Marisol Osorio | UPB - Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana - Medellín (original) (raw)
Papers by Marisol Osorio
Revista Facultad de Ingenieria Universidad de Antioquia, Feb 11, 2014
In this paper we present two software applications, one for simulation and design, and another fo... more In this paper we present two software applications, one for simulation and design, and another for implementing Luenberguer Linear and High Gain observers. We show the interfaces and present a complete description of the software.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 20, 2017
Cogeneration systems with the use of microturbines are appropriate for the use of low quality ene... more Cogeneration systems with the use of microturbines are appropriate for the use of low quality energy that is normally wasted in conventional power generation systems technologies. The aim of this research is perform a thermodynamic, exergy and exergoeconomic assessment of a system of combined heat and electrical power using a Capstone 30 kW microturbine, considering first and second law efficiencies and the total cost rates of the system. This analysis is done through an interface designed that linked HYSYS with Matlab which allow the evaluation of these three parameters in a simplified way, this interface is validated by the simulation of other cogeneration system proposed by Adrian Bejan and George Tsatsaron .The results show that the highest rate of destruction is in the combustion chamber, then the compressor and heat recovery respectively. In the analysis the highest exergoeconomic costs is taken into flow from the compressor outlet, it is because all the exergy supplied to this flow is given by the mechanical power of the compressor. To evaluate the effect of varying the design parameters of this system functions in the three objectives functions, a parametric study is conducted. The results reveal that by increasing the compression ratio, the compressor and gas micro turbine efficiency improve thermodynamic system performance, however, increasing the compression ratio of the compressor increases the rate of system costs per unit time, on the other hand, the compressor and gas micro turbine efficiency and the outlet temperature of the preheater will be useful for the system in thermal and exergoeconomic terms.
This article deals with the problem of designing observers for the tension of a string that emula... more This article deals with the problem of designing observers for the tension of a string that emulates an elastic band in a didactic textile machine. It develops a mathematical model of the real system from which a parameter identification problem is defined for its correct characterization. Then, four state observers are designed and their performance measured in four different scenarios.
Historia Social y de la Educación, Oct 5, 2023
The objective of this systematic review was to identify and classify, from the available literatu... more The objective of this systematic review was to identify and classify, from the available literature, non-conventional feed ingredients from terrestrial plants, animals, algae, and fungi which have been evaluated for their potential use for tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) production. For this purpose, 795 papers published in the Scopus and Web of Science databases between 2011 and 2021 were analyzed using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodology. Data on the growth rate (GR) and effects on weight gain (WG), specific growth rate (SGR) and feed conversion ratio (FCR); digestibility; fatty acid profile (FAP) of the fish carcass; and the survival rate (SR) were compiled in databases and summary tables. The results were refined according to different criteria, obtaining 144 documents that were pertinent for an in-depth analysis. From those, we found that 50.7% evaluated terrestrial plants, 22.2% animals, 13.9% algae, 9% fungi, and the remainin...
Agronomy, Jan 25, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Hydrogel-type absorbent materials are currently a technological alternative for improving water r... more Hydrogel-type absorbent materials are currently a technological alternative for improving water retention in the soil and reducing nutrient loss by leaching and evaporation. This study aimed to evaluate the application of a new hydrogel based on silk sericin (SS) as a water retention material in soil. The morphology of the hydrogel was characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and its impact on moisture retention in sandy loam soil (SLS) under different levels of matric pressure (MP) was evaluated. Additionally, water content data were collected over time for both SLS and SLS with hydrogel (SLS + H), and the data were used to fit predictive models. The results indicate that the hydrogel had a porous morphology that promoted water retention and soil release. Under a MP of 0.3 bar, the use of the hydrogel increased water retention by 44.70% with respect to that of SLS. The predictive models developed were adequately adjusted to the behavior of the moisture data over time...
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
The objective of this work is to find the most prevalent elements that have positive effects on p... more The objective of this work is to find the most prevalent elements that have positive effects on pollinator density and diversity in crop fields, as reported in the literature, through a systematic review. The search equations yielded 659 papers, from which 138 were filtered and finally 55 were selected by publication date, journal, Scimago Journal Rank, Scimago Quartiles, subject area, keywords, and relevance. These papers were subjected to an in-depth qualitative analysis and tabulated using VantagePoint 10.0, finding 30 terms that were considered relevant due to their recurrence in all papers. From these 30 terms, the 10 most mentioned practices were extracted and grouped into four broad categories: proximity to natural habitats (98), grassland management (82), floral resources (80) and organic farming (65). All the above agricultural management practices were found to have the potential to increase pollinator numbers and diversity in different contexts. From the results, further ...
Revista Facultad De Ingenieria-universidad De Antioquia, Feb 12, 2014
Weef 2013 Cartagena, Aug 30, 2013
Marisol Osorio y Manuel J. Betancur Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Cir. 1 # 70-01, B11, Facu... more Marisol Osorio y Manuel J. Betancur Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Cir. 1 # 70-01, B11, Facultad de Ingenieria Electrica y Electronica, Medellin La formacion enfocada a la adquisicion de competencias, a traves de un proceso cuya metrica se establece en unidades de creditos academicos, se ha convertido en el estandar formal en la educacion en el pais. La experiencia directa de los autores, al establecer contacto con los procesos academicos en una serie de instituciones colombianas de educacion superior, indica que, en la practica, muchos de los procesos de transformacion curricular que tienen por objetivo cumplir con este estandar son reformulaciones que no modifican la esencia de los procesos formativos, sino que se basan en los procedimientos tradicionales y les aplican las nuevas metricas. En la Escuela de Ingenierias de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana se esta llevando a cabo un esfuerzo por hacer una transformacion curricular que parta de una declaracion de competencias para establecer el dominio de las asignaturas y que defina el trabajo academico de manera que pueda enmarcarse desde su origen en una metrica de creditos academicos. Esto implica un cuidadoso planteamiento de las metodologias de ensenanza-aprendizaje, casi una revaluacion de esos mismos conceptos; y la valoracion de los procesos evaluativos, tanto desde la exigencia a los profesores para su definicion y establecimiento, como desde el trabajo requerido por parte de los estudiantes, que seria lo que verdaderamente determine una medida de los creditos de cada asignatura. Ante esos replanteamientos tan radicales, es posible que las directivas universitarias incurran en omitir la consideracion de las demandas adicionales de recurso que se pueden requerir, dado que en la literatura normalmente solo se reportan los beneficios, pero no el costo que conllevan los nuevos metodos. En particular, el tiempo de dedicacion, tanto para el docente como para el dicente, pueden aumentar considerablemente. En este trabajo se propone estudiar abiertamente este asunto, y se explora una metodologia para formalizar su respuesta. Se enuncian los resultados preliminares de la aplicacion de una herramienta de medida del trabajo academico, tanto del estudiante como del docente, desarrollada por uno de los autores en estrecha colaboracion con el cuerpo docente de la Facultad. Las conclusiones obtenidas se apoyan en consultas particulares dirigidas a grupos especificos de estudiantes del area de Automatica y a profesores que cursan el curso Completo y Autonomo de Ambientes Virtuales de Aprendizaje del grupo de Educacion en Ambientes Virtuales de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Los resultados se obtienen a partir del analisis de las metodologias magistral y virtual. En el caso magistral, se cuenta con una amplia experiencia que abarca decadas de trabajo docente y observacion del estudiante. En el caso virtual, el analisis se ha centrado en casos particulares de algunos cursos en desarrollo, y de otros ya dictados.
Revista Latinoamericana de Difusión Científica
Las instituciones de salud utilizan diferentes disciplinas para ampliarla disponibilidad de su in... more Las instituciones de salud utilizan diferentes disciplinas para ampliarla disponibilidad de su infraestructura, equipos biomédicos, equipos industriales y Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación y servicios de soporte.En este trabajo se realizó estudiobibliométrico con un enfoque mixto (cuantitativo y cualitativo) sobre las investigaciones más relevantes de disciplinas vinculadas almantenimiento, gestión de edificios, gestión de inmueblesy gestión de activos en el sector de la salud en América Latina.El análisis cuantitativoofreció información sobre producción por año, autor, institución, país, así como indicadores de productividad.En cambio, el análisis cualitativo con la ayuda de softwaresespecializadosofreció información sobre la reiteraciónde palabrasen cuatro vertientes: clústeres, períodos de tiempo, concentración de coincidenciay temáticas por países. Los resultados muestran que tan solo trespaíses cuentan con el 90% de las publicaciones en el período 2000-2018,y la mayor p...
Applied Sciences
Lower limb rehabilitation robot (LLRR) users, to successfully conduct isotonic exercises, require... more Lower limb rehabilitation robot (LLRR) users, to successfully conduct isotonic exercises, require real-time feedback on the torque they exert on the robot to meet the goal of the treatment. Still, direct torque measuring is expensive, and indirect encoder-based estimation strategies, such as inverse dynamics (ID) and Nonlinear Disturbance Observers (NDO), are sensitive to Body Segment Inertial Parameters (BSIPs) uncertainties. We envision a way to minimize such parametric uncertainties. This paper proposes two human–robot interaction torque estimation methods: the Identified ID-based method (IID) and the Identified NDO-based method (INDO). Evaluating in simulation the proposal to apply, in each rehabilitation session, a sequential two-phase method: (1) An initial calibration phase will use an online parameter estimation to reduce sensitivity to BSIPs uncertainties. (2) The torque estimation phase uses the estimated parameters to obtain a better result. We conducted simulations under...
Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2015, 2016
En este trabajo se desarrolla un sistema de navegación basado en un observador que puede ser adap... more En este trabajo se desarrolla un sistema de navegación basado en un observador que puede ser adaptado a diferentes tipos de vehículos no tripulados. Para su diseño se utilizó un filtro extendido de Kalman y un modelo cinemático del vehículo, así como las medidas (simuladas) de diferentes sensores. Estos constan de tres acelerómetros, tres giróscopos, un receptor de GPS y tres magnetómetros. El observador fue simulado usando MATLAB® y los resultados de la simulación se presentan para concluir sobre la viabilidad del filtro de Kalman en el desarrollo del sistema de navegación.
Resumen: En este artículo se extiende el método de diseño disipativo de observadores para sistema... more Resumen: En este artículo se extiende el método de diseño disipativo de observadores para sistemas no lineales a sistemas que posean no linealidades multivaluadas, discontínuas o no Lipschitz. Ya que todas estas clases de sistemas pueden ser descritos en forma unificada mediante inclusiones diferenciales, se considerará la extensión del método disipativo a esta clase de sistemas dinámicos. Esta propuesta elimina restricciones impuestas por los métodos convencionales, para los cuales, en particular, se exige la suavidad del sistema no lineal. Copyright Abstract: In this paper the Dissipative Method of nonlinear observer design is extended to the case of multivalued, discontinuous or non Lipschitz nonlinearities. Since all these classes of systems can be described in a unified manner using differential inclusions, the Dissipative Method will be extended to this class of systems. This proposal avoids restrictions imposed by the currently available methods, in particular the requirement...
2019 IEEE 4th Colombian Conference on Automatic Control (CCAC), 2019
Urban agriculture is an important resource to make cities sustainable, put food within reach of u... more Urban agriculture is an important resource to make cities sustainable, put food within reach of urban inhabitants and let them achieve food security and food sovereignty. There are many variables involved in agriculture to ensure proper growing of crops, and some of them that have traditionally been left to chance from weather conditions. Despite some disadvantages, cultivate in cities implies to make it easier to use automation as a powerful tool to ensure successful farming despite weather. In UPB we are currently developing a urban farming irrigation control lab that is described here.
Se expone el proyecto de investigacion en el que se elabora una historiografia de la Escuela de I... more Se expone el proyecto de investigacion en el que se elabora una historiografia de la Escuela de Ingenierias de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana y se construye de una plataforma web para albergarla y divulgarla ampliamente.
In a mean value thermodynamic model of an internal combustion engine, operational parameters such... more In a mean value thermodynamic model of an internal combustion engine, operational parameters such as volumetric efficiency have a significant effect on the thermal performance of the engine, for example the combustion process inside the cylinder depends on the air-fuel ratio, large amounts of air are introduced to the combustion chamber require and consequently more fuel it is needed, which traduces in a higher output engine torque and electrical power. The air-fuel flow in the admission line has an appreciable inertia due to the turbocharged operation, but the intake manifold, the admission valves and the throttle act as an obstruction for the air-natural gas. Considering everything considered before, this paper proposes a model for the volumetric efficiency on the 2 MW Jenbacher Gas Engine, which is the capacity of the engine to fill the available geometric volume of the engine with a new charge of the air-fuel mix. A thermodynamic model was introduced to study the ratio between t...
Resumen: En este articulo se extiende el metodo de diseno disipativo de observadores para sistema... more Resumen: En este articulo se extiende el metodo de diseno disipativo de observadores para sistemas no lineales a sistemas que posean no linealidades multivaluadas, discontinuas o no Lipschitz. Ya que todas estas clases de sistemas pueden ser descritos en forma unificada mediante inclusiones diferenciales, se considerara la extension del metodo disipativo a esta clase de sistemas dinamicos. Esta propuesta elimina restricciones impuestas por los metodos convencionales, para los cuales, en particular, se exige la suavidad del sistema no lineal. Copyright © 2007 UPB.
Revista Facultad de Ingenieria Universidad de Antioquia, Feb 11, 2014
In this paper we present two software applications, one for simulation and design, and another fo... more In this paper we present two software applications, one for simulation and design, and another for implementing Luenberguer Linear and High Gain observers. We show the interfaces and present a complete description of the software.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 20, 2017
Cogeneration systems with the use of microturbines are appropriate for the use of low quality ene... more Cogeneration systems with the use of microturbines are appropriate for the use of low quality energy that is normally wasted in conventional power generation systems technologies. The aim of this research is perform a thermodynamic, exergy and exergoeconomic assessment of a system of combined heat and electrical power using a Capstone 30 kW microturbine, considering first and second law efficiencies and the total cost rates of the system. This analysis is done through an interface designed that linked HYSYS with Matlab which allow the evaluation of these three parameters in a simplified way, this interface is validated by the simulation of other cogeneration system proposed by Adrian Bejan and George Tsatsaron .The results show that the highest rate of destruction is in the combustion chamber, then the compressor and heat recovery respectively. In the analysis the highest exergoeconomic costs is taken into flow from the compressor outlet, it is because all the exergy supplied to this flow is given by the mechanical power of the compressor. To evaluate the effect of varying the design parameters of this system functions in the three objectives functions, a parametric study is conducted. The results reveal that by increasing the compression ratio, the compressor and gas micro turbine efficiency improve thermodynamic system performance, however, increasing the compression ratio of the compressor increases the rate of system costs per unit time, on the other hand, the compressor and gas micro turbine efficiency and the outlet temperature of the preheater will be useful for the system in thermal and exergoeconomic terms.
This article deals with the problem of designing observers for the tension of a string that emula... more This article deals with the problem of designing observers for the tension of a string that emulates an elastic band in a didactic textile machine. It develops a mathematical model of the real system from which a parameter identification problem is defined for its correct characterization. Then, four state observers are designed and their performance measured in four different scenarios.
Historia Social y de la Educación, Oct 5, 2023
The objective of this systematic review was to identify and classify, from the available literatu... more The objective of this systematic review was to identify and classify, from the available literature, non-conventional feed ingredients from terrestrial plants, animals, algae, and fungi which have been evaluated for their potential use for tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) production. For this purpose, 795 papers published in the Scopus and Web of Science databases between 2011 and 2021 were analyzed using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodology. Data on the growth rate (GR) and effects on weight gain (WG), specific growth rate (SGR) and feed conversion ratio (FCR); digestibility; fatty acid profile (FAP) of the fish carcass; and the survival rate (SR) were compiled in databases and summary tables. The results were refined according to different criteria, obtaining 144 documents that were pertinent for an in-depth analysis. From those, we found that 50.7% evaluated terrestrial plants, 22.2% animals, 13.9% algae, 9% fungi, and the remainin...
Agronomy, Jan 25, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Hydrogel-type absorbent materials are currently a technological alternative for improving water r... more Hydrogel-type absorbent materials are currently a technological alternative for improving water retention in the soil and reducing nutrient loss by leaching and evaporation. This study aimed to evaluate the application of a new hydrogel based on silk sericin (SS) as a water retention material in soil. The morphology of the hydrogel was characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and its impact on moisture retention in sandy loam soil (SLS) under different levels of matric pressure (MP) was evaluated. Additionally, water content data were collected over time for both SLS and SLS with hydrogel (SLS + H), and the data were used to fit predictive models. The results indicate that the hydrogel had a porous morphology that promoted water retention and soil release. Under a MP of 0.3 bar, the use of the hydrogel increased water retention by 44.70% with respect to that of SLS. The predictive models developed were adequately adjusted to the behavior of the moisture data over time...
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
The objective of this work is to find the most prevalent elements that have positive effects on p... more The objective of this work is to find the most prevalent elements that have positive effects on pollinator density and diversity in crop fields, as reported in the literature, through a systematic review. The search equations yielded 659 papers, from which 138 were filtered and finally 55 were selected by publication date, journal, Scimago Journal Rank, Scimago Quartiles, subject area, keywords, and relevance. These papers were subjected to an in-depth qualitative analysis and tabulated using VantagePoint 10.0, finding 30 terms that were considered relevant due to their recurrence in all papers. From these 30 terms, the 10 most mentioned practices were extracted and grouped into four broad categories: proximity to natural habitats (98), grassland management (82), floral resources (80) and organic farming (65). All the above agricultural management practices were found to have the potential to increase pollinator numbers and diversity in different contexts. From the results, further ...
Revista Facultad De Ingenieria-universidad De Antioquia, Feb 12, 2014
Weef 2013 Cartagena, Aug 30, 2013
Marisol Osorio y Manuel J. Betancur Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Cir. 1 # 70-01, B11, Facu... more Marisol Osorio y Manuel J. Betancur Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Cir. 1 # 70-01, B11, Facultad de Ingenieria Electrica y Electronica, Medellin La formacion enfocada a la adquisicion de competencias, a traves de un proceso cuya metrica se establece en unidades de creditos academicos, se ha convertido en el estandar formal en la educacion en el pais. La experiencia directa de los autores, al establecer contacto con los procesos academicos en una serie de instituciones colombianas de educacion superior, indica que, en la practica, muchos de los procesos de transformacion curricular que tienen por objetivo cumplir con este estandar son reformulaciones que no modifican la esencia de los procesos formativos, sino que se basan en los procedimientos tradicionales y les aplican las nuevas metricas. En la Escuela de Ingenierias de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana se esta llevando a cabo un esfuerzo por hacer una transformacion curricular que parta de una declaracion de competencias para establecer el dominio de las asignaturas y que defina el trabajo academico de manera que pueda enmarcarse desde su origen en una metrica de creditos academicos. Esto implica un cuidadoso planteamiento de las metodologias de ensenanza-aprendizaje, casi una revaluacion de esos mismos conceptos; y la valoracion de los procesos evaluativos, tanto desde la exigencia a los profesores para su definicion y establecimiento, como desde el trabajo requerido por parte de los estudiantes, que seria lo que verdaderamente determine una medida de los creditos de cada asignatura. Ante esos replanteamientos tan radicales, es posible que las directivas universitarias incurran en omitir la consideracion de las demandas adicionales de recurso que se pueden requerir, dado que en la literatura normalmente solo se reportan los beneficios, pero no el costo que conllevan los nuevos metodos. En particular, el tiempo de dedicacion, tanto para el docente como para el dicente, pueden aumentar considerablemente. En este trabajo se propone estudiar abiertamente este asunto, y se explora una metodologia para formalizar su respuesta. Se enuncian los resultados preliminares de la aplicacion de una herramienta de medida del trabajo academico, tanto del estudiante como del docente, desarrollada por uno de los autores en estrecha colaboracion con el cuerpo docente de la Facultad. Las conclusiones obtenidas se apoyan en consultas particulares dirigidas a grupos especificos de estudiantes del area de Automatica y a profesores que cursan el curso Completo y Autonomo de Ambientes Virtuales de Aprendizaje del grupo de Educacion en Ambientes Virtuales de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Los resultados se obtienen a partir del analisis de las metodologias magistral y virtual. En el caso magistral, se cuenta con una amplia experiencia que abarca decadas de trabajo docente y observacion del estudiante. En el caso virtual, el analisis se ha centrado en casos particulares de algunos cursos en desarrollo, y de otros ya dictados.
Revista Latinoamericana de Difusión Científica
Las instituciones de salud utilizan diferentes disciplinas para ampliarla disponibilidad de su in... more Las instituciones de salud utilizan diferentes disciplinas para ampliarla disponibilidad de su infraestructura, equipos biomédicos, equipos industriales y Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación y servicios de soporte.En este trabajo se realizó estudiobibliométrico con un enfoque mixto (cuantitativo y cualitativo) sobre las investigaciones más relevantes de disciplinas vinculadas almantenimiento, gestión de edificios, gestión de inmueblesy gestión de activos en el sector de la salud en América Latina.El análisis cuantitativoofreció información sobre producción por año, autor, institución, país, así como indicadores de productividad.En cambio, el análisis cualitativo con la ayuda de softwaresespecializadosofreció información sobre la reiteraciónde palabrasen cuatro vertientes: clústeres, períodos de tiempo, concentración de coincidenciay temáticas por países. Los resultados muestran que tan solo trespaíses cuentan con el 90% de las publicaciones en el período 2000-2018,y la mayor p...
Applied Sciences
Lower limb rehabilitation robot (LLRR) users, to successfully conduct isotonic exercises, require... more Lower limb rehabilitation robot (LLRR) users, to successfully conduct isotonic exercises, require real-time feedback on the torque they exert on the robot to meet the goal of the treatment. Still, direct torque measuring is expensive, and indirect encoder-based estimation strategies, such as inverse dynamics (ID) and Nonlinear Disturbance Observers (NDO), are sensitive to Body Segment Inertial Parameters (BSIPs) uncertainties. We envision a way to minimize such parametric uncertainties. This paper proposes two human–robot interaction torque estimation methods: the Identified ID-based method (IID) and the Identified NDO-based method (INDO). Evaluating in simulation the proposal to apply, in each rehabilitation session, a sequential two-phase method: (1) An initial calibration phase will use an online parameter estimation to reduce sensitivity to BSIPs uncertainties. (2) The torque estimation phase uses the estimated parameters to obtain a better result. We conducted simulations under...
Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2015, 2016
En este trabajo se desarrolla un sistema de navegación basado en un observador que puede ser adap... more En este trabajo se desarrolla un sistema de navegación basado en un observador que puede ser adaptado a diferentes tipos de vehículos no tripulados. Para su diseño se utilizó un filtro extendido de Kalman y un modelo cinemático del vehículo, así como las medidas (simuladas) de diferentes sensores. Estos constan de tres acelerómetros, tres giróscopos, un receptor de GPS y tres magnetómetros. El observador fue simulado usando MATLAB® y los resultados de la simulación se presentan para concluir sobre la viabilidad del filtro de Kalman en el desarrollo del sistema de navegación.
Resumen: En este artículo se extiende el método de diseño disipativo de observadores para sistema... more Resumen: En este artículo se extiende el método de diseño disipativo de observadores para sistemas no lineales a sistemas que posean no linealidades multivaluadas, discontínuas o no Lipschitz. Ya que todas estas clases de sistemas pueden ser descritos en forma unificada mediante inclusiones diferenciales, se considerará la extensión del método disipativo a esta clase de sistemas dinámicos. Esta propuesta elimina restricciones impuestas por los métodos convencionales, para los cuales, en particular, se exige la suavidad del sistema no lineal. Copyright Abstract: In this paper the Dissipative Method of nonlinear observer design is extended to the case of multivalued, discontinuous or non Lipschitz nonlinearities. Since all these classes of systems can be described in a unified manner using differential inclusions, the Dissipative Method will be extended to this class of systems. This proposal avoids restrictions imposed by the currently available methods, in particular the requirement...
2019 IEEE 4th Colombian Conference on Automatic Control (CCAC), 2019
Urban agriculture is an important resource to make cities sustainable, put food within reach of u... more Urban agriculture is an important resource to make cities sustainable, put food within reach of urban inhabitants and let them achieve food security and food sovereignty. There are many variables involved in agriculture to ensure proper growing of crops, and some of them that have traditionally been left to chance from weather conditions. Despite some disadvantages, cultivate in cities implies to make it easier to use automation as a powerful tool to ensure successful farming despite weather. In UPB we are currently developing a urban farming irrigation control lab that is described here.
Se expone el proyecto de investigacion en el que se elabora una historiografia de la Escuela de I... more Se expone el proyecto de investigacion en el que se elabora una historiografia de la Escuela de Ingenierias de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana y se construye de una plataforma web para albergarla y divulgarla ampliamente.
In a mean value thermodynamic model of an internal combustion engine, operational parameters such... more In a mean value thermodynamic model of an internal combustion engine, operational parameters such as volumetric efficiency have a significant effect on the thermal performance of the engine, for example the combustion process inside the cylinder depends on the air-fuel ratio, large amounts of air are introduced to the combustion chamber require and consequently more fuel it is needed, which traduces in a higher output engine torque and electrical power. The air-fuel flow in the admission line has an appreciable inertia due to the turbocharged operation, but the intake manifold, the admission valves and the throttle act as an obstruction for the air-natural gas. Considering everything considered before, this paper proposes a model for the volumetric efficiency on the 2 MW Jenbacher Gas Engine, which is the capacity of the engine to fill the available geometric volume of the engine with a new charge of the air-fuel mix. A thermodynamic model was introduced to study the ratio between t...
Resumen: En este articulo se extiende el metodo de diseno disipativo de observadores para sistema... more Resumen: En este articulo se extiende el metodo de diseno disipativo de observadores para sistemas no lineales a sistemas que posean no linealidades multivaluadas, discontinuas o no Lipschitz. Ya que todas estas clases de sistemas pueden ser descritos en forma unificada mediante inclusiones diferenciales, se considerara la extension del metodo disipativo a esta clase de sistemas dinamicos. Esta propuesta elimina restricciones impuestas por los metodos convencionales, para los cuales, en particular, se exige la suavidad del sistema no lineal. Copyright © 2007 UPB.