Nikos Karacapilidis | University of Patras (original) (raw)

Papers by Nikos Karacapilidis

Research paper thumbnail of Prediction of Students’ Graduation Time Using a Two-Level Classification Algorithm

Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2019

During the last decades, higher educational institutes have managed to accumulate a large volume ... more During the last decades, higher educational institutes have managed to accumulate a large volume of data about their students’ characteristics and performance. Machine learning techniques offer a first step and a helping hand in extracting useful information from these data and gaining insights into the prediction of students’ progress and performance. In this work, we present a two-level classification algorithm for predicting students’ graduation time. The proposed algorithm has two major features. Firstly, it identifies with high accuracy the students at risk of not completing their studies; secondly, it classifies the students based on their expected graduation time. Our preliminary numerical experiments indicate that the proposed algorithm exhibits reliable predictions based on the students’ performance in their courses during the first two years of their studies.

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Research paper thumbnail of On the integration of Machine Learning algorithms and operations research techniques in the development of a hybrid Recommender System

Intelligent Decision Technologies, 2021

Recommender Systems is a highly applicable subclass of information filtering systems, aiming to p... more Recommender Systems is a highly applicable subclass of information filtering systems, aiming to provide users with personalized item suggestions. These systems build on collaborative filtering and content-based methods to overcome the information overload issue. Hybrid recommender systems combine the abovementioned methods and are generally proved to be more efficient than the classical approaches. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for the development of a hybrid recommender system that is able to make recommendations under the limitation of processing small amounts of data with strong intercorrelation. The proposed hybrid solution integrates Machine Learning and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis algorithms. The experimental evaluation of the proposed solution indicates that it performs better than widely used Machine Learning algorithms such as the k-Nearest Neighbors and Decision Trees.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Novel Approach to Energy Management in Large Passenger and Cruise Ships: Integrating Simulation and Machine Learning Models

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Zeno License Terms

ABSTRACT to be written 51 50 APPENDIX C. COMMAND SUMMARY Up One level up in the hierarchy of dire... more ABSTRACT to be written 51 50 APPENDIX C. COMMAND SUMMARY Up One level up in the hierarchy of directories. For instance, if you see the List of Workspaces, Up gets you to your personal Home directory. Update ACL Jumps to the ACL editing tool, where you can edit and change ACLs. Upload A document from your computer is loaded to the the Zeno-Server and added to the directory that you have currently selected. A form is shown where you can chose the document and edit a title. User Groups Shows the list of all user groups (as far as you have sufficient access rights to see those users and groups). 49 New User A new user(name) is created. A form to edit the name of the new user is shown. Note: the name must not be identical with the name of existing users and groups. New User Group A new group is created. A form to edit the name of the new group, a description, and to select group memmbers from a lis

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Research paper thumbnail of Nikos Karacapilidis

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploiting Alternative Knowledge Visualizations and Reasoning Mechanisms to Enhance Collaborative Decision Making

Intelligent Decision Technology Support in Practice, 2015

Collaborative decision making in today’s knowledge intensive and multi-disciplinary environments ... more Collaborative decision making in today’s knowledge intensive and multi-disciplinary environments is a challenging task. The diversity of these environments and the associated plurality of decision makers’ perceptions of the issue under consideration require the exploitation of a variety of meaningful knowledge visualizations and reasoning mechanisms to effectively support the overall stakeholders’ collaboration towards making a decision. This chapter reports on an innovative approach that offers a number of interrelated visualizations of the knowledge exchanged and shared during a collaborative decision making process. These visualizations incorporate suitable reasoning mechanisms that exploit human and machine understandable knowledge to facilitate the underlying what-if analysis and aid stakeholders towards reaching consensus and, ultimately, making a collective decision.

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Research paper thumbnail of Zeno License Terms

to be written 51 50 APPENDIX C. COMMAND SUMMARY Up One level up in the hierarchy of directories. ... more to be written 51 50 APPENDIX C. COMMAND SUMMARY Up One level up in the hierarchy of directories. For instance, if you see the List of Workspaces, Up gets you to your personal Home directory. Update ACL Jumps to the ACL editing tool, where you can edit and change ACLs. Upload A document from your computer is loaded to the the Zeno-Server and added to the directory that you have currently selected. A form is shown where you can chose the document and edit a title. User Groups Shows the list of all user groups (as far as you have sufficient access rights to see those users and groups). 49 New User A new user(name) is created. A form to edit the name of the new user is shown. Note: the name must not be identical with the name of existing users and groups. New User Group A new group is created. A form to edit the name of the new group, a description, and to select group memmbers from a lis

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Research paper thumbnail of First version of the awareness-support tool

Summary This document reports on the awareness services offered through the two tools that are be... more Summary This document reports on the awareness services offered through the two tools that are being developed in the context of WP4: Collaboration Services, namely eLogbook and CoPe_it!. We first present the awareness types that need to be supported and we proceed by describing in detail how these are conceived and implemented in the abovementioned tools. Moreover, we briefly report on the integration of these tools, focusing on the additional awareness services resulting from this integration. hal-00257170, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding the Use of Emerging Technologies in the Public Sector: A Review of Horizon 2020 Projects

Digital Government: Research and Practice

The main purpose of this article is to provide an up-to-date understanding of the utilization and... more The main purpose of this article is to provide an up-to-date understanding of the utilization and deployment of emerging technologies in the public sector, as this is reflected through nineteen recently funded Horizon 2020 research projects. For the needs of this study, we have adopted a well-known literature review method that enables a concept-centric analysis of the accumulated knowledge in the field under consideration, and accordingly proposed a conceptual framework that facilitates such an analysis. Through a detailed consideration of these projects and their pilot case implementations, a series of insights about recent research development and applications in the public sector are extracted and discussed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to gain such insights from a research projects perspective, which may reveal useful information about the utilization and deployment of these technologies in real-life pilots. The findings of this study are also justifi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Making personnel selection smarter through word embeddings: A graph-based approach

Machine Learning with Applications, 2021

This paper employs techniques and algorithms from the fields of natural lan-guage processing, gra... more This paper employs techniques and algorithms from the fields of natural lan-guage processing, graph representation learning and word embeddings to assistproject managers in the task of personnel selection. To do so, our approachinitially represents multiple textual documents as a single graph. Then, it com-putes word embeddings through representation learning on graphs and performsfeature selection. Finally, it builds a classification model that is able to estimatehow qualified a candidate employee is to work on a given task, taking as inputonly the descriptions of the tasks and a list of word embeddings. Our approachdiffers from the existing ones in that it does not require the calculation of keyperformance indicators or any other form of structured data in order to operateproperly. For our experiments, we retrieved data from the Jira issue trackingsystem of the Apache Software Foundation. The evaluation results show, inmost cases, an increase of 0.43% in the accuracy of the proposed classificationmodels when compared against a widely-adopted baseline method, while theirvalidation loss is significantly decreased by 65.54%

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Utilization of Structural and Textual Information of a Scientific Knowledge Graph to Discover Future Research Collaborations: A Link Prediction Perspective

Discovery Science, 2020

We consider the discovery of future research collaborations as a link prediction problem applied ... more We consider the discovery of future research collaborations as a link prediction problem applied on scientific knowledge graphs Our approach integrates into a single knowledge graph both structured and unstructured textual data through a novel representation of multiple scientific documents The Neo4j graph database is used for the representation of the proposed scientific knowledge graph For the implementation of our approach, we use the Python programming language and the scikit-learn ML library We benchmark our approach against classical link prediction algorithms using accuracy, recall, and precision as our performance metrics Our initial experimentations demonstrate a significant improvement of the accuracy of the future collaboration prediction task The experimentations reported in this paper use the new COVID-19 Open Research Dataset © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Exploitation of Textual Descriptions for a Better-informed Task Assignment Process

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of DEVELOPMENT OF ARGUMENTATION SKILLS VIA LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS - Bringing together Argumentation Support Tools and Learning Management Systems

Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of 1 Tackling cognitively-complex collaboration with CoPe_it!

CoPe_it! is an innovative web-based tool that complies with collaborative practices to provide me... more CoPe_it! is an innovative web-based tool that complies with collaborative practices to provide members of communities with the appropriate means to manage individual and collective knowledge during a sense-making and/or decision-making session. In this article, we demonstrate its applicability in tackling cognitively-complex collaboration settings, which are characterized by big volumes of interrelated data obtained from diverse sources, and knowledge expressed by diverse participants. We focus on issues related to the representation of such settings and the proposed approach towards making it easier for participants to follow the evolution of a collaboration, comprehend it in its entirety, and meaningfully aggregate data in order to resolve the issue under consideration.

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Research paper thumbnail of Innovation as Argumentation in Closed and Technology-mediated Open Models

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards an Integrated IS Framework for the Design and Management of Lean Supply Chains

In this paper we present Co-LEAN, an integrated suite of software tools suitable for the design a... more In this paper we present Co-LEAN, an integrated suite of software tools suitable for the design and management of lean supply chains. In addition to providing full operational support in the planning and execution of the lean supply chain, Co-LEAN supports internet-based collaboration in the innovation and product design, manufacturing strategy, and supply-chain improvement tasks. The paper discusses the information system support requirements of a lean supply chain, describes the main components and the integration mechanisms of Co-LEAN and concludes with a brief description of its pilot use in a major

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Research paper thumbnail of A Comparative Assessment of State-Of-The-Art Methods for Multilingual Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction

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Research paper thumbnail of A trustable and interoperable decentralized solution for citizen-centric and cross-border eGovernance: A conceptual approach

Aiming to support a cross-sector and cross-border eGovernance paradigm for sharing common public ... more Aiming to support a cross-sector and cross-border eGovernance paradigm for sharing common public services, this paper introduces an AI-enhanced solution that enables beneficiaries to participate in a decentralized network for effective big data exchange and service delivery that promotes the once-only priority and is by design digital, efficient, cost-effective, interoperable and secure. The solution comprises (i) a reliable and efficient decentralized mechanism for data sharing, capable of addressing the complexity of the processes and their high demand of resources; (ii) an ecosystem for delivering mobile services tailored to the needs of stakeholders; (iii) a single sign-on Wallet mechanism to manage transactions with multiple services; and (iv) an intercommunication layer, responsible for the secure exchange of information among existing eGovernment systems with newly developed ones. An indicative application scenario showcases the potential of our approach.

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Horizon 2020 Data: A Knowledge Graph-Based Approach

Applied Sciences, 2021

This paper aims to meaningfully analyse the Horizon 2020 data existing in the CORDIS repository o... more This paper aims to meaningfully analyse the Horizon 2020 data existing in the CORDIS repository of EU, and accordingly offer evidence and insights to aid organizations in the formulation of consortia that will prepare and submit winning research proposals to forthcoming calls. The analysis is performed on aggregated data concerning 32,090 funded projects, 34,295 organizations participated in them, and 87,067 public deliverables produced. The modelling of data is performed through a knowledge graph-based approach, aiming to semantically capture existing relationships and reveal hidden information. The main contribution of this work lies in the proper utilization and orchestration of keyphrase extraction and named entity recognition models, together with meaningful graph analytics on top of an efficient graph database. The proposed approach enables users to ask complex questions about the interconnection of various entities related to previously funded research projects. A set of repr...

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Research paper thumbnail of Prediction of Students’ Graduation Time Using a Two-Level Classification Algorithm

Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2019

During the last decades, higher educational institutes have managed to accumulate a large volume ... more During the last decades, higher educational institutes have managed to accumulate a large volume of data about their students’ characteristics and performance. Machine learning techniques offer a first step and a helping hand in extracting useful information from these data and gaining insights into the prediction of students’ progress and performance. In this work, we present a two-level classification algorithm for predicting students’ graduation time. The proposed algorithm has two major features. Firstly, it identifies with high accuracy the students at risk of not completing their studies; secondly, it classifies the students based on their expected graduation time. Our preliminary numerical experiments indicate that the proposed algorithm exhibits reliable predictions based on the students’ performance in their courses during the first two years of their studies.

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Research paper thumbnail of On the integration of Machine Learning algorithms and operations research techniques in the development of a hybrid Recommender System

Intelligent Decision Technologies, 2021

Recommender Systems is a highly applicable subclass of information filtering systems, aiming to p... more Recommender Systems is a highly applicable subclass of information filtering systems, aiming to provide users with personalized item suggestions. These systems build on collaborative filtering and content-based methods to overcome the information overload issue. Hybrid recommender systems combine the abovementioned methods and are generally proved to be more efficient than the classical approaches. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for the development of a hybrid recommender system that is able to make recommendations under the limitation of processing small amounts of data with strong intercorrelation. The proposed hybrid solution integrates Machine Learning and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis algorithms. The experimental evaluation of the proposed solution indicates that it performs better than widely used Machine Learning algorithms such as the k-Nearest Neighbors and Decision Trees.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Novel Approach to Energy Management in Large Passenger and Cruise Ships: Integrating Simulation and Machine Learning Models

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Zeno License Terms

ABSTRACT to be written 51 50 APPENDIX C. COMMAND SUMMARY Up One level up in the hierarchy of dire... more ABSTRACT to be written 51 50 APPENDIX C. COMMAND SUMMARY Up One level up in the hierarchy of directories. For instance, if you see the List of Workspaces, Up gets you to your personal Home directory. Update ACL Jumps to the ACL editing tool, where you can edit and change ACLs. Upload A document from your computer is loaded to the the Zeno-Server and added to the directory that you have currently selected. A form is shown where you can chose the document and edit a title. User Groups Shows the list of all user groups (as far as you have sufficient access rights to see those users and groups). 49 New User A new user(name) is created. A form to edit the name of the new user is shown. Note: the name must not be identical with the name of existing users and groups. New User Group A new group is created. A form to edit the name of the new group, a description, and to select group memmbers from a lis

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Research paper thumbnail of Nikos Karacapilidis

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploiting Alternative Knowledge Visualizations and Reasoning Mechanisms to Enhance Collaborative Decision Making

Intelligent Decision Technology Support in Practice, 2015

Collaborative decision making in today’s knowledge intensive and multi-disciplinary environments ... more Collaborative decision making in today’s knowledge intensive and multi-disciplinary environments is a challenging task. The diversity of these environments and the associated plurality of decision makers’ perceptions of the issue under consideration require the exploitation of a variety of meaningful knowledge visualizations and reasoning mechanisms to effectively support the overall stakeholders’ collaboration towards making a decision. This chapter reports on an innovative approach that offers a number of interrelated visualizations of the knowledge exchanged and shared during a collaborative decision making process. These visualizations incorporate suitable reasoning mechanisms that exploit human and machine understandable knowledge to facilitate the underlying what-if analysis and aid stakeholders towards reaching consensus and, ultimately, making a collective decision.

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Research paper thumbnail of Zeno License Terms

to be written 51 50 APPENDIX C. COMMAND SUMMARY Up One level up in the hierarchy of directories. ... more to be written 51 50 APPENDIX C. COMMAND SUMMARY Up One level up in the hierarchy of directories. For instance, if you see the List of Workspaces, Up gets you to your personal Home directory. Update ACL Jumps to the ACL editing tool, where you can edit and change ACLs. Upload A document from your computer is loaded to the the Zeno-Server and added to the directory that you have currently selected. A form is shown where you can chose the document and edit a title. User Groups Shows the list of all user groups (as far as you have sufficient access rights to see those users and groups). 49 New User A new user(name) is created. A form to edit the name of the new user is shown. Note: the name must not be identical with the name of existing users and groups. New User Group A new group is created. A form to edit the name of the new group, a description, and to select group memmbers from a lis

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Research paper thumbnail of First version of the awareness-support tool

Summary This document reports on the awareness services offered through the two tools that are be... more Summary This document reports on the awareness services offered through the two tools that are being developed in the context of WP4: Collaboration Services, namely eLogbook and CoPe_it!. We first present the awareness types that need to be supported and we proceed by describing in detail how these are conceived and implemented in the abovementioned tools. Moreover, we briefly report on the integration of these tools, focusing on the additional awareness services resulting from this integration. hal-00257170, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding the Use of Emerging Technologies in the Public Sector: A Review of Horizon 2020 Projects

Digital Government: Research and Practice

The main purpose of this article is to provide an up-to-date understanding of the utilization and... more The main purpose of this article is to provide an up-to-date understanding of the utilization and deployment of emerging technologies in the public sector, as this is reflected through nineteen recently funded Horizon 2020 research projects. For the needs of this study, we have adopted a well-known literature review method that enables a concept-centric analysis of the accumulated knowledge in the field under consideration, and accordingly proposed a conceptual framework that facilitates such an analysis. Through a detailed consideration of these projects and their pilot case implementations, a series of insights about recent research development and applications in the public sector are extracted and discussed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to gain such insights from a research projects perspective, which may reveal useful information about the utilization and deployment of these technologies in real-life pilots. The findings of this study are also justifi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Making personnel selection smarter through word embeddings: A graph-based approach

Machine Learning with Applications, 2021

This paper employs techniques and algorithms from the fields of natural lan-guage processing, gra... more This paper employs techniques and algorithms from the fields of natural lan-guage processing, graph representation learning and word embeddings to assistproject managers in the task of personnel selection. To do so, our approachinitially represents multiple textual documents as a single graph. Then, it com-putes word embeddings through representation learning on graphs and performsfeature selection. Finally, it builds a classification model that is able to estimatehow qualified a candidate employee is to work on a given task, taking as inputonly the descriptions of the tasks and a list of word embeddings. Our approachdiffers from the existing ones in that it does not require the calculation of keyperformance indicators or any other form of structured data in order to operateproperly. For our experiments, we retrieved data from the Jira issue trackingsystem of the Apache Software Foundation. The evaluation results show, inmost cases, an increase of 0.43% in the accuracy of the proposed classificationmodels when compared against a widely-adopted baseline method, while theirvalidation loss is significantly decreased by 65.54%

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Utilization of Structural and Textual Information of a Scientific Knowledge Graph to Discover Future Research Collaborations: A Link Prediction Perspective

Discovery Science, 2020

We consider the discovery of future research collaborations as a link prediction problem applied ... more We consider the discovery of future research collaborations as a link prediction problem applied on scientific knowledge graphs Our approach integrates into a single knowledge graph both structured and unstructured textual data through a novel representation of multiple scientific documents The Neo4j graph database is used for the representation of the proposed scientific knowledge graph For the implementation of our approach, we use the Python programming language and the scikit-learn ML library We benchmark our approach against classical link prediction algorithms using accuracy, recall, and precision as our performance metrics Our initial experimentations demonstrate a significant improvement of the accuracy of the future collaboration prediction task The experimentations reported in this paper use the new COVID-19 Open Research Dataset © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Exploitation of Textual Descriptions for a Better-informed Task Assignment Process

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of DEVELOPMENT OF ARGUMENTATION SKILLS VIA LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS - Bringing together Argumentation Support Tools and Learning Management Systems

Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of 1 Tackling cognitively-complex collaboration with CoPe_it!

CoPe_it! is an innovative web-based tool that complies with collaborative practices to provide me... more CoPe_it! is an innovative web-based tool that complies with collaborative practices to provide members of communities with the appropriate means to manage individual and collective knowledge during a sense-making and/or decision-making session. In this article, we demonstrate its applicability in tackling cognitively-complex collaboration settings, which are characterized by big volumes of interrelated data obtained from diverse sources, and knowledge expressed by diverse participants. We focus on issues related to the representation of such settings and the proposed approach towards making it easier for participants to follow the evolution of a collaboration, comprehend it in its entirety, and meaningfully aggregate data in order to resolve the issue under consideration.

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Research paper thumbnail of Innovation as Argumentation in Closed and Technology-mediated Open Models

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards an Integrated IS Framework for the Design and Management of Lean Supply Chains

In this paper we present Co-LEAN, an integrated suite of software tools suitable for the design a... more In this paper we present Co-LEAN, an integrated suite of software tools suitable for the design and management of lean supply chains. In addition to providing full operational support in the planning and execution of the lean supply chain, Co-LEAN supports internet-based collaboration in the innovation and product design, manufacturing strategy, and supply-chain improvement tasks. The paper discusses the information system support requirements of a lean supply chain, describes the main components and the integration mechanisms of Co-LEAN and concludes with a brief description of its pilot use in a major

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Research paper thumbnail of A Comparative Assessment of State-Of-The-Art Methods for Multilingual Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction

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Research paper thumbnail of A trustable and interoperable decentralized solution for citizen-centric and cross-border eGovernance: A conceptual approach

Aiming to support a cross-sector and cross-border eGovernance paradigm for sharing common public ... more Aiming to support a cross-sector and cross-border eGovernance paradigm for sharing common public services, this paper introduces an AI-enhanced solution that enables beneficiaries to participate in a decentralized network for effective big data exchange and service delivery that promotes the once-only priority and is by design digital, efficient, cost-effective, interoperable and secure. The solution comprises (i) a reliable and efficient decentralized mechanism for data sharing, capable of addressing the complexity of the processes and their high demand of resources; (ii) an ecosystem for delivering mobile services tailored to the needs of stakeholders; (iii) a single sign-on Wallet mechanism to manage transactions with multiple services; and (iv) an intercommunication layer, responsible for the secure exchange of information among existing eGovernment systems with newly developed ones. An indicative application scenario showcases the potential of our approach.

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Horizon 2020 Data: A Knowledge Graph-Based Approach

Applied Sciences, 2021

This paper aims to meaningfully analyse the Horizon 2020 data existing in the CORDIS repository o... more This paper aims to meaningfully analyse the Horizon 2020 data existing in the CORDIS repository of EU, and accordingly offer evidence and insights to aid organizations in the formulation of consortia that will prepare and submit winning research proposals to forthcoming calls. The analysis is performed on aggregated data concerning 32,090 funded projects, 34,295 organizations participated in them, and 87,067 public deliverables produced. The modelling of data is performed through a knowledge graph-based approach, aiming to semantically capture existing relationships and reveal hidden information. The main contribution of this work lies in the proper utilization and orchestration of keyphrase extraction and named entity recognition models, together with meaningful graph analytics on top of an efficient graph database. The proposed approach enables users to ask complex questions about the interconnection of various entities related to previously funded research projects. A set of repr...

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