελτίωση των δεξιοτήτων ... more ... κατά τη διδασκαλία της γλώσσας μπορούν να βοηθήσουν τους μαθητές στη βελτίωση των δεξιοτήτων της ακρόασης, της ομιλίας, της γραφής και της ανάγνωσης (Hardison, 2004, Alessi & Trollip, 2001). ... Haidas, Alexandros and Karras, Ioannis and Spinthourakis, Julia Athena. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Language proficiency and minimum competency tests: a study of the relationship of oral English proficiency and the minimum competency test among …

Research paper thumbnail of Communicating in Another Language: The Influence of Culture

Understanding Language and Culture: From Latin to Modern Spanish [translated from Greek title], 2000

Chapter in: Fay, R. J., & Spinthourakis-Katsillis, I.A. (2000). Communicating in another language... more Chapter in: Fay, R. J., & Spinthourakis-Katsillis, I.A. (2000). Communicating in another language: The influence of culture [translated from Greek title: Επικοινωνώντας σε άλλη γλώσσα: Η επιρροή του πολιτισμού ]. Understanding Language and Culture: From Latin to Modern Spanish [translated from Greek title: Κατανόηση Γλώσσας και Πολιτισμού: Από τα Λατινικά στα Σύγχρονα Ισπανικά]. Metaixmio, 2000. 159-324.

Research paper thumbnail of Can educational programmes address social inequity? Some examples from Europe

Educational Research for Social Justice, 2021

What are the characteristics of educational intervention programmes that appear more successful i... more What are the characteristics of educational intervention programmes that appear more successful in attempting to address social inequalities? This chapter reflects on the conclusions and recommendations of a study made by a seven-country team that in 2006–2009 investigated policies relating to different kinds of inequality and disadvantage in 14 states, locating them within the educational cultures, structures and policy discourses in each state. This chapter examines changes over the last decade in four particular areas: socioeconomic disadvantage, gender, migration and ethnicity, together with the intersectionalities between these. We then review changes in the policy discourse in three of these states: Greece, Sweden and the United Kingdom. We identify particular organisational approaches and perspectives that appear to correlate with more positive and lasting outcomes. This chapter offers some significant analysis of what might be understood by ‘the public good’ with reference t...

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Diversity in the Classroom

As a teacher I would try and incorporate a part of the student’s culture into the classroom. As I... more As a teacher I would try and incorporate a part of the student’s culture into the classroom. As I’m a believer that cultural diversity creates open-mindedness and being nonracist, to others who come from different cultures to that of your own. Cultural diversity enriches your knowledge about people, culture and their life experiences.

Research paper thumbnail of Identity in multicultural and multilingual contexts

specializing in Multilingual Multicultural Education. Julia's interests and publications are in t... more specializing in Multilingual Multicultural Education. Julia's interests and publications are in the area of linguistic and cultural diversity, citizenship and identity, teacher beliefs and the role of culture in communication.

Research paper thumbnail of L1 Communicative-Textual Competence Of Greek Upper Elementary School Students

L1?Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 2004

This article presents and discusses the findings of a research study on the issue of L1 communica... more This article presents and discusses the findings of a research study on the issue of L1 communicative-textual competence (CTC). More specifically it examines the L1 CTC of 10-12-year-old Greek elementary school students, before and after the use of alternative communicative-text-oriented teaching material versus traditional language materials currently used in the schools. The CTC of the students was examined using a version of the test published by the French Ministry of Education revised and adapted to the Greek language and educational context. Analysis of the pre-and post-intervention data suggests that using appropriately designed communicative-text-oriented teaching materials can increase Greek school students' level of written L1 CTC.

Research paper thumbnail of Pre‐service teacher intercultural sensitivity assessment as a basis for addressing multiculturalism

Intercultural Education, 2009

and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study pu... more and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.

Research paper thumbnail of Welfare state and philanthropy in Higher Education: Theoretical insights under review

The emergence of philanthropy as a regulatory argument will find its place in universities, follo... more The emergence of philanthropy as a regulatory argument will find its place in universities, following Market insights. The fundamental position of this study is that the shift towards philanthropy and charity, or even the substitution of charity for the social state, ultimately concerns the political definition of the social subject itself and the democratic composition of its action. In this context, philanthropy becomes a constitutive reason for action that is implied by the social biopolitics as a process of normalizing the pathology of social exclusion and not as a process of withdrawing it. Under this assumption, placing the University at the core of action for survival and (lifelong?) growth, the detached philanthropic narrative, implies an answer to the social importance of the University and, by extension, to the politician in the public sphere.

Research paper thumbnail of Η σημαντικότητα των προγραμμάτων κατάρτισης στη διδακτική της ελληνικής ως Δεύτερης / Ξένης γλώσσας (ΕΔ/ΞΓ) με τη χρήση Τεχνολογιών Επικοινωνίας και Πληροφόρησης (Τ.Ε.Π.). Η Περίπτωση της Ελλάδας-Πρόταση επιμόρφωσης

Research paper thumbnail of EDITORIAL: What identity; national, European or something more?

In this ed itorial we have chosen to begin the framing of the volume’s theme and to present key p... more In this ed itorial we have chosen to begin the framing of the volume’s theme and to present key points of each of the articles included in the spe­cial English issue of the Social Science Tribune. The criterion used to se­lect the articles to be included was predicated on our belief that they con­tain critical reflections, find i ngs and information of interest to researchers working with issues of identity and citizenship. Finally, it is our hope that the issues raised by the contributing authors in this volume will be useful and of crucial importance for other research­ers involved in issues of identity, citizenship diversity along with policy making process.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural diversity in the classroom

As a teacher I would try and incorporate a part of the student’s culture into the classroom. As I... more As a teacher I would try and incorporate a part of the student’s culture into the classroom. As I’m a believer that cultural diversity creates open-mindedness and being nonracist, to others who come from different cultures to that of your own. Cultural diversity enriches your knowledge about people, culture and their life experiences.

Research paper thumbnail of Bringing together Multicultural Awareness and Citizenship in post graduate teacher education

Multicultural awareness relates to the common world of experien­ces, values and knowledge at the ... more Multicultural awareness relates to the common world of experien­ces, values and knowledge at the individual and/or group level which highlights the concepts of identity and diversity. Multiculturalism deals with the recognizing the principles and practices of "accommo­dating diversity" in ways that guarantee interconnectedness is the ar­ea that multiculturalism deals with. Including diversity and specifical­ly multiculturalism is important as teachers need to work successful­ly with diverse learners at the ideological level, practical level, politi­cal level and methodological level. For the purposes of this article we will focus on: how Greek Master's degree candidates taking a Multi­cultural Education course understand the diversity around him and how it influences identity and citizenship. From the analysis we note that an opportunity for focused, organized and active participation and reflection can positively influence the multicultural awareness of post graduate ...

Research paper thumbnail of Welfare state and philanthropy in Higher Education: Theoretical insights under review

The emergence of philanthropy as a regulatory argument will find its place in universities, follo... more The emergence of philanthropy as a regulatory argument will find its place in universities, following Market insights. The fundamental position of this study is that the shift towards philanthropy and charity, or even the substitution of charity for the social state, ultimately concerns the political definition of the social subject itself and the democratic composition of its action. In this context, philanthropy becomes a constitutive reason for action that is implied by the social biopolitics as a process of normalizing the pathology of social exclusion and not as a process of withdrawing it. Under this assumption, placing the University at the core of action for survival and (lifelong?) growth, the detached philanthropic narrative, implies an answer to the social importance of the University and, by extension, to the politician in the public sphere.

Research paper thumbnail of Teacher education for teachers of English and French: Developing parallel distance learning programmes in Greece

Our story is about the birth of a new university, about the transplant of distance learning mater... more Our story is about the birth of a new university, about the transplant of distance learning materials which has aided its early growth, and about our search for an appropriate distance learning methodology. We begin with the emergence of our collaboration. 1

Research paper thumbnail of Developing multicultural competence through intercultural sensitivity

Research paper thumbnail of 1University of Patras (Greece), 2Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Turkey) and 3University of Turku (Finland)

Society is ever more characterized by increasing mobility, swift social and technological transfo... more Society is ever more characterized by increasing mobility, swift social and technological transformation. The number of children from immigrant and migrant families attending schools throughout many European countries has increased during the last two ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Multicultural Class in Greece

Cultural Diversity in the Classroom, 2011

... The dilemma seems fairly clear, in a democratic school the exclusion of children from ... M. ... more ... The dilemma seems fairly clear, in a democratic school the exclusion of children from ... M. (1997) Ekpaideysi palinnostounton kai allodapon mathiton stin Ellada: diapolitismiki prosegisi [Education of repatriated and foreigner students in Greece: intercultural approach]. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pre‐service teacher intercultural sensitivity assessment as a basis for addressing multiculturalism

Intercultural Education, 2009

The aim of the present study was to assess the cultural sensitivity of a sample of Greek Universi... more The aim of the present study was to assess the cultural sensitivity of a sample of Greek University Elementary education students using an adjusted version of Chen and Starosta’s Intercultural Sensitivity Scale, which is based on Bennett’s Inventory on Intercultural Sensitivity. Results show that Greek student intercultural sensitivity is already high, but that they feel they are not well enough prepared by their training for future educational work that might demand intercultural sensitivity.

Research paper thumbnail of Identity in Multicultural and Multilingual Contexts

Research paper thumbnail of Η σημαντικότητα των προγραμμάτων κατάρτισης στη διδακτική της ελληνικής ως Δεύτερης/Ξένης γλώσσας (ΕΔ/ΞΓ) με τη χρήση Τεχνολογιών Επικοινωνίας και …

... κατά τη διδασκαλία της γλώσσας μπορούν να βοηθήσουν τους μαθητές στη βελτίωση των δεξιοτήτων ... more ... κατά τη διδασκαλία της γλώσσας μπορούν να βοηθήσουν τους μαθητές στη βελτίωση των δεξιοτήτων της ακρόασης, της ομιλίας, της γραφής και της ανάγνωσης (Hardison, 2004, Alessi & Trollip, 2001). ... Haidas, Alexandros and Karras, Ioannis and Spinthourakis, Julia Athena. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Language proficiency and minimum competency tests: a study of the relationship of oral English proficiency and the minimum competency test among …