Juan Jorge | Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (original) (raw)

Papers by Juan Jorge

Research paper thumbnail of Teledetección y riesgos naturales

Riesgos Naturales 2002 Isbn 84 344 8034 4 Pags 195 210, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of Construcción de mapas de precipitación con imágenes de Meteosat

La Climatologia Espanola En Los Albores Del Siglo Xxi Aportaciones Presentadas Al I Congreso De La Asociacion De Climatologia 1999 Isbn 84 281 0979 6 Pags 537 546, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of Elaboració de material multimèdia de suport per al laboratori de física aplicada

Tipus d'ajut rebut: UPC_2008 Data de la comunicació de resultats: 27 de gener de 2010 Resum L'obj... more Tipus d'ajut rebut: UPC_2008 Data de la comunicació de resultats: 27 de gener de 2010 Resum L'objectiu del projecte ha estat incrementar el material docent, digital i multimèdia, del laboratori de física, per tal d'optimitzar els resultats d'anteriors projectes (2007MQD00084, UPC_PMD2007), centrant-nos en el rendiment de les màquines relacionades amb processos industrials.

Research paper thumbnail of Introducció a l'experimentació: pràctica zero

La connexió dels alumnes, que s’integren a la universitat, amb el món de l’experimentació (física... more La connexió dels alumnes, que s’integren a la universitat, amb el món de l’experimentació (física, electrònica, biologia,...), sempre ha estat una tasca complicada: per no conèixer els estudiants el nou espai de treball, haver de manipular aparells normalment desconeguts, haver d’interioritzar la filosofia de l’experimentació, la dificultat de prendre mesures correctament, procedir a estimar les incerteses en les mesures o representar les dades gràficament, així com presentar els resultats de forma correcta, calcular l’error comès respecte al valor teòric i treure’n conclusions. Pensant en l’EEES i la necessitat d’adquirir competències transversals per parts dels estudiants, en particular els del nostre centre, s’ha volgut establir un protocol de treball, en allò referit a l’entorn de les pràctiques de laboratori, per tal que els estudiants calculin i expressin els resultats experimentals (càlcul d’incerteses, rectes de regressió, representacions gràfiques, etc.) de manera que ho fa...

Research paper thumbnail of El Canvi climàtic: què podem fer?

Research paper thumbnail of Seguimiento Remoto De Actividades Mineras De Superficie

RESUMEN En el presente estudio se muestra un método para hacer un seguimiento a distancia del est... more RESUMEN En el presente estudio se muestra un método para hacer un seguimiento a distancia del estado de las actividades mineras a cielo abierto, a partir de imágenes de sensores satelitales y cartografía digital de referencia. Se aplica a cuatro casos reales de la comarca de Bages (Cataluña Central), y se pretende ver si se cumple con los plazos de explotación y regeneración asignados, así como observar si los límites de la extracción se corresponden con los que tiene la Administración. La metodología seguida se basa en establecer unos parámetros de cambio a partir de dos imágenes satelitales de distintas épocas, con las que poder establecer si las diferencias entre ambas imágenes son debidas a la propia explotación minera o a causa de otros cambios en la superficie correspondiente, como cambios de uso del suelo, etc. Los resultados del estudio muestran que se puede usar esta metodología como parte del control de las explotaciones. El seguimiento de esas actividades mediante imágene...

Research paper thumbnail of Materiales para sustituir y/o complementar las prácticas reales de laboratorio mediante sus análogas virtuales

Las prácticas de laboratorio en las disciplinas científicas, así como en las ingenierías, están s... more Las prácticas de laboratorio en las disciplinas científicas, así como en las ingenierías, están siendo sustituidas por simulaciones por ordenador. Con este tipo de herramienta docente los estudiantes no adquieren la habilidad para manipular aparatos ni la posibilidad de probar aspectos no previstos, dificultando la innovación y ser emprendedor, ni otras competencias que se adquieren en un laboratorio real. Entre una metodología y la otra, se ha desarrollado en los últimos años la de analizar videos docentes mediante software y/o la de tomar medidas experimentales a partir de filmaciones de los mismos experimentos que se realizan en el laboratorio.

Research paper thumbnail of La Teledetección Es Un Recurso Docente Para La Geología Ambiental

RESUMEN Se justifica la necesidad de tener en cuenta la teledetección espacial como recurso docen... more RESUMEN Se justifica la necesidad de tener en cuenta la teledetección espacial como recurso docente a la hora de estudiar nuestro planeta, tanto sus características como la evolución de las mismas. Se presenta una propuesta docente de 2 créditos (20 horas lectivas) sobre teledetección a impartir dentro de la asignatura de Geología Ambiental u otras asignaturas afines. También podría impartirse en paralelo. El material que se expone ha sido elaborado dentro de la asignatura de libre elección "(In)formación con imágenes de satélite" que se imparte en la UPC (http://meteor.upc.es/xev/). Se indican algunos ejemplos de material impreso y material accesible a través de Internet, todos ellos relacionados con la teledetección, pensando en la Geología.

Research paper thumbnail of Making a virtual learning environment for non-assisted physics laboratory

The Physics laboratory is usually the main place where our students of engineering approach to th... more The Physics laboratory is usually the main place where our students of engineering approach to the physical daily reality, from the technological and the scientific point of view, through experiments and motivating demonstrations. Thinking of those students that can not follow an established schedule of attendance to the classroom, an innovative educational material has been created, which is based on digital filming of the experiments that nowadays are carried out in our real Physics laboratory. The objective is to minimize the lack of acquisition of some abilities associated with the real experimentation, by means of the use of virtual experiments and by working others individual competences by a streaming video. The filming is accompanied by some tutorials that introduce the experiment and illustrate the associated theoretical concepts, together with some simulations. Evaluation and self-evaluation tests are also available to monitor the student’s learning. Anyone can find all th...

Research paper thumbnail of Remote Sensing

The main objective of the SCALES Project is to exploit the unique opportunity offered by the rece... more The main objective of the SCALES Project is to exploit the unique opportunity offered by the recent launch of the first European METEOSAT Second Generation geostationary satellite (MSG-1) to generate and validate new radiation budget and cloud products provided by the GERB (Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget ) instrument. SCALES" specific objectives are: (i) definition and characterization of a large reasonably homogeneous area compatible to GERB pixel size (around 50 x 50 km2), (ii) validation of GERB TOA radiances and fluxes derived by means of angular distribution models, (iii) development of algorithms to estimate surface net radiation from GERB TOA measurements, and (iv) development of accurate methodologies to measure radiation flux divergence and analyze its influence on the thermal regime and dynamics of the atmosphere, also using GERB data. SCALES is highly innovative: it focuses on a new and unique space instrument and develops a new specific validation methodology ...

Research paper thumbnail of Using NDVI SPOT-VGT Data to update Land-use Map: Application to a Mesoscale Meteorological Model

The mesoscale numerical weather prediction model MM5, the 5 th generation Pennsylvania State Univ... more The mesoscale numerical weather prediction model MM5, the 5 th generation Pennsylvania State University/NCAR Mesoscale Model, uses a global land-use map to set the physical parameters on the surface characteristics to model the soil-atmosphere processes. These parameters are albedo, emissivity, thermal inertia, roughness length and soil moisture. A new estimation of soil parameters is done for the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula from an AVHRR data set of year 2000. The new values are introduced into MM5 via a new landuse map, the recent NATLAN 2000-CORINE land-use map, in order to incorporate the last decade land-cover changes. The model is tested with the original and the CORINE land-use map to evaluate the sensitivity to land-use changes and new physical soil parameters definition. Results show clear local differences in some meteorological variables as wind fields or updraft movements, but comparisons with ground measurements do not lead to a clear improvement in the model general performance.

Research paper thumbnail of Dinámica del manto nivoso en el Pirineo: Seguimiento con Spot-Vegetation de los años 1998-2003

Research paper thumbnail of <title>SCALES: SEVIRI and GERB CaL/VaL area for large-scale field experiments</title>

Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere VIII, 2004

The main objective of the SCALES Project is to exploit the unique opportunity offered by the rece... more The main objective of the SCALES Project is to exploit the unique opportunity offered by the recent launch of the first European METEOSAT Second Generation geostationary satellite (MSG-1) to generate and validate new radiation budget and cloud products provided by the GERB (Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget) instrument. SCALES" specific objectives are: (i) definition and characterization of a large reasonably homogeneous area compatible to GERB pixel size (around 50 x 50 km2), (ii) validation of GERB TOA radiances and fluxes derived by means of angular distribution models, (iii) development of algorithms to estimate surface net radiation from GERB TOA measurements, and (iv) development of accurate methodologies to measure radiation flux divergence and analyze its influence on the thermal regime and dynamics of the atmosphere, also using GERB data. SCALES is highly innovative: it focuses on a new and unique space instrument and develops a new specific validation methodology for low resolution sensors that is based on the use of a robust reference meteorological station (Valencia Anchor Station) around which 3D high resolution meteorological fields are obtained from the MM5 Meteorological Model. During the 1st GERB Ground Validation Campaign (18th-24th June, 2003), CERES instruments on Aqua and Terra provided additional radiance measurements to support validation efforts. CERES instruments operated in the PAPS mode (Programmable Azimuth Plane Scanning) focusing the station. Ground measurements were taken by lidar, sun photometer, GPS precipitable water content, radiosounding ascents, Anchor Station operational meteorological measurements at 2m and 15m., 4 radiation components at 2m, and mobile stations to characterize a large area. In addition, measurements during LANDSAT overpasses on June 14th and 30th were also performed. These activities were carried out within the GIST (GERB International Science Team) framework, during GERB Commissioning Period.

Research paper thumbnail of Using NOAA AVHRR and SPOT VGT data to estimate surface parameters: application to a mesoscale meteorological model

International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2004

The mesoscale numerical weather prediction model MM5, the 5 th generation Pennsylvania State Univ... more The mesoscale numerical weather prediction model MM5, the 5 th generation Pennsylvania State University/NCAR Mesoscale Model, uses a global land-use map to set the physical parameters on the surface characteristics to model the soil-atmosphere processes. These parameters are albedo, emissivity, thermal inertia, roughness length and soil moisture. A new estimation of soil parameters is done for the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula from an AVHRR data set of year 2000. The new values are introduced into MM5 via a new landuse map, the recent NATLAN 2000-CORINE land-use map, in order to incorporate the last decade land-cover changes. The model is tested with the original and the CORINE land-use map to evaluate the sensitivity to land-use changes and new physical soil parameters definition. Results show clear local differences in some meteorological variables as wind fields or updraft movements, but comparisons with ground measurements do not lead to a clear improvement in the model general performance.

Research paper thumbnail of Protocol and material for the introduction to the laboratory experimentation

Introducing students in the world of the experimentation has always been a complicated task, sinc... more Introducing students in the world of the experimentation has always been a complicated task, since the students are not familiar with the new work place. They have to handle different measuring devices, interiorize the philosophy of the experimentation, measure and estimate uncertainty, graph data, and finally write a report about the results of the experimentation. Students do not know this whole process, and although they delight to do practical work in the laboratory, they do not feel confident of carrying out a proper work. In order to achieve so, a multimedia material has been elaborated, with an introduction to the laboratory and the experimental techniques which require the implication and the autonomy from the student. The outcome of this process -students setting the established protocol in practice and achieving competences-has been clearly superior to that reached in previous years.

Research paper thumbnail of Ceres Scales Ground Validation Campaigns for Gerb. Assessment of the Valencia Anchor Station Capabilities

Proceedings of the …, Aug 1, 2006


The concept of self-similarity, applied to the visibility of clouds, or to eddies in the ocean [1... more The concept of self-similarity, applied to the visibility of clouds, or to eddies in the ocean [1,2], or to oil spills[3,4] , which are directly related with either: vapor concentration , marker or tensio-active concentration, is evident, because just with a photograph of a cloud or spill in the ocean, it is difficult, if not impossible to obtain a relevant corresponding size, clouds or marked ocean chunks are geometrically statistically identical to complete sets at different scales. On the other hand it can be appreciated that simple physical processes iterated are well defined, i.e: the clouds are not more than aggregations of small water drops or crystals of ice that form aggregations and are advected by the turbulent winds at much greater scales with a complex topological structure. As estimated first by Gade and Redondo (1999)[5] Ocean slicks and spills had a well defined fractal structure and could be defined by their multi-fractal spectra.
It is important to indicate that the application of the multi - fractal characterization will not give us the fractal dimension of a cloud as a unique fractal object but that it will characterize us the cloud structure as a set of observed fractal dimensions for the different intensity levels of the scalar indicator.
These non-linear tools are applied to the Environmental study of the Ocean Surface.The characterization process has been applied to different covers observed from the Meteosat Visible and IR channels. The SAR at different polarizations and of geodesical surfaces. [6-9]

[1] Mahjoub O.B., Redondo J.M. and Babiano A. “Hyerarchy flux in nonhomogeneous flows” in Turbulent diffusion in the environment Eds. Redondo J.M. and Babiano A. 249-260. 2000.
[2] Diez M., Bezerra M.O., Mosso C., Castilla R. and Redondo J.M. (2008) Experimental measurements and diffusion in harbor and coastal areas. Il Nuovo Cimento C 31, 5-6, 843-859
[3] Sanchez M.A. and Redondo J.M.Observations from Grid Stirred Turbulence. Applied Scientific Research 59, 191-204. 1998.
[4] Redondo, J.M. and Cantalapiedra I.R. Mixing in Horizontally Heterogeneous Flows . Jour. Flow Turbulence and Combustion. 51, 217-222. 1993.
[ 5] Gade M. and Redondo J.M. (1999) Marine pollution in European coastal waters monitored by the ERS-2 SAR: a comprehensive statistical analysis IGARSS’99 (Hamburg) pp 1375–7.
[6] Castilla R, Redondo J.M., Gamez P.J., Babiano A. Coherent vortices and Lagrangian Dynamics in 2D Turbulence. Non-Linear Processes in Geophysics 14, 139-151. 2007.
[7] Redondo J.M. Mixing efficiencies of different kinds of turbulent processes and instabilities, Applications to the environment in Turbulent mixing in geophysical flows. Eds. Linden P.F. and Redondo J.M. 131-157. 2002.
[8] Sekula E., Redondo J. M. (2009)"The structure of turbulent jets, vortices and boundary layer: Laboratory and field observations", Il Nuovo Cimento, Vol. 31, N. 5 . 2008, pp. 893 ‐ 907

Research paper thumbnail of Teledetección y riesgos naturales

Riesgos Naturales 2002 Isbn 84 344 8034 4 Pags 195 210, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of Construcción de mapas de precipitación con imágenes de Meteosat

La Climatologia Espanola En Los Albores Del Siglo Xxi Aportaciones Presentadas Al I Congreso De La Asociacion De Climatologia 1999 Isbn 84 281 0979 6 Pags 537 546, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of Elaboració de material multimèdia de suport per al laboratori de física aplicada

Tipus d'ajut rebut: UPC_2008 Data de la comunicació de resultats: 27 de gener de 2010 Resum L'obj... more Tipus d'ajut rebut: UPC_2008 Data de la comunicació de resultats: 27 de gener de 2010 Resum L'objectiu del projecte ha estat incrementar el material docent, digital i multimèdia, del laboratori de física, per tal d'optimitzar els resultats d'anteriors projectes (2007MQD00084, UPC_PMD2007), centrant-nos en el rendiment de les màquines relacionades amb processos industrials.

Research paper thumbnail of Introducció a l'experimentació: pràctica zero

La connexió dels alumnes, que s’integren a la universitat, amb el món de l’experimentació (física... more La connexió dels alumnes, que s’integren a la universitat, amb el món de l’experimentació (física, electrònica, biologia,...), sempre ha estat una tasca complicada: per no conèixer els estudiants el nou espai de treball, haver de manipular aparells normalment desconeguts, haver d’interioritzar la filosofia de l’experimentació, la dificultat de prendre mesures correctament, procedir a estimar les incerteses en les mesures o representar les dades gràficament, així com presentar els resultats de forma correcta, calcular l’error comès respecte al valor teòric i treure’n conclusions. Pensant en l’EEES i la necessitat d’adquirir competències transversals per parts dels estudiants, en particular els del nostre centre, s’ha volgut establir un protocol de treball, en allò referit a l’entorn de les pràctiques de laboratori, per tal que els estudiants calculin i expressin els resultats experimentals (càlcul d’incerteses, rectes de regressió, representacions gràfiques, etc.) de manera que ho fa...

Research paper thumbnail of El Canvi climàtic: què podem fer?

Research paper thumbnail of Seguimiento Remoto De Actividades Mineras De Superficie

RESUMEN En el presente estudio se muestra un método para hacer un seguimiento a distancia del est... more RESUMEN En el presente estudio se muestra un método para hacer un seguimiento a distancia del estado de las actividades mineras a cielo abierto, a partir de imágenes de sensores satelitales y cartografía digital de referencia. Se aplica a cuatro casos reales de la comarca de Bages (Cataluña Central), y se pretende ver si se cumple con los plazos de explotación y regeneración asignados, así como observar si los límites de la extracción se corresponden con los que tiene la Administración. La metodología seguida se basa en establecer unos parámetros de cambio a partir de dos imágenes satelitales de distintas épocas, con las que poder establecer si las diferencias entre ambas imágenes son debidas a la propia explotación minera o a causa de otros cambios en la superficie correspondiente, como cambios de uso del suelo, etc. Los resultados del estudio muestran que se puede usar esta metodología como parte del control de las explotaciones. El seguimiento de esas actividades mediante imágene...

Research paper thumbnail of Materiales para sustituir y/o complementar las prácticas reales de laboratorio mediante sus análogas virtuales

Las prácticas de laboratorio en las disciplinas científicas, así como en las ingenierías, están s... more Las prácticas de laboratorio en las disciplinas científicas, así como en las ingenierías, están siendo sustituidas por simulaciones por ordenador. Con este tipo de herramienta docente los estudiantes no adquieren la habilidad para manipular aparatos ni la posibilidad de probar aspectos no previstos, dificultando la innovación y ser emprendedor, ni otras competencias que se adquieren en un laboratorio real. Entre una metodología y la otra, se ha desarrollado en los últimos años la de analizar videos docentes mediante software y/o la de tomar medidas experimentales a partir de filmaciones de los mismos experimentos que se realizan en el laboratorio.

Research paper thumbnail of La Teledetección Es Un Recurso Docente Para La Geología Ambiental

RESUMEN Se justifica la necesidad de tener en cuenta la teledetección espacial como recurso docen... more RESUMEN Se justifica la necesidad de tener en cuenta la teledetección espacial como recurso docente a la hora de estudiar nuestro planeta, tanto sus características como la evolución de las mismas. Se presenta una propuesta docente de 2 créditos (20 horas lectivas) sobre teledetección a impartir dentro de la asignatura de Geología Ambiental u otras asignaturas afines. También podría impartirse en paralelo. El material que se expone ha sido elaborado dentro de la asignatura de libre elección "(In)formación con imágenes de satélite" que se imparte en la UPC (http://meteor.upc.es/xev/). Se indican algunos ejemplos de material impreso y material accesible a través de Internet, todos ellos relacionados con la teledetección, pensando en la Geología.

Research paper thumbnail of Making a virtual learning environment for non-assisted physics laboratory

The Physics laboratory is usually the main place where our students of engineering approach to th... more The Physics laboratory is usually the main place where our students of engineering approach to the physical daily reality, from the technological and the scientific point of view, through experiments and motivating demonstrations. Thinking of those students that can not follow an established schedule of attendance to the classroom, an innovative educational material has been created, which is based on digital filming of the experiments that nowadays are carried out in our real Physics laboratory. The objective is to minimize the lack of acquisition of some abilities associated with the real experimentation, by means of the use of virtual experiments and by working others individual competences by a streaming video. The filming is accompanied by some tutorials that introduce the experiment and illustrate the associated theoretical concepts, together with some simulations. Evaluation and self-evaluation tests are also available to monitor the student’s learning. Anyone can find all th...

Research paper thumbnail of Remote Sensing

The main objective of the SCALES Project is to exploit the unique opportunity offered by the rece... more The main objective of the SCALES Project is to exploit the unique opportunity offered by the recent launch of the first European METEOSAT Second Generation geostationary satellite (MSG-1) to generate and validate new radiation budget and cloud products provided by the GERB (Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget ) instrument. SCALES" specific objectives are: (i) definition and characterization of a large reasonably homogeneous area compatible to GERB pixel size (around 50 x 50 km2), (ii) validation of GERB TOA radiances and fluxes derived by means of angular distribution models, (iii) development of algorithms to estimate surface net radiation from GERB TOA measurements, and (iv) development of accurate methodologies to measure radiation flux divergence and analyze its influence on the thermal regime and dynamics of the atmosphere, also using GERB data. SCALES is highly innovative: it focuses on a new and unique space instrument and develops a new specific validation methodology ...

Research paper thumbnail of Using NDVI SPOT-VGT Data to update Land-use Map: Application to a Mesoscale Meteorological Model

The mesoscale numerical weather prediction model MM5, the 5 th generation Pennsylvania State Univ... more The mesoscale numerical weather prediction model MM5, the 5 th generation Pennsylvania State University/NCAR Mesoscale Model, uses a global land-use map to set the physical parameters on the surface characteristics to model the soil-atmosphere processes. These parameters are albedo, emissivity, thermal inertia, roughness length and soil moisture. A new estimation of soil parameters is done for the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula from an AVHRR data set of year 2000. The new values are introduced into MM5 via a new landuse map, the recent NATLAN 2000-CORINE land-use map, in order to incorporate the last decade land-cover changes. The model is tested with the original and the CORINE land-use map to evaluate the sensitivity to land-use changes and new physical soil parameters definition. Results show clear local differences in some meteorological variables as wind fields or updraft movements, but comparisons with ground measurements do not lead to a clear improvement in the model general performance.

Research paper thumbnail of Dinámica del manto nivoso en el Pirineo: Seguimiento con Spot-Vegetation de los años 1998-2003

Research paper thumbnail of <title>SCALES: SEVIRI and GERB CaL/VaL area for large-scale field experiments</title>

Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere VIII, 2004

The main objective of the SCALES Project is to exploit the unique opportunity offered by the rece... more The main objective of the SCALES Project is to exploit the unique opportunity offered by the recent launch of the first European METEOSAT Second Generation geostationary satellite (MSG-1) to generate and validate new radiation budget and cloud products provided by the GERB (Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget) instrument. SCALES" specific objectives are: (i) definition and characterization of a large reasonably homogeneous area compatible to GERB pixel size (around 50 x 50 km2), (ii) validation of GERB TOA radiances and fluxes derived by means of angular distribution models, (iii) development of algorithms to estimate surface net radiation from GERB TOA measurements, and (iv) development of accurate methodologies to measure radiation flux divergence and analyze its influence on the thermal regime and dynamics of the atmosphere, also using GERB data. SCALES is highly innovative: it focuses on a new and unique space instrument and develops a new specific validation methodology for low resolution sensors that is based on the use of a robust reference meteorological station (Valencia Anchor Station) around which 3D high resolution meteorological fields are obtained from the MM5 Meteorological Model. During the 1st GERB Ground Validation Campaign (18th-24th June, 2003), CERES instruments on Aqua and Terra provided additional radiance measurements to support validation efforts. CERES instruments operated in the PAPS mode (Programmable Azimuth Plane Scanning) focusing the station. Ground measurements were taken by lidar, sun photometer, GPS precipitable water content, radiosounding ascents, Anchor Station operational meteorological measurements at 2m and 15m., 4 radiation components at 2m, and mobile stations to characterize a large area. In addition, measurements during LANDSAT overpasses on June 14th and 30th were also performed. These activities were carried out within the GIST (GERB International Science Team) framework, during GERB Commissioning Period.

Research paper thumbnail of Using NOAA AVHRR and SPOT VGT data to estimate surface parameters: application to a mesoscale meteorological model

International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2004

The mesoscale numerical weather prediction model MM5, the 5 th generation Pennsylvania State Univ... more The mesoscale numerical weather prediction model MM5, the 5 th generation Pennsylvania State University/NCAR Mesoscale Model, uses a global land-use map to set the physical parameters on the surface characteristics to model the soil-atmosphere processes. These parameters are albedo, emissivity, thermal inertia, roughness length and soil moisture. A new estimation of soil parameters is done for the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula from an AVHRR data set of year 2000. The new values are introduced into MM5 via a new landuse map, the recent NATLAN 2000-CORINE land-use map, in order to incorporate the last decade land-cover changes. The model is tested with the original and the CORINE land-use map to evaluate the sensitivity to land-use changes and new physical soil parameters definition. Results show clear local differences in some meteorological variables as wind fields or updraft movements, but comparisons with ground measurements do not lead to a clear improvement in the model general performance.

Research paper thumbnail of Protocol and material for the introduction to the laboratory experimentation

Introducing students in the world of the experimentation has always been a complicated task, sinc... more Introducing students in the world of the experimentation has always been a complicated task, since the students are not familiar with the new work place. They have to handle different measuring devices, interiorize the philosophy of the experimentation, measure and estimate uncertainty, graph data, and finally write a report about the results of the experimentation. Students do not know this whole process, and although they delight to do practical work in the laboratory, they do not feel confident of carrying out a proper work. In order to achieve so, a multimedia material has been elaborated, with an introduction to the laboratory and the experimental techniques which require the implication and the autonomy from the student. The outcome of this process -students setting the established protocol in practice and achieving competences-has been clearly superior to that reached in previous years.

Research paper thumbnail of Ceres Scales Ground Validation Campaigns for Gerb. Assessment of the Valencia Anchor Station Capabilities

Proceedings of the …, Aug 1, 2006


The concept of self-similarity, applied to the visibility of clouds, or to eddies in the ocean [1... more The concept of self-similarity, applied to the visibility of clouds, or to eddies in the ocean [1,2], or to oil spills[3,4] , which are directly related with either: vapor concentration , marker or tensio-active concentration, is evident, because just with a photograph of a cloud or spill in the ocean, it is difficult, if not impossible to obtain a relevant corresponding size, clouds or marked ocean chunks are geometrically statistically identical to complete sets at different scales. On the other hand it can be appreciated that simple physical processes iterated are well defined, i.e: the clouds are not more than aggregations of small water drops or crystals of ice that form aggregations and are advected by the turbulent winds at much greater scales with a complex topological structure. As estimated first by Gade and Redondo (1999)[5] Ocean slicks and spills had a well defined fractal structure and could be defined by their multi-fractal spectra.
It is important to indicate that the application of the multi - fractal characterization will not give us the fractal dimension of a cloud as a unique fractal object but that it will characterize us the cloud structure as a set of observed fractal dimensions for the different intensity levels of the scalar indicator.
These non-linear tools are applied to the Environmental study of the Ocean Surface.The characterization process has been applied to different covers observed from the Meteosat Visible and IR channels. The SAR at different polarizations and of geodesical surfaces. [6-9]

[1] Mahjoub O.B., Redondo J.M. and Babiano A. “Hyerarchy flux in nonhomogeneous flows” in Turbulent diffusion in the environment Eds. Redondo J.M. and Babiano A. 249-260. 2000.
[2] Diez M., Bezerra M.O., Mosso C., Castilla R. and Redondo J.M. (2008) Experimental measurements and diffusion in harbor and coastal areas. Il Nuovo Cimento C 31, 5-6, 843-859
[3] Sanchez M.A. and Redondo J.M.Observations from Grid Stirred Turbulence. Applied Scientific Research 59, 191-204. 1998.
[4] Redondo, J.M. and Cantalapiedra I.R. Mixing in Horizontally Heterogeneous Flows . Jour. Flow Turbulence and Combustion. 51, 217-222. 1993.
[ 5] Gade M. and Redondo J.M. (1999) Marine pollution in European coastal waters monitored by the ERS-2 SAR: a comprehensive statistical analysis IGARSS’99 (Hamburg) pp 1375–7.
[6] Castilla R, Redondo J.M., Gamez P.J., Babiano A. Coherent vortices and Lagrangian Dynamics in 2D Turbulence. Non-Linear Processes in Geophysics 14, 139-151. 2007.
[7] Redondo J.M. Mixing efficiencies of different kinds of turbulent processes and instabilities, Applications to the environment in Turbulent mixing in geophysical flows. Eds. Linden P.F. and Redondo J.M. 131-157. 2002.
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